dolibarr  20.0.0-beta
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 /* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Laurent Destailleur <>
3  * Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Regis Houssin <>
4  * Copyright (C) 2012 Christophe Battarel <>
5  * Copyright (C) 2024 MDW <>
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
19  * or see
20  */
48 function ajax_autocompleter($selected, $htmlname, $url, $urloption = '', $minLength = 2, $autoselect = 0, $ajaxoptions = array(), $moreparams = '')
49 {
50  if (empty($minLength)) {
51  $minLength = 1;
52  }
54  $dataforrenderITem = 'ui-autocomplete';
55  $dataforitem = 'ui-autocomplete-item';
56  // Allow two constant to use other values for backward compatibility
58  $dataforrenderITem = constant('JS_QUERY_AUTOCOMPLETE_RENDERITEM');
59  }
60  if (defined('JS_QUERY_AUTOCOMPLETE_ITEM')) {
61  $dataforitem = constant('JS_QUERY_AUTOCOMPLETE_ITEM');
62  }
64  $htmlnamejquery = str_replace('.', '\\\\.', $htmlname);
66  // Input search_htmlname is original field
67  // Input htmlname is a second input field used when using ajax autocomplete.
68  $script = '<input type="hidden" name="'.$htmlname.'" id="'.$htmlname.'" value="'.$selected.'" '.($moreparams ? $moreparams : '').' />';
70  $script .= '<!-- Javascript code for autocomplete of field '.$htmlname.' -->'."\n";
71  $script .= '<script>'."\n";
72  $script .= '$(document).ready(function() {
73  var autoselect = '.((int) $autoselect).';
74  var options = '.json_encode($ajaxoptions).'; /* Option of actions to do after keyup, or after select */
76  /* Remove selected id as soon as we type or delete a char (it means old selection is wrong). Use keyup/down instead of change to avoid losing the product id. This is needed only for select of predefined product */
77  $("input#search_'.$htmlnamejquery.'").keydown(function(e) {
78  if (e.keyCode != 9) /* If not "Tab" key */
79  {
80  if (e.keyCode == 13) { return false; } /* disable "ENTER" key useful for barcode readers */
81  console.log("Clear id previously selected for field '.$htmlname.'");
82  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").val("");
83  }
84  });
86  // Check options for secondary actions when keyup
87  $("input#search_'.$htmlnamejquery.'").keyup(function() {
88  if ($(this).val().length == 0)
89  {
90  $("#search_'.$htmlnamejquery.'").val("");
91  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").val("").trigger("change");
92  if (options.option_disabled) {
93  $("#" + options.option_disabled).removeAttr("disabled");
94  }
95  if (options.disabled) {
96  $.each(options.disabled, function(key, value) {
97  $("#" + value).removeAttr("disabled");
98  });
99  }
100  if (options.update) {
101  $.each(options.update, function(key, value) {
102  $("#" + key).val("").trigger("change");
103  });
104  }
105  if ( {
106  $.each(, function(key, value) {
107  $("#" + value).hide().trigger("hide");
108  });
109  }
110  if (options.update_textarea) {
111  $.each(options.update_textarea, function(key, value) {
112  if (typeof CKEDITOR == "object" && typeof CKEDITOR.instances != "undefined" && CKEDITOR.instances[key] != "undefined") {
113  CKEDITOR.instances[key].setData("");
114  } else {
115  $("#" + key).html("");
116  }
117  });
118  }
119  }
120  });
122  // Activate the autocomplete to execute the GET
123  $("input#search_'.$htmlnamejquery.'").autocomplete({
124  source: function( request, response ) {
125  $.get("'.$url.($urloption ? '?'.$urloption : '').'", { "'.str_replace('.', '_', $htmlname).'": request.term }, function(data){
126  if (data != null)
127  {
128  response($.map( data, function(item) {
129  if (autoselect == 1 && data.length == 1) {
130  $("#search_'.$htmlnamejquery.'").val(item.value);
131  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").val(item.key).trigger("change");
132  }
133  var label = "";
134  if (item.label != null) {
135  label = item.label.toString();
136  }
137  var update = {};
138  if (options.update) {
139  $.each(options.update, function(key, value) {
140  update[key] = item[value];
141  });
142  }
143  var textarea = {};
144  if (options.update_textarea) {
145  $.each(options.update_textarea, function(key, value) {
146  textarea[key] = item[value];
147  });
148  }
150  console.log("Return value from GET to the rest of code");
151  return { label: label,
152  value: item.value,
153  id: item.key,
154  disabled: item.disabled,
155  update: update,
156  textarea: textarea,
157  pbq: item.pbq,
158  type: item.type,
159  qty: item.qty,
160  discount:,
161  pricebasetype: item.pricebasetype,
162  price_ht: item.price_ht,
163  price_ttc: item.price_ttc,
164  price_unit_ht: item.price_unit_ht,
165  price_unit_ht_locale: item.price_unit_ht_locale,
166  multicurrency_code: item.multicurrency_code,
167  multicurrency_unitprice: item.multicurrency_unitprice,
168  description : item.description,
169  ref_customer: item.ref_customer,
170  tva_tx: item.tva_tx,
171  default_vat_code: item.default_vat_code,
172  supplier_ref: item.supplier_ref
173  }
174  }));
175  } else {
176  console.error("Error: Ajax url '.$url.($urloption ? '?'.$urloption : '').' has returned an empty page. Should be an empty json array.");
177  }
178  }, "json");
179  },
180  dataType: "json",
181  minLength: '.((int) $minLength).',
182  select: function( event, ui ) { // Function ran once a new value has been selected into the javascript combo
183  console.log("We will trigger change on input '.$htmlname.' because of the select definition of autocomplete code for input#search_'.$htmlname.'");
184  console.log("Selected id = "" - If this value is null, it means you select a record with key that is null so selection is not effective");
186  console.log("Before, we propagate some properties, retrieved by the ajax of the get, into the data-xxx properties of the component #'.$htmlnamejquery.'");
187  //console.log(ui.item);
189  // For supplier price and customer when price by quantity is off
190  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-up", ui.item.price_ht);
191  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-up-locale", ui.item.price_unit_ht_locale);
192  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-base", ui.item.pricebasetype);
193  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-qty", ui.item.qty);
194  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-discount",;
195  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-description", ui.item.description);
196  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-ref-customer", ui.item.ref_customer);
197  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-tvatx", ui.item.tva_tx);
198  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-default-vat-code", ui.item.default_vat_code);
199  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-supplier-ref", ui.item.supplier_ref); // supplier_ref of price
201  // For multi-currency values
202  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-multicurrency-code", ui.item.multicurrency_code);
203  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-multicurrency-unitprice", ui.item.multicurrency_unitprice);
204  ';
206  $script .= '
207  // For customer price when PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY is on
208  console.log("PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY is on, so we propagate also prices by quantity into data-pbqxxx properties");
209  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-pbq", ui.item.pbq);
210  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-pbqup", ui.item.price_ht);
211  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-pbqbase", ui.item.pricebasetype);
212  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-pbqqty", ui.item.qty);
213  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").attr("data-pbqpercent",;
214  ';
215  }
216  $script .= '
217  // A new value has been selected, we trigger the handlers on #htmlnamejquery
218  console.log("Now, we trigger changes on #'.$htmlnamejquery.'");
219  $("#'.$htmlnamejquery.'").val("change"); // Select new value
221  // Complementary actions
223  // Disable an element
224  if (options.option_disabled) {
225  console.log("Make action option_disabled on #"+options.option_disabled+" with disabled="+ui.item.disabled)
226  if (ui.item.disabled) {
227  $("#" + options.option_disabled).prop("disabled", true);
228  if (options.error) {
229  $.jnotify(options.error, "error", true); // Output with jnotify the error message
230  }
231  if (options.warning) {
232  $.jnotify(options.warning, "warning", false); // Output with jnotify the warning message
233  }
234  } else {
235  $("#" + options.option_disabled).removeAttr("disabled");
236  }
237  }
239  if (options.disabled) {
240  console.log("Make action \'disabled\' on each "+options.option_disabled)
241  $.each(options.disabled, function(key, value) {
242  $("#" + value).prop("disabled", true);
243  });
244  }
245  if ( {
246  console.log("Make action \'show\' on each "
247  $.each(, function(key, value) {
248  $("#" + value).show().trigger("show");
249  });
250  }
252  // Update an input
253  if (ui.item.update) {
254  console.log("Make action \'update\' on each ui.item.update (if there is)")
255  // loop on each "update" fields
256  $.each(ui.item.update, function(key, value) {
257  console.log("Set value "+value+" into #"+key);
258  $("#" + key).val(value).trigger("change");
259  });
260  }
261  if (ui.item.textarea) {
262  console.log("Make action \'textarea\' on each ui.item.textarea (if there is)")
263  $.each(ui.item.textarea, function(key, value) {
264  if (typeof CKEDITOR == "object" && typeof CKEDITOR.instances != "undefined" && CKEDITOR.instances[key] != "undefined") {
265  CKEDITOR.instances[key].setData(value);
266  CKEDITOR.instances[key].focus();
267  } else {
268  $("#" + key).html(value);
269  $("#" + key).focus();
270  }
271  });
272  }
273  console.log("ajax_autocompleter new value selected, we trigger change also on original component so on field #search_'.$htmlname.'");
275  $("#search_'.$htmlnamejquery.'").trigger("change"); // We have changed value of the combo select, we must be sure to trigger all js hook binded on this event. This is required to trigger other javascript change method binded on original field by other code.
276  }
277  ,delay: 500
278  }).data("'.$dataforrenderITem.'")._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
279  return $("<li>")
280  .data( "'.$dataforitem.'", item ) // jQuery UI > 1.10.0
281  .append( \'<a><span class="tag">\' + item.label + "</span></a>" )
282  .appendTo(ul);
283  };
285  });';
286  $script .= '</script>';
288  return $script;
289 }
305 function ajax_multiautocompleter($htmlname, $fields, $url, $option = '', $minLength = 2, $autoselect = 0)
306 {
307  $script = '<!-- Autocomplete -->'."\n";
308  $script .= '<script>';
309  $script .= 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {
310  var fields = '.json_encode($fields).';
311  var nboffields = fields.length;
312  var autoselect = '.$autoselect.';
313  //alert(fields + " " + nboffields);
315  // Activate the autocomplete to execute the GET
316  jQuery("input#'.$htmlname.'").autocomplete({
317  dataType: "json",
318  minLength: '.$minLength.',
319  source: function( request, response ) {
320  jQuery.getJSON( "'.$url.($option ? '?'.$option : '').'", { '.$htmlname.': request.term }, function(data){
321  response( data, function( item ) {
322  if (autoselect == 1 && data.length == 1) {
323  jQuery("#'.$htmlname.'").val(item.value);
324  // TODO move this to specific request
325  if (item.states) {
326  jQuery("#state_id").html(item.states);
327  }
328  for (i=0;i<nboffields;i++) {
329  if (item[fields[i]]) { // If defined
330  //alert(item[fields[i]]);
331  jQuery("#" + fields[i]).val(item[fields[i]]);
332  }
333  }
334  }
335  return item
336  }));
337  });
338  },
339  select: function( event, ui ) {
340  needtotrigger = "";
341  for (i=0;i<nboffields;i++) {
342  //alert(fields[i] + " = " + ui.item[fields[i]]);
343  if (fields[i]=="selectcountry_id")
344  {
345  if (ui.item[fields[i]] > 0) // Do not erase country if unknown
346  {
347  oldvalue=jQuery("#" + fields[i]).val();
348  newvalue=ui.item[fields[i]];
349  //alert(oldvalue+" "+newvalue);
350  jQuery("#" + fields[i]).val(ui.item[fields[i]]);
351  if (oldvalue != newvalue) // To force select2 to refresh visible content
352  {
353  needtotrigger="#" + fields[i];
354  }
356  // If we set new country and new state, we need to set a new list of state to allow change
357  if (ui.item.states && ui.item["state_id"] != jQuery("#state_id").value) {
358  jQuery("#state_id").html(ui.item.states);
359  }
360  }
361  }
362  else if (fields[i]=="state_id" || fields[i]=="state_id")
363  {
364  if (ui.item[fields[i]] > 0) // Do not erase state if unknown
365  {
366  oldvalue=jQuery("#" + fields[i]).val();
367  newvalue=ui.item[fields[i]];
368  //alert(oldvalue+" "+newvalue);
369  jQuery("#" + fields[i]).val(ui.item[fields[i]]); // This may fails if not correct country
370  if (oldvalue != newvalue) // To force select2 to refresh visible content
371  {
372  needtotrigger="#" + fields[i];
373  }
374  }
375  }
376  else if (ui.item[fields[i]]) { // If defined
377  oldvalue=jQuery("#" + fields[i]).val();
378  newvalue=ui.item[fields[i]];
379  //alert(oldvalue+" "+newvalue);
380  jQuery("#" + fields[i]).val(ui.item[fields[i]]);
381  if (oldvalue != newvalue) // To force select2 to refresh visible content
382  {
383  needtotrigger="#" + fields[i];
384  }
385  }
387  if (needtotrigger != "") // To force select2 to refresh visible content
388  {
389  // We introduce a delay so hand is back to js and all other js change can be done before the trigger that may execute a submit is done
390  // This is required for example when changing zip with autocomplete that change the country
391  jQuery(needtotrigger).delay(500).queue(function() {
392  jQuery(this).trigger("change");
393  });
394  }
395  }
396  }
397  });
398  });';
399  $script .= '</script>';
401  return $script;
402 }
413 function ajax_dialog($title, $message, $w = 350, $h = 150)
414 {
415  $newtitle = dol_textishtml($title) ? dol_string_nohtmltag($title, 1) : $title;
416  $msg = '<div id="dialog-info" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($newtitle).'">';
417  $msg .= $message;
418  $msg .= '</div>'."\n";
419  $msg .= '<script>
420  jQuery(function() {
421  jQuery("#dialog-info").dialog({
422  resizable: false,
423  height:'.$h.',
424  width:'.$w.',
425  modal: true,
426  buttons: {
427  Ok: function() {
428  jQuery(this).dialog(\'close\');
429  }
430  }
431  });
432  });
433  </script>';
435  $msg .= "\n";
437  return $msg;
438 }
456 function ajax_combobox($htmlname, $events = array(), $minLengthToAutocomplete = 0, $forcefocus = 0, $widthTypeOfAutocomplete = 'resolve', $idforemptyvalue = '-1', $morecss = '')
457 {
458  global $conf;
460  // select2 can be disabled for smartphones
461  if (!empty($conf->browser->layout) && $conf->browser->layout == 'phone' && getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISALLOW_SELECT2_WITH_SMARTPHONE')) {
462  return '';
463  }
465  if (getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_AJAX_COMBOX')) {
466  return '';
467  }
468  if (empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
469  return '';
470  }
471  if (!getDolGlobalString('MAIN_USE_JQUERY_MULTISELECT') && !defined('REQUIRE_JQUERY_MULTISELECT')) {
472  return '';
473  }
474  if (getDolGlobalString('MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER')) {
475  return '';
476  }
478  if (empty($minLengthToAutocomplete)) {
479  $minLengthToAutocomplete = 0;
480  }
482  $moreselect2theme = ($morecss ? dol_escape_js(' '.$morecss) : '');
483  $moreselect2theme = preg_replace('/widthcentpercentminus[^\s]*/', '', $moreselect2theme);
485  $tmpplugin = 'select2';
486  $msg = "\n".'<!-- JS CODE TO ENABLE '.$tmpplugin.' for id = '.$htmlname.' -->
487  <script>
488  $(document).ready(function () {
489  $(\''.(preg_match('/^\./', $htmlname) ? $htmlname : '#'.$htmlname).'\').'.$tmpplugin.'({
490  dir: \'ltr\',';
491  if (preg_match('/onrightofpage/', $morecss)) { // when $morecss contains 'onrightofpage', the select2 component must also be inside a parent with class="parentonrightofpage"
492  $msg .= ' dropdownAutoWidth: true, dropdownParent: $(\'#'.$htmlname.'\').parent(), '."\n";
493  }
494  $msg .= ' width: \''.dol_escape_js($widthTypeOfAutocomplete).'\', /* off or resolve */
495  minimumInputLength: '.((int) $minLengthToAutocomplete).',
496  language: select2arrayoflanguage,
497  matcher: function (params, data) {
498  if ($.trim(params.term) === "") {
499  return data;
500  }
501  keywords = (params.term).split(" ");
502  for (var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
503  if (((data.text).toUpperCase()).indexOf((keywords[i]).toUpperCase()) == -1) {
504  return null;
505  }
506  }
507  return data;
508  },
509  theme: \'default'.$moreselect2theme.'\', /* to add css on generated html components */
510  containerCssClass: \':all:\', /* Line to add class of origin SELECT propagated to the new <span class="select2-selection...> tag */
511  selectionCssClass: \':all:\', /* Line to add class of origin SELECT propagated to the new <span class="select2-selection...> tag */
512  dropdownCssClass: \'ui-dialog\',
513  templateResult: function (data, container) { /* Format visible output into combo list */
514  /* Code to add class of origin OPTION propagated to the new select2 <li> tag */
515  if (data.element) { $(container).addClass($(data.element).attr("class")); }
516  //console.log("data html is "+$(data.element).attr("data-html"));
517  if ( == '.((int) $idforemptyvalue).' && $(data.element).attr("data-html") == undefined) {
518  return \'&nbsp;\';
519  }
520  if ($(data.element).attr("data-html") != undefined) {
521  /* If property html set, we decode html entities and use this. */
522  /* Note that HTML content must have been sanitized from js with dol_escape_htmltag(xxx, 0, 0, \'\', 0, 1) when building the select option. */
523  if (typeof htmlEntityDecodeJs === "function") {
524  return htmlEntityDecodeJs($(data.element).attr("data-html"));
525  }
526  }
527  return data.text;
528  },
529  templateSelection: function (selection) { /* Format visible output of selected value */
530  if ( == '.((int) $idforemptyvalue).') return \'<span class="placeholder">\'+selection.text+\'</span>\';
531  return selection.text;
532  },
533  escapeMarkup: function(markup) {
534  return markup;
535  }
536  })';
537  if ($forcefocus) {
538  $msg .= '.select2(\'focus\')';
539  }
540  $msg .= ';'."\n";
542  $msg .= '});'."\n";
543  $msg .= "</script>\n";
545  $msg .= ajax_event($htmlname, $events);
547  return $msg;
548 }
559 function ajax_event($htmlname, $events)
560 {
561  $out = '';
563  if (is_array($events) && count($events)) { // If an array of js events to do were provided.
564  $out = '<!-- JS code to manage event for id = ' . $htmlname . ' -->
565  <script>
566  $(document).ready(function () {
567  jQuery("#'.$htmlname.'").change(function () {
568  var obj = '.json_encode($events) . ';
569  $.each(obj, function(key,values) {
570  if (values.method.length) {
571  runJsCodeForEvent'.$htmlname.'(values);
572  }
573  });
574  });
575  function runJsCodeForEvent'.$htmlname.'(obj) {
576  var id = $("#'.$htmlname.'").val();
577  var method = obj.method;
578  var url = obj.url;
579  var htmlname = obj.htmlname;
580  var showempty = obj.showempty;
581  console.log("Run runJsCodeForEvent-'.$htmlname.' from ajax_combobox id="+id+" method="+method+" showempty="+showempty+" url="+url+" htmlname="+htmlname);
582  $.getJSON(url,
583  {
584  action: method,
585  id: id,
586  htmlname: htmlname,
587  showempty: showempty
588  },
589  function(response) {
590  $.each(obj.params, function(key,action) {
591  if (key.length) {
592  var num = response.num;
593  if (num > 0) {
594  $("#" + key).removeAttr(action);
595  } else {
596  $("#" + key).attr(action, action);
597  }
598  }
599  });
601  console.log("Replace HTML content of select#"+htmlname);
602  $("select#" + htmlname).html(response.value);
603  if (response.num) {
604  var selecthtml_str = response.value; /* response.value is the HTML string with list of options */
605  var selecthtml_dom=$.parseHTML(selecthtml_str);
606  if (typeof(selecthtml_dom[0][0]) !== \'undefined\') {
607  $("#inputautocomplete"+htmlname).val(selecthtml_dom[0][0].innerHTML);
608  }
609  } else {
610  $("#inputautocomplete"+htmlname).val("");
611  }
612  $("select#" + htmlname).change(); /* Trigger event change */
613  }
614  );
615  }
616  });
617  </script>';
618  }
620  return $out;
621 }
641 function ajax_constantonoff($code, $input = array(), $entity = null, $revertonoff = 0, $strict = 0, $forcereload = 0, $marginleftonlyshort = 2, $forcenoajax = 0, $setzeroinsteadofdel = 0, $suffix = '', $mode = '', $morecss = 'inline-block')
642 {
643  global $conf, $langs, $user;
645  $entity = ((isset($entity) && is_numeric($entity) && $entity >= 0) ? $entity : $conf->entity);
646  if (!isset($input)) {
647  $input = array();
648  }
650  if (empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) || $forcenoajax) {
651  if (empty($conf->global->$code)) {
652  $out = '<a '.($morecss ? 'class="'.$morecss.'" ' : '').'href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=set_'.$code.'&token='.newToken().'&entity='.$entity.($mode ? '&mode='.$mode : '').($forcereload ? '&dol_resetcache=1' : '').'">'.img_picto($langs->trans("Disabled"), 'off').'</a>';
653  } else {
654  $out = '<a '.($morecss ? 'class="'.$morecss.'" ' : '').' href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=del_'.$code.'&token='.newToken().'&entity='.$entity.($mode ? '&mode='.$mode : '').($forcereload ? '&dol_resetcache=1' : '').'">'.img_picto($langs->trans("Enabled"), 'on').'</a>';
655  }
656  } else {
657  $out = "\n<!-- Ajax code to switch constant ".$code." -->".'
658  <script>
659  $(document).ready(function() {
660  var input = '.json_encode($input).';
661  var url = \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/core/ajax/constantonoff.php\';
662  var code = \''.dol_escape_js($code).'\';
663  var entity = \''.dol_escape_js($entity).'\';
664  var strict = \''.dol_escape_js($strict).'\';
665  var userid = \''.dol_escape_js($user->id).'\';
666  var yesButton = \''.dol_escape_js($langs->transnoentities("Yes")).'\';
667  var noButton = \''.dol_escape_js($langs->transnoentities("No")).'\';
668  var token = \''.currentToken().'\';
670  // Set constant
671  $("#set_" + code).click(function() {
672  if (input.alert && input.alert.set) {
673  if (input.alert.set.yesButton) yesButton = input.alert.set.yesButton;
674  if (input.alert.set.noButton) noButton = input.alert.set.noButton;
675  confirmConstantAction("set", url, code, input, input.alert.set, entity, yesButton, noButton, strict, userid, token);
676  } else {
677  setConstant(url, code, input, entity, 0, '.((int) $forcereload).', userid, token);
678  }
679  });
681  // Del constant
682  $("#del_" + code).click(function() {
683  if (input.alert && input.alert.del) {
684  if (input.alert.del.yesButton) yesButton = input.alert.del.yesButton;
685  if (input.alert.del.noButton) noButton = input.alert.del.noButton;
686  confirmConstantAction("del", url, code, input, input.alert.del, entity, yesButton, noButton, strict, userid, token);
687  } else {';
688  if (empty($setzeroinsteadofdel)) {
689  $out .= ' delConstant(url, code, input, entity, 0, '.((int) $forcereload).', userid, token);';
690  } else {
691  $out .= ' setConstant(url, code, input, entity, 0, '.((int) $forcereload).', userid, token, 0);';
692  }
693  $out .= ' }
694  });
695  });
696  </script>'."\n";
698  $out .= '<div id="confirm_'.$code.'" title="" style="display: none;"></div>';
699  $out .= '<span id="set_'.$code.'" class="valignmiddle inline-block linkobject '.(!empty($conf->global->$code) ? 'hideobject' : '').'">'.($revertonoff ? img_picto($langs->trans("Enabled"), 'switch_on', '', false, 0, 0, '', '', $marginleftonlyshort) : img_picto($langs->trans("Disabled"), 'switch_off', '', false, 0, 0, '', '', $marginleftonlyshort)).'</span>';
700  $out .= '<span id="del_'.$code.'" class="valignmiddle inline-block linkobject '.(!empty($conf->global->$code) ? '' : 'hideobject').'">'.($revertonoff ? img_picto($langs->trans("Disabled"), 'switch_off'.$suffix, '', false, 0, 0, '', '', $marginleftonlyshort) : img_picto($langs->trans("Enabled"), 'switch_on'.$suffix, '', false, 0, 0, '', '', $marginleftonlyshort)).'</span>';
701  $out .= "\n";
702  }
704  return $out;
705 }
722 function ajax_object_onoff($object, $code, $field, $text_on, $text_off, $input = array(), $morecss = '', $htmlname = '', $forcenojs = 0)
723 {
724  global $conf, $langs;
726  if (empty($htmlname)) {
727  $htmlname = $code;
728  }
729  //var_dump($object->module); var_dump($object->element);
731  $out = '';
733  if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
734  $out .= '<script>
735  $(function() {
736  var input = '.json_encode($input).';
738  // Set constant
739  $("#set_'.$htmlname.'_'.$object->id.'").click(function() {
740  console.log("Click managed by ajax_object_onoff");
741  $.get( "'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/core/ajax/objectonoff.php", {
742  action: \'set\',
743  field: \''.dol_escape_js($field).'\',
744  value: \'1\',
745  element: \''.dol_escape_js((empty($object->module) || $object->module == $object->element) ? $object->element : $object->element.'@'.$object->module).'\',
746  id: \''.((int) $object->id).'\',
747  token: \''.currentToken().'\'
748  },
749  function() {
750  $("#set_'.$htmlname.'_'.$object->id.'").hide();
751  $("#del_'.$htmlname.'_'.$object->id.'").show();
752  // Enable another element
753  if (input.disabled && input.disabled.length > 0) {
754  $.each(input.disabled, function(key,value) {
755  $("#" + value).removeAttr("disabled");
756  if ($("#" + value).hasClass("butActionRefused") == true) {
757  $("#" + value).removeClass("butActionRefused");
758  $("#" + value).addClass("butAction");
759  }
760  });
761  // Show another element
762  } else if (input.showhide && input.showhide.length > 0) {
763  $.each(input.showhide, function(key,value) {
764  $("#" + value).show();
765  });
766  }
767  });
768  });
770  // Del constant
771  $("#del_'.$htmlname.'_'.$object->id.'").click(function() {
772  console.log("Click managed by ajax_object_onoff");
773  $.get( "'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/core/ajax/objectonoff.php", {
774  action: \'set\',
775  field: \''.dol_escape_js($field).'\',
776  value: \'0\',
777  element: \''.dol_escape_js((empty($object->module) || $object->module == $object->element) ? $object->element : $object->element.'@'.$object->module).'\',
778  id: \''.((int) $object->id).'\',
779  token: \''.currentToken().'\'
780  },
781  function() {
782  $("#del_'.$htmlname.'_'.$object->id.'").hide();
783  $("#set_'.$htmlname.'_'.$object->id.'").show();
784  // Disable another element
785  if (input.disabled && input.disabled.length > 0) {
786  $.each(input.disabled, function(key,value) {
787  $("#" + value).prop("disabled", true);
788  if ($("#" + value).hasClass("butAction") == true) {
789  $("#" + value).removeClass("butAction");
790  $("#" + value).addClass("butActionRefused");
791  }
792  });
793  // Hide another element
794  } else if (input.showhide && input.showhide.length > 0) {
795  $.each(input.showhide, function(key,value) {
796  $("#" + value).hide();
797  });
798  }
799  });
800  });
801  });
802  </script>';
803  }
805  $switchon = 'switch_on';
806  $switchoff = 'switch_off';
807  $cssswitchon = '';
808  $cssswitchoff = '';
809  $tmparray = explode(':', $text_on);
810  if (!empty($tmparray[1])) {
811  $text_on = $tmparray[0];
812  $switchon = $tmparray[1];
813  if (!empty($tmparray[2])) {
814  $cssswitchon = $tmparray[2];
815  }
816  }
817  $tmparray = explode(':', $text_off);
818  if (!empty($tmparray[1])) {
819  $text_off = $tmparray[0];
820  $switchoff = $tmparray[1];
821  if (!empty($tmparray[2])) {
822  $cssswitchoff = $tmparray[2];
823  }
824  }
826  if (empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) || $forcenojs) {
827  $out .= '<a id="set_'.$htmlname.'_'.$object->id.'" class="linkobject '.($object->$code == 1 ? 'hideobject' : '').($morecss ? ' '.$morecss : '').'" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/core/ajax/objectonoff.php?action=set&token='.newToken().'&id='.((int) $object->id).'&element='.urlencode($object->element).'&field='.urlencode($field).'&value=1&backtopage='.urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id).'">'.img_picto($langs->trans($text_off), $switchoff, '', false, 0, 0, '', $cssswitchoff).'</a>';
828  $out .= '<a id="del_'.$htmlname.'_'.$object->id.'" class="linkobject '.($object->$code == 1 ? '' : 'hideobject').($morecss ? ' '.$morecss : '').'" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/core/ajax/objectonoff.php?action=set&token='.newToken().'&id='.((int) $object->id).'&element='.urlencode($object->element).'&field='.urlencode($field).'&value=0&backtopage='.urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id).'">'.img_picto($langs->trans($text_on), $switchon, '', false, 0, 0, '', $cssswitchon).'</a>';
829  } else {
830  $out .= '<span id="set_'.$htmlname.'_'.$object->id.'" class="linkobject '.($object->$code == 1 ? 'hideobject' : '').($morecss ? ' '.$morecss : '').'">'.img_picto($langs->trans($text_off), $switchoff, '', false, 0, 0, '', $cssswitchoff).'</span>';
831  $out .= '<span id="del_'.$htmlname.'_'.$object->id.'" class="linkobject '.($object->$code == 1 ? '' : 'hideobject').($morecss ? ' '.$morecss : '').'">'.img_picto($langs->trans($text_on), $switchon, '', false, 0, 0, '', $cssswitchon).'</span>';
832  }
834  return $out;
835 }
if($user->socid > 0) if(! $user->hasRight('accounting', 'chartofaccount')) $object
Definition: card.php:58
ajax_autocompleter($selected, $htmlname, $url, $urloption='', $minLength=2, $autoselect=0, $ajaxoptions=array(), $moreparams='')
Generic function that return javascript to add to transform a common input text or select field into ...
Definition: ajax.lib.php:48
ajax_combobox($htmlname, $events=array(), $minLengthToAutocomplete=0, $forcefocus=0, $widthTypeOfAutocomplete='resolve', $idforemptyvalue='-1', $morecss='')
Convert a html select field into an ajax combobox.
Definition: ajax.lib.php:456
ajax_dialog($title, $message, $w=350, $h=150)
Show an ajax dialog.
Definition: ajax.lib.php:413
ajax_multiautocompleter($htmlname, $fields, $url, $option='', $minLength=2, $autoselect=0)
Generic function that return javascript to add to a page to transform a common input text field into ...
Definition: ajax.lib.php:305
ajax_constantonoff($code, $input=array(), $entity=null, $revertonoff=0, $strict=0, $forcereload=0, $marginleftonlyshort=2, $forcenoajax=0, $setzeroinsteadofdel=0, $suffix='', $mode='', $morecss='inline-block')
On/off button for constant.
Definition: ajax.lib.php:641
ajax_event($htmlname, $events)
Add event management script.
Definition: ajax.lib.php:559
img_picto($titlealt, $picto, $moreatt='', $pictoisfullpath=0, $srconly=0, $notitle=0, $alt='', $morecss='', $marginleftonlyshort=2)
Show picto whatever it's its name (generic function)
dol_string_nohtmltag($stringtoclean, $removelinefeed=1, $pagecodeto='UTF-8', $strip_tags=0, $removedoublespaces=1)
Clean a string from all HTML tags and entities.
dol_escape_js($stringtoescape, $mode=0, $noescapebackslashn=0)
Returns text escaped for inclusion into javascript code.
Return the value of token currently saved into session with name 'newtoken'.
dol_textishtml($msg, $option=0)
Return if a text is a html content.
getDolGlobalString($key, $default='')
Return dolibarr global constant string value.
if(!defined( 'CSRFCHECK_WITH_TOKEN'))
print *****$script_file(".$version.") pid code
1: frais de port 2: ecotaxe 3: option line (when qty = 0)