dolibarr  17.0.4
1 <?php
2 /* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Regis Houssin <>
3  * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Laurent Destailleur <>
4  * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Christophe Battarel <>
5  * Copyright (C) 2012 Cédric Salvador <>
6  * Copyright (C) 2014 Florian Henry <>
7  * Copyright (C) 2014 Raphaël Doursenaud <>
8  * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Marcos García <>
9  * Copyright (C) 2018 Frédéric France <>
10  * Copyright (C) 2018 Ferran Marcet <>
11  * Copyright (C) 2019 Nicolas ZABOURI <>
12  * Copyright (C) 2022 OpenDSI <>
13  * Copyright (C) 2022 Gauthier VERDOL <>
14  *
15  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
18  * (at your option) any later version.
19  *
20  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23  * GNU General Public License for more details.
24  *
25  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
27  *
28  * Need to have following variables defined:
29  * $object (invoice, order, ...)
30  * $conf
31  * $langs
32  * $dateSelector
33  * $forceall (0 by default, 1 for supplier invoices/orders)
34  * $senderissupplier (0 by default, 1 or 2 for supplier invoices/orders)
35  * $inputalsopricewithtax (0 by default, 1 to also show column with unit price including tax)
36  */
38 // Protection to avoid direct call of template
39 if (empty($object) || !is_object($object)) {
40  print "Error: this template page cannot be called directly as an URL";
41  exit;
42 }
43 $usemargins = 0;
44 if (isModEnabled('margin') && !empty($object->element) && in_array($object->element, array('facture', 'facturerec', 'propal', 'commande'))) {
45  $usemargins = 1;
46 }
47 if (!isset($dateSelector)) {
48  global $dateSelector; // Take global var only if not already defined into function calling (for example formAddObjectLine)
49 }
50 global $forceall, $forcetoshowtitlelines, $senderissupplier, $inputalsopricewithtax;
52 if (!isset($dateSelector)) {
53  $dateSelector = 1; // For backward compatibility
54 } elseif (empty($dateSelector)) {
55  $dateSelector = 0;
56 }
57 if (empty($forceall)) {
58  $forceall = 0;
59 }
60 if (empty($senderissupplier)) {
61  $senderissupplier = 0;
62 }
63 if (empty($inputalsopricewithtax)) {
64  $inputalsopricewithtax = 0;
65 }
66 // Define colspan for the button 'Add'
67 $colspan = 3; // Columns: total ht + col edit + col delete
68 if (isModEnabled("multicurrency") && $this->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency) {
69  $colspan++; //Add column for Total (currency) if required
70 }
71 if (in_array($object->element, array('propal', 'commande', 'order', 'facture', 'facturerec', 'invoice', 'supplier_proposal', 'order_supplier', 'invoice_supplier', 'invoice_supplier_rec'))) {
72  $colspan++; // With this, there is a column move button
73 }
74 if (isModEnabled('asset') && $object->element == 'invoice_supplier') {
75  $colspan++;
76 }
78 //print $object->element;
79 // Lines for extrafield
80 $objectline = null;
81 if (!empty($extrafields)) {
82  if ($this->table_element_line == 'commandedet') {
83  $objectline = new OrderLine($this->db);
84  } elseif ($this->table_element_line == 'propaldet') {
85  $objectline = new PropaleLigne($this->db);
86  } elseif ($this->table_element_line == 'supplier_proposaldet') {
87  $objectline = new SupplierProposalLine($this->db);
88  } elseif ($this->table_element_line == 'facturedet') {
89  $objectline = new FactureLigne($this->db);
90  } elseif ($this->table_element_line == 'contratdet') {
91  $objectline = new ContratLigne($this->db);
92  } elseif ($this->table_element_line == 'commande_fournisseurdet') {
93  $objectline = new CommandeFournisseurLigne($this->db);
94  } elseif ($this->table_element_line == 'facture_fourn_det') {
95  $objectline = new SupplierInvoiceLine($this->db);
96  } elseif ($this->table_element_line == 'facturedet_rec') {
97  $objectline = new FactureLigneRec($this->db);
98  } elseif ($this->table_element_line == 'facture_fourn_det_rec') {
99  $objectline = new FactureFournisseurLigneRec($this->db);
100  }
101 }
102 print "<!-- BEGIN PHP TEMPLATE objectline_create.tpl.php -->\n";
103 $nolinesbefore = (count($this->lines) == 0 || $forcetoshowtitlelines);
104 if ($nolinesbefore) {
105  ?>
106  <tr class="liste_titre<?php echo (($nolinesbefore || $object->element == 'contrat') ? '' : ' liste_titre_add_') ?> nodrag nodrop">
107  <?php if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER)) { ?>
108  <td class="linecolnum center"></td>
109  <?php } ?>
110  <td class="linecoldescription minwidth400imp">
111  <div id="add"></div><span class="hideonsmartphone"><?php echo $langs->trans('AddNewLine'); ?></span>
112  </td>
113  <?php
114  if ($object->element == 'supplier_proposal' || $object->element == 'order_supplier' || $object->element == 'invoice_supplier' || $object->element == 'invoice_supplier_rec') { // We must have same test in printObjectLines
115  ?>
116  <td class="linecolrefsupplier"><span id="title_fourn_ref"><?php echo $langs->trans('SupplierRef'); ?></span></td>
117  <?php
118  }
119  ?>
120  <td class="linecolvat right"><span id="title_vat"><?php echo $langs->trans('VAT'); ?></span></td>
121  <td class="linecoluht right"><span id="title_up_ht"><?php echo $langs->trans('PriceUHT'); ?></span></td>
122  <?php if (isModEnabled("multicurrency") && $this->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency) { ?>
123  <td class="linecoluht_currency right"><span id="title_up_ht_currency"><?php echo $langs->trans('PriceUHTCurrency'); ?></span></td>
124  <?php } ?>
125  <?php if (!empty($inputalsopricewithtax) && !getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_NO_INPUT_PRICE_WITH_TAX')) { ?>
126  <td class="linecoluttc right"><span id="title_up_ttc"><?php echo $langs->trans('PriceUTTC'); ?></span></td>
127  <?php } ?>
128  <td class="linecolqty right"><?php echo $langs->trans('Qty'); ?></td>
129  <?php
130  if (!empty($conf->global->PRODUCT_USE_UNITS)) {
131  print '<td class="linecoluseunit left">';
132  print '<span id="title_units">';
133  print $langs->trans('Unit');
134  print '</span></td>';
135  }
136  ?>
137  <td class="linecoldiscount right"><?php echo $langs->trans('ReductionShort'); ?></td>
138  <?php
139  // Fields for situation invoice
140  if (isset($this->situation_cycle_ref) && $this->situation_cycle_ref) {
141  print '<td class="linecolcycleref right">'.$langs->trans('Progress').'</td>';
142  print '<td class="linecolcycleref2 right"></td>';
143  }
144  if (!empty($usemargins)) {
145  if (empty($user->rights->margins->creer)) {
146  $colspan++;
147  } else {
148  print '<td class="margininfos linecolmargin1 right">';
149  if ($conf->global->MARGIN_TYPE == "1") {
150  echo $langs->trans('BuyingPrice');
151  } else {
152  echo $langs->trans('CostPrice');
153  }
154  echo '</td>';
155  if (!empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) {
156  echo '<td class="margininfos linecolmargin2 right"><span class="np_marginRate">'.$langs->trans('MarginRate').'</span></td>';
157  }
158  if (!empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES)) {
159  echo '<td class="margininfos linecolmargin2 right"><span class="np_markRate">'.$langs->trans('MarkRate').'</span></td>';
160  }
161  }
162  }
163  ?>
164  <td class="linecoledit" colspan="<?php echo $colspan; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
165  </tr>
166  <?php
167 }
168 ?>
169 <tr class="pair nodrag nodrop nohoverpair<?php echo ($nolinesbefore || $object->element == 'contrat') ? '' : ' liste_titre_create'; ?>">
170  <?php
171  $coldisplay = 0;
172  // Adds a line numbering column
173  if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER)) {
174  $coldisplay++;
175  echo '<td class="nobottom linecolnum center"></td>';
176  }
177  $coldisplay++;
178  ?>
179  <td class="nobottom linecoldescription minwidth400imp">
180  <?php
181  $freelines = false;
182  if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_FREE_LINES)) {
183  $freelines = true;
184  $forceall = 1; // We always force all type for free lines (module product or service means we use predefined product or service)
185  if ($object->element == 'contrat') {
186  if (!isModEnabled('product') && !isModEnabled('service') && empty($conf->global->CONTRACT_SUPPORT_PRODUCTS)) {
187  $forceall = -1; // With contract, by default, no choice at all, except if CONTRACT_SUPPORT_PRODUCTS is set
188  } elseif (empty($conf->global->CONTRACT_SUPPORT_PRODUCTS)) {
189  $forceall = 3;
190  }
191  }
192  // Free line
193  echo '<span class="prod_entry_mode_free">';
194  // Show radio free line
195  if ($forceall >= 0 && (isModEnabled("product") || isModEnabled("service"))) {
196  echo '<label for="prod_entry_mode_free">';
197  echo '<input type="radio" class="prod_entry_mode_free" name="prod_entry_mode" id="prod_entry_mode_free" value="free"';
198  //echo (GETPOST('prod_entry_mode')=='free' ? ' checked' : ((empty($forceall) && (!isModEnabled('product') || !isModEnabled('service')))?' checked':'') );
199  echo ((GETPOST('prod_entry_mode', 'alpha') == 'free' || !empty($conf->global->MAIN_FREE_PRODUCT_CHECKED_BY_DEFAULT)) ? ' checked' : '');
200  echo '> ';
201  // Show type selector
202  echo '<span class="textradioforitem">'.$langs->trans("FreeLineOfType").'</span>';
203  echo '</label>';
204  echo ' ';
205  } else {
206  echo '<input type="hidden" id="prod_entry_mode_free" name="prod_entry_mode" value="free">';
207  // Show type selector
208  if ($forceall >= 0) {
209  if (!isModEnabled('product') || !isModEnabled('service')) {
210  echo $langs->trans("Type");
211  } else {
212  echo $langs->trans("FreeLineOfType");
213  }
214  echo ' ';
215  }
216  }
217  $form->select_type_of_lines(GETPOSTISSET("type") ? GETPOST("type", 'alpha', 2) : -1, 'type', 1, 1, $forceall);
218  echo '</span>';
219  }
220  // Predefined product/service
221  if (isModEnabled("product") || isModEnabled("service")) {
222  if ($forceall >= 0 && $freelines) {
223  echo '<br><span class="prod_entry_mode_predef paddingtop">';
224  } else {
225  echo '<span class="prod_entry_mode_predef">';
226  }
227  echo '<label for="prod_entry_mode_predef">';
228  echo '<input type="radio" class="prod_entry_mode_predef" name="prod_entry_mode" id="prod_entry_mode_predef" value="predef"'.(GETPOST('prod_entry_mode') == 'predef' ? ' checked' : '').'> ';
229  $labelforradio = '';
230  if (empty($conf->dol_optimize_smallscreen)) {
231  if (empty($senderissupplier)) {
232  if (isModEnabled("product") && !isModEnabled('service')) {
233  $labelforradio = $langs->trans('PredefinedProductsToSell');
234  } elseif ((!isModEnabled('product') && isModEnabled('service')) || ($object->element == 'contrat' && empty($conf->global->CONTRACT_SUPPORT_PRODUCTS))) {
235  $labelforradio = $langs->trans('PredefinedServicesToSell');
236  } else {
237  $labelforradio = $langs->trans('PredefinedProductsAndServicesToSell');
238  }
239  } else {
240  if (isModEnabled("product") && !isModEnabled('service')) {
241  $labelforradio = $langs->trans('PredefinedProductsToPurchase');
242  } elseif (!isModEnabled('product') && isModEnabled('service')) {
243  $labelforradio = $langs->trans('PredefinedServicesToPurchase');
244  } else {
245  $labelforradio = $langs->trans('PredefinedProductsAndServicesToPurchase');
246  }
247  }
248  } else {
249  $labelforradio = $langs->trans('PredefinedItem');
250  }
251  print '<span class="textradioforitem">'.$labelforradio.'</span>';
252  echo '</label>';
253  echo ' ';
254  $filtertype = '';
255  if (!empty($object->element) && $object->element == 'contrat' && empty($conf->global->CONTRACT_SUPPORT_PRODUCTS)) {
256  $filtertype = '1';
257  }
258  if (empty($senderissupplier)) {
259  $statustoshow = 1;
260  $statuswarehouse = 'warehouseopen,warehouseinternal';
261  if (!empty($conf->global->ENTREPOT_WAREHOUSEINTERNAL_NOT_SELL)) $statuswarehouse = 'warehouseopen';
262  if (!empty($conf->global->ENTREPOT_EXTRA_STATUS)) {
263  // hide products in closed warehouse, but show products for internal transfer
264  $form->select_produits(GETPOST('idprod'), 'idprod', $filtertype, $conf->product->limit_size, $buyer->price_level, $statustoshow, 2, '', 1, array(), $buyer->id, '1', 0, 'maxwidth500', 0, $statuswarehouse, GETPOST('combinations', 'array'));
265  } else {
266  $form->select_produits(GETPOST('idprod'), 'idprod', $filtertype, $conf->product->limit_size, $buyer->price_level, $statustoshow, 2, '', 1, array(), $buyer->id, '1', 0, 'maxwidth500', 0, '', GETPOST('combinations', 'array'));
267  }
268  if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_AUTO_OPEN_SELECT2_ON_FOCUS_FOR_CUSTOMER_PRODUCTS)) {
269  ?>
270  <script>
271  $(document).ready(function(){
272  // On first focus on a select2 combo, auto open the menu (this allow to use the keyboard only)
273  $(document).on('focus', '.select2-selection.select2-selection--single', function (e) {
274  console.log('focus on a select2');
275  if ($(this).attr('aria-labelledby') == 'select2-idprod-container')
276  {
277  console.log('open combo');
278  $('#idprod').select2('open');
279  }
280  });
281  });
282  </script>
283  <?php
284  }
285  } else {
286  // $senderissupplier=2 is the same as 1 but disables test on minimum qty, disable autofill qty with minimum and autofill unit price
287  if ($senderissupplier != 2) {
288  $ajaxoptions = array(
289  'update' => array('qty'=>'qty', 'remise_percent' => 'discount', 'idprod' => 'idprod'), // html id tags that will be edited with each ajax json response key
290  'option_disabled' => 'idthatdoesnotexists', // html id to disable once select is done
291  'warning' => $langs->trans("NoPriceDefinedForThisSupplier") // translation of an error saved into var 'warning' (for example shown we select a disabled option into combo)
292  );
293  $alsoproductwithnosupplierprice = 0;
294  } else {
295  $ajaxoptions = array(
296  // Disabled: This is useless because setting discount and price_ht after a selection is already managed
297  // by ths page itself with a .change on the combolist '#idprodfournprice'
298  //'update' => array('remise_percent' => 'discount', 'price_ht' => 'price_ht') // html id tags that will be edited with each ajax json response key
299  );
300  $alsoproductwithnosupplierprice = 1;
301  }
302  $form->select_produits_fournisseurs($object->socid, GETPOST('idprodfournprice'), 'idprodfournprice', '', '', $ajaxoptions, 1, $alsoproductwithnosupplierprice, 'minwidth300imp maxwidth500');
303  if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_AUTO_OPEN_SELECT2_ON_FOCUS_FOR_SUPPLIER_PRODUCTS)) {
304  ?>
305  <script>
306  $(document).ready(function(){
307  // On first focus on a select2 combo, auto open the menu (this allow to use the keyboard only)
308  $(document).on('focus', '.select2-selection.select2-selection--single', function (e) {
309  //console.log('focus on a select2');
310  if ($(this).attr('aria-labelledby') == 'select2-idprodfournprice-container')
311  {
312  $('#idprodfournprice').select2('open');
313  }
314  });
315  });
316  </script>
317  <?php
318  }
319  }
320  echo '<input type="hidden" name="pbq" id="pbq" value="">';
321  echo '</span>';
322  }
324  if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_ADD_LINE_AT_POSITION)) {
325  echo '<br>'.$langs->trans('AddLineOnPosition').' : <input type="number" name="rank" step="1" min="0" style="width: 5em;">';
326  }
328  if (is_object($hookmanager) && empty($senderissupplier)) {
329  $parameters = array('fk_parent_line'=>GETPOST('fk_parent_line', 'int'));
330  $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formCreateProductOptions', $parameters, $object, $action);
331  if (!empty($hookmanager->resPrint)) {
332  print $hookmanager->resPrint;
333  }
334  }
335  if (is_object($hookmanager) && !empty($senderissupplier)) {
336  $parameters = array('htmlname'=>'addproduct');
337  $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formCreateProductSupplierOptions', $parameters, $object, $action);
338  if (!empty($hookmanager->resPrint)) {
339  print $hookmanager->resPrint;
340  }
341  }
342  if (isModEnabled("product") || isModEnabled("service")) {
343  echo '<br>';
344  if (isModEnabled('variants')) {
345  echo '<div id="attributes_box"></div>';
346  }
347  }
348  // Editor wysiwyg
349  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/doleditor.class.php';
350  $nbrows = ROWS_2;
351  $enabled = (!empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS) ? $conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS : 0);
352  if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_INPUT_DESC_HEIGHT)) {
353  $nbrows = $conf->global->MAIN_INPUT_DESC_HEIGHT;
354  }
355  $toolbarname = 'dolibarr_details';
356  if (!empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS_FULL)) {
357  $toolbarname = 'dolibarr_notes';
358  }
359  $doleditor = new DolEditor('dp_desc', GETPOST('dp_desc', 'restricthtml'), '', (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DOLEDITOR_HEIGHT) ? 100 : $conf->global->MAIN_DOLEDITOR_HEIGHT), $toolbarname, '', false, true, $enabled, $nbrows, '98%');
360  $doleditor->Create();
361  // Show autofill date for recurring invoices
362  if (isModEnabled("service") && ($object->element == 'facturerec' || $object->element == 'invoice_supplier_rec')) {
363  echo '<div class="divlinefordates"><br>';
364  echo $langs->trans('AutoFillDateFrom').' ';
365  if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_REC_DATE_TO_YES)) {
366  $line->date_start_fill = 1;
367  $line->date_end_fill = 1;
368  }
369  echo $form->selectyesno('date_start_fill', $line->date_start_fill, 1);
370  echo ' - ';
371  echo $langs->trans('AutoFillDateTo').' ';
372  echo $form->selectyesno('date_end_fill', $line->date_end_fill, 1);
373  echo '</div>';
374  }
375  if (is_object($objectline)) {
376  $temps = $objectline->showOptionals($extrafields, 'create', array(), '', '', 1, 'line');
378  if (!empty($temps)) {
379  print '<div style="padding-top: 10px" id="extrafield_lines_area_create" name="extrafield_lines_area_create">';
380  print $temps;
381  print '</div>';
382  }
383  }
384  echo '</td>';
385  if ($object->element == 'supplier_proposal' || $object->element == 'order_supplier' || $object->element == 'invoice_supplier' || $object->element == 'invoice_supplier_rec') { // We must have same test in printObjectLines
386  $coldisplay++;
387  ?>
388  <td class="nobottom linecolrefsupplier"><input id="fourn_ref" name="fourn_ref" class="flat minwidth50 maxwidth100 maxwidth125onsmartphone" value="<?php echo (GETPOSTISSET("fourn_ref") ? GETPOST("fourn_ref", 'alpha', 2) : ''); ?>"></td>
389  <?php }
390  print '<td class="nobottom linecolvat right">';
391  $coldisplay++;
392  if ($seller->tva_assuj == "0") {
393  echo '<input type="hidden" name="tva_tx" id="tva_tx" value="0">'.vatrate(0, true);
394  } else {
395  echo $form->load_tva('tva_tx', (GETPOSTISSET("tva_tx") ? GETPOST("tva_tx", 'alpha', 2) : -1), $seller, $buyer, 0, 0, '', false, 1);
396  }
397  ?>
398  </td>
400  <td class="nobottom linecoluht right"><?php $coldisplay++; ?>
401  <input type="text" size="5" name="price_ht" id="price_ht" class="flat right" value="<?php echo (GETPOSTISSET("price_ht") ? GETPOST("price_ht", 'alpha', 2) : ''); ?>">
402  </td>
404  <?php
405  if (isModEnabled("multicurrency") && $this->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency) {
406  $coldisplay++;
407  ?>
408  <td class="nobottom linecoluht_currency right">
409  <input type="text" size="5" name="multicurrency_price_ht" id="multicurrency_price_ht" class="flat right" value="<?php echo (GETPOSTISSET("multicurrency_price_ht") ? GETPOST("multicurrency_price_ht", 'alpha', 2) : ''); ?>">
410  </td>
411  <?php
412  }
413  if (!empty($inputalsopricewithtax) && !getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_NO_INPUT_PRICE_WITH_TAX')) {
414  $coldisplay++;
415  ?>
416  <td class="nobottom linecoluttc right">
417  <input type="text" size="5" name="price_ttc" id="price_ttc" class="flat right" value="<?php echo (GETPOSTISSET("price_ttc") ? GETPOST("price_ttc", 'alpha', 2) : ''); ?>">
418  </td>
419  <?php
420  }
421  $coldisplay++;
422  ?>
423  <td class="nobottom linecolqty right">
424  <?php $default_qty = (empty($conf->global->MAIN_OBJECTLINE_CREATE_EMPTY_QTY_BY_DEFAULT) ? 1 : ''); ?>
425  <input type="text" name="qty" id="qty" class="flat width40 right" value="<?php echo (GETPOSTISSET("qty") ? GETPOST("qty", 'alpha', 2) : $default_qty); ?>">
426  </td>
427  <?php
428  if (!empty($conf->global->PRODUCT_USE_UNITS)) {
429  $coldisplay++;
430  print '<td class="nobottom linecoluseunit left">';
431  print $form->selectUnits(empty($line->fk_unit) ? $conf->global->PRODUCT_USE_UNITS : $line->fk_unit, "units");
432  print '</td>';
433  }
434  $remise_percent = $buyer->remise_percent;
435  if ($object->element == 'supplier_proposal' || $object->element == 'order_supplier' || $object->element == 'invoice_supplier') {
436  $remise_percent = $seller->remise_supplier_percent;
437  }
438  $coldisplay++;
439  ?>
441  <td class="nobottom nowrap linecoldiscount right"><input type="text" name="remise_percent" id="remise_percent" class="flat width40 right" value="<?php echo (GETPOSTISSET("remise_percent") ? GETPOST("remise_percent", 'alpha', 2) : ($remise_percent ? $remise_percent : '')); ?>"><span class="opacitymedium hideonsmartphone">%</span></td>
442  <?php
443  if (isset($this->situation_cycle_ref) && $this->situation_cycle_ref) {
444  $coldisplay++;
445  print '<td class="nobottom nowrap right"><input class="falt right" type="text" size="1" value="" name="progress"><span class="opacitymedium hideonsmartphone">%</span></td>';
446  $coldisplay++;
447  print '<td></td>';
448  }
449  if (!empty($usemargins)) {
450  if (!empty($user->rights->margins->creer)) {
451  $coldisplay++;
452  ?>
453  <td class="nobottom margininfos linecolmargin right">
454  <!-- For predef product -->
455  <?php if (isModEnabled("product") || isModEnabled("service")) { ?>
456  <select id="fournprice_predef" name="fournprice_predef" class="flat minwidth75imp maxwidth150" style="display: none;"></select>
457  <?php } ?>
458  <!-- For free product -->
459  <input type="text" id="buying_price" name="buying_price" class="flat maxwidth75 right" value="<?php echo (GETPOSTISSET("buying_price") ? GETPOST("buying_price", 'alpha', 2) : ''); ?>">
460  </td>
461  <?php
462  if (!empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) {
463  echo '<td class="nobottom nowraponall margininfos right"><input class="flat right width40" type="text" id="np_marginRate" name="np_marginRate" value="'.(GETPOSTISSET("np_marginRate") ? GETPOST("np_marginRate", 'alpha', 2) : '').'"><span class="np_marginRate opacitymedium hideonsmartphone">%</span></td>';
464  $coldisplay++;
465  }
466  if (!empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES)) {
467  echo '<td class="nobottom nowraponall margininfos right"><input class="flat right width40" type="text" id="np_markRate" name="np_markRate" value="'.(GETPOSTISSET("np_markRate") ? GETPOST("np_markRate", 'alpha', 2) : '').'"><span class="np_markRate opacitymedium hideonsmartphone">%</span></td>';
468  $coldisplay++;
469  }
470  }
471  }
472  $coldisplay += $colspan;
473  ?>
474  <td class="nobottom linecoledit center valignmiddle" colspan="<?php echo $colspan; ?>">
475  <input type="submit" class="button reposition" value="<?php echo $langs->trans('Add'); ?>" name="addline" id="addline">
476  </td>
477 </tr>
479 <?php
480 if ((isModEnabled("service") || ($object->element == 'contrat')) && $dateSelector && GETPOST('type') != '0') { // We show date field if required
481  print '<tr id="trlinefordates" class="oddeven">'."\n";
482  if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER)) {
483  print '<td></td>';
484  }
485  print '<td colspan="'.($coldisplay - (empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER) ? 0 : 1)).'">';
486  $date_start = dol_mktime(GETPOST('date_starthour'), GETPOST('date_startmin'), 0, GETPOST('date_startmonth'), GETPOST('date_startday'), GETPOST('date_startyear'));
487  $date_end = dol_mktime(GETPOST('date_starthour'), GETPOST('date_startmin'), 0, GETPOST('date_endmonth'), GETPOST('date_endday'), GETPOST('date_endyear'));
489  $prefillDates = false;
491  if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_FILL_SERVICE_DATES_FROM_LAST_SERVICE_LINE) && !empty($object->lines)) {
492  for ($i = count($object->lines) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
493  $lastline = $object->lines[$i];
495  if ($lastline->product_type == Product::TYPE_SERVICE && (!empty($lastline->date_start) || !empty($lastline->date_end))) {
496  $date_start_prefill = $lastline->date_start;
497  $date_end_prefill = $lastline->date_end;
499  $prefillDates = true;
500  break;
501  }
502  }
503  }
505  if (!empty($object->element) && $object->element == 'contrat') {
506  print $langs->trans("DateStartPlanned").' ';
507  print $form->selectDate($date_start, "date_start", $usehm, $usehm, 1, "addproduct");
508  print ' &nbsp; '.$langs->trans("DateEndPlanned").' ';
509  print $form->selectDate($date_end, "date_end", $usehm, $usehm, 1, "addproduct");
510  } else {
511  print $langs->trans('ServiceLimitedDuration').' '.$langs->trans('From').' ';
512  print $form->selectDate($date_start, 'date_start', empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE) ? 0 : 1, empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE) ? 0 : 1, 1, "addproduct", 1, 0);
513  print ' '.$langs->trans('to').' ';
514  print $form->selectDate($date_end, 'date_end', empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE) ? 0 : 1, empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE) ? 0 : 1, 1, "addproduct", 1, 0);
515  };
517  if ($prefillDates) {
518  echo ' <span class="small"><a href="#" id="prefill_service_dates">'.$langs->trans('FillWithLastServiceDates').'</a></span>';
519  }
521  print '<script>';
523  if ($prefillDates) {
524  ?>
525  function prefill_service_dates()
526  {
527  $('#date_start').val("<?php echo dol_escape_js(dol_print_date($date_start_prefill, 'day')); ?>").trigger('change');
528  $('#date_end').val("<?php echo dol_escape_js(dol_print_date($date_end_prefill, 'day')); ?>").trigger('change');
530  return false; // Prevent default link behaviour (which is go to href URL)
531  }
533  $(document).ready(function()
534  {
535  $('#prefill_service_dates').click(prefill_service_dates);
536  });
538  <?php
539  }
541  if (!$date_start) {
542  if (isset($conf->global->MAIN_DEFAULT_DATE_START_HOUR)) {
543  print 'jQuery("#date_starthour").val("'.$conf->global->MAIN_DEFAULT_DATE_START_HOUR.'");';
544  }
545  if (isset($conf->global->MAIN_DEFAULT_DATE_START_MIN)) {
546  print 'jQuery("#date_startmin").val("'.$conf->global->MAIN_DEFAULT_DATE_START_MIN.'");';
547  }
548  }
549  if (!$date_end) {
550  if (isset($conf->global->MAIN_DEFAULT_DATE_END_HOUR)) {
551  print 'jQuery("#date_endhour").val("'.$conf->global->MAIN_DEFAULT_DATE_END_HOUR.'");';
552  }
553  if (isset($conf->global->MAIN_DEFAULT_DATE_END_MIN)) {
554  print 'jQuery("#date_endmin").val("'.$conf->global->MAIN_DEFAULT_DATE_END_MIN.'");';
555  }
556  }
557  print '</script>';
558  print '</td>';
559  print '</tr>'."\n";
560 }
563 print "<script>\n";
564 if (!empty($usemargins) && $user->rights->margins->creer) {
565  ?>
566  /* Some js test when we click on button "Add" */
567  jQuery(document).ready(function() {
568  <?php
569  if (!empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) { ?>
570  $("input[name='np_marginRate']:first").blur(function(e) {
571  return checkFreeLine(e, "np_marginRate");
572  });
573  <?php
574  }
575  if (!empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES)) { ?>
576  $("input[name='np_markRate']:first").blur(function(e) {
577  return checkFreeLine(e, "np_markRate");
578  });
579  <?php
580  }
581  ?>
582  });
584  /* TODO This does not work for number with thousand separator that is , */
585  function checkFreeLine(e, npRate)
586  {
587  var buying_price = $("input[name='buying_price']:first");
588  var remise = $("input[name='remise_percent']:first");
590  var rate = $("input[name='"+npRate+"']:first");
591  if (rate.val() == '')
592  return true;
594  if (! $.isNumeric(rate.val().replace(',','.')))
595  {
596  alert('<?php echo dol_escape_js($langs->trans("rateMustBeNumeric")); ?>');
597  e.stopPropagation();
598  setTimeout(function () { rate.focus() }, 50);
599  return false;
600  }
601  if (npRate == "np_markRate" && rate.val() >= 100)
602  {
603  alert('<?php echo dol_escape_js($langs->trans("markRateShouldBeLesserThan100")); ?>');
604  e.stopPropagation();
605  setTimeout(function () { rate.focus() }, 50);
606  return false;
607  }
609  var price = 0;
610  remisejs=price2numjs(remise.val());
612  if (remisejs != 100) // If a discount not 100 or no discount
613  {
614  if (remisejs == '') remisejs=0;
616  bpjs=price2numjs(buying_price.val());
617  ratejs=price2numjs(rate.val());
619  if (npRate == "np_marginRate")
620  price = ((bpjs * (1 + ratejs / 100)) / (1 - remisejs / 100));
621  else if (npRate == "np_markRate")
622  price = ((bpjs / (1 - ratejs / 100)) / (1 - remisejs / 100));
623  }
625  $("input[name='price_ht']:first").val(price); // TODO Must use a function like php price to have here a formated value
627  return true;
628  }
630  <?php
631 }
632 ?>
634  /* JQuery for product free or predefined select */
635  jQuery(document).ready(function() {
636  jQuery("#price_ht").keyup(function(event) {
637  // console.log(event.which); // discard event tag and arrows
638  if (event.which != 9 && (event.which < 37 ||event.which > 40) && jQuery("#price_ht").val() != '') {
639  jQuery("#price_ttc").val('');
640  jQuery("#multicurrency_subprice").val('');
641  }
642  });
643  jQuery("#price_ttc").keyup(function(event) {
644  // console.log(event.which); // discard event tag and arrows
645  if (event.which != 9 && (event.which < 37 || event.which > 40) && jQuery("#price_ttc").val() != '') {
646  jQuery("#price_ht").val('');
647  jQuery("#multicurrency_subprice").val('');
648  }
649  });
650  jQuery("#multicurrency_subprice").keyup(function(event) {
651  // console.log(event.which); // discard event tag and arrows
652  if (event.which != 9 && (event.which < 37 || event.which > 40) && jQuery("#price_ttc").val() != '') {
653  jQuery("#price_ht").val('');
654  jQuery("#price_ttc").val('');
655  }
656  });
658  $("#prod_entry_mode_free").on( "click", function() {
659  setforfree();
660  });
661  $("#select_type").change(function()
662  {
663  setforfree();
665  if (jQuery('#select_type').val() >= 0) {
666  console.log("Set focus on description field");
667  /* this focus code works on a standard textarea but not if field was replaced with CKEDITOR */
668  jQuery('#dp_desc').focus();
669  /* this focus code works for CKEDITOR */
670  if (typeof CKEDITOR == "object" && typeof CKEDITOR.instances != "undefined") {
671  var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['dp_desc'];
672  if (editor) {
673  editor.focus();
674  }
675  }
676  }
678  console.log("Hide/show date according to product type");
679  if (jQuery('#select_type').val() == '0')
680  {
681  jQuery('#trlinefordates').hide();
682  jQuery('.divlinefordates').hide();
683  }
684  else
685  {
686  jQuery('#trlinefordates').show();
687  jQuery('.divlinefordates').show();
688  }
689  });
691  $("#prod_entry_mode_predef").on( "click", function() {
692  console.log("click prod_entry_mode_predef");
693  setforpredef();
694  jQuery('#trlinefordates').show();
695  });
697  <?php
698  if (!$freelines) { ?>
699  $("#prod_entry_mode_predef").click();
700  <?php
701  }
703  if (in_array($this->table_element_line, array('propaldet', 'commandedet', 'facturedet'))) { ?>
704  $("#date_start, #date_end").focusout(function() {
705  let type = $(this).attr('type');
706  let mandatoryP = $(this).attr('mandatoryperiod');
707  if (type == 1 && mandatoryP == 1) {
708  if ($(this).val() == '' && !$(this).hasClass('inputmandatory')) {
709  $(this).addClass('inputmandatory');
710  }else{
711  $(this).removeClass('inputmandatory');
712  }
713  }
714  });
715  <?php
716  } ?>
717  /* When changing predefined product, we reload list of supplier prices required for margin combo */
718  $("#idprod, #idprodfournprice").change(function()
719  {
720  console.log("objectline_create.tpl Call method change() after change on #idprod or #idprodfournprice (senderissupplier=<?php echo $senderissupplier; ?>). this.val = "+$(this).val());
722  setforpredef(); // TODO Keep vat combo visible and set it to first entry into list that match result of get_default_tva(product)
724  jQuery('#trlinefordates').show();
726  <?php
727  if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_EDIT_PREDEF_PRICEHT) && empty($senderissupplier)) {
728  ?>
729  var pbq = parseInt($('option:selected', this).attr('data-pbq')); /* If product was selected with a HTML select */
730  if (isNaN(pbq)) { pbq = jQuery('#idprod').attr('data-pbq'); } /* If product was selected with a HTML input with autocomplete */
732  if ((jQuery('#idprod').val() > 0 || jQuery('#idprodfournprice').val()) && ! isNaN(pbq) && pbq > 0)
733  {
734  console.log("objectline_create.tpl We are in a price per qty context, we do not call ajax/product, init of fields is done few lines later");
735  } else {
736  <?php if (!empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY) || !empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY_MULTIPRICES)) { ?>
737  if (isNaN(pbq)) { console.log("We use experimental option PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY or PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY but we could not get the id of pbq from product combo list, so load of price may be 0 if product has differet prices"); }
738  <?php } ?>
739  // Get the price for the product and display it
740  console.log("Load unit price without tax and set it into #price_ht for product id="+$(this).val()+" socid=<?php print $object->socid; ?>");
741  $.post('<?php echo DOL_URL_ROOT; ?>/product/ajax/products.php?action=fetch',
742  { 'id': $(this).val(), 'socid': <?php print $object->socid; ?>, 'token': '<?php print currentToken(); ?>' },
743  function(data) {
744  console.log("objectline_create.tpl Load unit price end, we got value ht="+data.price_ht+" ttc="+data.price_ttc+" pricebasetype="+data.pricebasetype);
746  $('#date_start').removeAttr('type');
747  $('#date_end').removeAttr('type');
748  $('#date_start').attr('type', data.type);
749  $('#date_end').attr('type', data.type);
751  $('#date_start').removeAttr('mandatoryperiod');
752  $('#date_end').removeAttr('mandatoryperiod');
753  $('#date_start').attr('mandatoryperiod', data.mandatory_period);
754  $('#date_end').attr('mandatoryperiod', data.mandatory_period);
756  // service and we setted mandatory_period to true
757  if (data.mandatory_period == 1 && data.type == 1) {
758  jQuery('#date_start').addClass('inputmandatory');
759  jQuery('#date_end').addClass('inputmandatory');
760  } else {
761  jQuery('#date_start').removeClass('inputmandatory');
762  jQuery('#date_end').removeClass('inputmandatory');
763  }
765  if (<?php echo (int) $inputalsopricewithtax; ?> == 1 && data.pricebasetype == 'TTC' && <?php print getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_NO_INPUT_PRICE_WITH_TAX') ? 'false' : 'true'; ?>) {
766  console.log("objectline_create.tpl set content of price_ttc");
767  jQuery("#price_ttc").val(data.price_ttc);
768  } else {
769  console.log("objectline_create.tpl set content of price_ht");
770  jQuery("#price_ht").val(data.price_ht);
771  }
773  var tva_tx = data.tva_tx;
774  var default_vat_code = data.default_vat_code;
776  // Now set the VAT
777  var stringforvatrateselection = tva_tx;
778  if (typeof default_vat_code != 'undefined' && default_vat_code != null && default_vat_code != '') {
779  stringforvatrateselection = stringforvatrateselection+' ('+default_vat_code+')';
780  }
781  // Set vat rate if field is an input box
782  $('#tva_tx').val(tva_tx);
783  // Set vat rate by selecting the combo
784  //$('#tva_tx option').val(tva_tx); // This is bugged, it replaces the vat key of all options
785  $('#tva_tx option').removeAttr('selected');
786  console.log("stringforvatrateselection="+stringforvatrateselection+" -> value of option label for this key="+$('#tva_tx option[value="'+stringforvatrateselection+'"]').val());
787  $('#tva_tx option[value="'+stringforvatrateselection+'"]').prop('selected', true);
789  <?php
790  if (!empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_AUTOFILL_DESC) && $conf->global->PRODUIT_AUTOFILL_DESC == 1) {
791  if (getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_MULTILANGS') && !empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_TEXTS_IN_THIRDPARTY_LANGUAGE)) { ?>
792  var proddesc = data.desc_trans;
793  <?php
794  } else { ?>
795  var proddesc = data.desc;
796  <?php
797  } ?>
798  console.log("objectline_create.tpl Load desciption into text area : "+proddesc);
799  <?php
800  if (!empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS)) { ?>
801  if (typeof CKEDITOR == "object" && typeof CKEDITOR.instances != "undefined")
802  {
803  var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['dp_desc'];
804  if (editor) {
805  editor.setData(proddesc);
806  }
807  }
808  <?php
809  } else { ?>
810  jQuery('#dp_desc').text(proddesc);
811  <?php
812  } ?>
813  <?php
814  } ?>
815  <?php
816  if (!empty($conf->global->PRODUCT_LOAD_EXTRAFIELD_INTO_OBJECTLINES)) { ?>
817  jQuery.each(data.array_options, function( key, value ) {
818  jQuery('div[class*="det'+key.replace('options_','_extras_')+'"] > #'+key).val(value);
819  });
820  <?php
821  } ?>
822  },
823  'json'
824  );
825  }
826  <?php
827  }
829  if (!empty($usemargins) && $user->rights->margins->creer) {
830  $langs->load('stocks');
831  ?>
833  /* Code for margin */
834  $("#fournprice_predef").find("option").remove();
835  $("#fournprice_predef").hide();
836  $("#buying_price").val("").show();
838  /* Call post to load content of combo list fournprice_predef */
839  var token = '<?php echo currentToken(); ?>'; // For AJAX Call we use old 'token' and not 'newtoken'
840  $.post('<?php echo DOL_URL_ROOT; ?>/fourn/ajax/getSupplierPrices.php?bestpricefirst=1', { 'idprod': $(this).val(), 'token': token }, function(data) {
841  if (data && data.length > 0)
842  {
843  var options = ''; var defaultkey = ''; var defaultprice = ''; var bestpricefound = 0;
845  var bestpriceid = 0; var bestpricevalue = 0;
846  var pmppriceid = 0; var pmppricevalue = 0;
847  var costpriceid = 0; var costpricevalue = 0;
849  /* setup of margin calculation */
850  var defaultbuyprice = '<?php
851  if (isset($conf->global->MARGIN_TYPE)) {
852  if ($conf->global->MARGIN_TYPE == '1') {
853  print 'bestsupplierprice';
854  }
855  if ($conf->global->MARGIN_TYPE == 'pmp') {
856  print 'pmp';
857  }
858  if ($conf->global->MARGIN_TYPE == 'costprice') {
859  print 'costprice';
860  }
861  } ?>';
862  console.log("objectline_create.tpl we will set the field for margin. defaultbuyprice="+defaultbuyprice);
864  var i = 0;
865  $(data).each(function() {
866  /* Warning: Lines must be processed in order: best supplier price, then pmpprice line then costprice */
867  if ( != 'pmpprice' && != 'costprice')
868  {
869  i++;
870  this.price = parseFloat(this.price); // to fix when this.price >0
871  // If margin is calculated on best supplier price, we set it by defaut (but only if value is not 0)
872  //console.log("id=""-price="+this.price+"-"+(this.price > 0));
873  if (bestpricefound == 0 && this.price > 0) { defaultkey =; defaultprice = this.price; bestpriceid =; bestpricevalue = this.price; bestpricefound=1; } // bestpricefound is used to take the first price > 0
874  }
875  if ( == 'pmpprice')
876  {
877  // If margin is calculated on PMP, we set it by defaut (but only if value is not 0)
878  console.log("id=""-price="+this.price);
879  if ('pmp' == defaultbuyprice || 'costprice' == defaultbuyprice)
880  {
881  if (this.price > 0) {
882  defaultkey =; defaultprice = this.price; pmppriceid =; pmppricevalue = this.price;
883  //console.log("pmppricevalue="+pmppricevalue);
884  }
885  }
886  }
887  if ( == 'costprice')
888  {
889  // If margin is calculated on Cost price, we set it by defaut (but only if value is not 0)
890  console.log("id=""-price="+this.price+"-pmppricevalue="+pmppricevalue);
891  if ('costprice' == defaultbuyprice)
892  {
893  if (this.price > 0) { defaultkey =; defaultprice = this.price; costpriceid =; costpricevalue = this.price; }
894  else if (pmppricevalue > 0) { defaultkey = 'pmpprice'; defaultprice = pmppricevalue; }
895  }
896  }
897  options += '<option value="''" price="'+this.price+'">'+this.label+'</option>';
898  });
899  options += '<option value="inputprice" price="'+defaultprice+'"><?php echo dol_escape_js($langs->trans("InputPrice").'...'); ?></option>';
901  console.log("finally selected defaultkey="+defaultkey+" defaultprice for buying price="+defaultprice);
903  $("#fournprice_predef").html(options).show();
904  if (defaultkey != '')
905  {
906  $("#fournprice_predef").val(defaultkey);
907  }
909  /* At loading, no product are yet selected, so we hide field of buying_price */
910  $("#buying_price").hide();
912  /* Define default price at loading */
913  var defaultprice = $("#fournprice_predef").find('option:selected').attr("price");
914  $("#buying_price").val(defaultprice);
916  $("#fournprice_predef").change(function() {
917  console.log("change on fournprice_predef");
918  /* Hide field buying_price according to choice into list (if 'inputprice' or not) */
919  var linevalue=$(this).find('option:selected').val();
920  var pricevalue = $(this).find('option:selected').attr("price");
921  if (linevalue != 'inputprice' && linevalue != 'pmpprice') {
922  $("#buying_price").val(pricevalue).hide(); /* We set value then hide field */
923  }
924  if (linevalue == 'inputprice') {
925  $('#buying_price').show();
926  }
927  if (linevalue == 'pmpprice') {
928  $("#buying_price").val(pricevalue);
929  $('#buying_price').hide();
930  }
931  });
932  }
933  },
934  'json');
936  <?php
937  }
938  ?>
940  <?php
941  if (!empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY) || !empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY_MULTIPRICES)) {
942  ?>
943  /* To process customer price per quantity (PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY works only if combo product is not an ajax after x key pressed) */
944  var pbq = parseInt($('option:selected', this).attr('data-pbq')); // When select is done from HTML select
945  if (isNaN(pbq)) { pbq = jQuery('#idprod').attr('data-pbq'); } // When select is done from HTML input with autocomplete
946  var pbqup = parseFloat($('option:selected', this).attr('data-pbqup'));
947  if (isNaN(pbqup)) { pbqup = jQuery('#idprod').attr('data-pbqup'); }
948  var pbqbase = $('option:selected', this).attr('data-pbqbase');
949  if (isNaN(pbqbase)) { pbqbase = jQuery('#idprod').attr('data-pbqbase'); }
950  var pbqqty = parseFloat($('option:selected', this).attr('data-pbqqty'));
951  if (isNaN(pbqqty)) { pbqqty = jQuery('#idprod').attr('data-pbqqty'); }
952  var pbqpercent = parseFloat($('option:selected', this).attr('data-pbqpercent'));
953  if (isNaN(pbqpercent)) { pbqpercent = jQuery('#idprod').attr('data-pbqpercent'); }
955  if ((jQuery('#idprod').val() > 0) && ! isNaN(pbq) && pbq > 0)
956  {
957  var pbqupht = pbqup; /* TODO support of price per qty TTC not yet available */
959  console.log("We choose a price by quanty price_by_qty id = "+pbq+" price_by_qty upht = "+pbqupht+" price_by_qty qty = "+pbqqty+" price_by_qty percent = "+pbqpercent);
960  jQuery("#pbq").val(pbq);
961  jQuery("#price_ht").val(pbqupht);
962  if (jQuery("#qty").val() < pbqqty)
963  {
964  jQuery("#qty").val(pbqqty);
965  }
966  if (jQuery("#remise_percent").val() < pbqpercent)
967  {
968  jQuery("#remise_percent").val(pbqpercent);
969  }
970  } else { jQuery("#pbq").val(''); }
971  <?php
972  }
973  ?>
976  // Deal with supplier ref price (idprodfournprice = int)
977  if (jQuery('#idprodfournprice').val() > 0)
978  {
979  console.log("objectline_create.tpl #idprodfournprice is is an ID > 0, so we set some properties into page");
981  var up = parseFloat($('option:selected', this).attr('data-up')); // When select is done from HTML select
982  if (isNaN(up)) { up = parseFloat(jQuery('#idprodfournprice').attr('data-up'));} // When select is done from HTML input with ajax autocomplete
984  var up_locale = $('option:selected', this).attr('data-up-locale'); // When select is done from HTML select
985  if (typeof up_locale === 'undefined') { up_locale = jQuery('#idprodfournprice').attr('data-up-locale');} // When select is done from HTML input with ajax autocomplete
987  var qty = parseFloat($('option:selected', this).attr('data-qty'));
988  if (isNaN(qty)) { qty = parseFloat(jQuery('#idprodfournprice').attr('data-qty'));}
990  var discount = parseFloat($('option:selected', this).attr('data-discount'));
991  if (isNaN(discount)) { discount = parseFloat(jQuery('#idprodfournprice').attr('data-discount'));}
993  var tva_tx = parseFloat($('option:selected', this).attr('data-tvatx')); // When select is done from HTML select
994  if (isNaN(tva_tx)) { tva_tx = parseFloat(jQuery('#idprodfournprice').attr('data-tvatx'));} // When select is done from HTML input with ajax autocomplete
996  var default_vat_code = $('option:selected', this).attr('data-default-vat-code'); // When select is done from HTML select
997  if (typeof default_vat_code === 'undefined') { default_vat_code = jQuery('#idprodfournprice').attr('data-default-vat-code');} // When select is done from HTML input with ajax autocomplete
999  var stringforvatrateselection = tva_tx;
1000  if (typeof default_vat_code != 'undefined' && default_vat_code != null && default_vat_code != '') {
1001  stringforvatrateselection = stringforvatrateselection+' ('+default_vat_code+')';
1002  }
1004  console.log("objectline_create.tpl We find supplier price : up = "+up+", up_locale = "+up_locale+", qty = "+qty+", tva_tx = "+tva_tx+", default_vat_code = "+default_vat_code+", stringforvatrateselection="+stringforvatrateselection+", discount = "+discount+" for product supplier ref id = "+jQuery('#idprodfournprice').val());
1006  if (typeof up_locale === 'undefined') {
1007  jQuery("#price_ht").val(up);
1008  } else {
1009  jQuery("#price_ht").val(up_locale);
1010  }
1012  // Set vat rate if field is an input box
1013  $('#tva_tx').val(tva_tx);
1014  // Set vat rate by selecting the combo
1015  //$('#tva_tx option').val(tva_tx); // This is bugged, it replaces the vat key of all options
1016  $('#tva_tx option').removeAttr('selected');
1017  console.log("stringforvatrateselection="+stringforvatrateselection+" -> value of option label for this key="+$('#tva_tx option[value="'+stringforvatrateselection+'"]').val());
1018  $('#tva_tx option[value="'+stringforvatrateselection+'"]').prop('selected', true);
1020  if (jQuery("#qty").val() < qty) {
1021  jQuery("#qty").val(qty);
1022  }
1023  if (jQuery("#remise_percent").val() < discount) {
1024  jQuery("#remise_percent").val(discount);
1025  }
1027  <?php
1028  if (getDolGlobalInt('PRODUIT_AUTOFILL_DESC') == 1) {
1029  ?>
1030  var description = $('option:selected', this).attr('data-description');
1031  if (typeof description == 'undefined') { description = jQuery('#idprodfournprice').attr('data-description'); }
1033  console.log("Load desciption into text area : "+description);
1034  <?php
1035  if (!empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS)) {
1036  ?>
1037  if (typeof CKEDITOR == "object" && typeof CKEDITOR.instances != "undefined")
1038  {
1039  var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['dp_desc'];
1040  if (editor) {
1041  editor.setData(description);
1042  }
1043  }
1044  <?php
1045  } else {
1046  ?>
1047  jQuery('#dp_desc').text(description);
1048  <?php
1049  }
1050  }
1051  ?>
1052  } else if (jQuery('#idprodfournprice').length > 0) {
1053  console.log("objectline_create.tpl #idprodfournprice is not an int but is a string so we set only few properties into page");
1055  var tva_tx = parseFloat($('option:selected', this).attr('data-tvatx')); // When select is done from HTML select
1056  if (isNaN(tva_tx)) { tva_tx = parseFloat(jQuery('#idprodfournprice').attr('data-tvatx'));} // When select is done from HTML input with ajax autocomplete
1058  var default_vat_code = $('option:selected', this).attr('data-default-vat-code'); // When select is done from HTML select
1059  if (typeof default_vat_code === 'undefined') { default_vat_code = jQuery('#idprodfournprice').attr('data-default-vat-code');} // When select is done from HTML input with ajax autocomplete
1061  var stringforvatrateselection = tva_tx;
1062  if (typeof default_vat_code != 'undefined' && default_vat_code != null && default_vat_code != '') {
1063  stringforvatrateselection = stringforvatrateselection+' ('+default_vat_code+')';
1064  }
1066  console.log("objectline_create.tpl We find data for price : tva_tx = "+tva_tx+", default_vat_code = "+default_vat_code+", stringforvatrateselection="+stringforvatrateselection+" for product id = "+jQuery('#idprodfournprice').val());
1068  // Set vat rate if field is an input box
1069  $('#tva_tx').val(tva_tx);
1070  // Set vat rate by selecting the combo
1071  //$('#tva_tx option').val(tva_tx); // This is bugged, it replaces the vat key of all options
1072  $('#tva_tx option').removeAttr('selected');
1073  console.log("stringforvatrateselection="+stringforvatrateselection+" -> value of option label for this key="+$('#tva_tx option[value="'+stringforvatrateselection+'"]').val());
1074  $('#tva_tx option[value="'+stringforvatrateselection+'"]').prop('selected', true);
1075  <?php
1076  if (getDolGlobalInt('PRODUIT_AUTOFILL_DESC') == 1) {
1077  if (!empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS)) {
1078  ?>
1079  if (typeof CKEDITOR == "object" && typeof CKEDITOR.instances != "undefined")
1080  {
1081  var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['dp_desc'];
1082  if (editor) {
1083  editor.setData('');
1084  }
1085  }
1086  <?php
1087  } else {
1088  ?>
1089  jQuery('#dp_desc').text('');
1090  <?php
1091  }
1092  }
1093  ?>
1094  }
1097  /* To set focus */
1098  if (jQuery('#idprod').val() > 0 || jQuery('#idprodfournprice').val() > 0)
1099  {
1100  /* focus work on a standard textarea but not if field was replaced with CKEDITOR */
1101  jQuery('#dp_desc').focus();
1102  /* focus if CKEDITOR */
1103  if (typeof CKEDITOR == "object" && typeof CKEDITOR.instances != "undefined")
1104  {
1105  var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['dp_desc'];
1106  if (editor) { editor.focus(); }
1107  }
1108  }
1109  });
1111  <?php if (GETPOST('prod_entry_mode') == 'predef') { // When we submit with a predef product and it fails we must start with predef ?>
1112  setforpredef();
1113  <?php } ?>
1114  });
1116  /* Function to set fields from choice */
1117  function setforfree() {
1118  console.log("objectline_create.tpl::setforfree. We show most fields");
1119  jQuery("#idprodfournprice").val('0'); // Set cursor on not selected product
1120  jQuery("#prod_entry_mode_free").prop('checked',true).change();
1121  jQuery("#prod_entry_mode_predef").prop('checked',false).change();
1122  jQuery("#search_idprod, #idprod, #search_idprodfournprice, #buying_price").val('');
1123  jQuery("#price_ht, #multicurrency_price_ht, #price_ttc, #multicurrency_price_ttc, #fourn_ref, #tva_tx, #buying_price, #title_fourn_ref, #title_vat, #title_up_ht, #title_up_ht_currency, #title_up_ttc, #title_up_ttc_currency").show();
1124  jQuery("#np_marginRate, #np_markRate, .np_marginRate, .np_markRate, #units, #title_units").show();
1125  jQuery("#fournprice_predef").hide();
1126  }
1128  function setforpredef() {
1129  console.log("objectline_create.tpl::setforpredef We hide some fields, show dates");
1130  jQuery("#select_type").val(-1);
1131  jQuery("#prod_entry_mode_free").prop('checked',false).change();
1132  jQuery("#prod_entry_mode_predef").prop('checked',true).change();
1133  <?php if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_EDIT_PREDEF_PRICEHT)) { ?>
1134  jQuery("#price_ht").val('').show();
1135  jQuery("#multicurrency_price_ht").val('').show();
1136  jQuery("#title_up_ht, #title_up_ht_currency").show();
1137  <?php } else { ?>
1138  //jQuery("#price_ht").val('').hide();
1139  jQuery("#multicurrency_price_ht").val('').hide();
1140  jQuery("#title_up_ht, #title_up_ht_currency").hide();
1141  <?php } ?>
1142  <?php if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_EDIT_PREDEF_PRICETTC)) { ?>
1143  jQuery("#price_ttc").val('').show();
1144  jQuery("#multicurrency_price_ttc").val('').show();
1145  jQuery("#title_up_ttc, #title_up_ttc_currency").show();
1146  <?php } else { ?>
1147  jQuery("#price_ttc").val('').hide();
1148  jQuery("#multicurrency_price_ttc").val('').hide();
1149  jQuery("#title_up_ttc, #title_up_ttc_currency").hide();
1150  <?php } ?>
1151  jQuery("#fourn_ref, #tva_tx, #title_vat").hide();
1152  /* jQuery("#title_fourn_ref").hide(); */
1153  jQuery("#np_marginRate, #np_markRate, .np_marginRate, .np_markRate, #units, #title_units").hide();
1154  jQuery("#buying_price").show();
1155  jQuery('#trlinefordates, .divlinefordates').show();
1156  }
1158 <?php
1160 print '</script>';
1162 print "<!-- END PHP TEMPLATE objectline_create.tpl.php -->\n";
Class to manage line orders.
Class to manage lines of contracts.
Class to manage a WYSIWYG editor.
Class to manage supplier invoice lines of templates.
Class to manage invoice lines.
Class to manage invoice lines of templates.
Class to manage order lines.
Class to manage commercial proposal lines.
Class to manage line invoices.
Class to manage supplier_proposal lines.
if($cancel &&! $id) if($action=='add' &&! $cancel) if($action=='delete') if($id) $form
Definition: card.php:143
print *****$script_file(".$version.") pid cd cd cd description as description
Only used if Module[ID]Desc translation string is not found.
dol_mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year, $gm='auto', $check=1)
Return a timestamp date built from detailed informations (by default a local PHP server timestamp) Re...
price($amount, $form=0, $outlangs='', $trunc=1, $rounding=-1, $forcerounding=-1, $currency_code='')
Function to format a value into an amount for visual output Function used into PDF and HTML pages.
getDolGlobalInt($key, $default=0)
Return dolibarr global constant int value.
GETPOST($paramname, $check='alphanohtml', $method=0, $filter=null, $options=null, $noreplace=0)
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable.
Return true if we are in a context of submitting the parameter $paramname from a POST of a form.
Is Dolibarr module enabled.
Function similar to PHP price2num()
if(preg_match('/crypted:/i', $dolibarr_main_db_pass)||!empty($dolibarr_main_db_encrypted_pass)) $conf db type
Definition: repair.php:119
$conf db name
Only used if Module[ID]Name translation string is not found.
Definition: repair.php:122
$conf db
API class for accounts.
Definition: inc.php:41