dolibarr 18.0.6
Module Loans

Module to include loans management More...


file  taxes.php
 Page to setup module tax.
file  card.php
 Page of second or third tax payments (like IRPF for spain, ...)
file  localtax.class.php
file  clients.php
 Third parties localtax report.
file  index.php
 Index page of localtax reports.
file  list.php
 List of IRPF payments.
file  quadri_detail.php
 Local tax by rate.
file  paiement_charge.php
 Page to add payment of a tax.
file  card.php
 Tab with payment of a social contribution.
file  card.php
 Social contribution card page.
file  cchargesociales.class.php
 File to manage type of social/fiscal taxes.
file  document.php
 Page with attached files on social contributions.
file  info.php
 Page with info about social contribution.
file  list.php
 Page to list all social contributions.
file  note.php
 Tab for notes on Taxes.
file  card.php
 Page of VAT payments.
file  tva.class.php
file  clients.php
 Page of sales taxes.
file  document.php
 Page with attached files on social contributions.
file  index.php
 Index page of VAT reports.
file  info.php
 Page with info about vat.
file  list.php
 List of VAT payments.
file  tax.lib.php
 Library for tax module.
file  vat.lib.php
 Library for tax module (VAT)
file  modTax.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module taxes.

Detailed Description

Module to include loans management

Module pour inclure des fonctions de saisies des taxes (tva) et charges sociales