dolibarr 18.0.6
Module prelevement

Module to manage Direct debit orders More...


file  prelevement.php
 Page to setup Withdrawals.
file  card.php
 Card of a direct debit.
file  bonprelevement.class.php
 File of withdrawal receipts class.
file  ligneprelevement.class.php
 File of class to manage lines of Direct Debit orders.
file  rejetprelevement.class.php
 File of class to manage standing orders rejects.
file  create.php
 Page to create a direct debit order or a credit transfer order.
file  demandes.php
 Page to list bank transfer requests (debit order or payments of vendors)
file  factures.php
 Page list of invoice paied by direct debit or credit transfer.
file  fiche-rejet.php
 Debit order or credit transfer reject.
file  fiche-stat.php
 Debit order or credit transfer statistics.
file  index.php
 Home page for direct debit orders.
file  line.php
 card of withdraw line
file  list.php
 Page to list direct debit orders or credit transfers orders.
file  orders_list.php
 Page to list direct debit orders or credit transfer orders.
file  rejets.php
 Reject page.
file  stats.php
 Page with statistics on withdrawals.
file  modPrelevement.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module Prelevement.
file  build_withdrawal_file.php
 Script de prelevement.

Detailed Description

Module to manage Direct debit orders