dolibarr 18.0.6
Module oauth

Module for activation of Oauth for several Api Access More...


file  oauth.php
 Setup page to configure oauth access api.
file  oauthlogintokens.php
 Setup page to configure oauth access to login information.
file  oauth.lib.php
 Function for module Oauth.
file  modOauth.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module Oauth.
file  generic_oauthcallback.php
 Page to get oauth callback.
file  github_oauthcallback.php
 Page to get oauth callback.
file  google_oauthcallback.php
 Page to get oauth callback.
file  microsoft_oauthcallback.php
 Page to get oauth callback.
file  stripelive_oauthcallback.php
 Page to get oauth callback.
file  stripetest_oauthcallback.php
 Page to get oauth callback.

Detailed Description

Module for activation of Oauth for several Api Access