32require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
33require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
34require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
35require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
36require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
51$batch =
55$fieldvalue = (!empty($id) ?
$id : (!empty($ref) ? $ref :
56$fieldtype = (!empty($ref) ?
'ref' :
58if (!empty($user->socid)) {
59 $socid = $user->socid;
65$showmessage =
69$sortfield =
70$sortorder =
72if (empty($page) || $page == -1) {
75$offset = $limit * $page;
78if (empty($sortorder)) {
81if (empty($sortfield)) {
82 $sortfield =
88if (
'alpha') ||
'alpha')) {
93if (!$user->hasRight(
'lire')) {
103$societestatic =
new Societe($db);
105$form =
new Form($db);
108if ($id > 0 || !empty($ref)) {
111 $tmp = explode(
'_', $ref);
115 $result =
$object->fetch($id, $objectid, $batch);
117 $parameters = array(
'id' => $id);
118 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'doActions', $parameters,
$object, $action);
125 $title = $langs->trans(
" ".$shortlabel.
" - ".$langs->trans(
126 $helpurl =
128 llxHeader(
'', $title, $helpurl,
'', 0, 0,
'mod-product page-stock-stats_commande_fournisseur');
132 $titre = $langs->trans(
137 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'formObjectOptions', $parameters,
$object, $action);
138 print $hookmanager->resPrint;
143 $linkback =
'<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.
146 if ($user->socid && !in_array(
'product', explode(
150 dol_banner_tab(
'id', $linkback, $shownav,
'batch', $morehtmlref);
152 print
'<div class="fichecenter">';
154 print
'<div class="underbanner clearboth"></div>';
155 print
'<table class="border centpercent tableforfield" width="100%">';
159 print
'<tr><td class="titlefield">'.$langs->trans(
160 $producttmp =
new Product($db);
161 $producttmp->fetch(
162 print $producttmp->getNomUrl(1,
" - ".$producttmp->label;
213 print
'<table class="border centpercent tableforfield" width="100%">';
220 print
'<div class="clearboth"></div>';
224 if ($showmessage && $nboflines > 1) {
225 print
'<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
"ClinkOnALinkOfColumn", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv(
226 } elseif ($user->hasRight(
'lire')) {
227 $sql =
"SELECT DISTINCT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_fournisseur,";
228 $sql .=
" cf.ref, cf.date_commande, cf.date_livraison as delivery_date, cf.fk_statut as statut, cf.rowid as facid,";
229 $sql .=
" cfd.rowid, SUM(cfdi.qty) as qty";
231 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
232 $sql .=
", sc.fk_soc, sc.fk_user ";
234 $sql .=
"societe as s";
235 $sql .=
"commande_fournisseur as cf ON (cf.fk_soc = s.rowid)";
236 $sql .=
"commande_fournisseurdet as cfd ON (cfd.fk_commande = cf.rowid)";
237 $sql .=
"receptiondet_batch as cfdi ON (cfdi.fk_elementdet = cfd.rowid)";
238 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
239 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
241 $sql .=
" WHERE cf.entity IN (".getEntity(
242 $sql .=
" AND cfdi.batch = '".($db->escape(
243 if (!empty($search_month)) {
244 $sql .=
' AND MONTH(cf.date_commande) IN ('.$db->sanitize($search_month).
246 if (!empty($search_year)) {
247 $sql .=
' AND YEAR(cf.date_commande) IN ('.$db->sanitize($search_year).
249 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
250 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
253 $sql .=
" AND cf.fk_soc = ".((int) $socid);
255 $sql .=
" GROUP BY cf.rowid";
256 $sql .= $db->order($sortfield, $sortorder);
259 $total_ht_pondere = 0;
263 $totalofrecords =
265 $result = $db->query($sql);
266 $totalofrecords = $db->num_rows($result);
269 $sql .= $db->plimit($limit + 1, $offset);
271 $result = $db->query($sql);
273 $num = $db->num_rows($result);
275 $option =
277 if ($limit > 0 && $limit !=
$conf->liste_limit) {
278 $option .=
'&limit='.((int) $limit);
280 if (!empty($search_month)) {
281 $option .=
string) ($search_month));
283 if (!empty($search_year)) {
284 $option .=
string) ($search_year));
287 print
'<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER [
'" name="search_form">'.
288 print
'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().
289 print
'<input type="hidden" name="sortfield" value="'.$sortfield.
290 print
'<input type="hidden" name="sortorder" value="'.$sortorder.
293 print_barre_liste($langs->trans(
"SuppliersOrders"), $page, $_SERVER[
"PHP_SELF"], $option, $sortfield, $sortorder,
'', $num, $totalofrecords,
'', 0,
'', $limit, 0, 0, 1);
296 $option .=
string) ($page));
299 print
'<div class="liste_titre liste_titre_bydiv centpercent">';
300 print
'<div class="divsearchfield">';
301 print $langs->trans(
' ('.$langs->trans(
') - ';
302 print $langs->trans(
':<input class="flat" type="text" size="4" name="search_month" value="'.$search_month.
'"> ';
303 print $langs->trans(
':'.$formother->selectyear($search_year ? $search_year : - 1,
'search_year', 1, 20, 5);
304 print
'<div style="vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block">';
305 print
'<input type="image" class="liste_titre" name="button_search" src="'.img_picto($langs->trans(
'', 0, 1).
'" value="'.
'" title="'.
306 print
'<input type="image" class="liste_titre" name="button_removefilter" src="'.img_picto($langs->trans(
'', 0, 1).
'" value="'.
'" title="'.
312 print
'<div class="div-table-responsive">';
313 print
'<table class="tagtable liste listwithfilterbefore" width="100%">';
314 print
'<tr class="liste_titre">';
317 print_liste_field_titre(
"SupplierCode", $_SERVER[
"", $option,
'', $sortfield, $sortorder);
318 print_liste_field_titre(
"OrderDate", $_SERVER[
"", $option,
'align="center"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
319 print_liste_field_titre(
"DateDeliveryPlanned", $_SERVER[
"", $option,
'align="center"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
320 print_liste_field_titre(
"Qty", $_SERVER[
"", $option,
'align="center"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
322 print_liste_field_titre(
"Status", $_SERVER[
"", $option,
'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
326 while ($i < min($num, $limit)) {
327 $objp = $db->fetch_object($result);
330 $objp->qty = -($objp->qty);
334 $total_qty += $objp->qty;
336 $commandefournisseurstatic->id = $objp->facid;
337 $commandefournisseurstatic->ref = $objp->ref;
338 $societestatic->fetch($objp->socid);
341 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
343 print $commandefournisseurstatic->getNomUrl(1);
345 print
346 print
347 print
'<td class="center">';
348 print
349 print
'<td class="center">';
350 print
351 print
'<td class="center">'.$objp->qty.
353 print
'<td align="right">'.$commandefournisseurstatic->LibStatut($objp->statut, 5).
358 print
'<tr class="liste_total">';
360 print
'<td class="left">'.$langs->trans(
362 print
'<td class="left">'.$langs->trans(
364 print
'<td colspan="2"></td>';
367 print
'<td class="center">'.$total_qty.
if( $user->socid > 0) if(! $user->hasRight('accounting', 'chartofaccount')) $object
if(!defined('NOREQUIRESOC')) if(!defined( 'NOREQUIRETRAN')) if(!defined('NOTOKENRENEWAL')) if(!defined( 'NOREQUIREMENU')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREHTML')) if(!defined( 'NOREQUIREAJAX')) llxHeader($head='', $title='', $help_url='', $target='', $disablejs=0, $disablehead=0, $arrayofjs='', $arrayofcss='', $morequerystring='', $morecssonbody='', $replacemainareaby='', $disablenofollow=0, $disablenoindex=0)
Empty header.
Class to manage predefined suppliers products.
Credit note invoice.
Class to manage products or services.
Class with list of lots and properties.
Class to manage third parties objects (customers, suppliers, prospects...)
setEventMessages($mesg, $mesgs, $style='mesgs', $messagekey='', $noduplicate=0, $attop=0)
Set event messages in dol_events session object.
print_barre_liste($title, $page, $file, $options='', $sortfield='', $sortorder='', $morehtmlcenter='', $num=-1, $totalnboflines='', $picto='generic', $pictoisfullpath=0, $morehtmlright='', $morecss='', $limit=-1, $selectlimitsuffix=0, $hidenavigation=0, $pagenavastextinput=0, $morehtmlrightbeforearrow='')
Print a title with navigation controls for pagination.
GETPOSTINT($paramname, $method=0)
Return the value of a $_GET or $_POST supervariable, converted into integer.
dol_get_fiche_head($links=array(), $active='', $title='', $notab=0, $picto='', $pictoisfullpath=0, $morehtmlright='', $morecss='', $limittoshow=0, $moretabssuffix='', $dragdropfile=0)
Show tabs of a record.
Return tab footer of a card.
getDolGlobalInt($key, $default=0)
Return a Dolibarr global constant int value.
dol_print_date($time, $format='', $tzoutput='auto', $outputlangs=null, $encodetooutput=false)
Output date in a string format according to outputlangs (or langs if not defined).
print_liste_field_titre($name, $file="", $field="", $begin="", $moreparam="", $moreattrib="", $sortfield="", $sortorder="", $prefix="", $tooltip="", $forcenowrapcolumntitle=0)
Show title line of an array.
GETPOST($paramname, $check='alphanohtml', $method=0, $filter=null, $options=null, $noreplace=0)
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable.
dol_print_error($db=null, $error='', $errors=null)
Displays error message system with all the information to facilitate the diagnosis and the escalation...
dol_trunc($string, $size=40, $trunc='right', $stringencoding='UTF-8', $nodot=0, $display=0)
Truncate a string to a particular length adding '…' if string larger than length.
getDolGlobalString($key, $default='')
Return a Dolibarr global constant string value.
dol_escape_htmltag($stringtoescape, $keepb=0, $keepn=0, $noescapetags='', $escapeonlyhtmltags=0, $cleanalsojavascript=0)
Returns text escaped for inclusion in HTML alt or title or value tags, or into values of HTML input f...
global $conf
The following vars must be defined: $type2label $form $conf, $lang, The following vars may also be de...
show_stats_for_batch($batch, $socid)
Show stats for product batch.
Prepare array with list of tabs.
accessforbidden($message='', $printheader=1, $printfooter=1, $showonlymessage=0, $params=null)
Show a message to say access is forbidden and stop program.