dolibarr 21.0.0-alpha
Module Partnership

Partnership module descriptor. More...


file  partnership_card.php
 Page to create/edit/view partnership.
file  modPartnership.class.php
 Description and activation file for module Partnership.
file  partnership_extrafields.php
 Page to setup extra fields of partnership.
file  setup.php
 Partnership setup page.
file  website.php
 File of main public page for partnership module.
file  api_partnerships.class.php
 File for API management of partnership.
file  partnership.class.php
 This file is a CRUD class file for Partnership (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  partnership_type.class.php
 File of class to manage partnership types.
file  partnershiputils.class.php
 Class with utilities.
file  partnership.lib.php
 Library files with common functions for Partnership.
file  partnership_agenda.php
 Tab of events on Partnership.
file  partnership_contact.php
 Tab for contacts linked to Partnership.
file  partnership_document.php
 Tab for documents linked to Partnership.
file  partnership_list.php
 List page for partnership.
file  partnership_note.php
 Tab for notes on Partnership.

Detailed Description

Partnership module descriptor.