dolibarr 21.0.0-alpha
Module Recruitment

Recruitment module descriptor. More...


file  modRecruitment.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module Recruitment.
file  index.php
 Public file to show on job.
file  view.php
 Public file to show on job.
file  candidature_extrafields.php
 Page to setup extra fields of Candidature.
file  jobposition_extrafields.php
 Page to setup extra fields of Candidature.
file  public_interface.php
 File of main public page for open job position.
file  setup.php
 Recruitment setup page.
file  setup_candidatures.php
 Recruitment setup page for candidatures.
file  recruitmentcandidature.class.php
 This file is a CRUD class file for RecruitmentCandidature (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  recruitmentjobposition.class.php
 This file is a CRUD class file for RecruitmentJobPosition (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt.modules.php
 File of class to build ODT documents for recruitmentjobpositions.
file  recruitment.lib.php
 Library files with common functions for Recruitment.
file  recruitment_recruitmentcandidature.lib.php
 Library files with common functions for RecruitmentCandidature.
file  recruitment_recruitmentjobposition.lib.php
 Library files with common functions for RecruitmentJobPosition.
file  recruitmentcandidature_agenda.php
 Page of RecruitmentCandidature events.
file  recruitmentcandidature_card.php
 Page to create/edit/view recruitmentcandidature.
file  recruitmentcandidature_document.php
 Tab for documents linked to RecruitmentCandidature.
file  recruitmentcandidature_list.php
 List page for recruitmentcandidature.
file  recruitmentcandidature_note.php
 Car with notes on RecruitmentCandidature.
file  recruitmentjobposition_agenda.php
 Page of RecruitmentJobPosition events.
file  recruitmentjobposition_applications.php
 Page to see/add applications of a job position.
file  recruitmentjobposition_card.php
 Page to create/edit/view recruitmentjobposition.
file  recruitmentjobposition_document.php
 Tab for documents linked to RecruitmentJobPosition.
file  recruitmentjobposition_list.php
 List page for recruitmentjobposition.
file  recruitmentjobposition_note.php
 Car with notes on RecruitmentJobPosition.

Detailed Description

Recruitment module descriptor.