35 dol_syslog(
"We regenerate the master.inc.php file");
39 $mastercontent =
40 $mastercontent .=
'// File generated to link to the master file - DO NOT MODIFY - It is just an include'.
41 $mastercontent .=
"if (! defined('USEDOLIBARRSERVER') && ! defined('USEDOLIBARREDITOR')) {\n";
42 $mastercontent .=
" if (! defined('USEEXTERNALSERVER')) define('USEEXTERNALSERVER', 1);\n";
43 $mastercontent .=
" require_once '".DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
44 $mastercontent .=
45 $mastercontent .=
46 $result = file_put_contents($filemaster, $mastercontent);
65 dol_syslog(
"dolSavePageAlias We regenerate the alias page filealias=".$filealias.
" and a wrapper into all language subdirectories");
67 $aliascontent =
68 $aliascontent .=
"// File generated to wrap the alias page - DO NOT MODIFY - It is just a wrapper to real page\n";
69 $aliascontent .=
'global $dolibarr_main_data_root;'.
70 $aliascontent .=
'if (empty($dolibarr_main_data_root)) require \'./page'.$objectpage->id.
'.tpl.php\'; ';
71 $aliascontent .=
'else require $dolibarr_main_data_root.\'/website/\'.$website->ref.\'/page'.$objectpage->id.
72 $aliascontent .=
73 $result = file_put_contents($filealias, $aliascontent);
74 if ($result ===
false) {
75 dol_syslog(
"Failed to write file ".$filealias, LOG_WARNING);
80 if ($objectpage->lang && in_array($objectpage->lang, explode(
$object->otherlang))) {
81 $dirname = dirname($filealias);
82 $filename = basename($filealias);
83 $filealiassub = $dirname.
85 dol_mkdir($dirname.
'/'.$objectpage->lang, DOL_DATA_ROOT);
87 $aliascontent =
88 $aliascontent .=
"// File generated to wrap the alias page - DO NOT MODIFY - It is just a wrapper to real page\n";
89 $aliascontent .=
'global $dolibarr_main_data_root;'.
90 $aliascontent .=
'if (empty($dolibarr_main_data_root)) require \'../page'.$objectpage->id.
'.tpl.php\'; ';
91 $aliascontent .=
'else require $dolibarr_main_data_root.\'/website/\'.$website->ref.\'/page'.$objectpage->id.
92 $aliascontent .=
93 $result = file_put_contents($filealiassub, $aliascontent);
94 if ($result ===
false) {
95 dol_syslog(
"Failed to write file ".$filealiassub, LOG_WARNING);
98 } elseif (empty($objectpage->lang) || !in_array($objectpage->lang, explode(
$object->otherlang))) {
101 $dirname = dirname($filealias);
102 $filename = basename($filealias);
103 foreach (explode(
$object->otherlang) as $sublang) {
105 if (empty(trim($sublang))) {
108 $filealiassub = $dirname.
110 $aliascontent =
111 $aliascontent .=
"// File generated to wrap the alias page - DO NOT MODIFY - It is just a wrapper to real page\n";
112 $aliascontent .=
'global $dolibarr_main_data_root;'.
113 $aliascontent .=
'if (empty($dolibarr_main_data_root)) require \'../page'.$objectpage->id.
'.tpl.php\'; ';
114 $aliascontent .=
'else require $dolibarr_main_data_root.\'/website/\'.$website->ref.\'/page'.$objectpage->id.
115 $aliascontent .=
118 $result = file_put_contents($filealiassub, $aliascontent);
119 if ($result ===
false) {
120 dol_syslog(
"Failed to write file ".$filealiassub, LOG_WARNING);
127 return ($result ?
true :
147 dol_syslog(
"dolSavePageContent We regenerate the tpl page filetpl=".$filetpl);
149 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
163 if ($objectpage->lang) {
164 $shortlangcode = substr($objectpage->lang, 0, 2);
166 if (empty($shortlangcode)) {
167 $shortlangcode = substr(
$object->lang, 0, 2);
170 if (!empty($objectpage->type_container) && in_array($objectpage->type_container, array(
'service'))) {
171 $originalcontentonly = 1;
175 if (!isset($originalcontentonly)) {
176 $tplcontent .=
"<?php // BEGIN PHP\n";
177 $tplcontent .=
'$websitekey=basename(__DIR__); if (empty($websitepagefile)) $websitepagefile=__FILE__;'.
178 $tplcontent .=
"if (! defined('USEDOLIBARRSERVER') && ! defined('USEDOLIBARREDITOR')) {\n";
179 $tplcontent .=
' $pathdepth = count(explode(\'/\', $_SERVER[\'SCRIPT_NAME\'])) - 2;'.
180 $tplcontent .=
' require_once ($pathdepth ? str_repeat(\'../\', $pathdepth) : \'./\').\'master.inc.php\';'.
181 $tplcontent .=
"} // Not already loaded\n";
182 $tplcontent .=
"require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/website.lib.php';\n";
183 $tplcontent .=
"require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/website.inc.php';\n";
184 $tplcontent .=
185 $tplcontent .=
"// END PHP ?>\n";
187 $tplcontent .=
"<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
189 $tplcontent .=
'<html'.($shortlangcode ?
' lang="'.$shortlangcode.
'"' :
190 $tplcontent .=
191 $tplcontent .=
'<title>'.dol_string_nohtmltag($objectpage->title, 0,
192 $tplcontent .=
'<meta charset="utf-8">'.
193 $tplcontent .=
'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />'.
194 $tplcontent .=
'<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />'.
195 $tplcontent .=
'<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">'.
196 $tplcontent .=
'<meta name="keywords" content="'.dol_string_nohtmltag($objectpage->keywords).
'" />'.
197 $tplcontent .=
'<meta name="title" content="'.dol_string_nohtmltag($objectpage->title, 0,
'" />'.
198 $tplcontent .=
'<meta name="description" content="'.dol_string_nohtmltag($objectpage->description, 0,
'" />'.
199 $tplcontent .=
'<meta name="generator" content="'.DOL_APPLICATION_TITLE.
' (https://www.dolibarr.org)" />'.
200 $tplcontent .=
'<meta name="dolibarr:pageid" content="'.dol_string_nohtmltag((
string) $objectpage->id).
'" />'.
203 if ($objectpage->id ==
$object->fk_default_home) {
204 $tplcontent .=
'<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png" />'.
209 $tplcontent .=
'<link rel="canonical" href="'.(($objectpage->id ==
$object->fk_default_home) ?
'/' : (($shortlangcode != substr(
$object->lang, 0, 2) ?
'/'.$shortlangcode :
'" />'.
214 $translationof = $objectpage->fk_page;
215 if ($translationof) {
217 $tmppage->fetch($translationof);
218 if ($tmppage->id > 0) {
219 $tmpshortlangcode =
220 if ($tmppage->lang) {
221 $tmpshortlangcode = preg_replace(
'', $tmppage->lang);
223 if (empty($tmpshortlangcode)) {
224 $tmpshortlangcode = preg_replace(
226 if ($tmpshortlangcode != $shortlangcode) {
227 $tplcontent .=
'<link rel="alternate" hreflang="'.$tmpshortlangcode.
'" href="<?php echo $website->virtualhost; ?>'.(
$object->fk_default_home == $tmppage->id ?
'/' : (($tmpshortlangcode != substr(
$object->lang, 0, 2)) ?
'/'.$tmpshortlangcode :
'" />'.
233 $sql =
"SELECT rowid as id, lang, pageurl from ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX.
'website_page where fk_page IN ('.$db->sanitize($objectpage->id.($translationof ?
", ".$translationof :
234 $resql = $db->query($sql);
236 $num_rows = $db->num_rows($resql);
238 while ($obj = $db->fetch_object($resql)) {
239 $tmpshortlangcode =
241 $tmpshortlangcode = preg_replace(
'', $obj->lang);
243 if ($tmpshortlangcode != $shortlangcode) {
244 $tplcontent .=
'<link rel="alternate" hreflang="'.$tmpshortlangcode.
'" href="<?php echo $website->virtualhost; ?>'.(
$object->fk_default_home == $obj->id ?
'/' : (($tmpshortlangcode != substr(
$object->lang, 0, 2) ?
'/'.$tmpshortlangcode :
'" />'.
253 $tplcontent .=
'<?php if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] == "'.(($object->fk_default_home == $objectpage->id) ?
'/' : (($shortlangcode != substr(
$object->lang, 0, 2)) ?
'/'.$shortlangcode :
'.php") { ?>'.
254 $tplcontent .=
'<link rel="alternate" hreflang="'.$shortlangcode.
'" href="<?php echo $website->virtualhost; ?>'.((
$object->fk_default_home == $objectpage->id) ?
'/' : (($shortlangcode != substr(
$object->lang, 0, 2)) ?
'/'.$shortlangcode :
'" />'.
256 $tplcontent .=
'<?php } ?>'.
259 $tplcontent .=
'<?php if ($website->use_manifest) { print \'<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json.php" />\'."\n"; } ?>'.
260 $tplcontent .=
'<!-- Include link to CSS file -->'.
262 $tplcontent .=
'<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles.css.php?website=<?php echo $websitekey; ?>" type="text/css" />'.
263 $tplcontent .=
'<!-- Include link to JS file -->'.
264 $tplcontent .=
'<script nonce="'.getNonce().
'" async src="/javascript.js.php?website=<?php echo $websitekey; ?>"></script>'.
266 $tplcontent .=
'<!-- Include HTML header from common file -->'.
267 $tplcontent .=
'<?php if (file_exists(DOL_DATA_ROOT."/website/".$websitekey."/htmlheader.html")) include DOL_DATA_ROOT."/website/".$websitekey."/htmlheader.html"; ?>'.
268 $tplcontent .=
'<!-- Include HTML header from page header block -->'.
269 $tplcontent .= preg_replace(
'', $objectpage->htmlheader).
270 $tplcontent .=
272 $tplcontent .=
'<!-- File generated by Dolibarr website module editor -->'.
273 $tplcontent .=
'<body id="bodywebsite" class="bodywebsite bodywebpage-'.$objectpage->ref.
274 $tplcontent .= $objectpage->content.
275 $tplcontent .=
276 $tplcontent .=
278 $tplcontent .=
'<?php // BEGIN PHP'.
279 $tplcontent .=
'$tmp = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();'.
280 if (strpos($objectpage->content,
'$__PAGE__TITLE__') !==
false) {
281 $tplcontent .=
'$tmp = preg_replace("/<title>.*?<\/title>/s", "<title>" . dol_escape_htmltag($__PAGE__TITLE__) . "</title>", $tmp);'.
282 $tplcontent .=
'$tmp = preg_replace("/<meta name=\"title\" content=\".*?\" \/>/s", "<meta name=\"title\" content=\"" . dol_string_nohtmltag($__PAGE__TITLE__) . "\" />", $tmp);';
284 if (strpos($objectpage->content,
'$__PAGE__KEYWORDS__') !==
false) {
285 $tplcontent .=
'$tmp = preg_replace("/<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\".*?\" \/>/s", "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" . dol_string_nohtmltag($__PAGE__KEYWORDS__) . "\" />", $tmp);';
287 if (strpos($objectpage->content,
'$__PAGE__DESC__') !==
false) {
288 $tplcontent .=
'$tmp = preg_replace("/<meta name=\"description\" content=\".*?\" \/>/s", "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" . dol_string_nohtmltag($__PAGE__DESC__) . "\" />", $tmp);';
290 $tplcontent .=
'dolWebsiteOutput($tmp, "html", '.$objectpage->id.
'); dolWebsiteIncrementCounter('.
', "'.$objectpage->type_container.
'", '.$objectpage->id.
291 $tplcontent .=
"// END PHP ?>\n";
293 $tplcontent .=
"<?php // BEGIN PHP\n";
294 $tplcontent .=
'$websitekey=basename(__DIR__); if (empty($websitepagefile)) $websitepagefile=__FILE__;'.
295 $tplcontent .=
"if (! defined('USEDOLIBARRSERVER') && ! defined('USEDOLIBARREDITOR')) {\n";
296 $tplcontent .=
' $pathdepth = count(explode(\'/\', $_SERVER[\'SCRIPT_NAME\'])) - 2;'.
297 $tplcontent .=
' require_once ($pathdepth ? str_repeat(\'../\', $pathdepth) : \'./\').\'master.inc.php\';'.
298 $tplcontent .=
"} // Not already loaded\n";
299 $tplcontent .=
"require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/website.lib.php';\n";
300 $tplcontent .=
"require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/website.inc.php';\n";
301 $tplcontent .=
"// END PHP ?>\n";
303 $tplcontent .= $objectpage->content;
307 $result = file_put_contents($filetpl, $tplcontent);
336 $indexcontent =
337 $indexcontent .=
"// BEGIN PHP File generated to provide an index.php as Home Page or alias redirector - DO NOT MODIFY - It is just a generated wrapper.\n";
338 $indexcontent .=
'$websitekey=basename(__DIR__); if (empty($websitepagefile)) $websitepagefile=__FILE__;'.
339 $indexcontent .=
"if (! defined('USEDOLIBARRSERVER') && ! defined('USEDOLIBARREDITOR')) { require_once './master.inc.php'; } // Load master if not already loaded\n";
340 $indexcontent .=
'if (!empty($_GET[\'pageref\']) || !empty($_GET[\'pagealiasalt\']) || !empty($_GET[\'pageid\'])) {'.
341 $indexcontent .=
" require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/website.lib.php';\n";
342 $indexcontent .=
" require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/website.inc.php';\n";
343 $indexcontent .=
' redirectToContainer($_GET[\'pageref\'], $_GET[\'pagealiasalt\'], $_GET[\'pageid\']);'.
344 $indexcontent .=
345 $indexcontent .=
"include_once './".basename($filetpl).
346 $indexcontent .=
'// END PHP ?>'.
348 $result1 = file_put_contents($fileindex, $indexcontent);
354 $objectpage->fetch(
357 if (empty($objectpage->lang) || !in_array($objectpage->lang, explode(
$object->otherlang))) {
359 $dirname = dirname($fileindex);
360 foreach (explode(
$object->otherlang) as $sublang) {
362 if (empty(trim($sublang))) {
365 $fileindexsub = $dirname.
369 $indexcontent =
370 $indexcontent .=
"// BEGIN PHP File generated to provide an index.php as Home Page or alias redirector - DO NOT MODIFY - It is just a generated wrapper.\n";
371 $indexcontent .=
'$websitekey=basename(__DIR__); if (empty($websitepagefile)) $websitepagefile=__FILE__;'.
372 $indexcontent .=
"if (! defined('USEDOLIBARRSERVER') && ! defined('USEDOLIBARREDITOR')) { require_once '".$relpath.
"/master.inc.php'; } // Load master if not already loaded\n";
373 $indexcontent .=
'if (!empty($_GET[\'pageref\']) || !empty($_GET[\'pagealiasalt\']) || !empty($_GET[\'pageid\'])) {'.
374 $indexcontent .=
" require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/website.lib.php';\n";
375 $indexcontent .=
" require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/website.inc.php';\n";
376 $indexcontent .=
' redirectToContainer($_GET[\'pageref\'], $_GET[\'pagealiasalt\'], $_GET[\'pageid\']);'.
377 $indexcontent .=
378 $indexcontent .=
"include_once '".$relpath.
379 $indexcontent .=
'// END PHP ?>'.
380 $result = file_put_contents($fileindexsub, $indexcontent);
381 if ($result ===
false) {
382 dol_syslog(
"Failed to write file ".$fileindexsub, LOG_WARNING);
395 $wrappercontent = file_get_contents(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
397 $result2 = file_put_contents($filewrapper, $wrappercontent);
403 return ($result1 && $result2);
416 global $pathofwebsite;
418 dol_syslog(
"Save html header into ".$filehtmlheader);
421 $result = file_put_contents($filehtmlheader, $htmlheadercontent);
436 global $pathofwebsite;
441 $result = file_put_contents($filecss, $csscontent);
456 global $pathofwebsite;
461 $result = file_put_contents($filejs, $jscontent);
476 global $pathofwebsite;
478 dol_syslog(
"Save robot file into ".$filerobot);
481 $result = file_put_contents($filerobot, $robotcontent);
496 global $pathofwebsite;
498 dol_syslog(
"Save htaccess file into ".$filehtaccess);
501 $result = file_put_contents($filehtaccess, $htaccess);
516 global $pathofwebsite;
518 dol_syslog(
"Save manifest.js.php file into ".$file);
521 $result = file_put_contents($file, $content);
536 global $pathofwebsite;
538 dol_syslog(
"Save README.md file into ".$file);
541 $result = file_put_contents($file, $content);
556 global $pathofwebsite;
561 $result = file_put_contents($file, $content);
575 global
$conf, $langs, $form, $user;
579 $dirthemes = array(
583 print
'<!-- For website template import -->'.
584 print
'<table class="noborder centpercent">';
587 print
'<tr class="liste_titre"><th class="titlefield">';
588 print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans(
"Templates"), $langs->trans(
' : '.implode(
", ", $dirthemes));
590 print
'<a href="'.$_SERVER[
'&importsite=1" rel="noopener noreferrer external">';
594 print
'<th class="right">';
595 $url =
596 print
'<a href="'.$url.
'" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer external">';
597 print
601 print
'<tr><td colspan="'.$colspan.
603 print
'<table class="nobordernopadding centpercent"><tr><td><div class="display-flex">';
605 if (count($dirthemes)) {
607 foreach ($dirthemes as $dir) {
608 $dirtheme = DOL_DATA_ROOT.$dir;
610 if (is_dir($dirtheme)) {
611 $handle = opendir($dirtheme);
612 if (is_resource($handle)) {
613 while (($subdir = readdir($handle)) !==
false) {
615 if (
"/".$subdir) && substr($subdir, 0, 1) !=
'.' && substr($subdir, 0, 3) !=
'CVS' && preg_match(
'/\.zip$/i', $subdir)) {
616 $subdirwithoutzip = preg_replace(
'', $subdir);
617 $subdirwithoutzipwithoutver = preg_replace(
'', $subdirwithoutzip);
620 if (
'MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL') < 2 && preg_match(
'/_dev$/i', $subdirwithoutzip)) {
623 if (
'MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL') < 1 && preg_match(
'/_exp$/i', $subdirwithoutzip)) {
627 print
'<div class="inline-block center flex-item" style="min-width: 250px; max-width: 400px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 20px; margin-left: 20px;">';
629 $templatedir = $dirtheme.
630 $file = $dirtheme.
631 $url = DOL_URL_ROOT.
633 if (!file_exists($file)) {
634 $url = DOL_URL_ROOT.
637 $originalimgfile = basename($file);
638 $entity =
639 $modulepart =
645 if (!empty($urladvanced)) {
646 $ret .=
'<a class="'.$urladvanced[
'" target="'.$urladvanced[
'" mime="'.$urladvanced[
'" href="'.$urladvanced[
648 $ret .=
'<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.
'&entity='.((int) $entity).
'&cache='.((int) $cache).
651 print
'<img class="img-skinthumb shadow" src="'.$url.
'" border="0" alt="'.$title.
'" title="'.$title.
'" style="margin-bottom: 5px;">';
658 if ($user->hasRight(
'delete')) {
659 print
' <a href="'.$_SERVER[
661 print
'<br><a href="'.$_SERVER[
'" class="button">'.$langs->trans(
667 print
'<div class="inline-block center flex-item" style="min-width: 250px; max-width: 400px;margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 20px; margin-left: 20px;"></div>';
668 print
'<div class="inline-block center flex-item" style="min-width: 250px; max-width: 400px;margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 20px; margin-left: 20px;"></div>';
669 print
'<div class="inline-block center flex-item" style="min-width: 250px; max-width: 400px;margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 20px; margin-left: 20px;"></div>';
670 print
'<div class="inline-block center flex-item" style="min-width: 250px; max-width: 400px;margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 20px; margin-left: 20px;"></div>';
671 print
'<div class="inline-block center flex-item" style="min-width: 250px; max-width: 400px;margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 20px; margin-left: 20px;"></div>';
676 print
'<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
679 print
698 global $langs, $user;
702 if (empty($phpfullcodestringold) && empty($phpfullcodestring)) {
707 if ($phpfullcodestringold != $phpfullcodestring) {
708 if (!$error && !$user->hasRight(
'writephp')) {
710 setEventMessages($langs->trans(
714 $phpfullcodestringnew = $phpfullcodestring;
719 $phpfullcodestring = preg_replace(
'__DOLLARCOOKIE__', $phpfullcodestring);
720 $phpfullcodestring = preg_replace(
'__DOLLARFILES__', $phpfullcodestring);
721 $phpfullcodestring = preg_replace(
'__DOLLARSESSION__', $phpfullcodestring);
722 $forbiddenphpstrings = array(
724 $forbiddenphpstrings = array(
727 $forbiddenphpstrings = array_merge($forbiddenphpstrings, array(
729 $forbiddenphpfunctions = array();
731 $forbiddenphpfunctions = array_merge($forbiddenphpfunctions, array(
732 $forbiddenphpfunctions = array_merge($forbiddenphpfunctions, array(
733 $forbiddenphpfunctions = array_merge($forbiddenphpfunctions, array(
736 $forbiddenphpfunctions = array_merge($forbiddenphpfunctions, array(
737 $forbiddenphpfunctions = array_merge($forbiddenphpfunctions, array(
738 $forbiddenphpfunctions = array_merge($forbiddenphpfunctions, array(
741 $forbiddenphpfunctions = array_merge($forbiddenphpfunctions, array(
742 $forbiddenphpfunctions = array_merge($forbiddenphpfunctions, array(
746 $forbiddenphpmethods = array(
748 foreach ($forbiddenphpstrings as $forbiddenphpstring) {
749 if (preg_match(
'/ims', $phpfullcodestring)) {
751 setEventMessages($langs->trans(
"DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction", $forbiddenphpstring),
763 foreach ($forbiddenphpfunctions as $forbiddenphpfunction) {
764 if (preg_match(
'\b/ims', $phpfullcodestring)) {
766 setEventMessages($langs->trans(
"DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction", $forbiddenphpfunction),
771 foreach ($forbiddenphpmethods as $forbiddenphpmethod) {
772 if (preg_match(
'/ims', $phpfullcodestring)) {
774 setEventMessages($langs->trans(
"DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction", $forbiddenphpmethod),
782 $forbiddenphpchars = array();
784 $forbiddenphpchars = array(
786 foreach ($forbiddenphpchars as $forbiddenphpchar) {
787 if (preg_match(
'/ims', $phpfullcodestring)) {
789 setEventMessages($langs->trans(
"DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction", $forbiddenphpchar),
797 if (preg_match(
'/\*\/\s*\(/ims', $phpfullcodestring)) {
799 setEventMessages($langs->trans(
"exec/*...*/ ('ls')"),
805 if (preg_match(
'/[}\]]\s*\(/ims', $phpfullcodestring)) {
807 setEventMessages($langs->trans(
813 if (preg_match(
'/\$[a-z0-9_\-\/\*\"]+\s*\(/ims', $phpfullcodestring)) {
815 setEventMessages($langs->trans(
822 if ($phpfullcodestringold != $phpfullcodestringnew) {
824 $dolibarrdataroot = preg_replace(
825 $allowimportsite =
826 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
827 if (
'/installmodules.lock')) {
828 $allowimportsite =
831 if (!$allowimportsite) {
836 $message = $langs->trans(
839 $message = $langs->trans(
"InstallModuleFromWebHasBeenDisabledByFile", $dolibarrdataroot.
if( $user->socid > 0) if(! $user->hasRight('accounting', 'chartofaccount')) $object
Return time of a file.
Return size of a file.
archiveOrBackupFile($srcfile, $max_versions=5, $archivedir='', $suffix="v", $moveorcopy='move')
Manage backup versions for a given file, ensuring only a maximum number of versions are kept.
dol_delete_file($file, $disableglob=0, $nophperrors=0, $nohook=0, $object=null, $allowdotdot=false, $indexdatabase=1, $nolog=0)
Remove a file or several files with a mask.
Return if path is a file.
setEventMessages($mesg, $mesgs, $style='mesgs', $messagekey='', $noduplicate=0, $attop=0)
Set event messages in dol_events session object.
img_picto($titlealt, $picto, $moreatt='', $pictoisfullpath=0, $srconly=0, $notitle=0, $alt='', $morecss='', $marginleftonlyshort=2)
Show picto whatever it's its name (generic function)
dolChmod($filepath, $newmask='')
Change mod of a file.
getDolGlobalInt($key, $default=0)
Return a Dolibarr global constant int value.
dol_print_date($time, $format='', $tzoutput='auto', $outputlangs=null, $encodetooutput=false)
Output date in a string format according to outputlangs (or langs if not defined).
Return the value of token currently saved into session with name 'newtoken'.
getAdvancedPreviewUrl($modulepart, $relativepath, $alldata=0, $param='')
Return URL we can use for advanced preview links.
dol_print_error($db=null, $error='', $errors=null)
Displays error message system with all the information to facilitate the diagnosis and the escalation...
getDolGlobalString($key, $default='')
Return a Dolibarr global constant string value.
dol_syslog($message, $level=LOG_INFO, $ident=0, $suffixinfilename='', $restricttologhandler='', $logcontext=null)
Write log message into outputs.
dol_mkdir($dir, $dataroot='', $newmask='')
Creation of a directory (this can create recursive subdir)
global $conf
The following vars must be defined: $type2label $form $conf, $lang, The following vars may also be de...
Save content of a page on disk.
showWebsiteTemplates(Website $website)
Show list of themes.
dolSaveLicense($file, $content)
Save content of a page on disk.
checkPHPCode(&$phpfullcodestringold, &$phpfullcodestring)
Check a new string containing only php code (including <php tag)
dolSaveHtmlHeader($filehtmlheader, $htmlheadercontent)
Save content of a page on disk.
dolSaveReadme($file, $content)
Save content of a page on disk.
dolSaveManifestJson($file, $content)
Save content of a page on disk.
dolSaveIndexPage($pathofwebsite, $fileindex, $filetpl, $filewrapper, $object=null)
Save content of the index.php and/or the wrapper.php page.
dolSavePageAlias($filealias, $object, $objectpage)
Save an alias page on disk (A page that include the reference page).
dolSaveHtaccessFile($filehtaccess, $htaccess)
Save content of a page on disk.
dolSaveJsFile($filejs, $jscontent)
Save content of a page on disk.
dolSavePageContent($filetpl, Website $object, WebsitePage $objectpage, $backupold=0)
Save content of a page on disk (page name is generally ID_of_page.php).
dolSaveCssFile($filecss, $csscontent)
Save content of a page on disk.
dolSaveRobotFile($filerobot, $robotcontent)
Save content of a page on disk.