207 global $theme_bordercolor, $theme_datacolor, $theme_bgcolor;
210 $this->bordercolor = array(235, 235, 224);
211 $this->datacolor = array(array(120, 130, 150), array(160, 160, 180), array(190, 190, 220));
212 $this->bgcolor = array(235, 235, 224);
215 if (!empty(
$conf->dol_optimize_smallscreen)) {
220 $color_file = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT .
'/theme/' .
$conf->theme .
221 if (is_readable($color_file)) {
223 if (isset($theme_bordercolor)) {
224 $this->bordercolor = $theme_bordercolor;
226 if (isset($theme_datacolor)) {
227 $this->datacolor = $theme_datacolor;
229 if (isset($theme_bgcolor)) {
230 $this->bgcolor = $theme_bgcolor;
235 $this->_library = $library;
236 if ($this->_library ==
'auto') {
882 dol_syslog(get_class($this) .
"::draw_jflot this->type=" . implode(
',', $this->
type) .
" this->MaxValue=" . $this->MaxValue);
884 if (empty($this->width) && empty($this->height)) {
885 print
'Error width or height not set';
891 if (is_array($this->data) && is_array($this->data[0])) {
892 $nblot = count($this->data[0]) - 1;
895 dol_syslog(
'Bad value for property ->data. Must be set by mydolgraph->SetData before calling mydolgrapgh->draw', LOG_WARNING);
903 while ($i < $nblot) {
905 $series[$i] =
"var d" . $i .
" = [];\n";
909 foreach ($this->data as $valarray) {
910 $legends[$x] = $valarray[0];
911 $values[$x] = (is_numeric($valarray[$i + 1]) ? $valarray[$i + 1] :
915 if (isset($this->
type[$firstlot]) && in_array($this->
type[$firstlot], array(
'polar'))) {
916 foreach ($values as $x => $y) {
918 $series[$i] .=
'd' . $i .
'.push({"label":"' .
dol_escape_js($legends[$x]) .
'", "data":' . $y .
'});' .
922 foreach ($values as $x => $y) {
924 $series[$i] .=
'd' . $i .
'.push([' . $x .
', ' . $y .
']);' .
934 $this->stringtoshow =
'<!-- Build using jflot -->' .
935 if (!empty($this->title)) {
936 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<div class="center dolgraphtitle' . (empty($this->cssprefix) ?
'' :
' dolgraphtitle' . $this->cssprefix) .
'">' . $this->title .
938 if (!empty($this->shownographyet)) {
939 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<div style="width:' . $this->width .
'px;height:' . $this->height .
'px;" class="nographyet"></div>';
940 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<div class="nographyettext margintoponly">' . $langs->trans(
"NotEnoughDataYet") .
945 $dolxaxisvertical =
946 if (count($this->data) > 20) {
947 $dolxaxisvertical =
949 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<div id="placeholder_' . $tag .
'" style="width:' . $this->width .
'px;height:' . $this->height .
'px;" class="dolgraph' . (empty($dolxaxisvertical) ?
'' :
' ' . $dolxaxisvertical) . (empty($this->cssprefix) ?
'' :
' dolgraph' . $this->cssprefix) .
' center"></div>' .
951 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<script nonce="'.getNonce().
'" id="' . $tag .
'">' .
952 $this->stringtoshow .=
'$(function () {' .
955 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<!-- No series of data -->' .
957 while ($i < $nblot) {
958 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<!-- Series ' . $i .
' -->' .
959 $this->stringtoshow .= $series[$i] .
963 $this->stringtoshow .=
966 if (isset($this->
type[$firstlot]) && in_array($this->
type[$firstlot], array(
'polar'))) {
967 $datacolor = array();
968 foreach ($this->datacolor as $val) {
969 if (is_array($val)) {
970 $datacolor[] =
"#" . sprintf(
"%02x%02x%02x", $val[0], $val[1], $val[2]);
972 $datacolor[] =
"#" . str_replace(array(
'', $val);
977 $showlegend = $this->showlegend;
978 $showpointvalue = $this->showpointvalue;
979 $showpercent = $this->showpercent;
981 $this->stringtoshow .=
982 function plotWithOptions_' . $tag .
'() {
983 $.plot($("#placeholder_' . $tag .
'"), d0,
989 ' . ($this->combine ?
991 threshold: ' . $this->combine .
996 formatter: function(label, series) {
997 var percent=Math.round(series.percent);
998 var number=series.data[0][1];
1000 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<span style="font-size:8pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:black;">';
1002 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<a style="color: #FFFFFF;" border="0" href="' . $urltemp .
1004 $this->stringtoshow .=
1005 $this->stringtoshow .= ($showlegend ? '' : 'label+\
' \'+');
1006 $this->stringtoshow .= ($showpointvalue ?
'number+' :
1007 $this->stringtoshow .= ($showpercent ?
'+percent+\'%\'+' :
1008 $this->stringtoshow .=
1010 $this->stringtoshow .=
1012 $this->stringtoshow .=
1027 if (count($datacolor)) {
1028 $this->stringtoshow .=
'colors: ' . json_encode($datacolor) .
1030 $this->stringtoshow .=
'legend: {show: ' . ($showlegend ?
'true' :
'false') .
', position: \'ne\' }
1037 $this->stringtoshow .=
1038 function showTooltip_' . $tag .
'(x, y, contents) {
1039 $(\'<div class="graph-tooltip-inner" id="tooltip_' . $tag .
'">\' + contents + \'</div>\').css({
1040 position: \'absolute\',
1044 border: \'1px solid #000\',
1046 \'background-color\': \'#000\',
1047 \'color\': \'#fff\',
1048 \'font-weight\': \'bold\',
1051 }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(100);
1054 var previousPoint = null;
1055 $("#placeholder_' . $tag .
'").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
1056 $("#x").text(pos.x.toFixed(2));
1057 $("#y").text(pos.y.toFixed(2));
1060 if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) {
1061 previousPoint = item.dataIndex;
1063 $("#tooltip").remove();
1064 /* console.log(item); */
1065 var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2);
1066 var y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
1067 var z = item.series.xaxis.ticks[item.dataIndex].label;
1069 if ($this->showpointvalue > 0) {
1070 $this->stringtoshow .=
1071 showTooltip_' . $tag .
'(item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + "<br>" + z + " => " + y);
1074 $this->stringtoshow .=
1078 $("#tooltip_' . $tag .
1079 previousPoint = null;
1084 $this->stringtoshow .=
'var stack = null, steps = false;' .
1086 $this->stringtoshow .=
'function plotWithOptions_' . $tag .
'() {' .
1087 $this->stringtoshow .=
'$.plot($("#placeholder_' . $tag .
'"), [ ' .
1089 while ($i < $nblot) {
1090 if ($i > $firstlot) {
1091 $this->stringtoshow .=
', ' .
1093 $color = sprintf(
"%02x%02x%02x", $this->datacolor[$i][0], $this->datacolor[$i][1], $this->datacolor[$i][2]);
1094 $this->stringtoshow .=
'{ ';
1095 if (!isset($this->
type[$i]) || $this->
type[$i] ==
'bars') {
1097 if ($i == $firstlot) {
1099 } elseif ($i == $firstlot + 1) {
1104 $this->stringtoshow .=
'bars: { lineWidth: 1, show: true, align: "' . $align .
'", barWidth: 0.45 }, ';
1106 $this->stringtoshow .=
'bars: { lineWidth: 1, show: true, align: "' . ($i == $firstlot ?
'center' :
'left') .
'", barWidth: 0.5 }, ';
1109 if (isset($this->
type[$i]) && ($this->
type[$i] ==
'lines' || $this->
type[$i] ==
'linesnopoint')) {
1110 $this->stringtoshow .=
'lines: { show: true, fill: false }, points: { show: ' . ($this->
type[$i] ==
'linesnopoint' ?
'false' :
'true') .
' }, ';
1112 $this->stringtoshow .=
'color: "#' . $color .
'", label: "' . (isset($this->Legend[$i]) ?
dol_escape_js($this->Legend[$i]) :
'') .
'", data: d' . $i .
' }';
1116 $this->stringtoshow .=
"\n" .
' ], { series: { shadowSize: 0, stack: stack, lines: { fill: false, steps: steps }, bars: { barWidth: 0.6, fillColor: { colors: [{opacity: 0.9 }, {opacity: 0.85}] }} }' .
1119 $this->stringtoshow .=
', xaxis: { ticks: [' .
1121 foreach ($this->data as $key => $valarray) {
1123 $this->stringtoshow .=
', ' .
1125 $this->stringtoshow .=
' [' . $x .
', "' . $valarray[0] .
1128 $this->stringtoshow .=
'] }' .
1131 $this->stringtoshow .=
', yaxis: { min: ' . $this->MinValue .
', max: ' . ($this->MaxValue) .
' }' .
1134 $color1 = sprintf(
"%02x%02x%02x", $this->bgcolorgrid[0], $this->bgcolorgrid[0], $this->bgcolorgrid[2]);
1135 $color2 = sprintf(
"%02x%02x%02x", $this->bgcolorgrid[0], $this->bgcolorgrid[1], $this->bgcolorgrid[2]);
1136 $this->stringtoshow .=
', grid: { hoverable: true, backgroundColor: { colors: ["#' . $color1 .
'", "#' . $color2 .
'"] }, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: \'#e6e6e6\', tickColor : \'#e6e6e6\' }' .
1137 $this->stringtoshow .=
'});' .
1138 $this->stringtoshow .=
'}' .
1141 $this->stringtoshow .=
'plotWithOptions_' . $tag .
'();' .
1142 $this->stringtoshow .=
'});' .
1143 $this->stringtoshow .=
'</script>' .
1169 dol_syslog(get_class($this) .
"::draw_chart this->type=" . implode(
',', $this->
type) .
" this->MaxValue=" . $this->MaxValue);
1171 if (empty($this->width) && empty($this->height)) {
1172 print
'Error width or height not set';
1176 $showlegend = $this->showlegend;
1181 if (is_array($this->data)) {
1182 foreach ($this->data as $valarray) {
1183 $nblot = max($nblot, count($valarray) - 1);
1188 dol_syslog(
'Bad value for property ->data. Must be set by mydolgraph->SetData before calling mydolgrapgh->draw', LOG_WARNING);
1195 '@phan-var-force array<int,array{stacknum:int,legend:string,legendwithgroup:string}> $arrayofgroupslegend';
1196 $arrayofgroupslegend = array();
1200 while ($i < $nblot) {
1206 foreach ($this->data as $valarray) {
1207 $legends[$x] = (array_key_exists(
'label', $valarray) ? $valarray[
'label'] : $valarray[0]);
1208 $array_of_ykeys = array_keys($valarray);
1210 $tmpykey = explode(
'_', (
string) ($array_of_ykeys[$i + ($alabelexists ? 1 : 0)]), 3);
1211 if (isset($tmpykey[2]) && (!empty($tmpykey[2]) || $tmpykey[2] ==
'0')) {
1212 $tmpvalue = (array_key_exists(
'y_' . $tmpykey[1] .
'_' . $tmpykey[2], $valarray) ? $valarray[
'y_' . $tmpykey[1] .
'_' . $tmpykey[2]] : $valarray[$i + 1]);
1213 $values[$x] = (is_numeric($tmpvalue) ? $tmpvalue :
1214 $arrayofgroupslegend[$i] = array(
1215 'stacknum' => (
int) $tmpykey[1],
1216 'legend' => $this->Legend[$tmpykey[1]] ??
1217 'legendwithgroup' => ($this->Legend[$tmpykey[1]] ??
'') .
' - ' . $tmpykey[2]
1220 $tmpvalue = (array_key_exists(
'y_' . $i, $valarray) ? $valarray[
'y_' . $i] : $valarray[$i + 1]);
1222 $values[$x] = (is_numeric($tmpvalue) ? $tmpvalue :
1228 foreach ($values as $x => $y) {
1230 $series[$i] .= ($j > 0 ?
", " :
"") . $y;
1232 $series[$i] .= ($j > 0 ?
", " :
"") .
1245 $this->stringtoshow =
'<!-- Build using chart -->' .
1246 if (!empty($this->title)) {
1247 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<div class="center dolgraphtitle' . (empty($this->cssprefix) ?
'' :
' dolgraphtitle' . $this->cssprefix) .
'">' . $this->title .
1249 if (!empty($this->shownographyet)) {
1250 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<div style="width:' . $this->width . (strpos($this->width,
'%') > 0 ?
'' :
'px') .
'; height:' . $this->height .
'px;" class="nographyet"></div>';
1251 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<div class="nographyettext margintoponly">' . $langs->trans(
"NotEnoughDataYet") .
1256 $dolxaxisvertical =
1257 if (count($this->data) > 20) {
1258 $dolxaxisvertical =
1261 $cssfordiv =
1262 if (isset($this->
type[$firstlot])) {
1263 $cssfordiv .=
' dolgraphchar' . $this->
1265 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<div id="placeholder_'.$tag.
'" style="min-height: '.$this->height.(strpos((
string) $this->height,
'%') > 0 ?
'' :
'; max-height: '.(strpos((
string) $this->height,
'%') > 0 ? $this->height : ((int) $this->height + 100) .
'; width:'.$this->width.(strpos((
string) $this->width,
'%') > 0 ?
'' :
';" class="'.$cssfordiv.
' dolgraph'.(empty($dolxaxisvertical) ?
'' :
' '.$dolxaxisvertical).(empty($this->cssprefix) ?
'' :
' dolgraph'.$this->cssprefix).
' center">'.
1266 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<canvas id="canvas_'.$tag.
1268 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<script nonce="'.getNonce().
'" id="' . $tag .
'">' .
1271 $this->stringtoshow .=
'<!-- No series of data -->';
1273 while ($i < $nblot) {
1279 $this->stringtoshow .=
1282 if (isset($this->
type[$firstlot]) && (in_array($this->
type[$firstlot], array(
'piesemicircle')))) {
1283 $type = $this->
1285 $this->stringtoshow .=
'var options = { maintainAspectRatio: false, aspectRatio: 2.5, ';
1288 $legendMaxLines = 0;
1291 if (empty($showlegend)) {
1292 $this->stringtoshow .=
'legend: { display: false }, ';
1294 $this->stringtoshow .=
'legend: { labels: { boxWidth: 15 }, position: \'' . ($showlegend == 2 ?
'right' :
'top') .
1295 if (!empty($legendMaxLines)) {
1296 $this->stringtoshow .=
', maxLines: ' . $legendMaxLines;
1298 $this->stringtoshow .=
' }, ' .
1302 $this->stringtoshow .=
'plugins: { ';
1303 if (empty($showlegend)) {
1304 $this->stringtoshow .=
'legend: { display: false }, ';
1306 $this->stringtoshow .=
'legend: { labels: { boxWidth: 15 }, position: \'' . ($showlegend == 2 ?
'right' :
'top') .
1307 if (!empty($legendMaxLines)) {
1308 $this->stringtoshow .=
', maxLines: ' . $legendMaxLines;
1310 $this->stringtoshow .=
' }, ' .
1312 $this->stringtoshow .=
' }, ' .
1315 if ($this->
type[$firstlot] ==
'piesemicircle') {
1316 $this->stringtoshow .=
'circumference: Math.PI,' .
1317 $this->stringtoshow .=
'rotation: -Math.PI,' .
1319 $this->stringtoshow .=
'elements: { arc: {' .
1321 $this->stringtoshow .=
'backgroundColor: [';
1323 $foundnegativecolor = 0;
1324 foreach ($legends as $val) {
1326 $this->stringtoshow .=
', ' .
1328 if (is_array($this->datacolor[$i])) {
1329 $color =
'rgb(' . $this->datacolor[$i][0] .
', ' . $this->datacolor[$i][1] .
', ' . $this->datacolor[$i][2] .
1331 $tmp = str_replace(
'', $this->datacolor[$i]);
1332 if (strpos($tmp,
'-') !==
false) {
1333 $foundnegativecolor++;
1334 $color =
1336 $color =
"#" . $tmp;
1339 $this->stringtoshow .=
"'" . $color .
1342 $this->stringtoshow .=
'], ' .
1344 if ($foundnegativecolor) {
1345 $this->stringtoshow .=
'borderColor: [';
1347 foreach ($legends as $val) {
1349 $this->stringtoshow .=
', ' .
1351 if ($this->datacolor !==
null) {
1352 $datacolor_item = $this->datacolor[$i];
1354 $datacolor_item =
1357 if (is_array($datacolor_item) || $datacolor_item ===
null) {
1360 $tmpcolor = str_replace(
'', $datacolor_item);
1361 if (strpos($tmpcolor,
'-') !==
false) {
1362 $color =
'#' . str_replace(
'', $tmpcolor);
1367 $this->stringtoshow .= ($color ==
'null' ?
"'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)'" :
"'" . $color .
1370 $this->stringtoshow .=
1372 $this->stringtoshow .=
'} } };' .
1374 $this->stringtoshow .=
1375 var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas_' . $tag .
1376 var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
1377 // The type of chart we want to create
1378 type: \'' . (in_array($type, array(
'piesemicircle')) ?
'doughnut' :
'polarArea') .
1385 foreach ($legends as $val) { // Loop on each series
1387 $this->stringtoshow .= ',
1389 $this->stringtoshow .= "'" . dol_escape_js(dol_trunc($val, 25)) . "'"; // Lower than 25 make some important label (that we can't shorten) to be truncated
1393 $this->stringtoshow .=
1396 while ($i < $nblot) {
1397 $color =
'rgb(' . $this->datacolor[$i][0] .
', ' . $this->datacolor[$i][1] .
', ' . $this->datacolor[$i][2] .
1400 $this->stringtoshow .=
', ' .
1402 $this->stringtoshow .=
'{' .
1405 $this->stringtoshow .=
' data: [' . $series[$i] .
1406 $this->stringtoshow .=
'}' .
1409 $this->stringtoshow .=
']' .
1410 $this->stringtoshow .=
'}' .
1411 $this->stringtoshow .=
'});' .
1417 if (isset($this->
type[$firstlot]) && $this->
type[$firstlot] ==
'horizontalbars') {
1418 $xaxis =
"indexAxis: 'y', ";
1420 if (isset($this->
type[$firstlot]) && ($this->
type[$firstlot] ==
'lines' || $this->
type[$firstlot] ==
'linesnopoint')) {
1425 $this->stringtoshow .=
'var options = { maintainAspectRatio: false, aspectRatio: 2.5, ';
1426 $this->stringtoshow .= $xaxis;
1427 if ($this->showpointvalue == 2) {
1428 $this->stringtoshow .=
'interaction: { intersect: true, mode: \'index\'}, ';
1441 $this->stringtoshow .=
'plugins: { '.
1442 if (empty($showlegend)) {
1443 $this->stringtoshow .=
'legend: { display: false }, '.
1445 $this->stringtoshow .=
'legend: { maxWidth: '.round(intval($this->width) / 2).
', labels: { boxWidth: 15 }, position: \'' . (($showlegend && $showlegend == 2) ?
'right' :
'top') .
'\' },
1447 if (is_array($this->tooltipsLabels) || is_array($this->tooltipsTitles)) {
1448 $this->stringtoshow .= 'tooltip: { mode: \
1450 if (is_array($this->tooltipsTitles)) {
1451 $this->stringtoshow .=
1452 title: function(tooltipItem, data) {
1453 var tooltipsTitle ='.json_encode($this->tooltipsTitles).
1454 return tooltipsTitle[tooltipItem[0].datasetIndex];
1457 if (is_array($this->tooltipsLabels)) {
1458 $this->stringtoshow .=
'label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
1459 var tooltipslabels ='.json_encode($this->tooltipsLabels).
1460 return tooltipslabels[tooltipItem.datasetIndex]
1463 $this->stringtoshow .=
1465 $this->stringtoshow .=
"}, \n";
1487 if (is_array($this->tooltipsLabels) || is_array($this->tooltipsTitles)) {
1488 $this->stringtoshow .=
'tooltips: { mode: \'nearest\',
1490 if (is_array($this->tooltipsTitles)) {
1491 $this->stringtoshow .=
1492 title: function(tooltipItem, data) {
1493 var tooltipsTitle ='.json_encode($this->tooltipsTitles).
1494 return tooltipsTitle[tooltipItem[0].datasetIndex];
1497 if (is_array($this->tooltipsLabels)) {
1498 $this->stringtoshow .=
'label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
1499 var tooltipslabels ='.json_encode($this->tooltipsLabels).
1500 return tooltipslabels[tooltipItem.datasetIndex]
1503 $this->stringtoshow .=
1505 $this->stringtoshow .=
1506 $this->stringtoshow .=
1507 var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas_' . $tag .
1508 var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
1509 // The type of chart we want to create
1510 type: \'' . $type .
1517 foreach ($legends as $val) { // Loop on each series
1519 $this->stringtoshow .= ',
1521 $this->stringtoshow .= "'" . dol_escape_js(dol_trunc($val, 32)) . "'";
1525 //var_dump($arrayofgroupslegend);
1527 $this->stringtoshow .= '],
1530 global $theme_datacolor;
1531 '@phan-var-force array{0:array{0:int,1:int,2:
int}} $theme_datacolor
1532 //var_dump($arrayofgroupslegend);
1537 while ($i < $nblot) { // Loop on each series
1538 $foundnegativecolor = 0;
1539 $usecolorvariantforgroupby = 0;
1540 // We used a 'group by
' and we have too many colors so we generated color variants per
1541 if (!empty($arrayofgroupslegend) && is_array($arrayofgroupslegend[$i]) && count($arrayofgroupslegend[$i]) > 0) { // If we used a group by.
1542 $nbofcolorneeds = count($arrayofgroupslegend);
1543 $nbofcolorsavailable = count($theme_datacolor);
1544 if ($nbofcolorneeds > $nbofcolorsavailable) {
1545 $usecolorvariantforgroupby = 1;
1548 $textoflegend = $arrayofgroupslegend[$i]['legendwithgroup
1550 $textoflegend = !empty($this->Legend[$i]) ? $this->Legend[$i] : '';
1553 if ($usecolorvariantforgroupby) {
1554 $idx = $arrayofgroupslegend[$i]['stacknum
1556 $newcolor = $this->datacolor[$idx];
1557 // If we change the stack
1558 if ($oldstacknum == -1 || $idx != $oldstacknum) {
1562 //var_dump($iinstack);
1564 // Change color with offset of $iinstack
1565 //var_dump($newcolor);
1566 if ($iinstack % 2) { // We increase aggressiveness of reference color for color 2, 4, 6, ...
1567 $ratio = min(95, 10 + 10 * $iinstack); // step of 20
1568 $brightnessratio = min(90, 5 + 5 * $iinstack); // step of 10
1569 } else { // We decrease aggressiveness of reference color for color 3, 5, 7, ..
1570 $ratio = max(-100, -15 * $iinstack + 10); // step of -20
1571 $brightnessratio = min(90, 10 * $iinstack); // step of 20
1573 //var_dump('Color
'.($iinstack+1).' :
'.$ratio.' '.$brightnessratio);
1575 $newcolor = array_values(colorHexToRgb(colorAgressiveness(colorArrayToHex($newcolor), $ratio, $brightnessratio), false, true));
1577 $oldstacknum = $arrayofgroupslegend[$i]['stacknum
1579 $color = 'rgb(
' . $newcolor[0] . ',
' . $newcolor[1] . ',
' . $newcolor[2] . ', 0.9)
1580 $bordercolor = 'rgb(
' . $newcolor[0] . ',
' . $newcolor[1] . ',
' . $newcolor[2] . ')
1581 } else { // We do not use a 'group by
1582 if (!empty($this->datacolor[$i])) {
1583 if (is_array($this->datacolor[$i])) {
1584 $color = 'rgb(
' . $this->datacolor[$i][0] . ',
' . $this->datacolor[$i][1] . ',
' . $this->datacolor[$i][2] . ', 0.9)
1586 $color = $this->datacolor[$i];
1589 // else: $color will be undefined
1590 if (!empty($this->bordercolor[$i]) && is_array($this->bordercolor[$i])) {
1591 $bordercolor = 'rgb(
' . $this->bordercolor[$i][0] . ',
' . $this->bordercolor[$i][1] . ',
' . $this->bordercolor[$i][2] . ', 0.9)
1593 if ($type != 'horizontalBar
') {
1594 $bordercolor = $color;
1596 $bordercolor = $this->bordercolor[$i];
1600 // For negative colors, we invert border and background
1601 $tmp = str_replace('#
', '', $color);
1602 if (strpos($tmp, '-
') !== false) {
1603 $foundnegativecolor++;
1604 $bordercolor = str_replace('-
', '', $color);
1605 $color = '#FFFFFF
'; // If $val is '-123
1609 $this->stringtoshow .= ',
1611 $this->stringtoshow .= "\n";
1612 $this->stringtoshow .= '{
1613 $this->stringtoshow .= 'dolibarrinfo: \
'y_' . $i .
1615 $this->stringtoshow .= 'pointStyle: \
'' . ((!empty($this->
type[$i]) && $this->
type[$i] ==
'linesnopoint') ?
'line' :
'circle') .
1616 $this->stringtoshow .= 'fill:
' . ($type == 'bar
' ? 'true' : 'false') . ',
1617 if ($type == 'bar
' || $type == 'horizontalBar
') {
1618 $this->stringtoshow .= 'borderWidth: \
1620 $this->stringtoshow .= 'borderColor: \
'' . $bordercolor .
1621 $this->stringtoshow .= 'borderSkipped: \
'' . $this->borderskip .
1622 $this->stringtoshow .= 'backgroundColor: \
'' . $color .
1623 if (!empty($arrayofgroupslegend) && !empty($arrayofgroupslegend[$i])) {
1624 $this->stringtoshow .= 'stack: \
'' . $arrayofgroupslegend[$i][
'stacknum'] .
1626 $this->stringtoshow .= 'data: [
1628 $this->stringtoshow .= $this->mirrorGraphValues ? '[-
' . $series[$i] . ',
' . $series[$i] . ']
' : $series[$i];
1629 $this->stringtoshow .= ']
1630 $this->stringtoshow .= '}
' . "\n";
1635 $this->stringtoshow .= ']
' . "\n";
1636 $this->stringtoshow .= '}
' . "\n";
1637 $this->stringtoshow .= '});
' . "\n";
1640 $this->stringtoshow .= '</script>
' . "\n";