30require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
31require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
32require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
33require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
46$action =
50$optioncss =
52$sortfield =
53$sortorder =
55if (empty($page) || $page < 0 ||
'alpha') ||
'alpha')) {
59$offset = $limit * $page;
64 $sortfield =
69if (!$user->hasRight(
"read")) {
78if ($action ==
'builddoc' && $user->hasRight(
"read")) {
79 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
82 $result = $cat->write_file(
null, $langs);
97$sql =
"SELECT count(*) as cc,";
98$sql .=
" date_format(a.datep, '%m/%Y') as df,";
99$sql .=
" date_format(a.datep, '%m') as month,";
100$sql .=
" date_format(a.datep, '%Y') as year";
101$sql .=
"actioncomm as a,";
102$sql .=
"user as u";
103$sql .=
" WHERE a.fk_user_author = u.rowid";
104$sql .=
' AND a.entity IN ('.getEntity(
106$sql .=
" GROUP BY year, month, df";
107$sql .=
" ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, df DESC";
109$nbtotalofrecords =
111 $result = $db->query($sql);
112 $nbtotalofrecords = $db->num_rows($result);
113 if (($page * $limit) > $nbtotalofrecords) {
119$sql .= $db->plimit($limit + 1, $offset);
123$resql = $db->query($sql);
125 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
128 if ($limit > 0 && $limit !=
$conf->liste_limit) {
129 $param .=
132 print
'<form method="POST" id="searchFormList" action="'.$_SERVER[
133 if ($optioncss !=
'') {
134 print
'<input type="hidden" name="optioncss" value="'.$optioncss.
136 print
'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().
137 print
'<input type="hidden" name="formfilteraction" id="formfilteraction" value="list">';
138 print
'<input type="hidden" name="action" value="list">';
139 print
'<input type="hidden" name="sortfield" value="'.$sortfield.
140 print
'<input type="hidden" name="sortorder" value="'.$sortorder.
143 print_barre_liste($langs->trans(
"EventReports"), $page, $_SERVER[
"PHP_SELF"], $param, $sortfield, $sortorder,
'', $num, $nbtotalofrecords,
'title_agenda', 0,
'', $limit, 0, 0, 1);
148 print
'<div class="div-table-responsive">';
149 print
'<table class="tagtable liste'.($moreforfilter ?
" listwithfilterbefore" :
151 print
'<tr class="liste_titre">';
152 print
153 print
'<td class="center">'.$langs->trans(
154 print
'<td class="center">'.$langs->trans(
155 print
156 print
'<td class="center">'.$langs->trans(
157 print
'<td class="center">'.$langs->trans(
160 while ($i < min($num, $limit)) {
161 $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
164 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
167 print
170 print
'<td class="center">'.$obj->cc.
173 print
'<td class="center">';
174 print
'<a class="reposition" href="'.$_SERVER[
'&page='.((int) $page).
'&month='.((int) $obj->month).
'&year='.((int) $obj->year).
177 $name =
178 $relativepath = $name;
179 $file =
180 $modulepart =
181 $documenturl = DOL_URL_ROOT.
182 if (isset(
$conf->global->DOL_URL_ROOT_DOCUMENT_PHP)) {
186 if (file_exists($file)) {
187 print
'<td class="tdoverflowmax300">';
190 $filearray = array(
'name' => basename($file),
'fullname' => $file,
'type' =>
194 $out .=
'<a href="'.$documenturl.
'&file='.urlencode($relativepath).($param ?
'&'.$param :
196 $out .=
' target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">';
197 $out .=
"name"], $langs->trans(
': '.$filearray[
198 $out .= $filearray[
200 $out .= $formfile->showPreview($filearray, $modulepart, $relativepath, 0, $param);
204 print
'<td class="center">'.dol_print_date(
205 print
'<td class="center">'.dol_print_size(
207 print
'<td> </td>';
208 print
'<td> </td>';
209 print
'<td> </td>';
llxFooter($comment='', $zone='private', $disabledoutputofmessages=0)
Empty footer.
if(!defined('NOREQUIRESOC')) if(!defined( 'NOREQUIRETRAN')) if(!defined('NOTOKENRENEWAL')) if(!defined( 'NOREQUIREMENU')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREHTML')) if(!defined( 'NOREQUIREAJAX')) llxHeader($head='', $title='', $help_url='', $target='', $disablejs=0, $disablehead=0, $arrayofjs='', $arrayofcss='', $morequerystring='', $morecssonbody='', $replacemainareaby='', $disablenofollow=0, $disablenoindex=0)
Empty header.
Class to generate event report.
Return time of a file.
Return size of a file.
setEventMessages($mesg, $mesgs, $style='mesgs', $messagekey='', $noduplicate=0, $attop=0)
Set event messages in dol_events session object.
print_barre_liste($title, $page, $file, $options='', $sortfield='', $sortorder='', $morehtmlcenter='', $num=-1, $totalnboflines='', $picto='generic', $pictoisfullpath=0, $morehtmlright='', $morecss='', $limit=-1, $selectlimitsuffix=0, $hidenavigation=0, $pagenavastextinput=0, $morehtmlrightbeforearrow='')
Print a title with navigation controls for pagination.
dol_mimetype($file, $default='application/octet-stream', $mode=0)
Return MIME type of a file from its name with extension.
img_picto($titlealt, $picto, $moreatt='', $pictoisfullpath=0, $srconly=0, $notitle=0, $alt='', $morecss='', $marginleftonlyshort=2)
Show picto whatever it's its name (generic function)
GETPOSTINT($paramname, $method=0)
Return the value of a $_GET or $_POST supervariable, converted into integer.
img_mime($file, $titlealt='', $morecss='')
Show MIME img of a file.
getDolGlobalInt($key, $default=0)
Return a Dolibarr global constant int value.
Return the value of token currently saved into session with name 'newtoken'.
GETPOST($paramname, $check='alphanohtml', $method=0, $filter=null, $options=null, $noreplace=0)
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable.
dol_print_error($db=null, $error='', $errors=null)
Displays error message system with all the information to facilitate the diagnosis and the escalation...
getDolGlobalString($key, $default='')
Return a Dolibarr global constant string value.
dol_syslog($message, $level=LOG_INFO, $ident=0, $suffixinfilename='', $restricttologhandler='', $logcontext=null)
Write log message into outputs.
global $conf
The following vars must be defined: $type2label $form $conf, $lang, The following vars may also be de...
accessforbidden($message='', $printheader=1, $printfooter=1, $showonlymessage=0, $params=null)
Show a message to say access is forbidden and stop program.