dolibarr 21.0.0-alpha
Translate Class Reference

Class to manage translations. More...

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($dir, $conf)
 setDefaultLang ($srclang='en_US')
 Set accessor for this->defaultlang.
 getDefaultLang ($mode=0)
 Return active language code for current user It's an accessor for this->defaultlang.
 loadLangs ($domains)
 Load translation files.
 load ($domain, $alt=0, $stopafterdirection=0, $forcelangdir='', $loadfromfileonly=0, $forceloadifalreadynotfound=0, &$tabtranslatedomain=[], $langkey='')
 Load translation key-value for a particular file, into a memory array.
 loadFromDatabase ($db)
 Load translation key-value from database into a memory array.
 isLoaded ($domain)
 Get information with result of loading data for domain.
 trans ($key, $param1='', $param2='', $param3='', $param4='', $maxsize=0)
 Return text translated of text received as parameter (and encode it into HTML) If there is no match for this text, we look in alternative file and if still not found, it is returned as it is.
 transnoentities ($key, $param1='', $param2='', $param3='', $param4='', $param5='')
 Return translated value of a text string If there is no match for this text, we look in alternative file and if still not found it is returned as is.
 transnoentitiesnoconv ($key, $param1='', $param2='', $param3='', $param4='', $param5='')
 Return translated value of a text string If there is no match for this text, we look in alternative file and if still not found, it is returned as is.
 transcountry ($str, $countrycode)
 Return translation of a key depending on country.
 transcountrynoentities ($str, $countrycode)
 Retourne la version traduite du texte passe en parameter complete du code pays.
 convToOutputCharset ($str, $pagecodefrom='UTF-8')
 Convert a string into output charset (this->charset_output that should be defined to conf->file->character_set_client)
 get_available_languages ($langdir=DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT, $maxlength=0, $usecode=0, $mainlangonly=0)
 Return list of all available languages.
 file_exists ($filename, $searchalt=0)
 Return if a filename $filename exists for current language (or alternate language)
 getLabelFromNumber ($number, $isamount='')
 Return full text translated to language label for a key.
 getLabelFromKey ($db, $key, $tablename, $fieldkey, $fieldlabel, $keyforselect='', $filteronentity=0)
 Return a label for a key.
 getCurrencyAmount ($currency_code, $amount)
 Return a currency code into its symbol.
 getCurrencySymbol ($currency_code, $forceloadall=0)
 Return a currency code into its symbol.
 loadCacheCurrencies ($currency_code)
 Load into the cache this->cache_currencies, all currencies.
 get_translations_for_substitutions ()
 Return an array with content of all loaded translation keys (found into this->tab_translate) so we get a substitution array we can use for substitutions (for mail or ODT generation for example)

Private Member Functions

 getTradFromKey ($key)
 Return translated value of key for special keys ("Currency...", "Civility...", ...).

Detailed Description

Class to manage translations.

Definition at line 31 of file translate.class.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Translate::__construct ( $dir,
$conf )


string$dirForce directory that contains /langs subdirectory (value is sometimes '..' like into install/* pages or support/* pages). Use '' by default.
Conf$confObject with Dolibarr configuration

Definition at line 103 of file translate.class.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ convToOutputCharset()

Translate::convToOutputCharset ( $str,
$pagecodefrom = 'UTF-8' )

Convert a string into output charset (this->charset_output that should be defined to conf->file->character_set_client)

string$strString to convert
string$pagecodefromPage code of src string
string Converted string

Definition at line 848 of file translate.class.php.

Referenced by transnoentities().

◆ file_exists()

Translate::file_exists ( $filename,
$searchalt = 0 )

Return if a filename $filename exists for current language (or alternate language)

string$filenameLanguage filename to search
integer$searchaltSearch also alternate language file
boolean true if exists and readable

Definition at line 950 of file translate.class.php.

References dol_osencode().

Referenced by getLabelFromNumber().

◆ get_available_languages()

Translate::get_available_languages ( $langdir = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT,
$maxlength = 0,
$usecode = 0,
$mainlangonly = 0 )

Return list of all available languages.

string$langdirDirectory to scan
integer$maxlengthMax length for each value in combo box (will be truncated)
int$usecode1=Show code instead of country name for language variant, 2=Show only code
int$mainlangonly1=Show only main languages ('fr_FR' no' fr_BE', 'es_ES' not 'es_MX', ...)
array List of languages

Definition at line 871 of file translate.class.php.

References dol_trunc(), getDolGlobalString(), load(), and trans().

◆ get_translations_for_substitutions()

Translate::get_translations_for_substitutions ( )

Return an array with content of all loaded translation keys (found into this->tab_translate) so we get a substitution array we can use for substitutions (for mail or ODT generation for example)

array Array of translation keys lang_key => string_translation_loaded

Definition at line 1197 of file translate.class.php.

◆ getCurrencyAmount()

Translate::getCurrencyAmount ( $currency_code,
$amount )

Return a currency code into its symbol.

string$currency_codeCurrency Code
string$amountIf not '', show currency + amount according to langs ($10, 10€).
string Amount + Currency symbol encoded into UTF8
Use method price to output a price
See also

Definition at line 1091 of file translate.class.php.

References getCurrencySymbol().

◆ getCurrencySymbol()

Translate::getCurrencySymbol ( $currency_code,
$forceloadall = 0 )

Return a currency code into its symbol.

If mb_convert_encoding is not available, return currency code.

string$currency_codeCurrency code
integer$forceloadall1=Force to load all currencies into cache. We know we need to use all of them. By default read and cache only the requested currency.
string Currency symbol encoded into UTF8

Definition at line 1110 of file translate.class.php.

References loadCacheCurrencies().

Referenced by getCurrencyAmount().

◆ getDefaultLang()

Translate::getDefaultLang ( $mode = 0)

Return active language code for current user It's an accessor for this->defaultlang.

int$mode0=Long language code, 1=Short language code (en, fr, es, ...)
string Language code used (en_US, en_AU, fr_FR, ...)

Definition at line 203 of file translate.class.php.

◆ getLabelFromKey()

Translate::getLabelFromKey ( $db,
$keyforselect = '',
$filteronentity = 0 )

Return a label for a key.

Search into translation array, then into cache, then if still not found, search into database. Store key-label found into cache variable $this->cache_labels to save SQL requests to get labels.

DoliDB$dbDatabase handler
string$keyTranslation key to get label (key in language file)
string$tablenameTable name without prefix. This value must always be a hardcoded string and not a value coming from user input.
string$fieldkeyField for key. This value must always be a hardcoded string and not a value coming from user input.
string$fieldlabelField for label. This value must always be a hardcoded string and not a value coming from user input.
string$keyforselectUse another value than the translation key for the where into select
int$filteronentityUse a filter on entity
string|int Label in UTF8 (not HTML entity encoded) or -1 if error
See also

Definition at line 1031 of file translate.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), getEntity(), and transnoentitiesnoconv().

Referenced by getTradFromKey().

◆ getLabelFromNumber()

Translate::getLabelFromNumber ( $number,
$isamount = '' )

Return full text translated to language label for a key.

Store key-label in a cache. This function need module "numberwords" to be installed. If not it will return same number (this module is not provided by default as it use non GPL source code).

int | string$numberNumber to encode in full text
string$isamount''=it's just a number, '1'=It's an amount (default currency), 'currencycode'=It's an amount (foreign currency)
string Label translated in UTF8 (but without entities) 10 if setDefaultLang was en_US => ten 123 if setDefaultLang was fr_FR => cent vingt trois

Definition at line 986 of file translate.class.php.

References dol_buildpath(), dol_osencode(), and file_exists().

◆ getTradFromKey()

Translate::getTradFromKey ( $key)

Return translated value of key for special keys ("Currency...", "Civility...", ...).

Search in lang file, then into database. Key must be any complete entry into lang file: CurrencyEUR, ... If not found, return key. The string return is not formatted (translated with transnoentitiesnoconv). NOTE: To avoid infinite loop (getLabelFromKey->transnoentities->getTradFromKey->getLabelFromKey), if you modify this function, check that getLabelFromKey is never called with the same value than $key.

string$keyKey to translate
string Translated string (translated with transnoentitiesnoconv)

Definition at line 628 of file translate.class.php.

References getLabelFromKey().

Referenced by trans(), and transnoentitiesnoconv().

◆ isLoaded()

Translate::isLoaded ( $domain)

Get information with result of loading data for domain.

string$domainDomain to check
int 0, 1, 2...

Definition at line 612 of file translate.class.php.

◆ load()

Translate::load ( $domain,
$alt = 0,
$stopafterdirection = 0,
$forcelangdir = '',
$loadfromfileonly = 0,
$forceloadifalreadynotfound = 0,
& $tabtranslatedomain = [],
$langkey = '' )

Load translation key-value for a particular file, into a memory array.

If data for file already loaded, do nothing. All data in translation array are stored in UTF-8 format. tab_loaded is completed with $domain key. rule "we keep first entry found with we keep last entry found" so it is probably not what you want to do.

Value for hash are: 1:Loaded from disk, 2:Not found, 3:Loaded from cache

string$domainFile name to load (.lang file). Must be "file" or "file@module" for module language files: If $domain is "file@module" instead of "file" then we look for module lang file in htdocs/custom/modules/mymodule/langs/code_CODE/file.lang then in htdocs/module/langs/code_CODE/file.lang instead of htdocs/langs/code_CODE/file.lang
integer$alt0 (try xx_ZZ then 1), 1 (try xx_XX then 2), 2 (try en_US)
int$stopafterdirectionStop when the DIRECTION tag is found (optimize speed)
string$forcelangdirTo force a different lang directory
int$loadfromfileonly1=Do not load overwritten translation from file or old conf.
int$forceloadifalreadynotfoundForce attempt to reload lang file if it was previously not found
array$tabtranslatedomainStore translations to be stored in cache
string$langkeyTo create key for cachekey in recursivity
int Return integer <0 if KO, 0 if already loaded or loading not required, >0 if OK
See also

Read each lines until a '=' (with any combination of spaces around it) and split the rest until a line feed. This is more efficient than fgets + explode + trim by a factor of ~2.

Definition at line 256 of file translate.class.php.

References dol_getcache(), dol_osencode(), dol_print_error(), dol_setcache(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), load(), and loadFromDatabase().

Referenced by get_available_languages(), load(), loadCacheCurrencies(), and loadLangs().

◆ loadCacheCurrencies()

Translate::loadCacheCurrencies ( $currency_code)

Load into the cache this->cache_currencies, all currencies.

string$currency_codeGet only currency. Get all if ''.
int Nb of loaded lines, 0 if already loaded, <0 if KO

Definition at line 1133 of file translate.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), load(), and trans().

Referenced by getCurrencySymbol().

◆ loadFromDatabase()

Translate::loadFromDatabase ( $db)

Load translation key-value from database into a memory array.

If data already loaded, do nothing. All data in translation array are stored in UTF-8 format. tab_loaded is completed with $domain key. rule "we keep first entry found with we keep last entry found" so it is probably not what you want to do.

Value for hash are: 1:Loaded from disk, 2:Not found, 3:Loaded from cache

DoliDB$dbDatabase handler
int Return integer <0 if KO, 0 if already loaded or loading not required, >0 if OK

Definition at line 484 of file translate.class.php.

References dol_getcache(), dol_print_error(), dol_setcache(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalInt(), and getDolGlobalString().

Referenced by load().

◆ loadLangs()

Translate::loadLangs ( $domains)

Load translation files.

array$domainsArray of lang files to load
int Return integer <0 if KO, 0 if already loaded or loading not required, >0 if OK

Definition at line 219 of file translate.class.php.

References load().

◆ setDefaultLang()

Translate::setDefaultLang ( $srclang = 'en_US')

Set accessor for this->defaultlang.

string$srclangLanguage to use. If '' or 'auto', we use browser lang.

Definition at line 122 of file translate.class.php.

References getDolGlobalString().

◆ trans()

Translate::trans ( $key,
$param1 = '',
$param2 = '',
$param3 = '',
$param4 = '',
$maxsize = 0 )

Return text translated of text received as parameter (and encode it into HTML) If there is no match for this text, we look in alternative file and if still not found, it is returned as it is.

The parameters of this method should not contain HTML tags. If there is, they will be htmlencoded to have no effect.

string$keyKey to translate
string | int$param1param1 string
string | int$param2param2 string
string | int$param3param3 string
string | int$param4param4 string
int$maxsizeMax length of text. Warning: Will not work if paramX has HTML content. deprecated.
string Translated string (encoded into HTML entities and UTF8)

Definition at line 677 of file translate.class.php.

References dol_trunc(), getDolGlobalString(), and getTradFromKey().

Referenced by get_available_languages(), loadCacheCurrencies(), and transcountry().

◆ transcountry()

Translate::transcountry ( $str,
$countrycode )

Return translation of a key depending on country.

string$strstring root to translate
string$countrycodecountry code (FR, ...)
string translated string
See also
transcountrynoentities(), picto_from_langcode()

Definition at line 811 of file translate.class.php.

References trans().

◆ transcountrynoentities()

Translate::transcountrynoentities ( $str,
$countrycode )

Retourne la version traduite du texte passe en parameter complete du code pays.

string$strstring root to translate
string$countrycodecountry code (FR, ...)
string translated string
See also
transcountry(), picto_from_langcode()

Definition at line 830 of file translate.class.php.

References transnoentities().

◆ transnoentities()

Translate::transnoentities ( $key,
$param1 = '',
$param2 = '',
$param3 = '',
$param4 = '',
$param5 = '' )

Return translated value of a text string If there is no match for this text, we look in alternative file and if still not found it is returned as is.

Parameters of this method must not contain any HTML tags.

string$keyKey to translate
string$param1chaine de param1
string$param2chaine de param2
string$param3chaine de param3
string$param4chaine de param4
string$param5chaine de param5
string Translated string (encoded into UTF8)

Definition at line 748 of file translate.class.php.

References convToOutputCharset(), and transnoentitiesnoconv().

Referenced by transcountrynoentities().

◆ transnoentitiesnoconv()

Translate::transnoentitiesnoconv ( $key,
$param1 = '',
$param2 = '',
$param3 = '',
$param4 = '',
$param5 = '' )

Return translated value of a text string If there is no match for this text, we look in alternative file and if still not found, it is returned as is.

No conversion to encoding charset of lang object is done. Parameters of this method must not contains any HTML tags.

string$keyKey to translate
string$param1chaine de param1
string$param2chaine de param2
string$param3chaine de param3
string$param4chaine de param4
string$param5chaine de param5
string Translated string

Definition at line 769 of file translate.class.php.

References getDolGlobalString(), and getTradFromKey().

Referenced by getLabelFromKey(), and transnoentities().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: