dolibarr 18.0.6
Class to manage withdrawal receipts. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($db) | |
Constructor. | |
AddFacture ($invoice_id, $client_id, $client_nom, $amount, $code_banque, $code_guichet, $number, $number_key, $type='debit-order') | |
Add invoice to withdrawal. | |
addline (&$line_id, $client_id, $client_nom, $amount, $code_banque, $code_guichet, $number, $number_key) | |
Add line to withdrawal. | |
getErrorString ($error) | |
Return error string. | |
fetch ($rowid, $ref='') | |
Get object and lines from database. | |
update (User $user, $notrigger=false) | |
Update object into database. | |
set_infocredit ($user, $date) | |
Set direct debit or credit transfer order to "paid" status. | |
set_infotrans ($user, $date, $method) | |
Set withdrawal to transmited status. | |
SommeAPrelever ($mode='direct-debit') | |
Returns amount waiting for direct debit payment or credit transfer payment. | |
nbOfInvoiceToPay ($mode='direct-debit') | |
Get number of invoices waiting for payment. | |
NbFactureAPrelever ($type='direct-debit') | |
Get number of invoices to pay. | |
create ($banque=0, $agence=0, $mode='real', $format='ALL', $executiondate='', $notrigger=0, $type='direct-debit', $did=0, $fk_bank_account=0) | |
Create a BAN payment order: | |
delete ($user=null, $notrigger=0) | |
Get object and lines from database. | |
getNomUrl ($withpicto=0, $option='', $notooltip=0, $morecss='', $save_lastsearch_value=-1) | |
Returns clickable name (with picto) | |
deleteNotificationById ($rowid) | |
Delete a notification def by id. | |
deleteNotification ($user, $action) | |
Delete a notification. | |
addNotification ($db, $user, $action) | |
Add a notification. | |
generate ($format='ALL', $executiondate=0, $type='direct-debit', $fk_bank_account=0) | |
Generate a direct debit or credit transfer file. | |
EnregDestinataire ($rowid, $client_nom, $rib_banque, $rib_guichet, $rib_number, $amount, $ref, $facid, $rib_dom='', $type='direct-debit') | |
Write recipient of request (customer) | |
EnregDestinataireSEPA ($row_code_client, $row_nom, $row_address, $row_zip, $row_town, $row_country_code, $row_cb, $row_cg, $row_cc, $row_somme, $row_ref, $row_idfac, $row_iban, $row_bic, $row_datec, $row_drum, $row_rum, $type='direct-debit', $row_comment='') | |
Write recipient (thirdparty concerned by request) | |
EnregEmetteur ($type='direct-debit') | |
Write sender of request (me). | |
EnregEmetteurSEPA ($configuration, $ladate, $nombre, $total, $CrLf='\n', $format='FRST', $type='direct-debit', $fk_bank_account=0) | |
Write sender of request (me). | |
EnregTotal ($total) | |
Write end. | |
getLibStatut ($mode=0) | |
Return status label of object. | |
LibStatut ($status, $mode=0) | |
Return status label for a status. | |
load_board ($user, $mode) | |
Load indicators for dashboard (this->nbtodo and this->nbtodolate) | |
getKanbanView ($option='', $arraydata=null) | |
Return clicable link of object (with eventually picto) | |
![]() | |
setErrorsFromObject ($object) | |
setErrorsFromObject | |
getTooltipContentArray ($params) | |
Return array of datas to show into a tooltip. | |
getTooltipContent ($params) | |
getTooltipContent | |
errorsToString () | |
Method to output saved errors. | |
getFormatedCustomerRef ($objref) | |
Return customer ref for screen output. | |
getFormatedSupplierRef ($objref) | |
Return supplier ref for screen output. | |
getFullAddress ($withcountry=0, $sep="\n", $withregion=0, $extralangcode='') | |
Return full address of contact. | |
getLastMainDocLink ($modulepart, $initsharekey=0, $relativelink=0) | |
Return the link of last main doc file for direct public download. | |
add_contact ($fk_socpeople, $type_contact, $source='external', $notrigger=0) | |
Add a link between element $this->element and a contact. | |
copy_linked_contact ($objFrom, $source='internal') | |
Copy contact from one element to current. | |
update_contact ($rowid, $statut, $type_contact_id=0, $fk_socpeople=0) | |
Update a link to contact line. | |
delete_contact ($rowid, $notrigger=0) | |
Delete a link to contact line. | |
delete_linked_contact ($source='', $code='') | |
Delete all links between an object $this and all its contacts in llx_element_contact. | |
liste_contact ($statusoflink=-1, $source='external', $list=0, $code='', $status=-1, $arrayoftcids=array()) | |
Get array of all contacts for an object. | |
swapContactStatus ($rowid) | |
Update status of a contact linked to object. | |
liste_type_contact ($source='internal', $order='position', $option=0, $activeonly=0, $code='') | |
Return array with list of possible values for type of contacts. | |
listeTypeContacts ($source='internal', $option=0, $activeonly=0, $code='', $element='', $excludeelement='') | |
Return array with list of possible values for type of contacts. | |
getIdContact ($source, $code, $status=0) | |
Return id of contacts for a source and a contact code. | |
fetch_contact ($contactid=null) | |
Load object contact with id=$this->contact_id into $this->contact. | |
fetch_thirdparty ($force_thirdparty_id=0) | |
Load the third party of object, from id $this->socid or $this->fk_soc, into this->thirdparty. | |
fetchOneLike ($ref) | |
Looks for an object with ref matching the wildcard provided It does only work when $this->table_ref_field is set. | |
fetch_barcode () | |
Load data for barcode into properties ->barcode_type* Properties ->barcode_type that is id of barcode. | |
fetch_project () | |
Load the project with id $this->fk_project into this->project. | |
fetch_projet () | |
Load the project with id $this->fk_project into this->project. | |
fetch_product () | |
Load the product with id $this->fk_product into this->product. | |
fetch_user ($userid) | |
Load the user with id $userid into this->user. | |
fetch_origin () | |
Read linked origin object. | |
fetchObjectFrom ($table, $field, $key, $element=null) | |
Load object from specific field. | |
getValueFrom ($table, $id, $field) | |
Getter generic. | |
setValueFrom ($field, $value, $table='', $id=null, $format='', $id_field='', $fuser=null, $trigkey='', $fk_user_field='fk_user_modif') | |
Setter generic. | |
load_previous_next_ref ($filter, $fieldid, $nodbprefix=0) | |
Load properties id_previous and id_next by comparing $fieldid with $this->ref. | |
getListContactId ($source='external') | |
Return list of id of contacts of object. | |
setProject ($projectid, $notrigger=0) | |
Link element with a project. | |
setPaymentMethods ($id) | |
Change the payments methods. | |
setMulticurrencyCode ($code) | |
Change the multicurrency code. | |
setPaymentTerms ($id, $deposit_percent=null) | |
Change the payments terms. | |
setTransportMode ($id) | |
Change the transport mode methods. | |
setRetainedWarrantyPaymentTerms ($id) | |
Change the retained warranty payments terms. | |
setDeliveryAddress ($id) | |
Define delivery address. | |
setShippingMethod ($shipping_method_id, $notrigger=false, $userused=null) | |
Change the shipping method. | |
setWarehouse ($warehouse_id) | |
Change the warehouse. | |
setDocModel ($user, $modelpdf) | |
Set last model used by doc generator. | |
setBankAccount ($fk_account, $notrigger=false, $userused=null) | |
Change the bank account. | |
line_order ($renum=false, $rowidorder='ASC', $fk_parent_line=true) | |
Save a new position (field rang) for details lines. | |
getChildrenOfLine ($id, $includealltree=0) | |
Get children of line. | |
line_up ($rowid, $fk_parent_line=true) | |
Update a line to have a lower rank. | |
line_down ($rowid, $fk_parent_line=true) | |
Update a line to have a higher rank. | |
updateRangOfLine ($rowid, $rang) | |
Update position of line (rang) | |
line_ajaxorder ($rows) | |
Update position of line with ajax (rang) | |
updateLineUp ($rowid, $rang) | |
Update position of line up (rang) | |
updateLineDown ($rowid, $rang, $max) | |
Update position of line down (rang) | |
getRangOfLine ($rowid) | |
Get position of line (rang) | |
getIdOfLine ($rang) | |
Get rowid of the line relative to its position. | |
line_max ($fk_parent_line=0) | |
Get max value used for position of line (rang) | |
update_ref_ext ($ref_ext) | |
Update external ref of element. | |
update_note ($note, $suffix='', $notrigger=0) | |
Update note of element. | |
update_note_public ($note) | |
Update public note (kept for backward compatibility) | |
update_price ($exclspec=0, $roundingadjust='none', $nodatabaseupdate=0, $seller=null) | |
Update total_ht, total_ttc, total_vat, total_localtax1, total_localtax2 for an object (sum of lines). | |
add_object_linked ($origin=null, $origin_id=null, $f_user=null, $notrigger=0) | |
Add an object link into llx_element_element. | |
fetchObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $clause='OR', $alsosametype=1, $orderby='sourcetype', $loadalsoobjects=1) | |
Fetch array of objects linked to current object (object of enabled modules only). | |
clearObjectLinkedCache () | |
Clear the cache saying that all linked object were already loaded. | |
updateObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $f_user=null, $notrigger=0) | |
Update object linked of a current object. | |
deleteObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $rowid='', $f_user=null, $notrigger=0) | |
Delete all links between an object $this. | |
setStatut ($status, $elementId=null, $elementType='', $trigkey='', $fieldstatus='fk_statut') | |
Set status of an object. | |
getCanvas ($id=0, $ref='') | |
Load type of canvas of an object if it exists. | |
getSpecialCode ($lineid) | |
Get special code of a line. | |
isObjectUsed ($id=0, $entity=0) | |
Function to check if an object is used by others (by children). | |
hasProductsOrServices ($predefined=-1) | |
Function to say how many lines object contains. | |
getTotalDiscount () | |
Function that returns the total amount HT of discounts applied for all lines. | |
getTotalWeightVolume () | |
Return into unit=0, the calculated total of weight and volume of all lines * qty Calculate by adding weight and volume of each product line, so properties ->volume/volume_units/weight/weight_units must be loaded on line. | |
setExtraParameters () | |
Set extra parameters. | |
formAddObjectLine ($dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl') | |
Show add free and predefined products/services form. | |
printObjectLines ($action, $seller, $buyer, $selected=0, $dateSelector=0, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl') | |
Return HTML table for object lines TODO Move this into an output class file (htmlline.class.php) If lines are into a template, title must also be into a template But for the moment we don't know if it's possible as we keep a method available on overloaded objects. | |
printObjectLine ($action, $line, $var, $num, $i, $dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $selected=0, $extrafields=null, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl') | |
Return HTML content of a detail line TODO Move this into an output class file (htmlline.class.php) | |
printOriginLinesList ($restrictlist='', $selectedLines=array()) | |
Return HTML table table of source object lines TODO Move this and previous function into output html class file (htmlline.class.php). | |
printOriginLine ($line, $var, $restrictlist='', $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl', $selectedLines=array()) | |
Return HTML with a line of table array of source object lines TODO Move this and previous function into output html class file (htmlline.class.php). | |
add_element_resource ($resource_id, $resource_type, $busy=0, $mandatory=0) | |
Add resources to the current object : add entry into llx_element_resources Need $this->element & $this->id. | |
delete_resource ($rowid, $element, $notrigger=0) | |
Delete a link to resource line. | |
__clone () | |
Overwrite magic function to solve problem of cloning object that are kept as references. | |
indexFile ($destfull, $update_main_doc_field) | |
Index a file into the ECM database. | |
addThumbs ($file) | |
Build thumb. | |
delThumbs ($file) | |
Delete thumbs. | |
getDefaultCreateValueFor ($fieldname, $alternatevalue=null, $type='alphanohtml') | |
Return the default value to use for a field when showing the create form of object. | |
call_trigger ($triggerName, $user) | |
Call trigger based on this instance. | |
fetchValuesForExtraLanguages () | |
Function to get alternative languages of a data into $this->array_languages This method is NOT called by method fetch of objects but must be called separately. | |
setValuesForExtraLanguages ($onlykey='') | |
Fill array_options property of object by extrafields value (using for data sent by forms) | |
fetchNoCompute ($id) | |
Function to make a fetch but set environment to avoid to load computed values before. | |
fetch_optionals ($rowid=null, $optionsArray=null) | |
Function to get extra fields of an object into $this->array_options This method is in most cases called by method fetch of objects but you can call it separately. | |
deleteExtraFields () | |
Delete all extra fields values for the current object. | |
insertExtraFields ($trigger='', $userused=null) | |
Add/Update all extra fields values for the current object. | |
insertExtraLanguages ($trigger='', $userused=null) | |
Add/Update all extra fields values for the current object. | |
updateExtraField ($key, $trigger=null, $userused=null) | |
Update 1 extra field value for the current object. | |
updateExtraLanguages ($key, $trigger=null, $userused=null) | |
Update an extra language value for the current object. | |
showInputField ($val, $key, $value, $moreparam='', $keysuffix='', $keyprefix='', $morecss=0, $nonewbutton=0) | |
Return HTML string to put an input field into a page Code very similar with showInputField of extra fields. | |
clearFieldError ($fieldKey) | |
clear validation message result for a field | |
setFieldError ($fieldKey, $msg='') | |
set validation error message a field | |
getFieldError ($fieldKey) | |
get field error message | |
validateField ($fields, $fieldKey, $fieldValue) | |
Return validation test result for a field. | |
showOptionals ($extrafields, $mode='view', $params=null, $keysuffix='', $keyprefix='', $onetrtd=0, $display_type='card') | |
Function to show lines of extrafields with output datas. | |
getJSListDependancies ($type='_extra') | |
getRights () | |
Returns the rights used for this class. | |
defineBuyPrice ($unitPrice=0.0, $discountPercent=0.0, $fk_product=0) | |
Get buy price to use for margin calculation. | |
show_photos ($modulepart, $sdir, $size=0, $nbmax=0, $nbbyrow=5, $showfilename=0, $showaction=0, $maxHeight=120, $maxWidth=160, $nolink=0, $overwritetitle=0, $usesharelink=0, $cache='', $addphotorefcss='photoref') | |
Show photos of an object (nbmax maximum), into several columns. | |
isDate ($info) | |
Function test if type is date. | |
isDuration ($info) | |
Function test if type is duration. | |
isInt ($info) | |
Function test if type is integer. | |
isFloat ($info) | |
Function test if type is float. | |
isText ($info) | |
Function test if type is text. | |
setVarsFromFetchObj (&$obj) | |
Function to load data from a SQL pointer into properties of current object $this. | |
getFieldList ($alias='', $excludefields=array()) | |
Function to concat keys of fields. | |
createCommon (User $user, $notrigger=false) | |
Create object into database. | |
fetchCommon ($id, $ref=null, $morewhere='') | |
Load object in memory from the database. | |
fetchLinesCommon ($morewhere='') | |
Load object in memory from the database. | |
updateCommon (User $user, $notrigger=false) | |
Update object into database. | |
deleteCommon (User $user, $notrigger=false, $forcechilddeletion=0) | |
Delete object in database. | |
deleteByParentField ($parentId=0, $parentField='', $filter=array(), $filtermode="AND") | |
Delete all child object from a parent ID. | |
deleteLineCommon (User $user, $idline, $notrigger=false) | |
Delete a line of object in database. | |
setStatusCommon ($user, $status, $notrigger=0, $triggercode='') | |
Set to a status. | |
initAsSpecimenCommon () | |
Initialise object with example values Id must be 0 if object instance is a specimen. | |
fetchComments () | |
Load comments linked with current task. | |
getNbComments () | |
Return nb comments already posted. | |
trimParameters ($parameters) | |
Trim object parameters. | |
getCategoriesCommon ($type_categ) | |
Sets object to given categories. | |
setCategoriesCommon ($categories, $type_categ='', $remove_existing=true) | |
Sets object to given categories. | |
cloneCategories ($fromId, $toId, $type='') | |
Copy related categories to another object. | |
deleteEcmFiles ($mode=0) | |
Delete related files of object in database. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | buildRumNumber ($row_code_client, $row_datec, $row_drum) |
Generate dynamically a RUM number for a customer bank account. | |
![]() | |
static | isExistingObject ($element, $id, $ref='', $ref_ext='') |
Check an object id/ref exists If you don't need/want to instantiate object and just need to know if object exists, use this method instead of fetch. | |
static | getAllItemsLinkedByObjectID ($fk_object_where, $field_select, $field_where, $table_element) |
Function used to get an array with all items linked to an object id in association table. | |
static | deleteAllItemsLinkedByObjectID ($fk_object_where, $field_where, $table_element) |
Function used to remove all items linked to an object id in association table. | |
static | commonReplaceThirdparty (DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id, array $tables, $ignoreerrors=0) |
Function used to replace a thirdparty id with another one. | |
static | commonReplaceProduct (DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id, array $tables, $ignoreerrors=0) |
Function used to replace a product id with another one. | |
Private Member Functions | |
getListInvoices ($amounts=0) | |
Get invoice list. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
$fk_projet | |
$note | |
$date_modification | |
![]() | |
commonGenerateDocument ($modelspath, $modele, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref, $moreparams=null) | |
Common function for all objects extending CommonObject for generating documents. | |
isArray ($info) | |
Function test if type is array. | |
canBeNull ($info) | |
Function test if field can be null. | |
isForcedToNullIfZero ($info) | |
Function test if field is forced to null if zero or empty. | |
isIndex ($info) | |
Function test if is indexed. | |
setSaveQuery () | |
Function to return the array of data key-value from the ->fields and all the ->properties of an object. | |
quote ($value, $fieldsentry) | |
Add quote to field value if necessary. | |
Class to manage withdrawal receipts.
Definition at line 43 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
BonPrelevement::__construct | ( | $db | ) |
BonPrelevement::AddFacture | ( | $invoice_id, | |
$client_id, | |||
$client_nom, | |||
$amount, | |||
$code_banque, | |||
$code_guichet, | |||
$number, | |||
$number_key, | |||
$type = 'debit-order' ) |
Add invoice to withdrawal.
int | $invoice_id | id invoice to add |
int | $client_id | id invoice customer |
string | $client_nom | customer name |
int | $amount | amount of invoice |
string | $code_banque | code of bank withdrawal |
string | $code_guichet | code of bank's office |
string | $number | bank account number |
string | $number_key | number key of account number |
string | $type | 'debit-order' or 'bank-transfer' |
Definition at line 223 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References addline(), and dol_syslog().
Referenced by create().
BonPrelevement::addline | ( | & | $line_id, |
$client_id, | |||
$client_nom, | |||
$amount, | |||
$code_banque, | |||
$code_guichet, | |||
$number, | |||
$number_key ) |
Add line to withdrawal.
int | $line_id | id line to add |
int | $client_id | id invoice customer |
string | $client_nom | customer name |
int | $amount | amount of invoice |
string | $code_banque | code of bank withdrawal |
string | $code_guichet | code of bank's office |
string | $number | bank account number |
string | $number_key | number key of account number |
Definition at line 279 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_syslog(), and price2num().
Referenced by AddFacture().
BonPrelevement::addNotification | ( | $db, | |
$user, | |||
$action ) |
Add a notification.
DoliDB | $db | database handler |
int | User | $user | notification user |
string | $action | notification action |
Definition at line 1450 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References deleteNotification(), dol_now(), and dol_syslog().
static |
Generate dynamically a RUM number for a customer bank account.
string | $row_code_client | Customer code (soc.code_client) |
int | $row_datec | Creation date of bank account (rib.datec) |
string | $row_drum | Id of customer bank account (rib.rowid) |
Definition at line 1837 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date(), dol_string_nospecial(), dol_string_unaccent(), and dol_trunc().
Referenced by EnregDestinataireSEPA().
BonPrelevement::create | ( | $banque = 0, | |
$agence = 0, | |||
$mode = 'real', | |||
$format = 'ALL', | |||
$executiondate = '', | |||
$notrigger = 0, | |||
$type = 'direct-debit', | |||
$did = 0, | |||
$fk_bank_account = 0 ) |
Create a BAN payment order:
int | $banque | dolibarr mysoc bank |
int | $agence | dolibarr mysoc bank office (guichet) |
string | $mode | real=do action, simu=test only |
string | $format | FRST, RCUR or ALL |
string | $executiondate | Date to execute the transfer |
int | $notrigger | Disable triggers |
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
int | $did | ID of an existing payment request. If $did is defined, no entry |
int | $fk_bank_account | Bank account ID the receipt is generated for. Will use the ID into the setup of module Direct Debit or Credit Transfer if 0. |
Definition at line 847 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References AddFacture(), CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_mkdir(), dol_now(), dol_print_date(), dol_syslog(), generate(), and ref.
BonPrelevement::delete | ( | $user = null, | |
$notrigger = 0 ) |
Get object and lines from database.
User | $user | Object user that delete |
int | $notrigger | 1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers |
Definition at line 1243 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_print_error(), and type.
BonPrelevement::deleteNotification | ( | $user, | |
$action ) |
Delete a notification.
int | User | $user | notification user |
string | $action | notification action |
Definition at line 1423 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
Referenced by addNotification().
BonPrelevement::deleteNotificationById | ( | $rowid | ) |
Delete a notification def by id.
int | $rowid | id of notification |
Definition at line 1404 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
BonPrelevement::EnregDestinataire | ( | $rowid, | |
$client_nom, | |||
$rib_banque, | |||
$rib_guichet, | |||
$rib_number, | |||
$amount, | |||
$ref, | |||
$facid, | |||
$rib_dom = '', | |||
$type = 'direct-debit' ) |
Write recipient of request (customer)
int | $rowid | id of line |
string | $client_nom | name of customer |
string | $rib_banque | code of bank |
string | $rib_guichet | code of bank office |
string | $rib_number | bank account |
float | $amount | amount |
string | $ref | ref of invoice |
int | $facid | id of invoice |
string | $rib_dom | rib domiciliation |
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
Definition at line 1865 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date().
BonPrelevement::EnregDestinataireSEPA | ( | $row_code_client, | |
$row_nom, | |||
$row_address, | |||
$row_zip, | |||
$row_town, | |||
$row_country_code, | |||
$row_cb, | |||
$row_cg, | |||
$row_cc, | |||
$row_somme, | |||
$row_ref, | |||
$row_idfac, | |||
$row_iban, | |||
$row_bic, | |||
$row_datec, | |||
$row_drum, | |||
$row_rum, | |||
$type = 'direct-debit', | |||
$row_comment = '' ) |
Write recipient (thirdparty concerned by request)
string | $row_code_client | soc.code_client as code, |
string | $row_nom | pl.client_nom AS name, |
string | $row_address | soc.address AS adr, |
string | $row_zip | |
string | $row_town | |
string | $row_country_code | c.code AS country, |
string | $row_cb | pl.code_banque AS cb, Not used for SEPA |
string | $row_cg | pl.code_guichet AS cg, Not used for SEPA |
string | $row_cc | pl.number AS cc, Not used for SEPA |
string | $row_somme | pl.amount AS somme, |
string | $row_ref | Invoice ref (f.ref) |
string | $row_idfac | pf.fk_facture AS idfac, |
string | $row_iban | rib.iban_prefix AS iban, |
string | $row_bic | rib.bic AS bic, |
string | $row_datec | rib.datec, |
string | $row_drum | rib.rowid used to generate rum |
string | $row_rum | rib.rum Rum defined on company bank account |
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
string | $row_comment | A free text string for the Unstructured data field |
Definition at line 1948 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References buildRumNumber(), dol_print_date(), dol_string_nospecial(), dol_string_unaccent(), and dol_trunc().
Referenced by generate().
BonPrelevement::EnregEmetteur | ( | $type = 'direct-debit' | ) |
Write sender of request (me).
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
Definition at line 2092 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date().
BonPrelevement::EnregEmetteurSEPA | ( | $configuration, | |
$ladate, | |||
$nombre, | |||
$total, | |||
$CrLf = '\n', | |||
$format = 'FRST', | |||
$type = 'direct-debit', | |||
$fk_bank_account = 0 ) |
Write sender of request (me).
Note: The tag PmtInf is opened here but closed into caller
Conf | $configuration | conf |
int | $ladate | Date |
int | $nombre | 0 or 1 |
float | $total | Total |
string | $CrLf | End of line character |
string | $format | FRST or RCUR or ALL |
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
int | $fk_bank_account | Bank account ID the receipt is generated for. Will use the ID into the setup of module Direct Debit or Credit Transfer if 0. |
Definition at line 2169 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date(), dol_string_nospecial(), dol_string_unaccent(), and dol_trunc().
Referenced by generate().
BonPrelevement::EnregTotal | ( | $total | ) |
Write end.
int | $total | total amount |
Definition at line 2358 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
BonPrelevement::fetch | ( | $rowid, | |
$ref = '' ) |
Get object and lines from database.
int | $rowid | Id of object to load |
string | $ref | Ref of direct debit |
Definition at line 363 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_syslog(), ref, statut, and type.
BonPrelevement::generate | ( | $format = 'ALL', | |
$executiondate = 0, | |||
$type = 'direct-debit', | |||
$fk_bank_account = 0 ) |
Generate a direct debit or credit transfer file.
Generation Formats:
string | $format | FRST, RCUR or ALL |
int | $executiondate | Timestamp date to execute transfer |
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
int | $fk_bank_account | Bank account ID the receipt is generated for. Will use the ID into the setup of module Direct Debit or Credit Transfer if 0. |
Definition at line 1493 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_now(), dol_print_date(), dol_string_nospecial(), dol_string_unaccent(), dol_syslog(), dolChmod(), EnregDestinataireSEPA(), and EnregEmetteurSEPA().
Referenced by create().
BonPrelevement::getErrorString | ( | $error | ) |
Return error string.
int | $error | Id of error |
Definition at line 345 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
BonPrelevement::getKanbanView | ( | $option = '', | |
$arraydata = null ) |
Return clicable link of object (with eventually picto)
string | $option | Where point the link (0=> main card, 1,2 => shipment, 'nolink'=>No link) |
array | $arraydata | Array of data |
Definition at line 2544 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date(), getNomUrl(), img_picto(), and price().
BonPrelevement::getLibStatut | ( | $mode = 0 | ) |
Return status label of object.
int | $mode | 0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=Short label + Picto, 6=Long label + Picto |
Definition at line 2420 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References LibStatut(), and statut.
Referenced by getNomUrl().
private |
Get invoice list.
int | $amounts | If you want to get the amount of the order for each invoice |
Definition at line 659 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_syslog(), and type.
Referenced by set_infocredit().
BonPrelevement::getNomUrl | ( | $withpicto = 0, | |
$option = '', | |||
$notooltip = 0, | |||
$morecss = '', | |||
$save_lastsearch_value = -1 ) |
Returns clickable name (with picto)
int | $withpicto | Include picto in link (0=No picto, 1=Include picto into link, 2=Only picto) |
string | $option | On what the link point to ('nolink', ...) |
int | $notooltip | 1=Disable tooltip |
string | $morecss | Add more css on link |
int | $save_lastsearch_value | -1=Auto, 0=No save of lastsearch_values when clicking, 1=Save lastsearch_values whenclicking |
Definition at line 1315 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date(), getLibStatut(), img_object(), img_picto(), price(), and type.
Referenced by getKanbanView().
BonPrelevement::LibStatut | ( | $status, | |
$mode = 0 ) |
Return status label for a status.
int | $status | Id status |
int | $mode | 0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=Short label + Picto, 6=Long label + Picto |
Definition at line 2433 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References type.
Referenced by getLibStatut().
BonPrelevement::load_board | ( | $user, | |
$mode ) |
Load indicators for dashboard (this->nbtodo and this->nbtodolate)
User | $user | Objet user |
string | $mode | Mode 'direct_debit' or 'credit_transfer' |
Definition at line 2471 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
BonPrelevement::NbFactureAPrelever | ( | $type = 'direct-debit' | ) |
Get number of invoices to pay.
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
Definition at line 786 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_syslog().
Referenced by nbOfInvoiceToPay().
BonPrelevement::nbOfInvoiceToPay | ( | $mode = 'direct-debit' | ) |
Get number of invoices waiting for payment.
string | $mode | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
Definition at line 774 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References NbFactureAPrelever().
BonPrelevement::set_infocredit | ( | $user, | |
$date ) |
Set direct debit or credit transfer order to "paid" status.
Then create the payment for each invoice of the prelemevement_bon.
User | $user | Id of user |
int | $date | date of action |
Definition at line 440 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date(), dol_syslog(), getListInvoices(), price2num(), ref, statut, and type.
BonPrelevement::set_infotrans | ( | $user, | |
$date, | |||
$method ) |
Set withdrawal to transmited status.
User | $user | id of user |
int | $date | date of action |
string | $method | method of transmision to bank (0=Internet, 1=Api...) |
Definition at line 604 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date(), dol_syslog(), dolGetFirstLastname(), price(), ref, and statut.
BonPrelevement::SommeAPrelever | ( | $mode = 'direct-debit' | ) |
Returns amount waiting for direct debit payment or credit transfer payment.
string | $mode | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
Definition at line 726 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_syslog().
BonPrelevement::update | ( | User | $user, |
$notrigger = false ) |
Update object into database.
User | $user | User that modifies |
bool | $notrigger | false=launch triggers after, true=disable triggers |
Definition at line 426 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References CommonObject\updateCommon().