2083 global $conf, $user;
2085 if (!$this->table_element) {
2086 dol_print_error(
'', get_class($this).
"::load_previous_next_ref was called on objet with property table_element not defined");
2089 if ($fieldid ==
'none') {
2094 if (in_array($this->table_element, array(
'facture_fourn_rec')) && $fieldid ==
'title') {
2100 if ($user->socid > 0) {
2101 $socid = $user->socid;
2106 $aliastablesociete =
2107 if ($this->element ==
'societe') {
2108 $aliastablesociete =
2110 $restrictiononfksoc = empty($this->restrictiononfksoc) ? 0 : $this->restrictiononfksoc;
2111 $sql =
"SELECT MAX(te.".$fieldid.
2112 $sql .=
" FROM ".(empty($nodbprefix) ?$this->db->prefix():
" as te";
2113 if ($this->element ==
'user' && !empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE)) {
2114 if (empty($user->admin) || !empty($user->entity) || $conf->entity != 1) {
2115 $sql .=
"usergroup_user as ug ON ug.fk_user = te.rowid";
2118 if (isset($this->ismultientitymanaged) && !is_numeric($this->ismultientitymanaged)) {
2119 $tmparray = explode(
'@', $this->ismultientitymanaged);
2120 $sql .=
", ".$this->db->prefix().$tmparray[1].
" as ".($tmparray[1] ==
'societe' ?
's' :
2121 } elseif ($restrictiononfksoc == 1 && $this->element !=
'societe' && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2122 $sql .=
", ".$this->db->prefix().
"societe as s";
2123 } elseif ($restrictiononfksoc == 2 && $this->element !=
'societe' && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2124 $sql .=
" LEFT JOIN ".$this->db->prefix().
"societe as s ON te.fk_soc = s.rowid";
2126 if ($restrictiononfksoc && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2127 $sql .=
" LEFT JOIN ".$this->db->prefix().
"societe_commerciaux as sc ON ".$aliastablesociete.
".rowid = sc.fk_soc";
2129 $sql .=
" WHERE te.".$fieldid.
" < '".$this->db->escape($fieldid ==
'rowid' ? $this->
id : $this->ref).
2130 if ($restrictiononfksoc == 1 && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2131 $sql .=
" AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
2133 if ($restrictiononfksoc == 2 && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2134 $sql .=
" AND (sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id).
' OR te.fk_soc IS NULL)';
2136 if (!empty($filter)) {
2137 if (!preg_match(
'/^\s*AND/i', $filter)) {
2142 if (isset($this->ismultientitymanaged) && !is_numeric($this->ismultientitymanaged)) {
2143 $tmparray = explode(
'@', $this->ismultientitymanaged);
2144 $sql .=
" AND te.".$tmparray[0].
" = ".($tmparray[1] ==
"societe" ?
"s" :
2145 } elseif ($restrictiononfksoc == 1 && $this->element !=
'societe' && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2146 $sql .=
' AND te.fk_soc = s.rowid';
2148 if (isset($this->ismultientitymanaged) && $this->ismultientitymanaged == 1) {
2149 if ($this->element ==
'user' && !empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE)) {
2150 if (!empty($user->admin) && empty($user->entity) && $conf->entity == 1) {
2151 $sql .=
" AND te.entity IS NOT NULL";
2153 $sql .=
" AND ug.entity IN (".getEntity(
2156 $sql .=
' AND te.entity IN ('.getEntity($this->element).
2159 if (isset($this->ismultientitymanaged) && !is_numeric($this->ismultientitymanaged) && $this->element !=
'societe') {
2160 $tmparray = explode(
'@', $this->ismultientitymanaged);
2161 $sql .=
' AND parenttable.entity IN ('.getEntity($tmparray[1]).
2163 if ($restrictiononfksoc == 1 && $socid && $this->element !=
'societe') {
2164 $sql .=
' AND te.fk_soc = '.((int) $socid);
2166 if ($restrictiononfksoc == 2 && $socid && $this->element !=
'societe') {
2167 $sql .=
' AND (te.fk_soc = '.((int) $socid).
' OR te.fk_soc IS NULL)';
2169 if ($restrictiononfksoc && $socid && $this->element ==
'societe') {
2170 $sql .=
' AND te.rowid = '.((int) $socid);
2174 $result = $this->db->query($sql);
2176 $this->error = $this->db->lasterror();
2179 $row = $this->db->fetch_row($result);
2180 $this->ref_previous = $row[0];
2182 $sql =
"SELECT MIN(te.".$fieldid.
2183 $sql .=
" FROM ".(empty($nodbprefix) ?$this->db->prefix():
" as te";
2184 if ($this->element ==
'user' && !empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE)) {
2185 if (empty($user->admin) || !empty($user->entity) || $conf->entity != 1) {
2186 $sql .=
"usergroup_user as ug ON ug.fk_user = te.rowid";
2189 if (isset($this->ismultientitymanaged) && !is_numeric($this->ismultientitymanaged)) {
2190 $tmparray = explode(
'@', $this->ismultientitymanaged);
2191 $sql .=
", ".$this->db->prefix().$tmparray[1].
" as ".($tmparray[1] ==
'societe' ?
's' :
2192 } elseif ($restrictiononfksoc == 1 && $this->element !=
'societe' && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2193 $sql .=
", ".$this->db->prefix().
"societe as s";
2194 } elseif ($restrictiononfksoc == 2 && $this->element !=
'societe' && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2195 $sql .=
" LEFT JOIN ".$this->db->prefix().
"societe as s ON te.fk_soc = s.rowid";
2197 if ($restrictiononfksoc && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2198 $sql .=
" LEFT JOIN ".$this->db->prefix().
"societe_commerciaux as sc ON ".$aliastablesociete.
".rowid = sc.fk_soc";
2200 $sql .=
" WHERE te.".$fieldid.
" > '".$this->db->escape($fieldid ==
'rowid' ? $this->
id : $this->ref).
2201 if ($restrictiononfksoc == 1 && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2202 $sql .=
" AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
2204 if ($restrictiononfksoc == 2 && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2205 $sql .=
" AND (sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id).
' OR te.fk_soc IS NULL)';
2207 if (!empty($filter)) {
2208 if (!preg_match(
'/^\s*AND/i', $filter)) {
2213 if (isset($this->ismultientitymanaged) && !is_numeric($this->ismultientitymanaged)) {
2214 $tmparray = explode(
'@', $this->ismultientitymanaged);
2215 $sql .=
" AND te.".$tmparray[0].
" = ".($tmparray[1] ==
"societe" ?
"s" :
2216 } elseif ($restrictiononfksoc == 1 && $this->element !=
'societe' && empty($user->rights->societe->client->voir) && !$socid) {
2217 $sql .=
' AND te.fk_soc = s.rowid';
2219 if (isset($this->ismultientitymanaged) && $this->ismultientitymanaged == 1) {
2220 if ($this->element ==
'user' && !empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE)) {
2221 if (!empty($user->admin) && empty($user->entity) && $conf->entity == 1) {
2222 $sql .=
" AND te.entity IS NOT NULL";
2224 $sql .=
" AND ug.entity IN (".getEntity(
2227 $sql .=
' AND te.entity IN ('.getEntity($this->element).
2230 if (isset($this->ismultientitymanaged) && !is_numeric($this->ismultientitymanaged) && $this->element !=
'societe') {
2231 $tmparray = explode(
'@', $this->ismultientitymanaged);
2232 $sql .=
' AND parenttable.entity IN ('.getEntity($tmparray[1]).
2234 if ($restrictiononfksoc == 1 && $socid && $this->element !=
'societe') {
2235 $sql .=
' AND te.fk_soc = '.((int) $socid);
2237 if ($restrictiononfksoc == 2 && $socid && $this->element !=
'societe') {
2238 $sql .=
' AND (te.fk_soc = '.((int) $socid).
' OR te.fk_soc IS NULL)';
2240 if ($restrictiononfksoc && $socid && $this->element ==
'societe') {
2241 $sql .=
' AND te.rowid = '.((int) $socid);
2246 $result = $this->db->query($sql);
2248 $this->error = $this->db->lasterror();
2251 $row = $this->db->fetch_row($result);
2252 $this->ref_next = $row[0];
3531 public function update_price($exclspec = 0, $roundingadjust =
'none', $nodatabaseupdate = 0, $seller =
3534 global $conf, $hookmanager, $action;
3536 $parameters = array(
'exclspec' => $exclspec,
'roundingadjust' => $roundingadjust,
'nodatabaseupdate' => $nodatabaseupdate,
'seller' => $seller);
3537 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'updateTotalPrice', $parameters, $this, $action);
3540 } elseif ($reshook < 0) {
3546 if ($this->element ==
'propal') {
3547 $MODULE =
3548 } elseif ($this->element ==
'commande' || $this->element ==
'order') {
3549 $MODULE =
3550 } elseif ($this->element ==
'facture' || $this->element ==
'invoice') {
3551 $MODULE =
3552 } elseif ($this->element ==
'facture_fourn' || $this->element ==
'supplier_invoice' || $this->element ==
'invoice_supplier' || $this->element ==
'invoice_supplier_rec') {
3553 $MODULE =
3554 } elseif ($this->element ==
'order_supplier' || $this->element ==
'supplier_order') {
3555 $MODULE =
3556 } elseif ($this->element ==
'supplier_proposal') {
3557 $MODULE =
3560 if (!empty($MODULE)) {
3561 if (!empty($conf->global->$MODULE)) {
3562 $modsactivated = explode(
',', $conf->global->$MODULE);
3563 foreach ($modsactivated as $mod) {
3564 if (isModEnabled($mod)) {
3571 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
3573 $forcedroundingmode = $roundingadjust;
3574 if ($forcedroundingmode ==
'auto' && isset($conf->global->MAIN_ROUNDOFTOTAL_NOT_TOTALOFROUND)) {
3576 } elseif ($forcedroundingmode ==
'auto') {
3577 $forcedroundingmode =
3582 $multicurrency_tx = !empty($this->multicurrency_tx) ? $this->multicurrency_tx : 1;
3585 $fieldtva =
3586 $fieldlocaltax1 =
3587 $fieldlocaltax2 =
3588 $fieldup =
3589 if ($this->element ==
'facture_fourn' || $this->element ==
'invoice_supplier') {
3593 if ($this->element ==
'invoice_supplier_rec') {
3596 if ($this->element ==
'expensereport') {
3597 $fieldup =
3600 $sql =
"SELECT rowid, qty, ".$fieldup.
" as up, remise_percent, total_ht, ".$fieldtva.
" as total_tva, total_ttc, ".$fieldlocaltax1.
" as total_localtax1, ".$fieldlocaltax2.
" as total_localtax2,";
3601 $sql .=
' tva_tx as vatrate, localtax1_tx, localtax2_tx, localtax1_type, localtax2_type, info_bits, product_type';
3602 if ($this->table_element_line ==
'facturedet') {
3603 $sql .=
', situation_percent';
3605 $sql .=
', multicurrency_total_ht, multicurrency_total_tva, multicurrency_total_ttc';
3606 $sql .=
" FROM ".$this->db->prefix().$this->table_element_line;
3607 $sql .=
" WHERE ".$this->fk_element.
" = ".((int) $this->
3609 $product_field =
3610 if ($this->table_element_line ==
'contratdet') {
3611 $product_field =
3613 if ($product_field) {
3614 $sql .=
" AND ".$product_field.
" <> 9";
3617 $sql .=
' ORDER by rowid';
3619 dol_syslog(get_class($this).
"::update_price", LOG_DEBUG);
3621 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
3623 $this->total_ht = 0;
3624 $this->total_tva = 0;
3625 $this->total_localtax1 = 0;
3626 $this->total_localtax2 = 0;
3627 $this->total_ttc = 0;
3628 $total_ht_by_vats = array();
3629 $total_tva_by_vats = array();
3630 $total_ttc_by_vats = array();
3631 $this->multicurrency_total_ht = 0;
3632 $this->multicurrency_total_tva = 0;
3633 $this->multicurrency_total_ttc = 0;
3637 $num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
3640 $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
3643 $parameters = array(
'fk_element' => $obj->rowid);
3644 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'changeRoundingMode', $parameters, $this, $action);
3646 if (empty($reshook) && $forcedroundingmode ==
'0') {
3648 $localtax_array = array($obj->localtax1_type, $obj->localtax1_tx, $obj->localtax2_type, $obj->localtax2_tx);
3649 $tmpcal =
calcul_price_total($obj->qty, $obj->up, $obj->remise_percent, $obj->vatrate, $obj->localtax1_tx, $obj->localtax2_tx, 0,
'HT', $obj->info_bits, $obj->product_type, $seller, $localtax_array, (isset($obj->situation_percent) ? $obj->situation_percent : 100), $multicurrency_tx);
3651 $diff_when_using_price_ht =
price2num($tmpcal[1] - $obj->total_tva,
'MT', 1);
3652 $diff_on_current_total =
price2num($obj->total_ttc - $obj->total_ht - $obj->total_tva - $obj->total_localtax1 - $obj->total_localtax2,
'MT', 1);
3656 if ($diff_on_current_total) {
3658 $sqlfix =
"UPDATE ".$this->db->prefix().$this->table_element_line.
" SET ".$fieldtva.
" = ".
float) $tmpcal[1]).
", total_ttc = ".
float) $tmpcal[2]).
" WHERE rowid = ".((int) $obj->rowid);
3659 dol_syslog(
'We found unconsistent data into detailed line (diff_on_current_total = '.$diff_on_current_total.
') for line rowid = '.$obj->rowid.
" (ht=".$obj->total_ht.
" vat=".$obj->total_tva.
" tax1=".$obj->total_localtax1.
" tax2=".$obj->total_localtax2.
" ttc=".$obj->total_ttc.
"). We fix the total_vat and total_ttc of line by running sqlfix = ".$sqlfix, LOG_WARNING);
3660 $resqlfix = $this->db->query($sqlfix);
3664 $obj->total_tva = $tmpcal[1];
3665 $obj->total_ttc = $tmpcal[2];
3666 } elseif ($diff_when_using_price_ht && $roundingadjust ==
'0') {
3669 $sqlfix =
"UPDATE ".$this->db->prefix().$this->table_element_line.
" SET ".$fieldtva.
" = ".
float) $tmpcal[1]).
", total_ttc = ".
float) $tmpcal[2]).
" WHERE rowid = ".((int) $obj->rowid);
3670 dol_syslog(
'We found a line with different rounding data into detailed line (diff_when_using_price_ht = '.$diff_when_using_price_ht.
' and diff_on_current_total = '.$diff_on_current_total.
') for line rowid = '.$obj->rowid.
" (total vat of line calculated=".$tmpcal[1].
", database=".$obj->total_tva.
"). We fix the total_vat and total_ttc of line by running sqlfix = ".$sqlfix);
3671 $resqlfix = $this->db->query($sqlfix);
3675 $obj->total_tva = $tmpcal[1];
3676 $obj->total_ttc = $tmpcal[2];
3680 $this->total_ht += $obj->total_ht;
3681 $this->total_tva += $obj->total_tva;
3682 $this->total_localtax1 += $obj->total_localtax1;
3683 $this->total_localtax2 += $obj->total_localtax2;
3684 $this->total_ttc += $obj->total_ttc;
3685 $this->multicurrency_total_ht += $obj->multicurrency_total_ht;
3686 $this->multicurrency_total_tva += $obj->multicurrency_total_tva;
3687 $this->multicurrency_total_ttc += $obj->multicurrency_total_ttc;
3689 if (!isset($total_ht_by_vats[$obj->vatrate])) {
3690 $total_ht_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] = 0;
3692 if (!isset($total_tva_by_vats[$obj->vatrate])) {
3693 $total_tva_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] = 0;
3695 if (!isset($total_ttc_by_vats[$obj->vatrate])) {
3696 $total_ttc_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] = 0;
3698 $total_ht_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] += $obj->total_ht;
3699 $total_tva_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] += $obj->total_tva;
3700 $total_ttc_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] += $obj->total_ttc;
3702 if ($forcedroundingmode ==
'1') {
3703 $tmpvat =
price2num($total_ht_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] * $obj->vatrate / 100,
'MT', 1);
3704 $diff =
price2num($total_tva_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] - $tmpvat,
'MT', 1);
3707 if (abs($diff) > (10 * pow(10, -1 *
3709 $errmsg =
'A rounding difference was detected into TOTAL but is too high to be corrected. Some data in your lines may be corrupted. Try to edit each line manually to fix this before restarting.';
3711 $this->error = $errmsg;
3715 $sqlfix =
"UPDATE ".$this->db->prefix().$this->table_element_line.
" SET ".$fieldtva.
" = ".
price2num($obj->total_tva - $diff).
", total_ttc = ".
price2num($obj->total_ttc - $diff).
" WHERE rowid = ".((int) $obj->rowid);
3716 dol_syslog(
'We found a difference of '.$diff.
' for line rowid = '.$obj->rowid.
". We fix the total_vat and total_ttc of line by running sqlfix = ".$sqlfix);
3718 $resqlfix = $this->db->query($sqlfix);
3724 $this->total_tva = (float)
price2num($this->total_tva - $diff,
'', 1);
3725 $this->total_ttc = (float)
price2num($this->total_ttc - $diff,
'', 1);
3726 $total_tva_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] = (float)
price2num($total_tva_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] - $diff,
'', 1);
3727 $total_ttc_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] = (float)
price2num($total_ttc_by_vats[$obj->vatrate] - $diff,
'', 1);
3735 $this->total_ttc += isset($this->revenuestamp) ? $this->revenuestamp : 0;
3736 $this->multicurrency_total_ttc += isset($this->revenuestamp) ? ($this->revenuestamp * $multicurrency_tx) : 0;
3739 if (!empty($this->situation_cycle_ref) && $this->situation_counter > 1 && method_exists($this,
'get_prev_sits') && $this->
type != $this::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
3740 $prev_sits = $this->get_prev_sits();
3742 foreach ($prev_sits as $sit) {
3743 $this->total_ht -= $sit->total_ht;
3744 $this->total_tva -= $sit->total_tva;
3745 $this->total_localtax1 -= $sit->total_localtax1;
3746 $this->total_localtax2 -= $sit->total_localtax2;
3747 $this->total_ttc -= $sit->total_ttc;
3748 $this->multicurrency_total_ht -= $sit->multicurrency_total_ht;
3749 $this->multicurrency_total_tva -= $sit->multicurrency_total_tva;
3750 $this->multicurrency_total_ttc -= $sit->multicurrency_total_ttc;
3755 $this->total_ht = (float)
3756 $this->total_tva = (float)
3757 $this->total_localtax1 = (float)
3758 $this->total_localtax2 = (float)
3759 $this->total_ttc = (float)
3761 $this->db->free($resql);
3764 $fieldht =
3766 $fieldlocaltax1 =
3767 $fieldlocaltax2 =
3768 $fieldttc =
3770 if (in_array($this->element, array(
'expensereport'))) {
3771 $fieldtva =
3774 if (!$error && empty($nodatabaseupdate)) {
3775 $sql =
"UPDATE ".$this->db->prefix().$this->table_element.
' SET';
3776 $sql .=
" ".$fieldht.
" = ".((float)
'MT', 1)).
3777 $sql .=
" ".$fieldtva.
" = ".((float)
'MT', 1)).
3778 $sql .=
" ".$fieldlocaltax1.
" = ".((float)
'MT', 1)).
3779 $sql .=
" ".$fieldlocaltax2.
" = ".((float)
'MT', 1)).
3780 $sql .=
" ".$fieldttc.
" = ".((float)
'MT', 1));
3781 $sql .=
", multicurrency_total_ht = ".((float)
'MT', 1));
3782 $sql .=
", multicurrency_total_tva = ".((float)
'MT', 1));
3783 $sql .=
", multicurrency_total_ttc = ".((float)
'MT', 1));
3784 $sql .=
" WHERE rowid = ".((int) $this->
3786 dol_syslog(get_class($this).
"::update_price", LOG_DEBUG);
3787 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
3791 $this->error = $this->db->lasterror();
3792 $this->errors[] = $this->db->lasterror();
3797 $this->db->commit();
3800 $this->db->rollback();
3918 public function fetchObjectLinked($sourceid =
null, $sourcetype =
'', $targetid =
null, $targettype =
'', $clause =
'OR', $alsosametype = 1, $orderby =
'sourcetype', $loadalsoobjects = 1)
3920 global $conf, $hookmanager, $action;
3924 if ($this->
id > 0 && !empty($this->linkedObjectsFullLoaded[$this->
id])) {
3928 $this->linkedObjectsIds = array();
3929 $this->linkedObjects = array();
3931 $justsource =
3932 $justtarget =
3933 $withtargettype =
3934 $withsourcetype =
3936 $parameters = array(
3938 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'setLinkedObjectSourceTargetType', $parameters, $this, $action);
3940 if (!empty($hookmanager->resArray[
'sourcetype'])) $sourcetype = $hookmanager->resArray[
3941 if (!empty($hookmanager->resArray[
'sourceid'])) $sourceid = $hookmanager->resArray[
3942 if (!empty($hookmanager->resArray[
'targettype'])) $targettype = $hookmanager->resArray[
3943 if (!empty($hookmanager->resArray[
'targetid'])) $targetid = $hookmanager->resArray[
3946 if (!empty($sourceid) && !empty($sourcetype) && empty($targetid)) {
3948 if (!empty($targettype)) {
3949 $withtargettype =
3952 if (!empty($targetid) && !empty($targettype) && empty($sourceid)) {
3954 if (!empty($sourcetype)) {
3955 $withsourcetype =
3959 $sourceid = (!empty($sourceid) ? $sourceid : $this->id);
3960 $targetid = (!empty($targetid) ? $targetid : $this->id);
3961 $sourcetype = (!empty($sourcetype) ? $sourcetype : $this->element);
3962 $targettype = (!empty($targettype) ? $targettype : $this->element);
3971 $sql =
"SELECT rowid, fk_source, sourcetype, fk_target, targettype";
3972 $sql .=
" FROM ".$this->db->prefix().
3974 if ($justsource || $justtarget) {
3976 $sql .=
"fk_source = ".((int) $sourceid).
" AND sourcetype = '".$this->db->escape($sourcetype).
3977 if ($withtargettype) {
3978 $sql .=
" AND targettype = '".$this->db->escape($targettype).
3980 } elseif ($justtarget) {
3981 $sql .=
"fk_target = ".((int) $targetid).
" AND targettype = '".$this->db->escape($targettype).
3982 if ($withsourcetype) {
3983 $sql .=
" AND sourcetype = '".$this->db->escape($sourcetype).
3987 $sql .=
"(fk_source = ".((int) $sourceid).
" AND sourcetype = '".$this->db->escape($sourcetype).
3988 $sql .=
" ".$clause.
" (fk_target = ".((int) $targetid).
" AND targettype = '".$this->db->escape($targettype).
3989 if ($loadalsoobjects && $this->
id > 0 && $sourceid == $this->
id && $sourcetype == $this->element && $targetid == $this->
id && $targettype == $this->element && $clause ==
'OR') {
3990 $this->linkedObjectsFullLoaded[$this->id] =
3993 $sql .=
" ORDER BY ".$orderby;
3995 dol_syslog(get_class($this).
"::fetchObjectLink", LOG_DEBUG);
3996 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
3998 $num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
4001 $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
4002 if ($justsource || $justtarget) {
4004 $this->linkedObjectsIds[$obj->targettype][$obj->rowid] = $obj->fk_target;
4005 } elseif ($justtarget) {
4006 $this->linkedObjectsIds[$obj->sourcetype][$obj->rowid] = $obj->fk_source;
4009 if ($obj->fk_source == $sourceid && $obj->sourcetype == $sourcetype) {
4010 $this->linkedObjectsIds[$obj->targettype][$obj->rowid] = $obj->fk_target;
4012 if ($obj->fk_target == $targetid && $obj->targettype == $targettype) {
4013 $this->linkedObjectsIds[$obj->sourcetype][$obj->rowid] = $obj->fk_source;
4019 if (!empty($this->linkedObjectsIds)) {
4020 $tmparray = $this->linkedObjectsIds;
4021 foreach ($tmparray as $objecttype => $objectids) {
4023 $module = $element = $subelement = $objecttype;
4025 if ($objecttype !=
'supplier_proposal' && $objecttype !=
'order_supplier' && $objecttype !=
4026 && preg_match(
'/^([^_]+)_([^_]+)/i', $objecttype, $regs)) {
4027 $module = $element = $regs[1];
4028 $subelement = $regs[2];
4031 $classpath = $element.
4033 if ($objecttype ==
'facture') {
4034 $classpath =
4035 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'facturerec') {
4036 $classpath =
4037 $module =
4038 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'propal') {
4039 $classpath =
4040 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'supplier_proposal') {
4041 $classpath =
4042 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'shipping') {
4043 $classpath =
4044 $subelement =
4045 $module =
4046 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'delivery') {
4047 $classpath =
4048 $subelement =
4049 $module =
4050 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'invoice_supplier' || $objecttype ==
'order_supplier') {
4051 $classpath =
4052 $module =
4053 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'fichinter') {
4054 $classpath =
4055 $subelement =
4056 $module =
4057 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'subscription') {
4058 $classpath =
4059 $module =
4060 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'contact') {
4061 $module =
4064 $classfile = strtolower($subelement);
4065 $classname = ucfirst($subelement);
4067 if ($objecttype ==
'order') {
4068 $classfile =
4069 $classname =
4070 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'invoice_supplier') {
4071 $classfile =
4072 $classname =
4073 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'order_supplier') {
4074 $classfile =
4075 $classname =
4076 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'supplier_proposal') {
4077 $classfile =
4078 $classname =
4079 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'facturerec') {
4080 $classfile =
4081 $classname =
4082 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'subscription') {
4083 $classfile =
4084 $classname =
4085 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'project' || $objecttype ==
'projet') {
4086 $classpath =
4087 $classfile =
4088 $classname =
4089 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'conferenceorboothattendee') {
4090 $classpath =
4091 $classfile =
4092 $classname =
4093 $module =
4094 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'conferenceorbooth') {
4095 $classpath =
4096 $classfile =
4097 $classname =
4098 $module =
4099 } elseif ($objecttype ==
'mo') {
4100 $classpath =
4107 if (isModEnabled($module) && (($element != $this->element) || $alsosametype)) {
4108 if ($loadalsoobjects && (is_numeric($loadalsoobjects) || ($loadalsoobjects === $objecttype))) {
4111 if (class_exists($classname)) {
4112 foreach ($objectids as $i => $objectid) {
4113 $object =
new $classname($this->db);
4114 $ret = $object->fetch($objectid);
4116 $this->linkedObjects[$objecttype][$i] = $object;
4122 unset($this->linkedObjectsIds[$objecttype]);
4910 public function printObjectLines($action, $seller, $buyer, $selected = 0, $dateSelector = 0, $defaulttpldir =
4912 global $conf, $hookmanager, $langs, $user, $form, $extrafields, $object;
4914 global $inputalsopricewithtax, $usemargins, $disableedit, $disablemove, $disableremove, $outputalsopricetotalwithtax;
4918 if (isModEnabled(
'margin') && !empty($this->element) && in_array($this->element, array(
'commande'))) {
4922 $num = count($this->lines);
4925 if (!is_object($extrafields)) {
4926 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
4929 $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($this->table_element_line);
4931 $parameters = array(
4932 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'printObjectLineTitle', $parameters, $this, $action);
4933 if (empty($reshook)) {
4937 $dirtpls = array_merge($conf->modules_parts[
'tpl'], array($defaulttpldir));
4938 foreach ($dirtpls as $module => $reldir) {
4940 if (!empty($module)) {
4943 $tpl = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.$reldir.
4945 if (file_exists($tpl)) {
4946 if (empty($conf->file->strict_mode)) {
4947 $res = @include $tpl;
4949 $res = include $tpl;
4960 print
"<!-- begin printObjectLines() --><tbody>\n";
4961 foreach ($this->lines as $line) {
4963 $line->fetch_optionals();
4966 if (is_object($hookmanager)) {
4967 if (empty($line->fk_parent_line)) {
4968 $parameters = array(
4969 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'printObjectLine', $parameters, $this, $action);
4971 $parameters = array(
4972 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'printObjectSubLine', $parameters, $this, $action);
4975 if (empty($reshook)) {
4976 $this->printObjectLine($action, $line,
'', $num, $i, $dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $selected, $extrafields, $defaulttpldir);
4981 print
"</tbody><!-- end printObjectLines() -->\n";
5001 public function printObjectLine($action, $line, $var, $num, $i, $dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $selected = 0, $extrafields =
null, $defaulttpldir =
5003 global $conf, $langs, $user, $object, $hookmanager;
5005 global $object_rights, $disableedit, $disablemove, $disableremove;
5007 $object_rights = $this->getRights();
5013 if ($action !=
'editline' || $selected != $line->id) {
5015 if (!empty($line->fk_product) && $line->fk_product > 0) {
5016 $product_static =
new Product($this->db);
5017 $product_static->fetch($line->fk_product);
5019 $product_static->ref = $line->ref;
5020 $product_static->label = !empty($line->label) ? $line->label :
5022 $text = $product_static->getNomUrl(1);
5026 if (property_exists($this,
'socid') && !is_object($this->thirdparty)) {
5027 dol_print_error(
'Error: Method printObjectLine was called on an object and object->fetch_thirdparty was not done before');
5031 $prod =
new Product($this->db);
5032 $prod->fetch($line->fk_product);
5034 $outputlangs = $langs;
5036 if (empty($newlang) &&
'aZ09')) {
5037 $newlang =
5039 if (!empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_TEXTS_IN_THIRDPARTY_LANGUAGE) && empty($newlang) && is_object($this->thirdparty)) {
5040 $newlang = $this->thirdparty->default_lang;
5042 if (!empty($newlang)) {
5043 $outputlangs =
new Translate(
"", $conf);
5044 $outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang);
5047 $label = (!empty($prod->multilangs[$outputlangs->defaultlang][
"label"])) ? $prod->multilangs[$outputlangs->defaultlang][
"label"] : $line->product_label;
5049 $label = $line->product_label;
5052 $text .=
' - '.(!empty($line->label) ? $line->label : $label);
5053 $description .= (
'' : (!empty($line->description) ?
dol_htmlentitiesbr($line->description) :
5056 $line->pu_ttc =
price2num((!empty($line->subprice) ? $line->subprice : 0) * (1 + ((!empty($line->tva_tx) ? $line->tva_tx : 0) / 100)),
5061 $dirtpls = array_merge($conf->modules_parts[
'tpl'], array($defaulttpldir));
5062 foreach ($dirtpls as $module => $reldir) {
5064 if (!empty($module)) {
5067 $tpl = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.$reldir.
5069 if (file_exists($tpl)) {
5070 if (empty($conf->file->strict_mode)) {
5071 $res = @include $tpl;
5073 $res = include $tpl;
5083 if ($this->
statut == 0 && $action ==
'editline' && $selected == $line->id) {
5084 $label = (!empty($line->label) ? $line->label : (($line->fk_product > 0) ? $line->product_label :
5086 $line->pu_ttc =
price2num($line->subprice * (1 + ($line->tva_tx / 100)),
5091 $dirtpls = array_merge($conf->modules_parts[
'tpl'], array($defaulttpldir));
5092 foreach ($dirtpls as $module => $reldir) {
5093 if (!empty($module)) {
5096 $tpl = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.$reldir.
5099 if (empty($conf->file->strict_mode)) {
5100 $res = @include $tpl;
5102 $res = include $tpl;
5178 public function printOriginLine($line, $var, $restrictlist =
'', $defaulttpldir =
'/core/tpl', $selectedLines = array())
5180 global $langs, $conf;
5183 if (!empty($line->date_start)) {
5184 $date_start = $line->date_start;
5186 $date_start = $line->date_debut_prevue;
5187 if ($line->date_debut_reel) {
5188 $date_start = $line->date_debut_reel;
5191 if (!empty($line->date_end)) {
5192 $date_end = $line->date_end;
5194 $date_end = $line->date_fin_prevue;
5195 if ($line->date_fin_reel) {
5196 $date_end = $line->date_fin_reel;
5200 $this->tpl[
'id'] = $line->id;
5202 $this->tpl[
'label'] =
5203 if (!empty($line->fk_parent_line)) {
5204 $this->tpl[
'label'] .=
5207 if (($line->info_bits & 2) == 2) {
5209 $discount->fk_soc = $this->socid;
5210 $this->tpl[
'label'] .= $discount->getNomUrl(0,
5211 } elseif (!empty($line->fk_product)) {
5212 $productstatic =
new Product($this->db);
5213 $productstatic->id = $line->fk_product;
5214 $productstatic->ref = $line->ref;
5215 $productstatic->type = $line->fk_product_type;
5216 if (empty($productstatic->ref)) {
5217 $line->fetch_product();
5218 $productstatic = $line->product;
5221 $this->tpl[
'label'] .= $productstatic->getNomUrl(1);
5222 $this->tpl[
'label'] .=
' - '.(!empty($line->label) ? $line->label : $line->product_label);
5224 if ($line->product_type == 1 && ($date_start || $date_end)) {
5228 $this->tpl[
'label'] .= ($line->product_type == -1 ?
' ' : ($line->product_type == 1 ?
'service') :
5229 if (!empty($line->desc)) {
5230 $this->tpl[
'label'] .= $line->desc;
5232 $this->tpl[
'label'] .= ($line->label ?
' '.$line->label :
5236 if ($line->product_type == 1 && ($date_start || $date_end)) {
5241 if (!empty($line->desc)) {
5242 if ($line->desc ==
5244 $discount->fetch($line->fk_remise_except);
5245 $this->tpl[
'description'] = $langs->transnoentities(
"DiscountFromCreditNote", $discount->getNomUrl(0));
5246 } elseif ($line->desc ==
'(DEPOSIT)') {
5248 $discount->fetch($line->fk_remise_except);
5249 $this->tpl[
'description'] = $langs->transnoentities(
"DiscountFromDeposit", $discount->getNomUrl(0));
5250 } elseif ($line->desc ==
5252 $discount->fetch($line->fk_remise_except);
5253 $this->tpl[
'description'] = $langs->transnoentities(
"DiscountFromExcessReceived", $discount->getNomUrl(0));
5254 } elseif ($line->desc ==
5256 $discount->fetch($line->fk_remise_except);
5257 $this->tpl[
'description'] = $langs->transnoentities(
"DiscountFromExcessPaid", $discount->getNomUrl(0));
5259 $this->tpl[
'description'] =
dol_trunc($line->desc, 60);
5262 $this->tpl[
'description'] =
' ';
5266 $this->tpl[
'vat_rate'] =
5267 $this->tpl[
'vat_rate'] .= (($line->info_bits & 1) == 1) ?
'*' :
5268 if (!empty($line->vat_src_code) && !preg_match(
'/\(/', $this->tpl[
'vat_rate'])) {
5269 $this->tpl[
'vat_rate'] .=
' ('.$line->vat_src_code.
5272 $this->tpl[
'price'] =
5273 $this->tpl[
'total_ht'] =
5274 $this->tpl[
'multicurrency_price'] =
5275 $this->tpl[
'qty'] = (($line->info_bits & 2) != 2) ? $line->qty :
' ';
5277 $this->tpl[
'unit'] = $langs->transnoentities($line->getLabelOfUnit(
5279 $this->tpl[
'remise_percent'] = (($line->info_bits & 2) != 2) ?
true) :
' ';
5282 $this->tpl[
'strike'] = 0;
5284 $this->tpl[
'strike'] = 1;
5289 $dirtpls = array_merge($conf->modules_parts[
'tpl'], array($defaulttpldir));
5290 foreach ($dirtpls as $module => $reldir) {
5291 if (!empty($module)) {
5294 $tpl = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.$reldir.
5297 if (empty($conf->file->strict_mode)) {
5298 $res = @include $tpl;
5300 $res = include $tpl;
5423 protected function commonGenerateDocument($modelspath, $modele, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref, $moreparams =
5425 global $conf, $langs, $user, $hookmanager, $action;
5427 $srctemplatepath =
5429 $parameters = array(
5430 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'commonGenerateDocument', $parameters, $this, $action);
5432 if (!empty($reshook)) {
5436 dol_syslog(
"commonGenerateDocument modele=".$modele.
" outputlangs->defaultlang=".(is_object($outputlangs) ? $outputlangs->defaultlang :
5438 if (empty($modele)) {
5439 $this->error =
5444 $err = error_reporting();
5446 @set_time_limit(120);
5447 error_reporting($err);
5450 $tmp = explode(
':', $modele, 2);
5451 if (!empty($tmp[1])) {
5453 $srctemplatepath = $tmp[1];
5460 $dirmodels = array(
5461 if (is_array($conf->modules_parts[
'models'])) {
5462 $dirmodels = array_merge($dirmodels, $conf->modules_parts[
5464 foreach ($dirmodels as $reldir) {
5465 foreach (array(
'pdf') as $prefix) {
5466 if (in_array(get_class($this), array(
'Adherent'))) {
5468 $file = $prefix.
5471 $file = $prefix.
5476 if (file_exists($file)) {
5478 $classname = $prefix.
5488 $this->error = $langs->trans(
' Failed to load doc generator with modelpaths='.$modelspath.
' - modele='.$modele;
5489 $this->errors[] = $this->error;
5499 $obj =
new $classname($this->db);
5502 if ($obj->type ==
'odt' && empty($srctemplatepath)) {
5503 $varfortemplatedir = $obj->scandir;
5504 if ($varfortemplatedir && !empty($conf->global->$varfortemplatedir)) {
5505 $dirtoscan = $conf->global->$varfortemplatedir;
5507 $listoffiles = array();
5510 $listofdir = explode(
',', $dirtoscan);
5511 foreach ($listofdir as $key => $tmpdir) {
5512 $tmpdir = trim($tmpdir);
5513 $tmpdir = preg_replace(
5515 unset($listofdir[$key]);
5518 if (is_dir($tmpdir)) {
5519 $tmpfiles =
'files', 0,
'name', SORT_ASC, 0);
5520 if (count($tmpfiles)) {
5521 $listoffiles = array_merge($listoffiles, $tmpfiles);
5526 if (count($listoffiles)) {
5527 foreach ($listoffiles as $record) {
5528 $srctemplatepath = $record[
5534 if (empty($srctemplatepath)) {
5535 $this->error =
5540 if ($obj->type ==
'odt' && !empty($srctemplatepath)) {
5542 dol_syslog(
"Failed to locate template file ".$srctemplatepath, LOG_WARNING);
5543 $this->error =
5550 $sav_charset_output = empty($outputlangs->charset_output) ?
'' : $outputlangs->charset_output;
5552 if (in_array(get_class($this), array(
'Adherent'))) {
5553 $resultwritefile = $obj->write_file($this, $outputlangs, $srctemplatepath,
'member', 1,
'tmp_cards', $moreparams);
5555 $resultwritefile = $obj->write_file($this, $outputlangs, $srctemplatepath, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref, $moreparams);
5559 if ($resultwritefile > 0) {
5560 $outputlangs->charset_output = $sav_charset_output;
5563 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
5567 if (!empty($obj->result[
'fullpath'])) {
5568 $destfull = $obj->result[
5571 $update_main_doc_field = 0;
5572 if (!empty($obj->update_main_doc_field)) {
5573 $update_main_doc_field = 1;
5579 $this->indexFile($destfull, $update_main_doc_field);
5582 dol_syslog(
'Method ->write_file was called on object '.get_class($obj).
' and return a success but the return array ->result["fullpath"] was not set.', LOG_WARNING);
5590 $outputlangs->charset_output = $sav_charset_output;
5591 $this->error = $obj->error;
5592 $this->errors = $obj->errors;
5593 dol_syslog(
"Error generating document for ".__CLASS__.
". Error: ".$obj->error, LOG_ERR);
5607 public function indexFile($destfull, $update_main_doc_field)
5609 global $conf, $user;
5611 $upload_dir = dirname($destfull);
5612 $destfile = basename($destfull);
5613 $rel_dir = preg_replace(
'', $upload_dir);
5615 if (!preg_match(
'/[\\/]temp[\\/]|[\\/]thumbs|\.meta$/', $rel_dir)) {
5616 $filename = basename($destfile);
5617 $rel_dir = preg_replace(
'', $rel_dir);
5618 $rel_dir = preg_replace(
'', $rel_dir);
5620 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
5621 $ecmfile =
new EcmFiles($this->db);
5622 $result = $ecmfile->fetch(0,
'', ($rel_dir ? $rel_dir.
'/' :
5625 $setsharekey =
5626 if ($this->element ==
'propal' || $this->element ==
'proposal') {
5627 if (!isset($conf->global->PROPOSAL_ALLOW_ONLINESIGN) || !empty($conf->global->PROPOSAL_ALLOW_ONLINESIGN)) {
5628 $setsharekey =
5630 if (!empty($conf->global->PROPOSAL_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD)) {
5631 $setsharekey =
5634 if ($this->element ==
'commande' && !empty($conf->global->ORDER_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD)) {
5635 $setsharekey =
5637 if ($this->element ==
'facture' && !empty($conf->global->INVOICE_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD)) {
5638 $setsharekey =
5640 if ($this->element ==
'bank_account' && !empty($conf->global->BANK_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD)) {
5641 $setsharekey =
5643 if ($this->element ==
'product' && !empty($conf->global->PRODUCT_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD)) {
5644 $setsharekey =
5646 if ($this->element ==
'contrat' && !empty($conf->global->CONTRACT_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD)) {
5647 $setsharekey =
5649 if ($this->element ==
'fichinter' && !empty($conf->global->FICHINTER_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD)) {
5650 $setsharekey =
5652 if ($this->element ==
'supplier_proposal' && !empty($conf->global->SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD)) {
5653 $setsharekey =
5657 if (empty($ecmfile->share)) {
5658 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
5665 $ecmfile->fullpath_orig =
5666 $ecmfile->gen_or_uploaded =
5667 $ecmfile->description =
5668 $ecmfile->keywords =
5669 $result = $ecmfile->update($user);
5675 $ecmfile->entity = $conf->entity;
5676 $ecmfile->filepath = $rel_dir;
5677 $ecmfile->filename = $filename;
5679 $ecmfile->fullpath_orig =
5680 $ecmfile->gen_or_uploaded =
5681 $ecmfile->description =
5682 $ecmfile->keywords =
5683 $ecmfile->src_object_type = $this->table_element;
5684 $ecmfile->src_object_id = $this->id;
5686 $result = $ecmfile->create($user);
5698 if ($update_main_doc_field && !empty($this->table_element)) {
5699 $sql =
"UPDATE ".$this->db->prefix().$this->table_element.
" SET last_main_doc = '".$this->db->escape($ecmfile->filepath.
5700 $sql .=
" WHERE rowid = ".((int) $this->
5702 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
5707 $this->last_main_doc = $ecmfile->filepath.
6201 global $conf, $langs, $user;
6203 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_EXTRAFIELDS_DISABLED)) {
6207 if (empty($userused)) {
6213 if (!empty($this->array_options)) {
6215 $langs->load(
6216 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
6218 $target_extrafields = $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($this->table_element);
6221 $new_array_options = array();
6222 foreach ($this->array_options as $key => $value) {
6223 if (in_array(substr($key, 8), array_keys($target_extrafields))) {
6224 $new_array_options[$key] = $value;
6225 } elseif (in_array($key, array_keys($target_extrafields))) {
6226 $new_array_options[
'options_'.$key] = $value;
6230 foreach ($new_array_options as $key => $value) {
6231 $attributeKey = substr($key, 8);
6232 $attributeType = $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6233 $attributeLabel = $langs->transnoentities($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6234 $attributeParam = $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6235 $attributeRequired = $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6236 $attributeUnique = $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6237 $attrfieldcomputed = $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6241 if (!empty($this->context[
'createfromclone']) && $this->context[
'createfromclone'] ==
'createfromclone' && !empty($attributeUnique)) {
6242 $new_array_options[$key] =
6246 if ($attributeRequired) {
6247 $mandatorypb =
6248 if ($attributeType ==
'link' && $this->array_options[$key] ==
'-1') {
6249 $mandatorypb =
6251 if ($this->array_options[$key] ===
'') {
6252 $mandatorypb =
6254 if ($attributeType ==
'sellist' && $this->array_options[$key] ==
'0') {
6255 $mandatorypb =
6258 $langs->load(
6259 dol_syslog(
"Mandatory field '".$key.
"' is empty during create and set to required into definition of extrafields");
6260 $this->errors[] = $langs->trans(
'ErrorFieldRequired', $attributeLabel);
6268 if (!empty($attrfieldcomputed)) {
6269 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_STORE_COMPUTED_EXTRAFIELDS)) {
6270 $value =
dol_eval($attrfieldcomputed, 1, 0,
6271 dol_syslog($langs->trans(
" sur ".$attributeLabel.
")", LOG_DEBUG);
6272 $new_array_options[$key] = $value;
6274 $new_array_options[$key] =
6278 switch ($attributeType) {
6280 if (!is_numeric($value) && $value !=
'') {
6281 $this->errors[] = $langs->trans(
"ExtraFieldHasWrongValue", $attributeLabel);
6283 } elseif ($value ==
'') {
6284 $new_array_options[$key] =
6290 if (!is_numeric($value) && $value !=
'') {
6291 dol_syslog($langs->trans(
" for ".$attributeLabel.
"is not '".$attributeType.
"')", LOG_DEBUG);
6292 $this->errors[] = $langs->trans(
"ExtraFieldHasWrongValue", $attributeLabel);
6294 } elseif ($value ==
'') {
6298 $new_array_options[$key] = $value;
6308 if ($this->array_options[$key] !=
'' && is_array($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
'options'])) {
6310 $tmparrays = array_keys($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6311 $algo = reset($tmparrays);
6316 if (is_object($this->oldcopy)) {
6318 if (isset($this->oldcopy->array_options[$key]) && $this->array_options[$key] == $this->oldcopy->array_options[$key]) {
6319 $new_array_options[$key] = $this->array_options[$key];
6322 $newvalue =
dol_hash($this->array_options[$key], $algo);
6323 $new_array_options[$key] = $newvalue;
6326 $new_array_options[$key] = $this->array_options[$key];
6331 $new_array_options[$key] = $this->array_options[$key];
6337 if (!is_numeric($this->array_options[$key]) || $this->array_options[$key] != intval($this->array_options[$key])) {
6338 $this->array_options[$key] = strtotime($this->array_options[$key]);
6340 $new_array_options[$key] = $this->db->idate($this->array_options[$key]);
6344 if (!is_numeric($this->array_options[$key]) || $this->array_options[$key] != intval($this->array_options[$key])) {
6345 $this->array_options[$key] = strtotime($this->array_options[$key]);
6347 $new_array_options[$key] = $this->db->idate($this->array_options[$key],
6350 $param_list = array_keys($attributeParam[
6353 $InfoFieldList = explode(
":", $param_list[0]);
6355 if ($InfoFieldList[0] && class_exists($InfoFieldList[0])) {
6356 if ($value ==
'-1') {
6357 $new_array_options[$key] =
6359 $object =
new $InfoFieldList[0]($this->db);
6360 if (is_numeric($value)) {
6361 $res = $object->fetch($value);
6363 $res = $object->fetch(
'', $value);
6367 $new_array_options[$key] = $object->id;
6369 $this->error =
"Id/Ref '".$value.
"' for object '".$object->element.
"' not found";
6374 dol_syslog(
'Error bad setup of extrafield', LOG_WARNING);
6379 if (is_array($this->array_options[$key])) {
6380 $new_array_options[$key] = implode(
',', $this->array_options[$key]);
6382 $new_array_options[$key] = $this->array_options[$key];
6390 $table_element = $this->table_element;
6391 if ($table_element ==
'categorie') {
6392 $table_element =
6395 dol_syslog(get_class($this).
"::insertExtraFields delete then insert", LOG_DEBUG);
6397 $sql_del =
"DELETE FROM ".$this->db->prefix().$table_element.
"_extrafields WHERE fk_object = ".((int) $this->
6398 $this->db->query($sql_del);
6400 $sql =
"INSERT INTO ".$this->db->prefix().$table_element.
"_extrafields (fk_object";
6401 foreach ($new_array_options as $key => $value) {
6402 $attributeKey = substr($key, 8);
6404 if ($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
'type'][$attributeKey] !=
'separate') {
6405 $sql .=
6409 if (!empty($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
'mandatoryfieldsofotherentities']) && is_array($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
'mandatoryfieldsofotherentities'])) {
6410 foreach ($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
'mandatoryfieldsofotherentities'] as $tmpkey => $tmpval) {
6411 if (!isset($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
'type'][$tmpkey])) {
6412 $sql .=
6416 $sql .=
") VALUES (".$this->id;
6418 foreach ($new_array_options as $key => $value) {
6419 $attributeKey = substr($key, 8);
6421 if ($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
'type'][$attributeKey] !=
'separate') {
6422 if ($new_array_options[$key] !=
'' || $new_array_options[$key] ==
'0') {
6423 $sql .=
6430 if (!empty($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
'mandatoryfieldsofotherentities']) && is_array($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
'mandatoryfieldsofotherentities'])) {
6431 foreach ($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
'mandatoryfieldsofotherentities'] as $tmpkey => $tmpval) {
6432 if (!isset($extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
'type'][$tmpkey])) {
6433 if (in_array($tmpval, array(
'price'))) {
6444 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
6446 $this->error = $this->db->lasterror();
6450 if (!$error && $trigger) {
6452 $this->context = array(
6453 $result = $this->call_trigger($trigger, $userused);
6461 $this->db->rollback();
6464 $this->db->commit();
6602 global $conf, $langs, $user;
6604 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_EXTRAFIELDS_DISABLED)) {
6608 if (empty($userused)) {
6614 if (!empty($this->array_options) && isset($this->array_options[
"options_".$key])) {
6616 $langs->load(
6617 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
6619 $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($this->table_element);
6621 $value = $this->array_options[
6623 $attributeType = $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6624 $attributeLabel = $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6625 $attributeParam = $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6626 $attributeRequired = $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6627 $attrfieldcomputed = $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element][
6630 if ($attributeRequired) {
6631 $mandatorypb =
6632 if ($attributeType ==
'link' && $this->array_options[
"options_".$key] ==
'-1') {
6633 $mandatorypb =
6635 if ($this->array_options[
"options_".$key] ===
'') {
6636 $mandatorypb =
6639 $langs->load(
6640 dol_syslog(
"Mandatory field 'options_".$key.
"' is empty during update and set to required into definition of extrafields");
6641 $this->errors[] = $langs->trans(
'ErrorFieldRequired', $attributeLabel);
6649 if (!empty($attrfieldcomputed)) {
6650 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_STORE_COMPUTED_EXTRAFIELDS)) {
6651 $value =
dol_eval($attrfieldcomputed, 1, 0,
6652 dol_syslog($langs->trans(
" sur ".$attributeLabel.
")", LOG_DEBUG);
6653 $this->array_options[
"options_".$key] = $value;
6655 $this->array_options[
"options_".$key] =
6659 switch ($attributeType) {
6661 if (!is_numeric($value) && $value !=
'') {
6662 $this->errors[] = $langs->trans(
"ExtraFieldHasWrongValue", $attributeLabel);
6664 } elseif ($value ===
'') {
6665 $this->array_options[
"options_".$key] =
6671 if (!is_numeric($value) && $value !=
'') {
6672 dol_syslog($langs->trans(
" sur ".$attributeLabel.
"is not '".$attributeType.
"')", LOG_DEBUG);
6673 $this->errors[] = $langs->trans(
"ExtraFieldHasWrongValue", $attributeLabel);
6675 } elseif ($value ===
'') {
6679 $this->array_options[
"options_".$key] = $value;
6689 if (empty($this->array_options[
"options_".$key])) {
6690 $this->array_options[
"options_".$key] =
6692 $this->array_options[
"options_".$key] = $this->db->idate($this->array_options[
6696 if (empty($this->array_options[
"options_".$key])) {
6697 $this->array_options[
"options_".$key] =
6699 $this->array_options[
"options_".$key] = $this->db->idate($this->array_options[
6703 if (empty($this->array_options[
"options_".$key])) {
6704 $this->array_options[
"options_".$key] =
6708 if ($this->array_options[
"options_".$key] ===
'') {
6709 $this->array_options[
"options_".$key] =
6743 if (is_array($this->array_options[$key])) {
6744 $new_array_options[$key] = implode(
',', $this->array_options[$key]);
6746 $new_array_options[$key] = $this->array_options[$key];
6753 $linealreadyfound = 0;
6756 $sql =
"SELECT COUNT(rowid) as nb FROM ".$this->db->prefix().$this->table_element.
"_extrafields WHERE fk_object = ".((int) $this->
6757 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
6759 $tmpobj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
6761 $linealreadyfound = $tmpobj->nb;
6765 if ($linealreadyfound) {
6766 if ($this->array_options[
"options_".$key] ===
null) {
6767 $sql =
"UPDATE ".$this->db->prefix().$this->table_element.
"_extrafields SET ".$key.
" = null";
6769 $sql =
"UPDATE ".$this->db->prefix().$this->table_element.
"_extrafields SET ".$key.
" = '".$this->db->escape($this->array_options[
6771 $sql .=
" WHERE fk_object = ".((int) $this->
6773 $result = $this->insertExtraFields(
'', $user);
6779 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
6782 $this->error = $this->db->lasterror();
6784 if (!$error && $trigger) {
6786 $this->context = array(
6787 $result = $this->call_trigger($trigger, $userused);
6795 dol_syslog(__METHOD__.$this->error, LOG_ERR);
6796 $this->db->rollback();
6799 $this->db->commit();
6849 public function showInputField($val, $key, $value, $moreparam =
'', $keysuffix =
'', $keyprefix =
'', $morecss = 0, $nonewbutton = 0)
6851 global $conf, $langs, $form;
6853 if (!is_object($form)) {
6854 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
6855 $form =
new Form($this->db);
6858 if (!empty($this->fields)) {
6859 $val = $this->fields[$key];
6863 $fieldValidationErrorMsg =
6864 $validationClass =
6865 $fieldValidationErrorMsg = $this->getFieldError($key);
6866 if (!empty($fieldValidationErrorMsg)) {
6867 $validationClass =
' --error';
6869 $validationClass =
' --success';
6876 $param[
'options'] = array();
6878 $size = !empty($this->fields[$key][
'size']) ? $this->fields[$key][
'size'] : 0;
6880 if (preg_match(
'/^(integer|link):(.*):(.*):(.*):(.*)/i', $val[
'type'], $reg)) {
6881 $param[
'options'] = array($reg[2].
':'.$reg[5] =>
6883 } elseif (preg_match(
'/^(integer|link):(.*):(.*):(.*)/i', $val[
'type'], $reg)) {
6884 $param[
'options'] = array($reg[2].
':'.$reg[4] =>
6886 } elseif (preg_match(
'/^(integer|link):(.*):(.*)/i', $val[
'type'], $reg)) {
6887 $param[
'options'] = array($reg[2].
':'.$reg[3] =>
6889 } elseif (preg_match(
'/^(sellist):(.*):(.*):(.*):(.*)/i', $val[
'type'], $reg)) {
6890 $param[
'options'] = array($reg[2].
':'.$reg[5] =>
6892 } elseif (preg_match(
'/^(sellist):(.*):(.*):(.*)/i', $val[
'type'], $reg)) {
6893 $param[
'options'] = array($reg[2].
':'.$reg[4] =>
6895 } elseif (preg_match(
'/^(sellist):(.*):(.*)/i', $val[
'type'], $reg)) {
6896 $param[
'options'] = array($reg[2].
':'.$reg[3] =>
6898 } elseif (preg_match(
'/^chkbxlst:(.*)/i', $val[
'type'], $reg)) {
6899 $param[
'options'] = array($reg[1] =>
6901 } elseif (preg_match(
'/varchar\((\d+)\)/', $val[
'type'], $reg)) {
6902 $param[
'options'] = array();
6905 } elseif (preg_match(
'/varchar/', $val[
'type'])) {
6906 $param[
'options'] = array();
6909 $param[
'options'] = array();
6910 $type = $this->fields[$key][
6914 if (!empty($this->fields[$key][
'arrayofkeyval']) && is_array($this->fields[$key][
'arrayofkeyval'])) {
6915 $param[
'options'] = $this->fields[$key][
6919 $label = $this->fields[$key][
6921 $default = (!empty($this->fields[$key][
'default']) ? $this->fields[$key][
'default'] :
6922 $computed = (!empty($this->fields[$key][
'computed']) ? $this->fields[$key][
'computed'] :
6923 $unique = (!empty($this->fields[$key][
'unique']) ? $this->fields[$key][
'unique'] : 0);
6924 $required = (!empty($this->fields[$key][
'required']) ? $this->fields[$key][
'required'] : 0);
6925 $autofocusoncreate = (!empty($this->fields[$key][
'autofocusoncreate']) ? $this->fields[$key][
'autofocusoncreate'] : 0);
6927 $langfile = (!empty($this->fields[$key][
'langfile']) ? $this->fields[$key][
'langfile'] :
6928 $list = (!empty($this->fields[$key][
'list']) ? $this->fields[$key][
'list'] : 0);
6929 $hidden = (in_array(abs($this->fields[$key][
'visible']), array(0, 2)) ? 1 : 0);
6931 $objectid = $this->id;
6934 if (!preg_match(
'/^search_/', $keyprefix)) {
6935 return '<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
6942 if (empty($morecss) && !empty($val[
'css'])) {
6943 $morecss = $val[
6944 } elseif (empty($morecss)) {
6945 if ($type ==
'date') {
6946 $morecss =
6947 } elseif ($type ==
'datetime' || $type ==
'link') {
6948 $morecss =
6949 } elseif (in_array($type, array(
'price')) || preg_match(
'/^double(\([0-9],[0-9]\)){0,1}/', $type)) {
6950 $morecss =
6951 } elseif ($type ==
'url') {
6952 $morecss =
6953 } elseif ($type ==
'boolean') {
6956 if (round($size) < 12) {
6957 $morecss =
6958 } elseif (round($size) <= 48) {
6959 $morecss =
6961 $morecss =
6967 if (!empty($validationClass)) {
6968 $morecss.= $validationClass;
6971 if (in_array($type, array(
'date'))) {
6972 $tmp = explode(
',', $size);
6977 if (!$required && $value ==
'') {
6982 $out = $form->selectDate($value, $keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix, $showtime, $showtime, $required,
'', 1, (($keyprefix !=
'search_' && $keyprefix !=
'search_options_') ? 1 : 0), 0, 1);
6983 } elseif (in_array($type, array(
'datetime'))) {
6984 $tmp = explode(
',', $size);
6989 if (!$required && $value ==
'') $value =
6992 $out = $form->selectDate($value, $keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix, $showtime, $showtime, $required,
'', 1, (($keyprefix !=
'search_' && $keyprefix !=
'search_options_') ? 1 : 0), 0, 1,
'', 1,
6993 } elseif (in_array($type, array(
'duration'))) {
6994 $out = $form->select_duration($keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix, $value, 0,
'text', 0, 1);
6995 } elseif (in_array($type, array(
'integer'))) {
6996 $tmp = explode(
',', $size);
6998 $out =
'<input type="text" class="flat '.$morecss.
'" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'"'.($newsize > 0 ?
' maxlength="'.$newsize.
'"' :
' value="'.
'"'.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
'').($autofocusoncreate ?
' autofocus' :
6999 } elseif (in_array($type, array(
'real'))) {
7000 $out =
'<input type="text" class="flat '.$morecss.
'" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" value="'.
'"'.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
'').($autofocusoncreate ?
' autofocus' :
7001 } elseif (preg_match(
'/varchar/', $type)) {
7002 $out =
'<input type="text" class="flat '.$morecss.
'" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'"'.($size > 0 ?
' maxlength="'.$size.
'"' :
' value="'.
'"'.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
'').($autofocusoncreate ?
' autofocus' :
7003 } elseif (in_array($type, array(
'ip'))) {
7004 $out =
'<input type="text" class="flat '.$morecss.
'" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" value="'.
'" '.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
'').($autofocusoncreate ?
' autofocus' :
7005 } elseif (preg_match(
'/^text/', $type)) {
7006 if (!preg_match(
'/search_/', $keyprefix)) {
7007 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
7008 $doleditor =
new DolEditor($keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix, $value,
'', 200,
false, ROWS_5,
7009 $out = $doleditor->Create(1);
7011 $out =
'<input type="text" class="flat '.$morecss.
' maxwidthonsmartphone" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" value="'.
'" '.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
7013 } elseif (preg_match(
'/^html/', $type)) {
7014 if (!preg_match(
'/search_/', $keyprefix)) {
7015 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
7016 $doleditor =
new DolEditor($keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix, $value,
'', 200,
false, isModEnabled(
'fckeditor') && $conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_SOCIETE, ROWS_5,
7017 $out = $doleditor->Create(1,
'', $moreparam, $morecss);
7019 $out =
'<input type="text" class="flat '.$morecss.
' maxwidthonsmartphone" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" value="'.
'" '.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
7021 } elseif ($type ==
'boolean') {
7023 if (!empty($value)) {
7024 $checked =
' checked value="1" ';
7026 $checked =
' value="1" ';
7028 $out =
'<input type="checkbox" class="flat '.$morecss.
' maxwidthonsmartphone" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" '.$checked.
' '.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
7029 } elseif ($type ==
'price') {
7030 if (!empty($value)) {
7031 $value =
7033 $out =
'<input type="text" class="flat '.$morecss.
' maxwidthonsmartphone" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" value="'.$value.
'" '.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
'> '.$langs->getCurrencySymbol($conf->currency);
7034 } elseif (preg_match(
'/^double(\([0-9],[0-9]\)){0,1}/', $type)) {
7035 if (!empty($value)) {
7036 $value =
7038 $out =
'<input type="text" class="flat '.$morecss.
' maxwidthonsmartphone" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" value="'.$value.
'" '.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
'> ';
7039 } elseif ($type ==
'select') {
7041 if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) && empty($conf->global->MAIN_EXTRAFIELDS_DISABLE_SELECT2)) {
7042 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
7043 $out .=
ajax_combobox($keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix, array(), 0);
7046 $out .=
'<select class="flat '.$morecss.
' maxwidthonsmartphone" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" '.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
7047 if ((!isset($this->fields[$key][
'default'])) || ($this->fields[$key][
'notnull'] != 1)) {
7048 $out .=
'<option value="0"> </option>';
7050 foreach ($param[
'options'] as $keyb => $valb) {
7051 if ((
string) $keyb ==
'') {
7054 if (strpos($valb,
"|") !==
false) {
7055 list($valb, $parent) = explode(
'|', $valb);
7057 $out .=
'<option value="'.$keyb.
7058 $out .= (((string) $value == (
string) $keyb) ?
' selected' :
7059 $out .= (!empty($parent) ?
' parent="'.$parent.
'"' :
7060 $out .=
7062 $out .=
7063 } elseif ($type ==
'sellist') {
7065 if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) && empty($conf->global->MAIN_EXTRAFIELDS_DISABLE_SELECT2)) {
7066 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
7067 $out .=
ajax_combobox($keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix, array(), 0);
7070 $out .=
'<select class="flat '.$morecss.
' maxwidthonsmartphone" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" '.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
7071 if (is_array($param[
'options'])) {
7072 $param_list = array_keys($param[
7073 $InfoFieldList = explode(
":", $param_list[0]);
7083 $keyList = (empty($InfoFieldList[2]) ?
'rowid' : $InfoFieldList[2].
' as rowid');
7085 if (count($InfoFieldList) > 4 && !empty($InfoFieldList[4])) {
7086 if (strpos($InfoFieldList[4],
'extra.') !==
false) {
7087 $keyList =
' as rowid';
7089 $keyList = $InfoFieldList[2].
' as rowid';
7092 if (count($InfoFieldList) > 3 && !empty($InfoFieldList[3])) {
7093 list($parentName, $parentField) = explode(
'|', $InfoFieldList[3]);
7094 $keyList .=
', '.$parentField;
7097 $filter_categorie =
7098 if (count($InfoFieldList) > 5) {
7099 if ($InfoFieldList[0] ==
'categorie') {
7100 $filter_categorie =
7104 if ($filter_categorie ===
false) {
7105 $fields_label = explode(
'|', $InfoFieldList[1]);
7106 if (is_array($fields_label)) {
7108 $keyList .= implode(
', ', $fields_label);
7112 $sql =
"SELECT " . $keyList;
7113 $sql .=
" FROM " . $this->db->prefix() . $InfoFieldList[0];
7114 if (!empty($InfoFieldList[4])) {
7116 if (strpos($InfoFieldList[4],
'$SEL$') !==
false) {
7117 $InfoFieldList[4] = str_replace(
'SELECT', $InfoFieldList[4]);
7121 if (strpos($InfoFieldList[4],
'$ID$') !==
false && !empty($objectid)) {
7122 $InfoFieldList[4] = str_replace(
'$ID$', $objectid, $InfoFieldList[4]);
7124 $InfoFieldList[4] = str_replace(
'0', $InfoFieldList[4]);
7128 if (strpos($InfoFieldList[4],
'extra') !==
false) {
7129 $sql .=
" as main, " . $this->db->prefix() . $InfoFieldList[0] .
"_extrafields as extra";
7130 $sqlwhere .=
" WHERE extra.fk_object=main." . $InfoFieldList[2] .
" AND " . $InfoFieldList[4];
7132 $sqlwhere .=
" WHERE " . $InfoFieldList[4];
7135 $sqlwhere .=
' WHERE 1=1';
7138 if (in_array($InfoFieldList[0], array(
'tablewithentity'))) {
7139 $sqlwhere .=
" AND entity = " . ((int) $conf->entity);
7144 $sql .=
' ORDER BY ' . implode(
', ', $fields_label);
7146 dol_syslog(get_class($this) .
'::showInputField type=sellist', LOG_DEBUG);
7147 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
7149 $out .=
'<option value="0"> </option>';
7150 $num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
7154 $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
7158 $fields_label = explode(
'|', $InfoFieldList[1]);
7159 if (count($fields_label) > 1) {
7161 foreach ($fields_label as $field_toshow) {
7162 $labeltoshow .= $obj->$field_toshow .
' ';
7165 $labeltoshow = $obj->{$InfoFieldList[1]};
7167 $labeltoshow =
dol_trunc($labeltoshow, 45);
7169 if ($value == $obj->rowid) {
7170 foreach ($fields_label as $field_toshow) {
7171 $translabel = $langs->trans($obj->$field_toshow);
7172 if ($translabel != $obj->$field_toshow) {
7173 $labeltoshow =
dol_trunc($translabel) .
' ';
7175 $labeltoshow =
dol_trunc($obj->$field_toshow) .
' ';
7178 $out .=
'<option value="' . $obj->rowid .
'" selected>' . $labeltoshow .
7181 $translabel = $langs->trans($obj->{$InfoFieldList[1]});
7182 if ($translabel != $obj->{$InfoFieldList[1]}) {
7183 $labeltoshow =
dol_trunc($translabel, 18);
7185 $labeltoshow =
7188 if (empty($labeltoshow)) {
7189 $labeltoshow =
'(not defined)';
7191 if ($value == $obj->rowid) {
7192 $out .=
'<option value="' . $obj->rowid .
'" selected>' . $labeltoshow .
7195 if (!empty($InfoFieldList[3]) && $parentField) {
7196 $parent = $parentName .
':' . $obj->{$parentField};
7200 $out .=
'<option value="' . $obj->rowid .
7201 $out .= ($value == $obj->rowid ?
' selected' :
7202 $out .= (!empty($parent) ?
' parent="' . $parent .
'"' :
7203 $out .=
'>' . $labeltoshow .
7208 $this->db->free($resql);
7210 print
'Error in request ' . $sql .
' ' . $this->db->lasterror() .
'. Check setup of extra parameters.<br>';
7213 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
7214 $data = $form->select_all_categories(Categorie::$MAP_ID_TO_CODE[$InfoFieldList[5]],
'parent', 64, $InfoFieldList[6], 1, 1);
7215 $out .=
'<option value="0"> </option>';
7216 foreach ($data as $data_key => $data_value) {
7217 $out .=
'<option value="' . $data_key .
7218 $out .= ($value == $data_key ?
' selected' :
7219 $out .=
'>' . $data_value .
7223 $out .=
7224 } elseif ($type ==
'checkbox') {
7225 $value_arr = explode(
',', $value);
7226 $out = $form->multiselectarray($keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix, (empty($param[
'options']) ?
'options']), $value_arr,
'', 0, $morecss, 0,
7227 } elseif ($type ==
'radio') {
7229 foreach ($param[
'options'] as $keyopt => $valopt) {
7230 $out .=
'<input class="flat '.$morecss.
'" type="radio" name="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
'" '.($moreparam ? $moreparam :
7231 $out .=
' value="'.$keyopt.
7232 $out .=
' id="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
7233 $out .= ($value == $keyopt ?
'checked' :
7234 $out .=
'/><label for="'.$keyprefix.$key.$keysuffix.
7236 } elseif ($type ==
'chkbxlst') {
7237 if (is_array($value)) {
7238 $value_arr = $value;
7240 $value_arr = explode(
',', $value);
7243 if (is_array($param[
'options'])) {
7244 $param_list = array_keys($param[
7245 $InfoFieldList = explode(
":", $param_list[0]);
7255 $keyList = (empty($InfoFieldList[2]) ?
'rowid' : $InfoFieldList[2].
' as rowid');
7257 if (count($InfoFieldList) > 3 && !empty($InfoFieldList[3])) {
7258 list ($parentName, $parentField) = explode(
'|', $InfoFieldList[3]);
7259 $keyList .=
', '.$parentField;
7261 if (count($InfoFieldList) > 4 && !empty($InfoFieldList[4])) {
7262 if (strpos($InfoFieldList[4],
'extra.') !==
false) {
7263 $keyList =
' as rowid';
7265 $keyList = $InfoFieldList[2].
' as rowid';
7269 $filter_categorie =
7270 if (count($InfoFieldList) > 5) {
7271 if ($InfoFieldList[0] ==
'categorie') {
7272 $filter_categorie =
7276 if ($filter_categorie ===
false) {
7277 $fields_label = explode(
'|', $InfoFieldList[1]);
7278 if (is_array($fields_label)) {
7280 $keyList .= implode(
', ', $fields_label);
7284 $sql =
"SELECT " . $keyList;
7285 $sql .=
' FROM ' . $this->db->prefix() . $InfoFieldList[0];
7286 if (!empty($InfoFieldList[4])) {
7288 if (strpos($InfoFieldList[4],
'$SEL$') !==
false) {
7289 $InfoFieldList[4] = str_replace(
'SELECT', $InfoFieldList[4]);
7293 if (strpos($InfoFieldList[4],
'$ID$') !==
false && !empty($objectid)) {
7294 $InfoFieldList[4] = str_replace(
'$ID$', $objectid, $InfoFieldList[4]);
7296 $InfoFieldList[4] = str_replace(
'0', $InfoFieldList[4]);
7300 if (strpos($InfoFieldList[4],
'extra') !==
false) {
7301 $sql .=
' as main, ' . $this->db->prefix() . $InfoFieldList[0] .
'_extrafields as extra';
7302 $sqlwhere .=
" WHERE extra.fk_object=main." . $InfoFieldList[2] .
" AND " . $InfoFieldList[4];
7304 $sqlwhere .=
" WHERE " . $InfoFieldList[4];
7307 $sqlwhere .=
' WHERE 1=1';
7310 if (in_array($InfoFieldList[0], array(
'tablewithentity'))) {
7311 $sqlwhere .=
" AND entity = " . ((int) $conf->entity);
7317 dol_syslog(get_class($this) .
'::showInputField type=chkbxlst', LOG_DEBUG);
7318 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
7320 $num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
7327 $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
7331 $fields_label = explode(
'|', $InfoFieldList[1]);
7332 if (count($fields_label) > 1) {
7334 foreach ($fields_label as $field_toshow) {
7335 $labeltoshow .= $obj->$field_toshow .
' ';
7338 $labeltoshow = $obj->{$InfoFieldList[1]};
7340 $labeltoshow =
dol_trunc($labeltoshow, 45);