dolibarr 19.0.4
Form Class Reference

Class to manage generation of HTML components Only common components must be here. More...

Inheritance diagram for Form:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($db)
 editfieldkey ($text, $htmlname, $preselected, $object, $perm, $typeofdata='string', $moreparam='', $fieldrequired=0, $notabletag=0, $paramid='id', $help='')
 Output key field for an editable field.
 editfieldval ($text, $htmlname, $value, $object, $perm, $typeofdata='string', $editvalue='', $extObject=null, $custommsg=null, $moreparam='', $notabletag=1, $formatfunc='', $paramid='id', $gm='auto', $moreoptions=array(), $editaction='')
 Output value of a field for an editable field.
 widgetForTranslation ($fieldname, $object, $perm, $typeofdata='string', $check='', $morecss='')
 Output edit in place form.
 textwithtooltip ($text, $htmltext, $tooltipon=1, $direction=0, $img='', $extracss='', $notabs=3, $incbefore='', $noencodehtmltext=0, $tooltiptrigger='', $forcenowrap=0)
 Show a text and picto with tooltip on text or picto.
 textwithpicto ($text, $htmltext, $direction=1, $type='help', $extracss='', $noencodehtmltext=0, $notabs=3, $tooltiptrigger='', $forcenowrap=0)
 Show a text with a picto and a tooltip on picto.
 selectMassAction ($selected, $arrayofaction, $alwaysvisible=0, $name='massaction', $cssclass='checkforselect')
 Generate select HTML to choose massaction.
 select_country ($selected='', $htmlname='country_id', $htmloption='', $maxlength=0, $morecss='minwidth300', $usecodeaskey='', $showempty=1, $disablefavorites=0, $addspecialentries=0, $exclude_country_code=array(), $hideflags=0)
 Return combo list of activated countries, into language of user.
 select_incoterms ($selected='', $location_incoterms='', $page='', $htmlname='incoterm_id', $htmloption='', $forcecombo=1, $events=array(), $disableautocomplete=0)
 Return select list of incoterms.
 select_type_of_lines ($selected='', $htmlname='type', $showempty=0, $hidetext=0, $forceall=0)
 Return list of types of lines (product or service) Example: 0=product, 1=service, 9=other (for external module)
 load_cache_types_fees ()
 Load into cache cache_types_fees, array of types of fees.
 select_type_fees ($selected='', $htmlname='type', $showempty=0)
 Return list of types of notes.
 select_company ($selected='', $htmlname='socid', $filter='', $showempty='', $showtype=0, $forcecombo=0, $events=array(), $limit=0, $morecss='minwidth100', $moreparam='', $selected_input_value='', $hidelabel=1, $ajaxoptions=array(), $multiple=false, $excludeids=array(), $showcode=0)
 Output html form to select a third party.
 select_thirdparty_list ($selected='', $htmlname='socid', $filter='', $showempty='', $showtype=0, $forcecombo=0, $events=array(), $filterkey='', $outputmode=0, $limit=0, $morecss='minwidth100', $moreparam='', $multiple=false, $excludeids=array(), $showcode=0)
 Output html form to select a third party.
 select_remises ($selected, $htmlname, $filter, $socid, $maxvalue=0)
 Return HTML combo list of absolute discounts.
 select_contacts ($socid, $selected='', $htmlname='contactid', $showempty=0, $exclude='', $limitto='', $showfunction=0, $morecss='', $showsoc=0, $forcecombo=0, $events=array(), $options_only=false, $moreparam='', $htmlid='')
 Return list of all contacts (for a third party or all)
 selectcontacts ($socid, $selected=array(), $htmlname='contactid', $showempty=0, $exclude='', $limitto='', $showfunction=0, $morecss='', $options_only=false, $showsoc=0, $forcecombo=0, $events=array(), $moreparam='', $htmlid='', $multiple=false, $disableifempty=0)
 Return HTML code of the SELECT of list of all contacts (for a third party or all).
 select_users ($selected='', $htmlname='userid', $show_empty=0, $exclude=null, $disabled=0, $include='', $enableonly=array(), $force_entity='0')
 Return the HTML select list of users.
 select_dolusers ($selected='', $htmlname='userid', $show_empty=0, $exclude=null, $disabled=0, $include='', $enableonly='', $force_entity='', $maxlength=0, $showstatus=0, $morefilter='', $show_every=0, $enableonlytext='', $morecss='', $notdisabled=0, $outputmode=0, $multiple=false, $forcecombo=0)
 Return select list of users.
 select_dolusers_forevent ($action='', $htmlname='userid', $show_empty=0, $exclude=null, $disabled=0, $include=array(), $enableonly=array(), $force_entity='0', $maxlength=0, $showstatus=0, $morefilter='', $showproperties=0, $listofuserid=array(), $listofcontactid=array(), $listofotherid=array())
 Return select list of users.
 select_dolresources_forevent ($action='', $htmlname='userid', $show_empty=0, $exclude=null, $disabled=0, $include=array(), $enableonly=array(), $force_entity='0', $maxlength=0, $showstatus=0, $morefilter='', $showproperties=0, $listofresourceid=array())
 Return select list of resources.
 select_produits ($selected=0, $htmlname='productid', $filtertype='', $limit=0, $price_level=0, $status=1, $finished=2, $selected_input_value='', $hidelabel=0, $ajaxoptions=array(), $socid=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='', $hidepriceinlabel=0, $warehouseStatus='', $selected_combinations=null, $nooutput=0, $status_purchase=-1)
 Return list of products for customer in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to select_produits_list.
 select_bom ($selected='', $htmlname='bom_id', $limit=0, $status=1, $type=0, $showempty='1', $morecss='', $nooutput='', $forcecombo=0, $TProducts=[])
 Return list of BOM for customer in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to select_produits_list.
 select_produits_list ($selected='', $htmlname='productid', $filtertype='', $limit=20, $price_level=0, $filterkey='', $status=1, $finished=2, $outputmode=0, $socid=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='', $hidepriceinlabel=0, $warehouseStatus='', $status_purchase=-1)
 Return list of products for a customer.
 select_produits_fournisseurs ($socid, $selected='', $htmlname='productid', $filtertype='', $filtre='', $ajaxoptions=array(), $hidelabel=0, $alsoproductwithnosupplierprice=0, $morecss='', $placeholder='')
 Return list of products for customer (in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to select_produits_fournisseurs_list)
 select_produits_fournisseurs_list ($socid, $selected='', $htmlname='productid', $filtertype='', $filtre='', $filterkey='', $statut=-1, $outputmode=0, $limit=100, $alsoproductwithnosupplierprice=0, $morecss='', $showstockinlist=0, $placeholder='')
 Return list of suppliers products.
 select_product_fourn_price ($productid, $htmlname='productfournpriceid', $selected_supplier=0)
 Return list of suppliers prices for a product.
 load_cache_conditions_paiements ()
 load_cache_availability ()
 selectAvailabilityDelay ($selected='', $htmlname='availid', $filtertype='', $addempty=0, $morecss='')
 loadCacheInputReason ()
 selectInputReason ($selected='', $htmlname='demandreasonid', $exclude='', $addempty=0, $morecss='', $notooltip=0)
 Return list of input reason (events that triggered an object creation, like after sending an emailing, making an advert, ...) List found into table c_input_reason loaded by loadCacheInputReason.
 load_cache_types_paiements ()
 select_conditions_paiements ($selected=0, $htmlname='condid', $filtertype=-1, $addempty=0, $noinfoadmin=0, $morecss='', $deposit_percent=-1)
 print list of payment modes.
 getSelectConditionsPaiements ($selected=0, $htmlname='condid', $filtertype=-1, $addempty=0, $noinfoadmin=0, $morecss='', $deposit_percent=-1)
 Return list of payment modes.
 select_types_paiements ($selected='', $htmlname='paiementtype', $filtertype='', $format=0, $empty=1, $noadmininfo=0, $maxlength=0, $active=1, $morecss='', $nooutput=0)
 Return list of payment methods Constant MAIN_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_TYPE_ID can used to set default value but scope is all application, probably not what you want.
 selectPriceBaseType ($selected='', $htmlname='price_base_type', $addjscombo=0)
 Selection HT or TTC.
 load_cache_transport_mode ()
 selectTransportMode ($selected='', $htmlname='transportmode', $format=0, $empty=1, $noadmininfo=0, $maxlength=0, $active=1, $morecss='')
 selectShippingMethod ($selected='', $htmlname='shipping_method_id', $filtre='', $useempty=0, $moreattrib='', $noinfoadmin=0, $morecss='')
 Return a HTML select list of shipping mode.
 formSelectShippingMethod ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='shipping_method_id', $addempty=0)
 Display form to select shipping mode.
 selectSituationInvoices ($selected='', $socid=0)
 Creates HTML last in cycle situation invoices selector.
 selectUnits ($selected='', $htmlname='units', $showempty=0, $unit_type='')
 select_comptes ($selected='', $htmlname='accountid', $status=0, $filtre='', $useempty=0, $moreattrib='', $showcurrency=0, $morecss='', $nooutput=0)
 Return a HTML select list of bank accounts.
 selectEstablishments ($selected='', $htmlname='entity', $status=0, $filtre='', $useempty=0, $moreattrib='')
 Return a HTML select list of establishment.
 formSelectAccount ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='fk_account', $addempty=0)
 Display form to select bank account.
 select_all_categories ($type, $selected='', $htmlname="parent", $maxlength=64, $markafterid=0, $outputmode=0, $include=0, $morecss='')
 Return list of categories having choosed type.
 form_confirm ($page, $title, $question, $action, $formquestion=array(), $selectedchoice="", $useajax=0, $height=170, $width=500)
 formconfirm ($page, $title, $question, $action, $formquestion='', $selectedchoice='', $useajax=0, $height=0, $width=500, $disableformtag=0, $labelbuttonyes='Yes', $labelbuttonno='No')
 form_project ($page, $socid, $selected='', $htmlname='projectid', $discard_closed=0, $maxlength=20, $forcefocus=0, $nooutput=0, $textifnoproject='', $morecss='')
 Show a form to select a project.
 form_conditions_reglement ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='cond_reglement_id', $addempty=0, $type='', $filtertype=-1, $deposit_percent=-1, $nooutput=0)
 Show a form to select payment conditions.
 form_availability ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='availability', $addempty=0)
 Show a form to select a delivery delay.
 formInputReason ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='demandreason', $addempty=0)
 Output HTML form to select list of input reason (events that triggered an object creation, like after sending an emailing, making an advert, ...) List found into table c_input_reason loaded by loadCacheInputReason.
 form_date ($page, $selected, $htmlname, $displayhour=0, $displaymin=0, $nooutput=0, $type='')
 Show a form + html select a date.
 form_users ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='userid', $exclude=array(), $include=array())
 Show a select form to choose a user.
 form_modes_reglement ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='mode_reglement_id', $filtertype='', $active=1, $addempty=0, $type='', $nooutput=0)
 Show form with payment mode.
 formSelectTransportMode ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='transport_mode_id', $active=1, $addempty=0)
 Show form with transport mode.
 form_multicurrency_code ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='multicurrency_code')
 Show form with multicurrency code.
 form_multicurrency_rate ($page, $rate=0.0, $htmlname='multicurrency_tx', $currency='')
 Show form with multicurrency rate.
 form_remise_dispo ($page, $selected, $htmlname, $socid, $amount, $filter='', $maxvalue=0, $more='', $hidelist=0, $discount_type=0)
 Show a select box with available absolute discounts.
 form_contacts ($page, $societe, $selected='', $htmlname='contactid')
 Show forms to select a contact.
 form_thirdparty ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='socid', $filter='', $showempty=0, $showtype=0, $forcecombo=0, $events=array(), $nooutput=0, $excludeids=array(), $textifnothirdparty='')
 Output html select to select thirdparty.
 select_currency ($selected='', $htmlname='currency_id')
 Retourne la liste des devises, dans la langue de l'utilisateur.
 selectCurrency ($selected='', $htmlname='currency_id', $mode=0, $useempty='')
 Retourne la liste des devises, dans la langue de l'utilisateur.
 selectMultiCurrency ($selected='', $htmlname='multicurrency_code', $useempty=0, $filter='', $excludeConfCurrency=false, $morecss='')
 Return array of currencies in user language.
 load_cache_vatrates ($country_code)
 Load into the cache vat rates of a country.
 load_tva ($htmlname='tauxtva', $selectedrate='', $societe_vendeuse=null, $societe_acheteuse=null, $idprod=0, $info_bits=0, $type='', $options_only=false, $mode=0)
 Output an HTML select vat rate.
 select_date ($set_time='', $prefix='re', $h=0, $m=0, $empty=0, $form_name="", $d=1, $addnowlink=0, $nooutput=0, $disabled=0, $fullday=0, $addplusone='', $adddateof='')
 Show a HTML widget to input a date or combo list for day, month, years and optionaly hours and minutes.
 selectDateToDate ($set_time='', $set_time_end='', $prefix='re', $empty=0, $forcenewline=0)
 Show 2 HTML widget to input a date or combo list for day, month, years and optionaly hours and minutes.
 selectDate ($set_time='', $prefix='re', $h=0, $m=0, $empty=0, $form_name="", $d=1, $addnowlink=0, $disabled=0, $fullday='', $addplusone='', $adddateof='', $openinghours='', $stepminutes=1, $labeladddateof='', $placeholder='', $gm='auto')
 Show a HTML widget to input a date or combo list for day, month, years and optionaly hours and minutes.
 selectTypeDuration ($prefix, $selected='i', $excludetypes=array())
 select_duration ($prefix, $iSecond='', $disabled=0, $typehour='select', $minunderhours=0, $nooutput=0)
 Function to show a form to select a duration on a page.
 selectTickets ($selected='', $htmlname='ticketid', $filtertype='', $limit=0, $status=1, $selected_input_value='', $hidelabel=0, $ajaxoptions=array(), $socid=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='', $selected_combinations=null, $nooutput=0)
 Return list of tickets in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to selectTicketsList.
 selectTicketsList ($selected='', $htmlname='ticketid', $filtertype='', $limit=20, $filterkey='', $status=1, $outputmode=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='')
 Return list of tickets.
 selectProjects ($selected='', $htmlname='projectid', $filtertype='', $limit=0, $status=1, $selected_input_value='', $hidelabel=0, $ajaxoptions=array(), $socid=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='', $selected_combinations=null, $nooutput=0)
 Return list of projects in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to selectTicketsList.
 selectProjectsList ($selected='', $htmlname='projectid', $filtertype='', $limit=20, $filterkey='', $status=1, $outputmode=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='')
 Return list of projects.
 selectMembers ($selected='', $htmlname='adherentid', $filtertype='', $limit=0, $status=1, $selected_input_value='', $hidelabel=0, $ajaxoptions=array(), $socid=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='', $selected_combinations=null, $nooutput=0)
 Return list of members in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to selectTicketsList.
 selectMembersList ($selected='', $htmlname='adherentid', $filtertype='', $limit=20, $filterkey='', $status=1, $outputmode=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='')
 Return list of adherents.
 selectForForms ($objectdesc, $htmlname, $preSelectedValue, $showempty='', $searchkey='', $placeholder='', $morecss='', $moreparams='', $forcecombo=0, $disabled=0, $selected_input_value='', $objectfield='')
 Generic method to select a component from a combo list.
 selectForFormsList ($objecttmp, $htmlname, $preselectedvalue, $showempty='', $searchkey='', $placeholder='', $morecss='', $moreparams='', $forcecombo=0, $outputmode=0, $disabled=0, $sortfield='', $filter='')
 Output html form to select an object.
 showCategories ($id, $type, $rendermode=0, $nolink=0)
 Render list of categories linked to object with id $id and type $type.
 showLinkedObjectBlock ($object, $morehtmlright='', $compatibleImportElementsList=array(), $title='RelatedObjects')
 Show linked object block.
 showLinkToObjectBlock ($object, $restrictlinksto=array(), $excludelinksto=array())
 Show block with links to link to other objects.
 selectyesno ($htmlname, $value='', $option=0, $disabled=false, $useempty=0, $addjscombo=0, $morecss='', $labelyes='Yes', $labelno='No')
 Return an html string with a select combo box to choose yes or no.
 select_export_model ($selected='', $htmlname='exportmodelid', $type='', $useempty=0)
 Return list of export templates.
 showrefnav ($object, $paramid, $morehtml='', $shownav=1, $fieldid='rowid', $fieldref='ref', $morehtmlref='', $moreparam='', $nodbprefix=0, $morehtmlleft='', $morehtmlstatus='', $morehtmlright='')
 Return a HTML area with the reference of object and a navigation bar for a business object Note: To complete search with a particular filter on select, you can set $object->next_prev_filter set to define SQL criterias.
 showbarcode (&$object, $width=100, $morecss='')
 Return HTML code to output a barcode.
 select_dolgroups ($selected='', $htmlname='groupid', $show_empty=0, $exclude='', $disabled=0, $include='', $enableonly=array(), $force_entity='0', $multiple=false, $morecss='')
 Return select list of groups.
 showFilterButtons ($pos='')
 Return HTML to show the search and clear seach button.
 showCheckAddButtons ($cssclass='checkforaction', $calljsfunction=0, $massactionname="massaction")
 Return HTML to show the search and clear search button.
 showFilterAndCheckAddButtons ($addcheckuncheckall=0, $cssclass='checkforaction', $calljsfunction=0, $massactionname="massaction")
 Return HTML to show the search and clear seach button.
 selectExpenseCategories ($selected='', $htmlname='fk_c_exp_tax_cat', $useempty=0, $excludeid=array(), $target='', $default_selected=0, $params=array(), $info_admin=1)
 Return HTML to show the select of expense categories.
 selectExpenseRanges ($selected='', $htmlname='fk_range', $useempty=0)
 Return HTML to show the select ranges of expense range.
 selectExpense ($selected='', $htmlname='fk_c_type_fees', $useempty=0, $allchoice=1, $useid=0)
 Return HTML to show a select of expense.
 selectInvoice ($socid=-1, $selected='', $htmlname='invoiceid', $maxlength=24, $option_only=0, $show_empty='1', $discard_closed=0, $forcefocus=0, $disabled=0, $morecss='maxwidth500', $projectsListId='', $showproject='all', $usertofilter=null)
 Output a combo list with invoices qualified for a third party.
 selectInvoiceRec ($selected='', $htmlname='facrecid', $maxlength=24, $option_only=0, $show_empty='1', $forcefocus=0, $disabled=0, $morecss='maxwidth500')
 Output a combo list with invoices qualified for a third party.
 searchComponent ($arrayofcriterias, $search_component_params, $arrayofinputfieldsalreadyoutput=array(), $search_component_params_hidden='')
 Output the component to make advanced search criteries.
 selectModelMail ($prefix, $modelType='', $default=0, $addjscombo=0)
 buttonsSaveCancel ($save_label='Save', $cancel_label='Cancel', $morebuttons=array(), $withoutdiv=false, $morecss='', $dol_openinpopup='')
 Output the buttons to submit a creation/edit form.
 load_cache_invoice_subtype ()
 Load into cache list of invoice subtypes.
 getSelectInvoiceSubtype ($selected=0, $htmlname='subtypeid', $addempty=0, $noinfoadmin=0, $morecss='')
 Return list of invoice subtypes.

Static Public Member Functions

static selectarray ($htmlname, $array, $id='', $show_empty=0, $key_in_label=0, $value_as_key=0, $moreparam='', $translate=0, $maxlen=0, $disabled=0, $sort='', $morecss='minwidth75', $addjscombo=1, $moreparamonempty='', $disablebademail=0, $nohtmlescape=0)
 Return a HTML select string, built from an array of key+value.
static selectArrayAjax ($htmlname, $url, $id='', $moreparam='', $moreparamtourl='', $disabled=0, $minimumInputLength=1, $morecss='', $callurlonselect=0, $placeholder='', $acceptdelayedhtml=0)
 Return a HTML select string, built from an array of key+value, but content returned into select come from an Ajax call of an URL.
static selectArrayFilter ($htmlname, $array, $id='', $moreparam='', $disableFiltering=0, $disabled=0, $minimumInputLength=1, $morecss='', $callurlonselect=0, $placeholder='', $acceptdelayedhtml=0, $textfortitle='')
 Return a HTML select string, built from an array of key+value, but content returned into select is defined into $array parameter.
static multiselectarray ($htmlname, $array, $selected=array(), $key_in_label=0, $value_as_key=0, $morecss='', $translate=0, $width=0, $moreattrib='', $elemtype='', $placeholder='', $addjscombo=-1)
 Show a multiselect form from an array.
static multiSelectArrayWithCheckbox ($htmlname, &$array, $varpage, $pos='')
 Show a multiselect dropbox from an array.
static showphoto ($modulepart, $object, $width=100, $height=0, $caneditfield=0, $cssclass='photowithmargin', $imagesize='', $addlinktofullsize=1, $cache=0, $forcecapture='', $noexternsourceoverwrite=0)

Protected Member Functions

 editInPlace ($object, $value, $htmlname, $condition, $inputType='textarea', $editvalue=null, $extObject=null, $custommsg=null)
 Output edit in place form.
 constructProductListOption (&$objp, &$opt, &$optJson, $price_level, $selected, $hidepriceinlabel=0, $filterkey='', $novirtualstock=0)
 Function to forge the string with OPTIONs of SELECT.
 constructTicketListOption (&$objp, &$opt, &$optJson, $selected, $filterkey='')
 constructProjectListOption (&$objp, &$opt, &$optJson, $selected, $filterkey='')
 constructMemberListOption (&$objp, &$opt, &$optJson, $selected, $filterkey='')

Detailed Description

Class to manage generation of HTML components Only common components must be here.

TODO Merge all function load_cache_* and loadCache* (except load_cache_vatrates) into one generic function loadCacheTable

Definition at line 54 of file html.form.class.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Form::__construct ( $db)


DoliDB$dbDatabase handler

Reimplemented in FormAccounting, FormAdvTargetEmailing, FormCron, FormMail, and FormProjets.

Definition at line 91 of file html.form.class.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ buttonsSaveCancel()

Form::buttonsSaveCancel ( $save_label = 'Save',
$cancel_label = 'Cancel',
$morebuttons = array(),
$withoutdiv = false,
$morecss = '',
$dol_openinpopup = '' )

Output the buttons to submit a creation/edit form.

string$save_labelAlternative label for save button
string$cancel_labelAlternative label for cancel button
array$morebuttonsAdd additional buttons between save and cancel
bool$withoutdivOption to remove enclosing centered div
string$morecssMore CSS
string$dol_openinpopupIf the button are shown in a context of a page shown inside a popup, we put here the string name of popup.
string Html code with the buttons

Definition at line 10868 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), and getNonce().

◆ constructMemberListOption()

Form::constructMemberListOption ( & $objp,
& $opt,
& $optJson,
$filterkey = '' )


This define value for &$opt and &$optJson.

object$objpResult set of fetch
string$optOption (var used for returned value in string option format)
array$optJsonOption (var used for returned value in json format)
string$selectedPreselected value
string$filterkeyFilter key to highlight

Definition at line 8006 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ constructProductListOption()

Form::constructProductListOption ( & $objp,
& $opt,
& $optJson,
$hidepriceinlabel = 0,
$filterkey = '',
$novirtualstock = 0 )

Function to forge the string with OPTIONs of SELECT.

This define value for &$opt and &$optJson. This function is called by select_produits_list().

object$objpResultset of fetch
string$optOption (var used for returned value in string option format)
array$optJsonOption (var used for returned value in json format)
int$price_levelPrice level
string$selectedPreselected value
int$hidepriceinlabelHide price in label
string$filterkeyFilter key to highlight
int$novirtualstockDo not load virtual stock, even if slow option STOCK_SHOW_VIRTUAL_STOCK_IN_PRODUCTS_COMBO is on.

Definition at line 3081 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_print_error(), dol_strlen(), dol_syslog(), dol_trunc(), getCountry(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), getEntity(), measuringUnitString(), price(), price2num(), showDimensionInBestUnit(), Product\TYPE_PRODUCT, Product\TYPE_SERVICE, and vatrate().

Referenced by select_produits_list().

◆ constructProjectListOption()

Form::constructProjectListOption ( & $objp,
& $opt,
& $optJson,
$filterkey = '' )


This define value for &$opt and &$optJson.

object$objpResult set of fetch
string$optOption (var used for returned value in string option format)
array$optJsonOption (var used for returned value in json format)
string$selectedPreselected value
string$filterkeyFilter key to highlight

Definition at line 7770 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ constructTicketListOption()

Form::constructTicketListOption ( & $objp,
& $opt,
& $optJson,
$filterkey = '' )


This define value for &$opt and &$optJson.

object$objpResult set of fetch
string$optOption (var used for returned value in string option format)
array$optJsonOption (var used for returned value in json format)
string$selectedPreselected value
string$filterkeyFilter key to highlight

Definition at line 7545 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ editfieldkey()

Form::editfieldkey ( $text,
$typeofdata = 'string',
$moreparam = '',
$fieldrequired = 0,
$notabletag = 0,
$paramid = 'id',
$help = '' )

Output key field for an editable field.

string$textText of label or key to translate
string$htmlnameName of select field ('edit' prefix will be added)
string$preselectedValue to show/edit (not used in this function)
object$objectObject (on the page we show)
boolean$permPermission to allow button to edit parameter. Set it to 0 to have a not edited field.
string$typeofdataType of data ('string' by default, 'email', 'amount:99', 'numeric:99', 'text' or 'textarea:rows:cols', 'datepicker' ('day' do not work, don't know why), 'dayhour' or 'datehourpicker' 'checkbox:ckeditor:dolibarr_zzz:width:height:savemethod:1:rows:cols', 'select;xxx[:class]'...)
string$moreparamMore param to add on a href URL.
int$fieldrequired1 if we want to show field as mandatory using the "fieldrequired" CSS.
int$notabletag1=Do not output table tags but output a ':', 2=Do not output table tags and no ':', 3=Do not output table tags but output a ' '
string$paramidKey of parameter for id ('id', 'socid')
string$helpTooltip help
string HTML edit field

Definition at line 112 of file html.form.class.php.

References getDolGlobalString(), GETPOST(), img_edit(), and textwithpicto().

◆ editfieldval()

Form::editfieldval ( $text,
$typeofdata = 'string',
$editvalue = '',
$extObject = null,
$custommsg = null,
$moreparam = '',
$notabletag = 1,
$formatfunc = '',
$paramid = 'id',
$gm = 'auto',
$moreoptions = array(),
$editaction = '' )

Output value of a field for an editable field.

string$textText of label (not used in this function)
string$htmlnameName of select field
string$valueValue to show/edit
object$objectObject (that we want to show)
boolean$permPermission to allow button to edit parameter
string$typeofdataType of data ('string' by default, 'checkbox', 'email', 'phone', 'amount:99', 'numeric:99', 'text' or 'textarea:rows:cols', 'safehtmlstring', 'restricthtml', 'datepicker' ('day' do not work, don't know why), 'dayhour' or 'datehourpicker', 'ckeditor:dolibarr_zzz:width:height:savemethod:toolbarstartexpanded:rows:cols', 'select;xkey:xval,ykey:yval,...')
string$editvalueWhen in edit mode, use this value as $value instead of value (for example, you can provide here a formated price instead of numeric value, or a select combo). Use '' to use same than $value
object$extObjectExternal object ???
mixed$custommsgString or Array of custom messages : eg array('success' => 'MyMessage', 'error' => 'MyMessage')
string$moreparamMore param to add on the form on action href URL parameter
int$notabletagDo no output table tags
string$formatfuncCall a specific method of $object->$formatfunc to output field in view mode (For example: 'dol_print_email')
string$paramidKey of parameter for id ('id', 'socid')
string$gm'auto' or 'tzuser' or 'tzuserrel' or 'tzserver' (when $typeofdata is a date)
array$moreoptionsArray with more options. For example array('addnowlink'=>1), array('valuealreadyhtmlescaped'=>1)
string$editaction[=''] use GETPOST default action or set action to edit mode
string HTML edit field

Definition at line 219 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_htmlentitiesbr(), dol_htmlwithnojs(), dol_print_date(), dol_print_email(), dol_print_phone(), dol_print_url(), dol_string_neverthesehtmltags(), dol_string_onlythesehtmltags(), editInPlace(), getDolGlobalString(), GETPOST(), img_picto(), price(), price2num(), selectarray(), and selectDate().

◆ editInPlace()

Form::editInPlace ( $object,
$inputType = 'textarea',
$editvalue = null,
$extObject = null,
$custommsg = null )

Output edit in place form.

string$valueValue to show/edit
string$htmlnameDIV ID (field name)
int$conditionCondition to edit
string$inputTypeType of input ('string', 'numeric', 'datepicker' ('day' do not work, don't know why), 'textarea:rows:cols', 'ckeditor:dolibarr_zzz:width:height:?:1:rows:cols', 'select:loadmethod:savemethod:buttononly')
string$editvalueWhen in edit mode, use this value as $value instead of value
object$extObjectExternal object
mixed$custommsgString or Array of custom messages : eg array('success' => 'MyMessage', 'error' => 'MyMessage')
string HTML edit in place

Definition at line 491 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_nl2br(), dol_print_date(), and price().

Referenced by editfieldval().

◆ form_availability()

Form::form_availability ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'availability',
$addempty = 0 )

Show a form to select a delivery delay.

string$selectedId condition pre-selectionne
string$htmlnameName of select html field
int$addemptyAdd an empty entry

Definition at line 5760 of file html.form.class.php.

References load_cache_availability(), and selectAvailabilityDelay().

◆ form_conditions_reglement()

Form::form_conditions_reglement ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'cond_reglement_id',
$addempty = 0,
$type = '',
$filtertype = -1,
$deposit_percent = -1,
$nooutput = 0 )

Show a form to select payment conditions.

string$selectedId condition pre-selectionne
string$htmlnameName of select html field
int$addemptyAdd empty entry
string$typeType ('direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer')
int$filtertypeIf > 0, include payment terms with deposit percentage (for objects other than invoices and invoice templates)
int$deposit_percent< 0 : deposit_percent input makes no sense (for example, in list filters) 0 : use default deposit percentage from entry > 0 : force deposit percentage (for example, from company object)
int$nooutputNo print is done. String is returned.
string HTML output or ''

Definition at line 5705 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), getSelectConditionsPaiements(), and load_cache_conditions_paiements().

◆ form_confirm()

Form::form_confirm ( $page,
$formquestion = array(),
$selectedchoice = "",
$useajax = 0,
$height = 170,
$width = 500 )
Show a confirmation HTML form or AJAX popup
string$pageUrl of page to call if confirmation is OK
array$formquestionAn array with forms complementary inputs
string$selectedchoice"" or "no" or "yes"
int | string$useajax0=No, 1=Yes use Ajax to show the popup, 2=Yes and also submit page with &confirm=no if choice is No, 'xxx'=Yes and preoutput confirm box with div id=dialog-confirm-xxx
int$heightForce height of box
int$widthForce width of box
See also

Definition at line 5200 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), and formconfirm().

◆ form_contacts()

Form::form_contacts ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'contactid' )

Show forms to select a contact.

Societe$societeFilter on third party
string$selectedId contact pre-selectionne
string$htmlnameName of HTML select. If 'none', we just show contact link.

Definition at line 6162 of file html.form.class.php.

References Contact(), getDolGlobalString(), and selectcontacts().

◆ form_date()

Form::form_date ( $page,
$displayhour = 0,
$displaymin = 0,
$nooutput = 0,
$type = '' )

Show a form + html select a date.

string$selectedDate preselected
string$htmlnameHtml name of date input fields or 'none'
int$displayhourDisplay hour selector
int$displayminDisplay minutes selector
int$nooutput1=No print output, return string
string$type'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer'
See also

Definition at line 5832 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_print_date(), and selectDate().

◆ form_modes_reglement()

Form::form_modes_reglement ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'mode_reglement_id',
$filtertype = '',
$active = 1,
$addempty = 0,
$type = '',
$nooutput = 0 )

Show form with payment mode.

string$selectedId mode pre-selectionne
string$htmlnameName of select html field
string$filtertypeTo filter on field type in llx_c_paiement ('CRDT' or 'DBIT' or array('code'=>xx,'label'=>zz))
int$activeActive or not, -1 = all
int$addempty1=Add empty entry
string$typeType ('direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer')
int$nooutput1=Return string, no output
string HTML output or ''

Definition at line 5919 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), load_cache_types_paiements(), and select_types_paiements().

◆ form_multicurrency_code()

Form::form_multicurrency_code ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'multicurrency_code' )

Show form with multicurrency code.

string$selectedcode pre-selectionne
string$htmlnameName of select html field

Definition at line 5992 of file html.form.class.php.

References currency_name(), dol_include_once(), and selectMultiCurrency().

◆ form_multicurrency_rate()

Form::form_multicurrency_rate ( $page,
$rate = 0.0,
$htmlname = 'multicurrency_tx',
$currency = '' )

Show form with multicurrency rate.

double$rateCurrent rate
string$htmlnameName of select html field
string$currencyCurrency code to explain the rate

Definition at line 6020 of file html.form.class.php.

References price(), and price2num().

◆ form_project()

Form::form_project ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'projectid',
$discard_closed = 0,
$maxlength = 20,
$forcefocus = 0,
$nooutput = 0,
$textifnoproject = '',
$morecss = '' )

Show a form to select a project.

int$socidId third party (-1=all, 0=only projects not linked to a third party, id=projects not linked or linked to third party id)
string$selectedId pre-selected project
string$htmlnameName of select field
int$discard_closedDiscard closed projects (0=Keep,1=hide completely except $selected,2=Disable)
int$maxlengthMax length
int$forcefocusForce focus on field (works with javascript only)
int$nooutputNo print is done. String is returned.
string$textifnoprojectText to show if no project
string$morecssMore CSS
string Return html content

Definition at line 5649 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ form_remise_dispo()

Form::form_remise_dispo ( $page,
$filter = '',
$maxvalue = 0,
$more = '',
$hidelist = 0,
$discount_type = 0 )

Show a select box with available absolute discounts.

string$pagePage URL where form is shown
int$selectedValue pre-selected
string$htmlnameName of SELECT component. If 'none', not changeable. Example 'remise_id'.
int$socidThird party id
float$amountTotal amount available
string$filterSQL filter on discounts
int$maxvalueMax value for lines that can be selected
string$moreMore string to add
int$hidelist1=Hide list
int$discount_type0 => customer discount, 1 => supplier discount

Definition at line 6066 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), getDolGlobalString(), price(), and select_remises().

◆ form_thirdparty()

Form::form_thirdparty ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'socid',
$filter = '',
$showempty = 0,
$showtype = 0,
$forcecombo = 0,
$events = array(),
$nooutput = 0,
$excludeids = array(),
$textifnothirdparty = '' )

Output html select to select thirdparty.

string$selectedId preselected
string$htmlnameName of HTML select
string$filterOptional filters criteras. WARNING: To avoid SQL injection, only few chars [.a-z0-9 =<>()] are allowed here (example: 's.rowid <> x', 's.client IN (1,3)'). Do not use a filter coming from input of users.
int$showemptyAdd an empty field
int$showtypeShow third party type in combolist (customer, prospect or supplier)
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box
array$eventsEvent options. Example: array(array('method'=>'getContacts', 'url'=>dol_buildpath('/core/ajax/contacts.php',1), 'htmlname'=>'contactid', 'params'=>array('add-customer-contact'=>'disabled')))
int$nooutputNo print output. Return it only.
array$excludeidsExclude IDs from the select combo
string$textifnothirdpartyText to show if no thirdparty
string HTML output or ''

Definition at line 6212 of file html.form.class.php.

References select_company().

◆ form_users()

Form::form_users ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'userid',
$exclude = array(),
$include = array() )

Show a select form to choose a user.

string$selectedId of user preselected
string$htmlnameName of input html field. If 'none', we just output the user link.
array$excludeList of users id to exclude
array$includeList of users id to include

Definition at line 5879 of file html.form.class.php.

References select_dolusers().

◆ formconfirm()

Form::formconfirm ( $page,
$formquestion = '',
$selectedchoice = '',
$useajax = 0,
$height = 0,
$width = 500,
$disableformtag = 0,
$labelbuttonyes = 'Yes',
$labelbuttonno = 'No' )
Show a confirmation HTML form or AJAX popup.
Easiest way to use this is with useajax=1.
If you use useajax='xxx', you must also add jquery code to trigger opening of box (with correct parameters)
just after calling this method. For example:
  print '<script nonce="'.getNonce().'" type="text/javascript">'."\n";
  print 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {'."\n";
  print 'jQuery(".xxxlink").click(function(e) { jQuery("#aparamid").val(jQuery(this).attr("rel")); jQuery("#dialog-confirm-xxx").dialog("open"); return false; });'."\n";
  print '});'."\n";
  print '</script>'."\n";
string$pageUrl of page to call if confirmation is OK. Can contains parameters (param 'action' and 'confirm' will be reformated)
array | string$formquestionAn array with complementary inputs to add into forms: array(array('label'=> ,'type'=> , 'size'=>, 'morecss'=>, 'moreattr'=>'autofocus' or 'style=...')) 'type' can be 'text', 'password', 'checkbox', 'radio', 'date', 'datetime', 'select', 'multiselect', 'morecss', 'other', 'onecolumn' or 'hidden'...
int | string$selectedchoice'' or 'no', or 'yes' or '1', 1, '0' or 0
int | string$useajax0=No, 1=Yes use Ajax to show the popup, 2=Yes and also submit page with &confirm=no if choice is No, 'xxx'=Yes and preoutput confirm box with div id=dialog-confirm-xxx
int | string$heightForce height of box (0 = auto)
int$widthForce width of box ('999' or '90'). Ignored and forced to 90% on smartphones.
int$disableformtag1=Disable form tag. Can be used if we are already inside a <form> section.
string$labelbuttonyesLabel for Yes
string$labelbuttonnoLabel for No
string HTML ajax code if a confirm ajax popup is required, Pure HTML code if it's an html form

Definition at line 5234 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_escape_js(), getNonce(), img_help(), img_picto(), multiselectarray(), selectarray(), selectDate(), and selectyesno().

Referenced by form_confirm().

◆ formInputReason()

Form::formInputReason ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'demandreason',
$addempty = 0 )

Output HTML form to select list of input reason (events that triggered an object creation, like after sending an emailing, making an advert, ...) List found into table c_input_reason loaded by loadCacheInputReason.

string$selectedId condition pre-selectionne
string$htmlnameName of select html field
int$addemptyAdd empty entry

Definition at line 5792 of file html.form.class.php.

References loadCacheInputReason(), and selectInputReason().

◆ formSelectAccount()

Form::formSelectAccount ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'fk_account',
$addempty = 0 )

Display form to select bank account.

string$selectedId of bank account
string$htmlnameName of select html field
int$addempty1=Add an empty value in list, 2=Add an empty value in list only if there is more than 2 entries.

Definition at line 5049 of file html.form.class.php.

References img_picto(), and select_comptes().

◆ formSelectShippingMethod()

Form::formSelectShippingMethod ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'shipping_method_id',
$addempty = 0 )

Display form to select shipping mode.

string$selectedId of shipping mode
string$htmlnameName of select html field
int$addempty1=Add an empty value in list, 2=Add an empty value in list only if there is more than 2 entries.

Definition at line 4758 of file html.form.class.php.

References selectShippingMethod().

◆ formSelectTransportMode()

Form::formSelectTransportMode ( $page,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'transport_mode_id',
$active = 1,
$addempty = 0 )

Show form with transport mode.

string$selectedId mode pre-select
string$htmlnameName of select html field
int$activeActive or not, -1 = all
int$addempty1=Add empty entry

Definition at line 5962 of file html.form.class.php.

References load_cache_transport_mode(), and selectTransportMode().

◆ getSelectConditionsPaiements()

Form::getSelectConditionsPaiements ( $selected = 0,
$htmlname = 'condid',
$filtertype = -1,
$addempty = 0,
$noinfoadmin = 0,
$morecss = '',
$deposit_percent = -1 )

Return list of payment modes.

Constant MAIN_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_TERM_ID can be used to set default value but scope is all application, probably not what you want. See instead to force the default value by the caller.

int$selectedId of payment term to preselect by default
string$htmlnameNom de la zone select
int$filtertypeIf > 0, include payment terms with deposit percentage (for objects other than invoices and invoice templates)
int$addemptyAdd an empty entry
int$noinfoadmin0=Add admin info, 1=Disable admin info
string$morecssAdd more CSS on select tag
int$deposit_percent< 0 : deposit_percent input makes no sense (for example, in list filters) 0 : use default deposit percentage from entry > 0 : force deposit percentage (for example, from company object)
string String for the HTML select component

Definition at line 4346 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalString(), getNonce(), info_admin(), and load_cache_conditions_paiements().

Referenced by form_conditions_reglement(), and select_conditions_paiements().

◆ getSelectInvoiceSubtype()

Form::getSelectInvoiceSubtype ( $selected = 0,
$htmlname = 'subtypeid',
$addempty = 0,
$noinfoadmin = 0,
$morecss = '' )

Return list of invoice subtypes.

int$selectedId of invoice subtype to preselect by default
string$htmlnameSelect field name
int$addemptyAdd an empty entry
int$noinfoadmin0=Add admin info, 1=Disable admin info
string$morecssAdd more CSS on select tag
string String for the HTML select component

Definition at line 10978 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_syslog(), and info_admin().

◆ load_cache_availability()

Form::load_cache_availability ( )
 Load int a cache property th elist of possible delivery delays.
int Nb of lines loaded, <0 if KO

Definition at line 4078 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), dol_sort_array(), and dol_syslog().

Referenced by form_availability(), and selectAvailabilityDelay().

◆ load_cache_conditions_paiements()

Form::load_cache_conditions_paiements ( )
 Load into cache list of payment terms
int Nb of lines loaded, <0 if KO

Definition at line 4029 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), and getEntity().

Referenced by form_conditions_reglement(), and getSelectConditionsPaiements().

◆ load_cache_invoice_subtype()

Form::load_cache_invoice_subtype ( )

Load into cache list of invoice subtypes.

int Nb of lines loaded, <0 if KO

Definition at line 10927 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), dol_sort_array(), and dol_syslog().

◆ load_cache_transport_mode()

Form::load_cache_transport_mode ( )
 Load in cache list of transport mode
int Nb of lines loaded, <0 if KO

Definition at line 4573 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), dol_sort_array(), dol_syslog(), and getEntity().

Referenced by formSelectTransportMode(), and selectTransportMode().

◆ load_cache_types_fees()

Form::load_cache_types_fees ( )

Load into cache cache_types_fees, array of types of fees.

int Nb of lines loaded, <0 if KO

Definition at line 1213 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), and dol_syslog().

Referenced by select_type_fees().

◆ load_cache_types_paiements()

Form::load_cache_types_paiements ( )
 Charge dans cache la liste des types de paiements possibles
int Nb of lines loaded, <0 if KO

Definition at line 4259 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), dol_sort_array(), dol_syslog(), and getEntity().

Referenced by form_modes_reglement(), and select_types_paiements().

◆ load_cache_vatrates()

Form::load_cache_vatrates ( $country_code)

Load into the cache vat rates of a country.

string$country_codeCountry code with quotes ("'CA'", or "'CA,IN,...'")
int Nb of loaded lines, 0 if already loaded, <0 if KO

Definition at line 6388 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_getIdFromCode(), and dol_syslog().

Referenced by load_tva().

◆ load_tva()

Form::load_tva ( $htmlname = 'tauxtva',
$selectedrate = '',
$societe_vendeuse = null,
$societe_acheteuse = null,
$idprod = 0,
$info_bits = 0,
$type = '',
$options_only = false,
$mode = 0 )

Output an HTML select vat rate.

The name of this function should be selectVat. We keep bad name for compatibility purpose.

string$htmlnameName of HTML select field
float | string$selectedrateForce preselected vat rate. Can be '8.5' or '8.5 (NOO)' for example. Use '' for no forcing.
Societe$societe_vendeuseThirdparty seller
Societe$societe_acheteuseThirdparty buyer
int$idprodId product. O if unknown of NA.
int$info_bitsMiscellaneous information on line (1 for NPR)
int | string$type''=Unknown, 0=Product, 1=Service (Used if idprod not defined) Si vendeur non assujeti a TVA, TVA par defaut=0. Fin de regle. Si le (pays vendeur = pays acheteur) alors la TVA par defaut=TVA du produit vendu. Fin de regle. Si (vendeur et acheteur dans Communaute europeenne) et bien vendu = moyen de transports neuf (auto, bateau, avion), TVA par defaut=0 (La TVA doit etre paye par l'acheteur au centre d'impots de son pays et non au vendeur). Fin de regle. Si vendeur et acheteur dans Communauté européenne et acheteur=particulier alors TVA par défaut=TVA du produit vendu. Fin de règle. Si vendeur et acheteur dans Communauté européenne et acheteur=entreprise alors TVA par défaut=0. Fin de règle. Sinon la TVA proposee par defaut=0. Fin de regle.
bool$options_onlyReturn HTML options lines only (for ajax treatment)
int$mode0=Use vat rate as key in combo list, 1=Add VAT code after vat rate into key, -1=Use id of vat line as key

Definition at line 6484 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_strlen(), get_default_npr(), get_default_tva(), getDolGlobalString(), isInEEC(), load_cache_vatrates(), Product\TYPE_SERVICE, and vatrate().

◆ loadCacheInputReason()

Form::loadCacheInputReason ( )
 Load into cache cache_demand_reason, array of input reasons
int Nb of lines loaded, <0 if KO

Definition at line 4163 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), and dol_sort_array().

Referenced by formInputReason(), and selectInputReason().

◆ multiselectarray()

static Form::multiselectarray ( $htmlname,
$selected = array(),
$key_in_label = 0,
$value_as_key = 0,
$morecss = '',
$translate = 0,
$width = 0,
$moreattrib = '',
$elemtype = '',
$placeholder = '',
$addjscombo = -1 )

Show a multiselect form from an array.

WARNING: Use this only for short lists.

string$htmlnameName of select
array$arrayArray(key=>value) or Array(key=>array('id'=>key, 'label'=>value, 'color'=> , 'picto'=> , 'labelhtml'=> ))
array$selectedArray of keys preselected
int$key_in_label1 to show key like in "[key] value"
int$value_as_key1 to use value as key
string$morecssAdd more css style
int$translateTranslate and encode value
int | string$widthForce width of select box. May be used only when using jquery couch. Example: 250, '95'
string$moreattribAdd more options on select component. Example: 'disabled'
string$elemtypeType of element we show ('category', ...). Will execute a formating function on it. To use in readonly mode if js component support HTML formatting.
string$placeholderString to use as placeholder
int$addjscomboAdd js combo
string HTML multiselect string
See also
selectarray(), selectArrayAjax(), selectArrayFilter()

Definition at line 8789 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_escape_js(), dol_htmlentitiesbr(), getDolGlobalString(), getNonce(), and img_picto().

Referenced by formconfirm(), FormCategory\getFilterBox(), FormAccounting\multi_select_journal(), FormProjets\selectProjectsStatus(), FormOrder\selectSupplierOrderStatus(), showCategories(), and FormCompany\showRoles().

◆ multiSelectArrayWithCheckbox()

static Form::multiSelectArrayWithCheckbox ( $htmlname,
& $array,
$pos = '' )

Show a multiselect dropbox from an array.

If a saved selection of fields exists for user (into $user->conf->MAIN_SELECTEDFIELDS_contextofpage), we use this one instead of default.

string$htmlnameName of HTML field
array$arrayArray with array of fields we could show. This array may be modified according to setup of user.
string$varpageId of context for page. Can be set by caller with $varpage=(empty($contextpage)?$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]:$contextpage);
string$posPosition colon on liste value 'left' or '' (meaning 'right').
string HTML multiselect string
See also

Definition at line 8934 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ searchComponent()

Form::searchComponent ( $arrayofcriterias,
$arrayofinputfieldsalreadyoutput = array(),
$search_component_params_hidden = '' )

Output the component to make advanced search criteries.

array$arrayofcriteriasArray of available search criterias. Example: array($object->element => $object->fields, 'otherfamily' => otherarrayoffields, ...)
array$search_component_paramsArray of selected search criterias
array$arrayofinputfieldsalreadyoutputArray of input fields already inform. The component will not generate a hidden input field if it is in this list.
string$search_component_params_hiddenString with $search_component_params criterias
string HTML component for advanced search

Definition at line 10675 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_strlen(), dol_substr(), forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria(), and removeGlobalParenthesis().

◆ select_all_categories()

Form::select_all_categories ( $type,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = "parent",
$maxlength = 64,
$markafterid = 0,
$outputmode = 0,
$include = 0,
$morecss = '' )

Return list of categories having choosed type.

string | int$typeType of category ('customer', 'supplier', 'contact', 'product', 'member'). Old mode (0, 1, 2, ...) is deprecated.
string$selectedId of category preselected or 'auto' (autoselect category if there is only one element). Not used if $outputmode = 1.
string$htmlnameHTML field name
int$maxlengthMaximum length for labels
int | string | array$markafteridKeep only or removed all categories including the leaf $markafterid in category tree (exclude) or Keep only of category is inside the leaf starting with this id. $markafterid can be an :
  • int (id of category)
  • string (categories ids seprated by comma)
    • array (list of categories ids)
      int$outputmode0=HTML select string, 1=Array with full label only, 2=Array extended, 3=Array with full picto + label
      int$include[=0] Removed or 1=Keep only
      string$morecssMore CSS
      string|array String list or Array of categories
      See also

Definition at line 5098 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), dol_trunc(), and img_picto().

Referenced by FormCategory\getFilterBox(), and showCategories().

◆ select_bom()

Form::select_bom ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'bom_id',
$limit = 0,
$status = 1,
$type = 0,
$showempty = '1',
$morecss = '',
$nooutput = '',
$forcecombo = 0,
$TProducts = [] )

Return list of BOM for customer in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to select_produits_list.

string$selectedPreselected BOM id
string$htmlnameName of HTML select field (must be unique in page).
int$limitLimit on number of returned lines
int$statusSell status -1=Return all bom, 0=Draft BOM, 1=Validated BOM
int$typetype of the BOM (-1=Return all BOM, 0=Return disassemble BOM, 1=Return manufacturing BOM)
string$showempty'' to not show empty line. Translation key to show an empty line. '1' show empty line with no text.
string$morecssAdd more css on select
string$nooutputNo print, return the output into a string
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box
array$TProductsAdd filter on a defined product

Definition at line 2628 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_print_error(), getDolGlobalInt(), and getEntity().

◆ select_company()

Form::select_company ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'socid',
$filter = '',
$showempty = '',
$showtype = 0,
$forcecombo = 0,
$events = array(),
$limit = 0,
$morecss = 'minwidth100',
$moreparam = '',
$selected_input_value = '',
$hidelabel = 1,
$ajaxoptions = array(),
$multiple = false,
$excludeids = array(),
$showcode = 0 )

Output html form to select a third party.

string$selectedPreselected type
string$htmlnameName of field in form
string$filterOptional filters criteras. WARNING: To avoid SQL injection, only few chars [.a-z0-9 =<>()] are allowed here (example: 's.rowid <> x', 's.client IN (1,3)'). Do not use a filter coming from input of users.
string$showemptyAdd an empty field (Can be '1' or text key to use on empty line like 'SelectThirdParty')
int$showtypeShow third party type in combolist (customer, prospect or supplier)
int$forcecomboForce to load all values and output a standard combobox (with no beautification)
array$eventsAjax event options to run on change. Example: array(array('method'=>'getContacts', 'url'=>dol_buildpath('/core/ajax/contacts.php',1), 'htmlname'=>'contactid', 'params'=>array('add-customer-contact'=>'disabled')))
int$limitMaximum number of elements
string$morecssAdd more css styles to the SELECT component
string$moreparamAdd more parameters onto the select tag. For example 'style="width: 95%"' to avoid select2 component to go over parent container
string$selected_input_valueValue of preselected input text (for use with ajax)
int$hidelabelHide label (0=no, 1=yes, 2=show search icon (before) and placeholder, 3 search icon after)
array$ajaxoptionsOptions for ajax_autocompleter
bool$multipleadd [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut (not working with ajax_autocompleter)
array$excludeidsExclude IDs from the select combo
int$showcodeShow code
string HTML string with select box for thirdparty.

Definition at line 1322 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_autocompleter(), ajax_event(), dol_escape_htmltag(), getDolGlobalString(), img_picto(), and select_thirdparty_list().

Referenced by form_thirdparty().

◆ select_comptes()

Form::select_comptes ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'accountid',
$status = 0,
$filtre = '',
$useempty = 0,
$moreattrib = '',
$showcurrency = 0,
$morecss = '',
$nooutput = 0 )

Return a HTML select list of bank accounts.

string$selectedId account pre-selected
string$htmlnameName of select zone
int$statusStatus of searched accounts (0=open, 1=closed, 2=both)
string$filtreTo filter list. This parameter must not come from input of users
int$useempty1=Add an empty value in list, 2=Add an empty value in list only if there is more than 2 entries.
string$moreattribTo add more attribute on select
int$showcurrencyShow currency in label
string$morecssMore CSS
int$nooutput1=Return string, do not send to output
int Return integer <0 if error, Num of bank account found if OK (0, 1, 2, ...)

Definition at line 4898 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), and getEntity().

Referenced by formSelectAccount().

◆ select_conditions_paiements()

Form::select_conditions_paiements ( $selected = 0,
$htmlname = 'condid',
$filtertype = -1,
$addempty = 0,
$noinfoadmin = 0,
$morecss = '',
$deposit_percent = -1 )

print list of payment modes.

Constant MAIN_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_TERM_ID can be used to set default value but scope is all application, probably not what you want. See instead to force the default value by the caller.

int$selectedId of payment term to preselect by default
string$htmlnameNom de la zone select
int$filtertypeIf > 0, include payment terms with deposit percentage (for objects other than invoices and invoice templates)
int$addemptyAdd an empty entry
int$noinfoadmin0=Add admin info, 1=Disable admin info
string$morecssAdd more CSS on select tag
int$deposit_percent< 0 : deposit_percent input makes no sense (for example, in list filters) 0 : use default deposit percentage from entry > 0 : force deposit percentage (for example, from company object)

Definition at line 4323 of file html.form.class.php.

References getSelectConditionsPaiements().

◆ select_contacts()

Form::select_contacts ( $socid,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'contactid',
$showempty = 0,
$exclude = '',
$limitto = '',
$showfunction = 0,
$morecss = '',
$showsoc = 0,
$forcecombo = 0,
$events = array(),
$options_only = false,
$moreparam = '',
$htmlid = '' )

Return list of all contacts (for a third party or all)

int$socidId ot third party or 0 for all
string$selectedId contact pre-selectionne
string$htmlnameName of HTML field ('none' for a not editable field)
int$showempty0=no empty value, 1=add an empty value, 2=add line 'Internal' (used by user edit), 3=add an empty value only if more than one record into list
string$excludeList of contacts id to exclude
string$limittoDisable answers that are not id in this array list
integer$showfunctionAdd function into label
string$morecssAdd more class to class style
integer$showsocAdd company into label
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box
array$eventsEvent options. Example: array(array('method'=>'getContacts', 'url'=>dol_buildpath('/core/ajax/contacts.php',1), 'htmlname'=>'contactid', 'params'=>array('add-customer-contact'=>'disabled')))
bool$options_onlyReturn options only (for ajax treatment)
string$moreparamAdd more parameters onto the select tag. For example 'style="width: 95%"' to avoid select2 component to go over parent container
string$htmlidHtml id to use instead of htmlname
int Return integer <0 if KO, Nb of contact in list if OK
You can use selectcontacts directly (warning order of param was changed)

Definition at line 1738 of file html.form.class.php.

References selectcontacts().

◆ select_country()

Form::select_country ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'country_id',
$htmloption = '',
$maxlength = 0,
$morecss = 'minwidth300',
$usecodeaskey = '',
$showempty = 1,
$disablefavorites = 0,
$addspecialentries = 0,
$exclude_country_code = array(),
$hideflags = 0 )

Return combo list of activated countries, into language of user.

string$selectedId or Code or Label of preselected country
string$htmlnameName of html select object
string$htmloptionMore html options on select object
integer$maxlengthMax length for labels (0=no limit)
string$morecssMore css class
string$usecodeaskey''=Use id as key (default), 'code3'=Use code on 3 alpha as key, 'code2"=Use code on 2 alpha as key
int | string$showemptyShow empty choice
int$disablefavorites1=Disable favorites,
int$addspecialentries1=Add dedicated entries for group of countries (like 'European Economic Community', ...)
array$exclude_country_codeArray of country code (iso2) to exclude
int$hideflagsHide flags
string HTML string with select

Definition at line 937 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_print_error(), dol_sort_array(), dol_string_unaccent(), dol_syslog(), dol_trunc(), and picto_from_langcode().

◆ select_currency()

Form::select_currency ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'currency_id' )

Retourne la liste des devises, dans la langue de l'utilisateur.

string$selectedpreselected currency code
string$htmlnamename of HTML select list

Definition at line 6255 of file html.form.class.php.

References selectCurrency().

◆ select_date()

Form::select_date ( $set_time = '',
$prefix = 're',
$h = 0,
$m = 0,
$empty = 0,
$form_name = "",
$d = 1,
$addnowlink = 0,
$nooutput = 0,
$disabled = 0,
$fullday = 0,
$addplusone = '',
$adddateof = '' )

Show a HTML widget to input a date or combo list for day, month, years and optionaly hours and minutes.

Fields are preselected with :

  • set_time date (must be a local PHP server timestamp or string date with format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM')
  • local date in user area, if set_time is '' (so if set_time is '', output may differs when done from two different location)
  • Empty (fields empty), if set_time is -1 (in this case, parameter empty must also have value 1)
integer | string$set_timePre-selected date (must be a local PHP server timestamp), -1 to keep date not preselected, '' to use current date with 00:00 hour (Parameter 'empty' must be 0 or 2).
string$prefixPrefix for fields name
int$h1 or 2=Show also hours (2=hours on a new line), -1 has same effect but hour and minutes are prefilled with 23:59 if date is empty, 3 show hour always empty
int$m1=Show also minutes, -1 has same effect but hour and minutes are prefilled with 23:59 if date is empty, 3 show minutes always empty
int$empty0=Fields required, 1=Empty inputs are allowed, 2=Empty inputs are allowed for hours only
string$form_nameNot used
int$d1=Show days, month, years
int$addnowlinkAdd a link "Now"
int$nooutputDo not output html string but return it
int$disabledDisable input fields
int$fulldayWhen a checkbox with this html name is on, hour and day are set with 00:00 or 23:59
string$addplusoneAdd a link "+1 hour". Value must be name of another select_date field.
int | string$adddateofAdd a link "Date of invoice" using the following date.
string '' or HTML component string if nooutput is 1
See also
selectDate(), form_date(), select_month(), select_year(), select_dayofweek()

Definition at line 6703 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), and selectDate().

◆ select_dolgroups()

Form::select_dolgroups ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'groupid',
$show_empty = 0,
$exclude = '',
$disabled = 0,
$include = '',
$enableonly = array(),
$force_entity = '0',
$multiple = false,
$morecss = '' )

Return select list of groups.

string | object$selectedId group or group preselected
string$htmlnameField name in form
int$show_empty0=liste sans valeur nulle, 1=ajoute valeur inconnue
string | array$excludeArray list of groups id to exclude
int$disabledIf select list must be disabled
string | array$includeArray list of groups id to include
array$enableonlyArray list of groups id to be enabled. All other must be disabled
string$force_entity'0' or Ids of environment to force
bool$multipleadd [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut (not working with ajax_autocompleter)
string$morecssMore css to add to html component
See also

Definition at line 10056 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), and getDolGlobalInt().

◆ select_dolresources_forevent()

Form::select_dolresources_forevent ( $action = '',
$htmlname = 'userid',
$show_empty = 0,
$exclude = null,
$disabled = 0,
$include = array(),
$enableonly = array(),
$force_entity = '0',
$maxlength = 0,
$showstatus = 0,
$morefilter = '',
$showproperties = 0,
$listofresourceid = array() )

Return select list of resources.

Selected resources are stored into session. List of resources are provided into $_SESSION['assignedtoresource'].

string$actionValue for $action
string$htmlnameField name in form
int$show_empty0=list without the empty value, 1=add empty value
array$excludeArray list of users id to exclude
int$disabledIf select list must be disabled
array$includeArray list of users id to include or 'hierarchy' to have only supervised users
array$enableonlyArray list of users id to be enabled. All other must be disabled
string$force_entity'0' or Ids of environment to force
int$maxlengthMaximum length of string into list (0=no limit)
int$showstatus0=show user status only if status is disabled, 1=always show user status into label, -1=never show user status
string$morefilterAdd more filters into sql request
int$showpropertiesShow properties of each attendees
array$listofresourceidArray with properties of each resource
string HTML select string

Definition at line 2370 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), getNonce(), and img_picto().

◆ select_dolusers()

Form::select_dolusers ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'userid',
$show_empty = 0,
$exclude = null,
$disabled = 0,
$include = '',
$enableonly = '',
$force_entity = '',
$maxlength = 0,
$showstatus = 0,
$morefilter = '',
$show_every = 0,
$enableonlytext = '',
$morecss = '',
$notdisabled = 0,
$outputmode = 0,
$multiple = false,
$forcecombo = 0 )

Return select list of users.

string$selectedUser id or user object of user preselected. If 0 or < -2, we use id of current user. If -1, keep unselected (if empty is allowed)
string$htmlnameField name in form
int | string$show_empty0=list with no empty value, 1=add also an empty value into list
array | null$excludeArray list of users id to exclude
int$disabledIf select list must be disabled
array | string$includeArray list of users id to include. User '' for all users or 'hierarchy' to have only supervised users or 'hierarchyme' to have supervised + me
array | string$enableonlyArray list of users id to be enabled. If defined, it means that others will be disabled
string$force_entity'0' or list of Ids of environment to force separated by a coma
int$maxlengthMaximum length of string into list (0=no limit)
int$showstatus0=show user status only if status is disabled, 1=always show user status into label, -1=never show user status
string$morefilterAdd more filters into sql request (Example: 'employee = 1'). This value must not come from user input.
integer$show_every0=default list, 1=add also a value "Everybody" at beginning of list
string$enableonlytextIf option $enableonlytext is set, we use this text to explain into label why record is disabled. Not used if enableonly is empty.
string$morecssMore css
int$notdisabledShow only active users (this will also happened whatever is this option if USER_HIDE_INACTIVE_IN_COMBOBOX is on).
int$outputmode0=HTML select string, 1=Array
bool$multipleadd [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut
int$forcecomboForce the component to be a simple combo box without ajax
array|string HTML select string
See also

Definition at line 2016 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), and getEntity().

Referenced by form_users(), select_dolusers_forevent(), and select_users().

◆ select_dolusers_forevent()

Form::select_dolusers_forevent ( $action = '',
$htmlname = 'userid',
$show_empty = 0,
$exclude = null,
$disabled = 0,
$include = array(),
$enableonly = array(),
$force_entity = '0',
$maxlength = 0,
$showstatus = 0,
$morefilter = '',
$showproperties = 0,
$listofuserid = array(),
$listofcontactid = array(),
$listofotherid = array() )

Return select list of users.

Selected users are stored into session. List of users are provided into $_SESSION['assignedtouser'].

string$actionValue for $action
string$htmlnameField name in form
int$show_empty0=list without the empty value, 1=add empty value
array$excludeArray list of users id to exclude
int$disabledIf select list must be disabled
array$includeArray list of users id to include or 'hierarchy' to have only supervised users
array | int$enableonlyArray list of users id to be enabled. All other must be disabled
string$force_entity'0' or Ids of environment to force
int$maxlengthMaximum length of string into list (0=no limit)
int$showstatus0=show user status only if status is disabled, 1=always show user status into label, -1=never show user status
string$morefilterAdd more filters into sql request
int$showpropertiesShow properties of each attendees
array$listofuseridArray with properties of each user
array$listofcontactidArray with properties of each contact
array$listofotheridArray with properties of each other contact
string HTML select string
See also

Definition at line 2279 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), getNonce(), img_picto(), and select_dolusers().

◆ select_duration()

Form::select_duration ( $prefix,
$iSecond = '',
$disabled = 0,
$typehour = 'select',
$minunderhours = 0,
$nooutput = 0 )

Function to show a form to select a duration on a page.

string$prefixPrefix for input fields
int | string$iSecondDefault preselected duration (number of seconds or '')
int$disabledDisable the combo box
string$typehourIf 'select' then input hour and input min is a combo, If 'text' input hour is in text and input min is a text, If 'textselect' input hour is in text and input min is a combo
integer$minunderhoursIf 1, show minutes selection under the hours
int$nooutputDo not output html string but return it
string HTML component

Definition at line 7264 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ select_export_model()

Form::select_export_model ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'exportmodelid',
$type = '',
$useempty = 0 )

Return list of export templates.

string$selectedId modele pre-selectionne
string$htmlnameName of HTML select
string$typeType of searched templates
int$useemptyAffiche valeur vide dans liste

Definition at line 9558 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_print_error().

◆ select_incoterms()

Form::select_incoterms ( $selected = '',
$location_incoterms = '',
$page = '',
$htmlname = 'incoterm_id',
$htmloption = '',
$forcecombo = 1,
$events = array(),
$disableautocomplete = 0 )

Return select list of incoterms.

string$selectedId or Code of preselected incoterm
string$location_incotermsValue of input location
string$pageDefined the form action
string$htmlnameName of html select object
string$htmloptionOptions html on select object
int$forcecomboForce to load all values and output a standard combobox (with no beautification)
array$eventsEvent options to run on change. Example: array(array('method'=>'getContacts', 'url'=>dol_buildpath('/core/ajax/contacts.php',1), 'htmlname'=>'contactid', 'params'=>array('add-customer-contact'=>'disabled')))
int$disableautocompleteDisable autocomplete
string HTML string with select and input

Definition at line 1070 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), ajax_multiautocompleter(), dol_print_error(), and dol_syslog().

◆ select_product_fourn_price()

Form::select_product_fourn_price ( $productid,
$htmlname = 'productfournpriceid',
$selected_supplier = 0 )

Return list of suppliers prices for a product.

int$productidId of product
string$htmlnameName of HTML field
int$selected_supplierPre-selected supplier if more than 1 result

Definition at line 3922 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalString(), getEntity(), and price().

◆ select_produits()

Form::select_produits ( $selected = 0,
$htmlname = 'productid',
$filtertype = '',
$limit = 0,
$price_level = 0,
$status = 1,
$finished = 2,
$selected_input_value = '',
$hidelabel = 0,
$ajaxoptions = array(),
$socid = 0,
$showempty = '1',
$forcecombo = 0,
$morecss = '',
$hidepriceinlabel = 0,
$warehouseStatus = '',
$selected_combinations = null,
$nooutput = 0,
$status_purchase = -1 )

Return list of products for customer in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to select_produits_list.

int$selectedPreselected products
string$htmlnameName of HTML select field (must be unique in page).
int | string$filtertypeFilter on product type (''=nofilter, 0=product, 1=service)
int$limitLimit on number of returned lines
int$price_levelLevel of price to show
int$statusSell status: -1=No filter on sell status, 0=Products not on sell, 1=Products on sell
int$finished2=all, 1=finished, 0=raw material
string$selected_input_valueValue of preselected input text (for use with ajax)
int$hidelabelHide label (0=no, 1=yes, 2=show search icon (before) and placeholder, 3 search icon after)
array$ajaxoptionsOptions for ajax_autocompleter
int$socidThirdparty Id (to get also price dedicated to this customer)
string$showempty'' to not show empty line. Translation key to show an empty line. '1' show empty line with no text.
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box
string$morecssAdd more css on select
int$hidepriceinlabel1=Hide prices in label
string$warehouseStatusWarehouse status filter to count the quantity in stock. Following comma separated filter options can be used 'warehouseopen' = count products from open warehouses, 'warehouseclosed' = count products from closed warehouses, 'warehouseinternal' = count products from warehouses for internal correct/transfer only
array$selected_combinationsSelected combinations. Format: array([attrid] => attrval, [...])
string$nooutputNo print, return the output into a string
int$status_purchasePurchase status: -1=No filter on purchase status, 0=Products not on purchase, 1=Products on purchase

Definition at line 2469 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_autocompleter(), getDolGlobalString(), getNonce(), img_picto(), and select_produits_list().

◆ select_produits_fournisseurs()

Form::select_produits_fournisseurs ( $socid,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'productid',
$filtertype = '',
$filtre = '',
$ajaxoptions = array(),
$hidelabel = 0,
$alsoproductwithnosupplierprice = 0,
$morecss = '',
$placeholder = '' )

Return list of products for customer (in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to select_produits_fournisseurs_list)

int$socidId third party
string$selectedPreselected product
string$htmlnameName of HTML Select
string$filtertypeFilter on product type (''=nofilter, 0=product, 1=service)
string$filtreFor a SQL filter
array$ajaxoptionsOptions for ajax_autocompleter
int$hidelabelHide label (0=no, 1=yes)
int$alsoproductwithnosupplierprice1=Add also product without supplier prices
string$morecssMore CSS

Definition at line 3421 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_autocompleter(), getDolGlobalString(), and select_produits_fournisseurs_list().

◆ select_produits_fournisseurs_list()

Form::select_produits_fournisseurs_list ( $socid,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'productid',
$filtertype = '',
$filtre = '',
$filterkey = '',
$statut = -1,
$outputmode = 0,
$limit = 100,
$alsoproductwithnosupplierprice = 0,
$morecss = '',
$showstockinlist = 0,
$placeholder = '' )

Return list of suppliers products.

int$socidId of supplier thirdparty (0 = no filter)
string$selectedProduct price pre-selected (must be 'id' in product_fournisseur_price or 'idprod_IDPROD')
string$htmlnameName of HTML select
string$filtertypeFilter on product type (''=nofilter, 0=product, 1=service)
string$filtreGeneric filter. Data must not come from user input.
string$filterkeyFilter of produdts
int$statut-1=Return all products, 0=Products not on buy, 1=Products on buy
int$outputmode0=HTML select string, 1=Array
int$limitLimit of line number
int$alsoproductwithnosupplierprice1=Add also product without supplier prices
string$morecssAdd more CSS
int$showstockinlistShow stock information (slower).
array|string Array of keys for json or HTML component

Definition at line 3471 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_print_error(), dol_strlen(), dol_syslog(), dol_trunc(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), getEntity(), img_object(), measuringUnitString(), price(), price2num(), showDimensionInBestUnit(), Product\TYPE_PRODUCT, Product\TYPE_SERVICE, and vatrate().

Referenced by select_produits_fournisseurs().

◆ select_produits_list()

Form::select_produits_list ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'productid',
$filtertype = '',
$limit = 20,
$price_level = 0,
$filterkey = '',
$status = 1,
$finished = 2,
$outputmode = 0,
$socid = 0,
$showempty = '1',
$forcecombo = 0,
$morecss = '',
$hidepriceinlabel = 0,
$warehouseStatus = '',
$status_purchase = -1 )

Return list of products for a customer.

Called by select_produits.

int$selectedPreselected product
string$htmlnameName of select html
string$filtertypeFilter on product type (''=nofilter, 0=product, 1=service)
int$limitLimit on number of returned lines
int$price_levelLevel of price to show
string$filterkeyFilter on product
int$status-1=Return all products, 0=Products not on sell, 1=Products on sell
int$finishedFilter on finished field: 2=No filter
int$outputmode0=HTML select string, 1=Array
int$socidThirdparty Id (to get also price dedicated to this customer)
string$showempty'' to not show empty line. Translation key to show an empty line. '1' show empty line with no text.
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box
string$morecssAdd more css on select
int$hidepriceinlabel1=Hide prices in label
string$warehouseStatusWarehouse status filter to group/count stock. Following comma separated filter options can be used. 'warehouseopen' = count products from open warehouses, 'warehouseclosed' = count products from closed warehouses, 'warehouseinternal' = count products from warehouses for internal correct/transfer only
int$status_purchasePurchase status -1=Return all products, 0=Products not on purchase, 1=Products on purchase
array|string Array of keys for json

Definition at line 2718 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), constructProductListOption(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), getEntity(), price2num(), Entrepot\STATUS_CLOSED, Entrepot\STATUS_OPEN_ALL, and Entrepot\STATUS_OPEN_INTERNAL.

Referenced by select_produits().

◆ select_remises()

Form::select_remises ( $selected,
$maxvalue = 0 )

Return HTML combo list of absolute discounts.

string$selectedId remise fixe pre-selectionnee
string$htmlnameNom champ formulaire
string$filterCriteres optionnels de filtre
int$socidId of thirdparty
int$maxvalueMax value for lines that can be selected
int Return number of qualifed lines in list

Definition at line 1641 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), dol_trunc(), getDolGlobalString(), and price().

Referenced by form_remise_dispo().

◆ select_thirdparty_list()

Form::select_thirdparty_list ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'socid',
$filter = '',
$showempty = '',
$showtype = 0,
$forcecombo = 0,
$events = array(),
$filterkey = '',
$outputmode = 0,
$limit = 0,
$morecss = 'minwidth100',
$moreparam = '',
$multiple = false,
$excludeids = array(),
$showcode = 0 )

Output html form to select a third party.

Note, you must use the select_company to get the component to select a third party. This function must only be called by select_company.

string$selectedPreselected type
string$htmlnameName of field in form
string$filterOptional filters criteras. WARNING: To avoid SQL injection, only few chars [.a-z0-9 =<>] are allowed here, example: 's.rowid <> x' If you need parenthesis, use the Universal Filter Syntax, example: '(s.client:in:1,3)' Do not use a filter coming from input of users.
string$showemptyAdd an empty field (Can be '1' or text to use on empty line like 'SelectThirdParty')
int$showtypeShow third party type in combolist (customer, prospect or supplier)
int$forcecomboForce to use standard HTML select component without beautification
array$eventsEvent options. Example: array(array('method'=>'getContacts', 'url'=>dol_buildpath('/core/ajax/contacts.php',1), 'htmlname'=>'contactid', 'params'=>array('add-customer-contact'=>'disabled')))
string$filterkeyFilter on key value
int$outputmode0=HTML select string, 1=Array
int$limitLimit number of answers
string$morecssAdd more css styles to the SELECT component
string$moreparamAdd more parameters onto the select tag. For example 'style="width: 95%"' to avoid select2 component to go over parent container
bool$multipleadd [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut
array$excludeidsExclude IDs from the select combo
int$showcodeShow code in list
array|string HTML string with

Definition at line 1399 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria(), getDolGlobalString(), getEntity(), and testSqlAndScriptInject().

Referenced by select_company().

◆ select_type_fees()

Form::select_type_fees ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'type',
$showempty = 0 )

Return list of types of notes.

string$selectedPreselected type
string$htmlnameName of field in form
int$showemptyAdd an empty field

Definition at line 1264 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), info_admin(), and load_cache_types_fees().

◆ select_type_of_lines()

Form::select_type_of_lines ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'type',
$showempty = 0,
$hidetext = 0,
$forceall = 0 )

Return list of types of lines (product or service) Example: 0=product, 1=service, 9=other (for external module)

string$selectedPreselected type
string$htmlnameName of field in html form
int$showemptyAdd an empty field
int$hidetextDo not show label 'Type' before combo box (used only if there is at least 2 choices to select)
integer$forceall1=Force to show products and services in combo list, whatever are activated modules, 0=No force, 2=Force to show only Products, 3=Force to show only services, -1=Force none (and set hidden field to 'service')

Definition at line 1157 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), and getDolGlobalString().

◆ select_types_paiements()

Form::select_types_paiements ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'paiementtype',
$filtertype = '',
$format = 0,
$empty = 1,
$noadmininfo = 0,
$maxlength = 0,
$active = 1,
$morecss = '',
$nooutput = 0 )

Return list of payment methods Constant MAIN_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_TYPE_ID can used to set default value but scope is all application, probably not what you want.

string$selectedId or code or preselected payment mode
string$htmlnameName of select field
string$filtertypeTo filter on field type in llx_c_paiement ('CRDT' or 'DBIT' or array('code'=>xx,'label'=>zz))
int$format0=id+label, 1=code+code, 2=code+label, 3=id+code
int$empty1=can be empty, 0 otherwise
int$noadmininfo0=Add admin info, 1=Disable admin info
int$maxlengthMax length of label
int$activeActive or not, -1 = all
string$morecssAdd more CSS on select tag
int$nooutput1=Return string, do not send to output
string|void String for the HTML select component

Definition at line 4440 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_syslog(), dol_trunc(), getDolGlobalString(), info_admin(), and load_cache_types_paiements().

Referenced by form_modes_reglement().

◆ select_users()

Form::select_users ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'userid',
$show_empty = 0,
$exclude = null,
$disabled = 0,
$include = '',
$enableonly = array(),
$force_entity = '0' )

Return the HTML select list of users.

string$selectedId user preselected
string$htmlnameField name in form
int$show_empty0=liste sans valeur nulle, 1=ajoute valeur inconnue
array$excludeArray list of users id to exclude
int$disabledIf select list must be disabled
array | string$includeArray list of users id to include. User '' for all users or 'hierarchy' to have only supervised users or 'hierarchyme' to have supervised + me
array | int$enableonlyArray list of users id to be enabled. All other must be disabled
string$force_entity'0' or Ids of environment to force
Use select_dolusers instead
See also

Definition at line 1984 of file html.form.class.php.

References select_dolusers().

◆ selectarray()

static Form::selectarray ( $htmlname,
$id = '',
$show_empty = 0,
$key_in_label = 0,
$value_as_key = 0,
$moreparam = '',
$translate = 0,
$maxlen = 0,
$disabled = 0,
$sort = '',
$morecss = 'minwidth75',
$addjscombo = 1,
$moreparamonempty = '',
$disablebademail = 0,
$nohtmlescape = 0 )

Return a HTML select string, built from an array of key+value.

Note: Do not apply langs->trans function on returned content, content may be entity encoded twice.

string$htmlnameName of html select area. Must start with "multi" if this is a multiselect
array$arrayArray like array(key => value) or array(key=>array('label'=>..., 'data-...'=>..., 'disabled'=>..., 'css'=>...))
string | string[]$idPreselected key or preselected keys for multiselect. Use 'ifone' to autoselect record if there is only one record.
int | string$show_empty0 no empty value allowed, 1 or string to add an empty value into list (If 1: key is -1 and value is '' or ' ', If placeholder string: key is -1 and value is the string), <0 to add an empty value with key that is this value.
int$key_in_label1 to show key into label with format "[key] value"
int$value_as_key1 to use value as key
string$moreparamAdd more parameters onto the select tag. For example 'style="width: 95%"' to avoid select2 component to go over parent container
int$translate1=Translate and encode value
int$maxlenLength maximum for labels
int$disabledHtml select box is disabled
string$sort'ASC' or 'DESC' = Sort on label, '' or 'NONE' or 'POS' = Do not sort, we keep original order
string$morecssAdd more class to css styles
int$addjscomboAdd js combo
string$moreparamonemptyAdd more param on the empty option line. Not used if show_empty not set
int$disablebademail1=Check if a not valid email, 2=Check string '—', and if found into value, disable and colorize entry
int$nohtmlescapeNo html escaping.
string HTML select string.
See also
multiselectarray(), selectArrayAjax(), selectArrayFilter()

Definition at line 8420 of file html.form.class.php.

Referenced by ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), editfieldval(), FormCompany\form_prospect_level(), formconfirm(), FormCompany\formProspectContactLevel(), FormCompany\formThirdpartyType(), FormMail\get_form(), Ticket\printSelectStatus(), BookKeeping\select_account(), FormAccounting\select_account(), FormAccounting\select_auxaccount(), FormAccounting\select_bookkeeping_importkey(), FormAccounting\select_journal(), FormMailing\selectDestinariesStatus(), FormOrder\selectInputMethod(), dolReceiptPrinter\selectProfilePrinter(), FormBank\selectTypeOfBankAccount(), dolReceiptPrinter\selectTypePrinter(), and FormAccounting\selectyear_accountancy_bookkepping().

◆ selectArrayAjax()

static Form::selectArrayAjax ( $htmlname,
$id = '',
$moreparam = '',
$moreparamtourl = '',
$disabled = 0,
$minimumInputLength = 1,
$morecss = '',
$callurlonselect = 0,
$placeholder = '',
$acceptdelayedhtml = 0 )

Return a HTML select string, built from an array of key+value, but content returned into select come from an Ajax call of an URL.

Note: Do not apply langs->trans function on returned content of Ajax service, content may be entity encoded twice.

string$htmlnameName of html select area
string$urlUrl. Must return a json_encode of array(key=>array('text'=>'A text', 'url'=>'An url'), ...)
string$idPreselected key
string$moreparamAdd more parameters onto the select tag
string$moreparamtourlAdd more parameters onto the Ajax called URL
int$disabledHtml select box is disabled
int$minimumInputLengthMinimum Input Length
string$morecssAdd more class to css styles
int$callurlonselectIf set to 1, some code is added so an url return by the ajax is called when value is selected.
string$placeholderString to use as placeholder
integer$acceptdelayedhtml1 = caller is requesting to have html js content not returned but saved into global $delayedhtmlcontent (so caller can show it at end of page to avoid flash FOUC effect)
string HTML select string
See also
selectArrayFilter(), ajax_combobox() in ajax.lib.php

Definition at line 8563 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectArrayFilter()

static Form::selectArrayFilter ( $htmlname,
$id = '',
$moreparam = '',
$disableFiltering = 0,
$disabled = 0,
$minimumInputLength = 1,
$morecss = '',
$callurlonselect = 0,
$placeholder = '',
$acceptdelayedhtml = 0,
$textfortitle = '' )

Return a HTML select string, built from an array of key+value, but content returned into select is defined into $array parameter.

Note: Do not apply langs->trans function on returned content of Ajax service, content may be entity encoded twice.

string$htmlnameName of html select area
array$arrayArray (key=>array('text'=>'A text', 'url'=>'An url'), ...)
string$idPreselected key
string$moreparamAdd more parameters onto the select tag
int$disableFilteringIf set to 1, results are not filtered with searched string
int$disabledHtml select box is disabled
int$minimumInputLengthMinimum Input Length
string$morecssAdd more class to css styles
int$callurlonselectIf set to 1, some code is added so an url return by the ajax is called when value is selected.
string$placeholderString to use as placeholder
integer$acceptdelayedhtml1 = caller is requesting to have html js content not returned but saved into global $delayedhtmlcontent (so caller can show it at end of page to avoid flash FOUC effect)
string$textfortitleText to show on title.
string HTML select string
See also
selectArrayAjax(), ajax_combobox() in ajax.lib.php

Definition at line 8668 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_js().

◆ selectAvailabilityDelay()

Form::selectAvailabilityDelay ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'availid',
$filtertype = '',
$addempty = 0,
$morecss = '' )
 Retourne la liste des types de delais de livraison possibles
string$selectedId du type de delais pre-selectionne
string$htmlnameNom de la zone select
string$filtertypeTo add a filter
int$addemptyAdd empty entry
string$morecssMore CSS

Definition at line 4130 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_syslog(), info_admin(), and load_cache_availability().

Referenced by form_availability().

◆ selectcontacts()

Form::selectcontacts ( $socid,
$selected = array(),
$htmlname = 'contactid',
$showempty = 0,
$exclude = '',
$limitto = '',
$showfunction = 0,
$morecss = '',
$options_only = false,
$showsoc = 0,
$forcecombo = 0,
$events = array(),
$moreparam = '',
$htmlid = '',
$multiple = false,
$disableifempty = 0 )

Return HTML code of the SELECT of list of all contacts (for a third party or all).

This also set the number of contacts found into $this->num

9.0 Add afterSelectContactOptions hook
int$socidId ot third party or 0 for all or -1 for empty list
array | int$selectedArray of ID of pre-selected contact id
string$htmlnameName of HTML field ('none' for a not editable field)
int | string$showempty0=no empty value, 1=add an empty value, 2=add line 'Internal' (used by user edit), 3=add an empty value only if more than one record into list
string$excludeList of contacts id to exclude
string$limittoDisable answers that are not id in this array list
integer$showfunctionAdd function into label
string$morecssAdd more class to class style
bool$options_onlyReturn options only (for ajax treatment)
integer$showsocAdd company into label
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box (so no ajax beautify effect)
array$eventsEvent options. Example: array(array('method'=>'getContacts', 'url'=>dol_buildpath('/core/ajax/contacts.php',1), 'htmlname'=>'contactid', 'params'=>array('add-customer-contact'=>'disabled')))
string$moreparamAdd more parameters onto the select tag. For example 'style="width: 95%"' to avoid select2 component to go over parent container
string$htmlidHtml id to use instead of htmlname
bool$multipleadd [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut
integer$disableifemptySet tag 'disabled' on select if there is no choice
int|string Return integer <0 if KO, HTML with select string if OK.

Definition at line 1769 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), Contact(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalString(), and getEntity().

Referenced by form_contacts(), and select_contacts().

◆ selectCurrency()

Form::selectCurrency ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'currency_id',
$mode = 0,
$useempty = '' )

Retourne la liste des devises, dans la langue de l'utilisateur.

string$selectedpreselected currency code
string$htmlnamename of HTML select list
int$mode0 = Add currency symbol into label, 1 = Add 3 letter iso code
string$useempty'1'=Allow empty value

Definition at line 6270 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_escape_htmltag(), and info_admin().

Referenced by select_currency().

◆ selectDate()

Form::selectDate ( $set_time = '',
$prefix = 're',
$h = 0,
$m = 0,
$empty = 0,
$form_name = "",
$d = 1,
$addnowlink = 0,
$disabled = 0,
$fullday = '',
$addplusone = '',
$adddateof = '',
$openinghours = '',
$stepminutes = 1,
$labeladddateof = '',
$placeholder = '',
$gm = 'auto' )

Show a HTML widget to input a date or combo list for day, month, years and optionaly hours and minutes.

Fields are preselected with :

  • set_time date (must be a local PHP server timestamp or string date with format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM')
  • local date in user area, if set_time is '' (so if set_time is '', output may differs when done from two different location)
  • Empty (fields empty), if set_time is -1 (in this case, parameter empty must also have value 1)
integer | string$set_timePre-selected date (must be a local PHP server timestamp), -1 to keep date not preselected, '' to use current date with 00:00 hour (Parameter 'empty' must be 0 or 2).
string$prefixPrefix for fields name
int$h1 or 2=Show also hours (2=hours on a new line), -1 has same effect but hour and minutes are prefilled with 23:59 if date is empty, 3 show hour always empty
int$m1=Show also minutes, -1 has same effect but hour and minutes are prefilled with 23:59 if date is empty, 3 show minutes always empty
int$empty0=Fields required, 1=Empty inputs are allowed, 2=Empty inputs are allowed for hours only
string$form_nameNot used
int$d1=Show days, month, years
int$addnowlinkAdd a link "Now", 1 with server time, 2 with local computer time
int$disabledDisable input fields
int | string$fulldayWhen a checkbox with id #fullday is checked, hours are set with 00:00 (if value if 'fulldaystart') or 23:59 (if value is 'fulldayend')
string$addplusoneAdd a link "+1 hour". Value must be name of another selectDate field.
int | string | array$adddateofAdd a link "Date of ..." using the following date. Must be array(array('adddateof'=>..., 'labeladddateof'=>...))
string$openinghoursSpecify hour start and hour end for the select ex 8,20
int$stepminutesSpecify step for minutes between 1 and 30
string$labeladddateofLabel to use for the $adddateof parameter. Deprecated. Used only when $adddateof is not an array.
mixed$gm'auto' (for backward compatibility, avoid this), 'gmt' or 'tzserver' or 'tzuserrel'
string Html for selectDate
See also
form_date(), select_month(), select_year(), select_dayofweek()

Definition at line 6770 of file html.form.class.php.

References button, dol_escape_js(), dol_now(), dol_print_date(), getDolGlobalString(), and getServerTimeZoneInt().

Referenced by editfieldval(), form_date(), formconfirm(), select_date(), and selectDateToDate().

◆ selectDateToDate()

Form::selectDateToDate ( $set_time = '',
$set_time_end = '',
$prefix = 're',
$empty = 0,
$forcenewline = 0 )

Show 2 HTML widget to input a date or combo list for day, month, years and optionaly hours and minutes.

Fields are preselected with :

  • set_time date (must be a local PHP server timestamp or string date with format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM')
  • local date in user area, if set_time is '' (so if set_time is '', output may differs when done from two different location)
  • Empty (fields empty), if set_time is -1 (in this case, parameter empty must also have value 1)
integer | string$set_timePre-selected date (must be a local PHP server timestamp), -1 to keep date not preselected, '' to use current date with 00:00 hour (Parameter 'empty' must be 0 or 2).
integer | string$set_time_endPre-selected date (must be a local PHP server timestamp), -1 to keep date not preselected, '' to use current date with 00:00 hour (Parameter 'empty' must be 0 or 2).
string$prefixPrefix for fields name
int$empty0=Fields required, 1=Empty inputs are allowed, 2=Empty inputs are allowed for hours only
int$forcenewlineForce new line between the 2 dates.
string Html for selectDate
See also
form_date(), select_month(), select_year(), select_dayofweek()

Definition at line 6731 of file html.form.class.php.

References selectDate().

◆ selectEstablishments()

Form::selectEstablishments ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'entity',
$status = 0,
$filtre = '',
$useempty = 0,
$moreattrib = '' )

Return a HTML select list of establishment.

string$selectedId establishment pre-selected
string$htmlnameName of select zone
int$statusStatus of searched establishment (0=open, 1=closed, 2=both)
string$filtreTo filter list. This parameter must not come from input of users
int$useempty1=Add an empty value in list, 2=Add an empty value in list only if there is more than 2 entries.
string$moreattribTo add more attribute on select
int Return integer <0 if error, Num of establishment found if OK (0, 1, 2, ...)

Definition at line 4981 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), and dol_syslog().

◆ selectExpense()

Form::selectExpense ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'fk_c_type_fees',
$useempty = 0,
$allchoice = 1,
$useid = 0 )

Return HTML to show a select of expense.

string$selectedpreselected category
string$htmlnamename of HTML select list
integer$useempty1=Add empty choice
integer$allchoice1=Add all choice
integer$useid0=use 'code' as key, 1=use 'id' as key

Definition at line 10381 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectExpenseCategories()

Form::selectExpenseCategories ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'fk_c_exp_tax_cat',
$useempty = 0,
$excludeid = array(),
$target = '',
$default_selected = 0,
$params = array(),
$info_admin = 1 )

Return HTML to show the select of expense categories.

string$selectedpreselected category
string$htmlnamename of HTML select list
integer$useempty1=Add empty line
array$excludeidid to exclude
string$targethtmlname of target select to bind event
int$default_selecteddefault category to select if fk_c_type_fees change = EX_KME
array$paramsparam to give
int$info_adminShow the tooltip help picto to setup list

Definition at line 10255 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), currentToken(), getEntity(), getNonce(), and info_admin().

◆ selectExpenseRanges()

Form::selectExpenseRanges ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'fk_range',
$useempty = 0 )

Return HTML to show the select ranges of expense range.

string$selectedpreselected category
string$htmlnamename of HTML select list
integer$useempty1=Add empty line

Definition at line 10345 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectForForms()

Form::selectForForms ( $objectdesc,
$showempty = '',
$searchkey = '',
$placeholder = '',
$morecss = '',
$moreparams = '',
$forcecombo = 0,
$disabled = 0,
$selected_input_value = '',
$objectfield = '' )

Generic method to select a component from a combo list.

Can use autocomplete with ajax after x key pressed or a full combo, depending on setup. This is the generic method that will replace all specific existing methods.

string$objectdesc'ObjectClass:PathToClass[:AddCreateButtonOrNot[:Filter[:Sortfield]]]'. For hard coded custom needs. Try to prefer method using $objectfield instead of $objectdesc.
string$htmlnameName of HTML select component
int$preSelectedValuePreselected value (ID of element)
string$showempty''=empty values not allowed, 'string'=value show if we allow empty values (for example 'All', ...)
string$searchkeySearch criteria
string$placeholderPlace holder
string$morecssMore CSS
string$moreparamsMore params provided to ajax call
int$forcecomboForce to load all values and output a standard combobox (with no beautification)
int$disabled1=Html component is disabled
string$selected_input_valueValue of preselected input text (for use with ajax)
string$objectfieldObject:Field that contains the definition (in table $fields or $extrafields). Example: 'Object:xxx' or 'Module_Object:xxx' or 'Object:options_xxx' or 'Module_Object:options_xxx'
string Return HTML string
See also
selectForFormsList(), select_thirdparty_list()

Definition at line 8048 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectForFormsList()

Form::selectForFormsList ( $objecttmp,
$showempty = '',
$searchkey = '',
$placeholder = '',
$morecss = '',
$moreparams = '',
$forcecombo = 0,
$outputmode = 0,
$disabled = 0,
$sortfield = '',
$filter = '' )

Output html form to select an object.

Note, this function is called by selectForForms or by ajax selectobject.php

Object$objecttmpObject to know the table to scan for combo.
string$htmlnameName of HTML select component
int$preselectedvaluePreselected value (ID of element)
string$showempty''=empty values not allowed, 'string'=value show if we allow empty values (for example 'All', ...)
string$searchkeySearch value
string$placeholderPlace holder
string$morecssMore CSS
string$moreparamsMore params provided to ajax call
int$forcecomboForce to load all values and output a standard combobox (with no beautification)
int$outputmode0=HTML select string, 1=Array
int$disabled1=Html component is disabled
string$sortfieldSort field
string$filterAdd more filter (Universal Search Filter)
string|array Return HTML string
See also

Definition at line 8210 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectInputReason()

Form::selectInputReason ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'demandreasonid',
$exclude = '',
$addempty = 0,
$morecss = '',
$notooltip = 0 )

Return list of input reason (events that triggered an object creation, like after sending an emailing, making an advert, ...) List found into table c_input_reason loaded by loadCacheInputReason.

string$selectedId or code of type origin to select by default
string$htmlnameNom de la zone select
string$excludeTo exclude a code value (Example: SRC_PROP)
int$addemptyAdd an empty entry
string$morecssAdd more css to the HTML select component
int$notooltipDo not show the tooltip for admin

Definition at line 4221 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), info_admin(), and loadCacheInputReason().

Referenced by formInputReason().

◆ selectInvoice()

Form::selectInvoice ( $socid = -1,
$selected = '',
$htmlname = 'invoiceid',
$maxlength = 24,
$option_only = 0,
$show_empty = '1',
$discard_closed = 0,
$forcefocus = 0,
$disabled = 0,
$morecss = 'maxwidth500',
$projectsListId = '',
$showproject = 'all',
$usertofilter = null )

Output a combo list with invoices qualified for a third party.

int$socidId third party (-1=all, 0=only projects not linked to a third party, id=projects not linked or linked to third party id)
string$selectedId invoice preselected
string$htmlnameName of HTML select
int$maxlengthMaximum length of label
int$option_onlyReturn only html options lines without the select tag
string$show_emptyAdd an empty line ('1' or string to show for empty line)
int$discard_closedDiscard closed projects (0=Keep,1=hide completely,2=Disable)
int$forcefocusForce focus on field (works with javascript only)
string$morecssMore css added to the select component
string$projectsListId''=Automatic filter on project allowed. List of id=Filter on project ids.
string$showproject'all' = Show project info, ''=Hide project info
User$usertofilterUser object to use for filtering
string HTML Select Invoice

Definition at line 10437 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectInvoiceRec()

Form::selectInvoiceRec ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'facrecid',
$maxlength = 24,
$option_only = 0,
$show_empty = '1',
$forcefocus = 0,
$disabled = 0,
$morecss = 'maxwidth500' )

Output a combo list with invoices qualified for a third party.

string$selectedId invoice preselected
string$htmlnameName of HTML select
int$maxlengthMaximum length of label
int$option_onlyReturn only html options lines without the select tag
string$show_emptyAdd an empty line ('1' or string to show for empty line)
int$forcefocusForce focus on field (works with javascript only)
string$morecssMore css added to the select component
int Nbr of project if OK, <0 if KO

Definition at line 10584 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_syslog(), dol_trunc(), and getEntity().

◆ selectMassAction()

Form::selectMassAction ( $selected,
$alwaysvisible = 0,
$name = 'massaction',
$cssclass = 'checkforselect' )

Generate select HTML to choose massaction.

string$selectedValue auto selected when at least one record is selected. Not a preselected value. Use '0' by default.
array$arrayofactionarray('code'=>'label', ...). The code is the key stored into the GETPOST('massaction') when submitting action.
int$alwaysvisible1=select button always visible
string$nameName for massaction
string$cssclassCSS class used to check for select
string|void Select list

Definition at line 821 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_escape_htmltag(), and getNonce().

◆ selectMembers()

Form::selectMembers ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'adherentid',
$filtertype = '',
$limit = 0,
$status = 1,
$selected_input_value = '',
$hidelabel = 0,
$ajaxoptions = array(),
$socid = 0,
$showempty = '1',
$forcecombo = 0,
$morecss = '',
$selected_combinations = null,
$nooutput = 0 )

Return list of members in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to selectTicketsList.

string$selectedPreselected tickets
string$htmlnameName of HTML select field (must be unique in page).
string$filtertypeTo add a filter
int$limitLimit on number of returned lines
int$statusTicket status
string$selected_input_valueValue of preselected input text (for use with ajax)
int$hidelabelHide label (0=no, 1=yes, 2=show search icon before and placeholder, 3 search icon after)
array$ajaxoptionsOptions for ajax_autocompleter
int$socidThirdparty Id (to get also price dedicated to this customer)
string$showempty'' to not show empty line. Translation key to show an empty line. '1' show empty line with no text.
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box
string$morecssAdd more css on select
array$selected_combinationsSelected combinations. Format: array([attrid] => attrval, [...])
int$nooutputNo print, return the output into a string

Definition at line 7816 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectMembersList()

Form::selectMembersList ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'adherentid',
$filtertype = '',
$limit = 20,
$filterkey = '',
$status = 1,
$outputmode = 0,
$showempty = '1',
$forcecombo = 0,
$morecss = '' )

Return list of adherents.

Called by selectMembers.

string$selectedPreselected adherent
string$htmlnameName of select html
string$filtertypeFilter on adherent type
int$limitLimit on number of returned lines
string$filterkeyFilter on member status
int$statusMember status
int$outputmode0=HTML select string, 1=Array
string$showempty'' to not show empty line. Translation key to show an empty line. '1' show empty line with no text.
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box
string$morecssAdd more css on select
array|string Array of keys for json or HTML string component

Definition at line 7885 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectModelMail()

Form::selectModelMail ( $prefix,
$modelType = '',
$default = 0,
$addjscombo = 0 )


string$modelTypeModel type
int$default1=Show also Default mail template
int$addjscomboAdd js combobox
string HTML select string

Definition at line 10820 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox().

◆ selectMultiCurrency()

Form::selectMultiCurrency ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'multicurrency_code',
$useempty = 0,
$filter = '',
$excludeConfCurrency = false,
$morecss = '' )

Return array of currencies in user language.

string$selectedPreselected currency code
string$htmlnameName of HTML select list
integer$useempty1=Add empty line
string$filterOptional filters criteras (example: 'code <> x', ' in (1,3)')
bool$excludeConfCurrencyfalse = If company current currency not in table, we add it into list. Should always be available. true = we are in currency_rate update , we don't want to see conf->currency in select
string$morecssMore css

Definition at line 6326 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), and getEntity().

Referenced by form_multicurrency_code().

◆ selectPriceBaseType()

Form::selectPriceBaseType ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'price_base_type',
$addjscombo = 0 )

Selection HT or TTC.

string$selectedId pre-selectionne
string$htmlnameNom de la zone select
int$addjscomboAdd js combo
string Code of HTML select to chose tax or not

Definition at line 4541 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox().

◆ selectProjects()

Form::selectProjects ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'projectid',
$filtertype = '',
$limit = 0,
$status = 1,
$selected_input_value = '',
$hidelabel = 0,
$ajaxoptions = array(),
$socid = 0,
$showempty = '1',
$forcecombo = 0,
$morecss = '',
$selected_combinations = null,
$nooutput = 0 )

Return list of projects in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to selectTicketsList.

string$selectedPreselected tickets
string$htmlnameName of HTML select field (must be unique in page).
string$filtertypeTo add a filter
int$limitLimit on number of returned lines
int$statusTicket status
string$selected_input_valueValue of preselected input text (for use with ajax)
int$hidelabelHide label (0=no, 1=yes, 2=show search icon (before) and placeholder, 3 search icon after)
array$ajaxoptionsOptions for ajax_autocompleter
int$socidThirdparty Id (to get also price dedicated to this customer)
string$showempty'' to not show empty line. Translation key to show an empty line. '1' show empty line with no text.
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box
string$morecssAdd more css on select
array$selected_combinationsSelected combinations. Format: array([attrid] => attrval, [...])
int$nooutputNo print, return the output into a string

Definition at line 7587 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectProjectsList()

Form::selectProjectsList ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'projectid',
$filtertype = '',
$limit = 20,
$filterkey = '',
$status = 1,
$outputmode = 0,
$showempty = '1',
$forcecombo = 0,
$morecss = '' )

Return list of projects.

Called by selectProjects.

string$selectedPreselected project
string$htmlnameName of select html
string$filtertypeFilter on project type
int$limitLimit on number of returned lines
string$filterkeyFilter on project ref or subject
int$statusTicket status
int$outputmode0=HTML select string, 1=Array
string$showempty'' to not show empty line. Translation key to show an empty line. '1' show empty line with no text.
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box
string$morecssAdd more css on select
array|string Array of keys for json or HTML component

Definition at line 7652 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectShippingMethod()

Form::selectShippingMethod ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'shipping_method_id',
$filtre = '',
$useempty = 0,
$moreattrib = '',
$noinfoadmin = 0,
$morecss = '' )

Return a HTML select list of shipping mode.

string$selectedId shipping mode pre-selected
string$htmlnameName of select zone
string$filtreTo filter list. This parameter must not come from input of users
int$useempty1=Add an empty value in list, 2=Add an empty value in list only if there is more than 2 entries.
string$moreattribTo add more attribute on select
int$noinfoadmin0=Add admin info, 1=Disable admin info
string$morecssMore CSS

Definition at line 4699 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), and info_admin().

Referenced by formSelectShippingMethod().

◆ selectSituationInvoices()

Form::selectSituationInvoices ( $selected = '',
$socid = 0 )

Creates HTML last in cycle situation invoices selector.

string$selectedPreselected ID
int$socidCompany ID
string HTML select

Definition at line 4789 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), and getEntity().

◆ selectTickets()

Form::selectTickets ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'ticketid',
$filtertype = '',
$limit = 0,
$status = 1,
$selected_input_value = '',
$hidelabel = 0,
$ajaxoptions = array(),
$socid = 0,
$showempty = '1',
$forcecombo = 0,
$morecss = '',
$selected_combinations = null,
$nooutput = 0 )

Return list of tickets in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to selectTicketsList.

string$selectedPreselected tickets
string$htmlnameName of HTML select field (must be unique in page).
string$filtertypeTo add a filter
int$limitLimit on number of returned lines
int$statusTicket status
string$selected_input_valueValue of preselected input text (for use with ajax)
int$hidelabelHide label (0=no, 1=yes, 2=show search icon (before) and placeholder, 3 search icon after)
array$ajaxoptionsOptions for ajax_autocompleter
int$socidThirdparty Id (to get also price dedicated to this customer)
string$showempty'' to not show empty line. Translation key to show an empty line. '1' show empty line with no text.
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box
string$morecssAdd more css on select
array$selected_combinationsSelected combinations. Format: array([attrid] => attrval, [...])
int$nooutputNo print, return the output into a string

Definition at line 7361 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectTicketsList()

Form::selectTicketsList ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'ticketid',
$filtertype = '',
$limit = 20,
$filterkey = '',
$status = 1,
$outputmode = 0,
$showempty = '1',
$forcecombo = 0,
$morecss = '' )

Return list of tickets.

Called by selectTickets.

string$selectedPreselected ticket
string$htmlnameName of select html
string$filtertypeFilter on ticket type
int$limitLimit on number of returned lines
string$filterkeyFilter on ticket ref or subject
int$statusTicket status
int$outputmode0=HTML select string, 1=Array
string$showempty'' to not show empty line. Translation key to show an empty line. '1' show empty line with no text.
int$forcecomboForce to use combo box
string$morecssAdd more css on select
array|string Array of keys for json or HTML component

Definition at line 7427 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectTransportMode()

Form::selectTransportMode ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'transportmode',
$format = 0,
$empty = 1,
$noadmininfo = 0,
$maxlength = 0,
$active = 1,
$morecss = '' )
 Return list of transport mode for intracomm report
string$selectedId of the transport mode pre-selected
string$htmlnameName of the select field
int$format0=id+label, 1=code+code, 2=code+label, 3=id+code
int$empty1=can be empty, 0 else
int$noadmininfo0=Add admin info, 1=Disable admin info
int$maxlengthMax length of label
int$activeActive or not, -1 = all
string$morecssAdd more CSS on select tag

Definition at line 4629 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), dol_trunc(), info_admin(), and load_cache_transport_mode().

Referenced by formSelectTransportMode().

◆ selectTypeDuration()

Form::selectTypeDuration ( $prefix,
$selected = 'i',
$excludetypes = array() )


string$selectedSelected duration type
array$excludetypesArray of duration types to exclude. Example array('y', 'm')
string HTML select string

Definition at line 7216 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectUnits()

Form::selectUnits ( $selected = '',
$htmlname = 'units',
$showempty = 0,
$unit_type = '' )
 Creates HTML units selector (code => label)
string$selectedPreselected Unit ID
string$htmlnameSelect name
int$showemptyAdd a nempty line
string$unit_typeRestrict to one given unit type
string HTML select

Definition at line 4844 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ selectyesno()

Form::selectyesno ( $htmlname,
$value = '',
$option = 0,
$disabled = false,
$useempty = 0,
$addjscombo = 0,
$morecss = '',
$labelyes = 'Yes',
$labelno = 'No' )

Return an html string with a select combo box to choose yes or no.

string$htmlnameName of html select field
string$valuePre-selected value
int$option0 return yes/no, 1 return 1/0
bool$disabledtrue or false
int$useempty1=Add empty line
int$addjscombo1=Add js beautifier on combo box
string$morecssMore CSS
string$labelyesLabel for Yes
string$labelnoLabel for No
string See option

Definition at line 9513 of file html.form.class.php.

References ajax_combobox().

Referenced by formconfirm().

◆ showbarcode()

Form::showbarcode ( & $object,
$width = 100,
$morecss = '' )

Return HTML code to output a barcode.

Object$objectObject containing data to retrieve file name
int$widthWidth of photo
string$morecssMore CSS on img of barcode
string HTML code to output barcode

Definition at line 9807 of file html.form.class.php.

◆ showCategories()

Form::showCategories ( $id,
$rendermode = 0,
$nolink = 0 )

Render list of categories linked to object with id $id and type $type.

int$idId of object
string$typeType of category ('member', 'customer', 'supplier', 'product', 'contact'). Old mode (0, 1, 2, ...) is deprecated.
int$rendermode0=Default, use multiselect. 1=Emulate multiselect (recommended)
int$nolink1=Do not add html links
string String with categories

Definition at line 9053 of file html.form.class.php.

References multiselectarray(), and select_all_categories().

◆ showCheckAddButtons()

Form::showCheckAddButtons ( $cssclass = 'checkforaction',
$calljsfunction = 0,
$massactionname = "massaction" )

Return HTML to show the search and clear search button.

string$cssclassCSS class
int$calljsfunction0=default. 1=call function initCheckForSelect() after changing status of checkboxes
string$massactionnameMass action button name that will launch an action on the selected items

Definition at line 10190 of file html.form.class.php.

References getNonce().

Referenced by showFilterAndCheckAddButtons().

◆ showFilterAndCheckAddButtons()

Form::showFilterAndCheckAddButtons ( $addcheckuncheckall = 0,
$cssclass = 'checkforaction',
$calljsfunction = 0,
$massactionname = "massaction" )

Return HTML to show the search and clear seach button.

int$addcheckuncheckallAdd the check all/uncheck all checkbox (use javascript) and code to manage this
string$cssclassCSS class
int$calljsfunction0=default. 1=call function initCheckForSelect() after changing status of checkboxes
string$massactionnameMass action name

Definition at line 10233 of file html.form.class.php.

References showCheckAddButtons(), and showFilterButtons().

◆ showFilterButtons()

Form::showFilterButtons ( $pos = '')

Return HTML to show the search and clear seach button.

string$posPosition of colon on the list. Value 'left' or 'right'

Definition at line 10167 of file html.form.class.php.

Referenced by showFilterAndCheckAddButtons().

◆ showLinkedObjectBlock()

Form::showLinkedObjectBlock ( $object,
$morehtmlright = '',
$compatibleImportElementsList = array(),
$title = 'RelatedObjects' )

Show linked object block.

CommonObject$objectObject we want to show links to
string$morehtmlrightMore html to show on right of title
array$compatibleImportElementsListArray of compatibles elements object for "import from" action
int Return integer <0 if KO, >=0 if OK

Definition at line 9093 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_buildpath(), and load_fiche_titre().

◆ showLinkToObjectBlock()

Form::showLinkToObjectBlock ( $object,
$restrictlinksto = array(),
$excludelinksto = array() )

Show block with links to link to other objects.

CommonObject$objectObject we want to show links to
array$restrictlinkstoRestrict links to some elements, for exemple array('order') or array('supplier_order'). null or array() if no restriction.
array$excludelinkstoDo not show links of this type, for exemple array('order') or array('supplier_order'). null or array() if no exclusion.
string HTML block

Definition at line 9250 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_print_error(), getDolGlobalString(), getEntity(), getNonce(), GETPOST(), and price().

◆ showphoto()

static Form::showphoto ( $modulepart,
$width = 100,
$height = 0,
$caneditfield = 0,
$cssclass = 'photowithmargin',
$imagesize = '',
$addlinktofullsize = 1,
$cache = 0,
$forcecapture = '',
$noexternsourceoverwrite = 0 )
   Return HTML code to output a photo
string$modulepartKey to define module concerned ('societe', 'userphoto', 'memberphoto')
object$objectObject containing data to retrieve file name
int$widthWidth of photo
int$heightHeight of photo (auto if 0)
int$caneditfieldAdd edit fields
string$cssclassCSS name to use on img for photo
string$imagesize'mini', 'small' or '' (original)
int$addlinktofullsizeAdd link to fullsize image
int$cache1=Accept to use image in cache
string$forcecapture'', 'user' or 'environment'. Force parameter capture on HTML input file element to ask a smartphone to allow to open camera to take photo. Auto if ''.
int$noexternsourceoverwriteNo overwrite image with extern source (like 'gravatar' or other module)
string HTML code to output photo

Definition at line 9849 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_hash(), dolIsAllowedForPreview(), get_exdir(), getAdvancedPreviewUrl(), getDolGlobalString(), getImageFileNameForSize(), getMaxFileSizeArray(), and img_picto().

Referenced by Adherent\getKanbanView(), Contact\getKanbanView(), User\getKanbanView(), User\getLoginUrl(), Adherent\getNomUrl(), Contact\getNomUrl(), User\getNomUrl(), User\getPhotoUrl(), Adherent\getTooltipContentArray(), Contact\getTooltipContentArray(), Societe\getTooltipContentArray(), User\getTooltipContentArray(), and top_menu_user().

◆ showrefnav()

Form::showrefnav ( $object,
$morehtml = '',
$shownav = 1,
$fieldid = 'rowid',
$fieldref = 'ref',
$morehtmlref = '',
$moreparam = '',
$nodbprefix = 0,
$morehtmlleft = '',
$morehtmlstatus = '',
$morehtmlright = '' )

Return a HTML area with the reference of object and a navigation bar for a business object Note: To complete search with a particular filter on select, you can set $object->next_prev_filter set to define SQL criterias.

object$objectObject to show.
string$paramidName of parameter to use to name the id into the URL next/previous link.
string$morehtmlMore html content to output just before the nav bar.
int$shownavShow Condition (navigation is shown if value is 1).
string$fieldidName of field id into database to use for select next and previous (we make the select max and min on this field compared to $object->ref). Use 'none' to disable next/prev.
string$fieldrefName of field ref of object (object->ref) to show or 'none' to not show ref.
string$morehtmlrefMore html to show after ref.
string$moreparamMore param to add in nav link url. Must start with '&...'.
int$nodbprefixDo not include DB prefix to forge table name.
string$morehtmlleftMore html code to show before ref.
string$morehtmlstatusMore html code to show under navigation arrows (status place).
string$morehtmlrightMore html code to show after ref.
string Portion HTML with ref + navigation buttons

Definition at line 9609 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_htmlentities(), getDolGlobalString(), picto_from_langcode(), and textwithpicto().

◆ textwithpicto()

Form::textwithpicto ( $text,
$direction = 1,
$type = 'help',
$extracss = '',
$noencodehtmltext = 0,
$notabs = 3,
$tooltiptrigger = '',
$forcenowrap = 0 )

Show a text with a picto and a tooltip on picto.

string$textText to show
string$htmltextContent of tooltip
int$direction1=Icon is after text, -1=Icon is before text, 0=no icon
string$typeType of picto ('info', 'infoclickable', 'help', 'helpclickable', 'warning', 'superadmin', 'mypicto@mymodule', ...) or image filepath or 'none'
string$extracssAdd a CSS style to td, div or span tag
int$noencodehtmltextDo not encode into html entity the htmltext
int$notabs0=Include table and tr tags, 1=Do not include table and tr tags, 2=use div, 3=use span
string$tooltiptrigger''=Tooltip on hover and hidden on smartphone, 'abconsmartphone'=Tooltip on hover and on click on smartphone, 'abc'=Tooltip on click (abc is a unique key, clickable link is on image or on link if param $type='none' or on both if $type='xxxclickable')
int$forcenowrapForce no wrap between text and picto (works with notabs=2 only)
string HTML code of text, picto, tooltip

Definition at line 748 of file html.form.class.php.

References img_help(), img_picto(), img_warning(), and textwithtooltip().

Referenced by editfieldkey(), and showrefnav().

◆ textwithtooltip()

Form::textwithtooltip ( $text,
$tooltipon = 1,
$direction = 0,
$img = '',
$extracss = '',
$notabs = 3,
$incbefore = '',
$noencodehtmltext = 0,
$tooltiptrigger = '',
$forcenowrap = 0 )

Show a text and picto with tooltip on text or picto.

Can be called by an instancied $form->textwithtooltip or by a static call Form\textwithtooltip

string$textText to show
string$htmltextHTML content of tooltip. Must be HTML/UTF8 encoded.
int$tooltipon1=tooltip on text, 2=tooltip on image, 3=tooltip sur les 2
int$direction-1=image is before, 0=no image, 1=image is after
string$imgHtml code for image (use img_xxx() function to get it)
string$extracssAdd a CSS style to td tags
int$notabs0=Include table and tr tags, 1=Do not include table and tr tags, 2=use div, 3=use span
string$incbeforeInclude code before the text
int$noencodehtmltextDo not encode into html entity the htmltext
string$tooltiptrigger''=Tooltip on hover, 'abc'=Tooltip on click (abc is a unique key)
int$forcenowrapForce no wrap between text and picto (works with notabs=2 only)
string Code html du tooltip (texte+picto)
See also
textwithpicto() Use textwithpicto() instead of textwithtooltip if you can.

Definition at line 638 of file html.form.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag().

Referenced by textwithpicto().

◆ widgetForTranslation()

Form::widgetForTranslation ( $fieldname,
$typeofdata = 'string',
$check = '',
$morecss = '' )

Output edit in place form.

string$fieldnameName of the field
boolean$permPermission to allow button to edit parameter. Set it to 0 to have a not edited field.
string$typeofdataType of data ('string' by default, 'email', 'amount:99', 'numeric:99', 'text' or 'textarea:rows:cols', 'datepicker' ('day' do not work, don't know why), 'ckeditor:dolibarr_zzz:width:height:savemethod:1:rows:cols', 'select;xxx[:class]'...)
string$checkSame coe than $check parameter of GETPOST()
string$morecssMore CSS
string HTML code for the edit of alternative language

Definition at line 417 of file html.form.class.php.

References getDolGlobalString(), getNonce(), GETPOST(), img_picto(), and picto_from_langcode().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: