dolibarr 19.0.3
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAccountClass to manage bank accounts
 CAccountancyCategoryClass to manage categories of an accounting account
 CAccountancyExportManage the different format accountancy export
 CAccountancyImportManage the different format accountancy import
 CAccountancySystemClass to manage accountancy systems
 CAccountingAccountClass to manage accounting accounts
 CAccountingJournalClass to manage accounting journals
 CAccountLineClass to manage bank transaction lines
 CActionCommClass to manage agenda events (actions)
 CActionCommReminderClass for ActionCommReminder
 CActionsAdherentCardCommonClass to manage members using default canvas
 CActionsAdherentCardDefaultClass allowing the management of the members by default
 CActionsCardCommonClasse permettant la gestion des tiers par defaut
 CActionsCardProductClass with controller methods for product canvas
 CActionsCardServiceClass with controller methods for service canvas
 CActionsContactCardCommonClasse permettant la gestion des contacts par defaut
 CActionsContactCardDefaultClasse permettant la gestion des contacts par defaut
 CActionsDatapolicyClass ActionsDatapolicy
 CActionsMyModuleClass ActionsMyModule
 CActionsStripeconnectClass Actions Stripe Connect
 CActionsTicketClass Actions of the module ticket
 CAdherentClass to manage members of a foundation
 CAdherentStatsClass to manage statistics of members
 CAdherentTypeClass to manage members type
 CAdvanceTargetingMailingClass to manage advanced emailing target selector
 CAntiVirClass to scan for virus
 CAssetClass for Asset
 CAssetAccountancyCodesClass for AssetAccountancyCodes
 CAssetDepreciationOptionsClass for AssetDepreciationOptions
 CAssetModelClass for AssetModel
 CAvailabilitiesClass for Availabilities
 CAvailabilitiesLineClass AvailabilitiesLine
 CBankCategClass to manage bank categories
 CBlockedLogClass to manage Blocked Log
 CBlockedLogAuthorityClass to manage certif authority
 CBOMClass for BOM
 CBOMLineClass for BOMLine
 CBonPrelevementClass to manage withdrawal receipts
 CBookKeepingClass to manage Ledger (General Ledger and Subledger)
 CBookKeepingLineClass BookKeepingLine
 CBookmarkClass to manage bookmarks
 CBordereauChequeBlochetClass of file to build cheque deposit receipts
 Cbox_accountancy_last_manual_entriesClass to manage the box to show last manual entries
 Cbox_accountancy_suspense_accountClass to manage the box to show suspense account
 Cbox_actionsClass to manage the box to show last events
 Cbox_actions_futureClass to manage the box to show events in future
 Cbox_activityClass to manage the box of customer activity (invoice, order, proposal)
 Cbox_birthdaysClass to manage the box to show user birthdays
 Cbox_birthdays_membersClass to manage the box to show members birthdays
 Cbox_bomsClass to manage the box to show last modified BOMs
 Cbox_bookmarksClass to manage the box to show bookmarks
 Cbox_clientsClass to manage the box to show last customers
 Cbox_commandesClass to manage the box to show last customer orders
 Cbox_comptesClass to manage the box to show bank accounts
 Cbox_contactsClass to manage the box to show last contacts
 Cbox_contractsClass to manage the box to show last contracts
 Cbox_customers_outstanding_bill_reachedClass to manage the box to show last thirdparties
 Cbox_dolibarr_state_boardClass to manage the box to show last thirdparties
 Cbox_external_rssClass to manage the box to show RSS feeds
 Cbox_facturesClass to manage the box to show last invoices
 Cbox_factures_fournClass to manage the box to show last supplier invoices
 Cbox_factures_fourn_impClass to manage the box to show not paid suppliers invoices
 Cbox_factures_impClass to manage the box to show not paid sales invoices
 Cbox_ficheinterClass to manage the box to show last interventions
 Cbox_fournisseursClass to manage the box to show last suppliers
 Cbox_funnel_of_prospectionClass to manage the box to show funnel of prospections
 Cbox_goodcustomersClass to manage the box to show top-selling customers
 Cbox_graph_invoices_permonthClass to manage the box to show invoices per month graph
 Cbox_graph_invoices_peryearClass to manage the box to show invoices per year graph
 Cbox_graph_invoices_supplier_permonthClass to manage the box to show last invoices
 Cbox_graph_nb_ticket_last_x_daysClass to manage the box to show new daily tickets
 Cbox_graph_nb_tickets_typeClass to manage the box to show number of ticket types
 Cbox_graph_new_vs_close_ticketClass to manage the box
 Cbox_graph_orders_permonthClass to manage the box to show orders per month graph
 Cbox_graph_orders_supplier_permonthClass to manage the box to show last orders
 Cbox_graph_product_distributionClass to manage the box to show last invoices
 Cbox_graph_propales_permonthClass to manage the box to show proposals per month graph
 Cbox_graph_ticket_by_severityClass to manage the box
 Cbox_last_knowledgerecordClass to manage the box
 Cbox_last_modified_knowledgerecordClass to manage the box
 Cbox_last_modified_ticketClass to manage the box to show last modified tickets
 Cbox_last_ticketClass to manage the box to show last created tickets
 Cbox_lastloginClass to manage the box of last login
 Cbox_members_by_tagsClass to manage the box to show (last modified) members by tags
 Cbox_members_by_typeClass to manage the box to show last modofied members
 Cbox_members_last_modifiedClass to manage the box to show last modified members
 Cbox_members_last_subscriptionsClass to manage the box to show last members subscriptions
 Cbox_members_subscriptions_by_yearClass to manage the box to show last modofied members
 Cbox_mosClass to manage the box to show last manufacturing orders (MO)
 Cbox_produitsClass to manage the box to show last products
 Cbox_produits_alerte_stockClass to manage the box to show too low stocks products
 Cbox_projectClass to manage the box to show last project
 Cbox_project_opportunitiesClass to manage the box to show project opportunities
 Cbox_propalesClass to manage the box to show last proposals
 Cbox_prospectClass to manage the box to show last prospects
 Cbox_scheduled_jobsClass to manage the box to show last contracted products/services lines
 Cbox_services_contractsClass to manage the box to show last contracted products/services lines
 Cbox_services_expiredClass to manage the box to show expired services
 Cbox_shipmentsClass to manage the box to show last shipments
 Cbox_supplier_ordersClass that manages the box showing latest supplier orders
 Cbox_supplier_orders_awaiting_receptionClass to manage the box to show last supplier orders awaiting reception
 Cbox_taskClass to manage the box to show last task
 Cbox_validated_projectsClass to manage the box to show last projet
 CCActionCommClass to manage different types of events
 CCalendarClass for Calendar
 CCalendarLineClass CalendarLine
 CCanvasClass to manage canvas
 CCashControlClass to manage cash fence
 CCategorieClass to manage categories
 CCchargesocialesClass Cchargesociales
 CCcountryClass to manage dictionary Countries (used by imports)
 CCdavLibDefine Common function to access calendar items and format it in vCalendar
 CCGenericDicClass CGenericDic
 CChargeSocialesClasse permettant la gestion des paiements des charges La tva collectee n'est calculee que sur les factures payees
 CClientClass to manage customers or prospects
 CCMailFileClass to send emails (with attachments or not) Usage: $mailfile = new CMailFile($subject,$sendto,$replyto,$message,$filepath,$mimetype,$filename,$cc,$ccc,$deliveryreceipt,$msgishtml,$errors_to,$css,$trackid,$moreinheader,$sendcontext,$replyto); $mailfile->sendfile();
 CCommActionRapportClass to generate event report
 CCommandeClass to manage customers orders
 CCommandeFournisseurClass to manage predefined suppliers products
 CCommandeFournisseurDispatchClass to manage table commandefournisseurdispatch
 CCommandeFournisseurLigneClass to manage line orders
 CCommandeStatsClass to manage order statistics (customer and supplier)
 CCommentClass to manage comment
 CCommonDictParent class of all other dictionary classes
 CCommonDocGeneratorParent class for documents (PDF, ODT, ...) generators
 CCommonHookActionsParent class of all other hook actions classes
 CCommonInvoiceSuperclass for invoices classes
 CCommonInvoiceLineParent class of all other business classes for details of elements (invoices, contracts, proposals, orders, ...)
 CCommonNumRefGeneratorParent class for number ref generators
 CCommonObjectParent class of all other business classes (invoices, contracts, proposals, orders, ...)
 CCommonObjectLineParent class for class inheritance lines of business objects This class is useless for the moment so no inherit are done on it
 CCommonOrderSuperclass for orders classes
 CCommonOrderLineSuperclass for orders classes
 CCommonStickerGeneratorClass to generate stick sheet with format Avery or other personalised
 CCompanyBankAccountClass to manage bank accounts description of third parties
 CCompanyPaymentModeClass for CompanyPaymentMode
 CConfClass to stock current configuration
 CConferenceOrBoothClass for ConferenceOrBooth
 CConferenceOrBoothAttendeeClass for ConferenceOrBoothAttendee
 CConferenceOrBoothAttendeeLineClass ConferenceOrBoothAttendeeLine
 CContactClass to manage contact/addresses
 CContratClass to manage contracts
 CContratLigneClass to manage lines of contracts
 CCpaiementClass Cpaiement
 CCProductNatureClass of dictionary of nature of product (used by imports)
 CCregionClass to manage dictionary Regions
 CCronjobCron Job class
 CCronjoblineCrob Job line class
 CCSMSFileClass to send SMS Usage: $smsfile = new CSMSFile($subject,$sendto,$replyto,$message,$filepath,$mimetype,$filename,$cc,$ccc,$deliveryreceipt,$msgishtml,$errors_to); $smsfile->socid=...; $smsfile->contact_id=...; $smsfile->member_id=...; $smsfile->fk_project=...; $smsfile->sendfile();
 CCstateClass to manage dictionary States (used by imports)
 CCTicketCategoryClass for MyObject
 CCtypentClass of dictionary type of thirdparty (used by imports)
 CCtyperesourceClass Ctyperesource
 CCtyperesourceLineClass CtyperesourceLine
 CCUnitsClass of dictionary type of thirdparty (used by imports)
 CCurrencyRateClass CurrencyRate
 CDatabaseClass to manage Dolibarr database access for an SQL database
 CDataPolicyClass DataPolicy
 CDataPolicyCronClass DataPolicyCron
 CDefaultValuesClass for MyObject
 CDeliveryClass to manage receptions
 CDeliveryLineManagement class of delivery note lines
 CDeplacementClass to manage trips and working credit notes
 CDeplacementStatsClasse permettant la gestion des stats des deplacements et notes de frais
 CDiffA class containing functions for computing diffs and formatting the output
 CDiscountAbsoluteClass to manage absolute discounts
 Cdoc_generic_asset_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_bom_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_contract_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_invoice_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_member_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_mo_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_myobject_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_order_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_product_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_project_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_proposal_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_reception_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_shipment_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_stock_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_supplier_invoice_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_supplier_order_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_supplier_proposal_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_task_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_ticket_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_user_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 Cdoc_generic_usergroup_odtClass to build documents using ODF templates generator
 CDocumentsAPI class for receive files
 CDolConfigCollectorDolConfigCollector class
 CDolEditorClass to manage a WYSIWYG editor
 CDolExceptionClass to manage exceptions
 CDolExceptionsCollectorDolExceptionsCollector class
 CDolGeoIPClass to manage GeoIP conversion Usage: $geoip=new GeoIP('country',$datfile); $geoip->getCountryCodeFromIP($ip); $geoip->close();
 CDolGraphClass to build graphs
 CDolibarrApiClass for API REST v1
 CDolibarrApiAccessDolibarr API access class
 CDolibarrCollectorDolibarrCollector class
 CDolibarrDebugBarDolibarrDebugBar class
 CDolibarrModulesClass DolibarrModules
 CDolibarrTriggersClass that all the triggers must extend
 CDoliDBClass to manage Dolibarr database access
 CDoliDBMysqliClass to manage Dolibarr database access for a MySQL database using the MySQLi extension
 CDoliDBPgsqlClass to drive a Postgresql database for Dolibarr
 CDoliDBSqlite3Class to manage Dolibarr database access for a SQLite database
 CDolistoreClass Dolistore
 CDolLogsCollectorDolLogsCollector class
 CDolMemoryCollectorDolMemoryCollector class
 CDolMessagesCollectorDolMessagesCollector class
 CDolQueryCollectorDolQueryCollector class
 CdolReceiptPrinterClass to manage Receipt Printers
 CDolRequestDataCollectorDolRequestDataCollector class
 CDolresourceDAO Resource object
 CDolTimeDataCollectorDolTimeDataCollector class
 CDonClass to manage donations
 CDonationStatsClass to manage donations statistics
 CEcmDirectoryClass to manage ECM directories
 CEcmFilesClass to manage ECM files
 CEcmFilesLineClass of an index line of a document
 CEmailCollectorClass for EmailCollector
 CEmailCollectorActionClass for EmailCollectorAction
 CEmailCollectorFilterClass for EmailCollectorFilter
 CEmailSenderProfileClass for EmailSenderProfile
 CEntrepotClass to manage warehouses
 CEstablishmentClass to manage establishments
 CEvalMathClass EvalMath
 CEvalMathStackClass for internal use
 CEvaluationClass for Evaluation
 CEvaluationLineClass for EvaluationLine
 CEventsEvents class
 CExpeditionClass to manage shipments
 CExpeditionLigneClasse to manage lines of shipment
 CExpeditionLineBatchCRUD class for batch number management within shipment
 CExpeditionStatsClass to manage shipment statistics
 CExpenseReportClass to manage Trips and Expenses
 CExpenseReportIkClass to manage inventories
 CExpenseReportLineClass of expense report details lines
 CExpenseReportRuleClass to manage inventories
 CExpenseReportStatsClasse permettant la gestion des stats des expensereports et notes de frais
 CExportClass to manage exports
 CExportCsvClass to build export files with format CSV
 CExportCsvIsoClass to build export files with format CSV iso
 CExportCsvUtf8Class to build export files with format CSV utf-8
 CExportExcel2007Class to build export files with Excel format
 CExportTsvClass to build export files with format TSV
 CExtraFieldsClass to manage standard extra fields
 CExtraLanguagesClass to manage standard extra languages
 CFactureClass to manage invoices
 CFactureFournisseurClass to manage suppliers invoices
 CFactureFournisseurLigneRecClass to manage supplier invoice lines of templates
 CFactureFournisseurRecClass to manage invoice templates
 CFactureLigneClass to manage invoice lines
 CFactureLigneRecClass to manage invoice lines of templates
 CFactureRecClass to manage invoice templates
 CFactureStatsClass to manage stats for invoices (customer and supplier)
 CFichinterClass to manage interventions
 CFichinterLigneClass to manage intervention lines
 CFichinterRecClasse de gestion des factures recurrentes/Modeles
 CFichinterStatsClass to manage intervention statistics
 CFileUploadThis class is used to manage file upload using ajax
 CFiscalyearClass to manage fiscal year
 CFormClass to manage generation of HTML components Only common components must be here
 CFormAccountingClass to manage generation of HTML components for accounting management
 CFormActionsClass to manage building of HTML components
 CFormAdminClass to generate html code for admin pages
 CFormAdvTargetEmailingClass to manage building of HTML components
 CFormBankClass to manage generation of HTML components for bank module
 CFormBarCodeClass to manage barcode HTML
 CFormCategoryClass to manage forms for categories
 CFormCompanyClass to build HTML component for third parties management Only common components are here
 CFormContractClass to manage generation of HTML components for contract module
 CFormCronClass to manage building of HTML components
 CFormEcmClass to manage HTML component for ECM and generic filemanager
 CFormExpenseReportClass to manage generation of HTML components for contract module
 CFormFileClass to offer components to list and upload files
 CFormInterventionClass to manage generation of HTML components for contract module
 CFormLdapClass to manage generation of HTML components for ldap module
 CFormMailClasse permettant la generation du formulaire html d'envoi de mail unitaire Usage: $formail = new FormMail($db) $formmail->proprietes=1 ou chaine ou tableau de valeurs $formmail->show_form() affiche le formulaire
 CFormMailingClass to offer components to list and upload files
 CFormMarginClasse permettant la generation de composants html autre Only common components are here
 CFormOrderClass to manage HTML output components for orders Before adding component here, check they are not into common part Form.class.php
 CFormOtherClasse permettant la generation de composants html autre Only common components are here
 CFormProductClass with static methods for building HTML components related to products Only components common to products and services must be here
 CFormProjetsClass to manage building of HTML components
 CFormPropalClass to manage generation of HTML components for proposal management
 CFormResourceClass to manage forms for the module resource
 CFormSetupThis class help you create setup render
 CFormSetupItemThis class help to create item for class formSetup
 CFormSmsClasse permettant la generation du formulaire d'envoi de Sms Usage: $formsms = new FormSms($db) $formsms->proprietes=1 ou chaine ou tableau de valeurs $formsms->show_form() affiche le formulaire
 CFormSocialContribClass to manage generation of HTML components for social contributions management
 CFormWebsiteClass to manage component html for module website
 CFournisseurClass to manage suppliers
 CGenericObjectClass of a generic business object
 CGoogleAPIClass to manage Google API
 CHolidayClass of the module paid holiday
 CHookClass for Hook
 CHookManagerClass to manage hooks
 Chtml_cerfafrClass to generate document for subscriptions
 Chtml_genericClass to generate document for a generic donations receipt
 CICalClass to read/parse ICal calendars
 CImportClass to manage imports
 CImportCsvClass to import CSV files
 CImportXlsxClass to import Excel files
 CInfoBoxClass to manage boxes on pages
 CInterfaceActionsAutoClass of triggered functions for agenda module
 CInterfaceActionsBlockedLogClass of triggered functions for agenda module
 CInterfaceContactRolesClass of triggered functions for agenda module
 CInterfaceEventOrganizationClass of triggered functions for agenda module
 CInterfaceLdapsynchroClass of triggers for ldap module
 CInterfaceLogeventsClass of triggers for security audit events
 CInterfaceMailmanSpipsynchroClass of triggers for MailmanSpip module
 CInterfaceMyModuleTriggersClass of triggers for MyModule module
 CInterfaceNotificationClass of triggers for notification module
 CInterfacesClass to manage triggers
 CInterfaceStripeClass of triggers for stripe module
 CInterfaceTicketEmailClass of triggers for ticket module
 CInterfaceWebhookTriggersClass of triggers for Webhook module
 CInterfaceWorkflowManagerClass of triggers for workflow module
 CInterfaceZapierTriggersClass of triggers for Zapier module
 CIntracommReportClass to manage intracomm report
 CInventoryClass for Inventory
 CInventoryLineClass InventoryLine
 CJobClass for Job
 CJobLineClass JobLine
 CKnowledgeRecordClass for KnowledgeRecord
 CKnowledgeRecordLineClass KnowledgeRecordLine
 CLdapClass to manage LDAP features
 CLesscLessphp v0.8.0
 Clessc_formatter_compressedClass for compressed result
 Clessc_formatter_lessjsClass for lessjs
 CLetteringClass Lettering
 CLignePrelevementClass to manage withdrawals
 CLinkClass to manage links
 CLoanScheduleClass to manage Schedule of loans
 CLocaltaxClass to manage local tax
 CLogHandlerParent class for log handlers
 CLoginAPI that allows to log in with an user account
 CMailingClass to manage emailings module
 Cmailing_advthirdpartiesClass to manage a list of personalised recipients for mailing feature
 Cmailing_contacts1Class to offer a selector of emailing targets from contacts
 Cmailing_eventorganizationClass to manage a list of personalised recipients for mailing feature
 Cmailing_fraiseClass to generate target according to rule Fraise
 Cmailing_partnershipClass to manage a list of personalised recipients for mailing feature
 Cmailing_pommeClass to offer a selector of emailing targets with Rule 'Pomme'
 Cmailing_thirdpartiesClass to manage a list of personalised recipients for mailing feature
 Cmailing_thirdparties_services_expiredClass to offer a selector of emailing targets with Rule 'services expired'
 Cmailing_xinputfileClass to offer a selector of emailing targets with Rule 'xinputfile'
 Cmailing_xinputuserClass to offer a selector of emailing targets with Rule 'xinputuser'
 CMailingTargetsParent class of emailing target selectors modules
 CMailmanSpipClass to manage mailman and spip
 CMenuClass to manage left menus
 CMenubaseClass to manage menu entries
 CMenuManagerClass to manage menu Auguria
 CMoClass for Mo
 Cmod_arcticClass to manage numbering of intervention cards with rule Artic
 Cmod_asset_advancedClass to manage customer Bom numbering rules advanced
 Cmod_asset_standardClass to manage the Standard numbering rule for Asset
 Cmod_barcode_product_standardClass to manage barcode with standard rule
 Cmod_barcode_thirdparty_standardClass to manage barcode with standard rule
 Cmod_bom_advancedClass to manage customer Bom numbering rules advanced
 Cmod_bom_standardClass to manage the Standard numbering rule for BOM
 Cmod_chequereceipt_mintClass to manage cheque receipts numbering rules Mint
 Cmod_chequereceipt_thymeClass to manage cheque receipts numbering rules Thyme
 Cmod_codeclient_elephantClass to manage third party code with elephant rule
 Cmod_codeclient_leopardClass to manage numbering of thirdparties code
 Cmod_codeclient_monkeyClasse permettant la gestion monkey des codes tiers
 Cmod_codecompta_aquariumClass to manage accountancy code of thirdparties with Aquarium rules
 Cmod_codecompta_digitariaClass to manage accountancy code of thirdparties with Digitaria rules
 Cmod_codecompta_panicumClass to manage accountancy code of thirdparties with Panicum rules
 Cmod_codeproduct_elephantClass to manage product code with elephant rule
 Cmod_codeproduct_leopardClasse permettant la gestion leopard des codes produits
 Cmod_commande_fournisseur_muguetClasse du modele de numerotation de reference de commande fournisseur Muguet
 Cmod_commande_fournisseur_orchideeClasse du modele de numerotation de reference de commande fournisseur Orchidee
 Cmod_commande_marbreClass to manage Sales Order numbering rules Marbre
 Cmod_commande_saphirClass to manage Sales Order numbering rules Saphir
 Cmod_contract_magreClass to manage contract numbering rules Magre
 Cmod_contract_oliveClass to manage contract numbering rules Olive
 Cmod_contract_serpisClass to manage contract numbering rules Serpis
 Cmod_delivery_jadeClasse du modele de numerotation de reference de bon de livraison Jade
 Cmod_delivery_saphirClasse du modele de numerotation de reference de livraison Saphir
 Cmod_evaluation_advancedClass to manage customer Bom numbering rules advanced
 Cmod_evaluation_standardClass to manage the Standard numbering rule for HR evaluation
 Cmod_expedition_riberaClass to manage expedition numbering rules Ribera
 Cmod_expedition_saforClass to manage expedition numbering rules Safor
 Cmod_expensereport_jadeClass to manage expensereport numbering rules Jade
 Cmod_expensereport_sandClass to manage expense report numbering rules Sand
 Cmod_facture_fournisseur_cactusCactus Class of numbering models of suppliers invoices references
 Cmod_facture_fournisseur_tulipTulip Class of numbering models of suppliers invoices references
 Cmod_facture_marsClass to manage invoice numbering rules Mars
 Cmod_facture_mercureClass of numbering module Mercure for invoices
 Cmod_facture_terreClass of numbering module Terre for invoices
 Cmod_holiday_immaculateClass to manage contract numbering rules Magre
 Cmod_holiday_madonnaClass to manage contract numbering rules madonna
 Cmod_knowledgerecord_advancedClass to manage customer Bom numbering rules advanced
 Cmod_knowledgerecord_standardClass to manage the knowledgerecord numbering rules standard
 Cmod_lot_advancedClass to manage Batch numbering rules advanced
 Cmod_lot_freeClass allowing lot_free management of batch numbers
 Cmod_lot_standardClass to manage MO numbering rules standard
 Cmod_member_advancedClass to manage the numbering module Advanced for member references
 Cmod_member_simpleClass to manage the numbering module Simple for member references
 Cmod_mo_advancedClass to manage MO numbering rules advanced
 Cmod_mo_standardClass to manage MO numbering rules standard
 Cmod_myobject_advancedClass to manage the Advanced numbering rule for MyObject
 Cmod_myobject_standardClass to manage the Standard numbering rule for MyObject
 Cmod_pacificClass to manage numbering of intervention cards with rule Pacific
 Cmod_partnership_advancedClass to manage the Advanced numbering rule for Partnership
 Cmod_partnership_standardClass to manage the Standard numbering rule for Partnership
 Cmod_payment_antClass to manage customer payment numbering rules Ant
 Cmod_payment_cicadaClass to manage customer payment numbering rules Cicada
 Cmod_project_simpleClass to manage the numbering module Simple for project references
 Cmod_project_universalClass to manage the numbering module Universal for project references
 Cmod_propale_marbreClass to manage business proposition rules Marbre
 Cmod_propale_saphirClass of file that contains the numbering module rules Saphir
 Cmod_reception_berylClass to manage reception numbering rules Beryl
 Cmod_reception_moonstoneClass to manage reception numbering rules Moonstone
 Cmod_recruitmentcandidature_advancedClass to manage the Advanced numbering rule for Job application
 Cmod_recruitmentcandidature_standardClass to manage the Standard numbering rule for Job application
 Cmod_recruitmentjobposition_advancedClass to manage the Advanced numbering rule for Job position
 Cmod_recruitmentjobposition_standardClass to manage the Standard numbering rule for Job positions
 Cmod_sn_advancedClass to manage Batch numbering rules advanced
 Cmod_sn_standardClass to manage MO numbering rules standard
 Cmod_stocktransfer_advancedClass to manage customer Bom numbering rules advanced
 Cmod_stocktransfer_standardClass to manage the Standard numbering rule for Stock
 Cmod_supplier_payment_brodatorClass to manage customer payment numbering rules Ant
 Cmod_supplier_payment_bronanClass to manage customer payment numbering rules Cicada
 Cmod_supplier_proposal_marbreClass to manage the Marbre numbering rule for Request for quotation
 Cmod_supplier_proposal_saphirClass of file that contains the numbering module rules Saphir
 Cmod_syslog_fileClass to manage logging to a file
 Cmod_syslog_syslogClass to manage logging to syslog
 Cmod_takepos_ref_simpleClass to manage ref numbering of takepos cards with rule Simple
 Cmod_takepos_ref_universalClass to manage ref numbering of takepos cards with rule universal
 Cmod_task_simpleClass to manage the numbering module Simple for project references
 Cmod_task_universalClasse du modele de numerotation de reference de projet Universal
 Cmod_ticket_simpleClass to manage the numbering module Simple for ticket references
 Cmod_ticket_universalClass to manage the numbering module Universal for Ticket references
 Cmod_workstation_advancedClass to manage customer Bom numbering rules advanced
 Cmod_workstation_standardClass to manage the Standard numbering rule for Workstation
 CmodAccountingClass to describe and enable double entry accounting module
 CmodAdherentClass to describe and enable module Adherent
 CmodAgendaClass to describe and enable/disable module Agenda
 CmodApiDescription and activation class for module Api
 CmodAssetDescription and activation class for module FixedAssets
 CmodBanqueClass to describe and enable module Banque
 CmodBarcodeClass to describe Barcode
 CmodBlockedLogClass to describe a BlockedLog module
 CmodBomDescription and activation class for module Bom
 CmodBookCalDescription and activation class for module BookCal
 CmodBookmarkClass to describe and enable module Bookmark
 CmodCategorieClass to describe and enable module Categorie
 CmodClickToDialClass to describe and enable module Click to Dial
 CmodCollabClass to describe Websites module
 CmodCommandeClass to describe module Sales Orders
 CmodComptabiliteClass to describe and enable module Comptabilite
 CmodContratClass to describe and enable module Contrat
 CmodCronClass to describe a Cron module
 CmodDataPolicyDescription and activation class for module datapolicy
 CmodDavDescription and activation class for module dav
 CmodDebugBarClass to describe and enable module
 CmodDeplacementClass to describe and enable module Deplacement
 CmodDocumentGenerationClass to describe and enable module Document
 CmodDonClass to describe and enable module Donation
 CmodDynamicPricesClass descriptor of DynamicPrices module
 CmodECMDescription and activation class for module ECM
 CModeleAccountancyCodeParent class for third parties accountancy code generators
 CModeleActionParent class for product models of doc generators
 CModeleBankAccountDocParent class for bank account models
 CModeleBarCodeParent class for barcode document models
 CModeleBoxesClass ModeleBoxes
 CModeleChequeReceiptsClass parent for templates of document generation
 CModeleDonParent class of subscription templates
 CModeleExpenseReportParent class for trips and expenses templates
 CModeleExportsParent class for export modules
 CModeleGenPasswordParent class for password rules/management modules
 CModeleImportsParent class for import file readers
 CModeleNumRefAssetParent class to manage numbering of Asset
 CModeleNumRefBarCodeParent class for barcode numbering models
 CModeleNumRefBatchParent class to manage numbering of batch products
 CModeleNumRefBomsParent class to manage numbering of BOMs
 CModeleNumRefChequeReceiptsClass parent for cheque Receipts numbering references mother class
 CModeleNumRefCommandesParent class to manage numbering of Sale Orders
 CModeleNumRefDeliveryOrderClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des references de bon de livraison
 CModeleNumRefDonsParent class of donation numbering templates
 CModeleNumRefEvaluationParent class to manage numbering of Evaluation
 CModeleNumRefExpenseReportParent class for numbering masks of expense reports
 CModeleNumRefFacturesParent class of invoice reference numbering templates
 CModeleNumRefFicheinterParent class numbering models of intervention sheet references
 CModeleNumRefKnowledgeRecordParent class to manage numbering of KnowledgeRecord
 CModeleNumRefMembersClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des references de members
 CModeleNumRefMosParent class to manage numbering of MOs
 CModeleNumRefMyObjectParent class to manage numbering of MyObject
 CModeleNumRefPartnershipParent class to manage numbering of Partnership
 CModeleNumRefPaymentsPayment numbering references mother class
 CModeleNumRefProjectsClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des references de projets
 CModeleNumRefPropalesParent class for numbering rules of proposals
 CModeleNumRefRecruitmentCandidatureParent class to manage numbering of RecruitmentCandidature
 CModeleNumRefRecruitmentJobPositionParent class to manage numbering of RecruitmentJobPosition
 CModeleNumRefStockTransferParent class to manage numbering of StockTransfer
 CModeleNumRefSupplierProposalClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des references de propales
 CModeleNumRefSuppliersInvoicesParent Class of numbering models of suppliers invoices references
 CModeleNumRefSuppliersOrdersParent Class of numbering models of suppliers orders references
 CModeleNumRefTakeposClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des tickets de caisse
 CModeleNumRefTaskParent class of task reference numbering models
 CModeleNumRefTicketClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des references de projets
 CModeleNumRefWorkstationParent class to manage numbering of Workstation
 CModelePDFAssetParent class for documents models
 CModelePDFBomParent class for boms models
 CModelePDFCardsParent class of document generator for members cards
 CModelePDFCommandesParent class for orders models
 CModelePDFContractParent class to manage intervention document templates
 CModelePDFDeliveryOrderClasse mere des modeles de bon de livraison
 CModelePDFEvaluationParent class for documents models
 CModelePdfExpeditionParent class of sending receipts models
 CModelePDFFacturesParent class of invoice document generators
 CModelePDFFicheinterParent class to manage intervention document templates
 CModelePDFHolidayParent class to manage holidays document templates
 CModelePDFKnowledgeRecordParent class for documents models
 CModelePDFLabelsParent class of document generator for address sheet
 CModelePDFMemberParent class to manage intervention document templates
 CModelePDFMoParent class for mos models
 CModelePDFMovementParent class to manage warehouse mouvement document templates
 CModelePDFMyObjectParent class for documents models
 CModelePDFPartnershipParent class for documents models
 CModelePDFProductParent class to manage intervention document templates
 CModelePDFProductBatchParent class to manage intervention document templates
 CModelePDFProjectsParent class for projects models
 CModelePDFPropalesClasse mere des modeles de propale
 CModelePdfReceptionParent class of sending receipts models
 CModelePDFRecruitmentCandidatureParent class for documents models
 CModelePDFRecruitmentJobPositionParent class for documents models
 CModelePDFStockParent class for stock models of doc generators
 CModelePDFStockTransferParent class for documents models
 CModelePDFSupplierProposalClasse mere des modeles de propale
 CModelePDFSuppliersInvoicesParent class for supplier invoices models
 CModelePDFSuppliersOrdersParent class for supplier orders models
 CModelePDFSuppliersPaymentsParent class for supplier invoices models
 CModelePDFTaskParent class for task models
 CModelePDFTicketParent class for documents models
 CModelePDFUserParent class to manage intervention document templates
 CModelePDFUserGroupParent class to manage intervention document templates
 CModelePDFWorkstationParent class for documents models
 CModeleProductCodeClass template for classes of numbering product
 CModeleThirdPartyCodeParent class for third parties code generators
 CModeleThirdPartyDocParent class for third parties models of doc generators
 CModelNumRefContractsParent class for all contract numbering modules
 CModelNumRefExpeditionParent Class of numbering models of sending receipts references
 CModelNumRefHolidaysParent class for all holidays numbering modules
 CModelNumRefReceptionParent Class of numbering models of sending receipts references
 CmodEmailCollectorDescription and activation class for module emailcollector
 CmodEventOrganizationDescription and activation class for module EventOrganization This module is base on this specification :
 CmodExpeditionClass to describe and enable module Expedition
 CmodExpenseReportDescription and activation class for module ExpenseReport
 CmodExportClass to describe and enable module export
 CmodExternalRssClass to describe and enable module externalrss
 CmodExternalSiteDescription and activation class for module ExternalSite
 CmodFactureClass to describe module customer invoices
 CmodFckeditorClass to describe and enable module Fckeditor
 CmodFicheinterClass to describe and enable module Ficheinter
 CmodFournisseurDescription and activation class for module Fournisseur
 CmodFTPDescription and activation class for module FTP
 CmodGeneratePassNoneClass to generate a password according to rule 'no password'
 CmodGeneratePassPersoClass to generate a password according to personal rules
 CmodGeneratePassStandardClass to generate a password according to a dolibarr standard rule (12 random chars)
 CmodGeoIPMaxmindClass to describe and enable module Import
 CmodGravatarDescription and activation class for module Gravatar
 CmodHolidayDescription and activation class for module holiday
 CmodHRMDescription and activation class for module HRM
 CmodImportClass to describe and enable module Import
 CmodIncotermDescription and activation class for module MyModule
 CmodIntracommreportDescription and activation class for module intracommreport
 CmodKnowledgeManagementDescription and activation class for module KnowledgeManagement
 CmodLabelClass to describe and enable module Label
 CmodLdapClass to describe and enable module Ldap
 CmodLoanClass to manage loan module
 CmodMailingClass to describe and enable module Mailing
 CmodMailmanSpipClass to describe and enable module Click to Dial
 CmodMarginClass to describe module Margin
 CmodModuleBuilderClass to describe a ModuleBuilder module
 CmodMrpDescription and activation class for module Mrp
 CmodMultiCurrencyDescription and activation class for module MyModule
 CmodMyModuleDescription and activation class for module MyModule
 CmodNotificationClass to describe and enable module Mailing
 CmodOauthClass to describe and activate module OAuth
 CmodOpenSurveyDescription and activation class for module opensurvey
 CmodPartnershipDescription and activation class for module Partnership This module is base on this specification :
 CmodPayboxDescription and activation class for module Paybox
 CmodPaymentByBankTransferClass to describe and enable module of payment by Bank transfer
 CmodPaypalDescription and activation class for module Paypal
 CmodPhpbarcodeClass to generate barcode images using php barcode generator
 CmodPrelevementClass to describe and enable module of payment by Direct Debit
 CmodPrintingClass to describe and activate module Direct Printing
 CmodProductClass descriptor of Product module
 CmodProductBatchDescription and activation class for module productdluo
 CmodProjetClass to describe and enable module Projet
 CmodPropaleClass to describe and enable module Propale
 CmodReceiptPrinterClass to describe and activate module Receipt Printer
 CmodReceptionClass to describe and enable module Reception
 CmodRecruitmentDescription and activation class for module Recruitment
 CmodResourceDescription and activation class for module Resource
 CmodSalariesClass to manage salaries module
 CmodServiceClass to describe and enable module Service
 CmodSocialNetworksClass to describe a SocialNetworks module
 CmodSocieteClass to describe and enable module Societe
 CmodStockClass to describe and enable module Stock
 CmodStockTransferDescription and activation class for module StockTransfer
 CmodStripeDescription and activation class for module Paybox
 CmodSupplierProposalClass to describe and enable module SupplierProposal
 CmodSyslogClass to enable/disable module Logs
 CmodTakePosClass to describe and enable module TakePos
 CmodTaxClass to describe and enable module Tax
 CmodTcpdfbarcodeClass to generate barcode images using tcpdf barcode generator
 CmodTicketDescription and activation class for module Ticket
 CmodUserClass to describe and enable module User
 CmodVariantsDescription and activation class for module Product variants
 CmodWebhookDescription and activation class for module Webhook
 CmodWebServicesClass to describe a WebServices module
 CmodWebServicesClientClass to describe a sync supplier web services module
 CmodWebsiteClass to describe Websites module
 CmodWorkflowClass to describe and enable module Workflow
 CmodWorkstationDescription and activation class for module Workstation
 CmodZapierDescription and activation class for module Zapier
 CMoLineClass MoLine
 CMouvementStockClass to manage stock movements
 CMultiCurrencyClass Currency
 Cmymodulewidget1Class to manage the box
 CMyObjectClass for MyObject
 CMyObjectLineClass MyObjectLine
 CMyObjectTestClass MyObjectTest
 CmysqliDoliClass to make SSL connection
 CNotifyClass to manage notifications
 COpensurveysondagePut here description of your class
 COrderLineClass to manage order lines
 CPaiementClass to manage payments of customer invoices
 CPaiementFournClass to manage payments for supplier invoices
 CPartnershipClass for Partnership
 CPartnershipLineClass PartnershipLine
 CPartnershipTypeClass to manage partnership type
 CPartnershipUtilsClass with cron tasks of Partnership module
 CPaymentDonationClass to manage payments of donations
 CPaymentExpenseReportClass to manage payments of expense report
 CPaymentLoanClass to manage payments of loans
 CPaymentSalaryClass to manage payments of salaries
 CPaymentSocialContributionClass to manage payments of social contributions
 CPaymentTermClass to manage payment terms records in dictionary
 CPaymentVariousClass to manage various payments
 CPaymentVATClass to manage payments of social contributions
 Cpdf_auroreClass to generate PDF supplier proposal Aurore
 Cpdf_azurClass to generate PDF proposal Azur
 Cpdf_baleineClass to manage generation of project document Baleine
 Cpdf_banClasse permettant de generer les projets au modele Ban
 Cpdf_belugaClass to manage generation of project document Beluga
 Cpdf_canelleClass to generate the supplier invoices PDF with the template canelle
 Cpdf_cornasClass to generate the supplier orders with the cornas model
 Cpdf_crabeClass to generate the customer invoice PDF with template Crabe
 Cpdf_cyanClass to generate PDF proposal Cyan
 Cpdf_eagleClass to build sending documents with model Eagle
 Cpdf_eagle_proformaClass to generate PDF orders with template Eagle
 Cpdf_einsteinClass to generate PDF orders with template Einstein
 Cpdf_eratostheneClass to generate PDF orders with template Eratosthene
 Cpdf_espadonClass to build sending documents with model espadon
 Cpdf_merouClass to build sending documents with model Merou
 Cpdf_muscadetClass to generate the supplier orders with the muscadet model
 Cpdf_paiementClass to manage reporting of payments
 Cpdf_paiement_fournClasse permettant de generer les rapports de paiement
 Cpdf_proformaClass to generate PDF orders with template Proforma
 Cpdf_rougetClass to build sending documents with model Rouget
 Cpdf_sepamandateClass to generate SEPA mandate
 Cpdf_soleilClass to build interventions documents with model Soleil
 Cpdf_spongeClass to manage PDF invoice template sponge
 Cpdf_squilleClasse permettant de generer les borderaux envoi au modele Squille
 Cpdf_standardClass to generate expense report based on standard model
 Cpdf_standard_assetClass to manage PDF template standard_asset
 Cpdf_standard_myobjectClass to manage PDF template standard_myobject
 Cpdf_standard_recruitmentjobpositionClass to manage PDF template standard_recruitmentjobposition
 Cpdf_standardlabelClass to generate stick sheet with format Avery or other personalised
 Cpdf_stormClass to build Delivery Order documents with storm model
 Cpdf_stratoClass to build contracts documents with model Strato
 Cpdf_tcpdflabelClass to generate stick sheet with format Avery or other personalised
 Cpdf_timespentClass to manage generation of project document Timespent
 Cpdf_typhonClass to build Delivery Order documents with typhon model
 Cpdf_vinciClass to generate the manufacturing orders with the vinci model
 Cpdf_zenithClass to generate the supplier proposals with the zenith model
 CPhpCollectorClass PhpCollector
 CPositionClass for Position
 CPositionLineClass PositionLine
 CPriceByCustomerLineFile of class to manage predefined price products or services by customer lines
 CPriceExpressionClass for accesing price expression table
 CPriceGlobalVariableClass for accesing price global variables table
 CPriceGlobalVariableUpdaterClass for price global variable updaters table
 CPriceParserClass to parse product price expressions
 Cprinting_printgcpClass to provide printing with Google Cloud Print
 Cprinting_printippClass to provide printing with PrintIPP
 CPrintingDriverParent class of emailing target selectors modules
 CProductClass to manage products or services
 CProductAttributeClass ProductAttribute Used to represent a product attribute
 CProductAttributeValueClass ProductAttributeValue Used to represent a product attribute value
 CProductbatchManage record for batch number management
 CProductCombinationClass ProductCombination Used to represent a product combination
 CProductCombination2ValuePairClass ProductCombination2ValuePair Used to represent the relation between a product combination, a product attribute and a product attribute value
 CProductCombinationLevelClass ProductCombinationLevel Used to represent a product combination Level
 CProductCustomerPriceFile of class to manage predefined price products or services by customer
 CProductFournisseurClass to manage predefined suppliers products
 CProductFournisseurPriceClass for ProductFournisseurPrice
 CProductlotClass with list of lots and properties
 CProductServiceClass to manage products or services
 CProductStockEntrepotClass ProductStockEntrepot
 CProjectClass to manage projects
 CProjectStatsClass to manage statistics on projects
 CPropalClass to manage proposals
 CPropaleLigneClass to manage commercial proposal lines
 CPropaleStatsClass to manage proposals statistics
 CPropalmergepdfproductPut here description of your class
 CPropalmergepdfproductLineClass to manage propal merge of product line
 CReceptionClass to manage receptions
 CReceptionStatsClass to manage reception statistics
 CRecruitmentCandidatureClass for RecruitmentCandidature
 CRecruitmentCandidatureLineClass RecruitmentCandidatureLine
 CRecruitmentJobPositionClass for RecruitmentJobPosition
 CRejetPrelevementClass to manage standing orders rejects
 CRemiseChequeClass to manage cheque delivery receipts
 CRssParserClass to parse RSS files
 CSalariesStatsClasse permettant la gestion des stats des salaires
 CSalaryClass to manage salary payments
 CSimpleOpenIDClass to manage OpenID
 CSkillClass for Skill
 CSkilldetClass for Skilldet
 CSkillRankClass for SkillRank
 CSMTPsClass to construct and send SMTP compliant email, even to a secure SMTP server, regardless of platform
 CSocieteClass to manage third parties objects (customers, suppliers, prospects...)
 CSocieteAccountClass for SocieteAccount
 CStatsParent class of statistics class
 CStockTransferClass for StockTransfer
 CStockTransferLineClass for StockTransferLine
 CStripeStripe class
 CSubscriptionClass to manage subscriptions of foundation members
 CSupplierInvoiceLineClass to manage line invoices
 CSupplierProposalClass to manage price ask supplier
 CSupplierProposalLineClass to manage supplier_proposal lines
 CTargetClass for Target
 CTargetLineClass TargetLine
 CTaskClass to manage tasks
 CTaskStatsClass to manage statistics on project tasks
 CTicketClass to manage ticket
 CTicketStatsClasse permettant la gestion des stats des deplacements et notes de frais
 CTimeSpentClass for TimeSpent
 CTraceableDBTraceableDB class
 CTranslateClass to manage translations
 CTvaPut here description of your class
 CUserClass to manage Dolibarr users
 CUserBankAccountClass to manage bank accounts description of users
 CUserGroupClass to manage user groups
 CUtilsClass to manage utility methods
 CValidateClass toolbox to validate values
 CvCardClass to buld vCard files
 CWebsiteClass Website
 CWebsitePageClass Websitepage
 CWorkstationClass for Workstation
 CWorkstationResourceClass to link resource with Workstations
 CWorkstationUserGroupClass to link User groups and Workstations