dolibarr 20.0.5
Module WebPortal

WebPortal module descriptor. More...


file  modWebPortal.class.php
 Description and activation file for module WebPortal.
file  custom.css.php
 Custom css files for WebPortal.
file  index.php
 index files for WebPortal
file  webportal.lib.php
 Lib for public access of WebPortal.
file  logout.php
 Page called to disconnect a user.
 Main include file for WebPortal.
file  configcss.php
 WebPortal setup page.
file  setup.php
 WebPortal setup page.
file  context.class.php
 File of context class for WebPortal.
file  controller.class.php
 File of controller class for WebPortal.
file  html.formlistwebportal.class.php
 File of class with all html predefined components for WebPortal.
file  html.formwebportal.class.php
 File of class with all html predefined components for WebPortal.
file  webportalinvoice.class.php
 This file is a CRUD class file for WebPortalInvoice (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  webportalmember.class.php
 This file is a CRUD class file for WebPortalMember (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  webportalorder.class.php
 This file is a CRUD class file for WebPortalOrder (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  webportalpartnership.class.php
 This file is a CRUD class file for WebPortalPartnership (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  webportalpropal.class.php
 This file is a CRUD class file for WebPortalPropal (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  webPortalTheme.class.php
 File of class with theme definition for WebPortal.
file  default.controller.class.php
 This file is a controller for default.
file  document.controller.class.php
 This file is a controller for documents.
file  invoicelist.controller.class.php
 This file is a controller for invoice list.
file  login.controller.class.php
 This file is a controller for login.
file  membercard.controller.class.php
 This file is a controller for member card.
file  orderlist.controller.class.php
 This file is a controller for order list.
file  partnershipcard.controller.class.php
 This file is a controller for partnership card.
file  propallist.controller.class.php
 This file is a controller for propal list.
file  webportal.lib.php
 Library files with common functions for WebPortal.

Detailed Description

WebPortal module descriptor.