▼ dolibarr_20.0 | |
▼ htdocs | |
► accountancy | |
► admin | |
account.php | ( ) |
accountmodel.php | ( ) |
card.php | ( ) |
categories.php | ( ) |
categories_list.php | Page to administer data tables |
closure.php | ( ) |
defaultaccounts.php | ( ) |
export.php | ( ) |
fiscalyear.php | ( ) |
fiscalyear_card.php | ( ) |
fiscalyear_info.php | ( ) |
index.php | ( ) |
journals_list.php | ( ) |
productaccount.php | ( ) |
subaccount.php | ( ) |
► bookkeeping | |
balance.php | ( ) |
card.php | ( ) |
export.php | ( ) |
list.php | ( ) |
listbyaccount.php | ( ) |
► class | |
accountancycategory.class.php | ( ) |
accountancyexport.class.php | ( ) |
accountancyimport.class.php | ( ) |
accountancysystem.class.php | ( ) |
accountingaccount.class.php | ( ) |
accountingjournal.class.php | ( ) |
api_accountancy.class.php | |
bookkeeping.class.php | ( ) |
lettering.class.php | ( ) |
► closure | |
index.php | Home closure page |
► customer | |
card.php | ( ) |
index.php | ( ) |
lines.php | ( ) |
list.php | ( ) |
► expensereport | |
card.php | |
index.php | ( ) |
lines.php | ( ) |
list.php | ( ) |
► journal | |
bankjournal.php | ( ) |
expensereportsjournal.php | ( ) |
purchasesjournal.php | ( ) |
sellsjournal.php | ( ) |
variousjournal.php | ( ) |
► supplier | |
card.php | ( ) |
index.php | ( ) |
lines.php | ( ) |
list.php | ( ) |
► tpl | |
export_journal.tpl.php | |
index.php | ( ) |
► adherents | |
► admin | |
member.php | Page to setup the module Foundation |
member_emails.php | Page to setup the module Foundation |
member_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of members |
member_type_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of members |
website.php | File of main public page for member module |
► canvas | |
► default | |
► tpl | |
adherentcard_create.tpl.php | |
adherentcard_edit.tpl.php | |
adherentcard_view.tpl.php | |
actions_adherentcard_default.class.php | File of class Thirdparty member card controller (default canvas) |
actions_adherentcard_common.class.php | File of class Thirdparty member card controller (common) |
► cartes | |
carte.php | Page to output members business cards |
► class | |
adherent.class.php | File of class to manage members of a foundation |
adherent_type.class.php | File of class to manage members types |
adherentstats.class.php | File for class managing statistics of members |
api_members.class.php | |
api_memberstypes.class.php | |
api_subscriptions.class.php | |
subscription.class.php | File of class to manage subscriptions of foundation members |
► stats | |
byproperties.php | Page with statistics on members |
geo.php | Page with geographical statistics on members |
index.php | Page of subscription members statistics |
► subscription | |
card.php | Page to add/edit/remove a member subscription |
info.php | Page with information of subscriptions of a member |
list.php | List of subscription |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
agenda.php | Page of members events |
card.php | Page of a member |
document.php | Tab for documents linked to third party |
index.php | Home page of membership module |
ldap.php | Page fiche LDAP adherent |
list.php | Page to list all members of foundation |
messaging.php | Page of adherents events |
note.php | Tab for note of a member |
partnership.php | |
subscription.php | Tab for Adding, editing, deleting a member's memberships |
type.php | Member's type setup |
type_ldap.php | Page fiche LDAP members types |
type_translation.php | Member translation page |
vcard.php | Vcard tab of a member |
► admin | |
► dolistore | |
► ajax | |
image.php | Page des information dolistore |
► class | |
dolistore.class.php | |
PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | |
► menus | |
edit.php | Tool to edit menus |
index.php | Index page for menu editor |
► system | |
about.php | About Dolibarr File page |
browser.php | Page to show Dolibarr information |
constall.php | Page to show all Dolibarr setup (config file and database constants) |
database-tables.php | Page with information on database tables |
database.php | Page with system information of database |
dbtable.php | Page with information about a database table |
dolibarr.php | Page to show Dolibarr information |
filecheck.php | Page to check Dolibarr files integrity |
modules.php | File to list all Dolibarr modules |
os.php | Page about System OS (Operating System) |
perf.php | Page to show Performance information |
phpinfo.php | Page des infos systeme de php |
security.php | Page to show Security information |
web.php | Page with web server system information |
xcache.php | Page administration XCache |
xdebug.php | Page administration XDebug |
► tools | |
dolibarr_export.php | Page to export database |
dolibarr_import.php | Page to import database |
export.php | Page to export a database into a dump file |
export_files.php | Page to export documents into a compressed file |
index.php | Page d'accueil de l'espace outils admin |
listevents.php | List of security events |
listsessions.php | List of PHP sessions |
purge.php | Page to purge files (temporary or not) |
update.php | Page to make a Dolibarr online upgrade |
accountant.php | Setup page to configure accountant / auditor |
accounting.php | Setup page to configure accounting module |
agenda.php | Autocreate actions for agenda module setup page |
agenda_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of agenda |
agenda_extsites.php | Page to setup external calendars for agenda module |
agenda_other.php | Autocreate actions for agenda module setup page |
agenda_reminder.php | Page to setup agenda reminder options |
agenda_xcal.php | Page to setup miscellaneous options of agenda module |
bank.php | Page to setup the bank module |
bank_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of bank |
bankline_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of bankline |
barcode.php | Page to setup barcode module |
bom.php | Setup page of module BOM |
bom_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of BOM |
bomline_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of BOM |
boxes.php | Page to setup boxes |
chequereceipts.php | |
clicktodial.php | Page to setup module ClickToDial |
company.php | Setup page to configure company/foundation |
company_socialnetworks.php | Setup page to configure company social networks |
compta.php | Page to setup accountancy module |
const.php | Admin page to define miscellaneous constants |
contract.php | Setup page of module Contracts |
dav.php | Page to setup DAV server |
debugbar.php | Setup page for debugbar module |
defaultvalues.php | Page to set default values used used in a create form Default values are stored into $user->default_values[url]['createform']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Default filters are stored into $user->default_values[url]['filters']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Default sort order are stored into $user->default_values[url]['sortorder']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Default focus are stored into $user->default_values[url]['focus']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Mandatory fields are stored into $user->default_values[url]['mandatory']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue |
delais.php | Page to setup late delays |
delivery.php | Age to setup extra fields of delivery |
delivery_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of delivery |
deliverydet_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of delivery |
dict.php | Page to administer dictionary data tables |
ecm.php | Page to setup ECM (GED) module |
ecm_directories_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of ecm |
ecm_files_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of ecm |
emailcollector_card.php | Page to create/edit/view emailcollector |
emailcollector_list.php | List page for emailcollector |
eventorganization.php | EventOrganization setup page |
eventorganization_confbooth_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of EventOrganization |
eventorganization_confboothattendee_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of conferenceorboothattendee |
events.php | Log event setup page |
expedition.php | Page d'administration/configuration du module Expedition |
expedition_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of expedition |
expeditiondet_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of expedition |
expensereport.php | Setup page of module ExpenseReport |
expensereport_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of expensereport |
expensereport_ik.php | Page to display expense tax ik |
expensereport_rules.php | Page to display expense tax ik |
export.php | Config Page module Export |
external_rss.php | Page to setupe module ExternalRss |
fckeditor.php | Activation page for the FCKeditor module in the other modules |
fichinter.php | Setup page of module Interventions |
geoipmaxmind.php | Setup page for geoipmaxmind module |
holiday.php | |
holiday_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of holiday |
hrm.php | HrmTest setup page |
ihm.php | Page to setup GUI display options |
import.php | Config page module import |
index.php | Home page of setup area |
invoice.php | Page to setup invoice module |
invoice_situation.php | Page to setup invoice module |
knowledgemanagement.php | KnowledgeManagement setup page |
knowledgerecord_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of knowledgerecord |
ldap.php | Page to setup module LDAP |
ldap_contacts.php | Page d'administration/configuration du module Ldap |
ldap_groups.php | Page to setup LDAP synchronization for groups |
ldap_members.php | Page d'administration/configuration du module Ldap adherent |
ldap_members_types.php | Page to setup LDAP synchronization for members types |
ldap_users.php | Page d'administration/configuration du module Ldap |
limits.php | Page to setup limits |
loan.php | Setup page to configure loan module |
mailing.php | Page to setup emailing module |
mailman.php | Page to setup the module MailmanSpip (Mailman) |
mails.php | Page to setup emails sending |
mails_emailing.php | |
mails_ingoing.php | Page to setup emails entry |
mails_senderprofile_list.php | Page to administer email sender profiles |
mails_templates.php | Page to administer emails templates |
mails_ticket.php | Page to setup mails for ticket |
menus.php | Page to setup menu manager to use |
modulehelp.php | Page to activate/disable all modules |
modules.php | Page to activate/disable all modules |
mrp.php | Setup page of module MRP |
mrp_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of MOs |
mrp_production_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of MOs lines |
multicurrency.php | Page to setup multicurrency module |
notification.php | Page to setup notification module |
oauth.php | Setup page to configure oauth access api |
oauthlogintokens.php | Setup page to configure oauth access to login information |
openinghours.php | Setup page to configure opening hours |
order.php | Setup page of module Order |
order_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of order |
orderdet_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of order |
payment.php | Page to setup invoices payments |
paymentbybanktransfer.php | Page to setup payments by credit transfer |
pdf.php | Page to setup PDF options |
pdf_other.php | |
perms.php | Page to setup default permissions of a new user |
prelevement.php | |
propal.php | Setup page for commercial proposal module |
proxy.php | Page setup proxy to use for external web access |
receiptprinter.php | Page to setup receipt printer |
reception_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of reception |
reception_setup.php | Page to setup reception module |
receptiondet_batch_extrafields.php | |
resource.php | Setup page to configure resource module |
resource_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of resource |
security.php | Page of setup of security |
security_file.php | Security options setup |
security_other.php | Security options setup |
sms.php | Page to setup emails sending |
spip.php | Page to setup the module MailmanSpip (SPIP) |
stock.php | Page to setup module stock |
stocktransfer.php | |
supplier_invoice.php | Setup to admin supplier invoices |
supplier_order.php | Page d'administration-configuration du module Fournisseur |
supplier_payment.php | Page to setup supplier invoices payments |
supplier_proposal.php | |
supplierinvoice_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of supplierinvoice |
supplierinvoice_rec_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of recurring supplierinvoice |
supplierinvoicedet_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of supplierinvoice line |
supplierinvoicedet_rec_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of recurring supplierinvoice line |
supplierorder_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of supplierorder |
supplierorderdet_extrafields.php | |
syslog.php | Setup page for logs module |
taxes.php | Page to setup module tax |
ticket.php | Page to setup module ticket |
ticket_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of ticket |
ticket_public.php | Page to public interface of module Ticket |
translation.php | Page to show translation information |
triggers.php | Page to view triggers |
user.php | Page to setup user module |
usergroup.php | Page to setup usergroup module |
webhook.php | |
website.php | Page to administer web sites |
website_options.php | |
workflow.php | Workflows setup page |
workstation.php | Workstation setup page |
► ai | |
► admin | |
custom_prompt.php | Ai other custom page |
setup.php | Ai setup page |
► ajax | |
generate_content.php | |
► class | |
ai.class.php | Class files with common methods for Ai |
► lib | |
ai.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Ai |
► api | |
► admin | |
explorer_withredoc.php | |
index.php | Page to setup Webservices REST module |
► class | |
api.class.php | |
api_access.class.php | |
api_documents.class.php | |
api_login.class.php | |
api_setup.class.php | |
api_status.class.php | |
index.php | |
► asset | |
► admin | |
asset_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of asset |
assetmodel_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of asset model |
setup.php | Asset setup page |
► class | |
asset.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Asset (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
assetaccountancycodes.class.php | This file is a class file for AssetAccountancyCodes |
assetdepreciationoptions.class.php | This file is a class file for AssetDepreciationOptions |
assetmodel.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for AssetModel (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► model | |
accountancy_codes.php | |
agenda.php | Tab of events on Asset Model |
card.php | Page to create/edit/view asset Model |
depreciation_options.php | Card with depreciation options on Asset Model |
list.php | List page for asset model |
note.php | Card with notes on Asset Model |
► tpl | |
accountancy_codes_edit.tpl.php | |
accountancy_codes_view.tpl.php | |
depreciation_options_edit.tpl.php | |
depreciation_options_view.tpl.php | |
depreciation_view.tpl.php | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
accountancy_codes.php | |
agenda.php | Tab of events on Asset |
card.php | Page to create/edit/view asset |
depreciation.php | Card with depreciation on Asset |
depreciation_options.php | Card with depreciation options on Asset |
disposal.php | Card with disposal info on Asset |
document.php | Page for attached files on assets |
list.php | List page for asset |
note.php | Card with notes on Asset |
► asterisk | |
wrapper.php | File that is entry point to call an Asterisk server |
► barcode | |
codeinit.php | Page to make mass init of barcode |
printsheet.php | Page to print sheets with barcodes using the document templates into core/modules/printsheets |
► blockedlog | |
► admin | |
blockedlog.php | Page setup for blockedlog module |
blockedlog_list.php | Page setup for blockedlog module |
► ajax | |
authority.php | Authority |
block-add.php | Block-add |
block-info.php | Block-info |
check_signature.php | This page is not used yet |
► class | |
authority.class.php | |
blockedlog.class.php | |
► lib | |
blockedlog.lib.php | Library for common blockedlog functions |
► bom | |
► ajax | |
ajax.php | Copyright (C) 2020 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net |
► class | |
api_boms.class.php | File for API management of BOM |
bom.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for BOM (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► lib | |
bom.lib.php | Library files with common functions for BillOfMaterials |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
objectline_create.tpl.php | |
objectline_edit.tpl.php | |
objectline_title.tpl.php | |
objectline_view.tpl.php | |
bom_agenda.php | Page of BOM events |
bom_card.php | Page to create/edit/view Bill Of Material |
bom_document.php | Tab for documents linked to BillOfMaterials |
bom_list.php | List page for BillOfMaterials |
bom_net_needs.php | Page to create/edit/view bom |
bom_note.php | Card with notes on BillOfMaterials |
► bookcal | |
► admin | |
availabilities_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of availabilities |
calendar_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of calendar |
setup.php | BookCal setup page |
► class | |
availabilities.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Availabilities (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
calendar.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Calendar (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► lib | |
bookcal.lib.php | Library files with common functions for BookCal |
bookcal_availabilities.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Availabilities |
bookcal_calendar.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Calendar |
availabilities_agenda.php | Tab of events on Availabilities |
availabilities_card.php | Page to create/edit/view availabilities |
availabilities_contact.php | Tab for contacts linked to Availabilities |
availabilities_document.php | Tab for documents linked to Availabilities |
availabilities_list.php | List page for availabilities |
availabilities_note.php | Tab for notes on Availabilities |
bookcalindex.php | Home page of bookcal top menu |
booking_list.php | Management of direct debit order or credit transfer of invoices |
calendar_agenda.php | Tab of events on Calendar |
calendar_card.php | Page to create/edit/view calendar |
calendar_contact.php | Tab for contacts linked to Calendar |
calendar_document.php | Tab for documents linked to Calendar |
calendar_list.php | List page for calendar |
calendar_note.php | Tab for notes on Calendar |
► bookmarks | |
► admin | |
bookmark.php | Page to setup bookmark module |
► class | |
bookmark.class.php | File of class to manage bookmarks |
bookmarks.lib.php | File with library for bookmark module |
card.php | Page display/creation of bookmarks |
list.php | Page to display list of bookmarks |
► categories | |
► admin | |
categorie.php | Categorie admin pages |
categorie_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of category |
► class | |
api_categories.class.php | |
categorie.class.php | File of class to manage categories |
card.php | Page to create a new category |
edit.php | Page d'edition de categorie produit |
index.php | Home page of category area |
info.php | Category info page |
photos.php | Gestion des photos d'une categorie |
traduction.php | Page of translation of categories |
viewcat.php | Page to show a category card |
► collab | |
index.php | Page to work on a shared document (PAD) |
► comm | |
► action | |
► class | |
actioncomm.class.php | File of class to manage agenda events (actions) |
actioncommreminder.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for ActionCommReminder (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
api_agendaevents.class.php | |
cactioncomm.class.php | File of class to manage type of agenda events |
ical.class.php | File of class to parse ical calendars |
► rapport | |
index.php | Page with reports of actions |
card.php | Page for event card |
document.php | Page of documents linked to actions |
index.php | Home page of calendar events |
info.php | Page des information d'une action |
list.php | Page to list actions |
pertype.php | Tab of calendar events per type |
peruser.php | Tab of calendar events per user |
► admin | |
propal_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of third party |
propaldet_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of order |
► mailing | |
► class | |
advtargetemailing.class.php | This file is an example CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
html.formadvtargetemailing.class.php | File for the class with functions for the building of HTML components for advtargetemailing |
mailing.class.php | File of class to manage emailings module |
advtargetemailing.php | Page to define emailing targets |
card.php | Fiche mailing, onglet general |
cibles.php | Page to define or view emailing targets |
index.php | Home page for emailing area |
info.php | Page with log information for emailing |
list.php | Liste des mailings |
note.php | Tab for notes on Mailings |
► propal | |
► class | |
api_proposals.class.php | |
propal.class.php | File of class to manage proposals |
propalestats.class.php | File of class to manage proposals statistics |
► stats | |
index.php | Page des stats propositions commerciales |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | Template to show objects linked to proposals |
agenda.php | Tab of events on Proposal |
card.php | Page of commercial proposals card and list |
contact.php | Tab to manage contacts/addresses of proposal |
document.php | Management page of documents attached to a business proposal |
index.php | Home page of proposal area |
list.php | Page of commercial proposals card and list |
note.php | Fiche d'information sur une proposition commerciale |
► prospect | |
index.php | Home page of propest area |
card.php | Page to show customer card of a third party |
contact.php | Liste des contacts |
index.php | Home page of commercial area |
multiprix.php | Tab to set the price level of a thirdparty |
recap-client.php | Page de fiche recap client |
remise.php | Page to edit relative discount of a customer |
remx.php | Page to edit absolute discounts for a customer |
► commande | |
► class | |
api_orders.class.php | |
commande.class.php | Class for orders |
commandestats.class.php | File of class to manage order statistics |
► stats | |
index.php | Page with customers or suppliers orders statistics |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
agenda.php | Tab of events on Sale Orders |
card.php | Page to show sales order |
contact.php | Onglet de gestion des contacts de commande |
customer.php | Show list of customers to add an new invoice from orders |
document.php | Management page of documents attached to an order |
index.php | Home page of sales order module |
list.php | Page to list orders |
list_det.php | Page to list orders |
note.php | Fiche de notes sur une commande |
► compta | |
► bank | |
► class | |
account.class.php | File of class to manage bank accounts |
api_bankaccounts.class.php | |
bankcateg.class.php | This file is CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for bank categories |
paymentvarious.class.php | Class for various payment |
► various_payment | |
card.php | Page of various expenses |
document.php | Page of linked files onto various payment |
info.php | Page with info about various payment |
list.php | List of various payments |
account_statement_document.php | |
annuel.php | Page to report input-output of a bank account |
bankentries_list.php | List of bank transactions |
bilan.php | / |
budget.php | Page de budget |
card.php | Page to create/view a bank account |
categ.php | / |
document.php | Page to manage documents attached to a bank account |
graph.php | Page graph des transactions bancaires |
info.php | / |
line.php | Page to edit a bank transaction record |
list.php | Home page of bank module |
releve.php | Page to show a bank statement report |
transfer.php | Page for entering a bank transfer |
treso.php | Page to estimate future balance |
► cashcontrol | |
► class | |
cashcontrol.class.php | | |
cashcontrol_card.php | | |
cashcontrol_list.php | | |
report.php | | |
► charges | |
index.php | Page to list payments of special expenses |
► deplacement | |
► class | |
deplacement.class.php | File of class to manage trips |
deplacementstats.class.php | File for class managaging the statistics of travel and expense notes |
► stats | |
index.php | Page for statistics of module trips and expenses |
card.php | Page to show a trip card |
document.php | Page of linked files onto trip and expenses |
index.php | Page list of expenses |
info.php | Page to show a trip information |
list.php | Page to list trips and expenses |
► facture | |
► admin | |
invoice_cust_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of customer invoice |
invoice_rec_cust_extrafields.php | |
invoicedet_cust_extrafields.php | |
invoicedet_rec_cust_extrafields.php | |
► class | |
api_invoices.class.php | |
facture-rec.class.php | File of class to manage recurring invoices |
facture.class.php | File of class to manage invoices |
facturestats.class.php | File with class for managing the invoice statistics |
paymentterm.class.php | This file is an example for a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► stats | |
index.php | Page des stats factures |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
linkedobjectblockForRec.tpl.php | |
agenda-rec.php | Tab of events on Invoices |
agenda.php | Tab of events on Invoices |
card-rec.php | Page to show predefined invoice |
card.php | Page to create/see an invoice |
contact.php | Onglet de gestion des contacts des factures |
document.php | Page for attached files on invoices |
index.php | Home page of customer invoices area |
invoicetemplate_list.php | Page to show list of template/recurring invoices |
list.php | List of customer invoices |
note.php | Fiche de notes sur une facture |
prelevement.php | Management of direct debit order or credit transfer of invoices |
► journal | |
purchasesjournal.php | , , |
sellsjournal.php | , |
► localtax | |
► class | |
localtax.class.php | |
card.php | Page of second or third tax payments (like IRPF for spain, ...) |
clients.php | Third parties localtax report |
index.php | Index page of localtax reports |
list.php | List of IRPF payments |
quadri_detail.php | |
► paiement | |
► cheque | |
► class | |
remisecheque.class.php | File with class to manage cheque delivery receipts |
card.php | , |
index.php | Home page for cheque receipts |
list.php | Page list of cheque deposits |
► class | |
cpaiement.class.php | This file is to manage CRUD function of type of payments |
paiement.class.php | File of class to manage payments of customers invoices |
card.php | Page of a customer payment |
document.php | , |
index.php | |
info.php | Onglet info d'un paiement |
list.php | Payment page for customer invoices |
rapport.php | Payment reports page |
tovalidate.php | Page list payment to validate |
► payment_sc | |
card.php | Tab with payment of a social contribution |
► payment_vat | |
card.php | Onglet payment of a social contribution |
► paymentbybanktransfer | |
index.php | Payment by bank transfer index page |
► prelevement | |
► class | |
bonprelevement.class.php | File of withdrawal receipts class |
ligneprelevement.class.php | File of class to manage lines of Direct Debit orders |
rejetprelevement.class.php | File of class to manage standing orders rejects |
card.php | Card of a direct debit |
create.php | Page to create a direct debit order or a credit transfer order |
demandes.php | Page to list bank transfer requests (debit order or payments of vendors) |
factures.php | Page list of invoice paid by direct debit or credit transfer |
fiche-rejet.php | Debit order or credit transfer reject |
fiche-stat.php | Debit order or credit transfer statistics |
index.php | Home page for direct debit orders |
line.php | Card of withdraw line |
list.php | Page to list direct debit orders or credit transfers orders |
orders_list.php | Page to list direct debit orders or credit transfer orders |
rejets.php | Reject page |
stats.php | Page with statistics on withdrawals |
► resultat | |
clientfourn.php | , |
index.php | , |
result.php | , |
► sociales | |
► class | |
cchargesociales.class.php | File to manage type of social/fiscal taxes |
chargesociales.class.php | File for the ChargesSociales class |
paymentsocialcontribution.class.php | File of class to manage payment of social contributions |
card.php | Social contribution card page |
document.php | Page with attached files on social contributions |
info.php | Page with info about social contribution |
list.php | Page to list all social contributions |
note.php | Tab for notes on Taxes |
payments.php | |
► stats | |
byratecountry.php | VAT by rate |
cabyprodserv.php | Page reporting Turnover billed by Products & Services |
cabyuser.php | Page reporting Salesover by user |
casoc.php | Page reporting Turnover (CA) by thirdparty |
index.php | Page reporting sell turnover |
supplier_turnover.php | Page reporting purchase turnover |
supplier_turnover_by_prodserv.php | Page reporting purchase turnover by Products & Services |
supplier_turnover_by_thirdparty.php | Page reporting purchase turnover by thirdparty |
► tva | |
► class | |
paymentvat.class.php | |
tva.class.php | |
card.php | Page of VAT payments |
clients.php | Page of sales taxes |
document.php | Page with attached files on social contributions |
index.php | Index page of VAT reports |
info.php | Page with info about vat |
initdatesforvat.inc.php | Set value for date_start and date_end |
list.php | List of VAT payments |
payments.php | Page to list payments of special expenses |
quadri_detail.php | Local tax by rate |
accounting-files.php | Page to show portoflio and files of a thirdparty and download it |
ajaxpayment.php | File to return Ajax response on payment breakdown process |
clients.php | Show list of customers to add an new invoice |
index.php | Main page of accountancy area |
paiement.php | Payment page for customers invoices |
paiement_charge.php | Page to add payment of a tax |
paiement_vat.php | |
recap-compta.php | Page de fiche recap customer |
► contact | |
► ajax | |
contact.php | File to return Ajax response on contact list request |
► canvas | |
► default | |
► tpl | |
contactcard_create.tpl.php | |
contactcard_edit.tpl.php | |
contactcard_view.tpl.php | |
actions_contactcard_default.class.php | File for the class Thirdparty contact card controller (default canvas) |
actions_contactcard_common.class.php | File for the class Thirdparty contact card controller (common) |
► class | |
contact.class.php | File of contacts class |
agenda.php | |
card.php | Card of a contact |
consumption.php | Add a tab on thirdparty view to list all products/services bought or sells by thirdparty |
document.php | Page with attached files on contact |
info.php | Onglet info d'un contact |
ldap.php | Page fiche LDAP contact |
list.php | Page to list all contacts |
note.php | Tab for notes on contact |
perso.php | Onglet information personnelles d'un contact |
project.php | Page of third party projects |
vcard.php | Onglet vcard d'un contact |
► contrat | |
► admin | |
contract_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of contract |
contractdet_extrafields.php | |
► class | |
api_contracts.class.php | |
contrat.class.php | File of class to manage contracts |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
agenda.php | Page of contract events |
card.php | Page of a contract |
contact.php | Onglet de gestion des contacts des contrats |
document.php | Page des documents joints sur les contrats |
index.php | Home page of contract area |
list.php | Page to list contracts |
messaging.php | Page of contrat events |
note.php | Fiche de notes sur un contrat |
services_list.php | Page to list services in contracts |
ticket.php | Page of associated ticket |
► core | |
► ajax | |
ajaxdirpreview.php | Service to return a HTML preview of a directory Call of this service is made with URL: ajaxdirpreview.php?mode=nojs&action=preview&module=ecm§ion=0&file=xxx |
ajaxdirtree.php | This script returns content of a directory for filetree |
ajaxinvoiceline.php | File to load contacts combobox |
ajaxstatusprospect.php | File to return Ajax response on third parties request |
ajaxtooltip.php | This script returns content of tooltip |
bankconciliate.php | File to set data for bank concilation |
box.php | File to return Ajax response on a Box move or close |
check_notifications.php | |
constantonoff.php | File to set or del an on/off constant |
contacts.php | File to load contacts combobox |
editinline.php | Save edit inline changes |
extraparams.php | File to make Ajax action on setting extra parameters of elements |
fetchKnowledgeRecord.php | File to make Ajax action on Knowledge Management |
fileupload.php | File to return Ajax response on common file upload |
flowjs-server.php | File to upload very large file, higher than PHP limit |
loadinplace.php | File to load field value |
locationincoterms.php | File to return Ajax response on location_incoterms request |
objectonoff.php | File to set status for an object |
onlineSign.php | File to make Ajax action to add the signature of a document |
pingresult.php | Page called after a ping was done in js to the official dolibarr ping service |
price.php | File to get ht and ttc |
row.php | File to return Ajax response on Row move |
saveinplace.php | File to load field value |
security.php | This ajax component is used to generated hash keys for security purposes, like the key to use into URL to protect them |
selectobject.php | File to return Ajax response on a selection list request |
selectsearchbox.php | This script returns json array of possible searches or just set the array if called by an include |
vatrates.php | File to load vat rates combobox according to thirdparty ID |
ziptown.php | File to return Ajax response on zipcode or town request |
► boxes | |
box_accountancy_last_manual_entries.php | Module to generated widget of last manual entries |
box_accountancy_suspense_account.php | Module to generated widget of suspense account |
box_actions.php | Module to build box for events |
box_actions_future.php | Module to build box for events |
box_activity.php | Module to show box of bills, orders & propal of the current year |
box_birthdays.php | Box for user birthdays |
box_birthdays_members.php | Box for members birthdays |
box_boms.php | Widget for latest modified BOM |
box_bookmarks.php | Module to generate box of bookmarks list |
box_clients.php | Module for generating box to show last customers |
box_commandes.php | Widget for latest sale orders |
box_comptes.php | Module to generate box for bank accounts |
box_contacts.php | Module to show box of contacts |
box_contracts.php | Module de generation de l'affichage de la box contracts |
box_customers_outstanding_bill_reached.php | |
box_dolibarr_state_board.php | Module Dolibarr state base |
box_external_rss.php | Fichier de gestion d'une box pour le module external_rss |
box_factures.php | Module de generation de l'affichage de la box factures |
box_factures_fourn.php | Fichier de gestion d'une box des factures fournisseurs |
box_factures_fourn_imp.php | Widget to show remain to get on purchase invoices |
box_factures_imp.php | Widget to show remain to get on sale invoices |
box_ficheinter.php | Box to show last interventions |
box_fournisseurs.php | Module to generate box of suppliers |
box_funnel_of_prospection.php | Module to show the funnel of prospection |
box_goodcustomers.php | Module to generated widget of best customers (the most invoiced) |
box_graph_invoices_permonth.php | Box to show graph of invoices per month |
box_graph_invoices_peryear.php | Box to show graph of invoices per year |
box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth.php | Box to show graph of invoices per month |
box_graph_nb_ticket_last_x_days.php | This box shows the number of new daily tickets the last X days |
box_graph_nb_tickets_type.php | This box shows the number of tickets types |
box_graph_new_vs_close_ticket.php | This box shows the number of new daily tickets the last X days |
box_graph_orders_permonth.php | Box to show graph of orders per month |
box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth.php | Box to show graph of orders per month |
box_graph_product_distribution.php | Box to show graph of invoices per month |
box_graph_propales_permonth.php | Box to show graph of proposals per month |
box_graph_ticket_by_severity.php | This box shows open tickets by severity |
box_last_knowledgerecord.php | This box shows latest created knowledgerecords |
box_last_modified_knowledgerecord.php | This box shows latest created knowledgerecords |
box_last_modified_ticket.php | This box shows latest modified tickets |
box_last_ticket.php | This box shows latest created tickets |
box_lastlogin.php | Module to show box of last user logins |
box_members_by_tags.php | Module to show box of members by tags |
box_members_by_type.php | Module to show box of members |
box_members_last_modified.php | Module to show box of members |
box_members_last_subscriptions.php | Module to show box of last members subscriptions |
box_members_subscriptions_by_year.php | Module to show box of members |
box_mos.php | Widget for latest modified MOs |
box_produits.php | , |
box_produits_alerte_stock.php | Module to generate box of products with too low stock |
box_project.php | Module to show Project activity of the current Year |
box_project_opportunities.php | Module to show Project opportunities of the current Year |
box_propales.php | Module de generation de l'affichage de la box propales |
box_prospect.php | Module to generate the last prospects box |
box_scheduled_jobs.php | Widget of scheduled jobs |
box_services_contracts.php | , |
box_services_expired.php | Module to show the box of last expired services |
box_shipments.php | Module for generating the display of the shipment box |
box_supplier_orders.php | Module that generates the latest supplier orders box |
box_supplier_orders_awaiting_reception.php | Module that generates the latest supplier orders box |
box_task.php | Module to Task activity of the current year |
box_validated_projects.php | Module to show validated projects whose tasks are assigned to the connected person, without any time entered by the connected person |
modules_boxes.php | File containing the parent class of boxes |
► class | |
antivir.class.php | File of class to scan viruses |
canvas.class.php | File of class to manage canvas |
ccountry.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_country dictionary |
cgenericdic.class.php | |
cleadstatus.class.php | This file is CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_units dictionary |
CMailFile.class.php | Copyright (C) Dan Potter Copyright (C) Eric Seigne Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2003 Jean-Louis Bergamo jlb@j.nosp@m.1b.o.nosp@m.rg Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Regis Houssin regis.nosp@m..hou.nosp@m.ssin@.nosp@m.inod.nosp@m.box.c.nosp@m.om Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Frédéric France frede.nosp@m.ric..nosp@m.franc.nosp@m.e@fr.nosp@m.ee.fr Copyright (C) 2024 MDW mdewe.nosp@m.erd@.nosp@m.users.nosp@m..nor.nosp@m.eply..nosp@m.gith.nosp@m.ub.co.nosp@m.m |
comment.class.php | |
commondict.class.php | File of parent class of all other dictionary classes |
commondocgenerator.class.php | File of parent class for documents generators |
commonhookactions.class.php | File of parent class of all other hook actions classes |
commonincoterm.class.php | File of the superclass of object classes that support incoterm (customer and supplier) |
commoninvoice.class.php | File of the superclass of invoices classes (customer and supplier) |
commonnumrefgenerator.class.php | File of parent class for num ref generators |
commonobject.class.php | File of parent class of all other business classes (invoices, contracts, proposals, orders, ...) |
commonobjectline.class.php | File of the superclass of classes of lines of business objects (invoice, contract, proposal, orders, etc |
commonorder.class.php | File of the superclass of orders classes (customer and supplier) |
commonpeople.class.php | File of the superclass of object classes that support people |
commonsocialnetworks.class.php | File of the superclass of object classes that support socialnetworks |
commonstickergenerator.class.php | Generate pdf document with labels or cards in Avery or custom format |
conf.class.php | File of class to manage storage of current setup Config is stored into file conf.php |
cproductnature.class.php | This file is CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_units dictionary |
cregion.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_regions dictionary |
CSMSFile.class.php | File of class to send sms |
cstate.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_departements dictionary |
ctypent.class.php | This file is CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_typent dictionary |
ctyperesource.class.php | |
cunits.class.php | This file is CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_units dictionary |
defaultvalues.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for DefaultValues (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
discount.class.php | File of class to manage absolute discounts |
doldeprecationhandler.class.php | |
doleditor.class.php | Class to manage a WYSIWYG editor |
dolexception.class.php | File of class for exceptions |
dolgeoip.class.php | File of class to manage module geoip |
dolgeophp.class.php | Absctraction class to manage a WYSIWYG editor |
dolgraph.class.php | File for class to generate graph |
dolreceiptprinter.class.php | Print receipt ticket on various ESC/POS printer |
emailsenderprofile.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for EmailSenderProfile (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
evalmath.class.php | This file for Math evaluation |
events.class.php | File of class to manage security events |
extrafields.class.php | File of class to manage extra fields |
extralanguages.class.php | File of class to manage extra languages for some fields |
fileupload.class.php | File to return the ajax response of core/ajax/fileupload.php for common file upload |
fiscalyear.class.php | File of class to manage fiscal years |
genericobject.class.php | File of class of generic business class |
geomapeditor.class.php | Class to manage a leaflet map width geometrics objects |
google.class.php | A set of functions for using Google APIs |
hookmanager.class.php | File of class to manage hooks |
html.form.class.php | File of class with all html predefined components |
html.formaccounting.class.php | ( ) |
html.formactions.class.php | File of class with predefined functions and HTML components |
html.formadmin.class.php | File of class for html functions for admin pages |
html.formbank.class.php | File of class with all html predefined components |
html.formbarcode.class.php | Fichier de la class des functions predefinie de composants html |
html.formcategory.class.php | File of class to build HTML component for category filtering |
html.formcompany.class.php | File of class to build HTML component for third parties management |
html.formcontract.class.php | File of class with all html predefined components |
html.formcron.class.php | Fichier de la class des functions predefinie de composants html cron |
html.formexpensereport.class.php | File of class with all html predefined components |
html.formfile.class.php | File of class to offer components to list and upload files |
html.formintervention.class.php | File of class with all html predefined components |
html.formldap.class.php | File of class with ldap html predefined components |
html.formmail.class.php | Fichier de la class permettant la generation du formulaire html d'envoi de mail unitaire |
html.formmailing.class.php | File of predefined functions for HTML forms for mailing module |
html.formmargin.class.php | Fichier de la class des functions predefinie de composants html autre |
html.formorder.class.php | File of predefined functions for HTML forms for order module |
html.formother.class.php | Fichier de la class des functions predefinie de composants html autre |
html.formprojet.class.php | Class file for html component project |
html.formpropal.class.php | File of class with all html predefined components |
html.formsetup.class.php | |
html.formsms.class.php | Fichier de la class permettant la generation du formulaire html d'envoi de mail unitaire |
html.formsocialcontrib.class.php | File of class with all html predefined components |
html.formticket.class.php | File of class to generate the form for creating a new ticket |
html.formwebsite.class.php | File of class to manage component html for module website |
infobox.class.php | File of class to manage widget boxes |
interfaces.class.php | Fichier de la class de gestion des triggers |
ldap.class.php | File of class to manage LDAP features |
lessc.class.php | |
link.class.php | File for link class |
menu.class.php | Fichier de la class de gestion du menu gauche |
menubase.class.php | File of class to manage dynamic menu entries |
notify.class.php | File of class to manage notifications |
openid.class.php | Class to manage authentication with OpenId |
rssparser.class.php | File of class to parse RSS feeds |
smtps.class.php | Class to construct and send SMTP compliant email, even to a secure SMTP server, regardless of platform |
stats.class.php | Common class to manage statistics reports |
timespent.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for TimeSpent (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
translate.class.php | File for Translate class |
utils.class.php | File for Utils class |
utils_diff.class.php | |
validate.class.php | File for Utils class |
vcard.class.php | Class to manage vCard files |
workboardresponse.class.php | Class that represents response of load_board functions |
► db | |
Database.interface.php | |
DoliDB.class.php | Class file to manage Dolibarr database access |
mysqli.class.php | Class file to manage Dolibarr database access for a MySQL database |
pgsql.class.php | Fichier de la class permettant de gerer une base pgsql |
sqlite3.class.php | Class file to manage Dolibarr database access for a SQLite database |
► filemanagerdol | |
► browser | |
► default | |
browser.php | |
frmactualfolder.php | |
frmcreatefolder.php | |
frmfolders.php | |
frmresourceslist.php | |
frmupload.php | |
► connectors | |
► php | |
config.inc.php | |
connector.lib.php | |
connector.php | |
► js | |
lib_foot.js.php | File that include javascript functions (included if option use_javascript activated) |
lib_gravatar.js.php | File that include javascript functions (included if option use_javascript activated) JQuery (providing object $) library must be loaded before this file |
lib_head.js.php | File that include javascript functions (included if option use_javascript activated) JQuery (providing object $) and JQuery-UI (providing $datepicker) libraries must be loaded before this file |
lib_notification.js.php | Javascript code to manage browser reminers |
timepicker.js.php | File that include javascript functions for timepicker |
► lib | |
accounting.lib.php | ( ) |
admin.lib.php | Library of admin functions |
agenda.lib.php | Set of function for the agenda module |
ajax.lib.php | Page called to enhance interface with Javascript and Ajax features |
asset.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Assets |
bank.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module banque |
barcode.lib.php | Set of functions used for barcode generation (internal lib, also code 'phpbarcode') |
categories.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module categorie |
company.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module societe |
contact.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour les contacts |
contract.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module contrat |
cron.lib.php | Function for module cron |
customreports.lib.php | Set of function to manipulate custom reports |
date.lib.php | Set of function to manipulate dates |
doc.lib.php | Set of functions used for ODT generation |
doleditor.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour la gestion des utilisaterus et groups |
donation.lib.php | Library of donation functions |
ecm.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module ecm |
emailing.lib.php | Library file with function for emailing module |
emaillayout.lib.php | File for getting email html models |
eventorganization.lib.php | Library files with common functions for EventOrganization |
expedition.lib.php | Function for expedition module |
expensereport.lib.php | Functions for module expensereport |
fichinter.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module fichinter |
files.lib.php | Library for file managing functions |
fiscalyear.lib.php | Set basic functions for fiscal years |
format_cards.lib.php | Set of functions used for cards generation |
fourn.lib.php | Functions used by supplier invoice module |
ftp.lib.php | Set of functions used for FTP |
functions.lib.php | A set of functions for Dolibarr This file contains all frequently used functions |
functions2.lib.php | A set of functions for Dolibarr This file contains all rare functions |
functions_ch.lib.php | A set of swiss functions for Dolibarr This file contains rare functions |
functions_fi.lib.php | A set of finish functions for Dolibarr This file contains rare functions |
functionsnumtoword.lib.php | A set of functions for Dolibarr This file contains all frequently used functions |
geturl.lib.php | This file contains functions dedicated to get URLs |
holiday.lib.php | Base functions for holiday |
hrm.lib.php | Library for hrm |
images.lib.php | Set of function for manipulating images |
import.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module import |
intracommreport.lib.php | Library of intracomm report functions |
invoice.lib.php | Functions used by invoice module |
invoice2.lib.php | Function to rebuild PDF and merge PDF files into one |
json.lib.php | Functions to emulate json function when there were not activated |
ldap.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module LDAP |
loan.lib.php | Library for loan module |
mailmanspip.lib.php | |
member.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour les adherents |
memory.lib.php | Set of function for memory/cache management |
modulebuilder.lib.php | Set of function for modulebuilder management |
multicurrency.lib.php | This file is an example module library Put some comments here |
oauth.lib.php | Function for module Oauth |
order.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module commande |
parsemd.lib.php | This file contains functions dedicated to MD parsing |
payments.lib.php | |
pdf.lib.php | Set of functions used for PDF generation |
phpsessionindb.lib.php | Set function handlers for PHP session management in DB |
prelevement.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module prelevement |
price.lib.php | Library with functions to calculate prices |
product.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module produit et service |
profid.lib.php | Set of functions for professional identifiers |
project.lib.php | Functions used by project module |
propal.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour le module propal |
receiptprinter.lib.php | Library for receipt printer functions |
reception.lib.php | Function for reception module |
report.lib.php | Set of functions for reporting |
resource.lib.php | This file is library for resource module |
salaries.lib.php | |
security.lib.php | Set of function used for dolibarr security (common function included into filefunc.inc.php) Warning, this file must not depends on other library files, except function.lib.php because it is used at low code level |
security2.lib.php | Set of function used for dolibarr security (not common functions) |
sendings.lib.php | Library for expedition module |
signature.lib.php | |
stock.lib.php | Library file with function for stock module |
supplier_proposal.lib.php | |
takepos.lib.php | Library file with function for TakePOS module |
tax.lib.php | Library for tax module |
ticket.lib.php | This file is a library for Ticket module |
treeview.lib.php | Libraries for tree views |
trip.lib.php | Ensemble de functions de base pour les deplacements |
usergroups.lib.php | Set of function to manage users, groups and permissions |
vat.lib.php | Library for tax module (VAT) |
website.lib.php | Library for website module |
website2.lib.php | Library for website module (rare functions not required for execution of website) |
ws.lib.php | Set of functions for manipulating web services |
xcal.lib.php | Function to manage calendar files (vcal/ical/...) |
► login | |
functions_dolibarr.php | Authentication functions for Dolibarr mode (check user on login or email and check pass) |
functions_empty.php | Empty authentication functions for test |
functions_forceuser.php | Authentication functions for forceuser |
functions_googleoauth.php | Authentication functions for Google OAuth mode using "Server flow" Another method could be to use the "Implicit flow" using Google-Signin library |
functions_http.php | Authentication functions for HTTP Basic |
functions_ldap.php | Authentication functions for LDAP |
functions_openid.php | Authentication functions for OpenId mode |
functions_openid_connect.php | OpenID Connect: Authorization Code flow authentication |
► menus | |
► standard | |
auguria.lib.php | Library for file auguria menus |
auguria_menu.php | Menu auguria manager |
eldy.lib.php | Library for file eldy menus |
eldy_menu.php | Menu eldy manager |
empty.php | This is an example of an empty top menu handler |
► modules | |
► action | |
► doc | |
pdf_standard_actions.class.php | File to build PDF with events |
modules_action.php | |
► asset | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_asset_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for assets |
pdf_standard_asset.modules.php | |
mod_asset_advanced.php | File containing class for advanced numbering model of Asset |
mod_asset_standard.php | File of class to manage Asset numbering rules standard |
modules_asset.php | File that contains parent class for assets document models and parent class for assets numbering models |
► bank | |
► doc | |
pdf_ban.modules.php | File of class to generate document with template ban |
pdf_sepamandate.modules.php | File of class to generate document with template sepamandate |
modules_bank.php | File that contain parent class for bank models and parent class for bank numbering models |
► barcode | |
► doc | |
phpbarcode.modules.php | File with class to generate barcode images using php internal lib barcode generator |
tcpdfbarcode.modules.php | File of class to manage barcode numbering with tcpdf library |
mod_barcode_product_standard.php | File of class to manage barcode numbering with standard rule |
mod_barcode_thirdparty_standard.php | File of class to manage barcode numbering with standard rule |
modules_barcode.class.php | File with parent classes for barcode document modules and numbering modules |
► bom | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_bom_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for BOMs |
mod_bom_advanced.php | File containing class for numbering model of BOMs advanced |
mod_bom_standard.php | File of class to manage BOMs numbering rules standard |
modules_bom.php | File that contains parent class for boms models and parent class for boms numbering models |
► cheque | |
► doc | |
pdf_blochet.class.php | File to build cheque deposit receipts |
mod_chequereceipt_mint.php | File containing class for numbering module Mint |
mod_chequereceipt_thyme.php | File containing class for numbering module Thyme |
modules_chequereceipts.php | File with parent class of check receipt document generators |
► commande | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_order_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for third parties |
pdf_einstein.modules.php | File of Class to generate PDF orders with template Einstein |
pdf_eratosthene.modules.php | File of Class to generate PDF orders with template Eratosthene |
pdf_proforma.modules.php | File of Class to generate PDF orders with template Proforma |
mod_commande_marbre.php | File of class to manage Sales Order numbering rules Marbre |
mod_commande_saphir.php | File of class to manage Sales Order numbering rules Saphir |
modules_commande.php | File that contains parent class for orders models and parent class for orders numbering models |
► contract | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_contract_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for third parties |
pdf_strato.modules.php | Strato contracts template class file |
mod_contract_magre.php | File of class to manage contract numbering rules Magre |
mod_contract_olive.php | File of class to manage contract numbering rules Olive |
mod_contract_serpis.php | File of class to manage contract numbering rules Serpis |
modules_contract.php | File with parent class for generating contracts to PDF and File of class to manage contract numbering |
► delivery | |
► doc | |
pdf_storm.modules.php | File of class to manage receiving receipts with template Storm |
pdf_typhon.modules.php | File of class to manage receiving receipts with template Typhon |
mod_delivery_jade.php | Fichier contenant la class du modele de numerotation de reference de bon de livraison Jade |
mod_delivery_saphir.php | Fichier contenant la class du modele de numerotation de reference de livraison Saphir |
modules_delivery.php | Fichier contenant la class mere de generation de bon de livraison en PDF et la class mere de numerotation des bons de livraisons |
► dons | |
html_cerfafr.modules.php | Form of donation |
html_generic.modules.php | Form of donation |
modules_don.php | File of class to manage donation document generation |
► expedition | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_shipment_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for shipment |
pdf_espadon.modules.php | Class file allowing Espadon shipping template generation |
pdf_merou.modules.php | Class file used to generate the dispatch slips for the Merou model |
pdf_rouget.modules.php | Class file used to generate the dispatch slips for the Rouget model |
mod_expedition_ribera.php | File of class to manage expedition numbering rules Ribera |
mod_expedition_safor.php | File of class to manage shipments numbering rules Safor |
modules_expedition.php | File that contains parent class for sending receipts models and parent class for sending receipts numbering models |
► expensereport | |
► doc | |
pdf_standard.modules.php | File of class to generate expense report from standard model |
mod_expensereport_jade.php | File of class to manage expensereport numbering rules Jade |
mod_expensereport_sand.php | Fichier contenant la class du modele de numerotation de reference de note de frais Sand |
modules_expensereport.php | |
► export | |
export_csviso.modules.php | |
export_csvutf8.modules.php | |
export_excel2007.modules.php | File of class to generate export file with Excel format |
export_tsv.modules.php | |
exportcsv.class.php | File of class to build exports with CSV format |
modules_export.php | File of parent class for export modules |
► facture | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_invoice_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for third parties |
pdf_crabe.modules.php | File of class to generate customers invoices from crabe model |
pdf_octopus.modules.php | File of class to generate customers invoices from octopus model |
pdf_sponge.modules.php | File of class to generate customers invoices from sponge model |
mod_facture_mars.php | File containing class for numbering module Mars |
mod_facture_mercure.php | File containing class for numbering module Mercure |
mod_facture_terre.php | File containing class for numbering module Terre |
modules_facture.php | File that contains parent class for invoices models and parent class for invoices numbering models |
► fichinter | |
► doc | |
pdf_soleil.modules.php | File of Class to build interventions documents with model Soleil |
mod_arctic.php | File with Arctic numbering module for interventions |
mod_pacific.php | File with Pacific numbering module for interventions |
modules_fichinter.php | File that contains parent class for PDF interventions models and parent class for interventions numbering models |
► holiday | |
mod_holiday_immaculate.php | File of class to manage holiday numbering rules Immaculate |
mod_holiday_madonna.php | File of class to manage holiday numbering rules Madonna |
modules_holiday.php | File with parent class for generating holiday to PDF and File of class to manage contract numbering |
► hrm | |
► doc | |
pdf_standard.modules.php | File of class to generate evaluation report from standard model |
mod_evaluation_advanced.php | File containing class for advanced numbering model of Evaluation |
mod_evaluation_standard.php | File of class to manage Evaluation numbering rules standard |
modules_evaluation.php | File that contains parent class for evaluations document models and parent class for evaluations numbering models |
► import | |
import_csv.modules.php | File to load import files with CSV format |
import_xlsx.modules.php | File to load import files with Excel format |
modules_import.php | File of parent class for import file readers |
► mailings | |
advthirdparties.modules.php | Example file to provide a list of recipients for mailing module |
contacts1.modules.php | File of class to offer a selector of emailing targets with Rule 'Poire' |
eventorganization.modules.php | Example file to provide a list of recipients for mailing module |
fraise.modules.php | File of class to generate target according to rule Fraise |
modules_mailings.php | File with parent class of emailing target selectors modules |
partnership.modules.php | Example file to provide a list of recipients for mailing module |
pomme.modules.php | File of class to offer a selector of emailing targets of users |
thirdparties.modules.php | Example file to provide a list of recipients for mailing module |
thirdparties_services_expired.modules.php | File of class to offer a selector of emailing targets with Rule 'services expired' |
xinputfile.modules.php | File of class to offer a selector of emailing targets with Rule 'xinputfile' |
xinputuser.modules.php | File of class to offer a selector of emailing targets with Rule 'xinputuser' |
► member | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_member_odt.class.php | File of class to build ODT documents for members |
pdf_standard.class.php | File of class to generate PDF document of labels |
mod_member_advanced.php | File with class to manage the numbering module Advanced for member references |
mod_member_simple.php | File with class to manage the numbering module Simple for member references |
modules_cards.php | File of parent class of document generator for members cards |
modules_member.class.php | File with parent class for generating members to PDF |
► movement | |
► doc | |
pdf_standard.modules.php | File of class to build PDF documents for stocks movements |
modules_movement.php | File with parent class for generating PDF of a stock movements |
► mrp | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_mo_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for MOs |
pdf_vinci.modules.php | File of class to generate MO document from vinci model |
mod_mo_advanced.php | File containing class for numbering model of MOs advanced |
mod_mo_standard.php | File of class to manage MO numbering rules standard |
modules_mo.php | File that contains parent class for MOs models and parent class for MOs numbering models |
► oauth | |
generic_oauthcallback.php | Page to get oauth callback |
github_oauthcallback.php | Page to get oauth callback |
google_oauthcallback.php | Page to get oauth callback |
microsoft2_oauthcallback.php | Page to get oauth callback |
microsoft_oauthcallback.php | Page to get oauth callback |
stripelive_oauthcallback.php | Page to get oauth callback |
stripetest_oauthcallback.php | Page to get oauth callback |
► payment | |
mod_payment_ant.php | File containing class for numbering module Ant |
mod_payment_cicada.php | File containing class for numbering module Cicada |
modules_payment.php | |
► printing | |
modules_printing.php | File with parent class of printing modules |
printgcp.modules.php | File to provide printing with Google Cloud Print |
printipp.modules.php | File to provide printing with PrintIPP |
► printsheet | |
► doc | |
pdf_standardlabel.class.php | Fichier de la class permettant d'editer au format PDF des etiquettes au format Avery ou personnalise |
pdf_tcpdflabel.class.php | |
modules_labels.php | File of parent class of document generator for members labels sheets |
► product | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_product_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for products/services |
pdf_standard.modules.php | File of class to build PDF documents for products/services |
mod_codeproduct_elephant.php | File of class to manage product code with elephant rule |
mod_codeproduct_leopard.php | Fichier de la class des gestion leopard des codes produits |
modules_product.class.php | File with parent class for generating products to PDF and File of class to manage product numbering |
► product_batch | |
mod_lot_advanced.php | File containing class for numbering model of Lot advanced |
mod_lot_free.php | File containing class for numbering model of Lot free |
mod_lot_standard.php | File of class to manage Lot numbering rules standard |
mod_sn_advanced.php | File containing class for numbering model of SN advanced |
mod_sn_free.php | File containing class for numbering model of SN free |
mod_sn_standard.php | File of class to manage SN numbering rules standard |
modules_product_batch.class.php | |
► project | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_project_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for third parties |
pdf_baleine.modules.php | File of the class allowing to generate projects with the baleine model |
pdf_beluga.modules.php | File of class to generate project document beluga |
pdf_timespent.modules.php | File of class to generate project document Baleine |
► task | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_task_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for third parties |
mod_task_simple.php | |
mod_task_universal.php | |
modules_task.php | File that contain parent class for task models and parent class for task numbering models |
mod_project_simple.php | File with class to manage the numbering module Simple for project references |
mod_project_universal.php | File containing the Universal project reference numbering model class |
modules_project.php | File that contain parent class for projects models and parent class for projects numbering models |
► propale | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_proposal_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for third parties |
pdf_azur.modules.php | File of Class to generate PDF proposal with Azur template |
pdf_cyan.modules.php | File of Class to generate PDF proposal with Cyan template |
mod_propale_marbre.php | File of class to manage commercial proposal numbering rules Marbre |
mod_propale_saphir.php | File that contains the numbering module rules Saphir |
modules_propale.php | Fichier contenant la class mere de generation des propales en PDF et la class mere de numerotation des propales |
► rapport | |
pdf_paiement.class.php | File to build payment reports |
pdf_paiement_fourn.class.php | File to build payment reports |
► reception | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_reception_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for reception |
pdf_squille.modules.php | Fichier de la class permettant de generer les bordereaux envoi au modele Squille |
mod_reception_beryl.php | File of class to manage shipments numbering rules Beryl |
mod_reception_moonstone.php | File of class to manage reception numbering rules Moonstone |
modules_reception.php | File that contains parent class for sending receipts models and parent class for sending receipts numbering models |
► security | |
► generate | |
modGeneratePassNone.class.php | File to manage no password generation |
modGeneratePassPerso.class.php | File to manage no password generation |
modGeneratePassStandard.class.php | File to manage password generation according to standard rule |
modules_genpassword.php | File with parent class for password generating classes |
► societe | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for third parties |
mod_codeclient_elephant.php | File of class to manage third party code with elephant rule |
mod_codeclient_leopard.php | Fichier de la class des gestion leopard des codes clients |
mod_codeclient_monkey.php | Fichier de la class des gestion lion des codes clients |
mod_codecompta_aquarium.php | File of class to manage accountancy code of thirdparties with Panicum rules |
mod_codecompta_digitaria.php | File of class to manage accountancy code of thirdparties with Digitaria rules |
mod_codecompta_panicum.php | File of class to manage accountancy code of thirdparties with Panicum rules |
modules_societe.class.php | File with parent class of submodules to manage numbering and document generation |
► stock | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_stock_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for stocks/services |
pdf_standard.modules.php | File of class to build PDF documents for stocks/services |
modules_stock.php | |
► stocktransfer | |
► doc | |
pdf_eagle.modules.php | Class file used to generate the dispatch slips for the Eagle model |
pdf_eagle_proforma.modules.php | File of Class to generate PDF orders with template Proforma |
mod_stocktransfer_advanced.php | File containing class for advanced numbering model of StockTransfer |
mod_stocktransfer_standard.php | File of class to manage StockTransfer numbering rules standard |
modules_stocktransfer.php | File that contains parent class for stocktransfers document models and parent class for stocktransfers numbering models |
► supplier_invoice | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt.modules.php | |
pdf_canelle.modules.php | Class file to generate the supplier invoices with the canelle model |
mod_facture_fournisseur_cactus.php | File containing class for the numbering module Cactus |
mod_facture_fournisseur_tulip.php | File containing the Tulip Class of numbering models of suppliers invoices references |
modules_facturefournisseur.php | File that contains parent class for supplier invoices models and parent class for supplier invoices numbering models |
► supplier_order | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_supplier_order_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for supplier orders |
pdf_cornas.modules.php | File of class to generate suppliers orders from cornas model |
pdf_muscadet.modules.php | File of class to generate suppliers orders from muscadet model |
mod_commande_fournisseur_muguet.php | Fichier contenant la class du modele de numerotation de reference de commande fournisseur Muguet |
mod_commande_fournisseur_orchidee.php | File for class for 'orchidee' type numbering the supplier orders |
modules_commandefournisseur.php | File that contains parent class for supplier orders models and parent class for supplier orders numbering models |
► supplier_payment | |
► doc | |
pdf_standard.modules.php | Class file to generate the supplier invoice payment file with the standard model |
mod_supplier_payment_brodator.php | File containing class for numbering module Brodator |
mod_supplier_payment_bronan.php | File containing class for numbering module Bronan |
modules_supplier_payment.php | |
► supplier_proposal | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt.modules.php | |
pdf_aurore.modules.php | File of the class allowing to generate the supplier proposals to the Aurore model |
pdf_zenith.modules.php | |
mod_supplier_proposal_marbre.php | |
mod_supplier_proposal_saphir.php | |
modules_supplier_proposal.php | |
► syslog | |
logHandler.php | |
mod_syslog_file.php | |
mod_syslog_syslog.php | |
► takepos | |
mod_takepos_ref_simple.php | File with Simple ref numbering module for takepos |
mod_takepos_ref_universal.php | File with Universal ref numbering module for takepos |
modules_takepos.php | File containing the parent class for the numbering of cash register receipts |
► ticket | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_ticket_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for tickets |
mod_ticket_simple.php | File with class to manage the numbering module Simple for ticket references |
mod_ticket_universal.php | File with class to manage the numbering module Universal for Ticket references |
modules_ticket.php | File that contain parent class for projects models and parent class for projects numbering models |
► user | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_user_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for third parties |
modules_user.class.php | |
► usergroup | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_usergroup_odt.modules.php | |
modules_usergroup.class.php | |
► workstation | |
mod_workstation_advanced.php | File containing class for advanced numbering model of Workstation |
mod_workstation_standard.php | File of class to manage Workstation numbering rules standard |
modules_workstation.php | File that contains parent class for workstations document models and parent class for workstations numbering models |
DolibarrModules.class.php | File of parent class of module descriptor class files |
modAccounting.class.php | Module to activate the double entry accounting module |
modAdherent.class.php | Description and activation file for the module member |
modAgenda.class.php | Description and activation file for the module agenda |
modAi.class.php | |
modApi.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Api |
modAsset.class.php | Description and activation file for the module assets |
modBanque.class.php | Description and activation file for the module bank |
modBarcode.class.php | , |
modBlockedLog.class.php | Description and activation file for the module BlockedLog |
modBom.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Bom |
modBookCal.class.php | Description and activation file for module BookCal |
modBookmark.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Bookmarks |
modCategorie.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Category |
modClickToDial.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Click to Dial |
modCollab.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Collab |
modCommande.class.php | Description and activation file for the module command |
modComptabilite.class.php | Description and activation file for the module simple accountancy |
modContrat.class.php | Description and activation file for the module contract |
modCron.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Jobs |
modDataPolicy.class.php | Description and activation file for the module datapolicy |
modDav.class.php | Description and activation file for the module dav |
modDebugBar.class.php | Description and activation file for the module debugbar |
modDeplacement.class.php | Description and activation file for the module trips (deprecated) |
modDocumentGeneration.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Generation document |
modDon.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Donation |
modDynamicPrices.class.php | Description and activation file for the module to manage dynamic prices in products |
modECM.class.php | Description and activation file for the module ECM |
modEmailCollector.class.php | Description and activation file for the module emailcollector |
modEventOrganization.class.php | Description and activation file for the EventOrganization |
modExpedition.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Expedition |
modExpenseReport.class.php | Description and activation file for the module ExpenseReport |
modExport.class.php | Description and activation file for the module export |
modExternalRss.class.php | Description and activation file for the module externalrss |
modExternalSite.class.php | Description and activation file for the module ExternalSite |
modFacture.class.php | Description and activation file for the module customer invoices |
modFckeditor.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Fckeditor |
modFicheinter.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Ficheinter |
modFournisseur.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Supplier |
modFTP.class.php | Description and activation file for the module FTP |
modGeoIPMaxmind.class.php | Description and activation file for the module geoipmaxmind |
modGravatar.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Gravatar |
modHoliday.class.php | Description and activation file for the module holiday |
modHRM.class.php | Description and activation file for the module HRM |
modImport.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Import |
modIncoterm.class.php | Description and activation file for the module MyModule |
modIntracommreport.class.php | Description and activation file for the module intracomm report |
modKnowledgeManagement.class.php | Description and activation file for module KnowledgeManagement |
modLabel.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Labels |
modLdap.class.php | Description and activation file for the module LDAP |
modLoan.class.php | Description and activation file for the module loan |
modMailing.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Mailing |
modMailmanSpip.class.php | Description and activation file for the module mailmanspip |
modMargin.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Margin |
modModuleBuilder.class.php | Description and activation file for the module ModuleBuilder |
modMrp.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Mrp |
modMultiCurrency.class.php | Description and activation file for the module MultiCurrency |
modNotification.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Notification |
modOauth.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Oauth |
modOpenSurvey.class.php | Description and activation file for the module OpenSurvey |
modPartnership.class.php | Description and activation file for module Partnership |
modPaybox.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Paybox |
modPaymentByBankTransfer.class.php | Description and activation file for the module PaymentByBankTransfer |
modPaypal.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Paypal |
modPrelevement.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Prelevement |
modPrinting.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Direct Printing |
modProduct.class.php | Description and activation file for the module to manage catalog of predefined products |
modProductBatch.class.php | Description and activation file for the module productbatch |
modProjet.class.php | Description and activation file for the module project |
modPropale.class.php | Description and activation file for the module customer proposal |
modReceiptPrinter.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Receipt Printer |
modReception.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Reception |
modRecruitment.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Recruitment |
modResource.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Resource |
modSalaries.class.php | Description and activation file for the module salaries |
modService.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Service |
modSocialNetworks.class.php | Description and activation file for the module SocialNetworks |
modSociete.class.php | Description and activation file for the module societe (thirdparty) |
modStock.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Stock |
modStockTransfer.class.php | |
modStripe.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Stripe |
modSupplierProposal.class.php | Description and activation file for the module supplier proposal |
modSyslog.class.php | Description and activation file for the module syslog |
modTakePos.class.php | Description and activation file for the module TakePos |
modTax.class.php | Description and activation file for the module taxes |
modTicket.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Ticket |
modUser.class.php | Description and activation file for the module users |
modVariants.class.php | Description and activation file for the module product variants |
modWebhook.class.php | |
modWebPortal.class.php | Description and activation file for module WebPortal |
modWebServices.class.php | Description and activation file for the module webservices |
modWebServicesClient.class.php | Description and activation file for the module supplier webservices module |
modWebsite.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Website |
modWorkflow.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Workflow |
modWorkstation.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Workstation |
modZapier.class.php | Description and activation file for the module Zapier |
► tpl | |
admin_extrafields_add.tpl.php | |
admin_extrafields_edit.tpl.php | |
admin_extrafields_view.tpl.php | |
advtarget.tpl.php | |
ajaxrow.tpl.php | |
bloc_comment.tpl.php | |
bloc_showhide.tpl.php | |
card_presend.tpl.php | |
commonfields_add.tpl.php | |
commonfields_edit.tpl.php | |
commonfields_view.tpl.php | |
contacts.tpl.php | |
document_actions_post_headers.tpl.php | |
error.tpl.php | |
extrafields_add.tpl.php | |
extrafields_edit.tpl.php | |
extrafields_list_array_fields.tpl.php | |
extrafields_list_print_fields.tpl.php | |
extrafields_list_search_input.tpl.php | |
extrafields_list_search_param.tpl.php | |
extrafields_list_search_sql.tpl.php | |
extrafields_list_search_title.tpl.php | |
extrafields_view.tpl.php | |
filemanager.tpl.php | |
footer.tpl.php | |
formlayoutai.tpl.php | |
header.tpl.php | |
list_print_subtotal.tpl.php | |
list_print_total.tpl.php | |
login.tpl.php | |
massactions_pre.tpl.php | |
notes.tpl.php | |
object_discounts.tpl.php | |
objectline_create.tpl.php | |
objectline_edit.tpl.php | |
objectline_title.tpl.php | |
objectline_view.tpl.php | |
objectlinked_lineimport.tpl.php | |
onlinepaymentlinks.tpl.php | |
originproductline.tpl.php | |
passwordforgotten.tpl.php | |
passwordreset.tpl.php | |
resource_add.tpl.php | |
resource_view.tpl.php | |
► triggers | |
dolibarrtriggers.class.php | |
interface_20_all_Logevents.class.php | Trigger file for log events |
interface_20_modWorkflow_WorkflowManager.class.php | Trigger file for workflows |
interface_50_modAgenda_ActionsAuto.class.php | Trigger file for agenda module |
interface_50_modBlockedlog_ActionsBlockedLog.class.php | Trigger file for blockedlog module |
interface_50_modEventOrganization_EventOrganization.class.php | Trigger file for Event Organization module |
interface_50_modLdap_Ldapsynchro.class.php | Fichier de gestion des triggers LDAP |
interface_50_modMailmanspip_Mailmanspipsynchro.class.php | File to manage triggers Mailman and Spip |
interface_50_modNotification_Notification.class.php | File of class of triggers for notification module |
interface_50_modTicket_TicketEmail.class.php | File of trigger for ticket module |
interface_80_modStripe_Stripe.class.php | Fichier |
interface_90_modSociete_ContactRoles.class.php | Trigger file for company - contactroles |
interface_95_modWebhook_WebhookTriggers.class.php | |
interface_95_modZapier_ZapierTriggers.class.php | |
actions_addupdatedelete.inc.php | Code for common actions cancel / add / update / update_extras / delete / deleteline / validate / cancel / reopen / clone |
actions_builddoc.inc.php | Code for actions on building or deleting documents |
actions_changeselectedfields.inc.php | Code for actions when we change list of fields on a list page |
actions_comments.inc.php | Code for actions on comments pages |
actions_dellink.inc.php | Code for actions on linking and deleting link between elements |
actions_extrafields.inc.php | Code for actions on extrafields admin pages |
actions_fetchobject.inc.php | Code for actions on fetching object page |
actions_lineupdown.inc.php | Code for actions on moving lines up or down onto object page |
actions_linkedfiles.inc.php | |
actions_massactions.inc.php | Code for actions done with massaction button (send by email, merge pdf, delete, ...) |
actions_printing.inc.php | Code for actions print_file to print file with calling trigger |
actions_sendmails.inc.php | Code for actions on sending mails from object page |
actions_setmoduleoptions.inc.php | Code for actions on setting notes of object page |
actions_setnotes.inc.php | Code for actions on setting notes of object page |
antispamimage.php | Return antispam image |
bookmarks_page.php | File to return a page with the complete list of bookmarks |
commonfieldsinexport.inc.php | |
commonfieldsinimport.inc.php | |
customreports.php | Page to make custom reports |
datepicker.php | File to manage popup date selector |
doxygen.php | |
extrafieldsinexport.inc.php | |
extrafieldsinimport.inc.php | |
get_info.php | File to return a single page with just logged user info, to be used by other frontend |
get_menudiv.php | File to return menu into a div tree, to be used by other frontend |
multicompany_page.php | File to return a page with the list of all entities user can switch to |
photos_resize.php | File of page to resize photos |
search.php | Wrapper that receive any search |
search_page.php | File to return a page with the complete search form (all search input fields) |
tools.php | Home page for top menu tools |
website.inc.php | Common file loaded by all website pages (after master.inc.php) |
► cron | |
► admin | |
cron.php | |
► class | |
cronjob.class.php | |
card.php | Cron Jobs Card |
info.php | Page of info of a cron job |
list.php | Lists Jobs |
► datapolicy | |
► admin | |
setup.php | Datapolicy setup page to define duration of data keeping |
► class | |
datapolicy.class.php | Class to manage feature of Data Policy module |
datapolicycron.class.php | File for cron task of module DataPolicy |
► lib | |
datapolicy.lib.php | Library files with common functions for datapolicy |
► dav | |
dav.class.php | Server DAV |
dav.lib.php | Server DAV |
fileserver.php | Server DAV |
► debugbar | |
► class | |
► DataCollector | |
DolConfigCollector.php | Class for debugbar collection |
DolExceptionsCollector.php | Class for debugbar collection |
DolHooksCollector.php | Class for debugbar collection |
DolibarrCollector.php | Class for debugbar collection |
DolLogsCollector.php | Class for debugbar collection |
DolMemoryCollector.php | Class for debugbar collection |
DolPhpCollector.php | Class for debugbar collection |
DolQueryCollector.php | Class for debugbar collection |
DolRequestDataCollector.php | Class for debugbar collection |
DolTimeDataCollector.php | Class for debugbar collection |
autoloader.php | |
DebugBar.php | Class for debugbar |
TraceableDB.php | |
► delivery | |
► class | |
delivery.class.php | Delivery Order Management Class File |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
card.php | Page to describe a delivery receipt |
► don | |
► admin | |
donation.php | Page to setup the donation module |
donation_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of donations |
► class | |
api_donations.class.php | |
don.class.php | File of class to manage donations |
donstats.class.php | File of class to manage donations statistics |
paymentdonation.class.php | File of class to manage payment of donations |
► paiement | |
list.php | |
► payment | |
card.php | Tab payment of a donation |
payment.php | Page to add payment of a donation |
► stats | |
index.php | Page with donations statistics |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
card.php | Page of donation card |
document.php | Page of linked files onto donation |
index.php | Home page of donation module |
info.php | Page to show a donation information |
list.php | List of donations |
note.php | Page to show a donation notes |
► ecm | |
► ajax | |
ecmdatabase.php | File to build/refresh the ecm database for directories |
► class | |
ecmdirectory.class.php | This file is an example for a class file |
ecmfiles.class.php | Class to manage ECM Files (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
htmlecm.form.class.php | File of class to manage HTML component for ECM and generic filemanager |
► tpl | |
enablefiletreeajax.tpl.php | |
dir_add_card.php | Main page for ECM section area |
dir_card.php | Card of a directory for ECM module |
file_card.php | Card of a file for ECM module |
file_note.php | Tab for notes on an ECM file |
index.php | Main page for ECM section area |
index_auto.php | Main page for ECM section area |
index_medias.php | Main page for ECM section of public media directories area |
search.php | Page to make advanced search into ECM |
► emailcollector | |
► class | |
emailcollector.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for EmailCollector (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
emailcollectoraction.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for EmailCollectorAction (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
emailcollectorfilter.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for EmailCollectorFilter (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► lib | |
emailcollector.lib.php | Library files with common functions for EmailCollector |
► eventorganization | |
► class | |
conferenceorbooth.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for ConferenceOrBooth (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
conferenceorboothattendee.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for ConferenceOrBoothAttendee (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► core | |
actions_massactions_mail.inc.php | |
► lib | |
eventorganization_conferenceorbooth.lib.php | Library files with common functions for ConferenceOrBooth |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
conferenceorbooth_card.php | Page to create/edit/view conferenceorbooth |
conferenceorbooth_contact.php | Tab for contacts linked to ConferenceOrBooth |
conferenceorbooth_document.php | Tab for documents linked to ConferenceOrBooth |
conferenceorbooth_list.php | List page for conferenceorbooth |
conferenceorboothattendee_card.php | Page to create/edit/view conferenceorboothattendee |
conferenceorboothattendee_list.php | List page for conferenceorboothattendee |
conferenceorboothattendee_note.php | Tab for notes on ConferenceOrBoothAttendee |
eventorganizationindex.php | Home page of eventorganization top menu |
► expedition | |
► ajax | |
searchfrombarcode.php | File to make Ajax action on product and stock |
► class | |
api_shipments.class.php | |
expedition.class.php | File of class managing the shipments |
expeditionlinebatch.class.php | This file implements CRUD method for managing shipment batch lines with batch record |
expeditionstats.class.php | File of class to manage shipment statistics |
► js | |
lib_dispatch.js.php | File that include javascript functions used for dispatching qty/stock/lot |
► stats | |
index.php | Page with shipment statistics |
month.php | Page des stats expeditions par mois |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
card.php | Card of a shipment |
contact.php | Onglet de gestion des contacts de expedition |
dispatch.php | Page to dispatch shipments |
document.php | Management page of documents attached to an expedition |
index.php | Home page of shipping area |
list.php | Page to list all shipments |
note.php | Note card expedition |
shipment.php | Tab shipments/delivery receipts on the order |
► expensereport | |
► ajax | |
ajaxik.php | File to return Ajax response on third parties request |
► class | |
api_expensereports.class.php | |
expensereport.class.php | File to manage Expense Reports |
expensereport_ik.class.php | File of class to manage expense ik |
expensereport_rule.class.php | |
expensereportstats.class.php | File of lass to manage the statistics of the expensereports et expense notes |
paymentexpensereport.class.php | File of class to manage payment of expense report |
► payment | |
card.php | Tab payment of an expense report |
info.php | Tab payment info |
list.php | Payment list for expense reports |
payment.php | Page to add payment of an expense report |
► stats | |
index.php | Page for statistics of module trips and expenses |
► tpl | |
expensereport_addfile.tpl.php | |
expensereport_linktofile.tpl.php | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
card.php | Page for trip and expense report card |
document.php | Page of linked files onto trip and expens reports |
index.php | Page list of expenses |
info.php | Page to show a trip information |
list.php | List of expense reports |
note.php | Tab for notes on expense reports |
► exports | |
► class | |
export.class.php | File of class to manage exports |
export.php | Pages of export Wizard |
index.php | Home page of export wizard |
► externalsite | |
► admin | |
index.php | Page to setup module external site |
frames.php | Page that build two frames: One for menu, the other for the target page to show Usage: /externalsite/frames.php to show URL set into setup /externalsite/frames.php?keyforcontent=EXTERNAL_SITE_CONTENT_abc to show html text defined into conf 'EXTERNAL_SITE_CONTENT_abc' /externalsite/frames.php?keyforcontent=EXTERNAL_SITE_URL_abc to show URL defined into conf 'EXTERNAL_SITE_URL_abc' |
frametop.php | Top frame to show external web application |
► fichinter | |
► admin | |
fichinter_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of ficheinter |
fichinterdet_extrafields.php | |
► class | |
api_interventions.class.php | File of API to manage intervention |
fichinter.class.php | File for class to manage interventions |
fichinterrec.class.php | File for class to manage recurring interventions |
fichinterstats.class.php | File of class to manage intervention statistics |
► stats | |
index.php | Page with interventions statistics |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
agenda.php | Tab of events on Interventions |
card-rec.php | Page to show predefined fichinter |
card.php | Page of intervention |
contact.php | Onglet de gestion des contacts de fiche d'intervention |
document.php | Page des documents joints sur les contrats |
index.php | Home page of interventional module |
list.php | List of all interventions |
note.php | Fiche d'information sur une fiche d'intervention |
► fourn | |
► ajax | |
getSupplierPrices.php | File to return an Ajax response to get list of possible prices for margin calculation |
► class | |
api_supplier_invoices.class.php | |
api_supplier_orders.class.php | |
fournisseur.class.php | , |
fournisseur.commande.class.php | , |
fournisseur.commande.dispatch.class.php | This file is an example for a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) Initially built by build_class_from_table on 2015-02-24 10:38 |
fournisseur.facture-rec.class.php | |
fournisseur.facture.class.php | , |
fournisseur.product.class.php | File of class to manage predefined suppliers products |
paiementfourn.class.php | , |
► commande | |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
card.php | , |
contact.php | Onglet de gestion des contacts de commande |
dispatch.php | Page to dispatch receiving |
document.php | Management page of attached documents to a supplier order |
index.php | Home page of supplier's orders area |
info.php | Info page for Purchase Order / Supplier Order |
list.php | List of purchase orders |
note.php | Page for notes on supplier orders |
► facture | |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
card-rec.php | Page to show predefined invoice |
card.php | , |
contact.php | , |
document.php | , |
index.php | Home page of customer invoices area |
info.php | , |
list-rec.php | Page to show list of template/recurring invoices |
list.php | , |
note.php | Fiche de notes sur une facture fournisseur |
paiement.php | , |
rapport.php | Payment reports page |
► js | |
lib_dispatch.js.php | File that include javascript functions used for dispatching qty/stock/lot |
► paiement | |
card.php | , |
document.php | , |
info.php | , |
list.php | , |
► product | |
list.php | Page to list supplier products and services |
card.php | , |
contact.php | Liste des contacts fournisseurs |
index.php | Home page of suppliers area |
recap-fourn.php | Page de fiche recap supplier |
► ftp | |
► admin | |
ftpclient.php | Admin page to setup FTP client module |
index.php | Main page for FTP section area |
► holiday | |
► class | |
holiday.class.php | Class file of the module paid holiday |
card.php | Form and file creation of paid holiday |
card_group.php | |
define_holiday.php | File that defines the balance of paid holiday of users |
document.php | Page des documents joints sur les contrats |
info.php | Page to show a leave information |
list.php | List of holiday |
month_report.php | Monthly report of leave requests |
view_log.php | Displays the log of actions performed in the module |
► hrm | |
► admin | |
admin_establishment.php | HRM Establishment module setup page |
admin_hrm.php | HRM module setup page |
evaluation_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of hrm evaluation |
job_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of hrm jobs |
skill_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of hrm skills |
► class | |
establishment.class.php | File of class to manage establishments |
evaluation.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Evaluation (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
evaluationdet.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Evaluationdet (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
job.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Job (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
position.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Position (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
skill.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Skill (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
skilldet.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Skilldet (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
skillrank.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for SkillRank (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► core | |
► tpl | |
objectline_title.tpl.php | |
objectline_view.tpl.php | |
skilldet.fiche.tpl.php | |
► establishment | |
card.php | Page to show an establishment |
info.php | Page to show info of an establishment |
► lib | |
hrm.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Workstation |
hrm_evaluation.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Evaluation |
hrm_job.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Job |
hrm_position.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Position |
hrm_skill.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Skill |
hrm_skilldet.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Skilldet |
hrm_skillrank.lib.php | Library files with common functions for SkillRank |
compare.php | |
evaluation_agenda.php | Tab of events on Evaluation |
evaluation_card.php | Page to create/edit/view evaluation |
evaluation_contact.php | Tab for contacts linked to Evaluation |
evaluation_document.php | Tab for documents linked to Evaluation |
evaluation_list.php | List page for evaluation |
evaluation_note.php | Tab for notes on Evaluation |
index.php | Home page for HRM area |
job_agenda.php | Tab of events on Job |
job_card.php | Page to create/edit/view job |
job_document.php | Tab for documents linked to Job |
job_list.php | List page of jobs |
job_note.php | Tab for notes on Job |
position.php | Page to create/edit/view position |
position_agenda.php | Tab of events on Position |
position_card.php | Page to create/edit/view job position |
position_document.php | Tab for documents linked to Position |
position_list.php | List page for job positions |
position_note.php | Tab for notes on Position |
skill_agenda.php | Tab of events on skill |
skill_card.php | Page to create/edit/view skills |
skill_document.php | Tab for documents linked to skill |
skill_list.php | List page for skill |
skill_note.php | Tab for notes on skill |
skill_tab.php | Page to add/delete/view skill to jobs/users |
► imports | |
► class | |
import.class.php | File of class to manage imports |
emptyexample.php | Show example of import file |
import.php | Pages of import Wizard |
index.php | Home page of import wizard |
► install | |
► lib | |
repair.lib.php | Library of repair functions |
check.php | Test if file conf can be modified and if does not exists, test if install process can create it |
fileconf.php | Ask all information required to build Dolibarr htdocs/conf/conf.php file (will be written to disk on next page step1) |
inc.php | File that define environment for support pages |
index.php | Show page to select language |
install.forced.docker.php | |
install.forced.sample.php | |
phpinfo.php | Show page phpinfo |
repair.php | Run repair script |
step1.php | Build conf file on disk |
step2.php | Create tables, primary keys, foreign keys, indexes and functions into database and then load reference data |
step4.php | Ask login and password of Dolibarr admin user |
step5.php | Last page of upgrade / install process |
upgrade.php | Run migration script |
upgrade2.php | Upgrade some data |
► intracommreport | |
► admin | |
intracommreport.php | Page to setup the module intracomm report |
► class | |
intracommreport.class.php | File of class to manage intracomm report |
card.php | Page to manage intracomm report export |
list.php | Page to list intracomm report |
► knowledgemanagement | |
► class | |
api_knowledgemanagement.class.php | File for API management of knowledgerecord |
knowledgerecord.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for KnowledgeRecord (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► core | |
► modules | |
► knowledgemanagement | |
mod_knowledgerecord_advanced.php | File containing class for advanced numbering model of KnowledgeRecord |
mod_knowledgerecord_standard.php | File of class to manage KnowledgeRecord numbering rules standard |
modules_knowledgerecord.php | File that contains parent class for knowledgerecords document models and parent class for knowledgerecords numbering models |
► lib | |
knowledgemanagement.lib.php | Library files with common functions for KnowledgeManagement |
knowledgemanagement_knowledgerecord.lib.php | Library files with common functions for KnowledgeRecord |
knowledgemanagementindex.php | Home page of knowledgemanagement top menu |
knowledgerecord_agenda.php | Tab of events on KnowledgeRecord |
knowledgerecord_card.php | Page to create/edit/view knowledgerecord |
knowledgerecord_contact.php | Tab for contacts linked to KnowledgeRecord |
knowledgerecord_document.php | Tab for documents linked to KnowledgeRecord |
knowledgerecord_list.php | List page for knowledgerecord |
knowledgerecord_note.php | Tab for notes on KnowledgeRecord |
► loan | |
► class | |
loan.class.php | Class for loan module |
loanschedule.class.php | File of class to manage schedule of loans |
paymentloan.class.php | File of class to manage payment of loans |
► payment | |
card.php | Payment's card of loan |
payment.php | Page to add payment of a loan |
calcmens.php | File to calculate loan monthly payments |
card.php | Loan card |
document.php | Page with attached files on loan |
info.php | Page with info about loan |
list.php | Page to list all loans |
note.php | Tab for notes on loan |
schedule.php | Schedule card |
► mailmanspip | |
► class | |
mailmanspip.class.php | File of class to manage mailman and spip actions |
► margin | |
► admin | |
margin.php | Page to setup margin module |
► lib | |
margins.lib.php | Library for common margin functions |
► tabs | |
productMargins.php | Page des marges des factures clients pour un produit |
thirdpartyMargins.php | Page for invoice margins of a thirdparty |
agentMargins.php | Page des marges par agent commercial |
checkMargins.php | Check margins |
customerMargins.php | Page des marges par client |
index.php | Page d'index du module margin |
productMargins.php | Page des marges par produit |
► modulebuilder | |
► admin | |
setup.php | Page setup for modulebuilder module |
► template | |
► admin | |
about.php | About page of module MyModule |
myobject_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of myobject |
setup.php | MyModule setup page |
► ajax | |
myobject.php | |
► class | |
actions_mymodule.class.php | Example hook overload |
api_mymodule.class.php | File for API management of myobject |
myobject.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for MyObject (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► core | |
► boxes | |
mymodulewidget1.php | Widget provided by MyModule |
► modules | |
► mailings | |
mailing_mymodule_selector1.modules.php | |
► mymodule | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_myobject_odt.modules.php | |
pdf_standard_myobject.modules.php | |
mod_myobject_advanced.php | |
mod_myobject_standard.php | |
modules_myobject.php | |
modMyModule.class.php | |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock_myobject.tpl.php | |
► triggers | |
interface_99_modMyModule_MyModuleTriggers.class.php | Example trigger |
► css | |
mymodule.css.php | CSS file for module MyModule |
► js | |
mymodule.js.php | JavaScript file for module MyModule |
► lib | |
mymodule.lib.php | Library files with common functions for MyModule |
mymodule_myobject.lib.php | Library files with common functions for MyObject |
► scripts | |
mymodule.php | This file is a command line script for module MyModule |
► test | |
► phpunit | |
► functional | |
MyModuleFunctionalTest.php | |
MyObjectTest.php | PHPUnit test for MyObject class |
mymoduleindex.php | Home page of mymodule top menu |
myobject_agenda.php | Tab of events on MyObject |
myobject_card.php | Page to create/edit/view myobject |
myobject_contact.php | Tab for contacts linked to MyObject |
myobject_document.php | Tab for documents linked to MyObject |
myobject_list.php | List page for myobject |
myobject_note.php | Tab for notes on MyObject |
index.php | Home page for module builder module |
► mrp | |
► ajax | |
ajax_bom.php | Ajax search component for Mrp |
interface.php | Ajax search component for Mrp |
► class | |
api_mos.class.php | File for API management of MO |
mo.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Mo (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► js | |
lib_dispatch.js.php | File that include javascript functions used for dispatching qty/stock/lot |
► lib | |
mrp.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Mrp |
mrp_mo.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Mo |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
originproductline.tpl.php | |
index.php | , |
mo_agenda.php | Page of Mo events |
mo_card.php | Page to create/edit/view MO Manufacturing Order |
mo_document.php | Tab for documents linked to Mo |
mo_list.php | List page for mo |
mo_movements.php | Page to show stock movements of a MO |
mo_note.php | Card with notes on Mo |
mo_production.php | Page to make production on a MO |
► multicurrency | |
► class | |
api_multicurrencies.class.php | |
multicurrency.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for multicurrency |
multicurrency_rate.php | Page to list multicurrency rate |
► opensurvey | |
► class | |
opensurveysondage.class.php | This file is an example for a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) Initially built by build_class_from_table on 2013-03-10 00:32 |
► lib | |
opensurvey.lib.php | Functions for module |
► wizard | |
choix_autre.php | Page to create a new survey (choice selection) |
choix_date.php | Page to create a new survey (date selection) |
create_survey.php | Page to create a new survey |
index.php | |
card.php | Page to edit survey |
exportcsv.php | Page to list surveys |
index.php | Home page of opensurvey area |
list.php | Page to list surveys |
results.php | Page to preview votes of a survey |
► partnership | |
► admin | |
partnership_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of partnership |
setup.php | Partnership setup page |
website.php | File of main public page for partnership module |
► class | |
api_partnerships.class.php | File for API management of partnership |
partnership.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Partnership (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
partnership_type.class.php | File of class to manage partnership types |
partnershiputils.class.php | Class with utilities |
► core | |
► modules | |
► partnership | |
mod_partnership_advanced.php | |
mod_partnership_standard.php | |
modules_partnership.php | |
► lib | |
partnership.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Partnership |
partnership_agenda.php | Tab of events on Partnership |
partnership_card.php | Page to create/edit/view partnership |
partnership_contact.php | Tab for contacts linked to Partnership |
partnership_document.php | Tab for documents linked to Partnership |
partnership_list.php | List page for partnership |
partnership_note.php | Tab for notes on Partnership |
► paybox | |
► admin | |
paybox.php | Page to setup paybox module |
► lib | |
paybox.lib.php | Library for common paybox functions |
► paypal | |
► admin | |
paypal.php | Page to setup paypal module |
► lib | |
paypal.lib.php | Library for common paypal functions |
paypalfunctions.lib.php | Page with Paypal init var |
► printing | |
► admin | |
printing.php | Page to setup printing module |
► lib | |
printing.lib.php | Library for printing functions |
index.php | Printing |
► product | |
► admin | |
dynamic_prices.php | Page for configuring dynamic prices |
inventory_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of inventory |
price_rules.php | |
product.php | Setup page of product module |
product_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of third party |
product_lot.php | Setup page of product lot module |
product_lot_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of third party |
product_supplier_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of products |
product_tools.php | Setup page of product module |
stock_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of third party |
stock_mouvement_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of stock movement |
► ajax | |
product_lot.php | Ajax search component for ProductLot |
products.php | File to return Ajax response on product list request, with default VAT rate |
► canvas | |
► product | |
► tpl | |
card_create.tpl.php | |
card_edit.tpl.php | |
card_view.tpl.php | |
actions_card_product.class.php | File with class of actions for canvas product |
► service | |
► tpl | |
card_create.tpl.php | |
card_edit.tpl.php | |
card_view.tpl.php | |
actions_card_service.class.php | File with class of actions for canvas service |
► class | |
api_products.class.php | |
html.formproduct.class.php | File for class with methods for building product related HTML components |
product.class.php | File of class to manage the predefined products or services |
productbatch.class.php | Manage record and specific data for batch number management |
productcustomerprice.class.php | File of class to manage predefined price products or services by customer |
productfournisseurprice.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for ProductFournisseurPrice (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
propalmergepdfproduct.class.php | This file is an CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► composition | |
card.php | Page of product file |
► dynamic_price | |
► class | |
price_expression.class.php | Class for accessing price expression table |
price_global_variable.class.php | Class for accessing price global variables table |
price_global_variable_updater.class.php | Class for price global variable updaters table |
price_parser.class.php | File of class to calculate prices using expression |
editor.php | Page for editing expression |
► inventory | |
► ajax | |
searchfrombarcode.php | File to make Ajax action on product and stock |
► class | |
inventory.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Inventory (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► lib | |
inventory.lib.php | This file is an example module library |
card.php | Inventory card |
inventory.php | Tab to enter counting |
list.php | List page for inventory |
► stats | |
bom.php | |
card.php | Page of product statistics |
commande.php | Page des stats des commandes clients pour un produit |
commande_fournisseur.php | Page des stats des commandes fournisseurs pour un produit |
contrat.php | Page des stats des contrats pour un produit |
expedition.php | Page des stats des expeditions pour un produit |
facture.php | Page of invoice statistics for a product |
facture_fournisseur.php | Page of supplier invoice statistics for a product |
facturerec.php | Page of template invoice statistics for a product |
mo.php | Page of MO referring product |
propal.php | Page des stats des propals pour un produit |
reception.php | Page des stats des receptions fournisseurs clients pour un produit |
supplier_proposal.php | Page des stats des propals pour un produit |
► stock | |
► class | |
api_stockmovements.class.php | |
api_warehouses.class.php | |
entrepot.class.php | File for class to manage warehouses |
mouvementstock.class.php | File of class to manage stock movement (input or output) |
productlot.class.php | This is CRUD class file to manage table productlot (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
productstockentrepot.class.php | Table used to store limit of stock of product per warehouse |
► lib | |
replenishment.lib.php | Contains functions used in replenish.php and replenishorders.php |
► stats | |
commande_fournisseur.php | Page of supplier order statistics for a batch |
expedition.php | Page of expedition statistics for a batch |
mo.php | |
reception.php | Page of reception statistics for a batch |
► stocktransfer | |
► class | |
stocktransfer.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for StockTransfer (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
stocktransferline.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for StockTransferLine (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► lib | |
stocktransfer.lib.php | Library files with common functions for StockTransfer |
stocktransfer_stocktransfer.lib.php | Library files with common functions for StockTransfer |
stocktransfer_agenda.php | Page of StockTransfer events |
stocktransfer_card.php | Page to create/edit/view stocktransfer |
stocktransfer_contact.php | Tab to manage contacts/addresses of proposal |
stocktransfer_document.php | Tab for documents linked to StockTransfer |
stocktransfer_list.php | List page for stocktransfer |
stocktransfer_note.php | Car with notes on StockTransfer |
► tpl | |
extrafields_add.tpl.php | |
stockcorrection.tpl.php | |
stocktransfer.tpl.php | |
card.php | Page fiche entrepot |
fiche-valo.php | Page fiche de valorisation du stock dans l'entrepot |
index.php | Home page of stock area |
info.php | Page des information d'un entrepot |
list.php | Page with warehouse and stock value |
massstockmove.php | This page allows to select several products, then incoming warehouse and outgoing warehouse and create all stock movements for this |
movement_card.php | Page to list stock movements |
movement_list.php | Page to list stock movements |
product.php | Page to list detailed stock of a product |
productlot_card.php | This file is an example of a php page Initially built by build_class_from_table on 2016-05-17 12:22 |
productlot_document.php | Page of attached documents for product lots |
productlot_list.php | This file is an example of a php page Initially built by build_class_from_table on 2016-05-17 12:22 |
productlot_note.php | Tab for notes on productlot |
replenish.php | Page to list stocks to replenish |
replenishorders.php | Page to list replenishment orders |
stockatdate.php | Page to list stocks at a given date |
valo.php | Page with stock values |
agenda.php | Page of product events |
card.php | Page to show product |
document.php | Page des documents joints sur les produits |
index.php | Homepage products and services |
list.php | Page to list products and services |
messaging.php | |
note.php | Tab for notes on products |
popuprop.php | , , , |
price.php | Page to show product prices |
price_suppliers.php | Page of tab suppliers for products |
reassort.php | Page to list stocks |
reassortlot.php | Page to list stocks |
traduction.php | Page for translation of product descriptions |
► projet | |
► activity | |
index.php | Page on activity of projects |
perday.php | List activities of tasks (per day entry) |
permonth.php | List activities of tasks (per month entry) |
perweek.php | List activities of tasks (per week entry) |
► admin | |
project.php | Page to setup project module |
project_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of project |
project_task_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of project |
website.php | File of main public page for project module to catch lead |
► ajax | |
projects.php | File to return Ajax response on product list request |
► class | |
api_projects.class.php | |
api_tasks.class.php | |
project.class.php | File of class to manage projects |
projectstats.class.php | |
task.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Task (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
taskstats.class.php | |
► stats | |
index.php | Page for project statistics |
► tasks | |
► stats | |
index.php | Page for tasks statistics |
comment.php | Page of a project task comment |
contact.php | Actors of a task |
document.php | Page de gestion des documents attachees a une tache d'un projet |
list.php | List all tasks of a project |
note.php | Page to show information on a task |
task.php | Page of a project task |
time.php | Page to add new time spent on a task |
agenda.php | Page with events on project |
card.php | Project card |
comment.php | Page of a project |
contact.php | List of all contacts of a project |
document.php | Page to managed related documents linked to a project |
element.php | Page of project referrers |
ganttchart.inc.php | Gantt diagram of a project |
ganttview.php | Gantt diagram of a project |
graph_opportunities.inc.php | |
index.php | Main project home page |
jsgantt_language.js.php | Fichier de javascript de traduction pour JSGantt |
list.php | Page to list projects |
messaging.php | Page with events on project |
note.php | Fiche d'information sur un projet |
tasks.php | List all tasks of a project |
► public | |
► agenda | |
agendaexport.php | Page to export agenda into a vcal, ical or rss Other parameters into url are: ¬olderthan=99 &year=2015 &limit=1000 &id=..., &idfrom=..., &idto=.. |
index.php | A redirect page to an error |
► bookcal | |
bookcalAjax.php | File to make Ajax action on Book cal |
index.php | File to offer a way to book a rendez-vous into a public calendar Example of URL: https://localhost/public/bookcal/index.php?id=.. |
► clicktodial | |
cidlookup.php | Script to search companies names based on incoming calls, from caller phone number |
► company | |
new.php | Example of form to add a new prospect |
► cron | |
cron_run_jobs_by_url.php | Execute pendings jobs |
index.php | A redirect page to an error |
► demo | |
index.php | Entry page to access demo |
► donations | |
donateurs_code.php | Page to list donators |
index.php | A redirect page to an error |
► emailing | |
mailing-read.php | Copyright (C) 2004 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net Copyright (C) 2012 Florian Henry flori.nosp@m.an.h.nosp@m.enry@.nosp@m.open.nosp@m.-conc.nosp@m.ept..nosp@m.pro |
mailing-unsubscribe.php | Copyright (C) 2004 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net Copyright (C) 2012 Florian Henry flori.nosp@m.an.h.nosp@m.enry@.nosp@m.open.nosp@m.-conc.nosp@m.ept..nosp@m.pro Copyright (C) 2014 Juanjo Menent jmene.nosp@m.nt@2.nosp@m.byte..nosp@m.es |
► eventorganization | |
attendee_new.php | Example of form to subscribe to an event |
subscriptionok.php | File to show page after a successful subscription |
► members | |
index.php | A redirect page to an error |
new.php | Example of form to add a new member |
public_card.php | File to show a public card of a member |
public_list.php | File sample to list members |
► onlinesign | |
newonlinesign.php | File to offer a way to make an online signature for a particular Dolibarr entity Example of URL: https://localhost/public/onlinesign/newonlinesign.php?ref=PR.. |
► opensurvey | |
index.php | Public file to show onpen surveys |
studs.php | Page to list surveys |
► partnership | |
index.php | A redirect page to an error |
new.php | Example of form to add a new member |
► payment | |
index.php | A redirect page to an error |
newpayment.php | File to offer a way to make a payment for a particular Dolibarr object |
paymentko.php | File to show page after a failed payment |
paymentok.php | File to show page after a successful payment on a payment line system |
► project | |
index.php | File to offer a way to suggest a conference or a booth for an event |
new.php | Page to record a message/lead into a project/lead |
suggestbooth.php | Example of form to suggest a booth |
suggestconference.php | Example of form to suggest a conference |
viewandvote.php | |
► recruitment | |
index.php | Public file to show on job |
view.php | Public file to show on job |
► stripe | |
index.php | A redirect page to an error |
ipn.php | |
► test | |
test_arrays.php | |
test_badges.php | |
test_buttons.php | |
test_csrf.php | |
test_exec.php | |
test_forms.php | |
test_sessionlock.php | |
► theme | |
► common | |
index.php | A redirect page to an error |
index.php | A redirect page to an error |
► ticket | |
► ajax | |
ajax.php | Copyright (C) 2020 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net |
create_ticket.php | Display public form to add new ticket |
index.php | Public page to add and manage tickets |
list.php | Public file to list tickets |
view.php | Public file to show one ticket |
► users | |
view.php | Public file to user profile |
► webportal | |
► css | |
► themes | |
custom.css.php | Custom css files for WebPortal |
global.css.php | File for CSS style sheet of Web portal |
pico.css.php | |
► lib | |
webportal.lib.php | Lib for public access of WebPortal |
► tpl | |
404.tpl.php | |
errors.tpl.php | |
footer.tpl.php | |
header.tpl.php | |
header_login.tpl.php | |
hero-header-banner.tpl.php | |
home.tpl.php | |
login.tpl.php | |
menu.tpl.php | |
index.php | Index files for WebPortal |
logout.php | Page called to disconnect a user |
webportal.main.inc.php | Main include file for WebPortal |
► website | |
index.php | Wrapper to output pages when website is powered by Dolibarr instead of a native web server |
javascript.js.php | Page to output style page |
styles.css.php | Page to output style page |
error-401.php | |
error-404.php | |
index.php | A redirect page to an error page |
notice.php | Dolibarr public page to show a notice |
► reception | |
► class | |
api_receptions.class.php | |
reception.class.php | File for class to manage receptions |
receptionlinebatch.class.php | |
receptionstats.class.php | File of class to manage reception statistics |
► stats | |
index.php | Page with reception statistics |
month.php | Page des stats receptions par mois |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
card.php | Card of a reception |
contact.php | Onglet de gestion des contacts de reception |
dispatch.php | Page to dispatch receptions |
document.php | Management page of documents attached to an reception |
index.php | Home page of reception area |
list.php | Page to list all receptions |
note.php | Note card reception |
► recruitment | |
► admin | |
candidature_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of Candidature |
jobposition_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of Candidature |
public_interface.php | File of main public page for open job position |
setup.php | Recruitment setup page |
setup_candidatures.php | Recruitment setup page for candidatures |
► class | |
api_recruitments.class.php | |
recruitmentcandidature.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for RecruitmentCandidature (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
recruitmentjobposition.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for RecruitmentJobPosition (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► core | |
► modules | |
► recruitment | |
► doc | |
doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt.modules.php | File of class to build ODT documents for recruitmentjobpositions |
pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition.modules.php | |
mod_recruitmentcandidature_advanced.php | |
mod_recruitmentcandidature_standard.php | |
mod_recruitmentjobposition_advanced.php | |
mod_recruitmentjobposition_standard.php | |
modules_recruitmentcandidature.php | |
modules_recruitmentjobposition.php | |
► lib | |
recruitment.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Recruitment |
recruitment_recruitmentcandidature.lib.php | Library files with common functions for RecruitmentCandidature |
recruitment_recruitmentjobposition.lib.php | Library files with common functions for RecruitmentJobPosition |
index.php | |
recruitmentcandidature_agenda.php | Page of RecruitmentCandidature events |
recruitmentcandidature_card.php | Page to create/edit/view recruitmentcandidature |
recruitmentcandidature_document.php | Tab for documents linked to RecruitmentCandidature |
recruitmentcandidature_list.php | List page for recruitmentcandidature |
recruitmentcandidature_note.php | Car with notes on RecruitmentCandidature |
recruitmentjobposition_agenda.php | Page of RecruitmentJobPosition events |
recruitmentjobposition_applications.php | Page to see/add applications of a job position |
recruitmentjobposition_card.php | Page to create/edit/view recruitmentjobposition |
recruitmentjobposition_document.php | Tab for documents linked to RecruitmentJobPosition |
recruitmentjobposition_list.php | List page for recruitmentjobposition |
recruitmentjobposition_note.php | Car with notes on RecruitmentJobPosition |
► resource | |
► class | |
dolresource.class.php | Class file for resource object |
html.formresource.class.php | Class file to manage forms into resource module |
agenda.php | Page of resource events |
card.php | Page to manage resource object |
contact.php | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
document.php | Page des documents joints sur les resources |
element_resource.php | Page to show and manage linked resources to an element |
list.php | Page to manage resource objects |
note.php | Fiche d'information sur une resource |
► salaries | |
► admin | |
salaries.php | Setup page to configure salaries module |
salaries_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of salaries |
► ajax | |
ajaxsalaries.php | File to return Ajax response on salary request |
► class | |
api_salaries.class.php | |
paymentsalary.class.php | File of class to manage payment of salaries |
salariesstats.class.php | File of class to manage salary statistics |
salary.class.php | Class for salaries module payment |
► payment_salary | |
card.php | Tab to pay a salary |
► stats | |
index.php | Page for statistics of module salaries |
card.php | Page of salaries payments |
document.php | Page of linked files onto salaries |
info.php | Page with info about salaries contribution |
list.php | List of salaries |
paiement_salary.php | Page to add payment of a salary |
payments.php | List of salaries payments |
virement_request.php | |
► societe | |
► admin | |
contact_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of contact |
societe.php | Third party module setup page |
societe_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of third party |
► ajax | |
ajaxcompanies.php | File to return Ajax response on third parties request |
company.php | File to return Ajax response on thirdparty list request |
► canvas | |
► company | |
► tpl | |
card_create.tpl.php | |
card_edit.tpl.php | |
card_view.tpl.php | |
actions_card_company.class.php | File of Thirdparty card controller (default canvas) |
► individual | |
► tpl | |
card_create.tpl.php | |
card_edit.tpl.php | |
card_view.tpl.php | |
actions_card_individual.class.php | File for class for Thirdparty card controller with individual canvas |
actions_card_common.class.php | File for the abstract class to manage third parties |
► checkvat | |
checkVatGr.php | Request VAT details from the Greek Ministry of Finance GSIS SOAP web service |
checkVatPopup.php | Popup screen to validate VAT |
► class | |
api_contacts.class.php | |
api_thirdparties.class.php | |
client.class.php | File for class of customers |
companybankaccount.class.php | File of class to manage bank accounts description of third parties |
companypaymentmode.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for CompanyPaymentMode (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
societe.class.php | File for third party class |
societeaccount.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for web sites account - SocieteAccount (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► notify | |
card.php | Tab for notifications of third party |
► tpl | |
linesalesrepresentative.tpl.php | |
agenda.php | Page of third party events |
card.php | Third party card page |
consumption.php | Add a tab on thirdparty view to list all products/services bought or sells by thirdparty |
contact.php | Page of contacts of thirdparties |
document.php | Tab for documents linked to third party |
index.php | Home page for third parties area |
list.php | Page to show list of third parties |
messaging.php | Page of third party events |
note.php | Tab for notes on third party |
paymentmodes.php | Tab of payment modes for the customer |
price.php | Page to show product prices by customer |
project.php | Page of third party projects |
societecontact.php | Tab to manage differently contact |
website.php | Page of web sites accounts |
► stripe | |
► admin | |
stripe.php | Page to setup stripe module |
► ajax | |
ajax.php | Ajax action for Stipe ie: Terminal |
► class | |
actions_stripe.class.php | File Class actionsstripeconnect |
stripe.class.php | |
► lib | |
stripe.lib.php | Library for common stripe functions |
charge.php | |
config.php | Page to move config in api |
payout.php | |
transaction.php | |
► supplier_proposal | |
► admin | |
supplier_proposal_extrafields.php | |
supplier_proposaldet_extrafields.php | |
► class | |
api_supplier_proposals.class.php | |
supplier_proposal.class.php | File of class to manage supplier proposals |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
card.php | Card supplier proposal |
contact.php | Tab to manage contact of a supplier proposal |
document.php | |
index.php | Home page of vendor proposal area |
info.php | Page d'affichage des infos d'une proposition commerciale |
list.php | Page of supplier proposals card and list |
note.php | Page to show notes of a supplier proposal request |
► support | |
inc.php | File that define environment for support pages |
index.php | Provide an Online Help support |
► takepos | |
► admin | |
appearance.php | Setup page for TakePos module |
bar.php | Setup page for TakePos module - Bar Restaurant features |
orderprinters.php | Home page of category area |
other.php | Setup page for TakePos module |
printqr.php | Print QR Menu |
receipt.php | Setup page for TakePos module |
setup.php | Setup page for TakePos module |
terminal.php | Setup page for TakePos module |
► ajax | |
ajax.php | Ajax search component for TakePos |
► css | |
pos.css.php | File for CSS style for TakePOS |
► genimg | |
index.php | |
qr.php | |
► public | |
auto_order.php | Public orders for customers |
menu.php | Public menu for customers |
floors.php | Page to edit floors and tables |
freezone.php | Popup to enter a free line |
index.php | Main TakePOS screen |
invoice.php | Copyright (C) 2018 Andreu Bisquerra jove@.nosp@m.bisq.nosp@m.uerra.nosp@m..com Copyright (C) 2021 Nicolas ZABOURI info@.nosp@m.inov.nosp@m.ea-co.nosp@m.nsei.nosp@m.l.com Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Christophe Battarel chris.nosp@m.toph.nosp@m.e.bat.nosp@m.tare.nosp@m.l@alt.nosp@m.airi.nosp@m.s.fr Copyright (C) 2024 MDW mdewe.nosp@m.erd@.nosp@m.users.nosp@m..nor.nosp@m.eply..nosp@m.gith.nosp@m.ub.co.nosp@m.m |
pay.php | Page with the content of the popup to enter payments |
phone.php | TakePOS Phone screen |
printbox.php | Popup to enter details before printing |
receipt.php | Page to show a receipt |
reduction.php | Page with the content of the popup to enter reductions |
send.php | Page with the content of the popup to enter payments |
smpcb.php | Page with the content for smpcb payment |
split.php | Page with the content of the popup to split sale |
► theme | |
► eldy | |
badges.inc.php | |
btn.inc.php | |
dropdown.inc.php | |
emaillayout.inc.php | |
flags-sprite.inc.php | |
global.inc.php | File for CSS style sheet Eldy |
info-box.inc.php | |
main_menu_fa_icons.inc.php | |
manifest.json.php | File for The Web App (PWA) |
progress.inc.php | |
style.css.php | File for CSS style sheet Eldy |
theme_vars.inc.php | File to declare variables of CSS style sheet |
timeline.inc.php | |
► md | |
badges.inc.php | |
btn.inc.php | |
dropdown.inc.php | |
flags-sprite.inc.php | |
info-box.inc.php | |
main_menu_fa_icons.inc.php | |
manifest.json.php | File for The Web App (PWA) |
progress.inc.php | |
style.css.php | File for CSS style sheet Md (Material Design) |
theme_vars.inc.php | File to declare variables of CSS style sheet |
custom.css.php | |
► ticket | |
► class | |
actions_ticket.class.php | File Class ticket |
api_tickets.class.php | |
cticketcategory.class.php | |
ticket.class.php | Class file for object ticket |
ticketstats.class.php | File for class to manage the ticket stats |
► css | |
styles.css.php | File for CSS style sheet for ticket module |
► stats | |
index.php | Page with tickets statistics |
► tpl | |
linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | |
agenda.php | Page with events on ticket |
card.php | Page to create/edit/view Tickets |
contact.php | Contacts of tickets |
document.php | Files linked to a ticket |
index.php | |
list.php | List page for tickets |
messaging.php | Page with events on ticket |
► user | |
► admin | |
group_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of users |
user_extrafields.php | Page to setup extra fields of users |
► class | |
api_users.class.php | |
user.class.php | File of class to manage users |
userbankaccount.class.php | File of class to manage bank accounts description of users |
usergroup.class.php | File of class to manage user groups |
► group | |
card.php | Tab of a user group |
ldap.php | Page Record LDAP Group |
list.php | Page of user groups |
perms.php | Page to set permissions of a user group record |
► notify | |
card.php | Tab for notifications of third party |
agenda.php | Page for user events |
agenda_extsites.php | Page to setup external calendars for agenda module |
bank.php | Tab for HR and bank |
card.php | Tab of user card |
clicktodial.php | Page for Click to dial datas |
document.php | Tab for documents linked to user |
hierarchy.php | Page of hierarchy view of user module |
home.php | Home page of users and groups management |
ldap.php | Page fiche LDAP utilisateur |
list.php | Page of users |
logout.php | Page called to disconnect a user |
messaging.php | |
note.php | Fiche de notes sur un utilisateur Dolibarr |
param_ihm.php | Page to show user setup for display |
passwordforgotten.php | Page to ask a new password |
perms.php | Page to set permission of a user record |
vcard.php | Page to return a user vcard |
virtualcard.php | Page to setup a virtual card |
► variants | |
► admin | |
admin.php | |
► ajax | |
get_attribute_values.php | |
getCombinations.php | |
orderAttribute.php | |
► class | |
ProductAttribute.class.php | File of the ProductAttribute class |
ProductAttributeValue.class.php | |
ProductCombination.class.php | File of the ProductCombination class |
ProductCombination2ValuePair.class.php | File of the ProductCombination2ValuePair class |
► lib | |
variants.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Variants |
► tpl | |
productattributevalueline_create.tpl.php | |
productattributevalueline_edit.tpl.php | |
productattributevalueline_title.tpl.php | |
productattributevalueline_view.tpl.php | |
card.php | Page to show product attribute |
combinations.php | |
list.php | List page for product attribute |
► webhook | |
► ajax | |
webhook.php | File to make Ajax action on webhook |
► class | |
target.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Target (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► lib | |
webhook.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Webhook |
webhook_target.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Target |
target_card.php | Page to create/edit/view target |
target_list.php | List page for target |
► webportal | |
► admin | |
configcss.php | WebPortal setup page |
setup.php | WebPortal setup page |
setup_theme.php | |
► class | |
context.class.php | File of context class for WebPortal |
controller.class.php | File of controller class for WebPortal |
html.formcardwebportal.class.php | |
html.formlistwebportal.class.php | File of class with all html predefined components for WebPortal |
html.formwebportal.class.php | File of class with all html predefined components for WebPortal |
webportalinvoice.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for WebPortalInvoice (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
webportalmember.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for WebPortalMember (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
webportalorder.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for WebPortalOrder (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
webportalpartnership.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for WebPortalPartnership (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
webportalpropal.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for WebPortalPropal (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
webPortalTheme.class.php | File of class with theme definition for WebPortal |
► controllers | |
default.controller.class.php | This file is a controller for default |
document.controller.class.php | This file is a controller for documents |
invoicelist.controller.class.php | This file is a controller for invoice list |
login.controller.class.php | This file is a controller for login |
membercard.controller.class.php | This file is a controller for member card |
orderlist.controller.class.php | This file is a controller for order list |
partnershipcard.controller.class.php | This file is a controller for partnership card |
propallist.controller.class.php | This file is a controller for propal list |
► lib | |
webportal.lib.php | Library files with common functions for WebPortal |
► webservices | |
► admin | |
index.php | Page to setup webservices module |
index.php | |
server_actioncomm.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
server_category.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
server_contact.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
server_invoice.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
server_order.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
server_other.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
server_payment.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
server_productorservice.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
server_project.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
server_supplier_invoice.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
server_thirdparty.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
server_user.php | File that is entry point to call Dolibarr WebServices |
► website | |
► class | |
website.class.php | File for the CRUD class of website (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
websitepage.class.php | File for the CRUD class of websitepage (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► lib | |
websiteaccount.lib.php | Library files with common functions for WebsiteAccount |
► samples | |
wrapper.php | |
index.php | Page to website view/edit |
websiteaccount_card.php | Page to create/edit/view thirdparty website account |
► workstation | |
► class | |
api_workstations.class.php | File for API management of Workstations |
workstation.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Workstation (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
workstationresource.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for WorkstationResource (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
workstationusergroup.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for WorkstationUserGroup (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► lib | |
workstation.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Workstation |
workstation_workstation.lib.php | Library files with common functions for Workstation |
workstation_agenda.php | Tab of events on Workstation |
workstation_card.php | Page to create/edit/view workstation |
workstation_document.php | Tab for documents linked to Workstation |
workstation_list.php | List page for workstation |
workstation_note.php | Tab for notes on Workstation |
► zapier | |
► admin | |
about.php | About page of module Zapier |
setup.php | Zapier setup page |
► class | |
api_zapier.class.php | File for API management of Zapier hooks |
hook.class.php | This file is a CRUD class file for Zapier Hook record (Create/Read/Update/Delete) |
► lib | |
zapier.lib.php | Library files with common functions for ZapierForDolibarr |
document.php | Wrapper to download data files |
filefunc.inc.php | File that include conf.php file and commons lib like functions.lib.php |
index.php | Dolibarr home page |
main.inc.php | File that defines environment for Dolibarr GUI pages only (file not required by scripts) |
master.inc.php | File that defines environment for all Dolibarr process (pages or scripts) This script reads the conf file, init $lang, $db and and empty $user |
opcachepreload.php | File that preload PHP files |
viewimage.php | Wrapper to show images into Dolibarr screens |
▼ scripts | |
► bank | |
export-bank-receipts.php | Script file to export bank receipts into Excel files |
► company | |
sync_contacts_dolibarr2ldap.php | Script to update all contacts from Dolibarr into a LDAP database |
► contracts | |
email_expire_services_to_customers.php | Script to send a mail to customers with services to expire |
email_expire_services_to_representatives.php | Script to send a mail to dolibarr users linked to companies with services to expire |
► cron | |
cron_run_jobs.php | Execute pendings jobs from command line |
► doc | |
regenerate_docs.php | Regenerated main documents into documents directory |
► emailings | |
mailing-send.php | Script to send a prepared and validated emaling from command line |
reset-invalid-emails.php | Script to reset (set email to empty) from a list of email |
► invoices | |
email_unpaid_invoices_to_customers.php | Script to send a mail to customers with unpaid invoices |
email_unpaid_invoices_to_representatives.php | Script to send a mail to dolibarr users linked to companies with unpaid invoices |
rebuild_merge_pdf.php | Script to rebuild PDF and merge PDF files into one |
► members | |
sync_members_dolibarr2ldap.php | Copyright (C) 2005 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net |
sync_members_ldap2dolibarr.php | Copyright (C) 2005 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net |
sync_members_types_dolibarr2ldap.php | Copyright (C) 2005 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2006 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net Copyright (C) 2017 Regis Houssin regis.nosp@m..hou.nosp@m.ssin@.nosp@m.inod.nosp@m.box.c.nosp@m.om |
sync_members_types_ldap2dolibarr.php | Copyright (C) 2005 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net Copyright (C) 2013 Maxime Kohlhaas maxim.nosp@m.e@at.nosp@m.m-con.nosp@m.sult.nosp@m.ing.f.nosp@m.r Copyright (C) 2017 Regis Houssin regis.nosp@m..hou.nosp@m.ssin@.nosp@m.inod.nosp@m.box.c.nosp@m.om |
► product | |
migrate_picture_path.php | Migrate pictures from old system prior to 3.7 to new path for 3.7+ |
regenerate_thumbs.php | Regenerated thumbs of image files for products |
► user | |
migrate_picture_path.php | Migrate pictures from old system prior to 3.7 to new path for 3.7+ |
sync_groups_dolibarr2ldap.php | Copyright (C) 2005 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2006 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net |
sync_groups_ldap2dolibarr.php | Copyright (C) 2005 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net Copyright (C) 2013 Maxime Kohlhaas maxim.nosp@m.e@at.nosp@m.m-con.nosp@m.sult.nosp@m.ing.f.nosp@m.r |
sync_users_dolibarr2ldap.php | Copyright (C) 2005 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2006 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net |
sync_users_ldap2dolibarr.php | Copyright (C) 2005 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Laurent Destailleur eldy@.nosp@m.user.nosp@m.s.sou.nosp@m.rcef.nosp@m.orge..nosp@m.net |
► website | |
migrate-news-joomla2dolibarr.php | |
regenerate-pages.php | Regenerate all pages of a web site |
► withdrawals | |
build_withdrawal_file.php | Script de prelevement |