dolibarr 20.0.5
Module website

website module descriptor. More...


file  website.lib.php
 Library for website module.
file  website2.lib.php
 Library for website module (rare functions not required for execution of website)
file  index.php
 Wrapper to output pages when website is powered by Dolibarr instead of a native web server.
file  javascript.js.php
 Page to output style page.
file  styles.css.php
 Page to output style page.
file  website.php
 Page of web sites accounts.
file  website.class.php
 File for the CRUD class of website (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  websitepage.class.php
 File for the CRUD class of websitepage (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  index.php
 Page to website view/edit.
file  websiteaccount.lib.php
 Library files with common functions for WebsiteAccount.
file  websiteaccount_card.php
 Page to create/edit/view thirdparty website account.

Detailed Description

website module descriptor.