dolibarr 20.0.5
cidlookup.php File Reference

Script to search companies names based on incoming calls, from caller phone number. More...

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Detailed Description

Script to search companies names based on incoming calls, from caller phone number.

To use this script, your Asterisk must be compiled with CURL, and your dialplan must be something like this:
        exten => s,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=${CURL(http://IP-DOLIBARR:80/asterisk/cidlookup.php?phone=${CALLERID(num)}&securitykey=SECURITYKEY)})

    Change IP-DOLIBARR to the IP address of your dolibarr server
    Change SECURITYKEY to the value defined into your setup of module ClickToDial

Definition in file cidlookup.php.