dolibarr 21.0.0-alpha
Propal Class Reference

Class to manage proposals. More...

Inheritance diagram for Propal:
Collaboration diagram for Propal:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($db, $socid=0, $propalid=0)
 add_product ($idproduct, $qty, $remise_percent=0)
 Add line into array ->lines $this->thirdparty should be loaded.
 insert_discount ($idremise)
 Add a discount line into an proposal (as a proposal line) using an existing absolute discount (Consume the discount)
 addline ($desc, $pu_ht, $qty, $txtva, $txlocaltax1=0.0, $txlocaltax2=0.0, $fk_product=0, $remise_percent=0.0, $price_base_type='HT', $pu_ttc=0.0, $info_bits=0, $type=0, $rang=-1, $special_code=0, $fk_parent_line=0, $fk_fournprice=0, $pa_ht=0, $label='', $date_start='', $date_end='', $array_options=array(), $fk_unit=null, $origin='', $origin_id=0, $pu_ht_devise=0, $fk_remise_except=0, $noupdateafterinsertline=0)
 Add a proposal line into database (linked to product/service or not) The parameters are already supposed to be appropriate and with final values to the call of this method.
 updateline ($rowid, $pu, $qty, $remise_percent, $txtva, $txlocaltax1=0.0, $txlocaltax2=0.0, $desc='', $price_base_type='HT', $info_bits=0, $special_code=0, $fk_parent_line=0, $skip_update_total=0, $fk_fournprice=0, $pa_ht=0, $label='', $type=0, $date_start='', $date_end='', $array_options=array(), $fk_unit=null, $pu_ht_devise=0, $notrigger=0, $rang=0)
 Update a proposal line.
 deleteLine ($lineid, $id=0)
 Delete detail line.
 create ($user, $notrigger=0)
 Create commercial proposal into database this->ref can be set or empty.
 createFromClone (User $user, $socid=0, $forceentity=null, $update_prices=false, $update_desc=false)
 Load an object from its id and create a new one in database.
 fetch ($rowid, $ref='', $ref_ext='', $forceentity=0)
 Load a proposal from database.
 update (User $user, $notrigger=0)
 Update database.
 fetch_lines ($only_product=0, $loadalsotranslation=0, $sqlforgedfilters='')
 Load array lines.
 valid ($user, $notrigger=0)
 Set status to validated.
 set_date ($user, $date, $notrigger=0)
 Define proposal date.
 set_echeance ($user, $date_end_validity, $notrigger=0)
 Define end validity date.
 set_date_livraison ($user, $delivery_date, $notrigger=0)
 Set delivery date.
 setDeliveryDate ($user, $delivery_date, $notrigger=0)
 Set delivery date.
 set_availability ($user, $id, $notrigger=0)
 Set delivery.
 set_demand_reason ($user, $id, $notrigger=0)
 Set source of demand.
 set_ref_client ($user, $ref_client, $notrigger=0)
 Set customer reference number.
 reopen ($user, $status, $note='', $notrigger=0)
 Reopen the commercial proposal.
 closeProposal ($user, $status, $note_private='', $notrigger=0, $note_public='')
 Close/set the commercial proposal to status signed or refused (fill also date signature)
 classifyBilled (User $user, $notrigger=0, $note='')
 Classify the proposal to status Billed.
 setCancel (User $user)
 Cancel the proposal.
 setDraft ($user, $notrigger=0)
 Set draft status.
 liste_array ($shortlist=0, $draft=0, $notcurrentuser=0, $socid=0, $limit=0, $offset=0, $sortfield='p.datep', $sortorder='DESC')
 Return list of proposal (eventually filtered on user) into an array.
 getInvoiceArrayList ()
 Returns an array with the numbers of related invoices.
 InvoiceArrayList ($id)
 Returns an array with id and ref of related invoices.
 delete ($user, $notrigger=0)
 Delete proposal.
 availability ($availability_id, $notrigger=0)
 Change the delivery time.
 demand_reason ($demand_reason_id, $notrigger=0)
 Change source demand.
 info ($id)
 Object Proposal Information.
 getLibStatut ($mode=0)
 Return label of status of proposal (draft, validated, ...)
 LibStatut ($status, $mode=1)
 Return label of a status (draft, validated, ...)
 load_board ($user, $mode)
 Load indicators for dashboard (this->nbtodo and this->nbtodolate)
 initAsSpecimen ()
 Initialise an instance with random values.
 loadStateBoard ()
 Load the indicators this->nb for the state board.
 getNextNumRef ($soc)
 Returns the reference to the following non used Proposal used depending on the active numbering module defined into PROPALE_ADDON.
 getTooltipContentArray ($params)
 getNomUrl ($withpicto=0, $option='', $get_params='', $notooltip=0, $save_lastsearch_value=-1, $addlinktonotes=-1)
 Return clickable link of object (with eventually picto)
 getLinesArray ($sqlforgedfilters='')
 Retrieve an array of proposal lines.
 generateDocument ($modele, $outputlangs, $hidedetails=0, $hidedesc=0, $hideref=0, $moreparams=null)
 Create a document onto disk according to template module.
 getKanbanView ($option='', $arraydata=null)
 Return clickable link of object (with eventually picto)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CommonObject
 isEmpty ()
 isEmpty We consider CommonObject isEmpty if this->id is empty
 setErrorsFromObject ($object)
 getTooltipContent ($params)
 errorsToString ()
 Method to output saved errors.
 getFormatedCustomerRef ($objref)
 Return customer ref for screen output.
 getFormatedSupplierRef ($objref)
 Return supplier ref for screen output.
 getFullAddress ($withcountry=0, $sep="\n", $withregion=0, $extralangcode='')
 Return full address of contact.
 getLastMainDocLink ($modulepart, $initsharekey=0, $relativelink=0)
 Return the link of last main doc file for direct public download.
 add_contact ($fk_socpeople, $type_contact, $source='external', $notrigger=0)
 Add a link between element $this->element and a contact.
 copy_linked_contact ($objFrom, $source='internal')
 Copy contact from one element to current.
 update_contact ($rowid, $statut, $type_contact_id=0, $fk_socpeople=0)
 Update a link to contact line.
 delete_contact ($rowid, $notrigger=0)
 Delete a link to contact line.
 delete_linked_contact ($source='', $code='')
 Delete all links between an object $this and all its contacts in llx_element_contact.
 liste_contact ($statusoflink=-1, $source='external', $list=0, $code='', $status=-1, $arrayoftcids=array())
 Get array of all contacts for an object.
 swapContactStatus ($rowid)
 Update status of a contact linked to object.
 liste_type_contact ($source='internal', $order='position', $option=0, $activeonly=0, $code='')
 Return array with list of possible values for type of contacts.
 listeTypeContacts ($source='internal', $option=0, $activeonly=0, $code='', $element='', $excludeelement='')
 Return array with list of possible values for type of contacts.
 getIdContact ($source, $code, $status=0)
 Return id of contacts for a source and a contact code.
 fetch_contact ($contactid=null)
 Load object contact with id=$this->contact_id into $this->contact.
 fetch_thirdparty ($force_thirdparty_id=0)
 Load the third party of object, from id $this->socid or $this->fk_soc, into this->thirdparty.
 fetchOneLike ($ref)
 Looks for an object with ref matching the wildcard provided It does only work when $this->table_ref_field is set.
 fetch_barcode ()
 Load data for barcode into properties ->barcode_type* Properties ->barcode_type that is id of barcode.
 fetch_project ()
 Load the project with id $this->fk_project into this->project.
 fetch_projet ()
 Load the project with id $this->fk_project into this->project.
 fetch_product ()
 Load the product with id $this->fk_product into this->product.
 fetch_user ($userid)
 Load the user with id $userid into this->user.
 fetch_origin ()
 Read linked origin object.
 fetchObjectFrom ($table, $field, $key, $element=null)
 Load object from specific field.
 getValueFrom ($table, $id, $field)
 Getter generic.
 setValueFrom ($field, $value, $table='', $id=null, $format='', $id_field='', $fuser=null, $trigkey='', $fk_user_field='fk_user_modif')
 Setter generic.
 load_previous_next_ref ($filter, $fieldid, $nodbprefix=0)
 Load properties id_previous and id_next by comparing $fieldid with $this->ref.
 getListContactId ($source='external')
 Return list of id of contacts of object.
 setProject ($projectid, $notrigger=0)
 Link element with a project.
 setPaymentMethods ($id)
 Change the payments methods.
 setMulticurrencyCode ($code)
 Change the multicurrency code.
 setPaymentTerms ($id, $deposit_percent=null)
 Change the payments terms.
 setTransportMode ($id)
 Change the transport mode methods.
 setRetainedWarrantyPaymentTerms ($id)
 Change the retained warranty payments terms.
 setDeliveryAddress ($id)
 Define delivery address.
 setShippingMethod ($shipping_method_id, $notrigger=0, $userused=null)
 Change the shipping method.
 setWarehouse ($warehouse_id)
 Change the warehouse.
 setDocModel ($user, $modelpdf)
 Set last model used by doc generator.
 setBankAccount ($fk_account, $notrigger=0, $userused=null)
 Change the bank account.
 line_order ($renum=false, $rowidorder='ASC', $fk_parent_line=true)
 Save a new position (field rang) for details lines.
 getChildrenOfLine ($id, $includealltree=0)
 Get children of line.
 line_up ($rowid, $fk_parent_line=true)
 Update a line to have a lower rank.
 line_down ($rowid, $fk_parent_line=true)
 Update a line to have a higher rank.
 updateRangOfLine ($rowid, $rang)
 Update position of line (rang)
 line_ajaxorder ($rows)
 Update position of line with ajax (rang)
 updateLineUp ($rowid, $rang)
 Update position of line up (rang)
 updateLineDown ($rowid, $rang, $max)
 Update position of line down (rang)
 getRangOfLine ($rowid)
 Get position of line (rang)
 getIdOfLine ($rang)
 Get rowid of the line relative to its position.
 line_max ($fk_parent_line=0)
 Get max value used for position of line (rang)
 update_ref_ext ($ref_ext)
 Update external ref of element.
 update_note ($note, $suffix='', $notrigger=0)
 Update note of element.
 update_note_public ($note)
 Update public note (kept for backward compatibility)
 update_price ($exclspec=0, $roundingadjust='auto', $nodatabaseupdate=0, $seller=null)
 Update total_ht, total_ttc, total_vat, total_localtax1, total_localtax2 for an object (sum of lines).
 add_object_linked ($origin=null, $origin_id=null, $f_user=null, $notrigger=0)
 Add an object link into llx_element_element.
 getElementType ()
 Return an element type string formatted like element_element target_type and source_type.
 fetchObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $clause='OR', $alsosametype=1, $orderby='sourcetype', $loadalsoobjects=1)
 Fetch array of objects linked to current object (object of enabled modules only).
 clearObjectLinkedCache ()
 Clear the cache saying that all linked object were already loaded.
 updateObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $f_user=null, $notrigger=0)
 Update object linked of a current object.
 deleteObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $rowid=0, $f_user=null, $notrigger=0)
 Delete all links between an object $this.
 setStatut ($status, $elementId=null, $elementType='', $trigkey='', $fieldstatus='fk_statut')
 Set status of an object.
 getCanvas ($id=0, $ref='')
 Load type of canvas of an object if it exists.
 getSpecialCode ($lineid)
 Get special code of a line.
 isObjectUsed ($id=0, $entity=0)
 Function to check if an object is used by others (by children).
 hasProductsOrServices ($predefined=-1)
 Function to say how many lines object contains.
 getTotalDiscount ()
 Function that returns the total amount HT of discounts applied for all lines.
 getTotalWeightVolume ()
 Return into unit=0, the calculated total of weight and volume of all lines * qty Calculate by adding weight and volume of each product line, so properties ->volume/volume_units/weight/weight_units must be loaded on line.
 setExtraParameters ()
 Set extra parameters.
 formAddObjectLine ($dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl')
 Show add free and predefined products/services form.
 printObjectLines ($action, $seller, $buyer, $selected=0, $dateSelector=0, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl')
 Return HTML table for object lines TODO Move this into an output class file (htmlline.class.php) If lines are into a template, title must also be into a template But for the moment we don't know if it's possible as we keep a method available on overloaded objects.
 printObjectLine ($action, $line, $var, $num, $i, $dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $selected=0, $extrafields=null, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl')
 Return HTML content of a detail line TODO Move this into an output class file (htmlline.class.php)
 printOriginLinesList ($restrictlist='', $selectedLines=array())
 Return HTML table table of source object lines TODO Move this and previous function into output html class file (htmlline.class.php).
 printOriginLine ($line, $var, $restrictlist='', $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl', $selectedLines=array())
 Return HTML with a line of table array of source object lines TODO Move this and previous function into output html class file (htmlline.class.php).
 add_element_resource ($resource_id, $resource_type, $busy=0, $mandatory=0)
 Add resources to the current object : add entry into llx_element_resources Need $this->element & $this->id.
 delete_resource ($rowid, $element, $notrigger=0)
 Delete a link to resource line.
 __clone ()
 Overwrite magic function to solve problem of cloning object that are kept as references.
 indexFile ($destfull, $update_main_doc_field)
 Index a file into the ECM database.
 addThumbs ($file)
 Build thumb.
 delThumbs ($file)
 Delete thumbs.
 getDefaultCreateValueFor ($fieldname, $alternatevalue=null, $type='alphanohtml')
 Return the default value to use for a field when showing the create form of object.
 call_trigger ($triggerName, $user)
 Call trigger based on this instance.
 fetchValuesForExtraLanguages ()
 Function to get alternative languages of a data into $this->array_languages This method is NOT called by method fetch of objects but must be called separately.
 setValuesForExtraLanguages ($onlykey='')
 Fill array_options property of object by extrafields value (using for data sent by forms)
 fetchNoCompute ($id)
 Function to make a fetch but set environment to avoid to load computed values before.
 fetch_optionals ($rowid=null, $optionsArray=null)
 Function to get extra fields of an object into $this->array_options This method is in most cases called by method fetch of objects but you can call it separately.
 deleteExtraFields ()
 Delete all extra fields values for the current object.
 insertExtraFields ($trigger='', $userused=null)
 Add/Update all extra fields values for the current object.
 insertExtraLanguages ($trigger='', $userused=null)
 Add/Update all extra fields values for the current object.
 updateExtraField ($key, $trigger=null, $userused=null)
 Update 1 extra field value for the current object.
 getExtraField ($key)
 Convenience method for retrieving the value of an extrafield without actually fetching it from the database.
 setExtraField ($key, $value)
 Convenience method for setting the value of an extrafield without actually updating it in the database.
 updateExtraLanguages ($key, $trigger=null, $userused=null)
 Update an extra language value for the current object.
 showInputField ($val, $key, $value, $moreparam='', $keysuffix='', $keyprefix='', $morecss=0, $nonewbutton=0)
 Return HTML string to put an input field into a page Code very similar with showInputField of extra fields.
 clearFieldError ($fieldKey)
 clear validation message result for a field
 setFieldError ($fieldKey, $msg='')
 set validation error message a field
 getFieldError ($fieldKey)
 get field error message
 validateField ($fields, $fieldKey, $fieldValue)
 Return validation test result for a field.
 showOptionals ($extrafields, $mode='view', $params=null, $keysuffix='', $keyprefix='', $onetrtd='', $display_type='card')
 Function to show lines of extrafields with output data.
 getJSListDependancies ($type='_extra')
 getRights ()
 Returns the rights used for this class.
 defineBuyPrice ($unitPrice=0.0, $discountPercent=0.0, $fk_product=0)
 Get buy price to use for margin calculation.
 getDataToShowPhoto ($modulepart, $imagesize)
 Function used to get the logos or photos of an object.
 show_photos ($modulepart, $sdir, $size=0, $nbmax=0, $nbbyrow=5, $showfilename=0, $showaction=0, $maxHeight=120, $maxWidth=160, $nolink=0, $overwritetitle=0, $usesharelink=0, $cache='', $addphotorefcss='photoref')
 Show photos of an object (nbmax maximum), into several columns.
 isDate ($info)
 Function test if type is date.
 isDuration ($info)
 Function test if type is duration.
 isInt ($info)
 Function test if type is integer.
 isFloat ($info)
 Function test if type is float.
 isText ($info)
 Function test if type is text.
 setVarsFromFetchObj (&$obj)
 Function to load data from a SQL pointer into properties of current object $this.
 emtpyObjectVars ()
 Sets all object fields to null.
 getFieldList ($alias='', $excludefields=array())
 Function to concat keys of fields.
 createCommon (User $user, $notrigger=0)
 Create object in the database.
 fetchCommon ($id, $ref=null, $morewhere='', $noextrafields=0)
 Load object in memory from the database.
 fetchLinesCommon ($morewhere='', $noextrafields=0)
 Load object in memory from the database.
 updateCommon (User $user, $notrigger=0)
 Update object into database.
 deleteCommon (User $user, $notrigger=0, $forcechilddeletion=0)
 Delete object in database.
 deleteByParentField ($parentId=0, $parentField='', $filter='', $filtermode="AND")
 Delete all child object from a parent ID.
 deleteLineCommon (User $user, $idline, $notrigger=0)
 Delete a line of object in database.
 setStatusCommon ($user, $status, $notrigger=0, $triggercode='')
 Set to a status.
 initAsSpecimenCommon ()
 Initialise object with example values Id must be 0 if object instance is a specimen.
 fetchComments ()
 Load comments linked with current task.
 getNbComments ()
 Return nb comments already posted.
 trimParameters ($parameters)
 Trim object parameters.
 getCategoriesCommon ($type_categ)
 Sets object to given categories.
 setCategoriesCommon ($categories, $type_categ='', $remove_existing=true)
 Sets object to given categories.
 cloneCategories ($fromId, $toId, $type='')
 Copy related categories to another object.
 deleteEcmFiles ($mode=0)
 Delete related files of object in database.

Static Public Member Functions

static replaceThirdparty (DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id)
 Function used to replace a thirdparty id with another one.
static replaceProduct (DoliDB $db, $origin_id, $dest_id)
 Function used to replace a product id with another one.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CommonObject
static isExistingObject ($element, $id, $ref='', $ref_ext='')
 Check if an object id or ref exists If you don't need or want to instantiate the object and just need to know if the object exists, use this method instead of fetch.
static getAllItemsLinkedByObjectID ($fk_object_where, $field_select, $field_where, $table_element)
 Function used to get an array with all items linked to an object id in association table.
static getCountOfItemsLinkedByObjectID ($fk_object_where, $field_where, $table_element)
 Count items linked to an object id in association table.
static deleteAllItemsLinkedByObjectID ($fk_object_where, $field_where, $table_element)
 Function used to remove all items linked to an object id in association table.
static commonReplaceThirdparty (DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id, array $tables, $ignoreerrors=0)
 Function used to replace a thirdparty id with another one.
static commonReplaceProduct (DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id, array $tables, $ignoreerrors=0)
 Function used to replace a product id with another one.

Public Attributes

 Canceled status.
const STATUS_DRAFT = 0
 Draft status.
 Validated status.
 Signed quote.
 Not signed quote.
 Billed or processed quote.
- Public Attributes inherited from CommonObject

Protected Attributes

 $table_ref_field = 'ref'

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from CommonObject
 deprecatedProperties ()
 Provide list of deprecated properties and replacements.
 commonGenerateDocument ($modelspath, $modele, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref, $moreparams=null)
 Common function for all objects extending CommonObject for generating documents.
 isArray ($info)
 Function test if type is array.
 canBeNull ($info)
 Function test if field can be null.
 isForcedToNullIfZero ($info)
 Function test if field is forced to null if zero or empty.
 isIndex ($info)
 Function test if is indexed.
 setSaveQuery ()
 Function to return the array of data key-value from the ->fields and all the ->properties of an object.
 quote ($value, $fieldsentry)
 Add quote to field value if necessary.

Detailed Description

Class to manage proposals.

Definition at line 54 of file propal.class.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Propal::__construct ( $db,
$socid = 0,
$propalid = 0 )


DoliDB$dbDatabase handler
int$socidId third party
int$propalidId proposal

Definition at line 446 of file propal.class.php.

References getDolGlobalInt().

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_product()

Propal::add_product ( $idproduct,
$remise_percent = 0 )

Add line into array ->lines $this->thirdparty should be loaded.

int$idproductProduct Id to add
float$remise_percentDiscount effected on Product
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

TODO Replace calls to this function by generation object Ligne

Definition at line 470 of file propal.class.php.

References $price, dol_syslog(), get_default_npr(), get_default_tva(), and get_localtax().

◆ addline()

Propal::addline ( $desc,
$txlocaltax1 = 0.0,
$txlocaltax2 = 0.0,
$fk_product = 0,
$remise_percent = 0.0,
$price_base_type = 'HT',
$pu_ttc = 0.0,
$info_bits = 0,
$type = 0,
$rang = -1,
$special_code = 0,
$fk_parent_line = 0,
$fk_fournprice = 0,
$pa_ht = 0,
$label = '',
$date_start = '',
$date_end = '',
$array_options = array(),
$fk_unit = null,
$origin = '',
$origin_id = 0,
$pu_ht_devise = 0,
$fk_remise_except = 0,
$noupdateafterinsertline = 0 )

Add a proposal line into database (linked to product/service or not) The parameters are already supposed to be appropriate and with final values to the call of this method.

Also, for the VAT rate, it must have already been defined by whose calling the method get_default_tva (societe_vendeuse, societe_acheteuse, '' product) and desc must already have the right value (it's up to the caller to manage multilanguage)

string$descDescription of line
float$pu_htUnit price
float | string$txtvaForce Vat rate, -1 for auto (Can contain the vat_src_code too with syntax '9.9 (CODE)')
float$txlocaltax1Local tax 1 rate (deprecated, use instead txtva with code inside)
float$txlocaltax2Local tax 2 rate (deprecated, use instead txtva with code inside)
int$fk_productProduct/Service ID predefined
float$remise_percentPourcentage de remise de la ligne
string$price_base_typeHT or TTC
float$pu_ttcPrix unitaire TTC
int$info_bitsBits for type of lines
int$typeType of line (0=product, 1=service). Not used if fk_product is defined, the type of product is used.
int$rangPosition of line
int$special_codeSpecial code (also used by externals modules!)
int$fk_parent_lineId of parent line
int$fk_fournpriceId supplier price
int$pa_htBuying price without tax
int | string$date_startStart date of the line
int | string$date_endEnd date of the line
array$array_optionsextrafields array
int | null$fk_unitCode of the unit to use. Null to use the default one
string$originDepend on global conf MAIN_CREATEFROM_KEEP_LINE_ORIGIN_INFORMATION can be 'orderdet', 'propaldet'..., else 'order','propal,'....
int$origin_idDepend on global conf MAIN_CREATEFROM_KEEP_LINE_ORIGIN_INFORMATION can be Id of origin object (aka line id), else object id
double$pu_ht_deviseUnit price in currency
int$fk_remise_exceptId discount if line is from a discount
int$noupdateafterinsertlineNo update after insert of line
int >0 if OK, <0 if KO
See also

Definition at line 632 of file propal.class.php.

References $price, calcul_price_total(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalString(), getLocalTaxesFromRate(), CommonObject\line_max(), CommonObject\line_order(), price2num(), CommonObject\update_price(), and CommonObject\updateRangOfLine().

Referenced by create().

◆ availability()

Propal::availability ( $availability_id,
$notrigger = 0 )

Change the delivery time.

int$availability_idId of new delivery time
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int >0 if OK, <0 if KO
use set_availability

Definition at line 3188 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_syslog(), and status.

Referenced by fetch().

◆ classifyBilled()

Propal::classifyBilled ( User $user,
$notrigger = 0,
$note = '' )

Classify the proposal to status Billed.

User$userObject user
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
string$noteComplete private note with this note
int Return integer <0 if KO, 0 = nothing done, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2703 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_concatdesc(), dol_now(), dol_syslog(), generateDocument(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), GETPOST(), status, and STATUS_BILLED.

◆ closeProposal()

Propal::closeProposal ( $user,
$note_private = '',
$notrigger = 0,
$note_public = '' )

Close/set the commercial proposal to status signed or refused (fill also date signature)

User$userObject user that close
int$statusStatus (self\STATUS_BILLED or self\STATUS_REFUSED)
string$note_privateComplete private note with this note
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0=Execute triggers
string$note_publicComplete public note with this note
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2586 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_concatdesc(), dol_now(), generateDocument(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), GETPOST(), info(), and status.

◆ create()

Propal::create ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Create commercial proposal into database this->ref can be set or empty.

If empty, we will use "(PROVid)"

User$userUser that create
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int Return integer <0 if KO, >=0 if OK

Definition at line 1102 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\add_object_linked(), addline(), CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_now(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), CommonObject\fetch_thirdparty(), getDolGlobalString(), MultiCurrency\getIdAndTxFromCode(), MultiCurrency\getIdFromCode(), CommonObject\insertExtraFields(), isDolTms(), CommonObject\isExistingObject(), ref, and CommonObject\update_price().

◆ createFromClone()

Propal::createFromClone ( User $user,
$socid = 0,
$forceentity = null,
$update_prices = false,
$update_desc = false )

Load an object from its id and create a new one in database.

User$userUser making the clone
int$socidId of thirdparty
int$forceentityEntity id to force
bool$update_prices[=false] Update prices if true
bool$update_desc[=false] Update description if true
int New id of clone

Definition at line 1421 of file propal.class.php.

References $object, dol_include_once(), dol_now(), dol_syslog(), get_default_tva(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), price(), CommonObject\setErrorsFromObject(), and STATUS_DRAFT.

◆ delete()

Propal::delete ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Delete proposal.

User$userObject user that delete
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int >0 if OK, <=0 if KO

Definition at line 3065 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), CommonObject\delete_linked_contact(), CommonObject\deleteEcmFiles(), CommonObject\deleteExtraFields(), CommonObject\deleteObjectLinked(), dol_delete_dir_recursive(), dol_delete_file(), dol_delete_preview(), dol_sanitizeFileName(), dol_syslog(), and ref.

◆ deleteLine()

Propal::deleteLine ( $lineid,
$id = 0 )

Delete detail line.

int$lineidId of line to delete
int$idId of object (for a check)
int >0 if OK, <0 if KO

Definition at line 1053 of file propal.class.php.

References status, and CommonObject\update_price().

◆ demand_reason()

Propal::demand_reason ( $demand_reason_id,
$notrigger = 0 )

Change source demand.

int$demand_reason_idId of new source demand
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int >0 si ok, <0 si ko
use set_demand_reason

Definition at line 3251 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_syslog(), and status.

Referenced by fetch().

◆ fetch()

Propal::fetch ( $rowid,
$ref = '',
$ref_ext = '',
$forceentity = 0 )

Load a proposal from database.

Get also lines.

int$rowidId of object to load
string$refRef of proposal
string$ref_extRef ext of proposal
int$forceentityEntity id to force when searching on ref or ref_ext
int >0 if OK, <0 if KO

Definition at line 1608 of file propal.class.php.

References availability(), demand_reason(), dol_syslog(), fetch_lines(), CommonObject\fetch_optionals(), getEntity(), ref, and status.

◆ fetch_lines()

Propal::fetch_lines ( $only_product = 0,
$loadalsotranslation = 0,
$sqlforgedfilters = '' )

Load array lines.

int$only_productReturn only physical products
int$loadalsotranslationReturn translation for products
string$sqlforgedfiltersFilter on other fields
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 1887 of file propal.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalInt(), and getMarginInfos().

Referenced by fetch(), and getLinesArray().

◆ generateDocument()

Propal::generateDocument ( $modele,
$hidedetails = 0,
$hidedesc = 0,
$hideref = 0,
$moreparams = null )

Create a document onto disk according to template module.

string$modeleForce model to use ('' to not force)
Translate$outputlangsObject langs to use for output
int$hidedetailsHide details of lines
int$hidedescHide description
int$hiderefHide ref
null | array$moreparamsArray to provide more information
int 0 if KO, 1 if OK

Definition at line 3926 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\commonGenerateDocument(), dol_strlen(), and getDolGlobalString().

Referenced by classifyBilled(), and closeProposal().

◆ getInvoiceArrayList()

Propal::getInvoiceArrayList ( )

Returns an array with the numbers of related invoices.

array Array of invoices

Definition at line 2980 of file propal.class.php.

References InvoiceArrayList().

◆ getKanbanView()

Propal::getKanbanView ( $option = '',
$arraydata = null )

Return clickable link of object (with eventually picto)

string$optionWhere point the link (0=> main card, 1,2 => shipment, 'nolink'=>No link)
array{string,mixed}$arraydata Array of data
string HTML Code for Kanban thumb.

Reimplemented in WebPortalPropal.

Definition at line 3989 of file propal.class.php.

References getNomUrl(), img_picto(), and price().

◆ getLibStatut()

Propal::getLibStatut ( $mode = 0)

Return label of status of proposal (draft, validated, ...)

int$mode0=Long label, 1=Short label, 2=Picto + Short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + Long label, 5=Short label + Picto, 6=Long label + Picto
string Label

Reimplemented in WebPortalPropal.

Definition at line 3358 of file propal.class.php.

References LibStatut(), and status.

◆ getLinesArray()

Propal::getLinesArray ( $sqlforgedfilters = '')

Retrieve an array of proposal lines.

string$sqlforgedfiltersFilter on other fields
int >0 if OK, <0 if KO

Definition at line 3910 of file propal.class.php.

References fetch_lines().

◆ getNextNumRef()

Propal::getNextNumRef ( $soc)

Returns the reference to the following non used Proposal used depending on the active numbering module defined into PROPALE_ADDON.

Societe$socObject thirdparty
string Reference libre pour la propale

Definition at line 3658 of file propal.class.php.

References dol_buildpath(), dol_print_error(), and getDolGlobalString().

Referenced by valid().

◆ getNomUrl()

Propal::getNomUrl ( $withpicto = 0,
$option = '',
$get_params = '',
$notooltip = 0,
$save_lastsearch_value = -1,
$addlinktonotes = -1 )

Return clickable link of object (with eventually picto)

int$withpictoAdd picto into link
string$optionWhere point the link ('expedition', 'document', ...)
string$get_paramsParameters added to url
int$notooltip1=Disable tooltip
int$save_lastsearch_value-1=Auto, 0=No save of lastsearch_values when clicking, 1=Save lastsearch_values whenclicking
int$addlinktonotes-1=Disable, 0=Just add label show notes, 1=Add private note (only internal user), 2=Add public note (internal or external user), 3=Add private (internal user) and public note (internal and external user)
string String with URL

Reimplemented in WebPortalPropal.

Definition at line 3778 of file propal.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_string_nohtmltag(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), getTooltipContentArray(), img_object(), and img_picto().

Referenced by getKanbanView().

◆ getTooltipContentArray()

Propal::getTooltipContentArray ( $params)


array<string,mixed>$params params to construct tooltip data

Reimplemented from CommonObject.

Reimplemented in WebPortalPropal.

Definition at line 3709 of file propal.class.php.

References dol_print_date(), CommonObject\fetch_project(), CommonObject\fetch_thirdparty(), getDolGlobalString(), img_picto(), price(), ref, and status.

Referenced by getNomUrl().

◆ info()

Propal::info ( $id)

Object Proposal Information.

int$idProposal id

Definition at line 3313 of file propal.class.php.

References dol_print_error().

Referenced by closeProposal().

◆ initAsSpecimen()

Propal::initAsSpecimen ( )

Initialise an instance with random values.

Used to build previews or test instances. id must be 0 if object instance is a specimen.


Definition at line 3517 of file propal.class.php.

References ref.

◆ insert_discount()

Propal::insert_discount ( $idremise)

Add a discount line into an proposal (as a proposal line) using an existing absolute discount (Consume the discount)

int$idremiseId of fixed discount from table llx_societe_remise_except
int >0 if OK, <0 if KO

Definition at line 530 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\update_price().

◆ InvoiceArrayList()

Propal::InvoiceArrayList ( $id)

Returns an array with id and ref of related invoices.

int$idId propal
array|int Array of invoices id

Definition at line 2992 of file propal.class.php.

References $object, dol_syslog(), and CommonObject\fetchObjectLinked().

Referenced by getInvoiceArrayList().

◆ LibStatut()

Propal::LibStatut ( $status,
$mode = 1 )

Return label of a status (draft, validated, ...)

int$statusId status
int$mode0=Long label, 1=Short label, 2=Picto + Short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + Long label, 5=Short label + Picto, 6=Long label + Picto
string Label

Reimplemented in WebPortalPropal.

Definition at line 3371 of file propal.class.php.

Referenced by getLibStatut().

◆ liste_array()

Propal::liste_array ( $shortlist = 0,
$draft = 0,
$notcurrentuser = 0,
$socid = 0,
$limit = 0,
$offset = 0,
$sortfield = 'p.datep',
$sortorder = 'DESC' )

Return list of proposal (eventually filtered on user) into an array.

int$shortlist0=Return array[id]=ref, 1=Return array[](id=>id,ref=>ref,name=>name)
int$draft0=not draft, 1=draft
int$notcurrentuser0=all user, 1=not current user
int$socidId third party
int$limitFor pagination
int$offsetFor pagination
string$sortfieldSort criteria
string$sortorderSort order
array|int -1 if KO, array with result if OK

Definition at line 2906 of file propal.class.php.

References dol_print_error().

◆ load_board()

Propal::load_board ( $user,
$mode )

Load indicators for dashboard (this->nbtodo and this->nbtodolate)

User$userObject user
string$mode"opened" for proposal to close, "signed" for proposal to invoice
WorkboardResponse|int Return integer <0 if KO, WorkboardResponse if OK

Definition at line 3428 of file propal.class.php.

References dol_now(), getEntity(), img_object(), STATUS_SIGNED, and STATUS_VALIDATED.

◆ loadStateBoard()

Propal::loadStateBoard ( )

Load the indicators this->nb for the state board.

int Return integer <0 if ko, >0 if ok

Definition at line 3609 of file propal.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), and getEntity().

◆ reopen()

Propal::reopen ( $user,
$note = '',
$notrigger = 0 )

Reopen the commercial proposal.

User$userObject user that close
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2526 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_syslog(), and status.

◆ replaceProduct()

static Propal::replaceProduct ( DoliDB $db,
$dest_id )

Function used to replace a product id with another one.

DoliDB$dbDatabase handler
int$origin_idOld product id
int$dest_idNew product id

Definition at line 3973 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\commonReplaceProduct().

◆ replaceThirdparty()

static Propal::replaceThirdparty ( DoliDB $dbs,
$dest_id )

Function used to replace a thirdparty id with another one.

DoliDB$dbsDatabase handler, because function is static we name it $dbs not $db to avoid breaking coding test
int$origin_idOld thirdparty id
int$dest_idNew thirdparty id

Definition at line 3956 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\commonReplaceThirdparty().

◆ set_availability()

Propal::set_availability ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Set delivery.

User$userObject user that modify
int$idAvailability id
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2340 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), and dol_syslog().

◆ set_date()

Propal::set_date ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Define proposal date.

User$userObject user that modify
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2145 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), and dol_syslog().

◆ set_date_livraison()

Propal::set_date_livraison ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Set delivery date.

User$userObject user that modify
int$delivery_dateDelivery date
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int Return integer <0 if ko, >0 if ok
Use setDeliveryDate

Definition at line 2269 of file propal.class.php.

References setDeliveryDate().

◆ set_demand_reason()

Propal::set_demand_reason ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Set source of demand.

User$userObject user that modify
int$idInput reason id
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2403 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), and dol_syslog().

◆ set_echeance()

Propal::set_echeance ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Define end validity date.

User$userObject user that modify
int$date_end_validityEnd of validity date
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2209 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), and dol_syslog().

◆ set_ref_client()

Propal::set_ref_client ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Set customer reference number.

User$userObject user that modify
string$ref_clientCustomer reference
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int Return integer <0 if ko, >0 if ok

Definition at line 2468 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), and dol_syslog().

◆ setCancel()

Propal::setCancel ( User $user)

Cancel the proposal.

User$userObject user
int Return integer if KO <0 , if OK >0

Definition at line 2787 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_syslog(), status, and STATUS_CANCELED.

◆ setDeliveryDate()

Propal::setDeliveryDate ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Set delivery date.

User$userObject user that modify
int$delivery_dateDelivery date
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int Return integer <0 if ko, >0 if ok

Definition at line 2283 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), and dol_syslog().

Referenced by set_date_livraison().

◆ setDraft()

Propal::setDraft ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Set draft status.

User$userObject user that modify
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2837 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_syslog(), status, and STATUS_DRAFT.

◆ update()

Propal::update ( User $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Update database.

User$userUser that modify
int$notrigger0=launch triggers after, 1=disable triggers
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 1776 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_syslog(), CommonObject\insertExtraFields(), ref, and status.

◆ updateline()

Propal::updateline ( $rowid,
$txlocaltax1 = 0.0,
$txlocaltax2 = 0.0,
$desc = '',
$price_base_type = 'HT',
$info_bits = 0,
$special_code = 0,
$fk_parent_line = 0,
$skip_update_total = 0,
$fk_fournprice = 0,
$pa_ht = 0,
$label = '',
$type = 0,
$date_start = '',
$date_end = '',
$array_options = array(),
$fk_unit = null,
$pu_ht_devise = 0,
$notrigger = 0,
$rang = 0 )

Update a proposal line.

int$rowidId of line
float$puUnit price (HT or TTC depending on price_base_type)
float$remise_percentDiscount on line
float | string$txtvaVAT Rate (Can be '1.23' or '1.23 (ABC)')
float$txlocaltax1Local tax 1 rate
float$txlocaltax2Local tax 2 rate
string$price_base_typeHT or TTC
int$info_bitsMiscellaneous information
int$special_codeSpecial code (also used by externals modules!)
int$fk_parent_lineId of parent line (0 in most cases, used by modules adding sublevels into lines).
int$skip_update_totalKeep fields total_xxx to 0 (used for special lines by some modules)
int$fk_fournpriceId of origin supplier price
int$pa_htPrice (without tax) of product when it was bought
int | string$date_startStart date of the line
int | string$date_endEnd date of the line
array$array_optionsextrafields array
int | null$fk_unitCode of the unit to use. Null to use the default one
double$pu_ht_deviseUnit price in currency
int$notriggerdisable line update trigger
integer$rangline rank
int 0 if OK, <0 if KO

Definition at line 878 of file propal.class.php.

References $price, calcul_price_total(), dol_syslog(), getLocalTaxesFromRate(), CommonObject\line_max(), CommonObject\line_order(), price2num(), status, and CommonObject\update_price().

◆ valid()

Propal::valid ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Set status to validated.

User$userObject user that validate
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0=execute triggers
int Return integer <0 if KO, 0=Nothing done, >=0 if OK

Definition at line 2018 of file propal.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_dir_list(), dol_now(), dol_print_error(), dol_sanitizeFileName(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalString(), getNextNumRef(), ref, status, STATUS_DRAFT, and STATUS_VALIDATED.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $price

See also

Definition at line 211 of file propal.class.php.

Referenced by add_product(), addline(), and updateline().

◆ $total

See also

Definition at line 222 of file propal.class.php.

◆ $tva

See also

Definition at line 217 of file propal.class.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: