dolibarr 21.0.0-alpha
Setup Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Setup:
Collaboration diagram for Setup:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 getListOfActionTriggers ($sortfield="t.rowid", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $elementtype='', $lang='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of Action Triggers.
 getOrderingMethods ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of ordering methods.
 getOrderingOrigins ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of ordering origins.
 getPaymentTypes ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of payments types.
 getListOfRegions ($sortfield="code_region", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $country=0, $filter='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of regions.
 getRegionByID ($id)
 Get region by ID.
 getRegionByCode ($code)
 Get region by Code.
 getListOfStates ($sortfield="code_departement", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $country=0, $filter='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of states/provinces.
 getStateByID ($id)
 Get state by ID.
 getStateByCode ($code)
 Get state by Code.
 getListOfCountries ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $filter='', $lang='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of countries.
 getCountryByID ($id, $lang='')
 Get country by ID.
 getCountryByCode ($code, $lang='')
 Get country by Code.
 getCountryByISO ($iso, $lang='')
 Get country by Iso.
 getAvailability ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of delivery times.
 getListOfEventTypes ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $type='', $module='', $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of events types.
 getListOfExpenseReportsTypes ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $module='', $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of Expense Report types.
 getListOfContactTypes ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $type='', $module='', $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of contacts types.
 getListOfCivilities ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $module='', $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of civilities.
 getListOfCurrencies ($multicurrency=0, $sortfield="code_iso", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of currencies.
 getListOfExtrafields ($sortfield="t.pos", $sortorder='ASC', $elementtype='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of extra fields.
 deleteExtrafieldsFromNames ($attrname, $elementtype)
 Delete extrafield.
 getExtrafields ($attrname, $elementtype)
 get Extrafield object
 postExtrafields ($attrname, $elementtype, $request_data=null)
 Create Extrafield object.
 updateExtrafields ($attrname, $elementtype, $request_data=null)
 Update Extrafield object.
 getListOfTowns ($sortfield="zip,town", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $zipcode='', $town='', $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of towns.
 getPaymentTerms ($sortfield="sortorder", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of payments terms.
 getShippingModes ($limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of shipping methods.
 getListOfMeasuringUnits ($sortfield="rowid", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of measuring units.
 getListOfLegalForm ($sortfield="rowid", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $country=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of legal form of business.
 getListOfStaff ($sortfield="id", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of staff.
 getListOfsocialNetworks ($sortfield="rowid", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of social networks.
 getTicketsCategories ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of tickets categories.
 getTicketsSeverities ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of tickets severity.
 getTicketsTypes ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of tickets types.
 getListOfIncoterms ($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='')
 Get the list of incoterms.
 getCompany ()
 Get properties of company.
 getEstablishments ()
 Get the list of establishments.
 getEtablishmentByID ($id)
 Get establishment by ID.
 getConf ($constantname)
 Get value of a setup variables.
 getCheckIntegrity ($target)
 Do a test of integrity for files and setup.
 getModules ()
 Get list of enabled modules.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DolibarrApi
 __construct ($db, $cachedir='', $refreshCache=false)

Protected Member Functions

 _cleanObjectDatas ($object)
 Clean sensible object datas.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DolibarrApi
 _checkValForAPI ($field, $value, $object)
 Check and convert a string depending on its type/name.
 _filterObjectProperties ($object, $properties)
 Filter properties that will be returned on object.
 _checkFilters ($sqlfilters, &$error='')
 Return if a $sqlfilters parameter is valid Function no more used.

Private Member Functions

 _fetchCregion ($id, $code='')
 Get region.
 _fetchCstate ($id, $code='')
 Get state.
 _fetchCcountry ($id, $code='', $iso='', $lang='')
 Get country.
 translateLabel ($object, $lang, $prefix='Country', $dict=array('dict'))
 Translate the name of the object to the given language.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from DolibarrApi
static _checkAccessToResource ($resource, $resource_id=0, $dbtablename='', $feature2='', $dbt_keyfield='fk_soc', $dbt_select='rowid')
 Check access by user to a given resource.
static _forge_criteria_callback ($matches)
 Function to forge a SQL criteria from a Generic filter string.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file api_setup.class.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _cleanObjectDatas()

Setup::_cleanObjectDatas ( $object)

Clean sensible object datas.

Object$objectObject to clean
Object Object with cleaned properties

Reimplemented from DolibarrApi.

Definition at line 806 of file api_setup.class.php.

References $object.

Referenced by _fetchCcountry(), _fetchCregion(), _fetchCstate(), getCompany(), getEtablishmentByID(), getListOfCountries(), getListOfRegions(), getListOfStates(), and getModules().

◆ _fetchCcountry()

Setup::_fetchCcountry ( $id,
$code = '',
$iso = '',
$lang = '' )

Get country.

int$idID of country
string$codeCode of country (2 characters)
string$isoISO of country (3 characters)
string$langCode of the language the name of the country must be translated to
Object Object with cleaned properties

Definition at line 717 of file api_setup.class.php.

References $id, _cleanObjectDatas(), and translateLabel().

Referenced by getCountryByCode(), getCountryByID(), and getCountryByISO().

◆ _fetchCregion()

Setup::_fetchCregion ( $id,
$code = '' )

Get region.

int$idID of region
string$codeCode of region
Object Object with cleaned properties

Definition at line 669 of file api_setup.class.php.

References $id, and _cleanObjectDatas().

Referenced by getRegionByCode(), and getRegionByID().

◆ _fetchCstate()

Setup::_fetchCstate ( $id,
$code = '' )

Get state.

int$idID of state
string$codeCode of state
Object Object with cleaned properties

Definition at line 692 of file api_setup.class.php.

References $id, and _cleanObjectDatas().

Referenced by getStateByCode(), and getStateByID().

◆ deleteExtrafieldsFromNames()

Setup::deleteExtrafieldsFromNames ( $attrname,
$elementtype )

Delete extrafield.

string$attrnameextrafield attrname
string$elementtypeextrafield elementtype

@url DELETE extrafields/{elementtype}/{attrname}

Definition at line 1286 of file api_setup.class.php.

◆ getAvailability()

Setup::getAvailability ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of delivery times.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number {@min 0}
int$activeDelivery times is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersSQL criteria to filter with.

@url GET dictionary/availability

array [List of availability]
RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException403 Access denied
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of availabilities

Definition at line 752 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getCheckIntegrity()

Setup::getCheckIntegrity ( $target)

Do a test of integrity for files and setup.

string$targetCan be 'local' or 'default' or Url of the signatures file to use for the test. Must be reachable by the tested Dolibarr.
array Result of file and setup integrity check

@url GET checkintegrity

RestException403 Forbidden
RestException404 Signature file not found
RestException500 Technical error

Definition at line 2417 of file api_setup.class.php.

References dol_dir_list(), dol_filemtime(), dol_filesize(), dol_is_file(), dol_sanitizeFileName(), dol_sort_array(), getDolGlobalString(), getFilesUpdated(), getURLContent(), and load_fiche_titre().

◆ getCompany()

Setup::getCompany ( )

Get properties of company.

@url GET /company

array|mixed Mysoc object
RestException403 Forbidden

Definition at line 2265 of file api_setup.class.php.

References _cleanObjectDatas(), and getDolGlobalString().

◆ getConf()

Setup::getConf ( $constantname)

Get value of a setup variables.

Note that conf variables that stores security key or password hashes can't be loaded with API.

string$constantnameName of conf variable to get
string Data without useless information

@url GET conf/{constantname}

RestException400 Error Bad or unknown value for constantname
RestException403 Forbidden

Definition at line 2386 of file api_setup.class.php.

References getDolGlobalString(), and isASecretKey().

◆ getCountryByCode()

Setup::getCountryByCode ( $code,
$lang = '' )

Get country by Code.

string$codeCode of country (2 characters)
string$langCode of the language the name of the country must be translated to
Object Object with cleaned properties

@url GET dictionary/countries/byCode/{code}

RestException404 Country not found
RestException503 Error retrieving country

Definition at line 638 of file api_setup.class.php.

References _fetchCcountry().

◆ getCountryByID()

Setup::getCountryByID ( $id,
$lang = '' )

Get country by ID.

int$idID of country
string$langCode of the language the name of the country must be translated to
Object Object with cleaned properties

@url GET dictionary/countries/{id}

RestException404 Country not found
RestException503 Error retrieving country

Definition at line 621 of file api_setup.class.php.

References $id, and _fetchCcountry().

◆ getCountryByISO()

Setup::getCountryByISO ( $iso,
$lang = '' )

Get country by Iso.

string$isoISO of country (3 characters)
string$langCode of the language the name of the country must be translated to
Object Object with cleaned properties

@url GET dictionary/countries/byISO/{iso}

RestException404 Country not found
RestException503 Error retrieving country

Definition at line 655 of file api_setup.class.php.

References _fetchCcountry().

◆ getEstablishments()

Setup::getEstablishments ( )

Get the list of establishments.

array List of establishments

@url GET /establishments

RestException503 Error when retrieving list of establishments

Definition at line 2320 of file api_setup.class.php.

◆ getEtablishmentByID()

Setup::getEtablishmentByID ( $id)

Get establishment by ID.

int$idID of establishment
Object Object with cleaned properties

@url GET establishments/{id}

RestException404 Establishment not found
RestException503 Error when retrieving establishment

Definition at line 2359 of file api_setup.class.php.

References $id, and _cleanObjectDatas().

◆ getExtrafields()

Setup::getExtrafields ( $attrname,
$elementtype )

get Extrafield object

string$attrnameextrafield attrname
string$elementtypeextrafield elementtype
array List of extra fields

@url GET extrafields/{elementtype}/{attrname}

@suppress PhanPluginUnknownArrayMethodParamType Luracast limitation

Definition at line 1324 of file api_setup.class.php.

References jsonOrUnserialize().

◆ getListOfActionTriggers()

Setup::getListOfActionTriggers ( $sortfield = "t.rowid",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$elementtype = '',
$lang = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of Action Triggers.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number {@min 0}
string$elementtypeType of element ('adherent', 'commande', 'thirdparty', 'facture', 'propal', 'product', ...)
string$langCode of the language the label of the type must be translated to
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.label:like:'SO-%')"
array List of extra fields @phan-return Object[] List of extra fields

@url GET actiontriggers

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of action triggers

Definition at line 75 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria(), and translateLabel().

◆ getListOfCivilities()

Setup::getListOfCivilities ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$module = '',
$active = 1,
$lang = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of civilities.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
string$moduleTo filter on module events
int$activeCivility is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$langCode of the language the label of the civility must be translated to
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of civility types

@url GET dictionary/civilities

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of civilities

Definition at line 1067 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria(), and translateLabel().

◆ getListOfContactTypes()

Setup::getListOfContactTypes ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$type = '',
$module = '',
$active = 1,
$lang = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of contacts types.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
string$typeTo filter on type of contact
string$moduleTo filter on module contacts
int$activeContact's type is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$langCode of the language the label of the civility must be translated to
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of Contacts types

@url GET dictionary/contact_types

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of contacts types

Definition at line 998 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria(), and translateLabel().

◆ getListOfCountries()

Setup::getListOfCountries ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$filter = '',
$lang = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of countries.

The names of the countries will be translated to the given language if the $lang parameter is provided. The value of $lang must be a language code supported by Dolibarr, for example 'en_US' or 'fr_FR'. The returned list is sorted by country ID.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
string$filterTo filter the countries by name
string$langCode of the language the label of the countries must be translated to
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of countries

@url GET dictionary/countries

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error retrieving list of countries

Definition at line 556 of file api_setup.class.php.

References _cleanObjectDatas(), forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria(), and translateLabel().

◆ getListOfCurrencies()

Setup::getListOfCurrencies ( $multicurrency = 0,
$sortfield = "code_iso",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of currencies.

int$multicurrencyMulticurrency rates (0: no multicurrency, 1: last rate, 2: all rates) {@min 0} {@max 2}
string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
int$activePayment term is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of currencies

@url GET dictionary/currencies

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of currencies

Definition at line 1132 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getListOfEventTypes()

Setup::getListOfEventTypes ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$type = '',
$module = '',
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of events types.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
string$typeTo filter on type of event
string$moduleTo filter on module events
int$activeEvent's type is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of events types

@url GET dictionary/event_types

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of events types

Definition at line 865 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getListOfExpenseReportsTypes()

Setup::getListOfExpenseReportsTypes ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$module = '',
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of Expense Report types.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
string$moduleTo filter on module
int$activeEvent's type is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of expense report types

@url GET dictionary/expensereport_types

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of expense report types

Definition at line 932 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getListOfExtrafields()

Setup::getListOfExtrafields ( $sortfield = "t.pos",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$elementtype = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of extra fields.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
string$elementtypeType of element ('adherent', 'commande', 'thirdparty', 'facture', 'propal', 'product', ...)
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.label:like:'SO-%')"
array List of extra fields

@url GET extrafields

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of extra fields

Definition at line 1202 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria(), getDolGlobalString(), and jsonOrUnserialize().

◆ getListOfIncoterms()

Setup::getListOfIncoterms ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$lang = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of incoterms.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
int$activePayment term is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$langCode of the language the label of the type must be translated to
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of incoterm types

@url GET dictionary/incoterms

RestException503 Error when retrieving list of incoterms types

Definition at line 2210 of file api_setup.class.php.

References DolibarrApi\_checkFilters().

◆ getListOfLegalForm()

Setup::getListOfLegalForm ( $sortfield = "rowid",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$country = 0,
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of legal form of business.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
int$countryTo filter on country
int$activeLega form is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of legal form

@url GET dictionary/legal_form

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of legal form

Definition at line 1833 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getListOfMeasuringUnits()

Setup::getListOfMeasuringUnits ( $sortfield = "rowid",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of measuring units.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
int$activeMeasuring unit is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of measuring unit

@url GET dictionary/units

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of measuring units

Definition at line 1773 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getListOfRegions()

Setup::getListOfRegions ( $sortfield = "code_region",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$country = 0,
$filter = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of regions.

The returned list is sorted by region ID.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
int$countryTo filter on country
string$filterTo filter the regions by name
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of regions

@url GET dictionary/regions

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error retrieving list of regions

Definition at line 340 of file api_setup.class.php.

References DolibarrApi\_checkFilters(), and _cleanObjectDatas().

◆ getListOfsocialNetworks()

Setup::getListOfsocialNetworks ( $sortfield = "rowid",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of social networks.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
int$activeSocial network is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of social networks

@url GET dictionary/socialnetworks

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of social networks

Definition at line 1954 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getListOfStaff()

Setup::getListOfStaff ( $sortfield = "id",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of staff.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
int$activeStaff is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of staff

@url GET dictionary/staff

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of staff

Definition at line 1895 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getListOfStates()

Setup::getListOfStates ( $sortfield = "code_departement",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$country = 0,
$filter = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of states/provinces.

The names of the states will be translated to the given language if the $lang parameter is provided. The value of $lang must be a language code supported by Dolibarr, for example 'en_US' or 'fr_FR'. The returned list is sorted by state ID.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
int$countryTo filter on country
string$filterTo filter the states by name
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of states

@url GET dictionary/states

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error retrieving list of states

Definition at line 447 of file api_setup.class.php.

References _cleanObjectDatas(), and forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getListOfTowns()

Setup::getListOfTowns ( $sortfield = "zip,town",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$zipcode = '',
$town = '',
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of towns.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
string$zipcodeTo filter on zipcode
string$townTo filter on city name
int$activeTown is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of towns

@url GET dictionary/towns

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of towns

Definition at line 1580 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getModules()

Setup::getModules ( )

Get list of enabled modules.

@url GET /modules

array|mixed Data without useless information
RestException403 Forbidden

Definition at line 2735 of file api_setup.class.php.

References _cleanObjectDatas(), and getDolGlobalString().

◆ getOrderingMethods()

Setup::getOrderingMethods ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of ordering methods.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number {@min 0}
int$activePayment type is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersSQL criteria to filter with. Syntax example "(t.code:=:'OrderByWWW')"

@url GET dictionary/ordering_methods

array [List of ordering methods]
RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException403 Access denied
RestException503 Error retrieving list of ordering methods

Definition at line 145 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getOrderingOrigins()

Setup::getOrderingOrigins ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of ordering origins.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number {@min 0}
int$activePayment type is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersSQL criteria to filter with. Syntax example "(t.code:=:'OrderByWWW')"
array [List of ordering reasons]

@url GET dictionary/ordering_origins

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException403 Access denied
RestException503 Error retrieving list of ordering origins

Definition at line 209 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getPaymentTerms()

Setup::getPaymentTerms ( $sortfield = "sortorder",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of payments terms.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number {@min 0}
int$activePayment term is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersSQL criteria to filter. Syntax example "(t.code:=:'CHQ')"

@url GET dictionary/payment_terms

array List of payment terms
RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException403 Access denied
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of payments terms

Definition at line 1647 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getPaymentTypes()

Setup::getPaymentTypes ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of payments types.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number {@min 0}
int$activePayment type is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$sqlfiltersSQL criteria to filter with. Syntax example "(t.code:=:'CHQ')"

@url GET dictionary/payment_types

array [List of payment types]
RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException403 Access denied
RestException503 Error retrieving list of payment types

Definition at line 274 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().

◆ getRegionByCode()

Setup::getRegionByCode ( $code)

Get region by Code.

string$codeCode of region
Object Object with cleaned properties

@url GET dictionary/regions/byCode/{code}

RestException404 Region not found
RestException503 Error when retrieving region

Definition at line 420 of file api_setup.class.php.

References _fetchCregion().

◆ getRegionByID()

Setup::getRegionByID ( $id)

Get region by ID.

int$idID of region
Object Object with cleaned properties

@url GET dictionary/regions/{id}

RestException404 Region not found
RestException503 Error retrieving region

Definition at line 404 of file api_setup.class.php.

References $id, and _fetchCregion().

◆ getShippingModes()

Setup::getShippingModes ( $limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$lang = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of shipping methods.

int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number {@min 0}
int$activeShipping methodsm is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$langCode of the language the label of the method must be translated to
string$sqlfiltersSQL criteria to filter. Syntax example "(t.code:=:'CHQ')"

@url GET dictionary/shipping_methods

array List of shipping methods
RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of shipping modes

Definition at line 1711 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria(), and translateLabel().

◆ getStateByCode()

Setup::getStateByCode ( $code)

Get state by Code.

string$codeCode of state
Object Object with cleaned properties

@url GET dictionary/states/byCode/{code}

RestException404 State not found
RestException503 Error retrieving state

Definition at line 529 of file api_setup.class.php.

References _fetchCstate().

◆ getStateByID()

Setup::getStateByID ( $id)

Get state by ID.

int$idID of state
Object Object with cleaned properties

@url GET dictionary/states/{id}

RestException404 State not found
RestException503 Error retrieving state

Definition at line 513 of file api_setup.class.php.

References $id, and _fetchCstate().

◆ getTicketsCategories()

Setup::getTicketsCategories ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$lang = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of tickets categories.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
int$activePayment term is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$langCode of the language the label of the category must be translated to
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of ticket categories

@url GET dictionary/ticket_categories

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of tickets categories

Definition at line 2021 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria(), and translateLabel().

◆ getTicketsSeverities()

Setup::getTicketsSeverities ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$lang = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of tickets severity.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
int$activePayment term is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$langCode of the language the label of the severity must be translated to
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of ticket severities

@url GET dictionary/ticket_severities

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of tickets severities

Definition at line 2084 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria(), and translateLabel().

◆ getTicketsTypes()

Setup::getTicketsTypes ( $sortfield = "code",
$sortorder = 'ASC',
$limit = 100,
$page = 0,
$active = 1,
$lang = '',
$sqlfilters = '' )

Get the list of tickets types.

string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
int$limitNumber of items per page
int$pagePage number (starting from zero)
int$activePayment term is active or not {@min 0} {@max 1}
string$langCode of the language the label of the type must be translated to
string$sqlfiltersOther criteria to filter answers separated by a comma. Syntax example "(t.code:like:'A%') and (>=:0)"
array List of ticket types

@url GET dictionary/ticket_types

RestException400 Bad value for sqlfilters
RestException503 Error when retrieving list of tickets types

Definition at line 2147 of file api_setup.class.php.

References forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria(), and translateLabel().

◆ postExtrafields()

Setup::postExtrafields ( $attrname,
$request_data = null )

Create Extrafield object.

string$attrnameextrafield attrname
string$elementtypeextrafield elementtype
array$request_dataRequest datas
int ID of extrafield

@url POST extrafields/{elementtype}/{attrname}

@suppress PhanPluginUnknownArrayMethodParamType Luracast limitation

Definition at line 1401 of file api_setup.class.php.

References $id, and DolibarrApi\_checkValForAPI().

◆ translateLabel()

Setup::translateLabel ( $object,
$prefix = 'Country',
$dict = array('dict') )

Translate the name of the object to the given language.

object$objectObject with label to translate
string$langCode of the language the name of the object must be translated to
string$prefixPrefix for translation key
array$dictArray of dictionary for translation

Definition at line 826 of file api_setup.class.php.

References $object.

Referenced by _fetchCcountry(), getListOfActionTriggers(), getListOfCivilities(), getListOfContactTypes(), getListOfCountries(), getShippingModes(), getTicketsCategories(), getTicketsSeverities(), and getTicketsTypes().

◆ updateExtrafields()

Setup::updateExtrafields ( $attrname,
$request_data = null )

Update Extrafield object.

string$attrnameextrafield attrname
string$elementtypeextrafield elementtype
array$request_dataRequest datas
int ID of extrafield

@url PUT extrafields/{elementtype}/{attrname}

@suppress PhanPluginUnknownArrayMethodParamType Luracast limitation

Definition at line 1490 of file api_setup.class.php.

References $id, DolibarrApi\_checkValForAPI(), and dol_syslog().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: