dolibarr 21.0.0-alpha
Export Class Reference

Class to manage exports. More...

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($db)
 load_arrays ($user, $filter='')
 Load an exportable dataset.
 build_sql ($indice, $array_selected, $array_filterValue)
 Build the sql export request.
 build_filterQuery ($TypeField, $NameField, $ValueField)
 Build the conditional string from filter the query.
 conditionDate ($Field, $Value, $Sens)
 build_filterField ($TypeField, $NameField, $ValueField)
 Build an input field used to filter the query.
 genDocFilter ($TypeField)
 Build an input field used to filter the query.
 build_file ($user, $model, $datatoexport, $array_selected, $array_filterValue, $sqlquery='', $separator='')
 Build export file.
 create ($user)
 Save an export model in database.
 fetch ($id)
 Load an export profil from database.
 delete ($user, $notrigger=0)
 Delete object in database.
 list_export_model ()
 Output list all export models –TODO Move this into a class htmlxxx.class.php–.

Detailed Description

Class to manage exports.

Definition at line 32 of file export.class.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Export::__construct ( $db)


DoliDB$dbDatabase handler

Definition at line 163 of file export.class.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ build_file()

Export::build_file ( $user,
$sqlquery = '',
$separator = '' )

Build export file.

File is built into directory $conf->export->dir_temp.'/'.$user->id Arrays this->array_export_xxx are already loaded for required datatoexport

User$userUser that export
string$modelExport format
string$datatoexportName of dataset to export
array<string,string>$array_selected Filter on array of fields to export
array<string,string>$array_filterValue Filter on array of fields with a filter
string$sqlqueryIf set, transmit the sql request for select (otherwise, sql request is generated from arrays)
string$separatorseparator to fill $objmodel->separator with the new separator
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 677 of file export.class.php.

References dol_include_once(), dol_mkdir(), dol_now(), dol_print_date(), dol_stringtotime(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalString(), and num_open_day().

◆ build_filterField()

Export::build_filterField ( $TypeField,
$ValueField )

Build an input field used to filter the query.

string$TypeFieldType of Field to filter. Example: Text, Date, List:c_country:label:rowid, List:c_stcom:label:code, Numeric or Number, Boolean
string$NameFieldName of the field to filter
string$ValueFieldInitial value of the field to filter
string html string of the input field ex : "<input type=text name=... value=...>"

Definition at line 504 of file export.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), and dol_trunc().

◆ build_filterQuery()

Export::build_filterQuery ( $TypeField,
$ValueField )

Build the conditional string from filter the query.

string$TypeFieldType of Field to filter
string$NameFieldName of the field to filter
string$ValueFieldValue of the field for filter. Must not be ''
string SQL string of then field ex : "field='xxx'"

Definition at line 397 of file export.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), and sanitizeVal().

◆ build_sql()

Export::build_sql ( $indice,
$array_filterValue )

Build the sql export request.

Arrays this->array_export_xxx are already loaded for required datatoexport

int$indiceIndice of export
array<string,string>$array_selected Filter fields on array of fields to export
array<string,string>$array_filterValue Filter records on array of value for fields
string SQL String. Example "select s.rowid as r_rowid, s.status as s_status from ..."

Definition at line 326 of file export.class.php.

◆ conditionDate()

Export::conditionDate ( $Field,
$Sens )


string$FieldField operand 1
string$ValueValue operand 2
string$SensComparison operator

Definition at line 482 of file export.class.php.

◆ create()

Export::create ( $user)

Save an export model in database.

User$userObject user that save
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 885 of file export.class.php.

References dol_syslog().

◆ delete()

Export::delete ( $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Delete object in database.

User$userUser that delete
int$notrigger0=launch triggers after, 1=disable triggers
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 960 of file export.class.php.

References dol_syslog().

◆ fetch()

Export::fetch ( $id)

Load an export profil from database.

int$idId of profil to load
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 923 of file export.class.php.

References $id, dol_print_error(), and dol_syslog().

◆ genDocFilter()

Export::genDocFilter ( $TypeField)

Build an input field used to filter the query.

string$TypeFieldType of Field to filter
string html string of the input field ex : "<input type=text name=... value=...>"

Definition at line 635 of file export.class.php.

◆ list_export_model()

Export::list_export_model ( )

Output list all export models –TODO Move this into a class htmlxxx.class.php–.


Definition at line 998 of file export.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), img_delete(), img_object(), and newToken().

◆ load_arrays()

Export::load_arrays ( $user,
$filter = '' )

Load an exportable dataset.

User$userObject user making export
string$filterLoad a particular dataset only
int Return integer <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 177 of file export.class.php.

References dol_osencode(), dol_syslog(), dolGetModulesDirs(), and verifCond().

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