34require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
35require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
36require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
37require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
38require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
39require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
40require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
41require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
42require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
43require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
44if (isModEnabled(
'contract')) {
45 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
47if (isModEnabled(
'intervention')) {
48 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
66$action =
71if (!empty($user->socid) && $user->socid > 0) {
73 $socid = $user->socid;
83if (!$user->hasRight(
'read') && !$user->hasRight(
'read') && !$user->hasRight(
'read') && !$user->hasRight(
84 && !$user->hasRight(
'read') && !$user->hasRight(
'read') && !$user->hasRight(
'read')) {
101$form =
new Form($db);
103$companystatic =
new Societe($db);
105$supplierproposalstatic =
107$supplierorderstatic =
108$fichinterstatic =
109if (isModEnabled(
"propal")) {
110 $propalstatic =
new Propal($db);
112if (isModEnabled(
'supplier_proposal')) {
115if (isModEnabled(
'order')) {
118if (isModEnabled(
"supplier_order")) {
122if (isModEnabled(
'intervention')) {
"", $langs->trans(
'<div class="fichecenter">';
'<div class="twocolumns">';
'<div class="firstcolumn fichehalfleft boxhalfleft" id="boxhalfleft">';
150if (isModEnabled(
"propal") && $user->hasRight(
"lire") && is_object($propalstatic)) {
151 $sql =
"SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.ref_client, p.total_ht, p.total_tva, p.total_ttc, p.fk_statut as status";
152 $sql .=
", s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias";
153 $sql .=
", s.code_client, s.code_compta as code_compta_client, s.client";
154 $sql .=
", s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur";
155 $sql .=
", s.logo, s.email, s.entity";
156 $sql .=
", s.canvas";
157 $sql .=
"propal as p,";
158 $sql .=
"societe as s";
159 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
160 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
162 $sql .=
" WHERE p.entity IN (".getEntity($propalstatic->element).
163 $sql .=
" AND p.fk_soc = s.rowid";
164 $sql .=
" AND p.fk_statut = ".Propal::STATUS_DRAFT;
165 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
166 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
169 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = ".((int) $socid);
172 $resql = $db->query($sql);
175 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
176 $nbofloop = min($num, $maxofloop);
183 while ($i < $nbofloop) {
184 $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
189 $total += (
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc);
193 $propalstatic->id = $obj->rowid;
194 $propalstatic->ref = $obj->ref;
195 $propalstatic->ref_client = $obj->ref_client;
196 $propalstatic->total_ht = $obj->total_ht;
197 $propalstatic->total_tva = $obj->total_tva;
198 $propalstatic->total_ttc = $obj->total_ttc;
199 $propalstatic->statut = $obj->status;
200 $propalstatic->status = $obj->status;
202 $companystatic->id = $obj->socid;
203 $companystatic->name = $obj->name;
204 $companystatic->name_alias = $obj->name_alias;
205 $companystatic->code_client = $obj->code_client;
206 $companystatic->code_compta = $obj->code_compta_client;
207 $companystatic->code_compta_client = $obj->code_compta_client;
208 $companystatic->client = $obj->client;
209 $companystatic->code_fournisseur = $obj->code_fournisseur;
210 $companystatic->code_compta_fournisseur = $obj->code_compta_fournisseur;
211 $companystatic->fournisseur = $obj->fournisseur;
212 $companystatic->logo = $obj->logo;
213 $companystatic->email = $obj->email;
214 $companystatic->entity = $obj->entity;
215 $companystatic->canvas = $obj->canvas;
217 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
218 print
'<td class="nowraponall tdoverflowmax125 minwidth75">'.$propalstatic->getNomUrl(1).
219 print
'<td class="nowrap tdoverflowmax250">'.$companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
220 print
'<td class="nowrap right tdamount amount">'.price((
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc)).
224 $total += (
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc);
228 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
229 print
'<td class="nowrap" colspan="5">';
230 print
'<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
'...'.($othernb < $maxofloop ?
' ('.$othernb.
')' :
250if (isModEnabled(
'supplier_proposal') && $user->hasRight(
"lire") && is_object($supplierproposalstatic)) {
251 $sql =
"SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.total_ht, p.total_tva, p.total_ttc, p.fk_statut as status";
252 $sql .=
", s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias";
253 $sql .=
", s.code_client, s.code_compta as code_compta_client, s.client";
254 $sql .=
", s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur";
255 $sql .=
", s.logo, s.email, s.entity";
256 $sql .=
", s.canvas";
257 $sql .=
"supplier_proposal as p,";
258 $sql .=
"societe as s";
259 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
260 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
262 $sql .=
" WHERE p.entity IN (".getEntity($supplierproposalstatic->element).
263 $sql .=
" AND p.fk_statut = ".SupplierProposal::STATUS_DRAFT;
264 $sql .=
" AND p.fk_soc = s.rowid";
265 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
266 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
269 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = ".((int) $socid);
272 $resql = $db->query($sql);
275 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
276 $nbofloop = min($num, $maxofloop);
283 while ($i < $nbofloop) {
284 $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
289 $total += (
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc);
293 $supplierproposalstatic->id = $obj->rowid;
294 $supplierproposalstatic->ref = $obj->ref;
295 $supplierproposalstatic->total_ht = $obj->total_ht;
296 $supplierproposalstatic->total_tva = $obj->total_tva;
297 $supplierproposalstatic->total_ttc = $obj->total_ttc;
298 $supplierproposalstatic->statut = $obj->status;
299 $supplierproposalstatic->status = $obj->status;
301 $companystatic->id = $obj->socid;
302 $companystatic->name = $obj->name;
303 $companystatic->name_alias = $obj->name_alias;
304 $companystatic->code_client = $obj->code_client;
305 $companystatic->code_compta = $obj->code_compta;
306 $companystatic->code_compta_client = $obj->code_compta_client;
307 $companystatic->client = $obj->client;
308 $companystatic->code_fournisseur = $obj->code_fournisseur;
309 $companystatic->code_compta_fournisseur = $obj->code_compta_fournisseur;
310 $companystatic->fournisseur = $obj->fournisseur;
311 $companystatic->logo = $obj->logo;
312 $companystatic->email = $obj->email;
313 $companystatic->entity = $obj->entity;
314 $companystatic->canvas = $obj->canvas;
316 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
317 print
'<td class="nowraponall tdoverflowmax125 minwidth75">'.$supplierproposalstatic->getNomUrl(1).
318 print
'<td class="nowrap tdoverflowmax250">'.$companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
319 print
'<td class="nowrap right tdamount amount">'.price(
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc).
323 $total += (
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc);
327 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
328 print
'<td class="nowrap" colspan="5">';
329 print
'<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
'...'.($othernb < $maxofloop ?
' ('.$othernb.
')' :
349if (isModEnabled(
'order') && $user->hasRight(
'lire') && is_object($orderstatic)) {
350 $sql =
"SELECT c.rowid, c.ref, c.ref_client, c.total_ht, c.total_tva, c.total_ttc, c.fk_statut as status";
351 $sql .=
", s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias";
352 $sql .=
", s.code_client, s.code_compta as code_compta_client, s.client";
353 $sql .=
", s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur";
354 $sql .=
", s.logo, s.email, s.entity";
355 $sql .=
", s.canvas";
356 $sql .=
"commande as c,";
357 $sql .=
"societe as s";
358 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
359 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
361 $sql .=
" WHERE c.entity IN (".getEntity($orderstatic->element).
362 $sql .=
" AND c.fk_statut = ".Commande::STATUS_DRAFT;
363 $sql .=
" AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid";
364 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
365 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
368 $sql .=
" AND c.fk_soc = ".((int) $socid);
371 $resql = $db->query($sql);
374 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
375 $nbofloop = min($num, $maxofloop);
382 while ($i < $nbofloop) {
383 $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
388 $total += (
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc);
392 $orderstatic->id = $obj->rowid;
393 $orderstatic->ref = $obj->ref;
394 $orderstatic->ref_client = $obj->ref_client;
395 $orderstatic->total_ht = $obj->total_ht;
396 $orderstatic->total_tva = $obj->total_tva;
397 $orderstatic->total_ttc = $obj->total_ttc;
398 $orderstatic->statut = $obj->status;
399 $orderstatic->status = $obj->status;
401 $companystatic->id = $obj->socid;
402 $companystatic->name = $obj->name;
403 $companystatic->name_alias = $obj->name_alias;
404 $companystatic->code_client = $obj->code_client;
405 $companystatic->code_compta = $obj->code_compta_client;
406 $companystatic->code_compta_client = $obj->code_compta_client;
407 $companystatic->client = $obj->client;
408 $companystatic->code_fournisseur = $obj->code_fournisseur;
409 $companystatic->code_compta_fournisseur = $obj->code_compta_fournisseur;
410 $companystatic->fournisseur = $obj->fournisseur;
411 $companystatic->logo = $obj->logo;
412 $companystatic->email = $obj->email;
413 $companystatic->entity = $obj->entity;
414 $companystatic->canvas = $obj->canvas;
416 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
417 print
'<td class="nowraponall tdoverflowmax125 minwidth75">'.$orderstatic->getNomUrl(1).
418 print
'<td class="nowrap tdoverflowmax250">'.$companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
419 print
'<td class="nowrap right tdamount amount">'.price(
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc).
423 $total += (
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc);
427 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
428 print
'<td class="nowrap" colspan="5">';
429 print
'<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
'...'.($othernb < $maxofloop ?
' ('.$othernb.
')' :
449if ((isModEnabled(
"fournisseur") && !
'MAIN_USE_NEW_SUPPLIERMOD') && $user->hasRight(
"lire")) || (isModEnabled(
"supplier_order") && $user->hasRight(
"lire"))) {
452 $sql =
"SELECT cf.rowid, cf.ref, cf.ref_supplier, cf.total_ht, cf.total_tva, cf.total_ttc, cf.fk_statut as status";
453 $sql .=
", s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias";
454 $sql .=
", s.code_client, s.code_compta, s.client";
455 $sql .=
", s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur";
456 $sql .=
", s.logo, s.email, s.entity";
457 $sql .=
", s.canvas";
458 $sql .=
"commande_fournisseur as cf,";
459 $sql .=
"societe as s";
460 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
461 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
463 $sql .=
" WHERE cf.entity IN (".getEntity($supplierorderstatic->element).
464 $sql .=
" AND cf.fk_statut = ".CommandeFournisseur::STATUS_DRAFT;
465 $sql .=
" AND cf.fk_soc = s.rowid";
466 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
467 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
470 $sql .=
" AND cf.fk_soc = ".((int) $socid);
473 $resql = $db->query($sql);
476 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
477 $nbofloop = min($num, $maxofloop);
484 while ($i < $nbofloop) {
485 $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
490 $total += (
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc);
494 $supplierorderstatic->id = $obj->rowid;
495 $supplierorderstatic->ref = $obj->ref;
496 $supplierorderstatic->ref_supplier = $obj->ref_supplier;
497 $supplierorderstatic->total_ht = $obj->total_ht;
498 $supplierorderstatic->total_tva = $obj->total_tva;
499 $supplierorderstatic->total_ttc = $obj->total_ttc;
500 $supplierorderstatic->statut = $obj->status;
501 $supplierorderstatic->status = $obj->status;
503 $companystatic->id = $obj->socid;
504 $companystatic->name = $obj->name;
505 $companystatic->name_alias = $obj->name_alias;
506 $companystatic->code_client = $obj->code_client;
507 $companystatic->code_compta = $obj->code_compta;
508 $companystatic->code_compta_client = $obj->code_compta;
509 $companystatic->client = $obj->client;
510 $companystatic->code_fournisseur = $obj->code_fournisseur;
511 $companystatic->code_compta_fournisseur = $obj->code_compta_fournisseur;
512 $companystatic->fournisseur = $obj->fournisseur;
513 $companystatic->logo = $obj->logo;
514 $companystatic->email = $obj->email;
515 $companystatic->entity = $obj->entity;
516 $companystatic->canvas = $obj->canvas;
518 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
519 print
'<td class="nowraponall tdoverflowmax125 minwidth75">'.$supplierorderstatic->getNomUrl(1).
520 print
'<td class="nowrap tdoverflowmax250">'.$companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
521 print
'<td class="nowrap right tdamount amount">'.price(
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc).
525 $total += (
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc);
529 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
530 print
'<td class="nowrap" colspan="5">';
531 print
'<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
'...'.($othernb < $maxofloop ?
' ('.$othernb.
')' :
550if (isModEnabled(
'intervention') && is_object($fichinterstatic)) {
551 $sql =
"SELECT f.rowid, f.ref, s.nom as name, f.fk_statut, f.duree as duration";
552 $sql .=
", s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias";
553 $sql .=
", s.code_client, s.code_compta as code_compta_client, s.client";
554 $sql .=
", s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur";
555 $sql .=
", s.logo, s.email, s.entity";
556 $sql .=
", s.canvas";
557 $sql .=
"fichinter as f";
558 $sql .=
"societe as s";
559 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
560 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
562 $sql .=
" WHERE f.entity IN (".getEntity(
563 $sql .=
" AND f.fk_soc = s.rowid";
564 $sql .=
" AND f.fk_statut = 0";
566 $sql .=
" AND f.fk_soc = ".((int) $socid);
568 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
569 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
573 $resql = $db->query($sql);
575 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
576 $nbofloop = min($num, $maxofloop);
584 while ($i < $nbofloop) {
585 $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
587 $fichinterstatic->id = $obj->rowid;
588 $fichinterstatic->ref = $obj->ref;
589 $fichinterstatic->statut = $obj->fk_statut;
590 $fichinterstatic->status = $obj->fk_statut;
592 $companystatic->id = $obj->socid;
593 $companystatic->name = $obj->name;
594 $companystatic->name_alias = $obj->name_alias;
595 $companystatic->code_client = $obj->code_client;
596 $companystatic->code_compta = $obj->code_compta_client;
597 $companystatic->code_compta_client = $obj->code_compta_client;
598 $companystatic->client = $obj->client;
599 $companystatic->code_fournisseur = $obj->code_fournisseur;
600 $companystatic->code_compta_fournisseur = $obj->code_compta_fournisseur;
601 $companystatic->fournisseur = $obj->fournisseur;
602 $companystatic->logo = $obj->logo;
603 $companystatic->email = $obj->email;
604 $companystatic->entity = $obj->entity;
605 $companystatic->canvas = $obj->canvas;
607 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
608 print
'<td class="tdoverflowmax125 minwidth75">';
609 print $fichinterstatic->getNomUrl(1);
611 print
'<td class="tdoverflowmax250 minwidth100">';
612 print $companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
614 print
'<td class="nowraponall tdoverflowmax100 right">';
'</div><div class="secondcolumn fichehalfright boxhalfright" id="boxhalfright">';
636if (isModEnabled(
"societe") && $user->hasRight(
'lire')) {
637 $sql =
"SELECT s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias";
638 $sql .=
", s.code_client, s.code_compta as code_compta_client, s.client";
639 $sql .=
", s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur";
640 $sql .=
", s.logo, s.email, s.entity";
641 $sql .=
", s.canvas";
642 $sql .=
", s.datec, s.tms";
643 $sql .=
"societe as s";
644 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
645 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
647 $sql .=
" WHERE s.entity IN (".getEntity($companystatic->element).
649 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
650 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
653 $parameters = array(
'socid' => $socid);
654 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'printFieldListWhere', $parameters, $companystatic);
655 if (empty($reshook)) {
657 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = ".((int) $socid);
660 $sql .= $hookmanager->resPrint;
661 $sql .=
" ORDER BY s.tms DESC";
662 $sql .= $db->plimit($max, 0);
664 $resql = $db->query($sql);
667 $header =
669 $header =
671 $header =
674 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
675 startSimpleTable($langs->trans($header, min($max, $num)),
"type=p,c&sortfield=s.tms&sortorder=DESC", 1, -1,
680 while ($i < $num && $i < $max) {
681 $objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
683 $companystatic->id = $objp->socid;
684 $companystatic->name = $objp->name;
685 $companystatic->name_alias = $objp->name_alias;
686 $companystatic->code_client = $objp->code_client;
687 $companystatic->code_compta = $objp->code_compta_client;
688 $companystatic->code_compta_client = $objp->code_compta_client;
689 $companystatic->client = $objp->client;
690 $companystatic->code_fournisseur = $objp->code_fournisseur;
691 $companystatic->code_compta_fournisseur = $objp->code_compta_fournisseur;
692 $companystatic->fournisseur = $objp->fournisseur;
693 $companystatic->logo = $objp->logo;
694 $companystatic->email = $objp->email;
695 $companystatic->entity = $objp->entity;
696 $companystatic->canvas = $objp->canvas;
698 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
699 print
'<td class="nowraponall tdoverflowmax100">'.$companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
700 print
'<td class="nowrap">';
703 $obj = $companystatic;
705 if (($obj->client == 2 || $obj->client == 3) && !
706 $s .=
'<a class="customer-back opacitymedium" title="'.$langs->trans(
'" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.
"Prospect"), 0, 1).
708 if (($obj->client == 1 || $obj->client == 3) && !
709 $s .=
'<a class="customer-back" title="'.$langs->trans(
'" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.
"Customer"), 0, 1).
720 $datem = $db->jdate($objp->tms);
721 print
'<td class="right nowrap tddate" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans(
': '.
744if (isModEnabled(
'propal') && is_object($propalstatic)) {
745 $sql =
"SELECT c.rowid, c.entity, c.ref, c.fk_statut as status, c.tms as datem,";
746 $sql .=
" s.nom as socname, s.rowid as socid, s.canvas, s.client, s.email, s.code_compta as code_compta_client";
747 $sql .=
"propal as c,";
748 $sql .=
"societe as s";
749 $sql .=
" WHERE c.entity IN (".getEntity($propalstatic->element).
750 $sql .=
" AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid";
753 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
754 $search_sale = $user->id;
757 if ($search_sale && $search_sale !=
'-1') {
758 if ($search_sale == -2) {
759 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc WHERE sc.fk_soc = c.fk_soc)";
760 } elseif ($search_sale > 0) {
761 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc WHERE sc.fk_soc = c.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $search_sale).
766 $sql .=
" AND c.fk_soc = ".((int) $socid);
768 $sql .=
" ORDER BY c.tms DESC";
770 $sql .= $db->plimit($max, 0);
772 $resql = $db->query($sql);
774 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
776 startSimpleTable($langs->trans(
"LastModifiedProposals", $max),
"sortfield=p.tms&sortorder=DESC", 2, -1,
781 $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
783 $propalstatic->id = $obj->rowid;
784 $propalstatic->ref = $obj->ref;
785 $propalstatic->status = $obj->status;
787 $companystatic->id = $obj->socid;
788 $companystatic->name = $obj->socname;
789 $companystatic->client = $obj->client;
790 $companystatic->canvas = $obj->canvas;
791 $companystatic->email = $obj->email;
792 $companystatic->code_compta = $obj->code_compta_client;
793 $companystatic->code_compta_client = $obj->code_compta_client;
797 $urlsource = $_SERVER[
799 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
801 print
'<td class="nowrap">';
802 print
'<table class="nobordernopadding">';
803 print
'<tr class="nocellnopadd">';
804 print
'<td width="96" class="nobordernopadding nowrap">'.$propalstatic->getNomUrl(1).
805 print
'<td width="16" class="nobordernopadding nowrap"></td>';
806 print
'<td width="16" class="nobordernopadding right">'.$formfile->getDocumentsLink($propalstatic->element, $filename, $filedir).
811 print
'<td class="tdoverflowmax100">'.$companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
813 $datem = $db->jdate($obj->datem);
814 print
'<td class="center" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans(
': '.
818 print
'<td class="right">'.$propalstatic->LibStatut($obj->status, 3).
838if (isModEnabled(
'order')) {
839 $commandestatic =
new Commande($db);
841 $sql =
"SELECT c.rowid, c.entity, c.ref, c.fk_statut as status, c.facture, c.date_cloture as datec, c.tms as datem,";
842 $sql .=
" s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid";
843 $sql .=
", s.client";
844 $sql .=
", s.code_client";
845 $sql .=
", s.canvas";
846 $sql .=
"commande as c,";
847 $sql .=
"societe as s";
848 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
849 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
851 $sql .=
" WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid";
852 $sql .=
" AND c.entity IN (".getEntity(
855 $sql .=
" AND c.fk_soc = ".((int) $socid);
857 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
858 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
860 $sql .=
" ORDER BY c.tms DESC";
861 $sql .= $db->plimit($max, 0);
863 $resql = $db->query($sql);
865 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
867 startSimpleTable($langs->trans(
"LastModifiedOrders", $max),
"sortfield=c.tms&sortorder=DESC", 2, -1,
872 $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
874 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
875 print
'<td width="20%" class="nowrap">';
877 $commandestatic->id = $obj->rowid;
878 $commandestatic->ref = $obj->ref;
880 $companystatic->id = $obj->socid;
881 $companystatic->name = $obj->name;
882 $companystatic->client = $obj->client;
883 $companystatic->code_client = $obj->code_client;
884 $companystatic->canvas = $obj->canvas;
886 print
'<table class="nobordernopadding"><tr class="nocellnopadd">';
887 print
'<td width="96" class="nobordernopadding nowrap">';
888 print $commandestatic->getNomUrl(1);
891 print
'<td width="16" class="nobordernopadding nowrap">';
895 print
'<td width="16" class="nobordernopadding hideonsmartphone right">';
898 $urlsource = $_SERVER[
899 print $formfile->getDocumentsLink($commandestatic->element, $filename, $filedir);
900 print
904 print
'<td class="nowrap">';
905 print $companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
'company', 16);
908 $datem = $db->jdate($obj->datem);
909 print
'<td class="center" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans(
': '.
913 print
'<td class="right">'.$commandestatic->LibStatut($obj->status, $obj->facture, 3).
928if ((isModEnabled(
"supplier_order") || isModEnabled(
"supplier_invoice")) && $user->hasRight(
'lire')) {
929 $sql =
"SELECT s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias";
930 $sql .=
", s.code_client, s.code_compta as code_compta_client, s.client";
931 $sql .=
", s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur";
932 $sql .=
", s.logo, s.email, s.entity";
933 $sql .=
", s.canvas";
934 $sql .=
", s.datec as dc, s.tms as dm";
935 $sql .=
"societe as s";
936 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
937 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
939 $sql .=
" WHERE s.entity IN (".getEntity($companystatic->element).
940 $sql .=
" AND s.fournisseur = ".Societe::SUPPLIER;
941 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
942 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
945 $parameters = array(
'socid' => $socid);
946 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'printFieldListWhere', $parameters, $companystatic);
947 if (empty($reshook)) {
949 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = ".((int) $socid);
952 $sql .= $hookmanager->resPrint;
953 $sql .=
" ORDER BY s.datec DESC";
954 $sql .= $db->plimit($max, 0);
956 $resql = $db->query($sql);
958 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
959 startSimpleTable($langs->trans(
"BoxTitleLastModifiedSuppliers", min($max, $num)),
"type=f", 1, -1,
963 while ($i < $num && $i < $max) {
964 $objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
966 $companystatic->id = $objp->socid;
967 $companystatic->name = $objp->name;
968 $companystatic->name_alias = $objp->name_alias;
969 $companystatic->code_client = $objp->code_client;
970 $companystatic->code_compta = $objp->code_compta_client;
971 $companystatic->code_compta_client = $objp->code_compta_client;
972 $companystatic->client = $objp->client;
973 $companystatic->code_fournisseur = $objp->code_fournisseur;
974 $companystatic->code_compta_fournisseur = $objp->code_compta_fournisseur;
975 $companystatic->fournisseur = $objp->fournisseur;
976 $companystatic->logo = $objp->logo;
977 $companystatic->email = $objp->email;
978 $companystatic->entity = $objp->entity;
979 $companystatic->canvas = $objp->canvas;
981 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
982 print
'<td class="nowraponall tdoverflowmax100">'.$companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
985 $obj = $companystatic;
994 if ((isModEnabled(
"supplier_order") || isModEnabled(
"supplier_invoice")) && $obj->fournisseur) {
995 $s .=
'<a class="vendor-back" title="'.$langs->trans(
'" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.
"Supplier"), 0, 1).
1001 $datem = $db->jdate($objp->dm);
1002 print
'<td class="right tddate" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans(
': '.
1040if (isModEnabled(
'contract') && $user->hasRight(
"lire") && 0) {
1041 $staticcontrat =
new Contrat($db);
1043 $sql =
"SELECT s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias";
1044 $sql .=
", s.code_client, s.code_compta as code_compta_client, s.client";
1045 $sql .=
", s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur";
1046 $sql .=
", s.logo, s.email, s.entity";
1047 $sql .=
", s.canvas";
1048 $sql .=
", c.statut, c.rowid as contratid, p.ref, c.fin_validite as datefin, c.date_cloture as dateclo";
1049 $sql .=
"societe as s";
1050 $sql .=
"contrat as c";
1051 $sql .=
"product as p";
1052 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
1053 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
1055 $sql .=
" WHERE c.entity IN (".getEntity($staticcontrat->element).
1056 $sql .=
" AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid";
1057 $sql .=
" AND c.fk_product = p.rowid";
1058 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
1059 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
1062 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = ".((int) $socid);
1064 $sql .=
" ORDER BY c.tms DESC";
1065 $sql .= $db->plimit($max + 1, 0);
1067 $resql = $db->query($sql);
1069 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
1076 $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
1078 $companystatic->id = $obj->socid;
1079 $companystatic->name = $obj->name;
1080 $companystatic->name_alias = $obj->name_alias;
1081 $companystatic->code_client = $obj->code_client;
1082 $companystatic->code_compta = $obj->code_compta_client;
1083 $companystatic->code_compta_client = $obj->code_compta_client;
1084 $companystatic->client = $obj->client;
1085 $companystatic->code_fournisseur = $obj->code_fournisseur;
1086 $companystatic->code_compta_fournisseur = $obj->code_compta_fournisseur;
1087 $companystatic->fournisseur = $obj->fournisseur;
1088 $companystatic->logo = $obj->logo;
1089 $companystatic->email = $obj->email;
1090 $companystatic->entity = $obj->entity;
1091 $companystatic->canvas = $obj->canvas;
1093 $staticcontrat->id = $obj->contratid;
1094 $staticcontrat->ref = $obj->ref;
1096 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
1097 print
'<td class="nowraponall">'.$staticcontrat->getNomUrl(1).
1098 print
'<td class="tdoverflowmax150">'.$companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
1099 print
'<td class="right">'.$staticcontrat->LibStatut($obj->statut, 3).
1119if (isModEnabled(
"propal") && $user->hasRight(
"lire")) {
1120 $sql =
"SELECT p.rowid as propalid, p.entity, p.total_ttc, p.total_ht, p.total_tva, p.ref, p.ref_client, p.fk_statut, p.datep as dp, p.fin_validite as dfv";
1121 $sql .=
", s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias";
1122 $sql .=
", s.code_client, s.code_compta as code_compta_client, s.client";
1123 $sql .=
", s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur";
1124 $sql .=
", s.logo, s.email, s.entity";
1125 $sql .=
", s.canvas";
1126 $sql .=
"propal as p";
1127 $sql .=
"societe as s";
1128 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
1129 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
1131 $sql .=
" WHERE p.entity IN (".getEntity($propalstatic->element).
1132 $sql .=
" AND p.fk_soc = s.rowid";
1133 $sql .=
" AND p.fk_statut = ".Propal::STATUS_VALIDATED;
1134 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
1135 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
1138 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = ".((int) $socid);
1140 $sql .=
" ORDER BY p.rowid DESC";
1142 $resql = $db->query($sql);
1144 $total = $total_ttc = 0;
1145 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
1146 $nbofloop = min($num, (!
1147 startSimpleTable(
"search_status=1", 4, $num);
1153 while ($i < $nbofloop) {
1154 $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
1159 $total += $obj->total_ht;
1160 $total_ttc += $obj->total_ttc;
1164 $propalstatic->id = $obj->propalid;
1165 $propalstatic->ref = $obj->ref;
1166 $propalstatic->ref_client = $obj->ref_client;
1167 $propalstatic->total_ht = $obj->total_ht;
1168 $propalstatic->total_tva = $obj->total_tva;
1169 $propalstatic->total_ttc = $obj->total_ttc;
1171 $companystatic->id = $obj->socid;
1172 $companystatic->name = $obj->name;
1173 $companystatic->name_alias = $obj->name_alias;
1174 $companystatic->code_client = $obj->code_client;
1175 $companystatic->code_compta = $obj->code_compta_client;
1176 $companystatic->code_compta_client = $obj->code_compta_client;
1177 $companystatic->client = $obj->client;
1178 $companystatic->code_fournisseur = $obj->code_fournisseur;
1179 $companystatic->code_compta_fournisseur = $obj->code_compta_fournisseur;
1180 $companystatic->fournisseur = $obj->fournisseur;
1181 $companystatic->logo = $obj->logo;
1182 $companystatic->email = $obj->email;
1183 $companystatic->entity = $obj->entity;
1184 $companystatic->canvas = $obj->canvas;
1189 $warning = ($db->jdate($obj->dfv) < ($now -
$conf->propal->cloture->warning_delay)) ?
"Late")) :
1191 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
1193 print
'<td class="nowrap" width="140">';
1194 print
'<table class="nobordernopadding"><tr class="nocellnopadd">';
1195 print
'<td class="nobordernopadding nowraponall">'.$propalstatic->getNomUrl(1).
1196 print
'<td width="18" class="nobordernopadding nowrap">'.$warning.
1197 print
'<td width="16" class="nobordernopadding center">'.$formfile->getDocumentsLink($propalstatic->element, $filename, $filedir).
1202 print
'<td class="tdoverflowmax150">'.$companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
1203 $datem = $db->jdate($obj->dp);
1204 print
'<td class="center tddate" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans(
': '.
1207 print
'<td class="right tdamount amount">'.price(
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc).
1208 print
'<td align="center" width="14">'.$propalstatic->LibStatut($obj->fk_statut, 3).
1213 $total += $obj->total_ht;
1214 $total_ttc += $obj->total_ttc;
1218 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
1219 print
'<td class="nowrap" colspan="5">';
1220 print
'<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
'... ('.$othernb.
1239if (isModEnabled(
'order') && $user->hasRight(
'lire') && is_object($orderstatic)) {
1240 $sql =
"SELECT c.rowid as commandeid, c.total_ttc, c.total_ht, c.total_tva, c.ref, c.ref_client, c.fk_statut, c.date_valid as dv, c.facture as billed";
1241 $sql .=
", s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias";
1242 $sql .=
", s.code_client, s.code_compta as code_compta_client, s.client";
1243 $sql .=
", s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur";
1244 $sql .=
", s.logo, s.email, s.entity";
1245 $sql .=
", s.canvas";
1246 $sql .=
"commande as c";
1247 $sql .=
"societe as s";
1248 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
1249 $sql .=
"societe_commerciaux as sc";
1251 $sql .=
" WHERE c.entity IN (".getEntity($orderstatic->element).
1252 $sql .=
" AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid";
1254 if (!$user->hasRight(
'voir')) {
1255 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = ".((int) $user->id);
1258 $sql .=
" AND s.rowid = ".((int) $socid);
1260 $sql .=
" ORDER BY c.rowid DESC";
1262 $resql = $db->query($sql);
1264 $total = $total_ttc = 0;
1265 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
1266 $nbofloop = min($num, (!
1273 while ($i < $nbofloop) {
1274 $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
1279 $total += $obj->total_ht;
1280 $total_ttc += $obj->total_ttc;
1284 $orderstatic->id = $obj->commandeid;
1285 $orderstatic->ref = $obj->ref;
1286 $orderstatic->ref_client = $obj->ref_client;
1287 $orderstatic->statut = $obj->fk_statut;
1288 $orderstatic->total_ht = $obj->total_ht;
1289 $orderstatic->total_tva = $obj->total_tva;
1290 $orderstatic->total_ttc = $obj->total_ttc;
1292 $companystatic->id = $obj->socid;
1293 $companystatic->name = $obj->name;
1294 $companystatic->name_alias = $obj->name_alias;
1295 $companystatic->code_client = $obj->code_client;
1296 $companystatic->code_compta = $obj->code_compta_client;
1297 $companystatic->code_compta_client = $obj->code_compta_client;
1298 $companystatic->client = $obj->client;
1299 $companystatic->code_fournisseur = $obj->code_fournisseur;
1300 $companystatic->code_compta_fournisseur = $obj->code_compta_fournisseur;
1301 $companystatic->fournisseur = $obj->fournisseur;
1302 $companystatic->logo = $obj->logo;
1303 $companystatic->email = $obj->email;
1304 $companystatic->entity = $obj->entity;
1305 $companystatic->canvas = $obj->canvas;
1312 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
1314 print
'<td class="nowrap" width="140">';
1315 print
'<table class="nobordernopadding"><tr class="nocellnopadd">';
1316 print
'<td class="nobordernopadding nowraponall">'.$orderstatic->getNomUrl(1).
1317 print
'<td width="18" class="nobordernopadding nowrap"></td>';
1318 print
'<td width="16" align="center" class="nobordernopadding">'.$formfile->getDocumentsLink($orderstatic->element, $filename, $filedir).
1323 print
'<td class="tdoverflowmax150">'.$companystatic->getNomUrl(1,
1324 $datem = $db->jdate($obj->dv);
1325 print
'<td class="center tddate" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans(
': '.
1329 print
'<td class="right tdamount amount">'.price(
'MAIN_DASHBOARD_USE_TOTAL_HT') ? $obj->total_ht : $obj->total_ttc).
1330 print
'<td align="center" width="14">'.$orderstatic->LibStatut($obj->fk_statut, $obj->billed, 3).
1335 $total += $obj->total_ht;
1336 $total_ttc += $obj->total_ttc;
1340 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
1341 print
'<td class="nowrap" colspan="5">';
1342 print
'<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
'... ('.$othernb.
1361$parameters = array(
'user' => $user);
1362$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'dashboardCommercials', $parameters, $object);
llxFooter($comment='', $zone='private', $disabledoutputofmessages=0)
Empty footer.
if(!defined('NOREQUIRESOC')) if(!defined( 'NOREQUIRETRAN')) if(!defined('NOTOKENRENEWAL')) if(!defined( 'NOREQUIREMENU')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREHTML')) if(!defined( 'NOREQUIREAJAX')) llxHeader($head='', $title='', $help_url='', $target='', $disablejs=0, $disablehead=0, $arrayofjs='', $arrayofcss='', $morequerystring='', $morecssonbody='', $replacemainareaby='', $disablenofollow=0, $disablenoindex=0)
Empty header.
Class to manage predefined suppliers products.
Draft status.
Class to manage customers orders.
Shipment on process.
Draft status.
Validated status.
Draft status.
Class to manage proposals.
Draft status.
Class to manage third parties objects (customers, suppliers, prospects...)
Third party type is a prospect.
Third party type is a customer and a prospect.
Class to manage price ask supplier.
Draft status.
convertSecondToTime($iSecond, $format='all', $lengthOfDay=86400, $lengthOfWeek=7)
Return, in clear text, value of a number of seconds in days, hours and minutes.
Add the correct HTML close tags for "startSimpleTable(...)" (use after the last table line)
load_fiche_titre($title, $morehtmlright='', $picto='generic', $pictoisfullpath=0, $id='', $morecssontable='', $morehtmlcenter='')
Load a title with picto.
img_warning($titlealt='default', $moreatt='', $morecss='pictowarning')
Show warning logo.
GETPOSTINT($paramname, $method=0)
Return the value of a $_GET or $_POST supervariable, converted into integer.
Return date for now.
getDolGlobalInt($key, $default=0)
Return a Dolibarr global constant int value.
dol_print_date($time, $format='', $tzoutput='auto', $outputlangs=null, $encodetooutput=false)
Output date in a string format according to outputlangs (or langs if not defined).
dol_substr($string, $start, $length=null, $stringencoding='', $trunconbytes=0)
Make a substring.
GETPOST($paramname, $check='alphanohtml', $method=0, $filter=null, $options=null, $noreplace=0)
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable.
dol_sanitizeFileName($str, $newstr='_', $unaccent=1)
Clean a string to use it as a file name.
dol_print_error($db=null, $error='', $errors=null)
Displays error message system with all the information to facilitate the diagnosis and the escalation...
addSummaryTableLine($tableColumnCount, $num, $nbofloop=0, $total=0, $noneWord="None", $extraRightColumn=false)
Add a summary line to the current open table ("None", "XMoreLines" or "Total xxx")
getDolGlobalString($key, $default='')
Return a Dolibarr global constant string value.
startSimpleTable($header, $link="", $arguments="", $emptyColumns=0, $number=-1, $pictofulllist='')
Start a table with headers and a optional clickable number (don't forget to use "finishSimpleTable()"...
global $conf
The following vars must be defined: $type2label $form $conf, $lang, The following vars may also be de...
Return a HTML table that contains a pie chart of sales orders.
Return a HTML table that contains a pie chart of customer proposals.
accessforbidden($message='', $printheader=1, $printfooter=1, $showonlymessage=0, $params=null)
Show a message to say access is forbidden and stop program.