27require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
28include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
39 public $listofmanagedevents = array();
50 $this->
name = preg_replace(
'', get_class($this));
51 $this->family =
52 $this->
description =
"Triggers of this module send Email notifications according to Notification module setup.";
53 $this->version = self::VERSIONS[
54 $this->picto =
56 $this->listofmanagedevents = Notify::$arrayofnotifsupported;
74 if (empty(
$conf->notification) || !isModEnabled(
'notification')) {
78 if (!is_object($hookmanager)) {
79 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
82 $hookmanager->initHooks(array(
84 $parameters = array();
85 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'notifsupported', $parameters,
$object, $action);
86 if (empty($reshook)) {
87 if (!empty($hookmanager->resArray[
'arrayofnotifsupported'])) {
88 $this->listofmanagedevents = array_merge($this->listofmanagedevents, $hookmanager->resArray[
93 if (!in_array($action, $this->listofmanagedevents)) {
97 dol_syslog(
"Trigger '".$this->
"' for action '".$action.
"' launched by ".__FILE__.
". id=".
99 $notify =
new Notify($this->db);
100 $notify->send($action,
112 global
$conf, $action;
115 if (!is_object($hookmanager)) {
116 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
119 $hookmanager->initHooks(array(
121 $parameters = array();
123 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks(
'notifsupported', $parameters,
$object, $action);
124 if (empty($reshook)) {
125 if (!empty($hookmanager->resArray[
'arrayofnotifsupported'])) {
126 $this->listofmanagedevents = array_merge($this->listofmanagedevents, $hookmanager->resArray[
133 $sql =
"SELECT rowid, code, contexts, label, description, elementtype";
134 $sql .=
135 $sql .= $this->db->order(
"rang, elementtype, code");
137 dol_syslog(
"getListOfManagedEvents Get list of notifications", LOG_DEBUG);
138 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
140 $num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
143 $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
147 if (in_array($obj->code, $this->listofmanagedevents)) {
153 $element = $obj->elementtype;
156 if ($element ==
'order_supplier' && !isModEnabled(
'supplier_order')) {
158 } elseif ($element ==
'invoice_supplier' && !isModEnabled(
'supplier_invoice')) {
160 } elseif ($element ==
'withdraw' && !isModEnabled(
'prelevement')) {
162 } elseif ($element ==
'shipping' && !isModEnabled(
'shipping')) {
164 } elseif ($element ==
'member' && !isModEnabled(
'member')) {
166 } elseif (($element ==
'expense_report' || $element ==
'expensereport') && !isModEnabled(
'expensereport')) {
168 } elseif (!in_array($element, array(
'expensereport')) && empty(
$conf->$element->enabled)) {
174 $ret[] = array(
'rowid' => $obj->rowid,
'code' => $obj->code,
'contexts' => $obj->contexts,
'label' => $obj->label,
'description' => $obj->description,
'elementtype' => $obj->elementtype);
if( $user->socid > 0) if(! $user->hasRight('accounting', 'chartofaccount')) $object
Class to stock current configuration.
Class that all triggers must inherit.
Class of triggers for notification module.
Return list of events managed by notification module.
runTrigger($action, $object, User $user, Translate $langs, Conf $conf)
Function called when a Dolibarr business event is done.
Class to manage the table of subscription to notifications.
Class to manage translations.
Class to manage Dolibarr users.
print $script_file $mode $langs defaultlang(is_numeric($duration_value) ? " delay=". $duration_value :"").(is_numeric($duration_value2) ? " after cd cd cd description as description
Only used if Module[ID]Desc translation string is not found.
dol_print_error($db=null, $error='', $errors=null)
Displays error message system with all the information to facilitate the diagnosis and the escalation...
dol_syslog($message, $level=LOG_INFO, $ident=0, $suffixinfilename='', $restricttologhandler='', $logcontext=null)
Write log message into outputs.
global $conf
The following vars must be defined: $type2label $form $conf, $lang, The following vars may also be de...
$conf db name
Only used if Module[ID]Name translation string is not found.