dolibarr 18.0.6
Societe Class Reference

Class to manage third parties objects (customers, suppliers, prospects...) More...

Inheritance diagram for Societe:
Collaboration diagram for Societe:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($db)
 create (User $user, $notrigger=0)
 Create third party in database.
 create_individual (User $user, $no_email=0, $tags=array(), $notrigger=0)
 Create a contact/address from thirdparty.
 verify ()
 Check properties of third party are ok (like name, third party codes, ...) Used before an add or update.
 update ($id, $user='', $call_trigger=1, $allowmodcodeclient=0, $allowmodcodefournisseur=0, $action='update', $nosyncmember=1)
 Update parameters of third party.
 fetch ($rowid, $ref='', $ref_ext='', $barcode='', $idprof1='', $idprof2='', $idprof3='', $idprof4='', $idprof5='', $idprof6='', $email='', $ref_alias='')
 Load a third party from database into memory.
 delete ($id, User $fuser=null, $call_trigger=1)
 Delete a third party from database and all its dependencies (contacts, rib...)
 set_as_client ()
 Define third party as a customer.
 set_remise_client ($remise, $note, User $user)
 Defines the company as a customer.
 set_remise_supplier ($remise, $note, User $user)
 Defines the company as a customer.
 set_remise_except ($remise, User $user, $desc, $vatrate='', $discount_type=0, $price_base_type='HT')
 Add a discount for third party.
 getAvailableDiscounts ($user='', $filter='', $maxvalue=0, $discount_type=0)
 Returns amount of included taxes of the current discounts/credits available from the company.
 getSalesRepresentatives (User $user, $mode=0, $sortfield=null, $sortorder=null)
 Return array of sales representatives.
 setPriceLevel ($price_level, User $user)
 Set the price level.
 add_commercial (User $user, $commid)
 Add link to sales representative.
 del_commercial (User $user, $commid)
 Add link to sales representative.
 getTooltipContentArray ($params)
 getNomUrl ($withpicto=0, $option='', $maxlen=0, $notooltip=0, $save_lastsearch_value=-1, $noaliasinname=0, $target='')
 Return a link on thirdparty (with picto)
 getTypeUrl ($withpicto=0, $option='', $notooltip=0, $tag='a')
 Return link(s) on type of thirdparty (with picto)
 getLibStatut ($mode=0)
 Return label of status (activity, closed)
 LibStatut ($status, $mode=0)
 Return the label of a given status.
 thirdparty_and_contact_email_array ($addthirdparty=0)
 Return list of contacts emails existing for third party.
 thirdparty_and_contact_phone_array ()
 Return list of contacts mobile phone existing for third party.
 contact_property_array ($mode='email', $hidedisabled=0)
 Return list of contacts emails or mobile existing for third party.
 contact_array ()
 Returns the contact list of this company.
 contact_array_objects ()
 Returns the contact list of this company.
 contact_get_property ($rowid, $mode)
 Return property of contact from its id.
 display_rib ($mode='label')
 Return bank number property of thirdparty (label or rum)
 get_all_rib ()
 Return Array of RIB.
 get_codeclient ($objsoc=0, $type=0)
 Assigns a customer code from the code control module.
 get_codefournisseur ($objsoc=0, $type=1)
 Assigns a vendor code from the code control module.
 codeclient_modifiable ()
 Check if a client code is editable based on the parameters of the code control module.
 codefournisseur_modifiable ()
 Check if a vendor code is editable in the code control module configuration.
 check_codeclient ()
 Check customer code.
 check_codefournisseur ()
 Check supplier code.
 get_codecompta ($type)
 Assigns a accounting code from the accounting code module.
 setParent ($id)
 Define parent company of current company.
 validateFamilyTree ($idparent, $idchild, $counter=0)
 Check if a thirdparty $idchild is or not inside the parents (or grand parents) of another thirdparty id $idparent.
 getParentsForCompany ($company_id, $parents=array())
 Get parents for company.
 id_prof_verifiable ($idprof)
 Returns if a profid sould be verified to be unique.
 id_prof_exists ($idprof, $value, $socid=0)
 Verify if a profid exists into database for others thirds.
 id_prof_check ($idprof, $soc)
 Check the validity of a professional identifier according to the country of the company (siren, siret, ...)
 id_prof_url ($idprof, $thirdparty)
 Return an url to check online a professional id or empty string.
 has_projects ()
 Indicates if the company has projects.
 info ($id)
 Load information for tab info.
 isACompany ()
 Return if third party is a company (Business) or an end user (Consumer)
 isInEEC ()
 Return if a company is inside the EEC (European Economic Community)
 LoadSupplierCateg ()
 Load the list of provider categories.
 AddFournisseurInCategory ($categorie_id)
 Insert link supplier - category.
 getNbOfEMailings ()
 Return number of mass Emailing received by this contacts with its email.
 setNoEmail ($no_email)
 Set "blacklist" mailing status.
 getNoEmail ()
 get "blacklist" mailing status set no_email attribut to 1 or 0
 create_from_member (Adherent $member, $socname='', $socalias='', $customercode='')
 Create a third party into database from a member object.
 setMysoc (Conf $conf)
 Set properties with value into $conf.
 initAsSpecimen ()
 Initialise an instance with random values.
 useLocalTax ($localTaxNum=0)
 Check if we must use localtax feature or not according to country (country of $mysoc in most cases).
 useNPR ()
 Check if we must use NPR Vat (french stupid rule) or not according to country (country of $mysoc in most cases).
 useRevenueStamp ()
 Check if we must use revenue stamps feature or not according to country (country of $mysocin most cases).
 getLibProspLevel ()
 Return prostect level.
 LibProspLevel ($fk_prospectlevel)
 Return label of prospect level.
 getLibProspCommStatut ($mode=0, $label='')
 Return status of prospect.
 LibProspCommStatut ($status, $mode=0, $label='', $picto='')
 Return label of a given status.
 getOutstandingProposals ($mode='customer')
 Return amount of proposal not yet paid and total an dlist of all proposals.
 getOutstandingOrders ($mode='customer')
 Return amount of order not yet paid and total and list of all orders.
 getOutstandingBills ($mode='customer', $late=0)
 Return amount of bill not yet paid and total of all invoices.
 getLibCustProspStatut ()
 Return label of status customer is prospect/customer.
 LibCustProspStatut ($status)
 Return the label of the customer/prospect status.
 generateDocument ($modele, $outputlangs, $hidedetails=0, $hidedesc=0, $hideref=0, $moreparams=null)
 Create a document onto disk according to template module.
 setCategories ($categories, $type_categ)
 Sets object to supplied categories.
 setSalesRep ($salesrep, $onlyAdd=false)
 Sets sales representatives of the thirdparty.
 setThirdpartyType ($typent_id)
 Define third-party type of current company.
 setAccountancyCode ($type, $value)
 Sets an accountancy code for a thirdparty.
 fetchPartnerships ($mode)
 Function to get partnerships array.
 getKanbanView ($option='', $arraydata=null)
 Return clicable link of object (with eventually picto)
 getContacts ($list=0, $code='', $element='')
 Get array of all contacts for a society (stored in societe_contacts instead of element_contacts for all other objects)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CommonObject
 setErrorsFromObject ($object)
 getTooltipContent ($params)
 errorsToString ()
 Method to output saved errors.
 getFormatedCustomerRef ($objref)
 Return customer ref for screen output.
 getFormatedSupplierRef ($objref)
 Return supplier ref for screen output.
 getFullAddress ($withcountry=0, $sep="\n", $withregion=0, $extralangcode='')
 Return full address of contact.
 getLastMainDocLink ($modulepart, $initsharekey=0, $relativelink=0)
 Return the link of last main doc file for direct public download.
 add_contact ($fk_socpeople, $type_contact, $source='external', $notrigger=0)
 Add a link between element $this->element and a contact.
 copy_linked_contact ($objFrom, $source='internal')
 Copy contact from one element to current.
 update_contact ($rowid, $statut, $type_contact_id=0, $fk_socpeople=0)
 Update a link to contact line.
 delete_contact ($rowid, $notrigger=0)
 Delete a link to contact line.
 delete_linked_contact ($source='', $code='')
 Delete all links between an object $this and all its contacts in llx_element_contact.
 liste_contact ($statusoflink=-1, $source='external', $list=0, $code='', $status=-1, $arrayoftcids=array())
 Get array of all contacts for an object.
 swapContactStatus ($rowid)
 Update status of a contact linked to object.
 liste_type_contact ($source='internal', $order='position', $option=0, $activeonly=0, $code='')
 Return array with list of possible values for type of contacts.
 listeTypeContacts ($source='internal', $option=0, $activeonly=0, $code='', $element='', $excludeelement='')
 Return array with list of possible values for type of contacts.
 getIdContact ($source, $code, $status=0)
 Return id of contacts for a source and a contact code.
 fetch_contact ($contactid=null)
 Load object contact with id=$this->contact_id into $this->contact.
 fetch_thirdparty ($force_thirdparty_id=0)
 Load the third party of object, from id $this->socid or $this->fk_soc, into this->thirdparty.
 fetchOneLike ($ref)
 Looks for an object with ref matching the wildcard provided It does only work when $this->table_ref_field is set.
 fetch_barcode ()
 Load data for barcode into properties ->barcode_type* Properties ->barcode_type that is id of barcode.
 fetch_project ()
 Load the project with id $this->fk_project into this->project.
 fetch_projet ()
 Load the project with id $this->fk_project into this->project.
 fetch_product ()
 Load the product with id $this->fk_product into this->product.
 fetch_user ($userid)
 Load the user with id $userid into this->user.
 fetch_origin ()
 Read linked origin object.
 fetchObjectFrom ($table, $field, $key, $element=null)
 Load object from specific field.
 getValueFrom ($table, $id, $field)
 Getter generic.
 setValueFrom ($field, $value, $table='', $id=null, $format='', $id_field='', $fuser=null, $trigkey='', $fk_user_field='fk_user_modif')
 Setter generic.
 load_previous_next_ref ($filter, $fieldid, $nodbprefix=0)
 Load properties id_previous and id_next by comparing $fieldid with $this->ref.
 getListContactId ($source='external')
 Return list of id of contacts of object.
 setProject ($projectid, $notrigger=0)
 Link element with a project.
 setPaymentMethods ($id)
 Change the payments methods.
 setMulticurrencyCode ($code)
 Change the multicurrency code.
 setPaymentTerms ($id, $deposit_percent=null)
 Change the payments terms.
 setTransportMode ($id)
 Change the transport mode methods.
 setRetainedWarrantyPaymentTerms ($id)
 Change the retained warranty payments terms.
 setDeliveryAddress ($id)
 Define delivery address.
 setShippingMethod ($shipping_method_id, $notrigger=false, $userused=null)
 Change the shipping method.
 setWarehouse ($warehouse_id)
 Change the warehouse.
 setDocModel ($user, $modelpdf)
 Set last model used by doc generator.
 setBankAccount ($fk_account, $notrigger=false, $userused=null)
 Change the bank account.
 line_order ($renum=false, $rowidorder='ASC', $fk_parent_line=true)
 Save a new position (field rang) for details lines.
 getChildrenOfLine ($id, $includealltree=0)
 Get children of line.
 line_up ($rowid, $fk_parent_line=true)
 Update a line to have a lower rank.
 line_down ($rowid, $fk_parent_line=true)
 Update a line to have a higher rank.
 updateRangOfLine ($rowid, $rang)
 Update position of line (rang)
 line_ajaxorder ($rows)
 Update position of line with ajax (rang)
 updateLineUp ($rowid, $rang)
 Update position of line up (rang)
 updateLineDown ($rowid, $rang, $max)
 Update position of line down (rang)
 getRangOfLine ($rowid)
 Get position of line (rang)
 getIdOfLine ($rang)
 Get rowid of the line relative to its position.
 line_max ($fk_parent_line=0)
 Get max value used for position of line (rang)
 update_ref_ext ($ref_ext)
 Update external ref of element.
 update_note ($note, $suffix='', $notrigger=0)
 Update note of element.
 update_note_public ($note)
 Update public note (kept for backward compatibility)
 update_price ($exclspec=0, $roundingadjust='none', $nodatabaseupdate=0, $seller=null)
 Update total_ht, total_ttc, total_vat, total_localtax1, total_localtax2 for an object (sum of lines).
 add_object_linked ($origin=null, $origin_id=null, $f_user=null, $notrigger=0)
 Add an object link into llx_element_element.
 fetchObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $clause='OR', $alsosametype=1, $orderby='sourcetype', $loadalsoobjects=1)
 Fetch array of objects linked to current object (object of enabled modules only).
 clearObjectLinkedCache ()
 Clear the cache saying that all linked object were already loaded.
 updateObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $f_user=null, $notrigger=0)
 Update object linked of a current object.
 deleteObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $rowid='', $f_user=null, $notrigger=0)
 Delete all links between an object $this.
 setStatut ($status, $elementId=null, $elementType='', $trigkey='', $fieldstatus='fk_statut')
 Set status of an object.
 getCanvas ($id=0, $ref='')
 Load type of canvas of an object if it exists.
 getSpecialCode ($lineid)
 Get special code of a line.
 isObjectUsed ($id=0, $entity=0)
 Function to check if an object is used by others (by children).
 hasProductsOrServices ($predefined=-1)
 Function to say how many lines object contains.
 getTotalDiscount ()
 Function that returns the total amount HT of discounts applied for all lines.
 getTotalWeightVolume ()
 Return into unit=0, the calculated total of weight and volume of all lines * qty Calculate by adding weight and volume of each product line, so properties ->volume/volume_units/weight/weight_units must be loaded on line.
 setExtraParameters ()
 Set extra parameters.
 formAddObjectLine ($dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl')
 Show add free and predefined products/services form.
 printObjectLines ($action, $seller, $buyer, $selected=0, $dateSelector=0, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl')
 Return HTML table for object lines TODO Move this into an output class file (htmlline.class.php) If lines are into a template, title must also be into a template But for the moment we don't know if it's possible as we keep a method available on overloaded objects.
 printObjectLine ($action, $line, $var, $num, $i, $dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $selected=0, $extrafields=null, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl')
 Return HTML content of a detail line TODO Move this into an output class file (htmlline.class.php)
 printOriginLinesList ($restrictlist='', $selectedLines=array())
 Return HTML table table of source object lines TODO Move this and previous function into output html class file (htmlline.class.php).
 printOriginLine ($line, $var, $restrictlist='', $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl', $selectedLines=array())
 Return HTML with a line of table array of source object lines TODO Move this and previous function into output html class file (htmlline.class.php).
 add_element_resource ($resource_id, $resource_type, $busy=0, $mandatory=0)
 Add resources to the current object : add entry into llx_element_resources Need $this->element & $this->id.
 delete_resource ($rowid, $element, $notrigger=0)
 Delete a link to resource line.
 __clone ()
 Overwrite magic function to solve problem of cloning object that are kept as references.
 indexFile ($destfull, $update_main_doc_field)
 Index a file into the ECM database.
 addThumbs ($file)
 Build thumb.
 delThumbs ($file)
 Delete thumbs.
 getDefaultCreateValueFor ($fieldname, $alternatevalue=null, $type='alphanohtml')
 Return the default value to use for a field when showing the create form of object.
 call_trigger ($triggerName, $user)
 Call trigger based on this instance.
 fetchValuesForExtraLanguages ()
 Function to get alternative languages of a data into $this->array_languages This method is NOT called by method fetch of objects but must be called separately.
 setValuesForExtraLanguages ($onlykey='')
 Fill array_options property of object by extrafields value (using for data sent by forms)
 fetchNoCompute ($id)
 Function to make a fetch but set environment to avoid to load computed values before.
 fetch_optionals ($rowid=null, $optionsArray=null)
 Function to get extra fields of an object into $this->array_options This method is in most cases called by method fetch of objects but you can call it separately.
 deleteExtraFields ()
 Delete all extra fields values for the current object.
 insertExtraFields ($trigger='', $userused=null)
 Add/Update all extra fields values for the current object.
 insertExtraLanguages ($trigger='', $userused=null)
 Add/Update all extra fields values for the current object.
 updateExtraField ($key, $trigger=null, $userused=null)
 Update 1 extra field value for the current object.
 updateExtraLanguages ($key, $trigger=null, $userused=null)
 Update an extra language value for the current object.
 showInputField ($val, $key, $value, $moreparam='', $keysuffix='', $keyprefix='', $morecss=0, $nonewbutton=0)
 Return HTML string to put an input field into a page Code very similar with showInputField of extra fields.
 clearFieldError ($fieldKey)
 clear validation message result for a field
 setFieldError ($fieldKey, $msg='')
 set validation error message a field
 getFieldError ($fieldKey)
 get field error message
 validateField ($fields, $fieldKey, $fieldValue)
 Return validation test result for a field.
 showOptionals ($extrafields, $mode='view', $params=null, $keysuffix='', $keyprefix='', $onetrtd=0, $display_type='card')
 Function to show lines of extrafields with output datas.
 getJSListDependancies ($type='_extra')
 getRights ()
 Returns the rights used for this class.
 defineBuyPrice ($unitPrice=0.0, $discountPercent=0.0, $fk_product=0)
 Get buy price to use for margin calculation.
 show_photos ($modulepart, $sdir, $size=0, $nbmax=0, $nbbyrow=5, $showfilename=0, $showaction=0, $maxHeight=120, $maxWidth=160, $nolink=0, $overwritetitle=0, $usesharelink=0, $cache='', $addphotorefcss='photoref')
 Show photos of an object (nbmax maximum), into several columns.
 isDate ($info)
 Function test if type is date.
 isDuration ($info)
 Function test if type is duration.
 isInt ($info)
 Function test if type is integer.
 isFloat ($info)
 Function test if type is float.
 isText ($info)
 Function test if type is text.
 setVarsFromFetchObj (&$obj)
 Function to load data from a SQL pointer into properties of current object $this.
 getFieldList ($alias='', $excludefields=array())
 Function to concat keys of fields.
 createCommon (User $user, $notrigger=false)
 Create object into database.
 fetchCommon ($id, $ref=null, $morewhere='')
 Load object in memory from the database.
 fetchLinesCommon ($morewhere='')
 Load object in memory from the database.
 updateCommon (User $user, $notrigger=false)
 Update object into database.
 deleteCommon (User $user, $notrigger=false, $forcechilddeletion=0)
 Delete object in database.
 deleteByParentField ($parentId=0, $parentField='', $filter=array(), $filtermode="AND")
 Delete all child object from a parent ID.
 deleteLineCommon (User $user, $idline, $notrigger=false)
 Delete a line of object in database.
 setStatusCommon ($user, $status, $notrigger=0, $triggercode='')
 Set to a status.
 initAsSpecimenCommon ()
 Initialise object with example values Id must be 0 if object instance is a specimen.
 fetchComments ()
 Load comments linked with current task.
 getNbComments ()
 Return nb comments already posted.
 trimParameters ($parameters)
 Trim object parameters.
 getCategoriesCommon ($type_categ)
 Sets object to given categories.
 setCategoriesCommon ($categories, $type_categ='', $remove_existing=true)
 Sets object to given categories.
 cloneCategories ($fromId, $toId, $type='')
 Copy related categories to another object.
 deleteEcmFiles ($mode=0)
 Delete related files of object in database.

Static Public Member Functions

static replaceThirdparty (DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id)
 Function used to replace a thirdparty id with another one.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CommonObject
static isExistingObject ($element, $id, $ref='', $ref_ext='')
 Check an object id/ref exists If you don't need/want to instantiate object and just need to know if object exists, use this method instead of fetch.
static getAllItemsLinkedByObjectID ($fk_object_where, $field_select, $field_where, $table_element)
 Function used to get an array with all items linked to an object id in association table.
static deleteAllItemsLinkedByObjectID ($fk_object_where, $field_where, $table_element)
 Function used to remove all items linked to an object id in association table.
static commonReplaceThirdparty (DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id, array $tables, $ignoreerrors=0)
 Function used to replace a thirdparty id with another one.
static commonReplaceProduct (DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id, array $tables, $ignoreerrors=0)
 Function used to replace a product id with another one.

Public Attributes

const NO_CUSTOMER = 0
 Third party type is no customer.
const CUSTOMER = 1
 Third party type is a customer.
const PROSPECT = 2
 Third party type is a prospect.
 Third party type is a customer and a prospect.
const NO_SUPPLIER = 0
 Third party supplier flag is not supplier.
const SUPPLIER = 1
 Third party supplier flag is a supplier.
- Public Attributes inherited from CommonObject

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from CommonObject
 commonGenerateDocument ($modelspath, $modele, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref, $moreparams=null)
 Common function for all objects extending CommonObject for generating documents.
 isArray ($info)
 Function test if type is array.
 canBeNull ($info)
 Function test if field can be null.
 isForcedToNullIfZero ($info)
 Function test if field is forced to null if zero or empty.
 isIndex ($info)
 Function test if is indexed.
 setSaveQuery ()
 Function to return the array of data key-value from the ->fields and all the ->properties of an object.
 quote ($value, $fieldsentry)
 Add quote to field value if necessary.

Detailed Description

Class to manage third parties objects (customers, suppliers, prospects...)

Definition at line 51 of file societe.class.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Societe::__construct ( $db)


DoliDB$dbDatabase handler

Reimplemented in Client, and Fournisseur.

Definition at line 849 of file societe.class.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_commercial()

Societe::add_commercial ( User $user,
$commid )

Add link to sales representative.

User$userObject user
int$commidId of user
int <=0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2532 of file societe.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), and dol_syslog().

Referenced by create(), and setSalesRep().

◆ AddFournisseurInCategory()

Societe::AddFournisseurInCategory ( $categorie_id)

Insert link supplier - category.

int$categorie_idId of category
int 0 if success, <> 0 if error

Definition at line 4144 of file societe.class.php.

◆ check_codeclient()

Societe::check_codeclient ( )

Check customer code.

int 0 if OK -1 ErrorBadCustomerCodeSyntax -2 ErrorCustomerCodeRequired -3 ErrorCustomerCodeAlreadyUsed -4 ErrorPrefixRequired -5 NotConfigured - Setup empty so any value may be ok or not -6 Other (see this->error)

Definition at line 3439 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_include_once(), and dol_syslog().

Referenced by verify().

◆ check_codefournisseur()

Societe::check_codefournisseur ( )

Check supplier code.

int 0 if OK -1 ErrorBadCustomerCodeSyntax -2 ErrorCustomerCodeRequired -3 ErrorCustomerCodeAlreadyUsed -4 ErrorPrefixRequired -5 NotConfigured - Setup empty so any value may be ok or not -6 Other (see this->error)

Definition at line 3480 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_include_once(), and dol_syslog().

Referenced by verify().

◆ codeclient_modifiable()

Societe::codeclient_modifiable ( )

Check if a client code is editable based on the parameters of the code control module.

int 0=No, 1=Yes

Definition at line 3353 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_include_once(), and dol_syslog().

◆ codefournisseur_modifiable()

Societe::codefournisseur_modifiable ( )

Check if a vendor code is editable in the code control module configuration.

int 0=No, 1=Yes

Definition at line 3393 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_include_once(), and dol_syslog().

◆ contact_array()

Societe::contact_array ( )

Returns the contact list of this company.

array array of contacts

Definition at line 3119 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), and dolGetFirstLastname().

◆ contact_array_objects()

Societe::contact_array_objects ( )

Returns the contact list of this company.

array $contacts array of contacts

Definition at line 3148 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_print_error().

◆ contact_get_property()

Societe::contact_get_property ( $rowid,
$mode )

Return property of contact from its id.

int$rowidid of contact
string$mode'email' or 'mobile'
string Email of contact with format: "Full name <email>"

Definition at line 3182 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), dol_string_nospecial(), and dolGetFirstLastname().

◆ contact_property_array()

Societe::contact_property_array ( $mode = 'email',
$hidedisabled = 0 )

Return list of contacts emails or mobile existing for third party.

string$mode'email' or 'mobile'
int$hidedisabled1=Hide contact if disabled
array Array of contacts emails or mobile. Example: array(id=>'Name <email>')

Definition at line 3053 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), and dolGetFirstLastname().

Referenced by thirdparty_and_contact_email_array(), and thirdparty_and_contact_phone_array().

◆ create()

Societe::create ( User $user,
$notrigger = 0 )

Create third party in database.

$this->code_client = -1 and $this->code_fournisseur = -1 means automatic assignement.

User$userObject of user that ask creation
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int >=0 if OK, <0 if KO

Definition at line 882 of file societe.class.php.

References add_commercial(), CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_now(), dol_syslog(), get_codeclient(), get_codefournisseur(), MultiCurrency\getIdFromCode(), name, setUpperOrLowerCase(), update(), and verify().

Referenced by create_from_member().

◆ create_from_member()

Societe::create_from_member ( Adherent $member,
$socname = '',
$socalias = '',
$customercode = '' )

Create a third party into database from a member object.

Adherent$memberObject member
string$socnameName of third party to force
string$socaliasAlias name of third party to force
string$customercodeCustomer code
int <0 if KO, id of created account if OK

Definition at line 4276 of file societe.class.php.

References create(), create_individual(), dol_getIdFromCode(), dol_syslog(), name, and setEventMessages().

◆ create_individual()

Societe::create_individual ( User $user,
$no_email = 0,
$tags = array(),
$notrigger = 0 )

Create a contact/address from thirdparty.

User$userObject user
int$no_email1=Do not send mailing, 0=Ok to recieve mailling
array$tagsArray of tag to affect to contact
int$notrigger1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 1071 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), and setUpperOrLowerCase().

Referenced by create_from_member().

◆ del_commercial()

Societe::del_commercial ( User $user,
$commid )

Add link to sales representative.

User$userObject user
int$commidId of user

Definition at line 2592 of file societe.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), and dol_syslog().

Referenced by setSalesRep().

◆ delete()

Societe::delete ( $id,
User $fuser = null,
$call_trigger = 1 )

Delete a third party from database and all its dependencies (contacts, rib...)

int$idId of third party to delete
User | null$fuserUser who ask to delete thirdparty
int$call_trigger0=No, 1=yes
int <0 if KO, 0 if nothing done, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2026 of file societe.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), CommonObject\deleteExtraFields(), dol_delete_dir_recursive(), dol_include_once(), dol_is_dir(), dol_syslog(), and CommonObject\isObjectUsed().

◆ display_rib()

Societe::display_rib ( $mode = 'label')

Return bank number property of thirdparty (label or rum)

string$mode'label' or 'rum' or 'format'
string Bank label or RUM or '' if no bank account found

Definition at line 3224 of file societe.class.php.

◆ fetch()

Societe::fetch ( $rowid,
$ref = '',
$ref_ext = '',
$barcode = '',
$idprof1 = '',
$idprof2 = '',
$idprof3 = '',
$idprof4 = '',
$idprof5 = '',
$idprof6 = '',
$email = '',
$ref_alias = '' )

Load a third party from database into memory.

int$rowidId of third party to load
string$refReference of third party, name (Warning, this can return several records)
string$ref_extExternal reference of third party (Warning, this information is a free field not provided by Dolibarr)
string$barcodeBarcode of third party to load
string$idprof1Prof id 1 of third party (Warning, this can return several records)
string$idprof2Prof id 2 of third party (Warning, this can return several records)
string$idprof3Prof id 3 of third party (Warning, this can return several records)
string$idprof4Prof id 4 of third party (Warning, this can return several records)
string$idprof5Prof id 5 of third party (Warning, this can return several records)
string$idprof6Prof id 6 of third party (Warning, this can return several records)
string$emailEmail of third party (Warning, this can return several records)
string$ref_aliasName_alias of third party (Warning, this can return several records)
int >0 if OK, <0 if KO or if two records found for same ref or idprof, 0 if not found.

Definition at line 1727 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), CommonObject\fetch_optionals(), getEntity(), name, price2num(), and ref.

◆ fetchPartnerships()

Societe::fetchPartnerships ( $mode)

Function to get partnerships array.

string$mode'member' or 'thirdparty'
int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 5233 of file societe.class.php.

◆ generateDocument()

Societe::generateDocument ( $modele,
$hidedetails = 0,
$hidedesc = 0,
$hideref = 0,
$moreparams = null )

Create a document onto disk according to template module.

string$modeleGenerator to use. Caller must set it to obj->model_pdf or GETPOST('model','alpha') for example.
Translate$outputlangsobjet lang a utiliser pour traduction
int$hidedetailsHide details of lines
int$hidedescHide description
int$hiderefHide ref
null | array$moreparamsArray to provide more information
int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 4966 of file societe.class.php.

References CommonObject\commonGenerateDocument(), dol_print_error(), and dol_strlen().

◆ get_all_rib()

Societe::get_all_rib ( )

Return Array of RIB.

array|int 0 if KO, Array of CompanyBanckAccount if OK

Definition at line 3259 of file societe.class.php.

◆ get_codeclient()

Societe::get_codeclient ( $objsoc = 0,
$type = 0 )

Assigns a customer code from the code control module.

Return value is stored into this->code_client

Societe$objsocObject thirdparty
int$typeShould be 0 to say customer

Definition at line 3292 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_include_once(), and dol_syslog().

Referenced by create(), and update().

◆ get_codecompta()

Societe::get_codecompta ( $type)

Assigns a accounting code from the accounting code module.

Computed value is stored into this->code_compta or this->code_compta_fournisseur according to $type. May be identical to the one entered or generated automatically. Currently, only the automatic generation is implemented.

string$typeType of thirdparty ('customer' or 'supplier')
int 0 if OK, <0 if $type is not valid

Definition at line 3518 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_include_once().

Referenced by update().

◆ get_codefournisseur()

Societe::get_codefournisseur ( $objsoc = 0,
$type = 1 )

Assigns a vendor code from the code control module.

Return value is stored into this->code_fournisseur

Societe$objsocObject thirdparty
int$typeShould be 1 to say supplier

Definition at line 3324 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_include_once(), and dol_syslog().

Referenced by create(), and update().

◆ getAvailableDiscounts()

Societe::getAvailableDiscounts ( $user = '',
$filter = '',
$maxvalue = 0,
$discount_type = 0 )

Returns amount of included taxes of the current discounts/credits available from the company.

User$userFilter on a user author of discounts
string$filterOther filter
integer$maxvalueFilter on max value for discount
int$discount_type0 => customer discount, 1 => supplier discount
int <0 if KO, Credit note amount otherwise

Definition at line 2406 of file societe.class.php.

◆ getContacts()

Societe::getContacts ( $list = 0,
$code = '',
$element = '' )

Get array of all contacts for a society (stored in societe_contacts instead of element_contacts for all other objects)

int$list0:Return array contains all properties, 1:Return array contains just id
string$codeFilter on this code of contact type ('SHIPPING', 'BILLING', ...)
string$elementFilter on this element of default contact type ('facture', 'propal', 'commande' ...)
array|int Array of contacts, -1 if error

Definition at line 5287 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), and dol_syslog().

◆ getKanbanView()

Societe::getKanbanView ( $option = '',
$arraydata = null )

Return clicable link of object (with eventually picto)

string$optionWhere point the link (0=> main card, 1,2 => shipment, 'nolink'=>No link)
array$arraydataArray of data
string HTML Code for Kanban thumb.

Definition at line 5252 of file societe.class.php.

References getNomUrl(), and img_picto().

◆ getLibCustProspStatut()

Societe::getLibCustProspStatut ( )

Return label of status customer is prospect/customer.

string Label
See also

Definition at line 4923 of file societe.class.php.

References LibCustProspStatut().

◆ getLibProspCommStatut()

Societe::getLibProspCommStatut ( $mode = 0,
$label = '' )

Return status of prospect.

int$mode0=label long, 1=label short, 2=Picto + Label short, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + Label long
string$labelLabel to use for status for added status
string Label

Definition at line 4665 of file societe.class.php.

References LibProspCommStatut().

◆ getLibProspLevel()

Societe::getLibProspLevel ( )

Return prostect level.

string Label of prospect status

Definition at line 4633 of file societe.class.php.

References LibProspLevel().

◆ getLibStatut()

Societe::getLibStatut ( $mode = 0)

Return label of status (activity, closed)

int$mode0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=Short label + Picto, 6=Long label + Picto
string Label of status

Definition at line 2965 of file societe.class.php.

References LibStatut().

◆ getNbOfEMailings()

Societe::getNbOfEMailings ( )

Return number of mass Emailing received by this contacts with its email.

int Number of EMailings

Definition at line 4165 of file societe.class.php.

◆ getNoEmail()

Societe::getNoEmail ( )

get "blacklist" mailing status set no_email attribut to 1 or 0

int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 4248 of file societe.class.php.

References getEntity().

◆ getNomUrl()

Societe::getNomUrl ( $withpicto = 0,
$option = '',
$maxlen = 0,
$notooltip = 0,
$save_lastsearch_value = -1,
$noaliasinname = 0,
$target = '' )

Return a link on thirdparty (with picto)

int$withpictoAdd picto into link (0=No picto, 1=Include picto with link, 2=Picto only)
string$optionTarget of link ('', 'customer', 'prospect', 'supplier', 'project')
int$maxlenMax length of name
int$notooltip1=Disable tooltip
int$save_lastsearch_value-1=Auto, 0=No save of lastsearch_values when clicking, 1=Save lastsearch_values whenclicking
int$noaliasinname1=Do not add alias into the link ref
string$targetadd attribute target
string String with URL

Definition at line 2775 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_trunc(), getDolGlobalInt(), getTooltipContentArray(), img_object(), and name.

Referenced by getKanbanView().

◆ getOutstandingBills()

Societe::getOutstandingBills ( $mode = 'customer',
$late = 0 )

Return amount of bill not yet paid and total of all invoices.

string$mode'customer' or 'supplier'
int$late0 => all invoice, 1=> only late
array array('opened'=>Amount including tax that remains to pay, 'total_ht'=>Total amount without tax of all objects paid or not, 'total_ttc'=>Total amunt including tax of all object paid or not)

Definition at line 4832 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_now(), dol_syslog(), and FactureFournisseur\TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE.

◆ getOutstandingOrders()

Societe::getOutstandingOrders ( $mode = 'customer')

Return amount of order not yet paid and total and list of all orders.

string$mode'customer' or 'supplier'
array array('opened'=>Amount including tax that remains to pay, 'total_ht'=>Total amount without tax of all objects paid or not, 'total_ttc'=>Total amunt including tax of all object paid or not)

Definition at line 4788 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_syslog().

◆ getOutstandingProposals()

Societe::getOutstandingProposals ( $mode = 'customer')

Return amount of proposal not yet paid and total an dlist of all proposals.

string$mode'customer' or 'supplier'
array array('opened'=>Amount including tax that remains to pay, 'total_ht'=>Total amount without tax of all objects paid or not, 'total_ttc'=>Total amunt including tax of all object paid or not)

Definition at line 4744 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_syslog().

◆ getParentsForCompany()

Societe::getParentsForCompany ( $company_id,
$parents = array() )

Get parents for company.

int$company_idID of company to search parent
array$parentsList of companies ID found

Definition at line 3642 of file societe.class.php.

References getParentsForCompany(), and setEventMessage().

Referenced by getParentsForCompany().

◆ getSalesRepresentatives()

Societe::getSalesRepresentatives ( User $user,
$mode = 0,
$sortfield = null,
$sortorder = null )

Return array of sales representatives.

User$userObject user (not used)
int$mode0=Array with properties, 1=Array of id.
string$sortfieldList of sort fields, separated by comma. Example: 't1.fielda,t2.fieldb'
string$sortorderSort order, separated by comma. Example: 'ASC,DESC';
array|int Array of sales representatives of third party or <0 if KO

Definition at line 2429 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_print_error().

Referenced by setSalesRep().

◆ getTooltipContentArray()

Societe::getTooltipContentArray ( $params)


array$paramsparams to construct tooltip data

Reimplemented from CommonObject.

Definition at line 2620 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_format_address(), dol_print_phone(), dol_string_nohtmltag(), getTypeUrl(), img_picto(), name, and Form\showphoto().

Referenced by getNomUrl().

◆ getTypeUrl()

Societe::getTypeUrl ( $withpicto = 0,
$option = '',
$notooltip = 0,
$tag = 'a' )

Return link(s) on type of thirdparty (with picto)

int$withpictoAdd picto into link (0=No picto, 1=Include picto with link, 2=Picto only)
int$notooltip1=Disable tooltip
string$tagTag 'a' or 'span'
string String with URL

Definition at line 2935 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_substr().

Referenced by getTooltipContentArray().

◆ has_projects()

Societe::has_projects ( )

Indicates if the company has projects.

bool true if the company has projects, false otherwise

Definition at line 4019 of file societe.class.php.

◆ id_prof_check()

Societe::id_prof_check ( $idprof,
$soc )

Check the validity of a professional identifier according to the country of the company (siren, siret, ...)

int$idprof1,2,3,4 (Exemple: 1=siren,2=siret,3=naf,4=rcs/rm)
Societe$socObjet societe
int <=0 if KO, >0 if OK TODO better to have this in a lib than into a business class

Definition at line 3776 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_strlen().

◆ id_prof_exists()

Societe::id_prof_exists ( $idprof,
$socid = 0 )

Verify if a profid exists into database for others thirds.

string$idprof'idprof1','idprof2','idprof3','idprof4','idprof5','idprof6','email' (Example: idprof1=siren, idprof2=siret, idprof3=naf, idprof4=rcs/rm)
string$valueValue of profid
int$socidId of thirdparty to exclude (if update)
boolean True if exists, False if not

Definition at line 3715 of file societe.class.php.

References getEntity().

Referenced by verify().

◆ id_prof_url()

Societe::id_prof_url ( $idprof,
$thirdparty )

Return an url to check online a professional id or empty string.

int$idprof1,2,3,4 (Example: 1=siren,2=siret,3=naf,4=rcs/rm)
Societe$thirdpartyObject thirdparty
string Url or empty string if no URL known TODO better in a lib than into business class

Definition at line 3966 of file societe.class.php.

◆ id_prof_verifiable()

Societe::id_prof_verifiable ( $idprof)

Returns if a profid sould be verified to be unique.

int$idprof1,2,3,4,5,6 (Example: 1=siren, 2=siret, 3=naf, 4=rcs/rm, 5=eori, 6=idprof6)
boolean true if the ID must be unique

Definition at line 3675 of file societe.class.php.

Referenced by verify().

◆ info()

Societe::info ( $id)

Load information for tab info.

int$idId of thirdparty to load

Definition at line 4042 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_print_error(), and ref.

◆ initAsSpecimen()

Societe::initAsSpecimen ( )

Initialise an instance with random values.

Used to build previews or test instances. id must be 0 if object instance is a specimen.

int >0 if ok

Definition at line 4504 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_now(), and name.

◆ isACompany()

Societe::isACompany ( )

Return if third party is a company (Business) or an end user (Consumer)

boolean true=is a company, false=a and user

Definition at line 4075 of file societe.class.php.

References getDolGlobalString().

Referenced by get_default_tva(), and verify().

◆ isInEEC()

Societe::isInEEC ( )

Return if a company is inside the EEC (European Economic Community)

boolean true = country inside EEC, false = country outside EEC

Definition at line 4106 of file societe.class.php.

References isInEEC().

Referenced by isInEEC().

◆ LibCustProspStatut()

Societe::LibCustProspStatut ( $status)

Return the label of the customer/prospect status.

int$statusId of prospection status
string Label of prospection status

Definition at line 4935 of file societe.class.php.

Referenced by getLibCustProspStatut().

◆ LibProspCommStatut()

Societe::LibProspCommStatut ( $status,
$mode = 0,
$label = '',
$picto = '' )

Return label of a given status.

int | string$statusId or code for prospection status
int$mode0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=Short label + Picto
string$labelLabel to use for status for added status
string$pictoName of image file to show ('filenew', ...) If no extension provided, we use '.png'. Image must be stored into theme/xxx/img directory. Example: picto.png if picto.png is stored into htdocs/theme/mytheme/img Example: picto.png@mymodule if picto.png is stored into htdocs/mymodule/img Example: /mydir/mysubdir/picto.png if picto.png is stored into htdocs/mydir/mysubdir (pictoisfullpath must be set to 1)
string Label of prospection status

Definition at line 4684 of file societe.class.php.

References img_action().

Referenced by getLibProspCommStatut().

◆ LibProspLevel()

Societe::LibProspLevel ( $fk_prospectlevel)

Return label of prospect level.

int$fk_prospectlevelProspect level
string label of level

Definition at line 4645 of file societe.class.php.

Referenced by getLibProspLevel().

◆ LibStatut()

Societe::LibStatut ( $status,
$mode = 0 )

Return the label of a given status.

int$statusStatus id
int$mode0=Long label, 1=Short label, 2=Picto + Short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + Long label, 5=Short label + Picto, 6=Long label + Picto
string Status label

Definition at line 2978 of file societe.class.php.

Referenced by getLibStatut().

◆ LoadSupplierCateg()

Societe::LoadSupplierCateg ( )

Load the list of provider categories.

int 0 if success, <> 0 if error

Definition at line 4118 of file societe.class.php.

◆ replaceThirdparty()

static Societe::replaceThirdparty ( DoliDB $dbs,
$dest_id )

Function used to replace a thirdparty id with another one.

It must be used within a transaction to avoid trouble

DoliDB$dbsDatabase handler, because function is static we name it $dbs not $db to avoid breaking coding test
int$origin_idOld thirdparty id (will be removed)
int$dest_idNew thirdparty id
bool True if success, False if error

Thirdparty commercials cannot be the same in both thirdparties so we look for them and remove some to avoid duplicate. Because this function is meant to be executed within a transaction, we won't take care of begin/commit.

llx_societe_extrafields table must not be here because we don't care about the old thirdparty data Do not include llx_societe because it will be replaced later

Reimplemented in Fournisseur.

Definition at line 5117 of file societe.class.php.

References CommonObject\commonReplaceThirdparty(), dol_dir_list(), dol_is_dir(), dol_move(), dol_syslog(), Database\fetch_object(), and Database\query().

◆ set_as_client()

Societe::set_as_client ( )

Define third party as a customer.

int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2177 of file societe.class.php.

◆ set_remise_client()

Societe::set_remise_client ( $remise,
User $user )

Defines the company as a customer.

float$remiseValue in % of the discount
string$noteNote/Reason for changing the discount
User$userUser who sets the discount
int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2210 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_now(), and dol_syslog().

◆ set_remise_except()

Societe::set_remise_except ( $remise,
User $user,
$vatrate = '',
$discount_type = 0,
$price_base_type = 'HT' )

Add a discount for third party.

float$remiseAmount of discount
User$userUser adding discount
string$descReason of discount
string$vatrateVAT rate (may contain the vat code too). Exemple: '1.23', '1.23 (ABC)', ...
int$discount_type0 => customer discount, 1 => supplier discount
string$price_base_typePrice base type 'HT' or 'TTC'
int <0 if KO, id of discount record if OK

Definition at line 2335 of file societe.class.php.

References price2num().

◆ set_remise_supplier()

Societe::set_remise_supplier ( $remise,
User $user )

Defines the company as a customer.

float$remiseValue in % of the discount
string$noteNote/Reason for changing the discount
User$userUser who sets the discount
int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2271 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_now(), and dol_syslog().

◆ setAccountancyCode()

Societe::setAccountancyCode ( $type,
$value )

Sets an accountancy code for a thirdparty.

Also calls COMPANY_MODIFY trigger when modified

string$typeIt can be only 'buy' or 'sell'
string$valueAccountancy code
int <0 KO >0 OK

Definition at line 5182 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_syslog().

◆ setCategories()

Societe::setCategories ( $categories,
$type_categ )

Sets object to supplied categories.

Deletes object from existing categories not supplied. Adds it to non existing supplied categories. Existing categories are left untouch.

int[] | int$categoriesCategory ID or array of Categories IDs
string$type_categCategory type ('customer' or 'supplier')
int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 5022 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_syslog().

◆ setMysoc()

Societe::setMysoc ( Conf $conf)

Set properties with value into $conf.

Conf$confConf object (possibility to use another entity)

Definition at line 4375 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), getCountry(), getDolGlobalString(), getState(), and name.

◆ setNoEmail()

Societe::setNoEmail ( $no_email)

Set "blacklist" mailing status.

int$no_email1=Do not send mailing, 0=Ok to recieve mailling
int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 4191 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_now(), and getEntity().

◆ setParent()

Societe::setParent ( $id)

Define parent company of current company.

int$idId of thirdparty to set or '' to remove
int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 3570 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), setEventMessages(), and validateFamilyTree().

◆ setPriceLevel()

Societe::setPriceLevel ( $price_level,
User $user )

Set the price level.

int$price_levelLevel of price
User$userUse making change
int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 2497 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_now(), and dol_print_error().

◆ setSalesRep()

Societe::setSalesRep ( $salesrep,
$onlyAdd = false )

Sets sales representatives of the thirdparty.

int[] | int$salesrepUser ID or array of user IDs
bool$onlyAddOnly add (no delete before)
int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 5042 of file societe.class.php.

References add_commercial(), del_commercial(), and getSalesRepresentatives().

◆ setThirdpartyType()

Societe::setThirdpartyType ( $typent_id)

Define third-party type of current company.

int$typent_idthird party type rowid in llx_c_typent
int <0 if KO, >0 if OK

Definition at line 5087 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_getIdFromCode(), dol_syslog(), and CommonObject\setValueFrom().

◆ thirdparty_and_contact_email_array()

Societe::thirdparty_and_contact_email_array ( $addthirdparty = 0)

Return list of contacts emails existing for third party.

int$addthirdparty1=Add also a record for thirdparty email
array Array of contacts emails

Definition at line 3006 of file societe.class.php.

References contact_property_array(), dol_trunc(), and name.

◆ thirdparty_and_contact_phone_array()

Societe::thirdparty_and_contact_phone_array ( )

Return list of contacts mobile phone existing for third party.

array Array of contacts emails

Definition at line 3028 of file societe.class.php.

References contact_property_array(), dol_trunc(), and name.

◆ update()

Societe::update ( $id,
$user = '',
$call_trigger = 1,
$allowmodcodeclient = 0,
$allowmodcodefournisseur = 0,
$action = 'update',
$nosyncmember = 1 )

Update parameters of third party.

int$idId of company (deprecated, use 0 here and call update on an object loaded by a fetch)
User$userUser who requests the update
int$call_trigger0=no, 1=yes
int$allowmodcodeclientInclut modif code client et code compta
int$allowmodcodefournisseurInclut modif code fournisseur et code compta fournisseur
string$action'add' or 'update' or 'merge'
int$nosyncmemberDo not synchronize info of linked member
int <0 if KO, >=0 if OK

Definition at line 1274 of file societe.class.php.

References CommonObject\call_trigger(), clean_url(), dol_now(), dol_sanitizeFileName(), dol_syslog(), get_codeclient(), get_codecompta(), get_codefournisseur(), MultiCurrency\getIdFromCode(), CommonObject\insertExtraFields(), CommonObject\insertExtraLanguages(), name, price2num(), setUpperOrLowerCase(), and verify().

Referenced by create().

◆ useLocalTax()

Societe::useLocalTax ( $localTaxNum = 0)

Check if we must use localtax feature or not according to country (country of $mysoc in most cases).

int$localTaxNumTo get info for only localtax1 or localtax2
boolean true or false

Definition at line 4561 of file societe.class.php.

◆ useNPR()

Societe::useNPR ( )

Check if we must use NPR Vat (french stupid rule) or not according to country (country of $mysoc in most cases).

boolean true or false

Definition at line 4588 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_syslog().

◆ useRevenueStamp()

Societe::useRevenueStamp ( )

Check if we must use revenue stamps feature or not according to country (country of $mysocin most cases).

Table c_revenuestamp contains the country and value of stamp per invoice.

boolean true or false

Definition at line 4610 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_syslog().

◆ validateFamilyTree()

Societe::validateFamilyTree ( $idparent,
$counter = 0 )

Check if a thirdparty $idchild is or not inside the parents (or grand parents) of another thirdparty id $idparent.

int$idparentId of thirdparty to check
int$idchildId of thirdparty to compare to
int$counterCounter to protect against infinite loops
int <0 if KO, 0 if OK or 1 if at some level a parent company was the child to compare to

Definition at line 3609 of file societe.class.php.

References dol_syslog(), and validateFamilyTree().

Referenced by setParent(), and validateFamilyTree().

◆ verify()

Societe::verify ( )

Check properties of third party are ok (like name, third party codes, ...) Used before an add or update.

int 0 if OK, <0 if KO

Definition at line 1144 of file societe.class.php.

References check_codeclient(), check_codefournisseur(), id_prof_exists(), id_prof_verifiable(), isACompany(), and name.

Referenced by create(), and update().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: