dolibarr 18.0.6
A set of functions for Dolibarr This file contains all frequently used functions. More...
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Functions | |
if(!function_exists( 'utf8_encode')) if(!function_exists('utf8_decode')) if(!function_exists( 'str_starts_with')) if(!function_exists('str_ends_with')) if(!function_exists( 'str_contains')) | getMultidirOutput ($object, $module='') |
Return the full path of the directory where a module (or an object of a module) stores its files. | |
getDolGlobalString ($key, $default='') | |
Return dolibarr global constant string value. | |
getDolGlobalInt ($key, $default=0) | |
Return dolibarr global constant int value. | |
getDolUserString ($key, $default='', $tmpuser=null) | |
Return Dolibarr user constant string value. | |
getDolUserInt ($key, $default=0, $tmpuser=null) | |
Return Dolibarr user constant int value. | |
isModEnabled ($module) | |
Is Dolibarr module enabled. | |
getDoliDBInstance ($type, $host, $user, $pass, $name, $port) | |
Return a DoliDB instance (database handler). | |
getEntity ($element, $shared=1, $currentobject=null) | |
Get list of entity id to use. | |
setEntity ($currentobject) | |
Set entity id to use when to create an object. | |
isASecretKey ($keyname) | |
Return if string has a name dedicated to store a secret. | |
num2Alpha ($n) | |
Return a numeric value into an Excel like column number. | |
getBrowserInfo ($user_agent) | |
Return information about user browser. | |
dol_shutdown () | |
Function called at end of web php process. | |
GETPOSTISSET ($paramname) | |
Return true if we are in a context of submitting the parameter $paramname from a POST of a form. | |
GETPOSTISARRAY ($paramname, $method=0) | |
Return true if the parameter $paramname is submit from a POST OR GET as an array. | |
GETPOST ($paramname, $check='alphanohtml', $method=0, $filter=null, $options=null, $noreplace=0) | |
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable. | |
GETPOSTINT ($paramname, $method=0) | |
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable. | |
checkVal ($out='', $check='alphanohtml', $filter=null, $options=null) | |
Return a sanitized or empty value after checking value against a rule. | |
sanitizeVal ($out='', $check='alphanohtml', $filter=null, $options=null) | |
Return a sanitized or empty value after checking value against a rule. | |
if(!function_exists( 'dol_getprefix')) | dol_include_once ($relpath, $classname='') |
Make an include_once using default root and alternate root if it fails. | |
dol_buildpath ($path, $type=0, $returnemptyifnotfound=0) | |
Return path of url or filesystem. | |
dol_clone ($object, $native=0) | |
Create a clone of instance of object (new instance with same value for each properties) With native = 0: Property that are reference are different memory area in the new object (full isolation clone). | |
dol_size ($size, $type='') | |
Optimize a size for some browsers (phone, smarphone, ...) | |
dol_sanitizeFileName ($str, $newstr='_', $unaccent=1) | |
Clean a string to use it as a file name. | |
dol_sanitizePathName ($str, $newstr='_', $unaccent=1) | |
Clean a string to use it as a path name. | |
dol_sanitizeUrl ($stringtoclean, $type=1) | |
Clean a string to use it as an URL (into a href or src attribute) | |
dol_sanitizeEmail ($stringtoclean) | |
Clean a string to use it as an Email. | |
dol_string_unaccent ($str) | |
Clean a string from all accent characters to be used as ref, login or by dol_sanitizeFileName. | |
dol_string_nospecial ($str, $newstr='_', $badcharstoreplace='', $badcharstoremove='', $keepspaces=0) | |
Clean a string from all punctuation characters to use it as a ref or login. | |
dol_string_nounprintableascii ($str, $removetabcrlf=1) | |
Clean a string from all non printable ASCII chars (0x00-0x1F and 0x7F). | |
dol_escape_js ($stringtoescape, $mode=0, $noescapebackslashn=0) | |
Returns text escaped for inclusion into javascript code. | |
dol_escape_json ($stringtoescape) | |
Returns text escaped for inclusion into javascript code. | |
dolPrintLabel ($s) | |
Return a string label ready to be output on HTML content To use text inside an attribute, use can use only dol_escape_htmltag() | |
dolPrintHTML ($s) | |
Return a string ready to be output on HTML page To use text inside an attribute, use can use only dol_escape_htmltag() | |
dolPrintHTMLForTextArea ($s) | |
Return a string ready to be output on input textarea To use text inside an attribute, use can use only dol_escape_htmltag() | |
dol_escape_htmltag ($stringtoescape, $keepb=0, $keepn=0, $noescapetags='', $escapeonlyhtmltags=0, $cleanalsojavascript=0) | |
Returns text escaped for inclusion in HTML alt or title or value tags, or into values of HTML input fields. | |
dol_strtolower ($string, $encoding="UTF-8") | |
Convert a string to lower. | |
dol_strtoupper ($string, $encoding="UTF-8") | |
Convert a string to upper. | |
dol_ucfirst ($string, $encoding="UTF-8") | |
Convert first character of the first word of a string to upper. | |
dol_ucwords ($string, $encoding="UTF-8") | |
Convert first character of all the words of a string to upper. | |
dol_syslog ($message, $level=LOG_INFO, $ident=0, $suffixinfilename='', $restricttologhandler='', $logcontext=null) | |
Write log message into outputs. | |
dolButtonToOpenUrlInDialogPopup ($name, $label, $buttonstring, $url, $disabled='', $morecss='classlink button bordertransp', $jsonopen='', $backtopagejsfields='', $accesskey='') | |
Return HTML code to output a button to open a dialog popup box. | |
dol_fiche_head ($links=array(), $active='0', $title='', $notab=0, $picto='', $pictoisfullpath=0, $morehtmlright='', $morecss='', $limittoshow=0, $moretabssuffix='') | |
Show tab header of a card. | |
dol_get_fiche_head ($links=array(), $active='', $title='', $notab=0, $picto='', $pictoisfullpath=0, $morehtmlright='', $morecss='', $limittoshow=0, $moretabssuffix='', $dragdropfile=0) | |
Show tabs of a record. | |
dol_fiche_end ($notab=0) | |
Show tab footer of a card. | |
dol_get_fiche_end ($notab=0) | |
Return tab footer of a card. | |
dol_banner_tab ($object, $paramid, $morehtml='', $shownav=1, $fieldid='rowid', $fieldref='ref', $morehtmlref='', $moreparam='', $nodbprefix=0, $morehtmlleft='', $morehtmlstatus='', $onlybanner=0, $morehtmlright='') | |
Show tab footer of a card. | |
fieldLabel ($langkey, $fieldkey, $fieldrequired=0) | |
Show a string with the label tag dedicated to the HTML edit field. | |
dol_bc ($var, $moreclass='') | |
Return string to add class property on html element with pair/impair. | |
dol_format_address ($object, $withcountry=0, $sep="\n", $outputlangs='', $mode=0, $extralangcode='') | |
Return a formated address (part address/zip/town/state) according to country rules. | |
dol_strftime ($fmt, $ts=false, $is_gmt=false) | |
Format a string. | |
dol_print_date ($time, $format='', $tzoutput='auto', $outputlangs='', $encodetooutput=false) | |
Output date in a string format according to outputlangs (or langs if not defined). | |
dol_getdate ($timestamp, $fast=false, $forcetimezone='') | |
Return an array with locale date info. | |
dol_mktime ($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year, $gm='auto', $check=1) | |
Return a timestamp date built from detailed informations (by default a local PHP server timestamp) Replace function mktime not available under Windows if year < 1970 PHP mktime is restricted to the years 1901-2038 on Unix and 1970-2038 on Windows. | |
dol_now ($mode='auto') | |
Return date for now. | |
dol_print_size ($size, $shortvalue=0, $shortunit=0) | |
Return string with formated size. | |
dol_print_url ($url, $target='_blank', $max=32, $withpicto=0, $morecss='float') | |
Show Url link. | |
dol_print_email ($email, $cid=0, $socid=0, $addlink=0, $max=64, $showinvalid=1, $withpicto=0) | |
Show EMail link formatted for HTML output. | |
getArrayOfSocialNetworks () | |
Get array of social network dictionary. | |
dol_print_socialnetworks ($value, $cid, $socid, $type, $dictsocialnetworks=array()) | |
Show social network link. | |
dol_print_profids ($profID, $profIDtype, $countrycode='', $addcpButton=1, $separ=' ') | |
Format profIDs according to country. | |
dol_print_phone ($phone, $countrycode='', $cid=0, $socid=0, $addlink='', $separ=" ", $withpicto='', $titlealt='', $adddivfloat=0) | |
Format phone numbers according to country. | |
dol_print_ip ($ip, $mode=0) | |
Return an IP formated to be shown on screen. | |
getUserRemoteIP () | |
Return the IP of remote user. | |
isHTTPS () | |
Return if we are using a HTTPS connexion Check HTTPS (no way to be modified by user but may be empty or wrong if user is using a proxy) Take HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO (defined when using proxy) Then HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL. | |
dolGetCountryCodeFromIp ($ip) | |
Return a country code from IP. | |
dol_user_country () | |
Return country code for current user. | |
dol_print_address ($address, $htmlid, $element, $id, $noprint=0, $charfornl='') | |
Format address string. | |
isValidEmail ($address, $acceptsupervisorkey=0, $acceptuserkey=0) | |
Return true if email syntax is ok. | |
isValidMXRecord ($domain) | |
Return if the domain name has a valid MX record. | |
isValidPhone ($phone) | |
Return true if phone number syntax is ok TODO Decide what to do with this. | |
dolGetFirstLetters ($s, $nbofchar=1) | |
Return first letters of a strings. | |
dol_strlen ($string, $stringencoding='UTF-8') | |
Make a strlen call. | |
dol_substr ($string, $start, $length=null, $stringencoding='', $trunconbytes=0) | |
Make a substring. | |
dol_trunc ($string, $size=40, $trunc='right', $stringencoding='UTF-8', $nodot=0, $display=0) | |
Truncate a string to a particular length adding '…' if string larger than length. | |
img_picto ($titlealt, $picto, $moreatt='', $pictoisfullpath=false, $srconly=0, $notitle=0, $alt='', $morecss='', $marginleftonlyshort=2) | |
Show picto whatever it's its name (generic function) | |
img_object ($titlealt, $picto, $moreatt='', $pictoisfullpath=false, $srconly=0, $notitle=0) | |
Show a picto called object_picto (generic function) | |
img_weather ($titlealt, $picto, $moreatt='', $pictoisfullpath=0, $morecss='') | |
Show weather picto. | |
img_picto_common ($titlealt, $picto, $moreatt='', $pictoisfullpath=0, $notitle=0) | |
Show picto (generic function) | |
img_action ($titlealt, $numaction, $picto='', $moreatt='') | |
Show logo action. | |
img_pdf ($titlealt='default', $size=3) | |
Show pdf logo. | |
img_edit_add ($titlealt='default', $other='') | |
Show logo +. | |
img_edit_remove ($titlealt='default', $other='') | |
Show logo -. | |
img_edit ($titlealt='default', $float=0, $other='') | |
Show logo editer/modifier fiche. | |
img_view ($titlealt='default', $float=0, $other='class="valignmiddle"') | |
Show logo view card. | |
img_delete ($titlealt='default', $other='class="pictodelete"', $morecss='') | |
Show delete logo. | |
img_printer ($titlealt="default", $other='') | |
Show printer logo. | |
img_split ($titlealt='default', $other='class="pictosplit"') | |
Show split logo. | |
img_help ($usehelpcursor=1, $usealttitle=1) | |
Show help logo with cursor "?". | |
img_info ($titlealt='default') | |
Show info logo. | |
img_warning ($titlealt='default', $moreatt='', $morecss='pictowarning') | |
Show warning logo. | |
img_error ($titlealt='default') | |
Show error logo. | |
img_next ($titlealt='default', $moreatt='') | |
Show next logo. | |
img_previous ($titlealt='default', $moreatt='') | |
Show previous logo. | |
img_down ($titlealt='default', $selected=0, $moreclass='') | |
Show down arrow logo. | |
img_up ($titlealt='default', $selected=0, $moreclass='') | |
Show top arrow logo. | |
img_left ($titlealt='default', $selected=0, $moreatt='') | |
Show left arrow logo. | |
img_right ($titlealt='default', $selected=0, $moreatt='') | |
Show right arrow logo. | |
img_allow ($allow, $titlealt='default') | |
Show tick logo if allowed. | |
img_credit_card ($brand, $morecss=null) | |
Return image of a credit card according to its brand name. | |
img_mime ($file, $titlealt='', $morecss='') | |
Show MIME img of a file. | |
img_search ($titlealt='default', $other='') | |
Show search logo. | |
img_searchclear ($titlealt='default', $other='') | |
Show search logo. | |
info_admin ($text, $infoonimgalt=0, $nodiv=0, $admin='1', $morecss='hideonsmartphone', $textfordropdown='') | |
Show information for admin users or standard users. | |
dol_print_error ($db='', $error='', $errors=null) | |
Displays error message system with all the information to facilitate the diagnosis and the escalation of the bugs. | |
dol_print_error_email ($prefixcode, $errormessage='', $errormessages=array(), $morecss='error', $email='') | |
Show a public email and error code to contact if technical error. | |
print_liste_field_titre ($name, $file="", $field="", $begin="", $moreparam="", $moreattrib="", $sortfield="", $sortorder="", $prefix="", $tooltip="", $forcenowrapcolumntitle=0) | |
Show title line of an array. | |
getTitleFieldOfList ($name, $thead=0, $file="", $field="", $begin="", $moreparam="", $moreattrib="", $sortfield="", $sortorder="", $prefix="", $disablesortlink=0, $tooltip='', $forcenowrapcolumntitle=0) | |
Get title line of an array. | |
print_titre ($title) | |
Show a title. | |
print_fiche_titre ($title, $mesg='', $picto='generic', $pictoisfullpath=0, $id='') | |
Show a title with picto. | |
load_fiche_titre ($titre, $morehtmlright='', $picto='generic', $pictoisfullpath=0, $id='', $morecssontable='', $morehtmlcenter='') | |
Load a title with picto. | |
print_barre_liste ($titre, $page, $file, $options='', $sortfield='', $sortorder='', $morehtmlcenter='', $num=-1, $totalnboflines='', $picto='generic', $pictoisfullpath=0, $morehtmlright='', $morecss='', $limit=-1, $hideselectlimit=0, $hidenavigation=0, $pagenavastextinput=0, $morehtmlrightbeforearrow='') | |
Print a title with navigation controls for pagination. | |
print_fleche_navigation ($page, $file, $options='', $nextpage=0, $betweenarrows='', $afterarrows='', $limit=-1, $totalnboflines=0, $hideselectlimit=0, $beforearrows='', $hidenavigation=0) | |
Function to show navigation arrows into lists. | |
vatrate ($rate, $addpercent=false, $info_bits=0, $usestarfornpr=0, $html=0) | |
Return a string with VAT rate label formated for view output Used into pdf and HTML pages. | |
price ($amount, $form=0, $outlangs='', $trunc=1, $rounding=-1, $forcerounding=-1, $currency_code='') | |
Function to format a value into an amount for visual output Function used into PDF and HTML pages. | |
price2num ($amount, $rounding='', $option=0) | |
Function that return a number with universal decimal format (decimal separator is '. | |
showDimensionInBestUnit ($dimension, $unit, $type, $outputlangs, $round=-1, $forceunitoutput='no', $use_short_label=0) | |
Output a dimension with best unit. | |
get_localtax ($vatrate, $local, $thirdparty_buyer="", $thirdparty_seller="", $vatnpr=0) | |
Return localtax rate for a particular vat, when selling a product with vat $vatrate, from a $thirdparty_buyer to a $thirdparty_seller Note: This function applies same rules than get_default_tva. | |
isOnlyOneLocalTax ($local) | |
Return true if LocalTax (1 or 2) is unique. | |
get_localtax_by_third ($local) | |
Get values of localtaxes (1 or 2) for company country for the common vat with the highest value. | |
getTaxesFromId ($vatrate, $buyer=null, $seller=null, $firstparamisid=1) | |
Get tax (VAT) main information from Id. | |
getLocalTaxesFromRate ($vatrate, $local, $buyer, $seller, $firstparamisid=0) | |
Get type and rate of localtaxes for a particular vat rate/country of a thirdparty. | |
get_product_vat_for_country ($idprod, $thirdpartytouse, $idprodfournprice=0) | |
Return vat rate of a product in a particular country, or default country vat if product is unknown. | |
get_product_localtax_for_country ($idprod, $local, $thirdpartytouse) | |
Return localtax vat rate of a product in a particular country or default country vat if product is unknown. | |
get_default_tva (Societe $thirdparty_seller, Societe $thirdparty_buyer, $idprod=0, $idprodfournprice=0) | |
Function that return vat rate of a product line (according to seller, buyer and product vat rate) VATRULE 1: If seller does not use VAT, default VAT is 0. | |
get_default_npr (Societe $thirdparty_seller, Societe $thirdparty_buyer, $idprod=0, $idprodfournprice=0) | |
Function that returns whether VAT must be recoverable collected VAT (e.g.: VAT NPR in France) | |
get_default_localtax ($thirdparty_seller, $thirdparty_buyer, $local, $idprod=0) | |
Function that return localtax of a product line (according to seller, buyer and product vat rate) Si vendeur non assujeti a TVA, TVA par defaut=0. | |
yn ($yesno, $case=1, $color=0) | |
Return yes or no in current language. | |
get_exdir ($num, $level, $alpha, $withoutslash, $object, $modulepart='') | |
Return a path to have a the directory according to object where files are stored. | |
dol_mkdir ($dir, $dataroot='', $newmask='') | |
Creation of a directory (this can create recursive subdir) | |
dolChmod ($filepath, $newmask='') | |
Change mod of a file. | |
picto_required () | |
Return picto saying a field is required. | |
dol_string_nohtmltag ($stringtoclean, $removelinefeed=1, $pagecodeto='UTF-8', $strip_tags=0, $removedoublespaces=1) | |
Clean a string from all HTML tags and entities. | |
dol_string_onlythesehtmltags ($stringtoclean, $cleanalsosomestyles=1, $removeclassattribute=1, $cleanalsojavascript=0, $allowiframe=0, $allowed_tags=array(), $allowlink=0) | |
Clean a string to keep only desirable HTML tags. | |
dol_string_onlythesehtmlattributes ($stringtoclean, $allowed_attributes=array("allow", "allowfullscreen", "alt", "class", "contenteditable", "data-html", "frameborder", "height", "href", "id", "name", "src", "style", "target", "title", "width")) | |
Clean a string from some undesirable HTML tags. | |
dol_string_neverthesehtmltags ($stringtoclean, $disallowed_tags=array('textarea'), $cleanalsosomestyles=0) | |
Clean a string from some undesirable HTML tags. | |
dolGetFirstLineOfText ($text, $nboflines=1, $charset='UTF-8') | |
Return first line of text. | |
dol_nl2br ($stringtoencode, $nl2brmode=0, $forxml=false) | |
Replace CRLF in string with a HTML BR tag. | |
dol_htmlwithnojs ($stringtoencode, $nouseofiframesandbox=0, $check='restricthtml') | |
Sanitize a HTML to remove js and dangerous content. | |
dol_htmlentitiesbr ($stringtoencode, $nl2brmode=0, $pagecodefrom='UTF-8', $removelasteolbr=1) | |
This function is called to encode a string into a HTML string but differs from htmlentities because a detection is done before to see if text is already HTML or not. | |
dol_htmlentitiesbr_decode ($stringtodecode, $pagecodeto='UTF-8') | |
This function is called to decode a HTML string (it decodes entities and br tags) | |
dol_htmlcleanlastbr ($stringtodecode) | |
This function remove all ending and br at end. | |
dol_html_entity_decode ($a, $b, $c='UTF-8', $keepsomeentities=0) | |
Replace html_entity_decode functions to manage errors. | |
dol_htmlentities ($string, $flags=ENT_QUOTES|ENT_SUBSTITUTE, $encoding='UTF-8', $double_encode=false) | |
Replace htmlentities functions. | |
dol_string_is_good_iso ($s, $clean=0) | |
Check if a string is a correct iso string If not, it will not be considered as HTML encoded even if it is by FPDF. | |
dol_nboflines ($s, $maxchar=0) | |
Return nb of lines of a clear text. | |
dol_nboflines_bis ($text, $maxlinesize=0, $charset='UTF-8') | |
Return nb of lines of a formated text with and (WARNING: string must not have mixed and br separators) | |
dol_textishtml ($msg, $option=0) | |
Return if a text is a html content. | |
dol_concatdesc ($text1, $text2, $forxml=false, $invert=false) | |
Concat 2 descriptions with a new line between them (second operand after first one with appropriate new line separator) text1 html + text2 html => text1 + ' ' + text2 text1 html + text2 txt => text1 + ' ' + dol_nl2br(text2) text1 txt + text2 html => dol_nl2br(text1) + ' ' + text2 text1 txt + text2 txt => text1 + ' ' + text2. | |
getCommonSubstitutionArray ($outputlangs, $onlykey=0, $exclude=null, $object=null, $include=null) | |
Return array of possible common substitutions. | |
make_substitutions ($text, $substitutionarray, $outputlangs=null, $converttextinhtmlifnecessary=0) | |
Make substitution into a text string, replacing keys with vals from $substitutionarray (oldval=>newval), and texts like __(TranslationKey|langfile)__ and [ConstantKey] are also replaced. | |
complete_substitutions_array (&$substitutionarray, $outputlangs, $object=null, $parameters=null, $callfunc="completesubstitutionarray") | |
Complete the $substitutionarray with more entries coming from external module that had set the "substitutions=1" into module_part array. | |
print_date_range ($date_start, $date_end, $format='', $outputlangs='') | |
Format output for start and end date. | |
get_date_range ($date_start, $date_end, $format='', $outputlangs='', $withparenthesis=1) | |
Format output for start and end date. | |
dolGetFirstLastname ($firstname, $lastname, $nameorder=-1) | |
Return firstname and lastname in correct order. | |
setEventMessage ($mesgs, $style='mesgs', $noduplicate=0) | |
Set event message in dol_events session object. | |
setEventMessages ($mesg, $mesgs, $style='mesgs', $messagekey='', $noduplicate=0) | |
Set event messages in dol_events session object. | |
dol_htmloutput_events ($disabledoutputofmessages=0) | |
Print formated messages to output (Used to show messages on html output). | |
get_htmloutput_mesg ($mesgstring='', $mesgarray='', $style='ok', $keepembedded=0) | |
Get formated messages to output (Used to show messages on html output). | |
get_htmloutput_errors ($mesgstring='', $mesgarray=array(), $keepembedded=0) | |
Get formated error messages to output (Used to show messages on html output). | |
dol_htmloutput_mesg ($mesgstring='', $mesgarray=array(), $style='ok', $keepembedded=0) | |
Print formated messages to output (Used to show messages on html output). | |
dol_htmloutput_errors ($mesgstring='', $mesgarray=array(), $keepembedded=0) | |
Print formated error messages to output (Used to show messages on html output). | |
dol_sort_array (&$array, $index, $order='asc', $natsort=0, $case_sensitive=0, $keepindex=0) | |
Advanced sort array by second index function, which produces ascending (default) or descending output and uses optionally natural case insensitive sorting (which can be optionally case sensitive as well). | |
utf8_check ($str) | |
Check if a string is in UTF8. | |
utf8_valid ($str) | |
Check if a string is in UTF8. | |
ascii_check ($str) | |
Check if a string is in ASCII. | |
dol_osencode ($str) | |
Return a string encoded into OS filesystem encoding. | |
dol_getIdFromCode ($db, $key, $tablename, $fieldkey='code', $fieldid='id', $entityfilter=0, $filters='', $useCache=true) | |
Return an id or code from a code or id. | |
verifCond ($strToEvaluate) | |
Verify if condition in string is ok or not. | |
dol_eval ($s, $returnvalue=0, $hideerrors=1, $onlysimplestring='1') | |
Replace eval function to add more security. | |
dol_validElement ($element) | |
Return if var element is ok. | |
picto_from_langcode ($codelang, $moreatt='', $notitlealt=0) | |
Return img flag of country for a language code or country code. | |
getLanguageCodeFromCountryCode ($countrycode) | |
Return default language from country code. | |
complete_head_from_modules ($conf, $langs, $object, &$head, &$h, $type, $mode='add', $filterorigmodule='') | |
Complete or removed entries into a head array (used to build tabs). | |
printCommonFooter ($zone='private') | |
Print common footer : conf->global->MAIN_HTML_FOOTER js for switch of menu hider js for conf->global->MAIN_GOOGLE_AN_ID js for conf->global->MAIN_SHOW_TUNING_INFO or $_SERVER["MAIN_SHOW_TUNING_INFO"] js for conf->logbuffer. | |
dolExplodeIntoArray ($string, $delimiter=';', $kv='=') | |
Split a string with 2 keys into key array. | |
dol_set_focus ($selector) | |
Set focus onto field with selector (similar behaviour of 'autofocus' HTML5 tag) | |
dol_getmypid () | |
Return getmypid() or random PID when function is disabled Some web hosts disable this php function for security reasons and sometimes we can't redeclare function. | |
natural_search ($fields, $value, $mode=0, $nofirstand=0) | |
Generate natural SQL search string for a criteria (this criteria can be tested on one or several fields) | |
showDirectDownloadLink ($object) | |
Return string with full Url. | |
getImageFileNameForSize ($file, $extName, $extImgTarget='') | |
Return the filename of file to get the thumbs. | |
getAdvancedPreviewUrl ($modulepart, $relativepath, $alldata=0, $param='') | |
Return URL we can use for advanced preview links. | |
ajax_autoselect ($htmlname, $addlink='', $textonlink='Link') | |
Make content of an input box selected when we click into input field. | |
dolIsAllowedForPreview ($file) | |
Return if a file is qualified for preview. | |
dol_mimetype ($file, $default='application/octet-stream', $mode=0) | |
Return MIME type of a file from its name with extension. | |
getDictionaryValue ($tablename, $field, $id, $checkentity=false, $rowidfield='rowid') | |
Return the value of a filed into a dictionary for the record $id. | |
colorIsLight ($stringcolor) | |
Return true if the color is light. | |
isVisibleToUserType ($type_user, &$menuentry, &$listofmodulesforexternal) | |
Function to test if an entry is enabled or not. | |
roundUpToNextMultiple ($n, $x=5) | |
Round to next multiple. | |
dolGetBadge ($label, $html='', $type='primary', $mode='', $url='', $params=array()) | |
Function dolGetBadge. | |
dolGetStatus ($statusLabel='', $statusLabelShort='', $html='', $statusType='status0', $displayMode=0, $url='', $params=array()) | |
Output the badge of a status. | |
dolGetButtonAction ($label, $text='', $actionType='default', $url='', $id='', $userRight=1, $params=array()) | |
Function dolGetButtonAction. | |
dolGetButtonTitleSeparator ($moreClass="") | |
Add space between dolGetButtonTitle. | |
getFieldErrorIcon ($fieldValidationErrorMsg) | |
get field error icon | |
dolGetButtonTitle ($label, $helpText='', $iconClass='fa fa-file', $url='', $id='', $status=1, $params=array()) | |
Function dolGetButtonTitle : this kind of buttons are used in title in list. | |
getElementProperties ($element_type) | |
Get an array with properties of an element. | |
fetchObjectByElement ($element_id, $element_type, $element_ref='') | |
Fetch an object from its id and element_type Inclusion of classes is automatic. | |
isAFileWithExecutableContent ($filename) | |
Return if a file can contains executable content. | |
newToken () | |
Return the value of token currently saved into session with name 'newtoken'. | |
currentToken () | |
Return the value of token currently saved into session with name 'token'. | |
getNonce () | |
Return a random string to be used as a nonce value for js. | |
startSimpleTable ($header, $link="", $arguments="", $emptyRows=0, $number=-1) | |
Start a table with headers and a optinal clickable number (don't forget to use "finishSimpleTable()" after the last table row) | |
finishSimpleTable ($addLineBreak=false) | |
Add the correct HTML close tags for "startSimpleTable(...)" (use after the last table line) | |
addSummaryTableLine ($tableColumnCount, $num, $nbofloop=0, $total=0, $noneWord="None", $extraRightColumn=false) | |
Add a summary line to the current open table ("None", "XMoreLines" or "Total xxx") | |
readfileLowMemory ($fullpath_original_file_osencoded, $method=-1) | |
Return a file on output using a low memory. | |
showValueWithClipboardCPButton ($valuetocopy, $showonlyonhover=1, $texttoshow='') | |
Create a button to copy $valuetocopy in the clipboard (for copy and paste feature). | |
jsonOrUnserialize ($stringtodecode) | |
Decode an encode string. | |
forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria ($filter, &$errorstr='', $noand=0, $nopar=0, $noerror=0) | |
forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria | |
dolCheckFilters ($sqlfilters, &$error='') | |
Return if a $sqlfilters parameter has a valid balance of parenthesis. | |
dolForgeDummyCriteriaCallback ($matches) | |
Function to forge a SQL criteria from a Dolibarr filter syntax string. | |
dolForgeCriteriaCallback ($matches) | |
Function to forge a SQL criteria from a Dolibarr filter syntax string. | |
getTimelineIcon ($actionstatic, &$histo, $key) | |
Get timeline icon. | |
getActionCommEcmList ($object) | |
getActionCommEcmList | |
show_actions_messaging ($conf, $langs, $db, $filterobj, $objcon='', $noprint=0, $actioncode='', $donetodo='done', $filters=array(), $sortfield='a.datep,', $sortorder='DESC') | |
Show html area with actions in messaging format. | |
GETPOSTDATE ($prefix, $hourTime='', $gm='auto') | |
Helper function that combines values of a dolibarr DatePicker (such as Form\selectDate) for year, month, day (and optionally hour, minute, second) fields to return a timestamp. | |
buildParamDate ($prefix, $timestamp=null, $hourTime='', $gm='auto') | |
Helper function that combines values of a dolibarr DatePicker (such as Form\selectDate) for year, month, day (and optionally hour, minute, second) fields to return a a portion of URL reproducing the values from the current HTTP request. | |
A set of functions for Dolibarr This file contains all frequently used functions.
Definition in file functions.lib.php.
addSummaryTableLine | ( | $tableColumnCount, | |
$num, | |||
$nbofloop = 0, | |||
$total = 0, | |||
$noneWord = "None", | |||
$extraRightColumn = false ) |
Add a summary line to the current open table ("None", "XMoreLines" or "Total xxx")
integer | $tableColumnCount | The complete count columns of the table |
integer | $num | The count of the rows of the table, when it is zero (0) the "$noneWord" is shown instead |
integer | $nbofloop | (optional) The maximum count of rows thaht the table show (when it is zero (0) no summary line will show, expect "$noneWord" when $num === 0) |
integer | $total | (optional) The total value thaht is shown after when the table has minimum of one entire |
string | $noneWord | (optional) The word that is shown when the table has no entires ($num === 0) |
boolean | $extraRightColumn | (optional) Add a addtional column after the summary word and total number |
Definition at line 11877 of file functions.lib.php.
ajax_autoselect | ( | $htmlname, | |
$addlink = '', | |||
$textonlink = 'Link' ) |
Make content of an input box selected when we click into input field.
string | $htmlname | Id of html object ('#idvalue' or '.classvalue') |
string | $addlink | Add a 'link to' after |
string | $textonlink | Text to show on link or 'image' |
Definition at line 10401 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by dol_print_cron_urls(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), print_barre_liste(), showDirectPublicLink(), and FormFile\showdocuments().
ascii_check | ( | $str | ) |
Check if a string is in ASCII.
string | $str | String to check |
Definition at line 9101 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by CMailFile\__construct(), Login\index(), and CMailFile\sendfile().
buildParamDate | ( | $prefix, | |
$timestamp = null, | |||
$hourTime = '', | |||
$gm = 'auto' ) |
Helper function that combines values of a dolibarr DatePicker (such as Form\selectDate) for year, month, day (and optionally hour, minute, second) fields to return a a portion of URL reproducing the values from the current HTTP request.
string | $prefix | Prefix used to build the date selector (for instance using Form\selectDate) |
int | $timestamp | If null, the timestamp will be created from request data |
bool | $hourTime | If timestamp is null, will be passed to GETPOSTDATE to construct the timestamp |
bool | $gm | If timestamp is null, will be passed to GETPOSTDATE to construct the timestamp |
Definition at line 12964 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_print_date(), and GETPOSTDATE().
checkVal | ( | $out = '', | |
$check = 'alphanohtml', | |||
$filter = null, | |||
$options = null ) |
Return a sanitized or empty value after checking value against a rule.
string | array | $out | Value to check/clear. |
string | $check | Type of check/sanitizing |
int | $filter | Filter to apply when $check is set to 'custom'. (See for détails) |
mixed | $options | Options to pass to filter_var when $check is set to 'custom' |
Definition at line 947 of file functions.lib.php.
References sanitizeVal().
colorIsLight | ( | $stringcolor | ) |
Return true if the color is light.
string | $stringcolor | String with hex (FFFFFF) or comma RGB ('255,255,255') |
Definition at line 10902 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by Categorie\getNomUrl(), and Categorie\print_all_ways().
complete_head_from_modules | ( | $conf, | |
$langs, | |||
$object, | |||
& | $head, | ||
& | $h, | ||
$type, | |||
$mode = 'add', | |||
$filterorigmodule = '' ) |
Complete or removed entries into a head array (used to build tabs).
For example, with value added by external modules. Such values are declared into $conf->modules_parts['tab']. Or by change using hook completeTabsHead
Conf | $conf | Object conf |
Translate | $langs | Object langs |
object | null | $object | Object object |
array | $head | Object head |
int | $h | New position to fill |
string | $type | Value for object where objectvalue can be 'thirdparty' to add a tab in third party view 'intervention' to add a tab in intervention view 'supplier_order' to add a tab in purchase order view 'supplier_invoice' to add a tab in purchase invoice view 'invoice' to add a tab in sales invoice view 'order' to add a tab in sales order view 'contract' to add a tabl in contract view 'product' to add a tab in product view 'propal' to add a tab in propal view 'user' to add a tab in user view 'group' to add a tab in group view 'member' to add a tab in fundation member view 'categories_x' to add a tab in category view ('x': type of category (0=product, 1=supplier, 2=customer, 3=member) 'ecm' to add a tab for another ecm view 'stock' to add a tab for warehouse view |
string | $mode | 'add' to complete head, 'remove' to remove entries |
string | $filterorigmodule | Filter on module origin: 'external' will show only external modules. 'core' only core modules. No filter (default) will add both. |
Definition at line 9686 of file functions.lib.php.
References complete_substitutions_array(), dol_buildpath(), dol_include_once(), dol_syslog(), make_substitutions(), and verifCond().
Referenced by account_statement_prepare_head(), accounting_prepare_head(), actions_prepare_head(), agenda_prepare_head(), assetAdminPrepareHead(), assetModelPrepareHead(), assetPrepareHead(), availabilitiesPrepareHead(), bank_admin_prepare_head(), bank_prepare_head(), blockedlogadmin_prepare_head(), bomAdminPrepareHead(), bomPrepareHead(), bookcalAdminPrepareHead(), bookingPrepareHead(), calendars_prepare_head(), categories_prepare_head(), categoriesadmin_prepare_head(), commande_prepare_head(), company_admin_prepare_head(), conferenceorboothAttendeePrepareHead(), conferenceorboothPrepareHead(), conferenceorboothProjectPrepareHead(), contact_prepare_head(), contract_admin_prepare_head(), contract_prepare_head(), cron_prepare_head(), cronadmin_prepare_head(), datapolicyAdminPrepareHead(), dav_admin_prepare_head(), defaultvalues_prepare_head(), delivery_prepare_head(), donation_admin_prepare_head(), donation_prepare_head(), ecm_admin_prepare_head(), ecm_prepare_dasboard_head(), email_admin_prepare_head(), emailcollectorPrepareHead(), emailing_prepare_head(), establishment_prepare_head(), evaluationPrepareHead(), eventorganizationAdminPrepareHead(), expedition_admin_prepare_head(), expedition_prepare_head(), expensereport_admin_prepare_head(), expensereport_prepare_head(), facture_prepare_head(), facturefourn_prepare_head(), fichinter_admin_prepare_head(), fichinter_prepare_head(), fichinter_rec_prepare_head(), fiscalyear_prepare_head(), group_prepare_head(), holiday_admin_prepare_head(), holiday_prepare_head(), hrm_admin_prepare_head(), hrmAdminPrepareHead(), ihm_prepare_head(), intracommReportAdminPrepareHead(), intracommReportPrepareHead(), inventoryAdminPrepareHead(), inventoryPrepareHead(), invoice_admin_prepare_head(), invoice_rec_prepare_head(), jobPrepareHead(), knowledgemanagementAdminPrepareHead(), knowledgerecordPrepareHead(), ldap_prepare_head(), loan_prepare_head(), marges_admin_prepare_head(), marges_prepare_head(), member_admin_prepare_head(), member_prepare_head(), member_stats_prepare_head(), member_type_prepare_head(), modulehelp_prepare_head(), moPrepareHead(), mrpAdminPrepareHead(), multicurrencyAdminPrepareHead(), mymoduleAdminPrepareHead(), myobjectPrepareHead(), oauthadmin_prepare_head(), order_admin_prepare_head(), ordersupplier_prepare_head(), partnershipAdminPrepareHead(), partnershipPrepareHead(), payment_expensereport_prepare_head(), paypaladmin_prepare_head(), pdf_admin_prepare_head(), positionCardPrepareHead(), prelevement_prepare_head(), product_admin_prepare_head(), product_lot_admin_prepare_head(), product_prepare_head(), productAttributePrepareHead(), productlot_prepare_head(), project_admin_prepare_head(), project_prepare_head(), project_timesheet_prepare_head(), propal_admin_prepare_head(), propal_prepare_head(), reception_admin_prepare_head(), reception_prepare_head(), recruitmentAdminPrepareHead(), recruitmentCandidaturePrepareHead(), recruitmentjobpositionPrepareHead(), resource_admin_prepare_head(), resource_prepare_head(), shipping_prepare_head(), skilldetPrepareHead(), skillPrepareHead(), skillrankPrepareHead(), societe_admin_prepare_head(), societe_prepare_head(), stock_admin_prepare_head(), stock_prepare_head(), stocktransferAdminPrepareHead(), stocktransferPrepareHead(), stripeadmin_prepare_head(), subscription_prepare_head(), supplier_invoice_rec_prepare_head(), supplierorder_admin_prepare_head(), takepos_admin_prepare_head(), targetPrepareHead(), task_prepare_head(), tax_prepare_head(), ticket_prepare_head(), ticketAdminPrepareHead(), translation_prepare_head(), trip_prepare_head(), user_admin_prepare_head(), user_prepare_head(), various_payment_prepare_head(), vat_prepare_head(), webhookAdminPrepareHead(), websiteaccountPrepareHead(), workstationAdminPrepareHead(), workstationPrepareHead(), and zapierAdminPrepareHead().
complete_substitutions_array | ( | & | $substitutionarray, |
$outputlangs, | |||
$object = null, | |||
$parameters = null, | |||
$callfunc = "completesubstitutionarray" ) |
Complete the $substitutionarray with more entries coming from external module that had set the "substitutions=1" into module_part array.
In this case, method completesubstitutionarray provided by module is called.
array | $substitutionarray | Array substitution old value => new value value |
Translate | $outputlangs | Output language |
Object | $object | Source object |
mixed | $parameters | Add more parameters (useful to pass product lines) |
string | $callfunc | What is the name of the custom function that will be called? (default: completesubstitutionarray) |
Definition at line 8559 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_buildpath(), dol_dir_list(), dol_is_dir(), and dol_syslog().
Referenced by BordereauChequeBlochet\_pagefoot(), complete_head_from_modules(), Facture\create(), FactureFournisseur\create(), PartnershipUtils\doCancelStatusOfMemberPartnership(), PartnershipUtils\doWarningOfPartnershipIfDolibarrBacklinkNotfound(), Adherent\makeSubstitution(), EmailCollector\overwritePropertiesOfObject(), pdf_pagefoot(), pdf_watermark(), Notify\send(), ActionComm\sendEmailsReminder(), Facture\sendEmailsRemindersOnInvoiceDueDate(), Adherent\sendReminderForExpiredSubscription(), doc_generic_asset_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_bom_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_contract_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_member_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_mo_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_product_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_reception_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_stock_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_task_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_user_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\write_file(), pdf_aurore\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_baleine\write_file(), pdf_beluga\write_file(), pdf_canelle\write_file(), pdf_cornas\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_einstein\write_file(), pdf_eratosthene\write_file(), pdf_espadon\write_file(), pdf_soleil\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), pdf_standard_myobject\write_file(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\write_file(), pdf_strato\write_file(), pdf_timespent\write_file(), and pdf_vinci\write_file().
currentToken | ( | ) |
Return the value of token currently saved into session with name 'token'.
For ajax call, you must use this token as a parameter of the call into the js calling script (the called ajax php page must also set constant NOTOKENRENEWAL).
Definition at line 11762 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by dragAndDropFileUpload(), and Form\selectExpenseCategories().
dol_banner_tab | ( | $object, | |
$paramid, | |||
$morehtml = '', | |||
$shownav = 1, | |||
$fieldid = 'rowid', | |||
$fieldref = 'ref', | |||
$morehtmlref = '', | |||
$moreparam = '', | |||
$nodbprefix = 0, | |||
$morehtmlleft = '', | |||
$morehtmlstatus = '', | |||
$onlybanner = 0, | |||
$morehtmlright = '' ) |
Show tab footer of a card.
Note: $object->next_prev_filter can be set to restrict select to find next or previous record by $form->showrefnav.
Object | $object | Object to show |
string | $paramid | Name of parameter to use to name the id into the URL next/previous link |
string | $morehtml | More html content to output just before the nav bar |
int | $shownav | Show Condition (navigation is shown if value is 1) |
string | $fieldid | Nom du champ en base a utiliser pour select next et previous (we make the select max and min on this field). Use 'none' for no prev/next search. |
string | $fieldref | Nom du champ objet ref (object->ref) a utiliser pour select next et previous |
string | $morehtmlref | More html to show after the ref (see $morehtmlleft for before) |
string | $moreparam | More param to add in nav link url. |
int | $nodbprefix | Do not include DB prefix to forge table name |
string | $morehtmlleft | More html code to show before the ref (see $morehtmlref for after) |
string | $morehtmlstatus | More html code to show under navigation arrows |
int | $onlybanner | Put this to 1, if the card will contains only a banner (this add css 'arearefnobottom' on div) |
string | $morehtmlright | More html code to show before navigation arrows |
Definition at line 2254 of file functions.lib.php.
References ajax_object_onoff(), dol_convert_file(), dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_sanitizeFileName(), get_exdir(), img_picto(), and setEventMessages().
Referenced by displayPositionCard().
dol_bc | ( | $var, | |
$moreclass = '' ) |
Return string to add class property on html element with pair/impair.
string | $var | 0 or 1 |
string | $moreclass | More class to add |
Definition at line 2588 of file functions.lib.php.
dol_buildpath | ( | $path, | |
$type = 0, | |||
$returnemptyifnotfound = 0 ) |
Return path of url or filesystem.
Can check into alternate dir or alternate dir + main dir depending on value of $returnemptyifnotfound.
string | $path | Relative path to file (if mode=0) or relative url (if mode=1). Ie: mydir/myfile, ../myfile |
int | $type | 0=Used for a Filesystem path, 1=Used for an URL path (output relative), 2=Used for an URL path (output full path using same host that current url), 3=Used for an URL path (output full path using host defined into $dolibarr_main_url_root of conf file) |
int | $returnemptyifnotfound | 0:If $type==0 and if file was not found into alternate dir, return default path into main dir (no test on it) 1:If $type==0 and if file was not found into alternate dir, return empty string 2:If $type==0 and if file was not found into alternate dir, test into main dir, return default path if found, empty string if not found |
Definition at line 1166 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by availabilitiesPrepareHead(), bookcalAdminPrepareHead(), bookingPrepareHead(), checkLoginPassEntity(), CommonObject\commonGenerateDocument(), complete_head_from_modules(), complete_substitutions_array(), ActionsMyModule\completeTabsHead(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendCustomerMessage(), conferenceorboothPrepareHead(), conferenceorboothProjectPrepareHead(), Adherent\create(), Project\createFromClone(), doc_label_pdf_create(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), dol_include_once(), dol_print_address(), emailcollectorPrepareHead(), evaluationPrepareHead(), fichinter_create(), CommonObject\formAddObjectLine(), ProductAttribute\formAddObjectLine(), Utils\generateDoc(), Don\generateDocument(), DolibarrCollector\getAssets(), Canvas\getCanvas(), DolibarrModules\getChangeLog(), Ticket\getDefaultRef(), DolibarrModules\getDescLong(), DolibarrModules\getDescLongReadmeFound(), Translate\getLabelFromNumber(), Asset\getNextNumRef(), Availabilities\getNextNumRef(), BOM\getNextNumRef(), Booking\getNextNumRef(), Commande\getNextNumRef(), CommandeFournisseur\getNextNumRef(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\getNextNumRef(), Contrat\getNextNumRef(), Evaluation\getNextNumRef(), Evaluationline\getNextNumRef(), Expedition\getNextNumRef(), ExpenseReport\getNextNumRef(), Facture\getNextNumRef(), FactureFournisseur\getNextNumRef(), Fichinter\getNextNumRef(), Holiday\getNextNumRef(), Job\getNextNumRef(), KnowledgeRecord\getNextNumRef(), Mo\getNextNumRef(), MyObject\getNextNumRef(), Paiement\getNextNumRef(), PaiementFourn\getNextNumRef(), Partnership\getNextNumRef(), Position\getNextNumRef(), ProductFournisseurPrice\getNextNumRef(), Propal\getNextNumRef(), Reception\getNextNumRef(), RecruitmentCandidature\getNextNumRef(), RecruitmentJobPosition\getNextNumRef(), RemiseCheque\getNextNumRef(), Skill\getNextNumRef(), Skilldet\getNextNumRef(), SkillRank\getNextNumRef(), StockTransfer\getNextNumRef(), StockTransferLine\getNextNumRef(), SupplierProposal\getNextNumRef(), Target\getNextNumRef(), TimeSpent\getNextNumRef(), Workstation\getNextNumRef(), Asset\getNomUrl(), AssetModel\getNomUrl(), Availabilities\getNomUrl(), Booking\getNomUrl(), EmailCollectorAction\getNomUrl(), EmailCollectorFilter\getNomUrl(), Evaluation\getNomUrl(), Evaluationline\getNomUrl(), Inventory\getNomUrl(), Job\getNomUrl(), KnowledgeRecord\getNomUrl(), MyObject\getNomUrl(), Position\getNomUrl(), ProductAttribute\getNomUrl(), ProductFournisseurPrice\getNomUrl(), Project\getNomUrl(), RecruitmentCandidature\getNomUrl(), RecruitmentJobPosition\getNomUrl(), Skill\getNomUrl(), Skilldet\getNomUrl(), SkillRank\getNomUrl(), StockTransfer\getNomUrl(), StockTransferLine\getNomUrl(), Target\getNomUrl(), TimeSpent\getNomUrl(), Workstation\getNomUrl(), Interfaces\getTriggersList(), ModeleBoxes\getWidgetsList(), inventoryPrepareHead(), jobPrepareHead(), PrintingDriver\listDrivers(), llxHeaderTicket(), ActionsMyModule\loadDataForCustomReports(), members_card_pdf_create(), moPrepareHead(), mrpAdminPrepareHead(), multicurrencyAdminPrepareHead(), mymoduleAdminPrepareHead(), myobjectPrepareHead(), Ticket\newMessage(), oauthadmin_prepare_head(), partnershipAdminPrepareHead(), partnershipPrepareHead(), positionCardPrepareHead(), print_auguria_menu(), print_eldy_menu(), print_left_auguria_menu(), print_left_eldy_menu(), CommonObject\printObjectLine(), ProductAttribute\printObjectLine(), CommonObject\printObjectLines(), ProductAttribute\printObjectLines(), CommonObject\printOriginLine(), recruitmentAdminPrepareHead(), recruitmentCandidaturePrepareHead(), recruitmentjobpositionPrepareHead(), resource_prepare_head(), Interfaces\run_triggers(), FormCompany\selectCompaniesForNewContact(), FormProjets\selectInvoiceAndLine(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyAdherent(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyCompany(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyContact(), Conf\setValues(), show_actions_messaging(), show_skin(), showDirectPublicLink(), FormFile\showdocuments(), FormTicket\showForm(), Form\showLinkedObjectBlock(), MenuManager\showmenu(), showSkins(), skilldetPrepareHead(), skillPrepareHead(), skillrankPrepareHead(), stocktransferAdminPrepareHead(), stocktransferPrepareHead(), targetPrepareHead(), top_htmlhead(), webhookAdminPrepareHead(), websiteaccountPrepareHead(), workstationPrepareHead(), and zapierAdminPrepareHead().
dol_clone | ( | $object, | |
$native = 0 ) |
Create a clone of instance of object (new instance with same value for each properties) With native = 0: Property that are reference are different memory area in the new object (full isolation clone).
This means $this->db of new object may not be valid. With native = 1: Use PHP clone. Property that are reference are same pointer. This means $this->db of new object is still valid but point to same this->db than original object. With native = 2: Property that are reference are different memory area in the new object (full isolation clone). Only scalar and array values are cloned. This means $this->db of new object is not valid.
object | $object | Object to clone |
int | $native | 0=Full isolation method, 1=Native PHP method, 2=Full isolation method keeping only scalar and array properties (recommended) |
Definition at line 1265 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by MouvementStock\_createSubProduct(), Ticket\assignUser(), Ticket\markAsRead(), Products\put(), InterfaceWebhookTriggers\runTrigger(), InterfaceZapierTriggers\runTrigger(), Fichinter\setDraft(), Fichinter\setRefClient(), ContratLigne\update(), Dolresource\update(), Product\update(), and Productlot\update().
dol_concatdesc | ( | $text1, | |
$text2, | |||
$forxml = false, | |||
$invert = false ) |
Concat 2 descriptions with a new line between them (second operand after first one with appropriate new line separator) text1 html + text2 html => text1 + '
' + text2 text1 html + text2 txt => text1 + '
' + dol_nl2br(text2) text1 txt + text2 html => dol_nl2br(text1) + '
' + text2 text1 txt + text2 txt => text1 + '
' + text2.
string | $text1 | Text 1 |
string | $text2 | Text 2 |
bool | $forxml | true=Use instead of if we have to add a br tag |
bool | $invert | invert order of description lines (we often use config MAIN_CHANGE_ORDER_CONCAT_DESCRIPTION in this parameter) |
Definition at line 7803 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_nl2br(), and dol_textishtml().
Referenced by Propal\classifyBilled(), Propal\closeProposal(), RecruitmentJobPosition\cloture(), CommandeFournisseur\commande(), constructGanttLine(), Facture\create(), FactureFournisseur\create(), Ticket\createTicketMessage(), ActionsDatapolicy\doActions(), doc_getlinedesc(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), Thirdparties\merge(), pdf_getlinedesc(), pdf_getLinkedObjects(), InterfaceActionsAuto\runTrigger(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyAdherent(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyCompany(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyContact(), Adherent\sendReminderForExpiredSubscription(), pdf_aurore\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_canelle\write_file(), pdf_cornas\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_einstein\write_file(), pdf_eratosthene\write_file(), pdf_espadon\write_file(), pdf_soleil\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), pdf_standard_myobject\write_file(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\write_file(), pdf_storm\write_file(), pdf_strato\write_file(), and pdf_vinci\write_file().
dol_escape_htmltag | ( | $stringtoescape, | |
$keepb = 0, | |||
$keepn = 0, | |||
$noescapetags = '', | |||
$escapeonlyhtmltags = 0, | |||
$cleanalsojavascript = 0 ) |
Returns text escaped for inclusion in HTML alt or title or value tags, or into values of HTML input fields.
When we output string on pages, we use
string | $stringtoescape | String to escape |
int | $keepb | 1=Keep b tags, 0=remove them completely |
int | $keepn | 1=Preserve \r strings (otherwise, replace them with escaped value). Set to 1 when escaping for a <textarea>. |
string | $noescapetags | '' or 'common' or list of tags to not escape. TODO Does not works yet when there is attributes into tag. |
int | $escapeonlyhtmltags | 1=Escape only html tags, not the special chars like accents. |
int | $cleanalsojavascript | Clean also javascript. @TODO switch this option to 1 by default. |
Definition at line 1647 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_string_onlythesehtmltags().
Referenced by pdf_standard_myobject\_pagehead(), ActionsStripeconnect\addMoreActionsButtons(), barcode_encode(), modPhpbarcode\buildBarCode(), Form\buttonsSaveCancel(), Form\constructProductListOption(), DolEditor\Create(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), dol_banner_tab(), dol_concatdesc(), dol_get_fiche_head(), dol_print_email(), dol_print_error(), dol_print_profids(), dol_print_socialnetworks(), dol_syslog(), dolButtonToOpenUrlInDialogPopup(), dolGetButtonAction(), dolGetButtonTitle(), dolPrintHTML(), dolPrintHTMLForTextArea(), dolPrintLabel(), DolGraph\draw_chart(), DolGraph\draw_jflot(), Form\editfieldval(), Form\form_conditions_reglement(), form_constantes(), Form\form_date(), Form\form_modes_reglement(), Form\form_remise_dispo(), Form\formconfirm(), mailing_contacts1\formFilter(), mailing_partnership\formFilter(), mailing_thirdparties\formFilter(), FormSetup\generateAttributesStringFromArray(), FormSetup\generateOutput(), Dolistore\get_categories(), FormMail\get_form(), Dolistore\get_next_link(), Dolistore\get_previous_link(), Dolistore\get_products(), FormOther\getHTMLScannerForm(), DolibarrModules\getKanbanView(), Holiday\getKanbanView(), AccountingAccount\getNomUrl(), AccountLine\getNomUrl(), ActionComm\getNomUrl(), Adherent\getNomUrl(), Commande\getNomUrl(), CommandeFournisseur\getNomUrl(), Deplacement\getNomUrl(), DiscountAbsolute\getNomUrl(), Don\getNomUrl(), EcmDirectory\getNomUrl(), Facture\getNomUrl(), FactureFournisseur\getNomUrl(), FactureFournisseurRec\getNomUrl(), FactureRec\getNomUrl(), FichinterRec\getNomUrl(), Localtax\getNomUrl(), PaymentDonation\getNomUrl(), PaymentExpenseReport\getNomUrl(), PaymentLoan\getNomUrl(), PaymentSocialContribution\getNomUrl(), PaymentVAT\getNomUrl(), Position\getNomUrl(), Product\getNomUrl(), ProductAttribute\getNomUrl(), Propal\getNomUrl(), Societe\getNomUrl(), Subscription\getNomUrl(), SupplierProposal\getNomUrl(), getSocialNetworkSharingLinks(), getTitleFieldOfList(), ActionComm\getTooltipContentArray(), Cronjob\getTooltipContentArray(), Societe\getTooltipContentArray(), img_help(), img_search(), img_searchclear(), info_admin(), left_menu(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), FormFile\listOfLinks(), Form\load_tva(), box_boms\loadBox(), box_clients\loadBox(), box_commandes\loadBox(), box_contacts\loadBox(), box_contracts\loadBox(), box_dolibarr_state_board\loadBox(), box_external_rss\loadBox(), box_factures\loadBox(), box_factures_fourn\loadBox(), box_factures_fourn_imp\loadBox(), box_factures_imp\loadBox(), box_ficheinter\loadBox(), box_fournisseurs\loadBox(), box_last_knowledgerecord\loadBox(), box_last_modified_knowledgerecord\loadBox(), box_last_modified_ticket\loadBox(), box_last_ticket\loadBox(), box_members_by_tags\loadBox(), box_members_by_type\loadBox(), box_members_last_modified\loadBox(), box_members_last_subscriptions\loadBox(), box_mos\loadBox(), box_produits\loadBox(), box_propales\loadBox(), box_prospect\loadBox(), box_services_contracts\loadBox(), box_services_expired\loadBox(), box_supplier_orders\loadBox(), main_area(), Form\multiselectarray(), EmailCollector\overwritePropertiesOfObject(), print_auguria_menu(), print_eldy_menu(), print_fleche_navigation(), print_text_menu_entry(), print_text_menu_entry_auguria(), print_text_menu_entry_empty(), PrestaShopWebservice\printDebug(), printDropdownBookmarksList(), projectLinesa(), Form\searchComponent(), FormAccounting\select_accounting_category(), Form\select_all_categories(), Form\select_company(), Form\select_country(), Form\select_dolusers(), Form\select_dolusers_forevent(), FormAdmin\select_language(), Form\select_produits_fournisseurs_list(), Form\select_thirdparty_list(), FormEcm\selectAllSections(), Form\selectAvailabilityDelay(), FormCompany\selectCompaniesForNewContact(), Form\selectCurrency(), FormTicket\selectGroupTickets(), Form\selectMassAction(), FormCompany\selectProspectStatus(), FormProjets\selectTasks(), Utils\sendBackup(), Adherent\sendReminderForExpiredSubscription(), show_actions_messaging(), show_contacts(), CommonObject\show_photos(), show_projects(), show_subsidiaries(), ModeleBoxes\showBox(), FormFile\showdocuments(), FormTicket\showForm(), CommonObject\showInputField(), ExtraFields\showInputField(), Form\showLinkToObjectBlock(), FormTicket\showMessageForm(), showSkins(), showSocialNetwork(), showValueWithClipboardCPButton(), Form\textwithtooltip(), Diff\toHTML(), top_menu(), top_menu_user(), and treeOutputForAbsoluteDir().
dol_escape_js | ( | $stringtoescape, | |
$mode = 0, | |||
$noescapebackslashn = 0 ) |
Returns text escaped for inclusion into javascript code.
string | $stringtoescape | String to escape |
int | $mode | 0=Escape also ' and " into ', 1=Escape ' but not " for usage into 'string', 2=Escape " but not ' for usage into "string", 3=Escape ' and " with \ |
int | $noescapebackslashn | 0=Escape also . 1=Do not escape . |
Definition at line 1556 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by ajax_combobox(), ajax_constantonoff(), ActionsCardCompany\assign_values(), constructGanttLine(), DolEditor\Create(), dolButtonToOpenUrlInDialogPopup(), dolJSToSetRandomPassword(), dragAndDropFileUpload(), DolGraph\draw_chart(), DolGraph\draw_jflot(), FormFile\form_attach_new_file(), FormActions\form_select_status_action(), Form\formconfirm(), get_htmloutput_mesg(), FormOther\getHTMLScannerForm(), DolibarrModules\getKanbanView(), Form\multiselectarray(), FormAccounting\select_auxaccount(), Form\selectArrayFilter(), FormCompany\selectCompaniesForNewContact(), Form\selectDate(), FormTicket\selectGroupTickets(), FormFile\showdocuments(), FormTicket\showForm(), and showSocialNetwork().
dol_escape_json | ( | $stringtoescape | ) |
Returns text escaped for inclusion into javascript code.
string | $stringtoescape | String to escape |
Definition at line 1589 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by getStructuredData().
dol_eval | ( | $s, | |
$returnvalue = 0, | |||
$hideerrors = 1, | |||
$onlysimplestring = '1' ) |
Replace eval function to add more security.
This function is called by verifCond() or trans() and transnoentitiesnoconv().
string | $s | String to evaluate |
int | $returnvalue | 0=No return (used to execute eval($a=something)). 1=Value of eval is returned (used to eval($something)). |
int | $hideerrors | 1=Hide errors |
string | $onlysimplestring | '0' (used for computed property of extrafields)=Accept all chars, '1' (most common use)=Accept only simple string with char 'a-z0-9\s^$_+-.*>&|=!?():"\',/@';', '2' (rarely used)=Accept also '[]' |
Definition at line 9239 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_syslog().
Referenced by InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendCustomerMessage(), CommonObject\fetch_optionals(), fillArrayOfGroupBy(), fillArrayOfMeasures(), fillArrayOfXAxis(), CommonObject\getTooltipContent(), CommonObject\insertExtraFields(), box_scheduled_jobs\loadBox(), AssetDepreciationOptions\setDeprecationOptionsFromPost(), ExtraFields\setOptionalsFromPost(), CommonObject\setValuesForExtraLanguages(), show_contacts(), ExtraFields\showInputField(), CommonObject\showOptionals(), ExtraFields\showOutputField(), CommonObject\updateExtraField(), and verifCond().
dol_fiche_end | ( | $notab = 0 | ) |
Show tab footer of a card.
int | $notab | -1 or 0=Add tab footer, 1=no tab footer |
Definition at line 2215 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_get_fiche_end().
dol_fiche_head | ( | $links = array(), | |
$active = '0', | |||
$title = '', | |||
$notab = 0, | |||
$picto = '', | |||
$pictoisfullpath = 0, | |||
$morehtmlright = '', | |||
$morecss = '', | |||
$limittoshow = 0, | |||
$moretabssuffix = '' ) |
Show tab header of a card.
array | $links | Array of tabs (0=>url, 1=>label, 2=>code, 3=>not used, 4=>text after link, 5=>morecssonlink). Currently initialized by calling a function xxx_admin_prepare_head. Note that label into $links[$i][1] must be already HTML escaped. |
string | $active | Active tab name (document', 'info', 'ldap', ....) |
string | $title | Title |
int | $notab | -1 or 0=Add tab header, 1=no tab header (if you set this to 1, using print dol_get_fiche_end() to close tab is not required), -2=Add tab header with no sepaaration under tab (to start a tab just after), -3=Add tab header but no footer separation |
string | $picto | Add a picto on tab title |
int | $pictoisfullpath | If 1, image path is a full path. If you set this to 1, you can use url returned by dol_buildpath('/mymodyle/img/myimg.png',1) for $picto. |
string | $morehtmlright | Add more html content on right of tabs title |
string | $morecss | More Css |
int | $limittoshow | Limit number of tabs to show. Use 0 to use automatic default value. |
string | $moretabssuffix | A suffix to use when you have several dol_get_fiche_head() in same page |
Definition at line 2007 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_get_fiche_head().
dol_format_address | ( | $object, | |
$withcountry = 0, | |||
$sep = "\n", | |||
$outputlangs = '', | |||
$mode = 0, | |||
$extralangcode = '' ) |
Return a formated address (part address/zip/town/state) according to country rules.
Object | $object | A company or contact object |
int | $withcountry | 1=Add country into address string |
string | $sep | Separator to use to separate info when building string |
Translate | $outputlangs | Object lang that contains language for text translation. |
int | $mode | 0=Standard output, 1=Remove address |
string | $extralangcode | User extralanguage $langcode as values for address, town |
Definition at line 2611 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by CommonObject\getFullAddress(), Adherent\getTooltipContentArray(), Contact\getTooltipContentArray(), Societe\getTooltipContentArray(), and pdf_build_address().
dol_get_fiche_end | ( | $notab = 0 | ) |
Return tab footer of a card.
int | $notab | -1 or 0=Add tab footer, 1=no tab footer |
Definition at line 2226 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by ActionsAdherentCardDefault\assign_values(), ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsCardProduct\assign_values(), ActionsCardService\assign_values(), ActionsContactCardDefault\assign_values(), displayPositionCard(), dol_fiche_end(), journalHead(), and report_header().
dol_get_fiche_head | ( | $links = array(), | |
$active = '', | |||
$title = '', | |||
$notab = 0, | |||
$picto = '', | |||
$pictoisfullpath = 0, | |||
$morehtmlright = '', | |||
$morecss = '', | |||
$limittoshow = 0, | |||
$moretabssuffix = '', | |||
$dragdropfile = 0 ) |
Show tabs of a record.
array | $links | Array of tabs (0=>url, 1=>label, 2=>code, 3=>not used, 4=>text after link, 5=>morecssonlink). Currently initialized by calling a function xxx_admin_prepare_head. Note that label into $links[$i][1] must be already HTML escaped. |
string | $active | Active tab name |
string | $title | Title |
int | $notab | -1 or 0=Add tab header, 1=no tab header (if you set this to 1, using print dol_get_fiche_end() to close tab is not required), -2=Add tab header with no seaparation under tab (to start a tab just after), -3=-2+'noborderbottom' |
string | $picto | Add a picto on tab title |
int | $pictoisfullpath | If 1, image path is a full path. If you set this to 1, you can use url returned by dol_buildpath('/mymodyle/img/myimg.png',1) for $picto. |
string | $morehtmlright | Add more html content on right of tabs title |
string | $morecss | More CSS on the link |
int | $limittoshow | Limit number of tabs to show. Use 0 to use automatic default value. |
string | $moretabssuffix | A suffix to use when you have several dol_get_fiche_head() in same page |
int | $dragdropfile | 0 (default) or 1. 1 enable a drop zone for file to be upload, 0 disable it |
Definition at line 2028 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_trunc(), dragAndDropFileUpload(), and img_picto().
Referenced by ActionsAdherentCardDefault\assign_values(), ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsCardProduct\assign_values(), ActionsCardService\assign_values(), ActionsContactCardDefault\assign_values(), displayPositionCard(), dol_fiche_head(), journalHead(), report_header(), and FormTicket\showForm().
dol_getdate | ( | $timestamp, | |
$fast = false, | |||
$forcetimezone = '' ) |
Return an array with locale date info.
WARNING: This function use PHP server timezone by default to return locale informations. Be aware to add the third parameter to "UTC" if you need to work on UTC.
int | $timestamp | Timestamp |
boolean | $fast | Fast mode. deprecated. |
string | $forcetimezone | '' to use the PHP server timezone. Or use a form like 'gmt', 'Europe/Paris' or '+0200' to force timezone. |
Definition at line 2983 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by modAdherent\__construct(), modFacture\__construct(), modFournisseur\__construct(), modHoliday\__construct(), modPartnership\__construct(), MouvementStock\_create(), Asset\calculationDepreciation(), ExpenseReport\computeTotalKm(), Facture\createFromClone(), FactureFournisseurRec\createRecurringInvoices(), FactureRec\createRecurringInvoices(), dol_get_first_day_week(), dol_get_first_hour(), dol_get_last_hour(), dol_get_next_day(), dol_get_next_week(), dol_get_prev_day(), dol_get_prev_week(), dolWebsiteIncrementCounter(), Accountancy\exportData(), getCommonSubstitutionArray(), getCurrentPeriodOfFiscalYear(), Paiement\getNomUrl(), GETPOST(), Facture\initAsSpecimen(), FactureFournisseurRec\initAsSpecimen(), FactureRec\initAsSpecimen(), Paiement\initAsSpecimen(), PaiementFourn\initAsSpecimen(), RemiseCheque\initAsSpecimen(), box_birthdays\loadBox(), box_birthdays_members\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_peryear\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_orders_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_product_distribution\loadBox(), box_graph_propales_permonth\loadBox(), projectLinesPerDay(), projectLinesPerWeek(), Adherent\sendReminderForExpiredSubscription(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), and FormActions\showactions().
dol_getIdFromCode | ( | $db, | |
$key, | |||
$tablename, | |||
$fieldkey = 'code', | |||
$fieldid = 'id', | |||
$entityfilter = 0, | |||
$filters = '', | |||
$useCache = true ) |
Return an id or code from a code or id.
Store also Code-Id into a cache to speed up next request on same key.
DoliDB | $db | Database handler |
string | $key | Code or Id to get Id or Code |
string | $tablename | Table name without prefix |
string | $fieldkey | Field to search the key into |
string | $fieldid | Field to get |
int | $entityfilter | Filter by entity |
string | $filters | Filters to add. WARNING: string must be escaped for SQL and not coming from user input. |
bool | $useCache | If true (default), cache will be queried and updated. |
Definition at line 9162 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_syslog().
Referenced by pdf_azur\_tableau_info(), Invoices\addPayment(), SupplierInvoices\addPayment(), Invoices\addPaymentDistributed(), Societe\create_from_member(), CommonInvoice\demande_prelevement(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), pdf_cyan\drawInfoTable(), AccountancyCategory\getCptsCat(), CProductNature\getProductNatureFromCode(), CUnits\getUnitFromCode(), Form\load_cache_vatrates(), box_funnel_of_prospection\loadBox(), num_public_holiday(), print_projecttasks_array(), RemiseCheque\rejectCheck(), Notify\send(), BlockedLog\setObjectData(), Societe\setThirdpartyType(), and Adherent\subscriptionComplementaryActions().
dol_getmypid | ( | ) |
Return getmypid() or random PID when function is disabled Some web hosts disable this php function for security reasons and sometimes we can't redeclare function.
Definition at line 10081 of file functions.lib.php.
dol_html_entity_decode | ( | $a, | |
$b, | |||
$c = 'UTF-8', | |||
$keepsomeentities = 0 ) |
Replace html_entity_decode functions to manage errors.
string | $a | Operand a |
string | $b | Operand b (ENT_QUOTES|ENT_HTML5=convert simple, double quotes, colon, e accent, ...) |
string | $c | Operand c |
string | $keepsomeentities | Entities but &, <, >, " are not converted. |
Definition at line 7601 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by Project\createFromClone(), Task\createFromClone(), dol_htmlentitiesbr_decode(), dol_string_nohtmltag(), Mailing\fetch(), jsUnEscape(), pdf_getlinedesc(), and sanitizeVal().
dol_htmlcleanlastbr | ( | $stringtodecode | ) |
This function remove all ending
and br at end.
string | $stringtodecode | String to decode |
Definition at line 7585 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by ActionComm\create(), ExportCsv\csvClean(), getInvoice(), ExtraFields\getOptionalsFromPost(), getSupplierInvoicesForThirdParty(), and ActionComm\update().
dol_htmlentities | ( | $string, | |
$encoding = 'UTF-8', | |||
$double_encode = false ) |
Replace htmlentities functions.
Goal of this function is to be sure to have default values of htmlentities that match what we need.
string | $string | The input string to encode |
int | $flags | Flags (see PHP doc above) |
string | $encoding | Encoding page code |
bool | $double_encode | When double_encode is turned off, PHP will not encode existing html entities |
Definition at line 7624 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by dol_htmlentitiesbr(), dol_print_error(), FormSetupItem\generateInputFieldTextarea(), FormMail\get_form(), getTaskProgressView(), box_task\loadBox(), run_sql(), Form\showrefnav(), and top_htmlhead().
dol_htmlentitiesbr | ( | $stringtoencode, | |
$nl2brmode = 0, | |||
$pagecodefrom = 'UTF-8', | |||
$removelasteolbr = 1 ) |
This function is called to encode a string into a HTML string but differs from htmlentities because a detection is done before to see if text is already HTML or not.
Also, all entities but &,<,>," are converted. This permits to encode special chars to entities with no double encoding for already encoded HTML strings. This function also remove last EOL or BR if $removelasteolbr=1 (default). For PDF usage, you can show text by 2 ways:
dol_htmlwithnojs(dol_string_onlythesehtmltags(dol_htmlentitiesbr(), 1, 1, 1)) for notes,
string | $stringtoencode | String to encode |
int | $nl2brmode | 0=Adding br before , 1=Replacing by br (for use with FPDF writeHTMLCell function for example) |
string | $pagecodefrom | Pagecode stringtoencode is encoded |
int | $removelasteolbr | 1=Remove last br or lasts (default), 0=Do nothing |
Definition at line 7536 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_htmlentities(), dol_nl2br(), and dol_textishtml().
Referenced by pdf_crabe\_tableau_info(), dolPrintHTML(), dolPrintHTMLForTextArea(), dolPrintLabel(), pdf_sponge\drawInfoTable(), Form\editfieldval(), getCommonSubstitutionArray(), box_services_contracts\loadBox(), make_substitutions(), Adherent\makeSubstitution(), Form\multiselectarray(), pdf_getlinedesc(), pdf_getlinenum(), pdf_getlineref(), pdf_getlineref_supplier(), pdf_pagefoot(), CommonObject\printObjectLine(), Adherent\sendEmail(), show_ldap_content(), show_list_sending_receive(), pdf_aurore\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_baleine\write_file(), pdf_ban\write_file(), pdf_beluga\write_file(), pdf_canelle\write_file(), pdf_cornas\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_eagle\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_einstein\write_file(), pdf_eratosthene\write_file(), pdf_espadon\write_file(), pdf_merou\write_file(), pdf_muscadet\write_file(), pdf_rouget\write_file(), pdf_sepamandate\write_file(), pdf_soleil\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_squille\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), pdf_standard_myobject\write_file(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\write_file(), pdf_storm\write_file(), pdf_strato\write_file(), pdf_timespent\write_file(), pdf_typhon\write_file(), and pdf_vinci\write_file().
dol_htmlentitiesbr_decode | ( | $stringtodecode, | |
$pagecodeto = 'UTF-8' ) |
This function is called to decode a HTML string (it decodes entities and br tags)
string | $stringtodecode | String to decode |
string | $pagecodeto | Page code for result |
Definition at line 7569 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_html_entity_decode().
Referenced by CommActionRapport\_pages(), AdherentType\getMailOnExclude(), AdherentType\getMailOnResiliate(), AdherentType\getMailOnSubscription(), and AdherentType\getMailOnValid().
dol_htmloutput_errors | ( | $mesgstring = '', | |
$mesgarray = array(), | |||
$keepembedded = 0 ) |
Print formated error messages to output (Used to show messages on html output).
string | $mesgstring | Error message |
array | $mesgarray | Error messages array |
int | $keepembedded | Set to 1 in error message must be kept embedded into its html place (this disable jnotify) |
Definition at line 8973 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_htmloutput_mesg().
dol_htmloutput_events | ( | $disabledoutputofmessages = 0 | ) |
Print formated messages to output (Used to show messages on html output).
Note: Calling dol_htmloutput_events is done into pages by standard llxFooter() function, so there is no need to call it explicitely.
int | $disabledoutputofmessages | Clear all messages stored into session without diplaying them |
Definition at line 8778 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_htmloutput_mesg().
dol_htmloutput_mesg | ( | $mesgstring = '', | |
$mesgarray = array(), | |||
$style = 'ok', | |||
$keepembedded = 0 ) |
Print formated messages to output (Used to show messages on html output).
string | $mesgstring | Message string or message key |
string[] | $mesgarray | Array of message strings or message keys |
string | $style | Which style to use ('ok', 'warning', 'error') |
int | $keepembedded | Set to 1 if message must be kept embedded into its html place (this disable jnotify) |
Definition at line 8905 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_syslog(), and get_htmloutput_mesg().
Referenced by dol_htmloutput_errors(), dol_htmloutput_events(), and ActionsStripeconnect\formObjectOptions().
dol_htmlwithnojs | ( | $stringtoencode, | |
$nouseofiframesandbox = 0, | |||
$check = 'restricthtml' ) |
Sanitize a HTML to remove js and dangerous content.
string | $stringtoencode | String to encode |
int | $nouseofiframesandbox | 0=Default, 1=Allow use of option MAIN_SECURITY_USE_SANDBOX_FOR_HTMLWITHNOJS for html sanitizing (not yet working) |
string | $check | 'restricthtmlnolink' or 'restricthtml' or 'restricthtmlallowclass' or 'restricthtmlallowunvalid' |
Definition at line 7427 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_string_onlythesehtmlattributes(), dol_string_onlythesehtmltags(), getDolGlobalInt(), and realCharForNumericEntities().
Referenced by dolPrintHTML(), dolPrintHTMLForTextArea(), sanitizeVal(), and ActionsTicket\viewTicketOriginalMessage().
if(!function_exists('dol_getprefix')) dol_include_once | ( | $relpath, | |
$classname = '' ) |
Make an include_once using default root and alternate root if it fails.
To link to a core file, use include(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/pathtofile') To link to a module file from a module file, use include './mymodulefile'; To link to a module file from a core file, then this function can be used (call by hook / trigger / speciales pages)
string | $relpath | Relative path to file (Ie: mydir/myfile, ../myfile, ...) |
string | $classname | Class name (deprecated) |
Definition at line 1137 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_buildpath(), and dol_syslog().
Referenced by FileUpload\__construct(), ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), Product\check_barcode(), Societe\check_codeclient(), Societe\check_codefournisseur(), Utils\cleanUnfinishedCronjob(), Societe\codeclient_modifiable(), Societe\codefournisseur_modifiable(), complete_head_from_modules(), Utils\compressSyslogs(), Contrat\create(), Product\create(), Contrat\createFromClone(), Project\createFromClone(), Propal\createFromClone(), Commande\createFromProposal(), Societe\delete(), CommonObject\deleteCommon(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), dolGetElementUrl(), fetchObjectByElement(), CommonObject\fetchObjectLinked(), CommonDocGenerator\fill_substitutionarray_with_extrafields(), fillArrayOfGroupBy(), fillArrayOfMeasures(), fillArrayOfXAxis(), Form\form_multicurrency_code(), Utils\generateDoc(), Product\get_barcode(), Societe\get_codeclient(), Societe\get_codecompta(), Societe\get_codefournisseur(), MouvementStock\get_origin(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_shipment(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_shipment_lines(), Ticket\getDefaultRef(), ImportCsv\import_insert(), ImportXlsx\import_insert(), HookManager\initHooks(), CommonObject\insertExtraFields(), FormFile\list_of_autoecmfiles(), InfoBox\listBoxes(), migrate_reload_modules(), Mos\produceAndConsume(), AdvanceTargetingMailing\query_contact(), Cronjob\run_jobs(), CSMSFile\sendfile(), Conf\setValues(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), FormSms\show_form(), and FormTicket\showForm().
dol_mimetype | ( | $file, | |
$default = 'application/octet-stream', | |||
$mode = 0 ) |
Return MIME type of a file from its name with extension.
string | $file | Filename we looking for MIME type |
string | $default | Default mime type if extension not found in known list |
int | $mode | 0=Return full mime, 1=otherwise short mime string, 2=image for mime type, 3=source language, 4=css of font fa |
Definition at line 10461 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by FormMail\add_attached_files(), Documents\builddoc(), vCard\buildVCardString(), doc_label_pdf_create(), dol_init_file_process(), FormMail\get_form(), getDocument(), FormFile\getDocumentsLink(), FileUpload\getFileObject(), FileUpload\handleFileUpload(), img_mime(), Documents\index(), Facture\sendEmailsRemindersOnInvoiceDueDate(), show_actions_messaging(), FormFile\showdocuments(), FormTicket\showMessageForm(), and pdf_standard\write_file().
dol_mkdir | ( | $dir, | |
$dataroot = '', | |||
$newmask = '' ) |
Creation of a directory (this can create recursive subdir)
string | $dir | Directory to create (Separator must be '/'. Example: '/mydir/mysubdir') |
string | $dataroot | Data root directory (To avoid having the data root in the loop. Using this will also lost the warning, on first dir, saying PHP has no permission when open_basedir is used) |
string | $newmask | Mask for new file (Defaults to $conf->global->MAIN_UMASK or 0755 if unavailable). Example: '0444' |
Definition at line 7001 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_osencode(), and dol_syslog().
Referenced by Categorie\add_photo(), Product\add_photo(), mailing_xinputfile\add_to_target(), ActionComm\build_exportfile(), Export\build_file(), Ticket\copyFilesForTicket(), BonPrelevement\create(), EcmDirectory\create(), Website\create(), DolibarrModules\create_dirs(), Project\createFromClone(), Task\createFromClone(), Website\createFromClone(), FileUpload\createScaledImage(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), dol_add_file_process(), dol_filecache(), dol_meta_create(), dol_uncompress(), dolCopyDir(), dolSaveCssFile(), dolSaveHtaccessFile(), dolSaveHtmlHeader(), dolSaveIndexPage(), dolSaveJsFile(), dolSaveLicense(), dolSaveManifestJson(), dolSaveReadme(), dolSaveRobotFile(), Ldap\dump(), Utils\dumpDatabase(), AccountancyExport\export(), Website\exportWebSite(), CMailFile\findHtmlImagesIsSrcData(), Utils\generateDoc(), Stats\getAllByProductEntry(), getAllImages(), Stats\getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear(), Stats\getNbByMonthWithPrevYear(), ProjectStats\getTransformRateByMonthWithPrevYear(), ProjectStats\getWeightedAmountByMonthWithPrevYear(), FileUpload\handleFileUpload(), Website\importWebSite(), modBom\init(), modBookCal\init(), modCommande\init(), modContrat\init(), modEventOrganization\init(), modExpedition\init(), modFacture\init(), modFournisseur\init(), modKnowledgeManagement\init(), modMrp\init(), modMyModule\init(), modPartnership\init(), modProjet\init(), modPropale\init(), modReception\init(), modRecruitment\init(), modSociete\init(), modStock\init(), modSupplierProposal\init(), modTicket\init(), modWebsite\init(), modWorkstation\init(), migrate_product_photospath(), migrate_user_filespath(), migrate_user_photospath(), migrate_user_photospath2(), RssParser\parser(), pdf_getInstance(), Documents\post(), Utils\purgeFiles(), rebuild_merge_pdf(), rebuildObjectClass(), rebuildObjectSql(), Cronjob\run_jobs(), InterfaceActionsAuto\runTrigger(), saveAttachment(), Website\update(), vignette(), BordereauChequeBlochet\write_file(), CommActionRapport\write_file(), doc_generic_asset_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_bom_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_contract_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_member_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_mo_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_product_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_reception_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_stock_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_task_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_user_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\write_file(), html_cerfafr\write_file(), pdf_aurore\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_baleine\write_file(), pdf_ban\write_file(), pdf_beluga\write_file(), pdf_canelle\write_file(), pdf_cornas\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_eagle\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_einstein\write_file(), pdf_eratosthene\write_file(), pdf_espadon\write_file(), pdf_merou\write_file(), pdf_muscadet\write_file(), pdf_paiement\write_file(), pdf_rouget\write_file(), pdf_sepamandate\write_file(), pdf_soleil\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_squille\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), pdf_standard_myobject\write_file(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\write_file(), pdf_standardlabel\write_file(), pdf_storm\write_file(), pdf_strato\write_file(), pdf_tcpdflabel\write_file(), pdf_timespent\write_file(), pdf_typhon\write_file(), pdf_vinci\write_file(), modPhpbarcode\writeBarCode(), and modTcpdfbarcode\writeBarCode().
dol_mktime | ( | $hour, | |
$minute, | |||
$second, | |||
$month, | |||
$day, | |||
$year, | |||
$gm = 'auto', | |||
$check = 1 ) |
Return a timestamp date built from detailed informations (by default a local PHP server timestamp) Replace function mktime not available under Windows if year < 1970 PHP mktime is restricted to the years 1901-2038 on Unix and 1970-2038 on Windows.
int | $hour | Hour (can be -1 for undefined) |
int | $minute | Minute (can be -1 for undefined) |
int | $second | Second (can be -1 for undefined) |
int | $month | Month (1 to 12) |
int | $day | Day (1 to 31) |
int | $year | Year |
mixed | $gm | True or 1 or 'gmt'=Input informations are GMT values False or 0 or 'tzserver' = local to server TZ 'auto' 'tzuser' = local to user TZ taking dst into account at the current date. Not yet implemented. 'tzuserrel' = local to user TZ taking dst into account at the given date. Use this one to convert date input from user into a GMT date. 'tz,TimeZone' = use specified timezone |
int | $check | 0=No check on parameters (Can use day 32, etc...) |
Definition at line 3030 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_syslog().
Referenced by modAdherent\__construct(), modFacture\__construct(), modFournisseur\__construct(), modHoliday\__construct(), modPartnership\__construct(), MouvementStock\_create(), Product\_get_stats(), pdf_paiement\_pagehead(), mailing_fraise\add_to_target(), CommonInvoice\calculate_date_lim_reglement(), Facture\createFromClone(), Project\createFromClone(), Task\createFromClone(), FactureFournisseurRec\createRecurringInvoices(), FactureRec\createRecurringInvoices(), dol_get_first_day(), dol_get_first_day_week(), dol_get_first_hour(), dol_get_last_day(), dol_get_last_hour(), dol_get_next_day(), dol_get_next_week(), dol_get_prev_day(), dol_get_prev_week(), dol_print_date(), dol_stringtotime(), dol_time_plus_duree(), dolSqlDateFilter(), dolWebsiteIncrementCounter(), Accountancy\exportData(), get_next_value(), getCurrentPeriodOfFiscalYear(), getDefaultDatesForTransfer(), ExtraFields\getOptionalsFromPost(), GETPOSTDATE(), ICal\ical_date_to_unix(), Facture\initAsSpecimen(), FactureFournisseurRec\initAsSpecimen(), FactureRec\initAsSpecimen(), Paiement\initAsSpecimen(), PaiementFourn\initAsSpecimen(), RemiseCheque\initAsSpecimen(), DoliDB\jdate(), Adherent\sendReminderForExpiredSubscription(), AssetDepreciationOptions\setDeprecationOptionsFromPost(), ExtraFields\setOptionalsFromPost(), CommonObject\setValuesForExtraLanguages(), show_actions_done(), show_contacts(), show_day_events(), and CommonObject\showOptionals().
dol_nboflines | ( | $s, | |
$maxchar = 0 ) |
Return nb of lines of a clear text.
string | $s | String to check |
int | $maxchar | Not yet used |
Definition at line 7672 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by CommActionRapport\_pages().
dol_nboflines_bis | ( | $text, | |
$maxlinesize = 0, | |||
$charset = 'UTF-8' ) |
Return nb of lines of a formated text with
(WARNING: string must not have mixed
and br separators)
string | $text | Text |
int | $maxlinesize | Largeur de ligne en caracteres (ou 0 si pas de limite - defaut) |
string | $charset | Give the charset used to encode the $text variable in memory. |
Definition at line 7693 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_strlen(), and dol_textishtml().
Referenced by pdf_aurore\_pagehead().
dol_nl2br | ( | $stringtoencode, | |
$nl2brmode = 0, | |||
$forxml = false ) |
Replace CRLF in string with a HTML BR tag.
WARNING: The content after operation contains some HTML tags (the
) so be sure to also have encoded the special chars of stringtoencode into HTML before with dol_htmlentitiesbr().
string | $stringtoencode | String to encode |
int | $nl2brmode | 0=Adding br before , 1=Replacing by br |
bool | $forxml | false=Use , true=Use |
Definition at line 7405 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by CMailFile\__construct(), DolEditor\__construct(), ActionsAdherentCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsContactCardCommon\assign_values(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendAdminMessage(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendAssigneeMessage(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendCustomerMessage(), dol_concatdesc(), dol_htmlentitiesbr(), Form\editInPlace(), FormSetupItem\generateOutputField(), FormMail\get_form(), make_substitutions(), Ticket\newMessage(), FormTicket\showMessageForm(), and ActionsTicket\viewTicketOriginalMessage().
dol_now | ( | $mode = 'auto' | ) |
Return date for now.
In most cases, we use this function without parameters (that means GMT time).
string | $mode | 'auto' => for backward compatibility (avoid this), 'gmt' => we return GMT timestamp, 'tzserver' => we add the PHP server timezone 'tzref' => we add the company timezone. Not implemented. 'tzuser' or 'tzuserrel' => we add the user timezone |
Definition at line 3118 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_now(), and getServerTimeZoneInt().
Referenced by BonPrelevement\__construct(), Evaluation\__construct(), modAccounting\__construct(), modAdherent\__construct(), modAgenda\__construct(), modFacture\__construct(), modFournisseur\__construct(), modHoliday\__construct(), modPartnership\__construct(), modProduct\__construct(), modService\__construct(), modSociete\__construct(), DolibarrApiAccess\__isAllowed(), MouvementStock\_create(), Product\_log_price(), pdf_ban\_pagehead(), pdf_standard\_pagehead(), Contrat\activateAll(), CommonObject\add_contact(), Product\add_fournisseur(), mailing_fraise\add_to_target(), mailing_thirdparties_services_expired\add_to_target(), Opensurveysondage\addComment(), Account\addline(), Holiday\addLogCP(), BonPrelevement\addNotification(), Tva\addPayment(), Task\addTimeSpent(), CommandeFournisseur\approve(), Partnership\approve(), build_calfile(), ActionComm\build_exportfile(), Export\build_file(), CommandeFournisseur\calcAndSetStatusDispatch(), Propal\classifyBilled(), Product\clone_fournisseurs(), Product\clone_price(), SkillRank\cloneFromCurrentSkill(), Ticket\close(), Contrat\closeAll(), Propal\closeProposal(), Commande\cloture(), RecruitmentJobPosition\cloture(), SupplierProposal\cloture(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendAssigneeMessage(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendCustomerMessage(), ExpenseReport\computeTotalKm(), Ticket\copyFilesForTicket(), AdherentStats\countMembersByTagAndStatus(), AdherentStats\countMembersByTypeAndStatus(), Account\create(), AccountancySystem\create(), AccountingAccount\create(), ActionComm\create(), Adherent\create(), AdvanceTargetingMailing\create(), BlockedLog\create(), BonPrelevement\create(), BookKeeping\create(), Bookmark\create(), CashControl\create(), Categorie\create(), ChargeSociales\create(), Commande\create(), CommandeFournisseur\create(), CommandeFournisseurDispatch\create(), CompanyBankAccount\create(), Contact\create(), Contrat\create(), Cronjob\create(), CurrencyRate\create(), Delivery\create(), Deplacement\create(), DiscountAbsolute\create(), Don\create(), EcmDirectory\create(), EcmFiles\create(), Entrepot\create(), Establishment\create(), Expedition\create(), ExpenseReport\create(), Facture\create(), FactureFournisseur\create(), FactureFournisseurRec\create(), FactureRec\create(), Fichinter\create(), FichinterRec\create(), Fiscalyear\create(), Holiday\create(), Link\create(), Loan\create(), LoanSchedule\create(), Mailing\create(), MultiCurrency\create(), Paiement\create(), PaiementFourn\create(), PaymentDonation\create(), PaymentExpenseReport\create(), PaymentLoan\create(), PaymentSalary\create(), PaymentSocialContribution\create(), PaymentVarious\create(), PaymentVAT\create(), Product\create(), Productcustomerprice\create(), Productlot\create(), Project\create(), Propal\create(), Propalmergepdfproduct\create(), Reception\create(), RejetPrelevement\create(), RemiseCheque\create(), Salary\create(), Societe\create(), Subscription\create(), SupplierProposal\create(), Task\create(), Ticket\create(), Tva\create(), User\create(), UserBankAccount\create(), UserGroup\create(), Website\create(), ExtraFields\create_label(), createActionComm(), CommonObject\createCommon(), Thirdparties\createCompanyBankAccount(), createContact(), Facture\createDepositFromOrigin(), AssetModel\createFromClone(), Availabilities\createFromClone(), Booking\createFromClone(), Commande\createFromClone(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\createFromClone(), CTicketCategory\createFromClone(), Evaluation\createFromClone(), Evaluationline\createFromClone(), Facture\createFromClone(), FactureFournisseur\createFromClone(), Job\createFromClone(), KnowledgeRecord\createFromClone(), Mailing\createFromClone(), MyObject\createFromClone(), Partnership\createFromClone(), Position\createFromClone(), ProductFournisseurPrice\createFromClone(), Project\createFromClone(), Propal\createFromClone(), RecruitmentCandidature\createFromClone(), RecruitmentJobPosition\createFromClone(), Skill\createFromClone(), Skilldet\createFromClone(), SkillRank\createFromClone(), SupplierProposal\createFromClone(), Target\createFromClone(), Task\createFromClone(), TimeSpent\createFromClone(), Website\createFromClone(), WebsitePage\createFromClone(), Workstation\createFromClone(), Facture\createFromContract(), Facture\createFromOrder(), Commande\createFromProposal(), createInvoice(), createOrder(), createPayment(), SupplierProposal\createPriceFournisseur(), createProductOrService(), FactureFournisseurRec\createRecurringInvoices(), FactureRec\createRecurringInvoices(), BookKeeping\createStd(), createThirdParty(), Ticket\createTicketMessage(), Stripe\customerStripe(), Mo\deleteLine(), Task\delTimeSpent(), CommonInvoice\demande_prelevement(), CommandeFournisseur\dispatchProduct(), ActionsDatapolicy\doActions(), Contrat\doAutoRenewContracts(), PartnershipUtils\doCancelStatusOfMemberPartnership(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), dol_cache_refresh(), dol_dir_list(), dol_now(), dol_print_date(), dol_print_error(), dol_print_error_email(), dolSessionGC(), dolSessionWrite(), dolWebsiteIncrementCounter(), AssetModel\doScheduledJob(), Availabilities\doScheduledJob(), BOM\doScheduledJob(), Booking\doScheduledJob(), ConferenceOrBooth\doScheduledJob(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\doScheduledJob(), Evaluation\doScheduledJob(), Evaluationline\doScheduledJob(), Job\doScheduledJob(), KnowledgeRecord\doScheduledJob(), Mo\doScheduledJob(), MyObject\doScheduledJob(), Position\doScheduledJob(), RecruitmentCandidature\doScheduledJob(), RecruitmentJobPosition\doScheduledJob(), Skill\doScheduledJob(), Skilldet\doScheduledJob(), SkillRank\doScheduledJob(), StockTransfer\doScheduledJob(), StockTransferLine\doScheduledJob(), Target\doScheduledJob(), TimeSpent\doScheduledJob(), PartnershipUtils\doWarningOfPartnershipIfDolibarrBacklinkNotfound(), CMailFile\dump_mail(), Utils\dumpDatabase(), mod_syslog_file\export(), Accountancy\exportData(), Website\exportWebSite(), Contrat\fetch_lines(), BonPrelevement\generate(), Utils\generateDoc(), get_next_value(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_other(), Stats\getAllByProductEntry(), Stats\getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear(), AccountingJournal\getAssetData(), getCommonSubstitutionArray(), getCurrentPeriodOfFiscalYear(), getDefaultDatesForTransfer(), ContratLigne\getLibStatut(), Stats\getNbByMonthWithPrevYear(), mailing_thirdparties_services_expired\getNbOfRecipients(), mod_barcode_product_standard\getNextValue(), mod_barcode_thirdparty_standard\getNextValue(), mod_codeclient_elephant\getNextValue(), mod_codeclient_monkey\getNextValue(), mod_codeproduct_elephant\getNextValue(), mod_commande_saphir\getNextValue(), mod_delivery_jade\getNextValue(), mod_lot_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_lot_standard\getNextValue(), mod_member_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_project_simple\getNextValue(), mod_project_universal\getNextValue(), mod_propale_saphir\getNextValue(), mod_reception_moonstone\getNextValue(), mod_sn_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_sn_standard\getNextValue(), mod_takepos_ref_universal\getNextValue(), mod_task_simple\getNextValue(), mod_task_universal\getNextValue(), mod_ticket_simple\getNextValue(), mod_ticket_universal\getNextValue(), getNumberInvoicesPieChart(), Societe\getOutstandingBills(), Stripe\getPaymentIntent(), GETPOST(), getServerTimeZoneInt(), Cronjob\getTooltipContentArray(), ProjectStats\getTransformRateByMonthWithPrevYear(), ProjectStats\getWeightedAmountByMonthWithPrevYear(), ActionComm\hasDelay(), Adherent\hasDelay(), Commande\hasDelay(), CommandeFournisseur\hasDelay(), ExpenseReport\hasDelay(), Facture\hasDelay(), FactureFournisseur\hasDelay(), Project\hasDelay(), Task\hasDelay(), modBlockedLog\init(), modEmailCollector\init(), ActionComm\initAsSpecimen(), Adherent\initAsSpecimen(), BookKeeping\initAsSpecimen(), ChargeSociales\initAsSpecimen(), CommandeFournisseur\initAsSpecimen(), CompanyBankAccount\initAsSpecimen(), Contrat\initAsSpecimen(), Delivery\initAsSpecimen(), Don\initAsSpecimen(), EcmFiles\initAsSpecimen(), Entrepot\initAsSpecimen(), Expedition\initAsSpecimen(), ExpenseReport\initAsSpecimen(), Facture\initAsSpecimen(), FactureFournisseur\initAsSpecimen(), FactureFournisseurRec\initAsSpecimen(), FactureRec\initAsSpecimen(), Fichinter\initAsSpecimen(), Holiday\initAsSpecimen(), Loan\initAsSpecimen(), Opensurveysondage\initAsSpecimen(), Paiement\initAsSpecimen(), PaiementFourn\initAsSpecimen(), Product\initAsSpecimen(), Project\initAsSpecimen(), Reception\initAsSpecimen(), RemiseCheque\initAsSpecimen(), Societe\initAsSpecimen(), User\initAsSpecimen(), Website\initAsSpecimen(), WebsitePage\initAsSpecimen(), CommonObject\initAsSpecimenCommon(), DolibarrModules\insert_cronjobs(), User\isNotIntoValidityDateRange(), Adherent\LibStatut(), Holiday\LibStatut(), User\LibStatut(), FormFile\listOfLinks(), Account\load_board(), Adherent\load_board(), Contrat\load_board(), ExpenseReport\load_board(), Facture\load_board(), FactureFournisseur\load_board(), Holiday\load_board(), Propal\load_board(), RemiseCheque\load_board(), SupplierProposal\load_board(), Ticket\load_board(), box_actions\loadBox(), box_actions_future\loadBox(), box_activity\loadBox(), box_birthdays\loadBox(), box_birthdays_members\loadBox(), box_contracts\loadBox(), box_factures\loadBox(), box_ficheinter\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_peryear\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_nb_ticket_last_x_days\loadBox(), box_graph_orders_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_product_distribution\loadBox(), box_graph_propales_permonth\loadBox(), box_members_by_tags\loadBox(), box_members_by_type\loadBox(), box_propales\loadBox(), box_scheduled_jobs\loadBox(), box_services_contracts\loadBox(), box_services_expired\loadBox(), ActionComm\loadReminders(), CommonInvoice\makeStripeSepaRequest(), Ticket\markAsRead(), migrate_project_task_actors(), migrate_project_user_resp(), migrate_reset_blocked_log(), Ticket\newMessage(), LoanSchedule\paimenttorecord(), ICal\parse(), PriceParser\parseExpression(), RssParser\parser(), Invoices\post(), SupplierInvoices\post(), SupplierOrders\post(), print_paybox_redirect(), Mos\produceAndConsume(), projectLinesPerDay(), projectLinesPerWeek(), Utils\purgeFiles(), modBlockedLog\remove(), Contrat\reopen(), Cronjob\run_jobs(), InterfaceActionsAuto\runTrigger(), InterfaceLogevents\runTrigger(), CMailFile\save_dump_mail_in_err(), Form\selectDate(), Notify\send(), ActionComm\sendEmailsReminder(), Facture\sendEmailsRemindersOnInvoiceDueDate(), Adherent\sendReminderForExpiredSubscription(), dolReceiptPrinter\sendToPrinter(), ExpenseReport\set_cancel(), Societe\set_remise_client(), Societe\set_remise_supplier(), ExpenseReport\setApproved(), Project\setClose(), Reception\setClosed(), ExpenseReport\setDeny(), Contact\setNoEmail(), Societe\setNoEmail(), Facture\setPaid(), FactureFournisseur\setPaid(), User\setPassword(), Societe\setPriceLevel(), CommonObject\setStatut(), Fichinter\setValid(), ExpenseReport\setValidate(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), show_array_actions_to_do(), show_array_last_actions_done(), FormActions\showactions(), Account\solde(), Adherent\subscription(), Adherent\subscriptionComplementaryActions(), BookKeeping\transformTransaction(), Link\update(), Productcustomerprice\update(), Productlot\update(), ProductStockEntrepot\update(), Salary\update(), Societe\update(), Website\update(), ProductFournisseur\update_buyprice(), ExtraFields\update_label(), User\update_last_login_date(), AssetAccountancyCodes\updateAccountancyCodes(), updateActionComm(), CommonObject\updateCommon(), Thirdparties\updateCompanyBankAccount(), updateContact(), AssetDepreciationOptions\updateDeprecationOptions(), Lettering\updateLettering(), FichinterRec\updateNbGenDone(), updateProductOrService(), Contact\updateRoles(), Holiday\updateSoldeCP(), updateThirdParty(), Task\updateTimeSpent(), CashControl\valid(), Commande\valid(), CommandeFournisseur\valid(), Delivery\valid(), Expedition\valid(), Mailing\valid(), Propal\valid(), Reception\valid(), SupplierProposal\valid(), Adherent\validate(), AssetModel\validate(), Availabilities\validate(), BOM\validate(), Booking\validate(), ConferenceOrBooth\validate(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\validate(), Contrat\validate(), Evaluation\validate(), Evaluationline\validate(), Facture\validate(), FactureFournisseur\validate(), Holiday\validate(), Inventory\validate(), Job\validate(), KnowledgeRecord\validate(), Mo\validate(), MyObject\validate(), Partnership\validate(), Position\validate(), ProductFournisseurPrice\validate(), RecruitmentCandidature\validate(), RecruitmentJobPosition\validate(), Skill\validate(), Skilldet\validate(), SkillRank\validate(), StockTransfer\validate(), StockTransferLine\validate(), Target\validate(), TimeSpent\validate(), write_conf_file(), doc_generic_asset_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_bom_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_contract_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_member_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_mo_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_product_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_reception_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_stock_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_user_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\write_file(), html_cerfafr\write_file(), and pdf_standard\write_file().
dol_osencode | ( | $str | ) |
Return a string encoded into OS filesystem encoding.
This function is used to define value to pass to filesystem PHP functions.
string | $str | String to encode (UTF-8) |
Definition at line 9125 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by CMailFile\_encode_file(), activateModulesRequiredByCountry(), Product\add_photo(), addFileIntoDatabaseIndex(), CommonObject\addThumbs(), Documents\builddoc(), checkLoginPassEntity(), complete_dictionary_with_modules(), complete_elementList_with_modules(), completeFileArrayWithDatabaseInfo(), Website\createFromClone(), Documents\delete(), EcmDirectory\delete(), Product\delete_photo(), dol_copy(), dol_count_nb_of_line(), dol_delete_dir(), dol_delete_dir_recursive(), dol_delete_file(), dol_dir_is_emtpy(), dol_dir_list(), dol_filemtime(), dol_fileperm(), dol_filesize(), dol_getImageSize(), dol_imageResizeOrCrop(), dol_is_dir(), dol_is_file(), dol_is_link(), dol_mkdir(), dol_move(), dol_move_dir(), dol_move_uploaded_file(), dolCopyDir(), dolReplaceInFile(), Translate\file_exists(), Product\get_image_size(), Translate\getLabelFromNumber(), Interfaces\getTriggersList(), ModeleBoxes\getWidgetsList(), ImportCsv\import_open_file(), Documents\index(), CommonObject\indexFile(), Product\is_photo_available(), Ticket\is_photo_available(), Product\liste_photos(), listOfSessions(), Translate\load(), Export\load_arrays(), Import\load_arrays(), migrate_product_photospath(), migrate_user_filespath(), migrate_user_photospath(), migrate_user_photospath2(), purgeSessions(), rebuildObjectClass(), rebuildObjectSql(), Interfaces\run_triggers(), Conf\setValues(), and vignette().
dol_print_address | ( | $address, | |
$htmlid, | |||
$element, | |||
$id, | |||
$noprint = 0, | |||
$charfornl = '' ) |
Format address string.
string | $address | Address string, already formatted with dol_format_address() |
int | $htmlid | Html ID (for example 'gmap') |
int | $element | 'thirdparty'|'contact'|'member'|'other' |
int | $id | Id of object |
int | $noprint | No output. Result is the function return |
string | $charfornl | Char to use instead of nl2br. '' means we use a standad nl2br. |
Definition at line 3904 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_buildpath().
dol_print_date | ( | $time, | |
$format = '', | |||
$tzoutput = 'auto', | |||
$outputlangs = '', | |||
$encodetooutput = false ) |
Output date in a string format according to outputlangs (or langs if not defined).
Return charset is always UTF-8, except if encodetoouput is defined. In this case charset is output charset
int | $time | GM Timestamps date |
string | $format | Output date format (tag of strftime function) "%d %b %Y", "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", "%B"=Long text of month, "%A"=Long text of day, "%b"=Short text of month, "%a"=Short text of day "day", "daytext", "dayhour", "dayhourldap", "dayhourtext", "dayrfc", "dayhourrfc", "...inputnoreduce", "...reduceformat" |
string | $tzoutput | true or 'gmt' => string is for Greenwich location false or 'tzserver' => output string is for local PHP server TZ usage 'tzuser' => output string is for user TZ (current browser TZ with current dst) => In a future, we should have same behaviour than 'tzuserrel' 'tzuserrel' => output string is for user TZ (current browser TZ with dst or not, depending on date position) |
Translate | $outputlangs | Object lang that contains language for text translation. |
boolean | $encodetooutput | false=no convert into output pagecode |
Definition at line 2733 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_mktime(), dol_now(), dol_print_error(), dol_strlen(), dol_substr(), and dol_syslog().
Referenced by modAccounting\__construct(), modAdherent\__construct(), modProduct\__construct(), modService\__construct(), modSociete\__construct(), printing_printgcp\__construct(), MouvementStock\_create(), Product\_get_stats(), pdf_azur\_pagehead(), pdf_baleine\_pagehead(), pdf_ban\_pagehead(), pdf_beluga\_pagehead(), pdf_canelle\_pagehead(), pdf_cornas\_pagehead(), pdf_crabe\_pagehead(), pdf_cyan\_pagehead(), pdf_eagle\_pagehead(), pdf_eagle_proforma\_pagehead(), pdf_einstein\_pagehead(), pdf_eratosthene\_pagehead(), pdf_espadon\_pagehead(), pdf_merou\_pagehead(), pdf_muscadet\_pagehead(), pdf_paiement\_pagehead(), pdf_rouget\_pagehead(), pdf_sepamandate\_pagehead(), pdf_soleil\_pagehead(), pdf_sponge\_pagehead(), pdf_squille\_pagehead(), pdf_standard\_pagehead(), pdf_standard\_pagehead(), pdf_standard_asset\_pagehead(), pdf_standard_myobject\_pagehead(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\_pagehead(), pdf_storm\_pagehead(), pdf_strato\_pagehead(), pdf_timespent\_pagehead(), pdf_typhon\_pagehead(), pdf_vinci\_pagehead(), CommActionRapport\_pages(), pdf_aurore\_tableau_info(), pdf_azur\_tableau_info(), pdf_einstein\_tableau_info(), pdf_crabe\_tableau_tot(), pdf_canelle\_tableau_versements(), pdf_crabe\_tableau_versements(), mailing_fraise\add_to_target(), build_calfile(), Export\build_file(), buildParamDate(), BonPrelevement\buildRumNumber(), CommonInvoice\buildSwitzerlandQRString(), CommonInvoice\buildZATCAQRString(), Asset\calculationDepreciation(), constructGanttLine(), convertSecondToTime(), Ticket\copyFilesForTicket(), BonPrelevement\create(), Facture\create(), FactureFournisseur\create(), Mailing\createFromClone(), Task\createFromClone(), CommandeFournisseur\dispatchProduct(), ActionsDatapolicy\doActions(), Contrat\doAutoRenewContracts(), doc_getlinedesc(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), dol_meta_create(), dol_print_error(), dol_print_error_email(), dol_print_object_info(), dol_syslog(), dol_time_plus_duree(), pdf_cyan\drawInfoTable(), pdf_eagle_proforma\drawInfoTable(), pdf_eratosthene\drawInfoTable(), pdf_sponge\drawPaymentsTable(), pdf_sponge\drawTotalTable(), CMailFile\dump_mail(), Utils\dumpDatabase(), Form\editfieldval(), Form\editInPlace(), BonPrelevement\EnregDestinataire(), BonPrelevement\EnregDestinataireSEPA(), BonPrelevement\EnregEmetteur(), BonPrelevement\EnregEmetteurSEPA(), mod_syslog_file\export(), AccountancyExport\exportAgiris(), AccountancyExport\exportBob50(), AccountancyExport\exportCegid(), AccountancyExport\exportCharlemagne(), AccountancyExport\exportCiel(), AccountancyExport\exportCoala(), AccountancyExport\exportCogilog(), AccountancyExport\exportConfigurable(), AccountancyExport\exportEbp(), AccountancyExport\exportFEC(), AccountancyExport\exportFEC2(), AccountancyExport\exportGestimumV3(), AccountancyExport\exportGestimumV5(), AccountancyExport\exportiSuiteExpert(), AccountancyExport\exportLDCompta(), AccountancyExport\exportLDCompta10(), AccountancyExport\exportOpenConcerto(), AccountancyExport\exportQuadratus(), AccountancyExport\exportSAGE50SWISS(), Website\exportWebSite(), AccountancyExport\exportWinfic(), CommonDocGenerator\fill_substitutionarray_with_extrafields(), Form\form_date(), BonPrelevement\generate(), Utils\generateDoc(), get_date_range(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_lines(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_object(), doc_generic_project_odt\get_substitutionarray_object(), doc_generic_task_odt\get_substitutionarray_object(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_other(), doc_generic_project_odt\get_substitutionarray_project_file(), doc_generic_task_odt\get_substitutionarray_project_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\get_substitutionarray_project_reference(), doc_generic_task_odt\get_substitutionarray_project_reference(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_shipment(), doc_generic_project_odt\get_substitutionarray_task_file(), doc_generic_task_odt\get_substitutionarray_task_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\get_substitutionarray_tasks(), doc_generic_task_odt\get_substitutionarray_tasks(), doc_generic_project_odt\get_substitutionarray_taskstime(), doc_generic_task_odt\get_substitutionarray_taskstime(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_user(), getActionComm(), AccountingJournal\getAssetData(), getCommonSubstitutionArray(), getCustomerInvoiceUnpaidOpenTable(), getDefaultDatesForTransfer(), getInvoice(), getInvoicesForThirdParty(), BonPrelevement\getKanbanView(), ChargeSociales\getKanbanView(), Contrat\getKanbanView(), Don\getKanbanView(), Loan\getKanbanView(), Localtax\getKanbanView(), PaymentExpenseReport\getKanbanView(), PaymentVarious\getKanbanView(), RecruitmentJobPosition\getKanbanView(), RemiseCheque\getKanbanView(), Subscription\getKanbanView(), SupplierProposal\getKanbanView(), Tva\getKanbanView(), PriceGlobalVariableUpdater\getLastUpdated(), mod_codeclient_monkey\getNextValue(), mod_member_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_project_simple\getNextValue(), mod_ticket_simple\getNextValue(), BonPrelevement\getNomUrl(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\getNomUrl(), Don\getNomUrl(), FactureFournisseurRec\getNomUrl(), FactureRec\getNomUrl(), Paiement\getNomUrl(), PaiementFourn\getNomUrl(), PaymentExpenseReport\getNomUrl(), PaymentSocialContribution\getNomUrl(), PaymentVAT\getNomUrl(), Subscription\getNomUrl(), getOrder(), getOrdersForThirdParty(), getProductOrService(), getProductsForCategory(), getProject(), getServerTimeZoneInt(), getStructuredData(), CommonDocGenerator\getSubstitutionarrayMember(), getSupplierInvoice(), getSupplierInvoicesForThirdParty(), getThirdParty(), Commande\getTooltipContentArray(), CommandeFournisseur\getTooltipContentArray(), Cronjob\getTooltipContentArray(), Facture\getTooltipContentArray(), FactureFournisseur\getTooltipContentArray(), Fiscalyear\getTooltipContentArray(), Holiday\getTooltipContentArray(), PaymentSalary\getTooltipContentArray(), Productlot\getTooltipContentArray(), Project\getTooltipContentArray(), Propal\getTooltipContentArray(), Ticket\getTooltipContentArray(), User\getTooltipContentArray(), getUser(), BordereauChequeBlochet\Header(), DoliDB\idate(), printing_printgcp\listJobs(), box_accountancy_last_manual_entries\loadBox(), box_actions\loadBox(), box_actions_future\loadBox(), box_birthdays\loadBox(), box_birthdays_members\loadBox(), box_boms\loadBox(), box_clients\loadBox(), box_commandes\loadBox(), box_contacts\loadBox(), box_contracts\loadBox(), box_external_rss\loadBox(), box_factures\loadBox(), box_factures_fourn\loadBox(), box_factures_fourn_imp\loadBox(), box_factures_imp\loadBox(), box_ficheinter\loadBox(), box_fournisseurs\loadBox(), box_goodcustomers\loadBox(), box_graph_nb_ticket_last_x_days\loadBox(), box_last_knowledgerecord\loadBox(), box_last_modified_knowledgerecord\loadBox(), box_last_modified_ticket\loadBox(), box_last_ticket\loadBox(), box_lastlogin\loadBox(), box_members_last_modified\loadBox(), box_members_last_subscriptions\loadBox(), box_members_subscriptions_by_year\loadBox(), box_mos\loadBox(), box_produits\loadBox(), box_propales\loadBox(), box_prospect\loadBox(), box_scheduled_jobs\loadBox(), box_services_contracts\loadBox(), box_services_expired\loadBox(), box_supplier_orders\loadBox(), box_supplier_orders_awaiting_reception\loadBox(), Adherent\makeSubstitution(), ExpenseReport\offsetAlreadyGiven(), pdf_getlinedesc(), pdf_getLinkedObjects(), print_paybox_redirect(), pdf_standard\printLine(), projectLinesa(), projectLinesPerAction(), report_header(), Cronjob\reprogram_jobs(), InterfaceActionsAuto\runTrigger(), CMailFile\save_dump_mail_in_err(), Form\selectDate(), Facture\sendEmailsRemindersOnInvoiceDueDate(), dolReceiptPrinter\sendToPrinter(), BonPrelevement\set_infocredit(), BonPrelevement\set_infotrans(), vCard\setBirthday(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), show_contacts(), show_list_sending_receive(), FormActions\showactions(), Commande\showDelay(), CommandeFournisseur\showDelay(), FormFile\showdocuments(), ExtraFields\showOutputField(), showWebsiteTemplates(), pdf_standard\tablePayments(), top_menu_user(), treeOutputForAbsoluteDir(), Holiday\updateSoldeCP(), Facture\validate(), ActionsTicket\viewTicketTimelineMessages(), write_conf_file(), doc_generic_asset_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_bom_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_contract_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_member_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_mo_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_product_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_reception_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_stock_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_user_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\write_file(), html_cerfafr\write_file(), pdf_baleine\write_file(), pdf_beluga\write_file(), pdf_paiement\write_file(), pdf_soleil\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_strato\write_file(), and pdf_timespent\write_file().
dol_print_email | ( | $email, | |
$cid = 0, | |||
$socid = 0, | |||
$addlink = 0, | |||
$max = 64, | |||
$showinvalid = 1, | |||
$withpicto = 0 ) |
Show EMail link formatted for HTML output.
string | EMail to show (only email, without 'Name of recipient' before) | |
int | $cid | Id of contact if known |
int | $socid | Id of third party if known |
int | $addlink | 0=no link, 1=email has a html email link (+ link to create action if constant AGENDA_ADDACTIONFOREMAIL is on) |
int | $max | Max number of characters to show |
int | $showinvalid | 1=Show warning if syntax email is wrong |
int | string | $withpicto | Show picto |
Definition at line 3239 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_trunc(), img_object(), img_picto(), img_warning(), and isValidEmail().
Referenced by ActionsAdherentCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsContactCardCommon\assign_values(), Form\editfieldval(), box_last_modified_ticket\loadBox(), box_last_ticket\loadBox(), and ExtraFields\showOutputField().
dol_print_error | ( | $db = '', | |
$error = '', | |||
$errors = null ) |
Displays error message system with all the information to facilitate the diagnosis and the escalation of the bugs.
This function must be called when a blocking technical error is encountered. However, one must try to call it only within php pages, classes must return their error through their property "error".
DoliDB | string | $db | Database handler |
string | string[] | $error | String or array of errors strings to show |
array | $errors | Array of errors |
Definition at line 5169 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_htmlentities(), dol_now(), dol_print_date(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalInt(), top_httphead(), and utf8_check().
Referenced by mailing_thirdparties_services_expired\__construct(), modAgenda\__construct(), MouvementStock\_create(), Stats\_getAllByProduct(), Stats\_getAllByYear(), Stats\_getAmountByMonth(), Stats\_getAverageByMonth(), Stats\_getNbByMonth(), Stats\_getNbByYear(), Product\_log_price(), pdf_standard\_pagehead(), Product\add_sousproduit(), mailing_contacts1\add_to_target(), addDocumentModel(), Account\addline(), ActionsStripeconnect\addMoreActionsButtons(), Localtax\addPayment(), Tva\addPayment(), Paiement\addPaymentToBank(), PaymentDonation\addPaymentToBank(), PaymentExpenseReport\addPaymentToBank(), PaymentLoan\addPaymentToBank(), PaymentSalary\addPaymentToBank(), PaymentSocialContribution\addPaymentToBank(), PaymentVAT\addPaymentToBank(), User\addrights(), UserGroup\addrights(), MailingTargets\addTargetsToDatabase(), Task\addTimeSpent(), BlockedLog\alreadyUsed(), Partnership\approve(), ActionsAdherentCardCommon\assign_post(), ActionsContactCardCommon\assign_post(), ProductAttribute\attributeOrder(), Export\build_filterField(), calcul_price_total(), MouvementStock\calculateBalanceForProductBefore(), CommonObject\call_trigger(), Account\can_be_deleted(), Stripe\cardStripe(), checkUserAccessToObject(), chequereceipt_pdf_create(), CommandeFournisseur\classifyBilled(), clean_data_ecm_directories(), cleanCorruptedTree(), DoliDBMysqli\connect(), Form\constructProductListOption(), Societe\contact_array(), Societe\contact_array_objects(), Societe\contact_get_property(), contact_prepare_head(), Societe\contact_property_array(), Categorie\containing(), Account\countAccountToReconcile(), Categorie\countNbOfCategories(), Commande\countNbOfShipments(), Commande\create(), CommandeFournisseur\create(), Contrat\create(), Facture\create(), FactureFournisseur\create(), Fichinter\create(), Menubase\create(), PaymentVarious\create(), Propal\create(), SupplierProposal\create(), Holiday\createCPusers(), Mo\createProduction(), FactureFournisseurRec\createRecurringInvoices(), FactureRec\createRecurringInvoices(), Stripe\customerStripe(), AccountLine\dateo_change(), AccountLine\datev_change(), Product\del_sousproduit(), delDocumentModel(), BonPrelevement\delete(), DiscountAbsolute\delete(), PaymentLoan\delete(), ExtraFields\delete_label(), Facture\deleteline(), User\delrights(), UserGroup\delrights(), doc_label_pdf_create(), dol_dir_list_in_database(), dol_print_date(), dol_set_user_param(), dolibarr_del_const(), dolibarr_set_const(), dolSavePageContent(), dolSessionWrite(), facture_prepare_head(), facturefourn_prepare_head(), Bookmark\fetch(), Categorie\fetch(), CommandeFournisseurLigne\fetch(), CompanyBankAccount\fetch(), Don\fetch(), ExpenseReportLine\fetch(), Export\fetch(), Import\fetch(), Paiement\fetch(), PaiementFourn\fetch(), SupplierProposalLine\fetch(), Ticket\fetch(), UserBankAccount\fetch(), CommonObject\fetch_barcode(), Opensurveysondage\fetch_lines(), Adherent\fetch_login(), Adherent\fetch_name(), ActionComm\fetch_userassigned(), EmailCollector\fetchActions(), ExpeditionLineBatch\fetchAll(), ProductAttribute\fetchAll(), Task\fetchAllTimeSpent(), EmailCollector\fetchFilters(), CommonObject\fetchObjectLinked(), ActionComm\fetchResources(), Task\fetchTimeSpentOnTask(), CommonObject\fetchValuesForExtraLanguages(), fichinter_create(), FormCompany\form_prospect_level(), mailing_advthirdparties\formFilter(), mailing_contacts1\formFilter(), mailing_fraise\formFilter(), mailing_partnership\formFilter(), mailing_thirdparties\formFilter(), FormCompany\formProspectContactLevel(), Utils\generateDoc(), Don\generateDocument(), Societe\generateDocument(), RemiseCheque\generatePdf(), Categorie\get_all_categories(), User\get_children(), Project\get_element_list(), Categorie\get_filles(), FormMail\get_form(), Categorie\get_full_arbo(), EcmDirectory\get_full_arbo(), Entrepot\get_full_arbo(), User\get_full_tree(), get_left_menu_accountancy(), Categorie\get_meres(), get_next_value(), FactureLigne\get_prev_progress(), get_product_localtax_for_country(), get_product_vat_for_country(), Account\get_url(), Fiscalyear\getAccountancyEntriesByFiscalYear(), Fiscalyear\getAccountancyMovementsByFiscalYear(), ExpenseReportIk\getAllRanges(), ExpenseReportRule\getAllRule(), MouvementStock\getBatchCount(), CommonObject\getCanvas(), AccountancyCategory\getCats(), Product\getChildsArbo(), Contact\getContactRoles(), Societe\getContacts(), getCountriesInEEC(), getCountry(), AccountancyCategory\getCptsCat(), getCustomerInvoiceDraftTable(), getCustomerInvoiceLatestEditTable(), getCustomerInvoiceUnpaidOpenTable(), getCustomerOrderPieChart(), getCustomerProposalPieChart(), CommandeFournisseur\getDispachedLines(), getDraftSupplierTable(), ExpenseReportLine\getExpAmount(), Product\getFather(), ActionsCardProduct\getFieldListCanvas(), ActionsCardService\getFieldListCanvas(), CommandeFournisseur\getInputMethod(), Evaluation\getLastEvaluationForUser(), CommonInvoice\getListIdAvoirFromInvoice(), InterfaceNotification\getListOfManagedEvents(), getListOfModels(), CommonInvoice\getListOfPayments(), ExpenseReportIk\getMaxRangeNumber(), modStockTransfer\getNextId(), Asset\getNextNumRef(), Availabilities\getNextNumRef(), BOM\getNextNumRef(), Booking\getNextNumRef(), Commande\getNextNumRef(), CommandeFournisseur\getNextNumRef(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\getNextNumRef(), Contrat\getNextNumRef(), Evaluation\getNextNumRef(), Evaluationline\getNextNumRef(), Expedition\getNextNumRef(), ExpenseReport\getNextNumRef(), Facture\getNextNumRef(), FactureFournisseur\getNextNumRef(), Fichinter\getNextNumRef(), Holiday\getNextNumRef(), Job\getNextNumRef(), KnowledgeRecord\getNextNumRef(), Mo\getNextNumRef(), MyObject\getNextNumRef(), Paiement\getNextNumRef(), PaiementFourn\getNextNumRef(), Partnership\getNextNumRef(), Position\getNextNumRef(), ProductFournisseurPrice\getNextNumRef(), Propal\getNextNumRef(), Reception\getNextNumRef(), RecruitmentCandidature\getNextNumRef(), RecruitmentJobPosition\getNextNumRef(), RemiseCheque\getNextNumRef(), Skill\getNextNumRef(), Skilldet\getNextNumRef(), SkillRank\getNextNumRef(), StockTransfer\getNextNumRef(), StockTransferLine\getNextNumRef(), SupplierProposal\getNextNumRef(), Target\getNextNumRef(), TimeSpent\getNextNumRef(), Workstation\getNextNumRef(), mod_expensereport_jade\getNextValue(), mod_facture_fournisseur_cactus\getNextValue(), mod_facture_mars\getNextValue(), mod_facture_terre\getNextValue(), mod_takepos_ref_simple\getNextValue(), getNumberInvoicesPieChart(), Stripe\getPaymentIntent(), BlockedLog\getPreviousHash(), Project\getProjectsAuthorizedForUser(), getPurchaseInvoiceLatestEditTable(), getPurchaseInvoiceUnpaidOpenTable(), ExpenseReportIk\getRangesByCategory(), Don\getRemainToPay(), Societe\getSalesRepresentatives(), getServerTimeZoneInt(), getSourceDocRef(), getState(), Stripe\getStripeAccount(), DiscountAbsolute\getSumCreditNotesUsed(), DiscountAbsolute\getSumDepositsUsed(), DiscountAbsolute\getSumFromThisCreditNotesNotUsed(), Task\getSummaryOfTimeSpent(), Task\getSumOfAmount(), Task\getTasksArray(), ExpenseReportIk\getTaxCategories(), getTaxesFromId(), Holiday\getTypes(), Task\getUserRolesForProjectsOrTasks(), ImportCsv\import_insert(), ImportXlsx\import_insert(), CommonObject\indexFile(), AccountingAccount\info(), AccountLine\info(), ActionComm\info(), Adherent\info(), Asset\info(), AssetModel\info(), Availabilities\info(), BOM\info(), BOMLine\info(), Booking\info(), ChargeSociales\info(), Commande\info(), CommandeFournisseur\info(), CompanyPaymentMode\info(), ConferenceOrBooth\info(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\info(), Contrat\info(), CTicketCategory\info(), Deplacement\info(), Don\info(), EmailCollector\info(), EmailCollectorAction\info(), EmailCollectorFilter\info(), EmailSenderProfile\info(), Entrepot\info(), Establishment\info(), Evaluation\info(), Evaluationline\info(), ExpenseReport\info(), Facture\info(), FactureFournisseur\info(), Fichinter\info(), Fiscalyear\info(), Holiday\info(), Hook\info(), Inventory\info(), Job\info(), KnowledgeRecord\info(), Mo\info(), MyObject\info(), Paiement\info(), PaiementFourn\info(), Partnership\info(), PartnershipType\info(), PaymentExpenseReport\info(), PaymentVarious\info(), Position\info(), Product\info(), ProductFournisseurPrice\info(), Project\info(), Propal\info(), RecruitmentCandidature\info(), RecruitmentJobPosition\info(), Salary\info(), Skill\info(), Skilldet\info(), SkillRank\info(), Societe\info(), SocieteAccount\info(), StockTransfer\info(), StockTransferLine\info(), Subscription\info(), SupplierProposal\info(), Target\info(), TimeSpent\info(), Tva\info(), User\info(), Workstation\info(), modEmailCollector\init(), AccountLine\insert(), FichinterLigne\insert(), DolibarrModules\insert_permissions(), Product\is_sousproduit(), CommonObject\isExistingObject(), CommonObject\isObjectUsed(), Product\isVariant(), CommonObject\line_order(), Export\list_export_model(), Fournisseur\ListArray(), Commande\liste_array(), Facture\liste_array(), Propal\liste_array(), SupplierProposal\liste_array(), CommonObject\liste_contact(), Ticket\listeContact(), Deplacement\listOfTypes(), ExpenseReport\listOfTypes(), mod_barcode_product_standard\literalBarcodeType(), mod_barcode_thirdparty_standard\literalBarcodeType(), Translate\load(), Account\load_board(), ActionComm\load_board(), Adherent\load_board(), Contrat\load_board(), ExpenseReport\load_board(), Facture\load_board(), FactureFournisseur\load_board(), Holiday\load_board(), RemiseCheque\load_board(), Form\load_cache_availability(), Dolresource\load_cache_code_type_resource(), Form\load_cache_conditions_paiements(), Form\load_cache_transport_mode(), Form\load_cache_types_fees(), Form\load_cache_types_paiements(), Categorie\load_motherof(), EcmDirectory\load_motherof(), CommonObject\load_previous_next_ref(), Account\load_state_board(), Adherent\load_state_board(), Client\load_state_board(), Commande\load_state_board(), CommandeFournisseur\load_state_board(), Contact\load_state_board(), Contrat\load_state_board(), Dolresource\load_state_board(), Don\load_state_board(), ExpenseReport\load_state_board(), Facture\load_state_board(), FactureFournisseur\load_state_board(), Fichinter\load_state_board(), Fournisseur\load_state_board(), Holiday\load_state_board(), Product\load_state_board(), Project\load_state_board(), Propal\load_state_board(), RemiseCheque\load_state_board(), SupplierProposal\load_state_board(), Task\load_state_board(), Ticket\load_state_board(), User\load_state_board(), Product\load_virtual_stock(), Product\loadBatchInfo(), box_activity\loadBox(), box_funnel_of_prospection\loadBox(), box_graph_nb_ticket_last_x_days\loadBox(), box_graph_nb_tickets_type\loadBox(), box_graph_new_vs_close_ticket\loadBox(), box_graph_ticket_by_severity\loadBox(), box_last_knowledgerecord\loadBox(), box_last_modified_knowledgerecord\loadBox(), box_last_modified_ticket\loadBox(), box_last_ticket\loadBox(), box_task\loadBox(), box_validated_projects\loadBox(), Ticket\loadCacheCategoriesTickets(), Translate\loadCacheCurrencies(), Form\loadCacheInputReason(), Ticket\loadCacheSeveritiesTickets(), Ticket\loadCacheTypesTickets(), User\loadDefaultValues(), Translate\loadFromDatabase(), FormProduct\loadLotStock(), User\loadParentOf(), Project\loadTimeSpent(), Project\loadTimeSpentMonth(), FormProduct\loadWarehouses(), FormProduct\loadWorkstations(), CommonInvoice\makeStripeSepaRequest(), Invoices\markAsCreditAvailable(), member_prepare_head(), members_card_pdf_create(), Menubase\menuLoad(), migrate_actioncomm_element(), migrate_categorie_association(), migrate_commande_deliveryaddress(), migrate_commande_expedition(), migrate_commande_livraison(), migrate_contacts_socialnetworks(), migrate_contractdet_rank(), migrate_contracts_date1(), migrate_contracts_date2(), migrate_contracts_date3(), migrate_contracts_det(), migrate_contracts_open(), migrate_customerorder_shipping(), migrate_detail_livraison(), migrate_element_time(), migrate_event_assignement(), migrate_event_assignement_contact(), migrate_export_import_profiles(), migrate_links_transfert(), migrate_members_socialnetworks(), migrate_menus(), migrate_mode_reglement(), migrate_modeles(), migrate_paiements(), migrate_paiements_orphelins_1(), migrate_paiements_orphelins_2(), migrate_project_task_actors(), migrate_project_user_resp(), migrate_relationship_tables(), migrate_remise_entity(), migrate_remise_except_entity(), migrate_reset_blocked_log(), migrate_restore_missing_links(), migrate_shipping_delivery(), migrate_shipping_delivery2(), migrate_stocks(), migrate_thirdparties_socialnetworks(), migrate_user_rights_entity(), migrate_usergroup_rights_entity(), migrate_users_socialnetworks(), FormAdvTargetEmailing\multiselectCivility(), FormAdvTargetEmailing\multiselectCountry(), FormAdvTargetEmailing\multiselectProspectionStatus(), FormAdvTargetEmailing\multiselectselectSalesRepresentatives(), ExpenseReport\offsetAlreadyGiven(), ordered(), pdf_bank(), print_left_auguria_menu(), print_paybox_redirect(), printDropdownBookmarksList(), printing_printipp\printFile(), CommonObject\printObjectLine(), project_prepare_head(), pt(), rebuild_merge_pdf(), rebuildObjectClass(), recruitmentjobpositionPrepareHead(), Contrat\reopen(), security_prepare_head(), FormAccounting\select_accounting_category(), Form\select_address(), Form\select_all_categories(), Form\select_bom(), FormCompany\select_civility(), Form\select_comptes(), FormContract\select_contract(), Form\select_country(), Form\select_dolgroups(), Form\select_dolusers(), FormProjets\select_element(), Form\select_export_model(), Form\select_incoterms(), FormIntervention\select_interventions(), FormCompany\select_juridicalstatus(), FormAdmin\select_paper_format(), Form\select_product_fourn_price(), Form\select_produits_fournisseurs_list(), Form\select_produits_list(), FormProjets\select_projects_list(), FormCompany\select_region(), Form\select_remises(), FormResource\select_resource_list(), FormCompany\select_state(), Form\select_thirdparty_list(), FormSocialContrib\select_type_socialcontrib(), FormAdvTargetEmailing\selectAdvtargetemailingTemplate(), FormBarCode\selectBarcodeType(), FormCompany\selectCompaniesForNewContact(), Form\selectcontacts(), Form\selectEstablishments(), FormTicket\selectGroupTickets(), FormOrder\selectInputMethod(), FormProjets\selectInvoiceAndLine(), FormProduct\selectMeasuringUnits(), FormCategory\selectProductCategory(), FormProduct\selectProductNature(), FormPropal\selectProposalStatus(), Form\selectShippingMethod(), FormProjets\selectTasks(), FormWebsite\selectTypeOfContainer(), FormWebsite\selectWebsite(), Notify\send(), CSMSFile\sendfile(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyAdherent(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyCompany(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyContact(), Stripe\sepaStripe(), FichinterRec\set_auto(), Don\set_cancel(), Commande\set_reopen(), CompanyBankAccount\setAsDefault(), CompanyPaymentMode\setAsDefault(), FactureFournisseurRec\setAutoValidate(), FactureRec\setAutoValidate(), FichinterRec\setAutoValidate(), Expedition\setClosed(), Reception\setClosed(), Ticket\setContract(), CommonObject\setDocModel(), setEventMessages(), FactureRec\setFrequencyAndUnit(), FichinterRec\setFrequencyAndUnit(), FactureFournisseurRec\setGeneratePdf(), FactureRec\setGeneratePdf(), FactureFournisseurRec\setMaxPeriod(), FactureRec\setMaxPeriod(), FichinterRec\setMaxPeriod(), FactureFournisseurRec\setModelPdf(), FactureRec\setModelPdf(), FactureRec\setNextDate(), FichinterRec\setNextDate(), Don\setPaid(), ExpenseReport\setPaid(), FactureFournisseur\setPaid(), Adherent\setPassword(), User\setPassword(), Societe\setPriceLevel(), CommonObject\setProject(), Facture\setUnpaid(), FactureFournisseur\setUnpaid(), Fichinter\setValid(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), show_array_actions_to_do(), show_array_last_actions_done(), show_contacts(), show_contacts_projects(), FormSms\show_form(), show_list_sending_receive(), show_projects(), show_stats_for_batch(), show_stats_for_company(), FormActions\showactions(), FormFile\showdocuments(), Form\showLinkToObjectBlock(), societe_prepare_head(), CommonObject\swapContactStatus(), task_prepare_head(), tax_by_rate(), tax_by_thirdparty(), Account\update(), Categorie\update(), ExpenseReportLine\update(), Product\update(), UserBankAccount\update(), Account\update_bban(), Localtax\update_fk_bank(), PaymentVarious\update_fk_bank(), Salary\update_fk_bank(), Tva\update_fk_bank(), ExtraFields\update_label(), CommonObject\update_price(), Product\update_sousproduit(), ProductAttribute\updateAttributePositionDown(), ProductAttribute\updateAttributePositionUp(), CommonObject\updateLineDown(), CommonObject\updateLineUp(), FichinterRec\updateNbGenDone(), ProductAttribute\updatePositionOfAttribute(), CommonObject\updateRangOfLine(), User\user_get_property(), user_prepare_head(), Commande\valid(), CommandeFournisseur\valid(), Delivery\valid(), Propal\valid(), SupplierProposal\valid(), AssetModel\validate(), Availabilities\validate(), BOM\validate(), Booking\validate(), ConferenceOrBooth\validate(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\validate(), Contrat\validate(), Evaluation\validate(), Evaluationline\validate(), Facture\validate(), Job\validate(), KnowledgeRecord\validate(), Mo\validate(), MyObject\validate(), Partnership\validate(), Position\validate(), ProductFournisseurPrice\validate(), RecruitmentCandidature\validate(), RecruitmentJobPosition\validate(), Skill\validate(), Skilldet\validate(), SkillRank\validate(), StockTransfer\validate(), StockTransferLine\validate(), Target\validate(), TimeSpent\validate(), Holiday\verifDateHolidayCP(), Holiday\verifDateHolidayForTimestamp(), ActionsTicket\viewTicketMessages(), Facture\willBeLastOfSameType(), doc_generic_asset_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_bom_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_contract_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_member_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_mo_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_product_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_reception_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_stock_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_task_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_user_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\write_file(), pdf_paiement\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standardlabel\write_file(), pdf_tcpdflabel\write_file(), ExportCsv\write_record(), ExportExcel2007\write_record(), ExportTsv\write_record(), and ExportExcel2007\write_title().
dol_print_error_email | ( | $prefixcode, | |
$errormessage = '', | |||
$errormessages = array(), | |||
$morecss = 'error', | |||
$email = '' ) |
Show a public email and error code to contact if technical error.
string | $prefixcode | Prefix of public error code |
string | $errormessage | Complete error message |
array | $errormessages | Array of error messages |
string | $morecss | More css |
string |
Definition at line 5319 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_now(), and dol_print_date().
dol_print_ip | ( | $ip, | |
$mode = 0 ) |
Return an IP formated to be shown on screen.
string | $ip | IP |
int | $mode | 0=return IP + country/flag, 1=return only country/flag, 2=return only IP |
Definition at line 3770 of file functions.lib.php.
References dolGetCountryCodeFromIp().
Referenced by ExtraFields\showOutputField().
dol_print_phone | ( | $phone, | |
$countrycode = '', | |||
$cid = 0, | |||
$socid = 0, | |||
$addlink = '', | |||
$separ = " ", | |||
$withpicto = '', | |||
$titlealt = '', | |||
$adddivfloat = 0 ) |
Format phone numbers according to country.
string | $phone | Phone number to format |
string | $countrycode | Country code to use for formatting |
int | $cid | Id of contact if known |
int | $socid | Id of third party if known |
string | $addlink | ''=no link to create action, 'AC_TEL'=add link to clicktodial (if module enabled) and add link to create event (if conf->global->AGENDA_ADDACTIONFORPHONE set), 'tel'=Force "tel:..." link |
string | $separ | Separation between numbers for a better visibility example : xx.xx.xx.xx.xx |
string | $withpicto | Show picto ('fax', 'phone', 'mobile') |
string | $titlealt | Text to show on alt |
int | $adddivfloat | Add div float around phone. |
Definition at line 3463 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_strlen(), img_object(), img_picto(), and make_substitutions().
Referenced by ActionsAdherentCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsContactCardCommon\assign_values(), Form\editfieldval(), getCommonSubstitutionArray(), Contact\getTooltipContentArray(), Societe\getTooltipContentArray(), User\getTooltipContentArray(), and ExtraFields\showOutputField().
dol_print_profids | ( | $profID, | |
$profIDtype, | |||
$countrycode = '', | |||
$addcpButton = 1, | |||
$separ = ' ' ) |
Format profIDs according to country.
string | $profID | Value of profID to format |
string | $profIDtype | Type of profID to format ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6' or 'VAT') |
string | $countrycode | Country code to use for formatting |
int | $addcpButton | Add button to copy to clipboard (1 => show only on hoover ; 2 => always display ) |
string | $separ | Separation between numbers for a better visibility example : xxx xxx xxx xxxxx |
Definition at line 3427 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_strlen(), and showValueWithClipboardCPButton().
Referenced by top_menu_user().
dol_print_size | ( | $size, | |
$shortvalue = 0, | |||
$shortunit = 0 ) |
Return string with formated size.
int | $size | Size to print |
int | $shortvalue | Tell if we want long value to use another unit (Ex: 1.5Kb instead of 1500b) |
int | $shortunit | Use short label of size unit (for example 'b' instead of 'bytes') |
Definition at line 3157 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by DolMemoryCollector\collect(), FormFile\list_of_autoecmfiles(), and FormFile\list_of_documents().
dol_print_socialnetworks | ( | $value, | |
$cid, | |||
$socid, | |||
$type, | |||
$dictsocialnetworks = array() ) |
Show social network link.
string | $value | Skype to show (only skype, without 'Name of recipient' before) |
int | $cid | Id of contact if known |
int | $socid | Id of third party if known |
string | $type | 'skype','facebook',... |
array | $dictsocialnetworks | socialnetworks availables |
Definition at line 3347 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_string_nospecial(), img_object(), and img_warning().
dol_print_url | ( | $url, | |
$target = '_blank', | |||
$max = 32, | |||
$withpicto = 0, | |||
$morecss = 'float' ) |
Show Url link.
string | $url | Url to show |
string | $target | Target for link |
int | $max | Max number of characters to show |
int | $withpicto | With picto |
string | $morecss | More CSS |
Definition at line 3196 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_trunc(), and img_picto().
Referenced by ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), Form\editfieldval(), and ExtraFields\showOutputField().
dol_sanitizeEmail | ( | $stringtoclean | ) |
Clean a string to use it as an Email.
string | $stringtoclean | String to clean. Example ' <My name>' |
Definition at line 1416 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by CMailFile\__construct().
dol_sanitizeFileName | ( | $str, | |
$newstr = '_', | |||
$unaccent = 1 ) |
Clean a string to use it as a file name.
Replace also '–' and ' -' strings, they are used for parameters separation (Note: ' - ' is allowed).
string | $str | String to clean |
string | $newstr | String to replace bad chars with. |
int | $unaccent | 1=Remove also accent (default), 0 do not remove them |
Definition at line 1333 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_string_nospecial(), and dol_string_unaccent().
Referenced by FileUpload\__construct(), account_statement_prepare_head(), CommandeFournisseur\approve(), Partnership\approve(), assetPrepareHead(), availabilitiesPrepareHead(), bank_prepare_head(), bomPrepareHead(), bookingPrepareHead(), Expedition\cancel(), Product\check(), clean_data_ecm_directories(), commande_prepare_head(), conferenceorboothPrepareHead(), contact_prepare_head(), contract_prepare_head(), EcmDirectory\create(), Expedition\create(), Product\create(), ProductAttribute\create(), ProductAttributeValue\create(), Reception\create(), Project\createFromClone(), Task\createFromClone(), Website\createFromClone(), WebsitePage\createFromClone(), Commande\delete(), CommandeFournisseur\delete(), Contrat\delete(), Delivery\delete(), Dolresource\delete(), Expedition\delete(), ExpenseReport\delete(), Facture\delete(), FactureFournisseur\delete(), Fichinter\delete(), Product\delete(), Project\delete(), Propal\delete(), Reception\delete(), SupplierProposal\delete(), Task\delete(), delivery_prepare_head(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), dol_add_file_process(), dol_banner_tab(), dol_delete_preview(), dol_meta_create(), dol_uncompress(), donation_prepare_head(), Utils\dumpDatabase(), evaluationPrepareHead(), expensereport_prepare_head(), AccountancyExport\exportQuadratus(), facture_prepare_head(), fichinter_prepare_head(), Thirdparties\generateBankAccountDocument(), get_exdir(), Setup\getCheckIntegrity(), getCustomerInvoiceLatestEditTable(), getCustomerInvoiceUnpaidOpenTable(), Documents\getDocumentsListByElement(), Asset\getNomUrl(), AssetModel\getNomUrl(), Availabilities\getNomUrl(), Booking\getNomUrl(), ConferenceOrBooth\getNomUrl(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\getNomUrl(), Evaluation\getNomUrl(), Evaluationline\getNomUrl(), Job\getNomUrl(), KnowledgeRecord\getNomUrl(), MyObject\getNomUrl(), Partnership\getNomUrl(), PartnershipType\getNomUrl(), Position\getNomUrl(), ProductAttribute\getNomUrl(), ProductFournisseurPrice\getNomUrl(), RecruitmentCandidature\getNomUrl(), RecruitmentJobPosition\getNomUrl(), Skill\getNomUrl(), Skilldet\getNomUrl(), SkillRank\getNomUrl(), StockTransfer\getNomUrl(), StockTransferLine\getNomUrl(), Target\getNomUrl(), TimeSpent\getNomUrl(), Workstation\getNomUrl(), getPurchaseInvoiceLatestEditTable(), EcmDirectory\getRelativePath(), holiday_prepare_head(), modBookCal\init(), modMyModule\init(), modPartnership\init(), jobPrepareHead(), knowledgerecordPrepareHead(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), loan_prepare_head(), migrate_product_photospath(), moPrepareHead(), myobjectPrepareHead(), ordersupplier_prepare_head(), partnershipPrepareHead(), positionCardPrepareHead(), Documents\post(), product_prepare_head(), productlot_prepare_head(), project_prepare_head(), propal_prepare_head(), reception_prepare_head(), recruitmentCandidaturePrepareHead(), recruitmentjobpositionPrepareHead(), resource_prepare_head(), Notify\send(), Fichinter\setValid(), ExpenseReport\setValidate(), Conf\setValues(), shipping_prepare_head(), skilldetPrepareHead(), skillPrepareHead(), skillrankPrepareHead(), stocktransferPrepareHead(), task_prepare_head(), tax_prepare_head(), Account\update(), Dolresource\update(), Product\update(), ProductAttribute\update(), ProductAttributeValue\update(), Project\update(), Societe\update(), Task\update(), Commande\valid(), CommandeFournisseur\valid(), Delivery\valid(), Expedition\valid(), Propal\valid(), Reception\valid(), SupplierProposal\valid(), Availabilities\validate(), BOM\validate(), Booking\validate(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\validate(), Contrat\validate(), Evaluation\validate(), Evaluationline\validate(), Facture\validate(), FactureFournisseur\validate(), Holiday\validate(), Job\validate(), KnowledgeRecord\validate(), Mo\validate(), MyObject\validate(), Partnership\validate(), Position\validate(), ProductFournisseurPrice\validate(), RecruitmentCandidature\validate(), RecruitmentJobPosition\validate(), Skill\validate(), Skilldet\validate(), SkillRank\validate(), StockTransfer\validate(), StockTransferLine\validate(), Target\validate(), TimeSpent\validate(), various_payment_prepare_head(), vat_prepare_head(), workstationPrepareHead(), doc_generic_asset_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_bom_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_contract_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_member_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_mo_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_product_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_reception_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_stock_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_task_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_user_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\write_file(), html_cerfafr\write_file(), pdf_aurore\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_baleine\write_file(), pdf_ban\write_file(), pdf_beluga\write_file(), pdf_canelle\write_file(), pdf_cornas\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_eagle\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_einstein\write_file(), pdf_eratosthene\write_file(), pdf_espadon\write_file(), pdf_merou\write_file(), pdf_muscadet\write_file(), pdf_rouget\write_file(), pdf_sepamandate\write_file(), pdf_soleil\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_squille\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), pdf_standard_myobject\write_file(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\write_file(), pdf_storm\write_file(), pdf_strato\write_file(), pdf_timespent\write_file(), pdf_typhon\write_file(), and pdf_vinci\write_file().
dol_sanitizePathName | ( | $str, | |
$newstr = '_', | |||
$unaccent = 1 ) |
Clean a string to use it as a path name.
Replace also '–' and ' -' strings, they are used for parameters separation (Note: ' - ' is allowed).
string | $str | String to clean |
string | $newstr | String to replace bad chars with |
int | $unaccent | 1=Remove also accent (default), 0 do not remove them |
Definition at line 1359 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_string_nospecial(), and dol_string_unaccent().
Referenced by dol_uncompress(), AntiVir\getCliCommand(), EmailCollector\getpart(), Website\importWebSite(), dolReceiptPrinter\initPrinter(), and Documents\post().
dol_sanitizeUrl | ( | $stringtoclean, | |
$type = 1 ) |
Clean a string to use it as an URL (into a href or src attribute)
string | $stringtoclean | String to clean |
int | $type | 0=Accept all Url, 1=Clean external Url (keep only relative Url) |
Definition at line 1380 of file functions.lib.php.
dol_set_focus | ( | $selector | ) |
Set focus onto field with selector (similar behaviour of 'autofocus' HTML5 tag)
string | $selector | Selector ('id' or 'input[name="ref"]') to use to find the HTML input field that must get the autofocus. You must use a CSS selector, so unique id preceding with the '#' char. |
Definition at line 10067 of file functions.lib.php.
dol_shutdown | ( | ) |
Function called at end of web php process.
Definition at line 493 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_syslog().
dol_size | ( | $size, | |
$type = '' ) |
Optimize a size for some browsers (phone, smarphone, ...)
int | $size | Size we want |
string | $type | Type of optimizing: '' = function used to define a size for truncation 'width' = function is used to define a width |
Definition at line 1308 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by box_members_by_tags\loadBox(), and box_members_by_type\loadBox().
dol_sort_array | ( | & | $array, |
$index, | |||
$order = 'asc', | |||
$natsort = 0, | |||
$case_sensitive = 0, | |||
$keepindex = 0 ) |
Advanced sort array by second index function, which produces ascending (default) or descending output and uses optionally natural case insensitive sorting (which can be optionally case sensitive as well).
array | $array | Array to sort (array of array('key1'=>val1,'key2'=>val2,'key3'...) or array of objects) |
string | $index | Key in array to use for sorting criteria |
int | $order | Sort order ('asc' or 'desc') |
int | $natsort | If values are strings (I said value not type): 0=Use alphabetical order, 1=use "natural" sort (natsort) If values are numeric (I said value not type): 0=Use numeric order (even if type is string) so use a "natural" sort, 1=use "natural" sort too (same than 0), -1=Force alphabetical order |
int | $case_sensitive | 1=sort is case sensitive, 0=not case sensitive |
int | $keepindex | If 0 and index key of array to sort is a numeric, than index will be rewrote. If 1 or index key is not numeric, key for index is kept after sorting. |
Definition at line 8992 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by dol_dir_list(), Categorie\get_full_arbo(), EcmDirectory\get_full_arbo(), User\get_full_tree(), Setup\getCheckIntegrity(), FormFile\list_of_autoecmfiles(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), Form\load_cache_availability(), Form\load_cache_transport_mode(), Form\load_cache_types_paiements(), Form\loadCacheInputReason(), print_auguria_menu(), print_eldy_menu(), rebuildObjectClass(), Form\select_country(), FormCompany\select_juridicalstatus(), show_contacts(), CommonObject\show_photos(), FormFile\showdocuments(), MenuManager\showmenu(), and showModulesExludedForExternal().
dol_strftime | ( | $fmt, | |
$ts = false, | |||
$is_gmt = false ) |
Format a string.
string | $fmt | Format of strftime function ( |
int | $ts | Timesamp (If is_gmt is true, timestamp is already includes timezone and daylight saving offset, if is_gmt is false, timestamp is a GMT timestamp and we must compensate with server PHP TZ) |
int | $is_gmt | See comment of timestamp parameter |
Definition at line 2703 of file functions.lib.php.
dol_string_is_good_iso | ( | $s, | |
$clean = 0 ) |
Check if a string is a correct iso string If not, it will not be considered as HTML encoded even if it is by FPDF.
Example, if string contains euro symbol that has ascii code 128
string | $s | String to check |
string | $clean | Clean if it is not an ISO. Warning, if file is utf8, you will get a bad formated file. |
Definition at line 7640 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_strlen().
dol_string_neverthesehtmltags | ( | $stringtoclean, | |
$disallowed_tags = array('textarea'), | |||
$cleanalsosomestyles = 0 ) |
Clean a string from some undesirable HTML tags.
Note: You should use instead dol_string_onlythesehtmltags() that is more secured if you can.
string | $stringtoclean | String to clean |
array | $disallowed_tags | Array of tags not allowed |
string | $cleanalsosomestyles | Clean also some tags |
Definition at line 7319 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by Form\editfieldval().
dol_string_nohtmltag | ( | $stringtoclean, | |
$removelinefeed = 1, | |||
$pagecodeto = 'UTF-8', | |||
$strip_tags = 0, | |||
$removedoublespaces = 1 ) |
Clean a string from all HTML tags and entities.
This function differs from strip_tags because:
string | $stringtoclean | String to clean |
integer | $removelinefeed | 1=Replace all new lines by 1 space, 0=Only ending new lines are removed others are replaced with , 2=Ending new lines are removed but others are kept with a same number of than nb of when there is both "...<br>\n..." |
string | $pagecodeto | Encoding of input/output string |
integer | $strip_tags | 0=Use internal strip, 1=Use strip_tags() php function (bugged when text contains a < char that is not for a html tag or when tags is not closed like '<img onload=aaa') |
integer | $removedoublespaces | Replace double space into one space |
Definition at line 7112 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_html_entity_decode().
Referenced by AdherentType\_load_ldap_info(), Contact\_load_ldap_info(), UserGroup\_load_ldap_info(), CommActionRapport\_pages(), mailing_xinputfile\add_to_target(), ajax_dialog(), build_calfile(), build_rssfile(), pdf_cyan\defineColumnField(), pdf_eagle_proforma\defineColumnField(), pdf_eratosthene\defineColumnField(), pdf_sponge\defineColumnField(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), dol_add_file_process(), dol_trunc(), DolGraph\draw_chart(), ExportExcel2007\excel_clean(), FormMail\get_form(), getCommonSubstitutionArray(), CommonDocGenerator\getExtrafieldContent(), getFullName(), Adherent\getNomUrl(), Commande\getNomUrl(), CommandeFournisseur\getNomUrl(), FactureFournisseur\getNomUrl(), Propal\getNomUrl(), SupplierProposal\getNomUrl(), User\getNomUrl(), GETPOST(), getStructuredData(), Societe\getTooltipContentArray(), User\getTooltipContentArray(), pdf_build_address(), print_left_auguria_menu(), print_left_eldy_menu(), sanitizeVal(), show_contacts(), AccountancyExport\toAnsi(), and ExportTsv\tsv_clean().
dol_string_nospecial | ( | $str, | |
$newstr = '_', | |||
$badcharstoreplace = '', | |||
$badcharstoremove = '', | |||
$keepspaces = 0 ) |
Clean a string from all punctuation characters to use it as a ref or login.
This is a more complete function than dol_sanitizeFileName().
string | $str | String to clean |
string | $newstr | String to replace forbidden chars with |
array | string | $badcharstoreplace | Array of forbidden characters to replace. Use '' to keep default list. |
array | string | $badcharstoremove | Array of forbidden characters to remove. Use '' to keep default list. |
int | $keepspaces | 1=Do not treat space as a special char to replace or remove |
Definition at line 1506 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by barcode_encode_genbarcode(), BonPrelevement\buildRumNumber(), check_value(), Societe\contact_get_property(), Product\create(), ProductAttribute\create(), ProductAttributeValue\create(), CommonObject\createCommon(), PartnershipUtils\doCancelStatusOfMemberPartnership(), dol_buildlogin(), dol_print_socialnetworks(), dol_sanitizeFileName(), dol_sanitizePathName(), PartnershipUtils\doWarningOfPartnershipIfDolibarrBacklinkNotfound(), DolGraph\draw_chart(), DolGraph\draw_jflot(), BonPrelevement\EnregDestinataireSEPA(), BonPrelevement\EnregEmetteurSEPA(), AccountancyExport\exportFEC(), AccountancyExport\exportFEC2(), BonPrelevement\generate(), get_next_value(), AntiVir\getCliCommand(), GETPOST(), Product\update(), ProductAttribute\update(), ProductAttributeValue\update(), CommonObject\updateCommon(), and doc_generic_odt\write_file().
dol_string_nounprintableascii | ( | $str, | |
$removetabcrlf = 1 ) |
Clean a string from all non printable ASCII chars (0x00-0x1F and 0x7F).
It can also removes also Tab-CR-LF. UTF8 chars remains. This can be used to sanitize a string and view its real content. Some hacks try to obfuscate attacks by inserting non printable chars. Note, for information: UTF8 on 1 byte are: \x00-\7F 2 bytes are: byte 1 \xc0-\xdf, byte 2 = \x80-\xbf 3 bytes are: byte 1 \xe0-\xef, byte 2 = \x80-\xbf, byte 3 = \x80-\xbf 4 bytes are: byte 1 \xf0-\xf7, byte 2 = \x80-\xbf, byte 3 = \x80-\xbf, byte 4 = \x80-\xbf
string | $str | String to clean |
int | $removetabcrlf | Remove also CR-LF |
Definition at line 1539 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by dol_string_onlythesehtmltags().
dol_string_onlythesehtmlattributes | ( | $stringtoclean, | |
$allowed_attributes = array("allow", "allowfullscreen", "alt", "class", "contenteditable", "data-html", "frameborder", "height", "href", "id", "name", "src", "style", "target", "title", "width") ) |
Clean a string from some undesirable HTML tags.
Note: Complementary to dol_string_onlythesehtmltags(). This method is used for example by dol_htmlwithnojs() when option MAIN_RESTRICTHTML_REMOVE_ALSO_BAD_ATTRIBUTES is set to 1.
string | $stringtoclean | String to clean |
array | $allowed_attributes | Array of tags not allowed |
Definition at line 7252 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by dol_htmlwithnojs().
dol_string_onlythesehtmltags | ( | $stringtoclean, | |
$cleanalsosomestyles = 1, | |||
$removeclassattribute = 1, | |||
$cleanalsojavascript = 0, | |||
$allowiframe = 0, | |||
$allowed_tags = array(), | |||
$allowlink = 0 ) |
Clean a string to keep only desirable HTML tags.
WARNING: This also clean HTML comments (because they can be used to obfuscate tag name).
string | $stringtoclean | String to clean |
int | $cleanalsosomestyles | Remove absolute/fixed positioning from inline styles |
int | $removeclassattribute | 1=Remove the class attribute from tags |
int | $cleanalsojavascript | Remove also occurence of 'javascript:'. |
int | $allowiframe | Allow iframe tags. |
array | $allowed_tags | List of allowed tags to replace the default list |
int | $allowlink | Allow "link" tags. |
Definition at line 7184 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_string_nounprintableascii().
Referenced by dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_htmlwithnojs(), dolPrintHTML(), dolPrintHTMLForTextArea(), Form\editfieldval(), and FormAccounting\select_accounting_category().
dol_string_unaccent | ( | $str | ) |
Clean a string from all accent characters to be used as ref, login or by dol_sanitizeFileName.
string | $str | String to clean |
Definition at line 1434 of file functions.lib.php.
References utf8_check().
Referenced by CMailFile\__construct(), BonPrelevement\buildRumNumber(), dol_buildlogin(), dol_sanitizeFileName(), dol_sanitizePathName(), DolGraph\draw_chart(), DolGraph\draw_jflot(), BonPrelevement\EnregDestinataireSEPA(), BonPrelevement\EnregEmetteurSEPA(), AccountancyExport\exportCegid(), AccountancyExport\exportCiel(), AccountancyExport\exportFEC(), AccountancyExport\exportFEC2(), AccountancyExport\exportQuadratus(), AccountancyExport\exportWinfic(), BonPrelevement\generate(), get_next_value(), mod_codeproduct_elephant\getNextValue(), and Form\select_country().
dol_strlen | ( | $string, | |
$stringencoding = 'UTF-8' ) |
Make a strlen call.
Works even if mbstring module not enabled
string | $string | String to calculate length |
string | $stringencoding | Encoding of string |
Definition at line 4059 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by Product\_get_stats(), Contact\_load_ldap_info(), activateModulesRequiredByCountry(), Contrat\addline(), ActionsAdherentCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsContactCardCommon\assign_values(), binhex(), User\build_path_from_id_user(), calEncode(), Don\check(), Product\check(), check_value(), chequereceipt_pdf_create(), complete_dictionary_with_modules(), complete_elementList_with_modules(), Form\constructProductListOption(), BookKeeping\create(), CommandeFournisseurDispatch\create(), Contrat\create(), Cronjob\create(), EcmFiles\create(), ExpeditionLineBatch\create(), Product\create(), Productbatch\create(), Productlot\create(), Ticket\create(), Website\create(), BookKeeping\createStd(), pdf_cyan\defineColumnField(), pdf_eagle_proforma\defineColumnField(), pdf_eratosthene\defineColumnField(), pdf_sponge\defineColumnField(), doc_label_pdf_create(), dol_ch_controle_bvrb(), dol_decode(), dol_encode(), dol_nboflines_bis(), dol_print_date(), dol_print_phone(), dol_print_profids(), dol_setshmop(), dol_string_is_good_iso(), dol_trunc(), dol_verifyHash(), AccountancyExport\exportQuadratus(), AdherentType\fetch(), Product\fetch(), fichinter_create(), Adherent\generateDocument(), Availabilities\generateDocument(), BOM\generateDocument(), Booking\generateDocument(), Commande\generateDocument(), CommandeFournisseur\generateDocument(), ConferenceOrBooth\generateDocument(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\generateDocument(), Contrat\generateDocument(), Delivery\generateDocument(), Don\generateDocument(), Entrepot\generateDocument(), Evaluation\generateDocument(), Evaluationline\generateDocument(), Expedition\generateDocument(), ExpenseReport\generateDocument(), Facture\generateDocument(), Fichinter\generateDocument(), Job\generateDocument(), KnowledgeRecord\generateDocument(), Mo\generateDocument(), MouvementStock\generateDocument(), MyObject\generateDocument(), Partnership\generateDocument(), Position\generateDocument(), Product\generateDocument(), ProductFournisseurPrice\generateDocument(), Productlot\generateDocument(), Project\generateDocument(), Propal\generateDocument(), Reception\generateDocument(), RecruitmentCandidature\generateDocument(), RecruitmentJobPosition\generateDocument(), Skill\generateDocument(), Skilldet\generateDocument(), SkillRank\generateDocument(), Societe\generateDocument(), StockTransfer\generateDocument(), StockTransferLine\generateDocument(), SupplierProposal\generateDocument(), Target\generateDocument(), Task\generateDocument(), TimeSpent\generateDocument(), User\generateDocument(), UserGroup\generateDocument(), Workstation\generateDocument(), get_next_value(), DolGraph\GetCeilMaxValue(), DolGraph\GetFloorMinValue(), GoogleAPI\getGeoCoordinatesOfAddress(), modGeneratePassStandard\getNewGeneratedPassword(), getPagesFromSearchCriterias(), hexbin(), Societe\id_prof_check(), ImportCsv\import_read_record(), ImportXlsx\import_read_record(), DolibarrModules\insert_permissions(), Ldap\littleEndian(), load_fiche_titre(), Form\load_tva(), box_activity\loadBox(), box_factures\loadBox(), box_factures_imp\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_peryear\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_nb_ticket_last_x_days\loadBox(), box_graph_nb_tickets_type\loadBox(), box_graph_new_vs_close_ticket\loadBox(), box_graph_orders_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_product_distribution\loadBox(), box_graph_propales_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_ticket_by_severity\loadBox(), box_last_knowledgerecord\loadBox(), box_last_modified_knowledgerecord\loadBox(), box_last_modified_ticket\loadBox(), box_last_ticket\loadBox(), box_lastlogin\loadBox(), box_project\loadBox(), box_project_opportunities\loadBox(), box_task\loadBox(), box_validated_projects\loadBox(), makesalt(), members_card_pdf_create(), pdf_bank(), price(), price2num(), removeGlobalParenthesis(), Form\searchComponent(), Form\select_produits_fournisseurs_list(), Notify\send(), FormSms\show_form(), BookKeeping\update(), CompanyBankAccount\update(), Cronjob\update(), EcmFiles\update(), FactureFournisseur\update(), Fichinter\update(), Productlot\update(), Project\update(), Ticket\update(), Website\update(), Contrat\updateline(), utf8_check(), modGeneratePassPerso\validatePassword(), modGeneratePassStandard\validatePassword(), mod_barcode_product_standard\verif(), mod_barcode_thirdparty_standard\verif(), mod_codeclient_monkey\verif(), mod_codeclient_monkey\verif_syntax(), and Ticket\verify().
dol_strtolower | ( | $string, | |
$encoding = "UTF-8" ) |
Convert a string to lower.
Never use strtolower because it does not works with UTF8 strings.
string | $string | String to encode |
string | $encoding | Character set encoding |
Definition at line 1707 of file functions.lib.php.
dol_strtoupper | ( | $string, | |
$encoding = "UTF-8" ) |
Convert a string to upper.
Never use strtolower because it does not works with UTF8 strings.
string | $string | String to encode |
string | $encoding | Character set encoding |
Definition at line 1724 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by Adherent\getmorphylib().
dol_substr | ( | $string, | |
$start, | |||
$length = null, | |||
$stringencoding = '', | |||
$trunconbytes = 0 ) |
Make a substring.
Works even if mbstring module is not enabled for better compatibility.
string | $string | String to scan |
string | $start | Start position |
int | null | $length | Length (in nb of characters or nb of bytes depending on trunconbytes param) |
string | $stringencoding | Page code used for input string encoding |
int | $trunconbytes | 1=Length is max of bytes instead of max of characters |
Definition at line 4082 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by Project\create(), dol_print_date(), dol_trunc(), dolEncrypt(), dolGetFirstLetters(), get_next_value(), Job\getKanbanView(), Skill\getKanbanView(), Societe\getTypeUrl(), removeGlobalParenthesis(), Cronjob\run_jobs(), and Form\searchComponent().
dol_syslog | ( | $message, | |
$level = LOG_INFO, | |||
$ident = 0, | |||
$suffixinfilename = '', | |||
$restricttologhandler = '', | |||
$logcontext = null ) |
Write log message into outputs.
Possible outputs can be: SYSLOG_HANDLERS = ["mod_syslog_file"] file name is then defined by SYSLOG_FILE SYSLOG_HANDLERS = ["mod_syslog_syslog"] facility is then defined by SYSLOG_FACILITY Warning, syslog functions are bugged on Windows, generating memory protection faults. To solve this, use logging to files instead of syslog (see setup of module). Note: If constant 'SYSLOG_FILE_NO_ERROR' defined, we never output any error message when writing to log fails. Note: You can get log message into html sources by adding parameter &logtohtml=1 (constant MAIN_LOGTOHTML must be set) This function works only if syslog module is enabled. This must not use any call to other function calling dol_syslog (avoid infinite loop).
string | $message | Line to log. ''=Show nothing |
int | $level | Log level On Windows LOG_ERR=4, LOG_WARNING=5, LOG_NOTICE=LOG_INFO=6, LOG_DEBUG=6 si define_syslog_variables ou PHP 5.3+, 7 si dolibarr On Linux LOG_ERR=3, LOG_WARNING=4, LOG_NOTICE=5, LOG_INFO=6, LOG_DEBUG=7 |
int | $ident | 1=Increase ident of 1 (after log), -1=Decrease ident of 1 (before log) |
string | $suffixinfilename | When output is a file, append this suffix into default log filename. Example '_stripe', '_mail' |
string | $restricttologhandler | Force output of log only to this log handler |
array | null | $logcontext | If defined, an array with extra informations (can be used by some log handlers) |
Definition at line 1788 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_print_date(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalInt(), and getUserRemoteIP().
Referenced by CMailFile\__construct(), CSMSFile\__construct(), DolEditor\__construct(), DolGeoIP\__construct(), DoliDBMysqli\__construct(), DoliDBPgsql\__construct(), DoliDBSqlite3\__construct(), mailing_thirdparties_services_expired\__construct(), DolibarrApiAccess\__isAllowed(), DolibarrModules\_active(), MouvementStock\_create(), MouvementStock\_createSubProduct(), CMailFile\_encode_file(), Stats\_getAllByProduct(), Stats\_getAllByYear(), Stats\_getAmountByMonth(), Stats\_getAverageByMonth(), Stats\_getNbByMonth(), Stats\_getNbByYear(), DolibarrModules\_init(), DolibarrModules\_load_tables(), Product\_log_price(), CommActionRapport\_pages(), DolibarrModules\_remove(), RejetPrelevement\_send_email(), DolibarrModules\_unactive(), AccountingAccount\accountActivate(), AccountingAccount\accountDeactivate(), activateModule(), activateModulesRequiredByCountry(), ContratLigne\active_line(), Ldap\add(), Societe\add_commercial(), CommonObject\add_contact(), CommonObject\add_element_resource(), Product\add_fournisseur(), CommonObject\add_object_linked(), Propal\add_product(), SupplierProposal\add_product(), MailmanSpip\add_to_mailman(), MailmanSpip\add_to_spip(), mailing_contacts1\add_to_target(), mailing_eventorganization\add_to_target(), mailing_fraise\add_to_target(), mailing_mailinglist_mymodule_myobject\add_to_target(), mailing_partnership\add_to_target(), mailing_pomme\add_to_target(), mailing_thirdparties\add_to_target(), mailing_thirdparties_services_expired\add_to_target(), mailing_xinputfile\add_to_target(), mailing_advthirdparties\add_to_target_spec(), Categorie\add_type(), Account\add_url_line(), Ldap\addAttribute(), addDocumentModel(), BonPrelevement\AddFacture(), addFileIntoDatabaseIndex(), BOM\addLine(), ProductAttribute\addLine(), Account\addline(), BonPrelevement\addline(), Commande\addline(), CommandeFournisseur\addline(), Contrat\addline(), ExpenseReport\addline(), Facture\addline(), FactureFournisseur\addline(), FactureFournisseurRec\addline(), FactureRec\addline(), Fichinter\addline(), FichinterRec\addline(), Propal\addline(), SupplierProposal\addline(), Expedition\addline_batch(), Holiday\addLogCP(), BonPrelevement\addNotification(), Localtax\addPayment(), Tva\addPayment(), Paiement\addPaymentToBank(), PaymentExpenseReport\addPaymentToBank(), PaymentLoan\addPaymentToBank(), PaymentSalary\addPaymentToBank(), User\addrights(), UserGroup\addrights(), MailingTargets\addTargetsToDatabase(), Task\addTimeSpent(), ActionsMyModule\afterPDFCreation(), Categorie\already_exists(), BlockedLog\alreadyUsed(), CommandeFournisseur\approve(), Holiday\approve(), Partnership\approve(), Contrat\array_detail(), Ticket\assignUser(), ProductAttribute\attributeOrder(), Commande\availability(), Propal\availability(), barcode_encode(), barcode_encode_genbarcode(), barcode_print(), ActionsDatapolicy\beforePDFCreation(), ActionsMyModule\beforePDFCreation(), DoliDB\begin(), Lettering\bookkeepingLetteringAll(), build_calfile(), Import\build_example_file(), ActionComm\build_exportfile(), Export\build_file(), Export\build_filterQuery(), User\build_path_from_id_user(), build_rssfile(), modPhpbarcode\buildBarCode(), modTcpdfbarcode\buildBarCode(), Categorie\buildPathFromId(), calcul_price_total(), CommonInvoice\calculate_date_lim_reglement(), MouvementStock\calculateBalanceForProductBefore(), MailmanSpip\callMailman(), CommandeFournisseur\Cancel(), Commande\cancel(), Expedition\cancel(), Stripe\cardStripe(), EcmDirectory\changeNbOfFiles(), Product\check_barcode(), Societe\check_codeclient(), Societe\check_codefournisseur(), CMailFile\check_server_port(), check_user_password_dolibarr(), check_user_password_empty(), check_user_password_forceuser(), check_user_password_googleoauth(), check_user_password_http(), check_user_password_ldap(), check_user_password_openid(), check_user_password_openid_connect(), check_value(), checkBanForAccount(), mod_syslog_file\checkConfiguration(), mod_syslog_syslog\checkConfiguration(), PartnershipUtils\checkDolibarrBacklink(), mod_codecompta_digitaria\checkIfAccountancyCodeIsAlreadyUsed(), checkLoginPassEntity(), AccountingAccount\checkUsage(), checkUserAccessToObject(), Commande\classifyBilled(), Propal\classifyBilled(), Commande\classifyUnBilled(), Utils\cleanUnfinishedCronjob(), MailingTargets\clear_target(), User\clearrights(), Product\clone_associations(), Product\clone_fournisseurs(), Product\clone_price(), DoliDBMysqli\close(), DoliDBPgsql\close(), DoliDBSqlite3\close(), Ticket\close(), Societe\codeclient_modifiable(), Societe\codefournisseur_modifiable(), CommandeFournisseur\commande(), commande_prepare_head(), DoliDB\commit(), CommonObject\commonGenerateDocument(), complete_dictionary_with_modules(), complete_elementList_with_modules(), complete_head_from_modules(), complete_substitutions_array(), completeFileArrayWithDatabaseInfo(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendAdminMessage(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendCustomerMessage(), ExpenseReport\computeTotalKm(), DoliDBMysqli\connect(), DoliDBSqlite3\connect(), Ldap\connect_bind(), MailmanSpip\connectSpip(), Form\constructProductListOption(), Categorie\containsObject(), contract_prepare_head(), DoliDBSqlite3\convertSQLFromMysql(), WebsitePage\countAll(), ProductAttribute\countChildProducts(), ProductAttribute\countChildValues(), AdherentStats\countMembersByTagAndStatus(), AdherentStats\countMembersByTypeAndStatus(), Categorie\countNbOfCategories(), Account\create(), AccountancyCategory\create(), AccountancySystem\create(), AccountingAccount\create(), ActionComm\create(), Adherent\create(), AdherentType\create(), AdvanceTargetingMailing\create(), BankCateg\create(), BlockedLog\create(), BlockedLogAuthority\create(), BonPrelevement\create(), BookKeeping\create(), Bookmark\create(), CashControl\create(), Categorie\create(), Cchargesociales\create(), Ccountry\create(), CGenericDic\create(), ChargeSociales\create(), Commande\create(), CommandeFournisseur\create(), CommandeFournisseurDispatch\create(), Comment\create(), Contact\create(), Contrat\create(), Cpaiement\create(), CProductNature\create(), Cregion\create(), Cronjob\create(), Cstate\create(), Ctypent\create(), Ctyperesource\create(), CUnits\create(), CurrencyRate\create(), Delivery\create(), Deplacement\create(), DiscountAbsolute\create(), Dolresource\create(), EcmDirectory\create(), EcmFiles\create(), Entrepot\create(), Establishment\create(), Events\create(), Expedition\create(), ExpeditionLineBatch\create(), ExpenseReport\create(), Export\create(), Facture\create(), FactureFournisseur\create(), Fichinter\create(), Fiscalyear\create(), Holiday\create(), Import\create(), Link\create(), Loan\create(), LoanSchedule\create(), Localtax\create(), Mailing\create(), Menubase\create(), MultiCurrency\create(), Opensurveysondage\create(), Paiement\create(), PaiementFourn\create(), PaymentDonation\create(), PaymentExpenseReport\create(), PaymentLoan\create(), PaymentSalary\create(), PaymentSocialContribution\create(), PaymentTerm\create(), PaymentVarious\create(), PaymentVAT\create(), PriceExpression\create(), PriceGlobalVariable\create(), PriceGlobalVariableUpdater\create(), Product\create(), ProductAttribute\create(), ProductAttributeValue\create(), Productbatch\create(), Productcustomerprice\create(), Productlot\create(), ProductStockEntrepot\create(), Project\create(), Propal\create(), Propalmergepdfproduct\create(), Reception\create(), RejetPrelevement\create(), RemiseCheque\create(), Salary\create(), Societe\create(), SupplierProposal\create(), Task\create(), Ticket\create(), Tva\create(), User\create(), Website\create(), DolibarrModules\create_dirs(), User\create_from_contact(), Societe\create_from_member(), User\create_from_member(), Societe\create_individual(), ExtraFields\create_label(), Delivery\create_line(), createActionComm(), MouvementStock\createBatch(), Fournisseur\CreateCategory(), CommonObject\createCommon(), createContact(), Holiday\createCPusers(), Asset\createFromClone(), AssetModel\createFromClone(), Availabilities\createFromClone(), BOM\createFromClone(), Booking\createFromClone(), BookKeeping\createFromClone(), Cchargesociales\createFromClone(), CGenericDic\createFromClone(), CompanyPaymentMode\createFromClone(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\createFromClone(), Contrat\createFromClone(), CTicketCategory\createFromClone(), Ctyperesource\createFromClone(), DefaultValues\createFromClone(), EcmFiles\createFromClone(), EmailCollector\createFromClone(), EmailCollectorAction\createFromClone(), EmailCollectorFilter\createFromClone(), EmailSenderProfile\createFromClone(), Evaluation\createFromClone(), Evaluationline\createFromClone(), Hook\createFromClone(), Inventory\createFromClone(), Job\createFromClone(), KnowledgeRecord\createFromClone(), Mo\createFromClone(), MyObject\createFromClone(), Partnership\createFromClone(), Position\createFromClone(), ProductFournisseurPrice\createFromClone(), Productlot\createFromClone(), ProductStockEntrepot\createFromClone(), Project\createFromClone(), Propal\createFromClone(), RecruitmentCandidature\createFromClone(), RecruitmentJobPosition\createFromClone(), Skill\createFromClone(), Skilldet\createFromClone(), SkillRank\createFromClone(), SocieteAccount\createFromClone(), StockTransfer\createFromClone(), StockTransferLine\createFromClone(), Target\createFromClone(), Task\createFromClone(), TimeSpent\createFromClone(), Website\createFromClone(), WebsitePage\createFromClone(), Workstation\createFromClone(), Facture\createFromCurrent(), createInvoice(), createInvoiceFromOrder(), createOrder(), createPayment(), Stripe\createPaymentStripe(), createProductOrService(), createProject(), FactureFournisseurRec\createRecurringInvoices(), FactureRec\createRecurringInvoices(), BookKeeping\createStd(), createThirdParty(), createUserFromThirdparty(), Stripe\customerStripe(), DoliDBPgsql\DDLAddField(), DoliDBPgsql\DDLCreateDb(), DoliDBPgsql\DDLCreateTable(), DoliDBPgsql\DDLCreateUser(), DoliDBPgsql\DDLDescTable(), DoliDBPgsql\DDLInfoTable(), DoliDBPgsql\DDLUpdateField(), Societe\del_commercial(), Product\del_sousproduit(), MailmanSpip\del_to_mailman(), MailmanSpip\del_to_spip(), Categorie\del_type(), delDocumentModel(), Account\delete(), AccountancyCategory\delete(), AccountingAccount\delete(), AccountLine\delete(), ActionComm\delete(), Adherent\delete(), AdvanceTargetingMailing\delete(), BankCateg\delete(), BookKeeping\delete(), Categorie\delete(), Cchargesociales\delete(), Ccountry\delete(), CGenericDic\delete(), ChargeSociales\delete(), Commande\delete(), CommandeFournisseur\delete(), CommandeFournisseurDispatch\delete(), CommandeFournisseurLigne\delete(), Comment\delete(), CompanyBankAccount\delete(), Contact\delete(), Contrat\delete(), Cpaiement\delete(), CProductNature\delete(), Cregion\delete(), Cronjob\delete(), Cstate\delete(), Ctypent\delete(), Ctyperesource\delete(), CUnits\delete(), CurrencyRate\delete(), Deplacement\delete(), DiscountAbsolute\delete(), Documents\delete(), Dolresource\delete(), Don\delete(), EcmDirectory\delete(), EcmFiles\delete(), Entrepot\delete(), Establishment\delete(), Events\delete(), Expedition\delete(), ExpeditionLigne\delete(), ExpenseReport\delete(), Export\delete(), Facture\delete(), FactureFournisseur\delete(), FactureFournisseurRec\delete(), FactureLigne\delete(), FactureRec\delete(), Fichinter\delete(), FichinterRec\delete(), Fiscalyear\delete(), Holiday\delete(), Import\delete(), KnowledgeRecord\delete(), Ldap\delete(), Link\delete(), Loan\delete(), LoanSchedule\delete(), Localtax\delete(), Mailing\delete(), Menubase\delete(), Opensurveysondage\delete(), OrderLine\delete(), Paiement\delete(), PaymentDonation\delete(), PaymentExpenseReport\delete(), PaymentLoan\delete(), PaymentSalary\delete(), PaymentSocialContribution\delete(), PaymentTerm\delete(), PaymentVarious\delete(), PaymentVAT\delete(), PriceExpression\delete(), PriceGlobalVariable\delete(), PriceGlobalVariableUpdater\delete(), Product\delete(), ProductAttribute\delete(), ProductAttributeValue\delete(), Productbatch\delete(), Productcustomerprice\delete(), Productlot\delete(), ProductStockEntrepot\delete(), Project\delete(), Propal\delete(), PropaleLigne\delete(), Propalmergepdfproduct\delete(), Reception\delete(), RemiseCheque\delete(), Societe\delete(), Subscription\delete(), SupplierInvoiceLine\delete(), SupplierProposal\delete(), SupplierProposalLine\delete(), Task\delete(), Ticket\delete(), Tva\delete(), User\delete(), UserBankAccount\delete(), Website\delete(), DolibarrModules\delete_boxes(), Propalmergepdfproduct\delete_by_file(), Propalmergepdfproduct\delete_by_product(), DolibarrModules\delete_const(), CommonObject\delete_contact(), DolibarrModules\delete_cronjobs(), DolibarrModules\delete_dirs(), ExtraFields\delete_label(), CommonObject\delete_linked_contact(), DolibarrModules\delete_menus(), DolibarrModules\delete_module_parts(), DolibarrModules\delete_permissions(), CommonObject\delete_resource(), DolibarrModules\delete_tabs(), Mailing\delete_targets(), AccountLine\delete_urls(), Ldap\deleteAttribute(), BookKeeping\deleteByImportkey(), BookKeeping\deleteByYearAndJournal(), CommonObject\deleteCommon(), AccountancyCategory\deleteCptCat(), CommonObject\deleteExtraFields(), deleteFilesIntoDatabaseIndex(), ExpeditionLineBatch\deleteFromShipment(), Lettering\deleteLettering(), BOM\deleteLine(), ProductAttribute\deleteLine(), Contrat\deleteline(), ExpenseReport\deleteline(), Facture\deleteline(), FactureFournisseur\deleteline(), FichinterLigne\deleteline(), CommonObject\deleteLineCommon(), BookKeeping\deleteMvtNum(), CommonObject\deleteObjectLinked(), deleteProductOrService(), deleteThirdParty(), AdherentType\delMultiLangs(), Product\delMultiLangs(), Task\delTimeSpent(), Commande\demand_reason(), Propal\demand_reason(), CommonInvoice\demande_prelevement(), CommonInvoice\demande_prelevement_delete(), CommandeFournisseur\dispatchProduct(), AccountancyCategory\display(), Contrat\doAutoRenewContracts(), doc_label_pdf_create(), PartnershipUtils\doCancelStatusOfMemberPartnership(), EmailCollector\doCollect(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), dol_add_file_process(), AntiVir\dol_avscan_file(), dol_check_secure_access_document(), dol_convert_file(), dol_copy(), dol_delete_dir(), dol_delete_dir_recursive(), dol_delete_file(), dol_dir_list(), dol_eval(), dol_ftp_connect(), dol_ftp_delete(), dol_getIdFromCode(), dol_htmloutput_mesg(), dol_imageResizeOrCrop(), dol_include_once(), dol_json_decode(), dol_json_encode(), dol_meta_create(), dol_mkdir(), dol_mktime(), dol_move(), dol_move_dir(), dol_move_uploaded_file(), dol_print_date(), dol_print_error(), dol_print_file(), dol_set_user_param(), dol_shutdown(), dol_stringtotime(), dol_syslog(), dol_uncompress(), dolCheckFilters(), dolCopyDir(), dolDecrypt(), dolGetElementUrl(), dolibarr_del_const(), dolibarr_get_const(), dolibarr_install_syslog(), dolibarr_set_const(), dolReplaceInFile(), dolSaveCssFile(), dolSaveHtaccessFile(), dolSaveHtmlHeader(), dolSaveIndexPage(), dolSaveJsFile(), dolSaveLicense(), dolSaveManifestJson(), dolSaveMasterFile(), dolSavePageAlias(), dolSavePageContent(), dolSaveReadme(), dolSaveRobotFile(), dolWebsiteOutput(), dolWebsiteReplacementOfLinks(), AssetModel\doScheduledJob(), Availabilities\doScheduledJob(), BOM\doScheduledJob(), Booking\doScheduledJob(), ConferenceOrBooth\doScheduledJob(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\doScheduledJob(), Evaluation\doScheduledJob(), Evaluationline\doScheduledJob(), Job\doScheduledJob(), KnowledgeRecord\doScheduledJob(), Mo\doScheduledJob(), MyObject\doScheduledJob(), Partnership\doScheduledJob(), Position\doScheduledJob(), RecruitmentCandidature\doScheduledJob(), RecruitmentJobPosition\doScheduledJob(), Skill\doScheduledJob(), Skilldet\doScheduledJob(), SkillRank\doScheduledJob(), StockTransfer\doScheduledJob(), StockTransferLine\doScheduledJob(), Target\doScheduledJob(), TimeSpent\doScheduledJob(), PartnershipUtils\doWarningOfPartnershipIfDolibarrBacklinkNotfound(), DolGraph\draw(), DolGraph\draw_chart(), DolGraph\draw_jflot(), Utils\dumpDatabase(), FormCompany\effectif_array(), encodedecode_dbpassconf(), envoi_mail(), Adherent\exclude(), Utils\executeCLI(), HookManager\executeHooks(), PrestaShopWebservice\executeRequest(), BookKeeping\export_bookkeeping(), Website\exportWebSite(), facture_prepare_head(), Account\fetch(), AccountancyCategory\fetch(), AccountancySystem\fetch(), AccountingAccount\fetch(), AccountingJournal\fetch(), AccountLine\fetch(), ActionComm\fetch(), Adherent\fetch(), AdherentType\fetch(), AdvanceTargetingMailing\fetch(), BankCateg\fetch(), BlockedLogAuthority\fetch(), BonPrelevement\fetch(), BookKeeping\fetch(), Bookmark\fetch(), CActionComm\fetch(), Categorie\fetch(), Cchargesociales\fetch(), Ccountry\fetch(), CGenericDic\fetch(), ChargeSociales\fetch(), Commande\fetch(), CommandeFournisseur\fetch(), CommandeFournisseurDispatch\fetch(), CommandeFournisseurLigne\fetch(), Comment\fetch(), Contact\fetch(), Contrat\fetch(), ContratLigne\fetch(), Cpaiement\fetch(), Cregion\fetch(), Cronjob\fetch(), Cstate\fetch(), Ctyperesource\fetch(), CurrencyRate\fetch(), Delivery\fetch(), Deplacement\fetch(), DiscountAbsolute\fetch(), Dolresource\fetch(), Don\fetch(), EcmDirectory\fetch(), EcmFiles\fetch(), Entrepot\fetch(), Establishment\fetch(), Events\fetch(), Expedition\fetch(), Export\fetch(), Facture\fetch(), FactureFournisseur\fetch(), FactureFournisseurLigneRec\fetch(), FactureFournisseurRec\fetch(), FactureLigneRec\fetch(), FactureRec\fetch(), Fichinter\fetch(), FichinterLigne\fetch(), FichinterRec\fetch(), Fiscalyear\fetch(), Holiday\fetch(), Import\fetch(), Ldap\fetch(), LignePrelevement\fetch(), Link\fetch(), Loan\fetch(), LoanSchedule\fetch(), Localtax\fetch(), Mailing\fetch(), Menubase\fetch(), ModeleBoxes\fetch(), MouvementStock\fetch(), MultiCurrency\fetch(), Opensurveysondage\fetch(), Partnership\fetch(), PaymentDonation\fetch(), PaymentExpenseReport\fetch(), PaymentLoan\fetch(), PaymentSalary\fetch(), PaymentSocialContribution\fetch(), PaymentTerm\fetch(), PaymentVarious\fetch(), PaymentVAT\fetch(), PriceExpression\fetch(), PriceGlobalVariable\fetch(), PriceGlobalVariableUpdater\fetch(), Product\fetch(), ProductAttribute\fetch(), ProductAttributeValue\fetch(), Productbatch\fetch(), Productcustomerprice\fetch(), Productlot\fetch(), ProductStockEntrepot\fetch(), Project\fetch(), Propal\fetch(), Propalmergepdfproduct\fetch(), Reception\fetch(), RejetPrelevement\fetch(), RemiseCheque\fetch(), Salary\fetch(), Societe\fetch(), Subscription\fetch(), SupplierProposal\fetch(), Task\fetch(), Ticket\fetch(), Tva\fetch(), User\fetch(), UserGroup\fetch(), Website\fetch(), WebsitePage\fetch(), Productcustomerprice\fetch_all(), Productcustomerprice\fetch_all_log(), CommonObject\fetch_barcode(), 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BOM\fetchAll(), BOMLine\fetchAll(), Booking\fetchAll(), BookKeeping\fetchAll(), CGenericDic\fetchAll(), CommandeFournisseurDispatch\fetchAll(), ConferenceOrBooth\fetchAll(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\fetchAll(), CProductNature\fetchAll(), Cronjob\fetchAll(), CTicketCategory\fetchAll(), Ctyperesource\fetchAll(), CUnits\fetchAll(), DefaultValues\fetchAll(), Dolresource\fetchAll(), EcmFiles\fetchAll(), EmailCollector\fetchAll(), Evaluation\fetchAll(), Evaluationline\fetchAll(), ExpeditionLineBatch\fetchAll(), Holiday\fetchAll(), Hook\fetchAll(), Job\fetchAll(), KnowledgeRecord\fetchAll(), Link\fetchAll(), LoanSchedule\fetchAll(), Mo\fetchAll(), MoLine\fetchAll(), MyObject\fetchAll(), Partnership\fetchAll(), PartnershipType\fetchAll(), Position\fetchAll(), ProductAttribute\fetchAll(), Productcustomerprice\fetchAll(), ProductFournisseurPrice\fetchAll(), ProductStockEntrepot\fetchAll(), RecruitmentCandidature\fetchAll(), RecruitmentJobPosition\fetchAll(), Skill\fetchAll(), Skilldet\fetchAll(), SkillRank\fetchAll(), StockTransfer\fetchAll(), StockTransferLine\fetchAll(), Target\fetchAll(), Ticket\fetchAll(), TimeSpent\fetchAll(), User\fetchAll(), Website\fetchAll(), WebsitePage\fetchAll(), Workstation\fetchAll(), BookKeeping\fetchAllBalance(), BookKeeping\fetchAllByAccount(), Comment\fetchAllFor(), BookKeeping\fetchAllPerMvt(), Task\fetchAllTimeSpent(), Holiday\fetchByUser(), AssetDepreciationOptions\fetchDeprecationOptions(), ExpeditionLineBatch\fetchFromStock(), Holiday\fetchLog(), CommonObject\fetchObjectFrom(), CommonObject\fetchObjectLinked(), BookKeeping\fetchPerMvt(), Facture\fetchPreviousNextSituationInvoice(), Task\fetchTimeSpent(), Task\fetchTimeSpentOnTask(), Holiday\fetchUsers(), fichinter_prepare_head(), Productbatch\find(), ProductFournisseur\find_min_price_product_fournisseur(), PriceExpression\find_title(), Productbatch\findAll(), Productbatch\findAllForProduct(), CMailFile\findHtmlImagesIsSrcData(), FormFile\form_attach_new_file(), Form\form_confirm(), form_constantes(), FormCompany\form_prospect_level(), FormCompany\formProspectContactLevel(), BonPrelevement\generate(), Don\generateDocument(), RemiseCheque\generatePdf(), Product\get_barcode(), Product\get_buyprice(), User\get_children(), mod_codecompta_aquarium\get_code(), mod_codecompta_digitaria\get_code(), Societe\get_codeclient(), Societe\get_codefournisseur(), BookKeeping\get_compte_desc(), get_default_tva(), Project\get_element_list(), Categorie\get_full_arbo(), EcmDirectory\get_full_arbo(), User\get_full_tree(), get_localtax(), get_next_value(), FactureLigne\get_prev_progress(), Facture\get_prev_sits(), get_product_localtax_for_country(), get_product_vat_for_country(), doc_generic_project_odt\get_substitutionarray_project_contacts(), Account\get_url(), AccountancyCategory\getAccountsWithNoCategory(), getActionComm(), ActionComm\getActions(), Stats\getAllByProductEntry(), User\getAllChildIds(), getAllImages(), ProjectStats\getAllProjectByStatus(), ExpenseReportIk\getAllRanges(), ExpenseReportRule\getAllRule(), TaskStats\getAllTaskByStatus(), Stats\getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear(), Paiement\getAmountsArray(), AccountingJournal\getAssetData(), DiscountAbsolute\getAvailableDiscounts(), Lettering\getBankLinesFromFkDocAndDocType(), Paiement\getBillsArray(), PaiementFourn\getBillsArray(), getCategory(), AccountancyCategory\getCats(), AccountancyCategory\getCatsCpts(), CommonObject\getChildrenOfLine(), Product\getChildsArbo(), Holiday\getConfCP(), getContact(), Contact\getContactRoles(), Societe\getContacts(), getContactsForThirdParty(), Holiday\getCPforUser(), AccountancyCategory\getCptsCat(), SocieteAccount\getCustomerAccount(), CommonObject\getDefaultCreateValueFor(), PaymentTerm\getDefaultId(), Lettering\getDocTypeAndFkDocFromBankLines(), getDocument(), Dolresource\getElementResources(), ExpenseReportLine\getExpAmount(), getFormeJuridiqueLabel(), AssetDepreciationOptions\getGeneralDepreciationInfoForMode(), CommonObject\getIdContact(), getInvoice(), getInvoicesForThirdParty(), Translate\getLabelFromKey(), CommonObjectLine\getLabelOfUnit(), Product\getLabelOfUnit(), getLanguageCodeFromCountryCode(), DolibarrModules\getLastActivationDate(), DolibarrModules\getLastActivationInfo(), Product\getLibFinished(), SupplierProposal\getLinesArray(), Lettering\getLinkedDocumentByGroup(), Lettering\getLinkedLines(), getListActionCommType(), BonPrelevement\getListInvoices(), RejetPrelevement\getListInvoices(), Contrat\getListOfContracts(), getListOfGroups(), InterfaceNotification\getListOfManagedEvents(), getListOfModels(), CommonInvoice\getListOfPayments(), getListOfProductsOrServices(), getListOfThirdParties(), getLocalTaxesFromRate(), ProductAttribute\getMaxAttributesPosition(), ExpenseReportIk\getMaxRangeNumber(), Stats\getNbByMonthWithPrevYear(), Commande\getNbOfShipments(), BookKeeping\getNextNumMvt(), Facture\getNextNumRef(), mod_asset_standard\getNextValue(), mod_bom_standard\getNextValue(), mod_chequereceipt_mint\getNextValue(), mod_codeclient_monkey\getNextValue(), mod_commande_marbre\getNextValue(), mod_contract_serpis\getNextValue(), mod_delivery_jade\getNextValue(), mod_evaluation_standard\getNextValue(), mod_expedition_safor\getNextValue(), mod_expensereport_jade\getNextValue(), mod_facture_fournisseur_cactus\getNextValue(), mod_facture_mars\getNextValue(), mod_facture_terre\getNextValue(), mod_holiday_madonna\getNextValue(), mod_knowledgerecord_standard\getNextValue(), mod_lot_standard\getNextValue(), mod_member_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_member_simple\getNextValue(), mod_mo_standard\getNextValue(), mod_myobject_standard\getNextValue(), mod_partnership_standard\getNextValue(), mod_payment_cicada\getNextValue(), mod_project_simple\getNextValue(), mod_propale_marbre\getNextValue(), mod_reception_beryl\getNextValue(), mod_recruitmentcandidature_standard\getNextValue(), mod_recruitmentjobposition_standard\getNextValue(), mod_sn_standard\getNextValue(), 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CommonInvoice\getSommePaiement(), Salary\getSommePaiement(), Tva\getSommePaiement(), getSourceDocRef(), getState(), Stripe\getStripeAccount(), DiscountAbsolute\getSumCreditNotesUsed(), AccountancyCategory\getSumDebitCredit(), DiscountAbsolute\getSumDepositsUsed(), DiscountAbsolute\getSumFromThisCreditNotesNotUsed(), Task\getSummaryOfTimeSpent(), Task\getSumOfAmount(), Loan\getSumPayment(), ExpenseReport\getSumPayments(), getSupplierInvoice(), getSupplierInvoicesForThirdParty(), Task\getTasksArray(), ExpenseReportIk\getTaxCategories(), getTaxesFromId(), getThirdParty(), SocieteAccount\getThirdPartyID(), CommonObject\getTotalDiscount(), ProjectStats\getTransformRateByMonthWithPrevYear(), getURLContent(), getUser(), Task\getUserRolesForProjectsOrTasks(), CommonObject\getValueFrom(), getVersions(), ProjectStats\getWeightedAmountByMonthWithPrevYear(), Task\hasChildren(), hash_call(), CommonObject\hasProductsOrServices(), Task\hasTimeSpent(), ImportCsv\import_insert(), ImportXlsx\import_insert(), ImportCsv\import_open_file(), ImportXlsx\import_open_file(), Website\importWebSite(), BankAccounts\index(), Contracts\index(), Documents\index(), Donations\index(), Interventions\index(), Login\index(), Orders\index(), Projects\index(), Proposals\index(), Receptions\index(), Shipments\index(), Tasks\index(), AccountingAccount\info(), ActionComm\info(), Adherent\info(), ChargeSociales\info(), Cronjob\info(), Deplacement\info(), Don\info(), Entrepot\info(), Establishment\info(), Fiscalyear\info(), Loan\info(), Paiement\info(), PaymentExpenseReport\info(), PaymentVarious\info(), Salary\info(), Tva\info(), Categorie\initAsSpecimen(), Commande\initAsSpecimen(), CommandeFournisseur\initAsSpecimen(), Expedition\initAsSpecimen(), Reception\initAsSpecimen(), HookManager\initHooks(), AccountLine\insert(), CommandeFournisseurLigne\insert(), ContratLigne\insert(), ExpeditionLigne\insert(), ExpenseReportLine\insert(), FactureLigne\insert(), FichinterLigne\insert(), OrderLine\insert(), PropaleLigne\insert(), SupplierInvoiceLine\insert(), SupplierProposalLine\insert(), DolibarrModules\insert_boxes(), DolibarrModules\insert_const(), DolibarrModules\insert_cronjobs(), DolibarrModules\insert_dirs(), DolibarrModules\insert_menus(), DolibarrModules\insert_module_parts(), DolibarrModules\insert_permissions(), DolibarrModules\insert_tabs(), CommonObject\insertExtraFields(), CommonObject\insertExtraLanguages(), Propal\InvoiceArrayList(), Facture\is_last_in_cycle(), CommonObject\isExistingObject(), ProductAttribute\isUsed(), ProductAttributeValue\isUsed(), left_menu(), Lettering\letteringThirdparty(), CommonObject\line_max(), CommonObject\line_order(), DiscountAbsolute\link_to_invoice(), FormFile\list_of_autoecmfiles(), PriceExpression\list_price_expression(), ProductFournisseur\list_product_fournisseur_price(), Facture\list_qualified_avoir_invoices(), FactureFournisseur\list_qualified_avoir_supplier_invoices(), Facture\list_replacable_invoices(), FactureFournisseur\list_replacable_supplier_invoices(), InfoBox\listBoxes(), CActionComm\liste_array(), CommonObject\liste_contact(), CommonObject\listeTypeContacts(), PriceGlobalVariable\listGlobalVariables(), UserGroup\listGroupsForUser(), AdherentType\listMembersForMemberType(), ModeleExports\listOfAvailableExportFormat(), ModeleImports\listOfAvailableImportFormat(), listOfSessions(), Deplacement\listOfTypes(), ExpenseReport\listOfTypes(), PriceGlobalVariableUpdater\listPendingUpdaters(), ProductFournisseur\listProductFournisseurPriceLog(), PriceGlobalVariableUpdater\listUpdaters(), UserGroup\listUsersForGroup(), CommandeFournisseur\Livraison(), Translate\load(), Export\load_arrays(), Import\load_arrays(), Form\load_cache_availability(), Dolresource\load_cache_code_type_resource(), Form\load_cache_conditions_paiements(), Form\load_cache_transport_mode(), Form\load_cache_types_fees(), Form\load_cache_types_paiements(), Form\load_cache_vatrates(), Categorie\load_motherof(), EcmDirectory\load_motherof(), Contact\load_ref_elements(), Product\load_stats_commande(), Product\load_stock(), Product\loadBatchInfo(), box_actions\loadBox(), box_actions_future\loadBox(), box_birthdays\loadBox(), box_birthdays_members\loadBox(), box_clients\loadBox(), box_comptes\loadBox(), box_customers_outstanding_bill_reached\loadBox(), box_ficheinter\loadBox(), box_goodcustomers\loadBox(), box_prospect\loadBox(), Ticket\loadCacheCategoriesTickets(), Translate\loadCacheCurrencies(), Ticket\loadCacheMsgsTicket(), Ticket\loadCacheSeveritiesTickets(), Ticket\loadCacheTypesTickets(), Commande\loadExpeditions(), Translate\loadFromDatabase(), FormProduct\loadLotStock(), User\loadParentOf(), CommandeFournisseur\loadReceptions(), Project\loadTimeSpent(), Project\loadTimeSpentMonth(), FormProduct\loadWarehouses(), FormProduct\loadWorkstations(), makesalt(), CommonInvoice\makeStripeSepaRequest(), Expedition\manageStockMvtOnEvt(), Ticket\markAsRead(), member_prepare_head(), Menubase\menuLeftCharger(), Thirdparties\merge(), Ldap\modify(), FormAccounting\multi_select_journal(), FormAdvTargetEmailing\multiselectCivility(), BonPrelevement\NbFactureAPrelever(), Facture\newCycle(), num_open_day(), num_public_holiday(), ExpenseReport\offsetAlreadyGiven(), ExportCsv\open_file(), ExportExcel2007\open_file(), ExportTsv\open_file(), RssParser\parser(), pdf_getFormat(), ExpenseReport\periode_existe(), Documents\post(), Zapier\post(), print_paybox_redirect(), print_paypal_redirect(), print_titre(), printing_printipp\printFile(), PriceGlobalVariableUpdater\process(), Mos\produceAndConsume(), propal_prepare_head(), Utils\purgeFiles(), purgeSessions(), DoliDBMysqli\query(), DoliDBPgsql\query(), DoliDBSqlite3\query(), AdvanceTargetingMailing\query_contact(), AdvanceTargetingMailing\query_thirdparty(), rebuild_merge_pdf(), Categorie\rechercher(), EcmDirectory\refreshcachenboffile(), CommandeFournisseur\refuse(), Paiement\reject(), Project\remove_element(), ProductFournisseur\remove_fournisseur(), ProductFournisseur\remove_product_fournisseur_price(), RemiseCheque\removeCheck(), User\RemoveFromGroup(), Ldap\rename(), Expedition\reOpen(), Reception\reOpen(), Contrat\reopen(), Propal\reopen(), SupplierProposal\reopen(), Societe\replaceThirdparty(), Cronjob\reprogram_jobs(), Mailing\reset_targets_status(), Adherent\resiliate(), DoliDB\rollback(), Cronjob\run_jobs(), run_sql(), Interfaces\run_triggers(), InterfaceActionsAuto\runTrigger(), InterfaceActionsBlockedLog\runTrigger(), InterfaceContactRoles\runTrigger(), InterfaceEventOrganization\runTrigger(), InterfaceLdapsynchro\runTrigger(), InterfaceLogevents\runTrigger(), InterfaceMailmanSpipsynchro\runTrigger(), InterfaceMyModuleTriggers\runTrigger(), InterfaceNotification\runTrigger(), InterfaceStripe\runTrigger(), InterfaceTicketEmail\runTrigger(), InterfaceWebhookTriggers\runTrigger(), InterfaceWorkflowManager\runTrigger(), InterfaceZapierTriggers\runTrigger(), InfoBox\saveboxorder(), Ldap\search(), Ticket\searchContactByEmail(), Ticket\searchSocidByEmail(), BookKeeping\select_account(), FormAccounting\select_account(), FormAccounting\select_accounting_category(), Form\select_address(), Form\select_all_categories(), FormAccounting\select_auxaccount(), FormAccounting\select_bookkeeping_importkey(), FormCompany\select_civility(), Form\select_comptes(), FormContract\select_contract(), Form\select_country(), DoliDBMysqli\select_db(), DoliDBSqlite3\select_db(), Form\select_dolgroups(), Form\select_dolusers(), FormProjets\select_element(), Form\select_incoterms(), FormIntervention\select_interventions(), FormAccounting\select_journal(), FormCompany\select_juridicalstatus(), Form\select_product_fourn_price(), Form\select_produits_fournisseurs_list(), Form\select_produits_list(), FormCompany\select_region(), Form\select_remises(), FormCompany\select_state(), Form\select_thirdparty_list(), Form\select_type_fees(), FormSocialContrib\select_type_socialcontrib(), 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CMailFile\sendfile(), CSMSFile\sendfile(), Adherent\sendReminderForExpiredSubscription(), dolReceiptPrinter\sendTestToPrinter(), Ticket\sendTicketMessageByEmail(), dolReceiptPrinter\sendToPrinter(), Stripe\sepaStripe(), Propal\set_availability(), ExpenseReport\set_cancel(), Facture\set_canceled(), Commande\set_date(), Propal\set_date(), RemiseCheque\set_date(), Fichinter\set_date_delivery(), Propal\set_demand_reason(), Fichinter\set_description(), Propal\set_echeance(), CommandeFournisseur\set_id_projet(), BonPrelevement\set_infocredit(), BonPrelevement\set_infotrans(), RemiseCheque\set_number(), ChargeSociales\set_paid(), ExpenseReport\set_paid(), Facture\set_paid(), FactureFournisseur\set_paid(), Commande\set_ref_client(), Facture\set_ref_client(), Propal\set_ref_client(), Commande\set_remise(), Facture\set_remise(), Commande\set_remise_absolue(), Facture\set_remise_absolue(), Propal\set_remise_absolue(), Societe\set_remise_client(), Propal\set_remise_percent(), Societe\set_remise_supplier(), Commande\set_reopen(), ExpenseReport\set_save_from_refuse(), Loan\set_started(), ChargeSociales\set_unpaid(), ExpenseReport\set_unpaid(), Facture\set_unpaid(), FactureFournisseur\set_unpaid(), Product\setAccountancyCode(), Societe\setAccountancyCode(), ExpenseReport\setApproved(), CompanyBankAccount\setAsDefault(), CompanyPaymentMode\setAsDefault(), FactureFournisseurRec\setAutoValidate(), FactureRec\setAutoValidate(), FichinterRec\setAutoValidate(), CommonObject\setBankAccount(), Facture\setCanceled(), FactureFournisseur\setCanceled(), Societe\setCategories(), CommonObject\setCategoriesCommon(), Project\setClose(), Expedition\setClosed(), Reception\setClosed(), Ticket\setContract(), Ticket\setCustomer(), CommonObject\setDeliveryAddress(), Commande\setDeliveryDate(), CommandeFournisseur\setDeliveryDate(), Delivery\setDeliveryDate(), Expedition\setDeliveryDate(), Propal\setDeliveryDate(), Reception\setDeliveryDate(), SupplierProposal\setDeliveryDate(), ExpenseReport\setDeny(), Commande\setDiscount(), Facture\setDiscount(), CommonObject\setDocModel(), Commande\setDraft(), Facture\setDraft(), FactureFournisseur\setDraft(), Fichinter\setDraft(), Propal\setDraft(), Reception\setDraft(), SupplierProposal\setDraft(), setEventMessages(), CommonObject\setExtraParameters(), Facture\setFinal(), FactureFournisseurRec\setFrequencyAndUnit(), FactureRec\setFrequencyAndUnit(), FichinterRec\setFrequencyAndUnit(), FactureFournisseurRec\setGeneratePdf(), FactureRec\setGeneratePdf(), setIncoterms(), User\SetInGroup(), FactureFournisseurRec\setMaxPeriod(), FactureRec\setMaxPeriod(), FichinterRec\setMaxPeriod(), FactureFournisseurRec\setModelPdf(), FactureRec\setModelPdf(), CommonObject\setMulticurrencyCode(), AdherentType\setMultiLangs(), Categorie\setMultiLangs(), Product\setMultiLangs(), Societe\setMysoc(), FactureFournisseurRec\setNextDate(), FactureRec\setNextDate(), FichinterRec\setNextDate(), BlockedLog\setObjectData(), ExpenseReport\setPaid(), 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CommonObject\setWarehouse(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), show_contacts(), FormSms\show_form(), show_list_sending_receive(), ModeleBoxes\showBox(), FormFile\showdocuments(), CommonObject\showInputField(), ExtraFields\showInputField(), CommonObject\showOptionals(), ExtraFields\showOutputField(), societe_prepare_head(), BonPrelevement\SommeAPrelever(), Adherent\subscriptionComplementaryActions(), CommonObject\swapContactStatus(), tax_by_rate(), tax_by_thirdparty(), top_htmlhead(), BookKeeping\transformTransaction(), tree_recur(), FormCompany\typent_array(), unActivateModule(), DiscountAbsolute\unlink_invoice(), Account\update(), AccountancyCategory\update(), AccountingAccount\update(), AccountLine\update(), ActionComm\update(), Adherent\update(), AdherentType\update(), AdvanceTargetingMailing\update(), BankCateg\update(), BlockedLogAuthority\update(), BookKeeping\update(), Bookmark\update(), Categorie\update(), Cchargesociales\update(), Ccountry\update(), CGenericDic\update(), ChargeSociales\update(), Commande\update(), CommandeFournisseur\update(), CommandeFournisseurDispatch\update(), CommandeFournisseurLigne\update(), Comment\update(), Contact\update(), Contrat\update(), ContratLigne\update(), Cpaiement\update(), CProductNature\update(), Cregion\update(), Cronjob\update(), Cstate\update(), Ctypent\update(), Ctyperesource\update(), CUnits\update(), CurrencyRate\update(), Deplacement\update(), Dolresource\update(), Don\update(), EcmDirectory\update(), EcmFiles\update(), Entrepot\update(), Establishment\update(), Events\update(), Expedition\update(), ExpeditionLigne\update(), ExpenseReport\update(), ExpenseReportLine\update(), ExtraFields\update(), Facture\update(), FactureFournisseur\update(), FactureFournisseurLigneRec\update(), FactureFournisseurRec\update(), FactureLigne\update(), FactureLigneRec\update(), FactureRec\update(), Fichinter\update(), FichinterLigne\update(), Fiscalyear\update(), Holiday\update(), Ldap\update(), Link\update(), Loan\update(), LoanSchedule\update(), Localtax\update(), Mailing\update(), Menubase\update(), Opensurveysondage\update(), OrderLine\update(), PaymentDonation\update(), PaymentExpenseReport\update(), PaymentLoan\update(), PaymentSalary\update(), PaymentSocialContribution\update(), PaymentTerm\update(), PaymentVarious\update(), PaymentVAT\update(), PriceExpression\update(), PriceGlobalVariable\update(), PriceGlobalVariableUpdater\update(), Product\update(), ProductAttribute\update(), ProductAttributeValue\update(), Productbatch\update(), Productcustomerprice\update(), Productlot\update(), ProductStockEntrepot\update(), Project\update(), Propal\update(), PropaleLigne\update(), Propalmergepdfproduct\update(), Reception\update(), Salary\update(), Societe\update(), Subscription\update(), SupplierInvoiceLine\update(), SupplierProposalLine\update(), Task\update(), Ticket\update(), Tva\update(), User\update(), Website\update(), Account\update_bban(), ProductFournisseur\update_buyprice(), User\update_clicktodial(), AccountLine\update_conciliation(), Paiement\update_date(), Project\update_element(), Dolresource\update_element_resource(), Adherent\update_end_date(), Paiement\update_fk_bank(), PaymentDonation\update_fk_bank(), PaymentExpenseReport\update_fk_bank(), PaymentLoan\update_fk_bank(), PaymentSalary\update_fk_bank(), PaymentSocialContribution\update_fk_bank(), PaymentVAT\update_fk_bank(), ExtraFields\update_label(), User\update_last_login_date(), User\update_ldap2dolibarr(), MailingTargets\update_nb(), PriceGlobalVariableUpdater\update_next_update(), CommonObject\update_note(), Paiement\update_num(), Contact\update_perso(), CommonObject\update_price(), CommonObject\update_ref_ext(), PriceGlobalVariableUpdater\update_status(), Contrat\update_statut(), ContratLigne\update_total(), FactureLigne\update_total(), FichinterLigne\update_total(), OrderLine\update_total(), PropaleLigne\update_total(), SupplierInvoiceLine\update_total(), SupplierProposalLine\update_total(), AccountancyCategory\updateAccAcc(), AssetAccountancyCodes\updateAccountancyCodes(), updateActionComm(), RemiseCheque\updateAmount(), Ldap\updateAttribute(), BookKeeping\updateByMvt(), CommonObject\updateCommon(), Holiday\updateConfCP(), updateContact(), AssetDepreciationOptions\updateDeprecationOptions(), CommonObject\updateExtraField(), updateInvoice(), Lettering\updateLettering(), BOM\updateLine(), ProductAttribute\updateLine(), Commande\updateline(), CommandeFournisseur\updateline(), Contrat\updateline(), Facture\updateline(), FactureFournisseur\updateline(), FactureFournisseurRec\updateline(), FactureRec\updateline(), Propal\updateline(), SupplierProposal\updateline(), FichinterRec\updateNbGenDone(), CommonObject\updateObjectLinked(), SupplierProposal\updateOrCreatePriceFournisseur(), updateOrder(), PaymentSalary\updatePaymentDate(), ProductAttribute\updatePositionOfAttribute(), Product\updatePrice(), updateProductOrService(), CommonObject\updateRangOfLine(), Holiday\updateSoldeCP(), updateThirdParty(), Task\updateTimeSpent(), Societe\useNPR(), Societe\useRevenueStamp(), CashControl\valid(), Commande\valid(), CommandeFournisseur\valid(), Delivery\valid(), Expedition\valid(), Mailing\valid(), Propal\valid(), Reception\valid(), SupplierProposal\valid(), Adherent\validate(), AssetModel\validate(), Availabilities\validate(), BOM\validate(), Booking\validate(), ConferenceOrBooth\validate(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\validate(), Contrat\validate(), Evaluation\validate(), Evaluationline\validate(), Facture\validate(), FactureFournisseur\validate(), Holiday\validate(), Job\validate(), KnowledgeRecord\validate(), Mo\validate(), MyObject\validate(), Paiement\validate(), Partnership\validate(), Position\validate(), ProductFournisseurPrice\validate(), RecruitmentCandidature\validate(), RecruitmentJobPosition\validate(), RemiseCheque\validate(), Skill\validate(), Skilldet\validate(), SkillRank\validate(), StockTransfer\validate(), StockTransferLine\validate(), Target\validate(), TimeSpent\validate(), Societe\validateFamilyTree(), validOrder(), mod_barcode_product_standard\verif(), mod_barcode_thirdparty_standard\verif(), mod_codeclient_elephant\verif(), mod_codeclient_leopard\verif(), mod_codeclient_monkey\verif(), mod_codecompta_aquarium\verif(), mod_codeproduct_elephant\verif(), mod_codeproduct_leopard\verif(), mod_contract_olive\verif(), mod_codeclient_monkey\verif_dispo(), mod_barcode_product_standard\verif_syntax(), mod_barcode_thirdparty_standard\verif_syntax(), Holiday\verifNbUsers(), Ticket\verify(), vignette(), doc_generic_asset_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_bom_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_contract_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_member_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_mo_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_product_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_reception_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_stock_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_task_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_user_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\write_file(), html_cerfafr\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_paiement\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), pdf_standard_myobject\write_file(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\write_file(), CMailFile\write_files(), CMailFile\write_images(), CMailFile\write_mimeheaders(), CMailFile\write_smtpheaders(), modPhpbarcode\writeBarCode(), and modTcpdfbarcode\writeBarCode().
dol_textishtml | ( | $msg, | |
$option = 0 ) |
Return if a text is a html content.
string | $msg | Content to check |
int | $option | 0=Full detection, 1=Fast check |
Definition at line 7736 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by CMailFile\__construct(), DolEditor\__construct(), ajax_dialog(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendAdminMessage(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendCustomerMessage(), dol_concatdesc(), dol_htmlentitiesbr(), dol_nboflines_bis(), dol_trunc(), dolGetButtonAction(), dolGetFirstLineOfText(), envoi_mail(), Mailing\fetch(), FormMail\get_form(), ActionComm\getNomUrl(), getTitleFieldOfList(), ActionComm\getTooltipContentArray(), make_substitutions(), Adherent\makeSubstitution(), Ticket\newMessage(), pdf_getlinedesc(), Adherent\sendEmail(), sendEmailTo(), FormTicket\showMessageForm(), and ActionsTicket\viewTicketOriginalMessage().
dol_trunc | ( | $string, | |
$size = 40, | |||
$trunc = 'right', | |||
$stringencoding = 'UTF-8', | |||
$nodot = 0, | |||
$display = 0 ) |
Truncate a string to a particular length adding '…' if string larger than length.
If length = max length+1, we do no truncate to avoid having just 1 char replaced with '…'. MAIN_DISABLE_TRUNC=1 can disable all truncings
string | $string | String to truncate |
int | $size | Max string size visible (excluding …). 0 for no limit. WARNING: Final string size can have 3 more chars (if we added …, or if size was max+1 so it does not worse to replace with ...) |
string | $trunc | Where to trunc: 'right', 'left', 'middle' (size must be a 2 power), 'wrap' |
string | $stringencoding | Tell what is source string encoding |
int | $nodot | Truncation do not add … after truncation. So it's an exact truncation. |
int | $display | Trunc is used to display data and can be changed for small screen. TODO Remove this param (must be dealt with CSS) |
Definition at line 4121 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_string_nohtmltag(), dol_strlen(), dol_substr(), dol_textishtml(), and dol_trunc().
Referenced by Product\_get_stats(), pdf_aurore\_pagehead(), pdf_cyan\_pagehead(), pdf_eratosthene\_pagehead(), pdf_soleil\_pagehead(), pdf_sponge\_pagehead(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\_pagehead(), CommActionRapport\_pages(), pdf_crabe\_tableau_info(), Facture\addline(), FormAdvTargetEmailing\advMultiselectarraySelllist(), Export\build_filterField(), BonPrelevement\buildRumNumber(), CommonInvoice\buildSwitzerlandQRString(), vCard\buildVCardString(), check_user_password_ldap(), Form\constructProductListOption(), ActionComm\create(), Events\create(), WebsitePage\create(), Stripe\createPaymentStripe(), dol_buildlogin(), dol_get_fiche_head(), dol_print_email(), dol_print_url(), dol_trunc(), pdf_sponge\drawInfoTable(), BonPrelevement\EnregDestinataireSEPA(), BonPrelevement\EnregEmetteurSEPA(), AccountancyExport\exportBob50(), AccountancyExport\exportFEC(), AccountancyExport\exportFEC2(), AccountancyExport\exportGestimumV3(), AccountancyExport\exportGestimumV5(), AccountancyExport\exportLDCompta10(), AccountancyExport\exportWinfic(), mailing_advthirdparties\formFilter(), mailing_fraise\formFilter(), Translate\get_available_languages(), AccountingJournal\getAccountingAccountInfos(), AccountingJournal\getAssetData(), getCommonSubstitutionArray(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\getFullName(), getFullName(), RecruitmentCandidature\getFullName(), UserGroup\getFullName(), getListOfModels(), ActionComm\getNomUrl(), Adherent\getNomUrl(), AdherentType\getNomUrl(), Contact\getNomUrl(), EcmDirectory\getNomUrl(), ExpenseReport\getNomUrl(), Facture\getNomUrl(), FactureFournisseur\getNomUrl(), Loan\getNomUrl(), PaymentDonation\getNomUrl(), PaymentExpenseReport\getNomUrl(), PaymentSocialContribution\getNomUrl(), PaymentVAT\getNomUrl(), Product\getNomUrl(), ProductFournisseur\getNomUrl(), Societe\getNomUrl(), User\getNomUrl(), Stripe\getPaymentIntent(), getSourceDocRef(), ImportCsv\import_insert(), ImportXlsx\import_insert(), FormFile\list_of_autoecmfiles(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), box_graph_product_distribution\loadBox(), box_members_by_tags\loadBox(), CommonInvoice\makeStripeSepaRequest(), FormAdvTargetEmailing\multiselectCountry(), EmailCollector\overwritePropertiesOfObject(), print_left_auguria_menu(), print_left_eldy_menu(), CommonObject\printOriginLine(), FormAccounting\select_account(), FormAccounting\select_accounting_category(), Form\select_all_categories(), FormContract\select_contract(), Form\select_country(), FormIntervention\select_interventions(), Form\select_produits_fournisseurs_list(), FormProjets\select_projects_list(), Form\select_remises(), Form\select_types_paiements(), FormResource\select_types_resource(), FormTicket\selectGroupTickets(), Form\selectInvoiceRec(), FormTicket\selectSeveritiesTickets(), FormProjets\selectTasks(), Form\selectTransportMode(), FormTicket\selectTypesTickets(), ActionComm\sendEmailsReminder(), CommonObject\setDocModel(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), ModeleBoxes\showBox(), FormFile\showdocuments(), CommonObject\showInputField(), ExtraFields\showOutputField(), Societe\thirdparty_and_contact_email_array(), Societe\thirdparty_and_contact_phone_array(), top_menu_user(), Translate\trans(), AccountancyExport\trunc(), CompanyBankAccount\update(), WebsitePage\update(), pdf_beluga\write_file(), and pdf_standard\write_file().
dol_ucfirst | ( | $string, | |
$encoding = "UTF-8" ) |
Convert first character of the first word of a string to upper.
Never use ucfirst because it does not works with UTF8 strings.
string | $string | String to encode |
string | $encoding | Character set encodign |
Definition at line 1741 of file functions.lib.php.
dol_ucwords | ( | $string, | |
$encoding = "UTF-8" ) |
Convert first character of all the words of a string to upper.
string | $string | String to encode |
string | $encoding | Character set encodign |
Definition at line 1758 of file functions.lib.php.
dol_user_country | ( | ) |
Return country code for current user.
If software is used inside a local network, detection may fails (we need a public ip)
Definition at line 3873 of file functions.lib.php.
References getDolGlobalString(), and getUserRemoteIP().
dol_validElement | ( | $element | ) |
Return if var element is ok.
string | $element | Variable to check |
Definition at line 9376 of file functions.lib.php.
dolButtonToOpenUrlInDialogPopup | ( | $name, | |
$label, | |||
$buttonstring, | |||
$url, | |||
$disabled = '', | |||
$morecss = 'classlink button bordertransp', | |||
$jsonopen = '', | |||
$backtopagejsfields = '', | |||
$accesskey = '' ) |
Return HTML code to output a button to open a dialog popup box.
Such buttons must be included inside a HTML form.
string | $name | A name for the html component |
string | $label | Label shown in Popup title top bar |
string | $buttonstring | button string (HTML text we can click on) |
string | $url | Relative Url to open. For example '/project/card.php' |
string | $disabled | Disabled text |
string | $morecss | More CSS |
string | $jsonopen | Some JS code to execute on click/open of popup |
string | $backtopagejsfields | The back to page must be managed using javascript instead of a redirect. Value is 'keyforpopupid:Name_of_html_component_to_set_with id,Name_of_html_component_to_set_with_label' |
string | $accesskey | A key to use shortcut |
Definition at line 1909 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), and dol_escape_js().
Referenced by top_menu_user().
dolCheckFilters | ( | $sqlfilters, | |
& | $error = '' ) |
Return if a $sqlfilters parameter has a valid balance of parenthesis.
string | $sqlfilters | sqlfilter string |
string | $error | Error message |
Definition at line 12068 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_syslog().
Referenced by DolibarrApi\_checkFilters(), and forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria().
dolChmod | ( | $filepath, | |
$newmask = '' ) |
Change mod of a file.
string | $filepath | Full file path |
string | $newmask | Force new mask. For example '0644' |
Definition at line 7073 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by build_calfile(), ActionComm\build_exportfile(), build_rssfile(), Utils\compressSyslogs(), dol_copy(), dol_delete_file(), dol_filecache(), dol_imageResizeOrCrop(), dol_meta_create(), dol_move(), dol_move_uploaded_file(), dolReplaceInFile(), dolSaveCssFile(), dolSaveHtaccessFile(), dolSaveHtmlHeader(), dolSaveIndexPage(), dolSaveJsFile(), dolSaveLicense(), dolSaveManifestJson(), dolSaveMasterFile(), dolSavePageAlias(), dolSavePageContent(), dolSaveReadme(), dolSaveRobotFile(), Ldap\dump(), CMailFile\dump_mail(), CSMSFile\dump_sms(), CSMSFile\dump_sms_result(), Utils\dumpDatabase(), Utils\executeCLI(), mod_syslog_file\export(), Website\exportWebSite(), CMailFile\findHtmlImagesIsSrcData(), BonPrelevement\generate(), Stats\getAllByProductEntry(), getAllImages(), Stats\getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear(), Stats\getNbByMonthWithPrevYear(), ProjectStats\getTransformRateByMonthWithPrevYear(), ProjectStats\getWeightedAmountByMonthWithPrevYear(), ICal\parse(), RssParser\parser(), Documents\post(), rebuild_merge_pdf(), rebuildObjectClass(), rebuildObjectSql(), CMailFile\save_dump_mail_in_err(), vignette(), BordereauChequeBlochet\write_file(), CommActionRapport\write_file(), doc_generic_asset_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_bom_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_contract_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_member_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_mo_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_product_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_reception_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_stock_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_task_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_user_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\write_file(), html_cerfafr\write_file(), pdf_aurore\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_baleine\write_file(), pdf_ban\write_file(), pdf_beluga\write_file(), pdf_canelle\write_file(), pdf_cornas\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_eagle\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_einstein\write_file(), pdf_eratosthene\write_file(), pdf_espadon\write_file(), pdf_merou\write_file(), pdf_muscadet\write_file(), pdf_paiement\write_file(), pdf_rouget\write_file(), pdf_sepamandate\write_file(), pdf_soleil\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_squille\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), pdf_standard_myobject\write_file(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\write_file(), pdf_standardlabel\write_file(), pdf_storm\write_file(), pdf_strato\write_file(), pdf_tcpdflabel\write_file(), pdf_timespent\write_file(), pdf_typhon\write_file(), and pdf_vinci\write_file().
dolExplodeIntoArray | ( | $string, | |
$delimiter = ';', | |||
$kv = '=' ) |
Split a string with 2 keys into key array.
For example: "A=1;B=2;C=2" is exploded into array('A'=>1,'B'=>2,'C'=>3)
string | null | $string | String to explode |
string | $delimiter | Delimiter between each couple of data. Example: ';' or '[ ;]+' or '( \r|\r| |;)' |
string | $kv | Delimiter between key and value |
Definition at line 10029 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), and EmailCollector\overwritePropertiesOfObject().
dolForgeCriteriaCallback | ( | $matches | ) |
Function to forge a SQL criteria from a Dolibarr filter syntax string.
This method is called by forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria()
array | $matches | Array of found string by regex search. Example: "t.ref:like:'SO-%'" or "t.date_creation:<:'20160101'" or "t.date_creation:<:'2016-01-01 12:30:00'" or "t.nature:is:NULL" |
Definition at line 12121 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by DolibarrApi\_forge_criteria_callback().
dolForgeDummyCriteriaCallback | ( | $matches | ) |
Function to forge a SQL criteria from a Dolibarr filter syntax string.
This method is called by forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria()
array | $matches | Array of found string by regex search. Example: "t.ref:like:'SO-%'" or "t.date_creation:<:'20160101'" or "t.nature:is:NULL" |
Definition at line 12099 of file functions.lib.php.
dolGetBadge | ( | $label, | |
$html = '', | |||
$type = 'primary', | |||
$mode = '', | |||
$url = '', | |||
$params = array() ) |
Function dolGetBadge.
string | $label | label of badge no html : use in alt attribute for accessibility |
string | $html | optional : label of badge with html |
string | $type | type of badge : Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark status0 status1 status2 status3 status4 status5 status6 status7 status8 status9 |
string | $mode | default '' , 'pill', 'dot' |
string | $url | the url for link |
array | $params | various params for future : recommended rather than adding more fuction arguments. array('attr'=>array('title'=>'abc')) |
Definition at line 10994 of file functions.lib.php.
dolGetButtonAction | ( | $label, | |
$text = '', | |||
$actionType = 'default', | |||
$url = '', | |||
$id = '', | |||
$userRight = 1, | |||
$params = array() ) |
Function dolGetButtonAction.
string | $label | Label or tooltip of button. Also used as tooltip in title attribute. Can be escaped HTML content or full simple text. |
string | $text | Optional : short label on button. Can be escaped HTML content or full simple text. |
string | $actionType | 'default', 'delete', 'danger', 'email', ... |
string | array | $url | Url for link or array of subbutton description Example when an array is used: $arrayforbutaction = array( 10 => array('lang'=>'propal', 'enabled'=>isModEnabled("propal"), 'perm'=>$user->hasRight('propal', 'creer'), 'label' => 'AddProp', 'url'=>'/comm/propal/card.php?action=create&projectid='.$object->id.'&socid='.$object->socid), 20 => array('lang'=>'orders', 'enabled'=>isModEnabled("commande"), 'perm'=>$user->hasRight('commande', 'creer'), 'label' => 'CreateOrder', 'url'=>'/commande/card.php?action=create&projectid='.$object->id.'&socid='.$object->socid), 30 => array('lang'=>'bills', 'enabled'=>isModEnabled("facture"), 'perm'=>$user->hasRight('facture', 'creer'), 'label' => 'CreateBill', 'url'=>'/compta/facture/card.php?action=create&projectid='.$object->id.'&socid='.$object->socid), ); |
string | $id | Attribute id of button |
int | boolean | $userRight | User action right // phpcs:disable |
array | $params | = [ // Various params for future : recommended rather than adding more function arguments 'attr' => [ // to add or override button attributes 'xxxxx' => '', // your xxxxx attribute you want 'class' => 'reposition', // to add more css class to the button class attribute 'classOverride' => '' // to replace class attribute of the button ], 'confirm' => [ 'url' => 'http://', // Override Url to go when user click on action btn, if empty default url is $url.?confirm=yes, for no js compatibility use $url for fallback confirm. 'title' => '', // Override title of modal, if empty default title use "ConfirmBtnCommonTitle" lang key 'action-btn-label' => '', // Override label of action button, if empty default label use "Confirm" lang key 'cancel-btn-label' => '', // Override label of cancel button, if empty default label use "CloseDialog" lang key 'content' => '', // Override text of content, if empty default content use "ConfirmBtnCommonContent" lang key 'modal' => true, // true|false to display dialog as a modal (with dark background) 'isDropDrown' => false, // true|false to display dialog as a dropdown (with dark background) ], ] // phpcs:enable |
Definition at line 11176 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_textishtml(), dolGetButtonAction(), newToken(), and setEventMessages().
Referenced by displayPositionCard(), and dolGetButtonAction().
dolGetButtonTitle | ( | $label, | |
$helpText = '', | |||
$iconClass = 'fa fa-file', | |||
$url = '', | |||
$id = '', | |||
$status = 1, | |||
$params = array() ) |
Function dolGetButtonTitle : this kind of buttons are used in title in list.
string | $label | label of button |
string | $helpText | optional : content for help tooltip |
string | $iconClass | class for icon element (Example: 'fa fa-file') |
string | $url | the url for link |
string | $id | attribute id of button |
int | $status | 0 no user rights, 1 active, 2 current action or selected, -1 Feature Disabled, -2 disable Other reason use param $helpText as tooltip help |
array | $params | various params for future : recommended rather than adding more function arguments |
Definition at line 11359 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag().
Referenced by show_contacts(), show_contacts_projects(), show_projects(), and FormActions\showactions().
dolGetButtonTitleSeparator | ( | $moreClass = "" | ) |
Add space between dolGetButtonTitle.
string | $moreClass | more css class label |
Definition at line 11324 of file functions.lib.php.
dolGetCountryCodeFromIp | ( | $ip | ) |
Return a country code from IP.
Empty string if not found.
string | $ip | IP |
Definition at line 3847 of file functions.lib.php.
References getDolGlobalString().
Referenced by dol_print_ip().
dolGetFirstLastname | ( | $firstname, | |
$lastname, | |||
$nameorder = -1 ) |
Return firstname and lastname in correct order.
string | $firstname | Firstname |
string | $lastname | Lastname |
int | $nameorder | -1=Auto, 0=Lastname+Firstname, 1=Firstname+Lastname, 2=Firstname, 3=Firstname if defined else lastname, 4=Lastname, 5=Lastname if defined else firstname |
Definition at line 8660 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by pdf_standard\_pagehead(), ActionComm\build_exportfile(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendAssigneeMessage(), Societe\contact_array(), Societe\contact_get_property(), Societe\contact_property_array(), Tickets\getCommon(), getCommonSubstitutionArray(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\getFullName(), getFullName(), RecruitmentCandidature\getFullName(), UserGroup\getFullName(), mod_expensereport_jade\getNextValue(), ExpenseReportRule\getUserName(), Ticket\newMessage(), FormAccounting\select_auxaccount(), Notify\send(), BonPrelevement\set_infotrans(), and User\user_get_property().
dolGetFirstLetters | ( | $s, | |
$nbofchar = 1 ) |
Return first letters of a strings.
Example with nbofchar=1: 'ghi' will return 'g' but 'abc def' will return 'ad' Example with nbofchar=2: 'ghi' will return 'gh' but 'abc def' will return 'abde'
string | $s | String to truncate |
int | $nbofchar | Nb of characters to keep |
Definition at line 4040 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_substr().
Referenced by Adherent\getmorphylib().
dolGetFirstLineOfText | ( | $text, | |
$nboflines = 1, | |||
$charset = 'UTF-8' ) |
Return first line of text.
Cut will depends if content is HTML or not.
string | $text | Input text |
int | $nboflines | Nb of lines to get (default is 1 = first line only) |
string | $charset | Charset of $text string (UTF-8 by default) |
Definition at line 7344 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_textishtml().
Referenced by CommActionRapport\_pages(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), FormMail\get_form(), ActionComm\getNomUrl(), and ActionComm\getTooltipContentArray().
dolGetStatus | ( | $statusLabel = '', | |
$statusLabelShort = '', | |||
$html = '', | |||
$statusType = 'status0', | |||
$displayMode = 0, | |||
$url = '', | |||
$params = array() ) |
Output the badge of a status.
string | $statusLabel | Label of badge no html : use in alt attribute for accessibility |
string | $statusLabelShort | Short label of badge no html |
string | $html | Optional : label of badge with html |
string | $statusType | status0 status1 status2 status3 status4 status5 status6 status7 status8 status9 : image name or badge name |
int | $displayMode | 0=Long label, 1=Short label, 2=Picto + Short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + Long label, 5=Short label + Picto, 6=Long label + Picto |
string | $url | The url for link |
array | $params | Various params. Example: array('tooltip'=>'no|...', 'badgeParams'=>...) |
Definition at line 11058 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
dolIsAllowedForPreview | ( | $file | ) |
Return if a file is qualified for preview.
string | $file | Filename we looking for information |
Definition at line 10426 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by Form\showphoto().
dolPrintHTML | ( | $s | ) |
Return a string ready to be output on HTML page To use text inside an attribute, use can use only dol_escape_htmltag()
string | $s | String to print |
Definition at line 1613 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_htmlentitiesbr(), dol_htmlwithnojs(), and dol_string_onlythesehtmltags().
dolPrintHTMLForTextArea | ( | $s | ) |
Return a string ready to be output on input textarea To use text inside an attribute, use can use only dol_escape_htmltag()
string | $s | String to print |
Definition at line 1625 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_htmlentitiesbr(), dol_htmlwithnojs(), and dol_string_onlythesehtmltags().
dolPrintLabel | ( | $s | ) |
Return a string label ready to be output on HTML content To use text inside an attribute, use can use only dol_escape_htmltag()
string | $s | String to print |
Definition at line 1601 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), and dol_htmlentitiesbr().
fetchObjectByElement | ( | $element_id, | |
$element_type, | |||
$element_ref = '' ) |
Fetch an object from its id and element_type Inclusion of classes is automatic.
int | $element_id | Element id |
string | $element_type | Element type ('module' or 'myobject@mymodule' or 'mymodule_myobject') |
string | $element_ref | Element ref (Use this or element_id but not both) |
Definition at line 11698 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_include_once(), and getElementProperties().
Referenced by FileUpload\__construct(), Dolresource\fetch_element_resource(), and Dolresource\fetchElementResources().
fieldLabel | ( | $langkey, | |
$fieldkey, | |||
$fieldrequired = 0 ) |
Show a string with the label tag dedicated to the HTML edit field.
string | $langkey | Translation key |
string | $fieldkey | Key of the html select field the text refers to |
int | $fieldrequired | 1=Field is mandatory |
Definition at line 2565 of file functions.lib.php.
finishSimpleTable | ( | $addLineBreak = false | ) |
Add the correct HTML close tags for "startSimpleTable(...)" (use after the last table line)
bool | $addLineBreak | (optional) Add a extra line break after the complete table (<br>) |
Definition at line 11856 of file functions.lib.php.
forgeSQLFromUniversalSearchCriteria | ( | $filter, | |
& | $errorstr = '', | ||
$noand = 0, | |||
$nopar = 0, | |||
$noerror = 0 ) |
string | $filter | String with universal search string. Must be '(aaa:bbb:...) OR (ccc:ddd:...) ...' with aaa is a field name (with alias or not) and bbb is one of this operator '=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '!=', 'in', 'notin', 'like', 'notlike', 'is', 'isnot'. Example: '((client:=:1) OR ((client:>=:2) AND (client:<=:3))) AND (client:!=:8) AND (nom:like:'a')' |
string | $errorstr | Error message string |
int | $noand | 1=Do not add the AND before the condition string. |
int | $nopar | 1=Do not add the perenthesis around the condition string. |
int | $noerror | 1=If search criteria is not valid, does not return an error string but invalidate the SQL |
Definition at line 12029 of file functions.lib.php.
References dolCheckFilters().
Referenced by Products\getAttributes(), Setup\getAvailability(), BankAccounts\getLines(), Proposals\getLines(), Setup\getListOfCivilities(), Setup\getListOfContactTypes(), Setup\getListOfCountries(), Setup\getListOfCurrencies(), Setup\getListOfEventTypes(), Setup\getListOfExpenseReportsTypes(), Setup\getListOfExtrafields(), Setup\getListOfLegalForm(), Setup\getListOfMeasuringUnits(), Setup\getListOfsocialNetworks(), Setup\getListOfStaff(), Setup\getListOfStates(), Setup\getListOfTowns(), Setup\getOrderingMethods(), Setup\getOrderingOrigins(), Setup\getPaymentTerms(), Setup\getPaymentTypes(), Setup\getShippingModes(), Products\getSupplierProducts(), Setup\getTicketsCategories(), Setup\getTicketsSeverities(), Setup\getTicketsTypes(), AgendaEvents\index(), BankAccounts\index(), Boms\index(), Categories\index(), Contacts\index(), Contracts\index(), Donations\index(), ExpenseReports\index(), Interventions\index(), Invoices\index(), KnowledgeManagement\index(), Members\index(), MembersTypes\index(), Mos\index(), MyModuleApi\index(), Orders\index(), PartnershipApi\index(), Products\index(), Projects\index(), Proposals\index(), Receptions\index(), Shipments\index(), StockMovements\index(), Subscriptions\index(), SupplierInvoices\index(), SupplierOrders\index(), SupplierProposals\index(), Tasks\index(), Thirdparties\index(), Tickets\index(), Users\index(), Warehouses\index(), Zapier\index(), Recruitment\indexCandidature(), Recruitment\indexJobPosition(), Users\listGroups(), Form\searchComponent(), and Form\select_thirdparty_list().
get_date_range | ( | $date_start, | |
$date_end, | |||
$format = '', | |||
$outputlangs = '', | |||
$withparenthesis = 1 ) |
Format output for start and end date.
int | $date_start | Start date |
int | $date_end | End date |
string | $format | Output date format ('day', 'dayhour', ...) |
Translate | $outputlangs | Output language |
integer | $withparenthesis | 1=Add parenthesis, 0=no parenthesis |
Definition at line 8629 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_print_date().
Referenced by box_members_last_subscriptions\loadBox(), print_date_range(), and CommonObject\printOriginLine().
get_default_localtax | ( | $thirdparty_seller, | |
$thirdparty_buyer, | |||
$local, | |||
$idprod = 0 ) |
Function that return localtax of a product line (according to seller, buyer and product vat rate) Si vendeur non assujeti a TVA, TVA par defaut=0.
Fin de regle. Si le (pays vendeur = pays acheteur) alors TVA par defaut=TVA du produit vendu. Fin de regle. Sinon TVA proposee par defaut=0. Fin de regle.
Societe | $thirdparty_seller | Thirdparty seller |
Societe | $thirdparty_buyer | Thirdparty buyer |
int | $local | Localtax to process (1 or 2) |
int | $idprod | Id product |
Definition at line 6839 of file functions.lib.php.
References get_product_localtax_for_country().
get_default_npr | ( | Societe | $thirdparty_seller, |
Societe | $thirdparty_buyer, | ||
$idprod = 0, | |||
$idprodfournprice = 0 ) |
Function that returns whether VAT must be recoverable collected VAT (e.g.: VAT NPR in France)
Societe | $thirdparty_seller | Thirdparty seller |
Societe | $thirdparty_buyer | Thirdparty buyer |
int | $idprod | Id product |
int | $idprodfournprice | Id supplier price for product |
Definition at line 6803 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by Commande\add_product(), Propal\add_product(), SupplierProposal\add_product(), Product\getSellPrice(), and Form\load_tva().
get_default_tva | ( | Societe | $thirdparty_seller, |
Societe | $thirdparty_buyer, | ||
$idprod = 0, | |||
$idprodfournprice = 0 ) |
Function that return vat rate of a product line (according to seller, buyer and product vat rate) VATRULE 1: If seller does not use VAT, default VAT is 0.
End of rule. VATRULE 2: If the (seller country = buyer country) then the default VAT = VAT of the product sold. End of rule. VATRULE 3: If (seller and buyer in the European Community) and (property sold = new means of transport such as car, boat, plane) then VAT by default = 0 (VAT must be paid by the buyer to the tax center of his country and not to the seller). End of rule. VATRULE 4: If (seller and buyer in the European Community) and (buyer = individual) then VAT by default = VAT of the product sold. End of rule VATRULE 5: If (seller and buyer in European Community) and (buyer = company) then VAT by default=0. End of rule VATRULE 6: Otherwise the VAT proposed by default=0. End of rule.
Societe | $thirdparty_seller | Objet societe vendeuse |
Societe | $thirdparty_buyer | Objet societe acheteuse |
int | $idprod | Id product |
int | $idprodfournprice | Id product_fournisseur_price (for supplier order/invoice) |
Definition at line 6689 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_syslog(), get_product_vat_for_country(), getDolGlobalString(), Societe\isACompany(), isInEEC(), and isValidVATID().
Referenced by Commande\add_product(), Propal\add_product(), SupplierProposal\add_product(), Propal\createFromClone(), Product\getSellPrice(), Form\load_tva(), Adherent\subscriptionComplementaryActions(), and doc_generic_project_odt\write_file().
get_exdir | ( | $num, | |
$level, | |||
$alpha, | |||
$withoutslash, | |||
$object, | |||
$modulepart = '' ) |
Return a path to have a the directory according to object where files are stored.
New usage: $conf->module->multidir_output[$object->entity].'/'.get_exdir(0, 0, 0, 1, $object, '').'/' or: $conf->module->dir_output.'/'.get_exdir(0, 0, 0, 0, $object, '') if multidir_output not defined. Example out with new usage: $object is invoice -> 'INYYMM-ABCD' Example out with old usage: '015' with level 3->"0/1/5/", '015' with level 1->"5/", 'ABC-1' with level 3 ->"0/0/1/"
string | int | $num | Id of object (deprecated, $object will be used in future) |
int | $level | Level of subdirs to return (1, 2 or 3 levels). (deprecated, global option will be used in future) |
int | $alpha | 0=Keep number only to forge path, 1=Use alpha part afer the - (By default, use 0). (deprecated, global option will be used in future) |
int | $withoutslash | 0=With slash at end (except if '/', we return ''), 1=without slash at end |
Object | $object | Object to use to get ref to forge the path. |
string | $modulepart | Type of object ('invoice_supplier, 'donation', 'invoice', ...'). Use '' for autodetect from $object. |
Definition at line 6947 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_sanitizeFileName(), and getDolGlobalInt().
Referenced by FileUpload\__construct(), pdf_standard\Add_PDF_card(), Categorie\add_photo(), FactureFournisseur\delete(), dol_banner_tab(), facturefourn_prepare_head(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_user(), getCategory(), FormFile\getDocumentsLink(), Documents\getDocumentsListByElement(), getProductOrService(), getProductsForCategory(), CommonDocGenerator\getSubstitutionarrayMember(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), member_prepare_head(), migrate_product_photospath(), migrate_user_filespath(), migrate_user_photospath(), Documents\post(), product_prepare_head(), Notify\send(), CommonObject\show_photos(), Form\showphoto(), FactureFournisseur\validate(), BordereauChequeBlochet\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\write_file(), pdf_aurore\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_canelle\write_file(), pdf_cornas\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_eagle\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_eratosthene\write_file(), pdf_espadon\write_file(), pdf_muscadet\write_file(), pdf_rouget\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_squille\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), and pdf_storm\write_file().
get_htmloutput_errors | ( | $mesgstring = '', | |
$mesgarray = array(), | |||
$keepembedded = 0 ) |
Get formated error messages to output (Used to show messages on html output).
string | $mesgstring | Error message |
array | $mesgarray | Error messages array |
int | $keepembedded | Set to 1 in error message must be kept embedded into its html place (this disable jnotify) |
Definition at line 8887 of file functions.lib.php.
References get_htmloutput_mesg().
Referenced by ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsCardProduct\assign_values(), and ActionsCardService\assign_values().
get_htmloutput_mesg | ( | $mesgstring = '', | |
$mesgarray = '', | |||
$style = 'ok', | |||
$keepembedded = 0 ) |
Get formated messages to output (Used to show messages on html output).
This include also the translation of the message key.
string | $mesgstring | Message string or message key |
string[] | $mesgarray | Array of message strings or message keys |
string | $style | Style of message output ('ok' or 'error') |
int | $keepembedded | Set to 1 in error message must be kept embedded into its html place (this disable jnotify) |
Definition at line 8818 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_js().
Referenced by ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), dol_htmloutput_mesg(), and get_htmloutput_errors().
get_localtax | ( | $vatrate, | |
$local, | |||
$thirdparty_buyer = "", | |||
$thirdparty_seller = "", | |||
$vatnpr = 0 ) |
Return localtax rate for a particular vat, when selling a product with vat $vatrate, from a $thirdparty_buyer to a $thirdparty_seller Note: This function applies same rules than get_default_tva.
float | $vatrate | Vat rate. Can be '8.5' or '8.5 (VATCODEX)' for example |
int | $local | Local tax to search and return (1 or 2 return only tax rate 1 or tax rate 2) |
Societe | $thirdparty_buyer | Object of buying third party |
Societe | $thirdparty_seller | Object of selling third party ($mysoc if not defined) |
int | $vatnpr | If vat rate is NPR or not |
Definition at line 6201 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_syslog(), and isOnlyOneLocalTax().
Referenced by Commande\add_product(), Propal\add_product(), SupplierProposal\add_product(), Expedition\fetch_lines(), getLocalTaxesFromRate(), ProductFournisseur\update_buyprice(), and Product\updatePrice().
get_localtax_by_third | ( | $local | ) |
Get values of localtaxes (1 or 2) for company country for the common vat with the highest value.
int | $local | LocalTax to get |
Definition at line 6353 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by isOnlyOneLocalTax(), and FormCompany\select_localtax().
get_product_localtax_for_country | ( | $idprod, | |
$local, | |||
$thirdpartytouse ) |
Return localtax vat rate of a product in a particular country or default country vat if product is unknown.
int | $idprod | Id of product |
int | $local | 1 for localtax1, 2 for localtax 2 |
Societe | $thirdpartytouse | Thirdparty with a ->country_code defined (FR, US, IT, ...) |
Definition at line 6618 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_print_error(), and dol_syslog().
Referenced by get_default_localtax().
get_product_vat_for_country | ( | $idprod, | |
$thirdpartytouse, | |||
$idprodfournprice = 0 ) |
Return vat rate of a product in a particular country, or default country vat if product is unknown.
Function called by get_default_tva().
int | $idprod | Id of product or 0 if not a predefined product |
Societe | $thirdpartytouse | Thirdparty with a ->country_code defined (FR, US, IT, ...) |
int | $idprodfournprice | Id product_fournisseur_price (for "supplier" proposal/order/invoice) |
Definition at line 6527 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_print_error(), and dol_syslog().
Referenced by get_default_tva().
getActionCommEcmList | ( | $object | ) |
ActionComm | $object | Object ActionComm |
Definition at line 12250 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by show_actions_messaging().
getAdvancedPreviewUrl | ( | $modulepart, | |
$relativepath, | |||
$alldata = 0, | |||
$param = '' ) |
Return URL we can use for advanced preview links.
string | $modulepart | propal, facture, facture_fourn, ... |
string | $relativepath | Relative path of docs. |
int | $alldata | Return array with all components (1 is recommended, then use a simple a href link with the class, target and mime attribute added. 'documentpreview' css class is handled by jquery code into |
string | $param | More param on http links |
Definition at line 10359 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by FormFile\getDocumentsLink(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), CommonObject\show_photos(), Form\showphoto(), FormFile\showPreview(), and showWebsiteTemplates().
getArrayOfSocialNetworks | ( | ) |
Get array of social network dictionary.
Definition at line 3305 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_getcache(), and dol_setcache().
Referenced by Adherent\_load_ldap_info(), User\_load_ldap_info(), show_contacts(), and User\update_ldap2dolibarr().
getBrowserInfo | ( | $user_agent | ) |
Return information about user browser.
Returns array with the following format: array( 'browsername' => Browser name (firefox|chrome|iceweasel|epiphany|safari|opera|ie|unknown) 'browserversion' => Browser version. Empty if unknown 'browseros' => Set with mobile OS (android|blackberry|ios|palm|symbian|webos|maemo|windows|unknown) 'layout' => (tablet|phone|classic) 'phone' => empty if not mobile, (android|blackberry|ios|palm|unknown) if mobile 'tablet' => true/false )
string | $user_agent | Content of $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] variable |
Definition at line 384 of file functions.lib.php.
getCommonSubstitutionArray | ( | $outputlangs, | |
$onlykey = 0, | |||
$exclude = null, | |||
$object = null, | |||
$include = null ) |
Return array of possible common substitutions.
This includes several families like: 'system', 'mycompany', 'object', 'objectamount', 'date', 'user'
Translate | $outputlangs | Output language |
int | $onlykey | 1=Do not calculate some heavy values of keys (performance enhancement when we need only the keys), 2=Values are trunc and html sanitized (to use for help tooltip) |
array | $exclude | Array of family keys we want to exclude. For example array('system', 'mycompany', 'object', 'objectamount', 'date', 'user', ...) |
Object | $object | Object for keys on object |
array | $include | Array of family keys we want to include. For example array('system', 'mycompany', 'object', 'objectamount', 'date', 'user', ...) |
Definition at line 7831 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_convertToWord(), dol_get_next_day(), dol_get_next_month(), dol_get_prev_day(), dol_get_prev_month(), dol_getdate(), dol_htmlentitiesbr(), dol_now(), dol_print_date(), dol_print_phone(), dol_string_nohtmltag(), dol_trunc(), dolGetFirstLastname(), getUserRemoteIP(), price(), and price2num().
Referenced by Facture\create(), FactureFournisseur\create(), PartnershipUtils\doCancelStatusOfMemberPartnership(), PartnershipUtils\doWarningOfPartnershipIfDolibarrBacklinkNotfound(), EmailCollector\overwritePropertiesOfObject(), pdf_getSubstitutionArray(), print_auguria_menu(), print_eldy_menu(), print_left_auguria_menu(), print_left_eldy_menu(), Notify\send(), ActionComm\sendEmailsReminder(), Facture\sendEmailsRemindersOnInvoiceDueDate(), Adherent\sendReminderForExpiredSubscription(), MenuManager\showmenu(), doc_generic_asset_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_bom_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_contract_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_mo_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_product_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_reception_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_stock_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\write_file(), and doc_generic_task_odt\write_file().
getDictionaryValue | ( | $tablename, | |
$field, | |||
$id, | |||
$checkentity = false, | |||
$rowidfield = 'rowid' ) |
Return the value of a filed into a dictionary for the record $id.
This also set all the values into a cache for a next search.
string | $tablename | Name of table dictionary (without the MAIN_DB_PREFIX, example: 'c_holiday_types') |
string | $field | The name of field where to find the value to return |
int | $id | Id of line record |
bool | $checkentity | Add filter on entity |
string | $rowidfield | Name of the column rowid (to use for the filter on $id) |
Definition at line 10858 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by Holiday\approve(), Facture\createDepositFromOrigin(), CommonObject\setPaymentTerms(), Holiday\update(), and Holiday\validate().
getDolGlobalInt | ( | $key, | |
$default = 0 ) |
Return dolibarr global constant int value.
string | $key | key to return value, return 0 if not set |
int | $default | value to return |
Definition at line 156 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by AccountingAccount\__construct(), BordereauChequeBlochet\__construct(), box_project_opportunities\__construct(), box_validated_projects\__construct(), CommActionRapport\__construct(), DolLogsCollector\__construct(), Ldap\__construct(), modProduct\__construct(), modService\__construct(), modTicket\__construct(), MyObject\__construct(), pdf_aurore\__construct(), pdf_azur\__construct(), pdf_baleine\__construct(), pdf_ban\__construct(), pdf_beluga\__construct(), pdf_canelle\__construct(), pdf_cornas\__construct(), pdf_crabe\__construct(), pdf_cyan\__construct(), pdf_eagle\__construct(), pdf_eagle_proforma\__construct(), pdf_einstein\__construct(), pdf_eratosthene\__construct(), pdf_espadon\__construct(), pdf_merou\__construct(), pdf_muscadet\__construct(), pdf_paiement\__construct(), pdf_rouget\__construct(), pdf_sepamandate\__construct(), pdf_soleil\__construct(), pdf_sponge\__construct(), pdf_squille\__construct(), pdf_standard\__construct(), pdf_standard_asset\__construct(), pdf_standard_myobject\__construct(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\__construct(), pdf_storm\__construct(), pdf_strato\__construct(), pdf_timespent\__construct(), pdf_typhon\__construct(), pdf_vinci\__construct(), Propal\__construct(), MouvementStock\_create(), BordereauChequeBlochet\_pagefoot(), pdf_aurore\_pagefoot(), pdf_azur\_pagefoot(), pdf_baleine\_pagefoot(), pdf_beluga\_pagefoot(), pdf_canelle\_pagefoot(), pdf_cornas\_pagefoot(), pdf_crabe\_pagefoot(), pdf_cyan\_pagefoot(), pdf_eagle\_pagefoot(), pdf_eagle_proforma\_pagefoot(), pdf_einstein\_pagefoot(), pdf_eratosthene\_pagefoot(), pdf_espadon\_pagefoot(), pdf_muscadet\_pagefoot(), pdf_rouget\_pagefoot(), pdf_sepamandate\_pagefoot(), pdf_soleil\_pagefoot(), pdf_sponge\_pagefoot(), pdf_squille\_pagefoot(), pdf_standard\_pagefoot(), pdf_standard_asset\_pagefoot(), pdf_standard_myobject\_pagefoot(), pdf_storm\_pagefoot(), pdf_strato\_pagefoot(), pdf_timespent\_pagefoot(), pdf_typhon\_pagefoot(), pdf_vinci\_pagefoot(), pdf_aurore\_pagehead(), pdf_azur\_pagehead(), pdf_canelle\_pagehead(), pdf_cornas\_pagehead(), pdf_crabe\_pagehead(), pdf_cyan\_pagehead(), pdf_eagle_proforma\_pagehead(), pdf_einstein\_pagehead(), pdf_eratosthene\_pagehead(), pdf_espadon\_pagehead(), pdf_merou\_pagehead(), pdf_muscadet\_pagehead(), pdf_rouget\_pagehead(), pdf_soleil\_pagehead(), pdf_sponge\_pagehead(), pdf_squille\_pagehead(), pdf_standard\_pagehead(), pdf_standard_asset\_pagehead(), pdf_standard_myobject\_pagehead(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\_pagehead(), pdf_strato\_pagehead(), pdf_vinci\_pagehead(), pdf_aurore\_tableau(), pdf_azur\_tableau(), pdf_canelle\_tableau(), pdf_crabe\_tableau(), pdf_einstein\_tableau(), pdf_muscadet\_tableau(), pdf_sponge\_tableau(), pdf_squille\_tableau(), pdf_standard_myobject\_tableau(), pdf_aurore\_tableau_info(), pdf_azur\_tableau_info(), pdf_crabe\_tableau_info(), pdf_einstein\_tableau_info(), pdf_crabe\_tableau_versements(), acceptLocalLinktoMedia(), Product\add_photo(), ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), categories_prepare_head(), Product\check(), check_user_password_ldap(), Propal\classifyBilled(), DataPolicyCron\cleanDataForDataPolicy(), Propal\closeProposal(), RecruitmentJobPosition\cloture(), SupplierProposal\cloture(), DolLogsCollector\collect(), commande_prepare_head(), complete_dictionary_with_modules(), completeFileArrayWithDatabaseInfo(), MailmanSpip\connectSpip(), Form\constructProductListOption(), ProductCombination\copyAll(), Delivery\create(), Facture\create(), FactureFournisseur\create(), FactureRec\create(), Paiement\create(), PaiementFourn\create(), Product\create(), Propalmergepdfproduct\create(), Expedition\create_delivery(), Facture\createFromClone(), FactureFournisseur\createFromClone(), Propal\createFromClone(), datapolicyAdminPrepareHead(), pdf_cornas\defineColumnField(), pdf_cyan\defineColumnField(), pdf_eratosthene\defineColumnField(), pdf_sponge\defineColumnField(), pdf_standard_asset\defineColumnField(), pdf_standard_myobject\defineColumnField(), Propalmergepdfproduct\delete_by_product(), delivery_prepare_head(), Asset\dispose(), doc_getlinedesc(), PartnershipUtils\doCancelStatusOfMemberPartnership(), dol_add_file_process(), dol_htmlwithnojs(), dol_move_uploaded_file(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), dolWebsiteIncrementCounter(), PartnershipUtils\doWarningOfPartnershipIfDolibarrBacklinkNotfound(), pdf_cyan\drawInfoTable(), pdf_eagle_proforma\drawInfoTable(), pdf_eratosthene\drawInfoTable(), pdf_sponge\drawInfoTable(), pdf_sponge\drawTotalTable(), ecm_prepare_dasboard_head(), HookManager\executeHooks(), expedition_admin_prepare_head(), expedition_prepare_head(), AccountingAccount\fetch(), AdherentType\fetch(), Categorie\fetch(), Product\fetch(), Propalmergepdfproduct\fetch(), Propalmergepdfproduct\fetch_by_product(), Commande\fetch_lines(), Contrat\fetch_lines(), Facture\fetch_lines(), Propal\fetch_lines(), fieldList(), mailing_contacts1\formFilter(), mailing_thirdparties\formFilter(), Thirdparties\generateBankAccountDocument(), BookKeeping\get_compte_desc(), get_exdir(), FormMail\get_form(), Categorie\get_full_arbo(), get_left_menu_home(), get_next_value(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_lines(), AccountancyCategory\getAccountsWithNoCategory(), AccountancyCategory\getCptsCat(), getDefaultDatesForTransfer(), Categorie\getListForItem(), InfoBox\getListOfPagesForBoxes(), FormMargin\getMarginInfosArray(), mod_member_simple\getNextValue(), Account\getNomUrl(), ActionComm\getNomUrl(), Adherent\getNomUrl(), AdherentType\getNomUrl(), BOM\getNomUrl(), Categorie\getNomUrl(), Commande\getNomUrl(), CommandeFournisseur\getNomUrl(), Contact\getNomUrl(), Contrat\getNomUrl(), ContratLigne\getNomUrl(), Cronjob\getNomUrl(), Delivery\getNomUrl(), Dolresource\getNomUrl(), Entrepot\getNomUrl(), Expedition\getNomUrl(), ExpenseReport\getNomUrl(), Facture\getNomUrl(), FactureFournisseur\getNomUrl(), Fichinter\getNomUrl(), Fiscalyear\getNomUrl(), Holiday\getNomUrl(), KnowledgeRecord\getNomUrl(), Mailing\getNomUrl(), Mo\getNomUrl(), MyObject\getNomUrl(), Opensurveysondage\getNomUrl(), Partnership\getNomUrl(), PaymentSalary\getNomUrl(), Product\getNomUrl(), Productlot\getNomUrl(), Project\getNomUrl(), Propal\getNomUrl(), Salary\getNomUrl(), Societe\getNomUrl(), SocieteAccount\getNomUrl(), SupplierProposal\getNomUrl(), Task\getNomUrl(), Ticket\getNomUrl(), TimeSpent\getNomUrl(), User\getNomUrl(), UserGroup\getNomUrl(), Workstation\getNomUrl(), Stripe\getPaymentIntent(), BookKeeping\getRootAccount(), getSourceDocRef(), CommonObject\getTooltipContent(), MyObject\getTooltipContentArray(), getURLContent(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\info(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\info(), doc_generic_user_odt\info(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\info(), mod_facture_fournisseur_tulip\info(), invoice_admin_prepare_head(), Product\is_photo_available(), MailmanSpip\isSpipEnabled(), length_accounta(), length_accountg(), Reception\LibStatut(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), llxHeaderTicket(), box_activity\loadBox(), box_members_by_tags\loadBox(), box_members_by_type\loadBox(), box_produits\loadBox(), box_produits_alerte_stock\loadBox(), CommonInvoice\makeStripeSepaRequest(), Expedition\manageStockMvtOnEvt(), member_type_prepare_head(), modules_prepare_head(), myobjectPrepareHead(), EmailCollector\overwritePropertiesOfObject(), pdf_build_address(), pdf_getlinedesc(), pdf_getLinkedObjects(), pdf_pagefoot(), pdfBuildThirdpartyName(), Documents\post(), price2numjs(), pricejs(), print_auguria_menu(), print_eldy_menu(), CommonObject\printObjectLine(), CommonObject\printOriginLine(), CommonObject\printOriginLinesList(), product_prepare_head(), propal_prepare_head(), DoliDBMysqli\query(), DoliDBPgsql\query(), Asset\reopen(), Interfaces\run_triggers(), InterfaceLdapsynchro\runTrigger(), InterfaceWorkflowManager\runTrigger(), Search2(), BookKeeping\select_account(), FormAccounting\select_account(), Form\select_bom(), FormAdmin\select_menu(), FormAdmin\select_menu_families(), Form\select_produits_fournisseurs_list(), Form\select_produits_list(), Conf\setValues(), shipping_prepare_head(), show_contacts(), show_list_sending_receive(), CommonObject\show_photos(), show_skin(), showDirectPublicLink(), FormFile\showdocuments(), FormTicket\showMessageForm(), showSkins(), showWebsiteTemplates(), Adherent\subscriptionComplementaryActions(), takepos_admin_prepare_head(), ticket_prepare_head(), top_htmlhead(), top_menu(), AdherentType\update(), Product\update(), Propalmergepdfproduct\update(), CommonObject\update_price(), AccountancyCategory\updateAccAcc(), Reception\valid(), Facture\validate(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), pdf_aurore\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_baleine\write_file(), pdf_beluga\write_file(), pdf_canelle\write_file(), pdf_cornas\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_eagle\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_einstein\write_file(), pdf_eratosthene\write_file(), pdf_espadon\write_file(), pdf_merou\write_file(), pdf_muscadet\write_file(), pdf_rouget\write_file(), pdf_sepamandate\write_file(), pdf_soleil\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_squille\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), pdf_standard_myobject\write_file(), pdf_storm\write_file(), pdf_strato\write_file(), pdf_timespent\write_file(), pdf_typhon\write_file(), and pdf_vinci\write_file().
getDolGlobalString | ( | $key, | |
$default = '' ) |
Return dolibarr global constant string value.
string | $key | key to return value, return '' if not set |
string | $default | value to return |
Definition at line 142 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by CMailFile\__construct(), CTicketCategory\__construct(), Ldap\__construct(), modPartnership\__construct(), modTicket\__construct(), Partnership\__construct(), printing_printgcp\__construct(), printing_printipp\__construct(), pdf_eagle_proforma\_pagehead(), pdf_standard\_pagehead(), pdf_standard_myobject\_pagehead(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\_pagehead(), pdf_storm\_pagehead(), pdf_typhon\_pagehead(), pdf_standard_myobject\_tableau(), pdf_azur\_tableau_tot(), pdf_crabe\_tableau_tot(), pdf_einstein\_tableau_tot(), Expedition\addline_batch(), MailingTargets\addTargetsToDatabase(), ajax_autocompleter(), build_calfile(), CommonInvoice\buildSwitzerlandQRString(), MailmanSpip\callMailman(), CMailFile\check_server_port(), check_user_password_ldap(), checkPHPCode(), MailmanSpip\checkSpipConfig(), Ticket\close(), complete_dictionary_with_modules(), complete_elementList_with_modules(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendAssigneeMessage(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendCustomerMessage(), Utils\compressSyslogs(), MailmanSpip\connectSpip(), DolEditor\Create(), Adherent\create(), CommandeFournisseur\create(), Don\create(), Mo\create(), Product\create(), Project\create(), RemiseCheque\create(), Ticket\create(), User\create(), Propal\createFromClone(), PartnershipUtils\doCancelStatusOfMemberPartnership(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), dol_hash(), dol_user_country(), dolGetCountryCodeFromIp(), PartnershipUtils\doWarningOfPartnershipIfDolibarrBacklinkNotfound(), pdf_eratosthene\drawTotalTable(), pdf_sponge\drawTotalTable(), CMailFile\dump_mail(), Utils\dumpDatabase(), ConferenceOrBooth\fetch(), CommandeFournisseur\generateDocument(), MyObject\generateDocument(), Product\generateDocument(), get_default_tva(), FormMail\get_form(), get_left_menu_home(), Setup\getConf(), Ticket\getDefaultRef(), mod_codeclient_elephant\getExample(), ModelePDFFactures\getHeightForQRInvoice(), getListOfGroups(), DolibarrCollector\getMailInfo(), FormMargin\getMarginInfosArray(), CommandeFournisseur\getNextNumRef(), MyObject\getNextNumRef(), mod_arctic\getNextValue(), mod_asset_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_bom_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_commande_fournisseur_orchidee\getNextValue(), mod_commande_saphir\getNextValue(), mod_contract_magre\getNextValue(), mod_delivery_saphir\getNextValue(), mod_evaluation_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_expedition_ribera\getNextValue(), mod_facture_fournisseur_tulip\getNextValue(), mod_facture_mercure\getNextValue(), mod_holiday_immaculate\getNextValue(), mod_knowledgerecord_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_lot_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_mo_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_myobject_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_partnership_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_payment_ant\getNextValue(), mod_project_universal\getNextValue(), mod_reception_moonstone\getNextValue(), mod_recruitmentcandidature_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_recruitmentjobposition_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_sn_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_stocktransfer_advanced\getNextValue(), mod_supplier_payment_brodator\getNextValue(), mod_takepos_ref_universal\getNextValue(), mod_task_universal\getNextValue(), mod_ticket_universal\getNextValue(), mod_workstation_advanced\getNextValue(), CTicketCategory\getNomUrl(), MyObject\getNomUrl(), Ticket\getNomUrl(), Stripe\getPaymentIntent(), Dolistore\getRemoteCategories(), Dolistore\getRemoteProducts(), User\getrights(), Reception\getStatusDispatch(), ModelePDFFactures\getSwissQrBill(), AccountancyExport\getTypeConfig(), getWeatherStatus(), doc_generic_member_odt\info(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\info(), doc_generic_product_odt\info(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\info(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\info(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\info(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\info(), doc_generic_user_odt\info(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\info(), mod_arctic\info(), mod_asset_advanced\info(), mod_bom_advanced\info(), mod_codeclient_elephant\info(), mod_commande_fournisseur_orchidee\info(), mod_commande_saphir\info(), mod_contract_magre\info(), mod_delivery_saphir\info(), mod_evaluation_advanced\info(), mod_expedition_ribera\info(), mod_facture_fournisseur_tulip\info(), mod_facture_mercure\info(), mod_holiday_immaculate\info(), mod_knowledgerecord_advanced\info(), mod_lot_advanced\info(), mod_mo_advanced\info(), mod_myobject_advanced\info(), mod_partnership_advanced\info(), mod_payment_ant\info(), mod_project_universal\info(), mod_reception_moonstone\info(), mod_recruitmentcandidature_advanced\info(), mod_recruitmentjobposition_advanced\info(), mod_sn_advanced\info(), mod_stocktransfer_advanced\info(), mod_supplier_payment_brodator\info(), mod_supplier_proposal_saphir\info(), mod_takepos_ref_universal\info(), mod_task_universal\info(), mod_ticket_universal\info(), mod_workstation_advanced\info(), dolReceiptPrinter\initPrinter(), Societe\isACompany(), listOfSessions(), llxHeaderTicket(), box_funnel_of_prospection\loadBox(), box_produits\loadBox(), member_prepare_head(), Ticket\newMessage(), pdf_pagefoot(), pdf_pagehead(), price(), printing_printipp\printFile(), product_prepare_head(), projectLinesa(), rebuild_merge_pdf(), Cronjob\run_jobs(), InterfaceActionsAuto\runTrigger(), InterfaceTicketEmail\runTrigger(), InterfaceWorkflowManager\runTrigger(), CMailFile\save_dump_mail_in_err(), Form\select_thirdparty_list(), Form\select_type_of_lines(), Form\selectcontacts(), Notify\send(), Adherent\sendEmail(), ActionComm\sendEmailsReminder(), Facture\sendEmailsRemindersOnInvoiceDueDate(), CMailFile\sendfile(), Adherent\sendReminderForExpiredSubscription(), Ticket\sendTicketMessageByEmail(), Societe\setMysoc(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), show_contacts(), show_skin(), showDirectPublicLink(), FormTicket\showMessageForm(), societe_prepare_head(), takepos_admin_prepare_head(), tax_by_rate(), tax_by_thirdparty(), top_htmlhead(), top_httphead(), top_menu_user(), User\update(), User\update_ldap2dolibarr(), CommonObject\update_price(), ActionsTicket\viewTicketOriginalMessage(), BordereauChequeBlochet\write_file(), doc_generic_asset_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_bom_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_contract_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_member_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_mo_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_product_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_project_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_reception_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_stock_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_user_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\write_file(), pdf_aurore\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_baleine\write_file(), pdf_ban\write_file(), pdf_beluga\write_file(), pdf_canelle\write_file(), pdf_cornas\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_eagle\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_einstein\write_file(), pdf_eratosthene\write_file(), pdf_espadon\write_file(), pdf_merou\write_file(), pdf_muscadet\write_file(), pdf_paiement\write_file(), pdf_rouget\write_file(), pdf_sepamandate\write_file(), pdf_soleil\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_squille\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), pdf_standard_myobject\write_file(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\write_file(), pdf_standardlabel\write_file(), pdf_storm\write_file(), pdf_strato\write_file(), pdf_tcpdflabel\write_file(), pdf_timespent\write_file(), pdf_typhon\write_file(), and pdf_vinci\write_file().
getDoliDBInstance | ( | $type, | |
$host, | |||
$user, | |||
$pass, | |||
$name, | |||
$port ) |
Return a DoliDB instance (database handler).
string | $type | Type of database (mysql, pgsql...) |
string | $host | Address of database server |
string | $user | Authorized username |
string | $pass | Password |
string | $name | Name of database |
int | $port | Port of database server |
Definition at line 242 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by MailmanSpip\connectSpip(), and dolSessionOpen().
getDolUserInt | ( | $key, | |
$default = 0, | |||
$tmpuser = null ) |
Return Dolibarr user constant int value.
string | $key | key to return value, return 0 if not set |
int | $default | value to return |
User | $tmpuser | To get another user than current user |
Definition at line 190 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by dol_check_secure_access_document().
getDolUserString | ( | $key, | |
$default = '', | |||
$tmpuser = null ) |
Return Dolibarr user constant string value.
string | $key | key to return value, return '' if not set |
string | $default | value to return |
User | $tmpuser | To get another user than current user |
Definition at line 171 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendAssigneeMessage(), and InterfaceTicketEmail\runTrigger().
getElementProperties | ( | $element_type | ) |
Get an array with properties of an element.
string | $element_type | Element type (Value of $object->element). Example: 'action', 'facture', 'project', 'project_task' or 'myobject@mymodule' or 'myobject_mysubobject' (where mymodule = myobject, like 'project_task') |
Definition at line 11463 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by FileUpload\__construct(), and fetchObjectByElement().
getEntity | ( | $element, | |
$shared = 1, | |||
$currentobject = null ) |
Get list of entity id to use.
string | $element | Current element 'societe', 'socpeople', 'actioncomm', 'agenda', 'resource', 'product', 'productprice', 'stock', 'bom', 'mo', 'propal', 'supplier_proposal', 'invoice', 'supplier_invoice', 'payment_various', 'categorie', 'bank_account', 'bank_account', 'adherent', 'user', 'commande', 'supplier_order', 'expedition', 'intervention', 'survey', 'contract', 'tax', 'expensereport', 'holiday', 'multicurrency', 'project', 'email_template', 'event', 'donation' 'c_paiement', 'c_payment_term', ... |
int | $shared | 0=Return id of current entity only, 1=Return id of current entity + shared entities (default) |
object | $currentobject | Current object if needed |
Definition at line 268 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by CommandeStats\__construct(), FichinterStats\__construct(), modCommande\__construct(), modFacture\__construct(), modProduct\__construct(), modProjet\__construct(), modPropale\__construct(), modSociete\__construct(), modTicket\__construct(), PropaleStats\__construct(), ProductAttribute\attributeOrder(), Form\constructProductListOption(), ProductAttribute\countChildProducts(), AdherentStats\countMembersByTagAndStatus(), AdherentStats\countMembersByTypeAndStatus(), ProductCombination\countNbOfCombinationForFkProductParent(), Cpaiement\create(), PaymentTerm\create(), Products\deleteAttributeValueByRef(), Categorie\fetch(), PaymentTerm\fetch(), ProductAttribute\fetch(), ProductAttributeValue\fetch(), ProductCombination\fetch(), Propal\fetch(), Societe\fetch(), ProductAttribute\fetch_lines(), Position\fetchAll(), ProductAttribute\fetchAll(), ProductCombination\fetchAllByFkProductParent(), ProductCombination\fetchByFkProductChild(), Project\get_element_list(), AccountingJournal\getAssetData(), Products\getAttributesByRef(), Products\getAttributesByRefExt(), Products\getAttributeValueById(), Products\getAttributeValueByRef(), Project\getElementCount(), Translate\getLabelFromKey(), Lettering\getLinkedLines(), ProductAttribute\getMaxAttributesPosition(), mod_commande_saphir\getNextValue(), mod_facture_mercure\getNextValue(), mod_project_universal\getNextValue(), mod_propale_saphir\getNextValue(), mod_takepos_ref_universal\getNextValue(), mod_ticket_universal\getNextValue(), Contact\getNoEmail(), Societe\getNoEmail(), ProductAttribute\getPositionOfAttribute(), mailing_fraise\getSqlArrayForStats(), CdavLib\getSqlCalEvents(), Societe\id_prof_exists(), Product\isVariant(), Commande\load_board(), Propal\load_board(), SupplierProposal\load_board(), Ticket\load_board(), Form\load_cache_conditions_paiements(), Form\load_cache_transport_mode(), Form\load_cache_types_paiements(), Commande\load_state_board(), CommandeFournisseur\load_state_board(), Contact\load_state_board(), Facture\load_state_board(), Fichinter\load_state_board(), Propal\load_state_board(), SupplierProposal\load_state_board(), Ticket\load_state_board(), box_members_subscriptions_by_year\loadBox(), FormProduct\loadLotStock(), AdvanceTargetingMailing\query_contact(), Form\select_bom(), Form\select_comptes(), FormProjets\select_element(), Form\select_product_fourn_price(), Form\select_produits_fournisseurs_list(), Form\select_produits_list(), FormProjets\select_projects_list(), Form\select_thirdparty_list(), FormCompany\selectCompaniesForNewContact(), Form\selectcontacts(), Form\selectExpenseCategories(), FormProjets\selectInvoiceAndLine(), Form\selectInvoiceRec(), Form\selectMultiCurrency(), Form\selectSituationInvoices(), FormProjets\selectTasks(), Contact\setNoEmail(), Societe\setNoEmail(), Form\showLinkToObjectBlock(), ProductAttribute\updateAttributePositionDown(), ProductAttribute\updateAttributePositionUp(), and Contact\updateRoles().
getFieldErrorIcon | ( | $fieldValidationErrorMsg | ) |
get field error icon
string | $fieldValidationErrorMsg | message to add in tooltip |
Definition at line 11335 of file functions.lib.php.
getImageFileNameForSize | ( | $file, | |
$extName, | |||
$extImgTarget = '' ) |
Return the filename of file to get the thumbs.
string | $file | Original filename (full or relative path) |
string | $extName | Extension to differenciate thumb file name ('', '_small', '_mini') |
string | $extImgTarget | Force image extension for thumbs. Use '' to keep same extension than original image (default). |
Definition at line 10308 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by CommonObject\delThumbs(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), CommonObject\show_photos(), Form\showphoto(), and vignette().
getLanguageCodeFromCountryCode | ( | $countrycode | ) |
Return default language from country code.
Return null if not found.
string | $countrycode | Country code like 'US', 'FR', 'CA', 'ES', 'IN', 'MX', ... |
Definition at line 9432 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_syslog().
Referenced by FormAdmin\select_language(), and Adherent\sendReminderForExpiredSubscription().
getLocalTaxesFromRate | ( | $vatrate, | |
$local, | |||
$buyer, | |||
$seller, | |||
$firstparamisid = 0 ) |
Get type and rate of localtaxes for a particular vat rate/country of a thirdparty.
This does not take into account the seller setup if subject to vat or not, only country.
TODO This function is ALSO called to retrieve type for building PDF. Such call of function must be removed. Instead this function must be called when adding a line to get the array of possible values for localtax and type, and then provide the selected value to the function calcul_price_total.
int | string | $vatrate | VAT ID or Rate+Code. Value can be value or the string with code into parenthesis or rowid if $firstparamisid is 1. Example: '8.5' or '8.5 (8.5NPR)' or 123. |
int | $local | Number of localtax (1 or 2, or 0 to return 1 & 2) |
Societe | $buyer | Company object |
Societe | $seller | Company object |
int | $firstparamisid | 1 if first param is ID into table instead of Rate+code (use this if you can) |
Definition at line 6463 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_syslog(), and get_localtax().
Referenced by Commande\addline(), CommandeFournisseur\addline(), Contrat\addline(), ExpenseReport\addline(), Facture\addline(), FactureFournisseur\addline(), FactureFournisseurRec\addline(), FactureRec\addline(), Propal\addline(), SupplierProposal\addline(), ContratLigne\update(), Commande\updateline(), CommandeFournisseur\updateline(), Contrat\updateline(), ExpenseReport\updateline(), Facture\updateline(), FactureFournisseur\updateline(), FactureFournisseurRec\updateline(), FactureRec\updateline(), Propal\updateline(), SupplierProposal\updateline(), pdf_aurore\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_cornas\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_einstein\write_file(), pdf_eratosthene\write_file(), pdf_muscadet\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), and pdf_standard_myobject\write_file().
if(!function_exists('utf8_encode')) if(!function_exists( 'utf8_decode')) if(!function_exists('str_starts_with')) if(!function_exists( 'str_ends_with')) if(!function_exists('str_contains')) getMultidirOutput | ( | $object, | |
$module = '' ) |
Return the full path of the directory where a module (or an object of a module) stores its files.
Path may depends on the entity if a multicompany module is enabled.
CommonObject | $object | Dolibarr common object |
string | $module | Override object element, for example to use 'mycompany' instead of 'societe' |
Definition at line 123 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by pdf_eratosthene\_pagehead(), and pdf_eratosthene\write_file().
getNonce | ( | ) |
Return a random string to be used as a nonce value for js.
Definition at line 11772 of file functions.lib.php.
References dolGetRandomBytes().
Referenced by Form\buttonsSaveCancel(), Form\formconfirm(), Form\getSelectConditionsPaiements(), Form\multiselectarray(), Form\select_dolusers_forevent(), Form\select_produits(), FormCompany\selectCompaniesForNewContact(), Form\selectExpenseCategories(), Form\selectMassAction(), FormBarCode\setBarcodeEncoder(), Form\showCheckAddButtons(), Form\showLinkToObjectBlock(), and Form\widgetForTranslation().
GETPOST | ( | $paramname, | |
$check = 'alphanohtml', | |||
$method = 0, | |||
$filter = null, | |||
$options = null, | |||
$noreplace = 0 ) |
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable.
Use the property $user->default_values[path]['createform'] and/or $user->default_values[path]['filters'] and/or $user->default_values[path]['sortorder'] Note: The property $user->default_values is loaded by main.php when loading the user.
string | $paramname | Name of parameter to found |
string | $check | Type of check ''=no check (deprecated) 'none'=no check (only for param that should have very rich content like passwords) 'array', 'array:restricthtml' or 'array:aZ09' to check it's an array 'int'=check it's numeric (integer or float) 'intcomma'=check it's integer+comma ('1,2,3,4...') 'alpha'=Same than alphanohtml since v13 'alphawithlgt'=alpha with lgt 'alphanohtml'=check there is no html content and no " and no ../ 'aZ'=check it's a-z only 'aZ09'=check it's simple alpha string (recommended for keys) 'aZ09arobase'=check it's a string for an element type 'aZ09comma'=check it's a string for a sortfield or sortorder 'san_alpha'=Use filter_var with FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING (do not use this for free text string) 'nohtml'=check there is no html content 'restricthtml'=check html content is restricted to some tags only 'custom'= custom filter specify $filter and $options) |
int | $method | Type of method (0 = get then post, 1 = only get, 2 = only post, 3 = post then get) |
int | $filter | Filter to apply when $check is set to 'custom'. (See for détails) |
mixed | $options | Options to pass to filter_var when $check is set to 'custom' |
string | $noreplace | Force disable of replacement of xxx strings. |
Definition at line 614 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_get_next_day(), dol_get_next_month(), dol_get_prev_day(), dol_get_prev_month(), dol_getdate(), dol_now(), dol_string_nohtmltag(), dol_string_nospecial(), dol_syslog(), and sanitizeVal().
Referenced by ImportCsv\__construct(), mailing_contacts1\add_to_target(), mailing_eventorganization\add_to_target(), mailing_fraise\add_to_target(), mailing_mailinglist_mymodule_myobject\add_to_target(), mailing_partnership\add_to_target(), mailing_pomme\add_to_target(), mailing_thirdparties\add_to_target(), mailing_thirdparties_services_expired\add_to_target(), mailing_xinputuser\add_to_target(), ActionsAdherentCardCommon\assign_post(), ActionsCardCommon\assign_post(), ActionsContactCardCommon\assign_post(), ActionsCardIndividual\assign_values(), check_user_password_googleoauth(), check_user_password_openid(), check_user_password_openid_connect(), Propal\classifyBilled(), Propal\closeProposal(), RecruitmentJobPosition\cloture(), SupplierProposal\cloture(), Facture\create(), FactureFournisseur\create(), StockTransfer\create(), Workstation\create(), Mo\deleteLine(), displayPositionCard(), Asset\dispose(), ActionsDatapolicy\doActions(), PartnershipUtils\doCancelStatusOfMemberPartnership(), dol_add_file_process(), dol_check_secure_access_document(), PartnershipUtils\doWarningOfPartnershipIfDolibarrBacklinkNotfound(), Utils\dumpDatabase(), Form\editfieldkey(), Form\editfieldval(), fieldList(), fieldListAccountingCategories(), mailing_contacts1\formFilter(), mailing_thirdparties\formFilter(), ActionsStripeconnect\formObjectOptions(), FormSetupItem\generateInputFieldSecureKey(), FormMail\get_form(), get_left_menu_hrm(), get_left_menu_projects(), Setup\getCheckIntegrity(), CommonObject\getDefaultCreateValueFor(), ExtraFields\getOptionalsFromPost(), GETPOSTINT(), hash_call(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), box_graph_invoices_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_peryear\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_nb_ticket_last_x_days\loadBox(), box_graph_orders_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_product_distribution\loadBox(), box_graph_propales_permonth\loadBox(), box_task\loadBox(), MenuManager\loadMenu(), main_area(), CommonInvoice\makeStripeSepaRequest(), Ticket\newMessage(), EmailCollector\overwritePropertiesOfObject(), print_auguria_menu(), ActionsDatapolicy\printCommonFooter(), printCommonFooter(), printingAdminPrepareHead(), CommonObject\printObjectLine(), Asset\reopen(), restrictedArea(), InterfaceStripe\runTrigger(), InterfaceTicketEmail\runTrigger(), FormTicket\selectGroupTickets(), Stripe\sepaStripe(), AssetAccountancyCodes\setAccountancyCodesFromPost(), AssetDepreciationOptions\setDeprecationOptionsFromPost(), ExtraFields\setOptionalsFromPost(), FormSetupItem\setValueFromPost(), CommonObject\setValuesForExtraLanguages(), show_actions_done(), show_contacts(), FormSms\show_form(), show_list_sending_receive(), FormTicket\showForm(), Form\showLinkToObjectBlock(), FormTicket\showMessageForm(), CommonObject\showOptionals(), ExtraFields\showSeparator(), showSocialNetwork(), societe_prepare_head(), Adherent\subscriptionComplementaryActions(), top_htmlhead(), top_menu(), Workstation\update(), ActionsTicket\viewTicketMessages(), ActionsTicket\viewTicketOriginalMessage(), ActionsTicket\viewTicketTimelineMessages(), Form\widgetForTranslation(), pdf_einstein\write_file(), and pdf_standard\write_file().
GETPOSTDATE | ( | $prefix, | |
$hourTime = '', | |||
$gm = 'auto' ) |
Helper function that combines values of a dolibarr DatePicker (such as Form\selectDate) for year, month, day (and optionally hour, minute, second) fields to return a timestamp.
string | $prefix | Prefix used to build the date selector (for instance using Form\selectDate) |
string | $hourTime | 'getpost' to include hour, minute, second values from the HTTP request, 'XX:YY:ZZ' to set hour, minute, second respectively (for instance '23:59:59') |
string | $gm | Passed to dol_mktime |
Definition at line 12933 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_mktime(), and GETPOSTINT().
Referenced by buildParamDate().
GETPOSTINT | ( | $paramname, | |
$method = 0 ) |
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable.
Use the property $user->default_values[path]['creatform'] and/or $user->default_values[path]['filters'] and/or $user->default_values[path]['sortorder'] Note: The property $user->default_values is loaded by main.php when loading the user.
string | $paramname | Name of parameter to found |
int | $method | Type of method (0 = get then post, 1 = only get, 2 = only post, 3 = post then get) |
Definition at line 931 of file functions.lib.php.
References GETPOST().
Referenced by GETPOSTDATE().
GETPOSTISARRAY | ( | $paramname, | |
$method = 0 ) |
Return true if the parameter $paramname is submit from a POST OR GET as an array.
Can be used before GETPOST to know if the $check param of GETPOST need to check an array or a string
string | $paramname | Name or parameter to test |
int | $method | Type of method (0 = get then post, 1 = only get, 2 = only post, 3 = post then get) |
Definition at line 567 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by ExtraFields\getOptionalsFromPost().
GETPOSTISSET | ( | $paramname | ) |
Return true if we are in a context of submitting the parameter $paramname from a POST of a form.
Warning: For action=add, use: $var = GETPOST('var'); // No GETPOSTISSET, so GETPOST always called and default value is retreived if not a form POST, and value of form is retreived if it is a form POST. For action=update, use: $var = GETPOSTISSET('var') ? GETPOST('var') : $object->var;
string | $paramname | Name or parameter to test |
Definition at line 514 of file functions.lib.php.
getTaxesFromId | ( | $vatrate, | |
$buyer = null, | |||
$seller = null, | |||
$firstparamisid = 1 ) |
Get tax (VAT) main information from Id.
You can also call getLocalTaxesFromRate() after to get only localtax fields.
int | string | $vatrate | VAT ID or Rate. Value can be value or the string with code into parenthesis or rowid if $firstparamisid is 1. Example: '8.5' or '8.5 (8.5NPR)' or 123. |
Societe | $buyer | Company object |
Societe | $seller | Company object |
int | $firstparamisid | 1 if first param is id into table (use this if you can) |
Definition at line 6390 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_print_error(), and dol_syslog().
getTimelineIcon | ( | $actionstatic, | |
& | $histo, | ||
$key ) |
Get timeline icon.
ActionComm | $actionstatic | actioncomm |
array | $histo | histo |
int | $key | key |
Definition at line 12187 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
Referenced by show_actions_messaging().
getTitleFieldOfList | ( | $name, | |
$thead = 0, | |||
$file = "", | |||
$field = "", | |||
$begin = "", | |||
$moreparam = "", | |||
$moreattrib = "", | |||
$sortfield = "", | |||
$sortorder = "", | |||
$prefix = "", | |||
$disablesortlink = 0, | |||
$tooltip = '', | |||
$forcenowrapcolumntitle = 0 ) |
Get title line of an array.
string | $name | Translation key of field to show or complete HTML string to show |
int | $thead | 0=To use with standard table format, 1=To use inside |
, 2=To use with
string | $file | Url used when we click on sort picto |
string | $field | Field to use for new sorting. Empty if this field is not sortable. Example "" or ",t.def" |
string | $begin | ("" by defaut) |
string | $moreparam | Add more parameters on sort url links ("" by default) |
string | $moreattrib | Add more attributes on th ("" by defaut). To add more css class, use param $prefix. |
string | $sortfield | Current field used to sort (Ex: 'd.datep,') |
string | $sortorder | Current sort order (Ex: 'asc,desc') |
string | $prefix | Prefix for css. Use space after prefix to add your own CSS tag, for example 'mycss '. |
string | $disablesortlink | 1=Disable sort link |
string | $tooltip | Tooltip |
string | $forcenowrapcolumntitle | No need for use 'wrapcolumntitle' css style |
Definition at line 5382 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), and dol_textishtml().
Referenced by print_liste_field_titre(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), show_contacts(), and FormActions\showactions().
getUserRemoteIP | ( | ) |
Return the IP of remote user.
Take HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (defined when using proxy) Then HTTP_CLIENT_IP if defined (rare) Then REMOTE_ADDR (no way to be modified by user but may be wrong if user is using a proxy)
Definition at line 3804 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by callSetExpressCheckout(), Stripe\cardStripe(), Events\create(), Stripe\createPaymentStripe(), Stripe\customerStripe(), dol_syslog(), dol_user_country(), dolSessionWrite(), getCommonSubstitutionArray(), Stripe\getPaymentIntent(), Stripe\getSetupIntent(), User\getTooltipContentArray(), Documents\post(), Stripe\sepaStripe(), and User\update_last_login_date().
img_action | ( | $titlealt, | |
$numaction, | |||
$picto = '', | |||
$moreatt = '' ) |
Show logo action.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $numaction | Action id or code to show |
string | $picto | Name of image file to show ('filenew', ...) If no extension provided, we use '.png'. Image must be stored into theme/xxx/img directory. Example: picto.png if picto.png is stored into htdocs/theme/mytheme/img Example: picto.png@mymodule if picto.png is stored into htdocs/mymodule/img Example: /mydir/mysubdir/picto.png if picto.png is stored into htdocs/mydir/mysubdir (pictoisfullpath must be set to 1) |
string | $moreatt | More attributes |
Definition at line 4621 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
Referenced by Societe\LibProspCommStatut(), Contact\libProspCommStatut(), and FormCompany\selectProspectStatus().
img_allow | ( | $allow, | |
$titlealt = 'default' ) |
Show tick logo if allowed.
string | $allow | Allow |
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
Definition at line 4996 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
img_credit_card | ( | $brand, | |
$morecss = null ) |
Return image of a credit card according to its brand name.
string | $brand | Brand name of credit card |
string | $morecss | More CSS |
Definition at line 5018 of file functions.lib.php.
img_delete | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$other = 'class="pictodelete"', | |||
$morecss = '' ) |
Show delete logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $other | Add more attributes on img |
string | $morecss | More CSS |
Definition at line 4754 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
Referenced by Export\list_export_model(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), FormFile\listOfLinks(), and CommonObject\show_photos().
img_down | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$selected = 0, | |||
$moreclass = '' ) |
Show down arrow logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
int | $selected | Selected |
string | $moreclass | Add more CSS classes |
Definition at line 4921 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
Referenced by form_constantes(), and FormFile\list_of_documents().
img_edit | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$float = 0, | |||
$other = '' ) |
Show logo editer/modifier fiche.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
integer | $float | If you have to put the style "float: right" |
string | $other | Add more attributes on img |
Definition at line 4714 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
Referenced by ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), Form\editfieldkey(), AdherentType\getKanbanView(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), FormFile\listOfLinks(), show_contacts(), show_subsidiaries(), and ActionsTicket\viewTicketOriginalMessage().
img_edit_add | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$other = '' ) |
Show logo +.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $other | Add more attributes on img |
Definition at line 4678 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
img_edit_remove | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$other = '' ) |
Show logo -.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $other | Add more attributes on img |
Definition at line 4695 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
img_error | ( | $titlealt = 'default' | ) |
Show error logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
Definition at line 4864 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
img_help | ( | $usehelpcursor = 1, | |
$usealttitle = 1 ) |
Show help logo with cursor "?".
int | $usehelpcursor | 1=Use help cursor, 2=Use click pointer cursor, 0=No specific cursor |
int | string | $usealttitle | Text to use as alt title |
Definition at line 4806 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), and img_picto().
Referenced by Form\formconfirm(), and Form\textwithpicto().
img_info | ( | $titlealt = 'default' | ) |
Show info logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
Definition at line 4827 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
img_left | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$selected = 0, | |||
$moreatt = '' ) |
Show left arrow logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
int | $selected | Selected |
string | $moreatt | Add more attribute on img tag (For example 'style="float: right"') |
Definition at line 4959 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
img_mime | ( | $file, | |
$titlealt = '', | |||
$morecss = '' ) |
Show MIME img of a file.
string | $file | Filename |
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $morecss | More css |
Definition at line 5051 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_mimetype().
Referenced by FormMail\get_form(), FormFile\getDocumentsLink(), FormFile\list_of_autoecmfiles(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), show_actions_messaging(), FormFile\showdocuments(), FormTicket\showMessageForm(), and FormFile\showPreview().
img_next | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$moreatt = '' ) |
Show next logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $moreatt | Add more attribute on img tag (For example 'style="float: right"') |
Definition at line 4882 of file functions.lib.php.
img_object | ( | $titlealt, | |
$picto, | |||
$moreatt = '', | |||
$pictoisfullpath = false, | |||
$srconly = 0, | |||
$notitle = 0 ) |
Show a picto called object_picto (generic function)
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $picto | Name of image to show object_picto (example: user, group, action, bill, contract, propal, product, ...) For external modules use imagename@mymodule to search into directory "img" of module. |
string | $moreatt | Add more attribute on img tag (ie: class="datecallink") |
int | $pictoisfullpath | If 1, image path is a full path |
int | $srconly | Return only content of the src attribute of img. |
int | $notitle | 1=Disable tag title. Use it if you add js tooltip, to avoid duplicate tooltip. |
Definition at line 4535 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
Referenced by Notify\confirmMessage(), dol_print_email(), dol_print_phone(), dol_print_socialnetworks(), DolibarrModules\getKanbanView(), User\getLoginUrl(), Account\getNomUrl(), AccountingAccount\getNomUrl(), AccountingJournal\getNomUrl(), AccountLine\getNomUrl(), ActionComm\getNomUrl(), Adherent\getNomUrl(), AdherentType\getNomUrl(), Asset\getNomUrl(), AssetModel\getNomUrl(), Availabilities\getNomUrl(), BOM\getNomUrl(), BOMLine\getNomUrl(), BonPrelevement\getNomUrl(), Booking\getNomUrl(), BookKeeping\getNomUrl(), Bookmark\getNomUrl(), CashControl\getNomUrl(), ChargeSociales\getNomUrl(), Commande\getNomUrl(), CommandeFournisseur\getNomUrl(), CompanyPaymentMode\getNomUrl(), ConferenceOrBooth\getNomUrl(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\getNomUrl(), Contact\getNomUrl(), Contrat\getNomUrl(), Cronjob\getNomUrl(), Dolresource\getNomUrl(), Don\getNomUrl(), EcmDirectory\getNomUrl(), EmailCollector\getNomUrl(), EmailCollectorAction\getNomUrl(), EmailCollectorFilter\getNomUrl(), Entrepot\getNomUrl(), Establishment\getNomUrl(), Evaluation\getNomUrl(), Evaluationline\getNomUrl(), Expedition\getNomUrl(), ExpenseReport\getNomUrl(), Facture\getNomUrl(), FactureFournisseur\getNomUrl(), FactureFournisseurRec\getNomUrl(), FactureRec\getNomUrl(), Fichinter\getNomUrl(), Fiscalyear\getNomUrl(), Holiday\getNomUrl(), Hook\getNomUrl(), Inventory\getNomUrl(), Job\getNomUrl(), KnowledgeRecord\getNomUrl(), Loan\getNomUrl(), Mailing\getNomUrl(), Mo\getNomUrl(), MyObject\getNomUrl(), Opensurveysondage\getNomUrl(), Paiement\getNomUrl(), PaiementFourn\getNomUrl(), Partnership\getNomUrl(), PartnershipType\getNomUrl(), PaymentLoan\getNomUrl(), PaymentSalary\getNomUrl(), PaymentVarious\getNomUrl(), Position\getNomUrl(), Product\getNomUrl(), ProductAttribute\getNomUrl(), ProductFournisseur\getNomUrl(), ProductFournisseurPrice\getNomUrl(), Productlot\getNomUrl(), Project\getNomUrl(), Propal\getNomUrl(), Reception\getNomUrl(), RecruitmentCandidature\getNomUrl(), RecruitmentJobPosition\getNomUrl(), RemiseCheque\getNomUrl(), Salary\getNomUrl(), Skill\getNomUrl(), Skilldet\getNomUrl(), SkillRank\getNomUrl(), Societe\getNomUrl(), SocieteAccount\getNomUrl(), StockTransfer\getNomUrl(), StockTransferLine\getNomUrl(), Subscription\getNomUrl(), SupplierProposal\getNomUrl(), Target\getNomUrl(), Task\getNomUrl(), Ticket\getNomUrl(), TimeSpent\getNomUrl(), Tva\getNomUrl(), User\getNomUrl(), UserGroup\getNomUrl(), Workstation\getNomUrl(), Interfaces\getTriggersList(), ModeleBoxes\getWidgetsList(), Export\list_export_model(), Account\load_board(), ActionComm\load_board(), Adherent\load_board(), Commande\load_board(), CommandeFournisseur\load_board(), Contrat\load_board(), ExpenseReport\load_board(), Facture\load_board(), FactureFournisseur\load_board(), Holiday\load_board(), Project\load_board(), Propal\load_board(), RemiseCheque\load_board(), SupplierProposal\load_board(), Task\load_board(), Ticket\load_board(), box_dolibarr_state_board\loadBox(), box_services_contracts\loadBox(), Categorie\print_all_ways(), CommonObject\printOriginLine(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), show_contacts(), show_list_sending_receive(), show_stats_for_batch(), show_stats_for_company(), box_actions\showBox(), box_actions_future\showBox(), ModeleBoxes\showBox(), ExtraFields\showOutputField(), mailing_contacts1\url(), mailing_eventorganization\url(), mailing_fraise\url(), mailing_mailinglist_mymodule_myobject\url(), mailing_partnership\url(), mailing_pomme\url(), mailing_thirdparties\url(), and mailing_thirdparties_services_expired\url().
img_pdf | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$size = 3 ) |
Show pdf logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
int | $size | Taille de l'icone : 3 = 16x16px , 2 = 14x14px |
Definition at line 4660 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
img_picto | ( | $titlealt, | |
$picto, | |||
$moreatt = '', | |||
$pictoisfullpath = false, | |||
$srconly = 0, | |||
$notitle = 0, | |||
$alt = '', | |||
$morecss = '', | |||
$marginleftonlyshort = 2 ) |
Show picto whatever it's its name (generic function)
string | $titlealt | Text on title tag for tooltip. Not used if param notitle is set to 1. |
string | $picto | Name of image file to show ('filenew', ...). For font awesome icon (example 'user'), you can use picto_nocolor to not have the color of picto forced. If no extension provided and it is not a font awesome icon, we use '.png'. Image must be stored into theme/xxx/img directory. Example: picto.png if picto.png is stored into htdocs/theme/mytheme/img Example: picto.png@mymodule if picto.png is stored into htdocs/mymodule/img Example: /mydir/mysubdir/picto.png if picto.png is stored into htdocs/mydir/mysubdir (pictoisfullpath must be set to 1) Example: fontawesome_envelope-open-text_fas_red_1em if you want to use fontaweseome icons: fontawesome_<icon-name>_<style>_<color>_<size> (only icon-name is mandatory) |
string | $moreatt | Add more attribute on img tag (For example 'class="pictofixedwidth"') |
boolean | int | $pictoisfullpath | If true or 1, image path is a full path |
int | $srconly | Return only content of the src attribute of img. |
int | $notitle | 1=Disable tag title. Use it if you add js tooltip, to avoid duplicate tooltip. |
string | $alt | Force alt for bind people |
string | $morecss | Add more class css on img tag (For example 'myclascss'). |
string | $marginleftonlyshort | 1 = Add a short left margin on picto, 2 = Add a larger left margin on picto, 0 = No margin left. Works for fontawesome picto only. |
Definition at line 4197 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by modAgenda\__construct(), modApi\__construct(), modBarcode\__construct(), modBlockedLog\__construct(), modBookCal\__construct(), modCollab\__construct(), modECM\__construct(), modEventOrganization\__construct(), modExternalSite\__construct(), modFTP\__construct(), modKnowledgeManagement\__construct(), modMargin\__construct(), modModuleBuilder\__construct(), modMyModule\__construct(), modOpenSurvey\__construct(), modPartnership\__construct(), modRecruitment\__construct(), modResource\__construct(), modStripe\__construct(), modTakePos\__construct(), modTicket\__construct(), modWebsite\__construct(), modWorkstation\__construct(), ajax_constantonoff(), ActionsCardCompany\assign_values(), Stripe\cardStripe(), FormMargin\displayMarginInfos(), dol_banner_tab(), dol_get_fiche_head(), dol_print_cron_urls(), dol_print_email(), dol_print_phone(), dol_print_url(), dolGetStatus(), dragAndDropFileUpload(), Form\editfieldval(), ExpenseReport\fetch_line_by_project(), fillArrayOfGroupBy(), fillArrayOfMeasures(), fillArrayOfXAxis(), form_constantes(), Form\formconfirm(), mailing_contacts1\formFilter(), mailing_eventorganization\formFilter(), mailing_thirdparties\formFilter(), mailing_thirdparties_services_expired\formFilter(), Form\formSelectAccount(), FormSetupItem\generateInputFieldCategories(), get_left_menu_accountancy(), get_left_menu_bank(), get_left_menu_billing(), get_left_menu_commercial(), get_left_menu_home(), get_left_menu_hrm(), get_left_menu_members(), get_left_menu_mrp(), get_left_menu_products(), get_left_menu_projects(), get_left_menu_thridparties(), get_left_menu_tools(), FormCategory\getFilterBox(), Account\getKanbanView(), Adherent\getKanbanView(), AdherentType\getKanbanView(), BOM\getKanbanView(), BonPrelevement\getKanbanView(), CashControl\getKanbanView(), ChargeSociales\getKanbanView(), CommandeFournisseur\getKanbanView(), CommonOrder\getKanbanView(), ConferenceOrBooth\getKanbanView(), Contact\getKanbanView(), Contrat\getKanbanView(), DolibarrModules\getKanbanView(), Don\getKanbanView(), Entrepot\getKanbanView(), Evaluation\getKanbanView(), ExpenseReport\getKanbanView(), Facture\getKanbanView(), FactureFournisseur\getKanbanView(), Fichinter\getKanbanView(), Holiday\getKanbanView(), Inventory\getKanbanView(), Job\getKanbanView(), KnowledgeRecord\getKanbanView(), Loan\getKanbanView(), Localtax\getKanbanView(), Mo\getKanbanView(), MyObject\getKanbanView(), Partnership\getKanbanView(), PaymentExpenseReport\getKanbanView(), PaymentSalary\getKanbanView(), PaymentVarious\getKanbanView(), Position\getKanbanView(), Product\getKanbanView(), Project\getKanbanView(), Propal\getKanbanView(), RecruitmentCandidature\getKanbanView(), RecruitmentJobPosition\getKanbanView(), RemiseCheque\getKanbanView(), Salary\getKanbanView(), Skill\getKanbanView(), Societe\getKanbanView(), Subscription\getKanbanView(), SupplierProposal\getKanbanView(), Task\getKanbanView(), Ticket\getKanbanView(), TimeSpent\getKanbanView(), Tva\getKanbanView(), User\getKanbanView(), UserGroup\getKanbanView(), AccountLine\getNomUrl(), ActionComm\getNomUrl(), Adherent\getNomUrl(), Asset\getNomUrl(), AssetModel\getNomUrl(), Availabilities\getNomUrl(), BonPrelevement\getNomUrl(), Booking\getNomUrl(), ChargeSociales\getNomUrl(), Commande\getNomUrl(), CommandeFournisseur\getNomUrl(), ConferenceOrBooth\getNomUrl(), ConferenceOrBoothAttendee\getNomUrl(), Don\getNomUrl(), Establishment\getNomUrl(), Evaluation\getNomUrl(), Evaluationline\getNomUrl(), Facture\getNomUrl(), FactureFournisseur\getNomUrl(), Job\getNomUrl(), MouvementStock\getNomUrl(), Paiement\getNomUrl(), PaiementFourn\getNomUrl(), PartnershipType\getNomUrl(), PaymentExpenseReport\getNomUrl(), PaymentSocialContribution\getNomUrl(), PaymentVAT\getNomUrl(), Position\getNomUrl(), ProductAttribute\getNomUrl(), ProductFournisseur\getNomUrl(), ProductFournisseurPrice\getNomUrl(), Propal\getNomUrl(), Reception\getNomUrl(), RecruitmentCandidature\getNomUrl(), RecruitmentJobPosition\getNomUrl(), Skill\getNomUrl(), Skilldet\getNomUrl(), SkillRank\getNomUrl(), Subscription\getNomUrl(), SupplierProposal\getNomUrl(), Target\getNomUrl(), WebsitePage\getNomUrl(), getResultColumn(), getTimelineIcon(), Account\getTooltipContentArray(), ActionComm\getTooltipContentArray(), Adherent\getTooltipContentArray(), AdherentType\getTooltipContentArray(), BOM\getTooltipContentArray(), Commande\getTooltipContentArray(), Contact\getTooltipContentArray(), Contrat\getTooltipContentArray(), Cronjob\getTooltipContentArray(), Delivery\getTooltipContentArray(), Dolresource\getTooltipContentArray(), Entrepot\getTooltipContentArray(), Expedition\getTooltipContentArray(), ExpenseReport\getTooltipContentArray(), Facture\getTooltipContentArray(), FactureFournisseur\getTooltipContentArray(), Fichinter\getTooltipContentArray(), Fiscalyear\getTooltipContentArray(), Holiday\getTooltipContentArray(), KnowledgeRecord\getTooltipContentArray(), Mailing\getTooltipContentArray(), Mo\getTooltipContentArray(), MyObject\getTooltipContentArray(), Opensurveysondage\getTooltipContentArray(), Partnership\getTooltipContentArray(), PaymentSalary\getTooltipContentArray(), Product\getTooltipContentArray(), Productlot\getTooltipContentArray(), Project\getTooltipContentArray(), Propal\getTooltipContentArray(), Societe\getTooltipContentArray(), SupplierProposal\getTooltipContentArray(), Task\getTooltipContentArray(), Ticket\getTooltipContentArray(), TimeSpent\getTooltipContentArray(), User\getTooltipContentArray(), UserGroup\getTooltipContentArray(), Workstation\getTooltipContentArray(), Interfaces\getTriggersList(), ActionComm\getTypePicto(), ModeleBoxes\getWidgetsList(), img_action(), img_allow(), img_delete(), img_down(), img_edit(), img_edit_add(), img_edit_remove(), img_error(), img_help(), img_info(), img_left(), img_object(), img_pdf(), img_picto_common(), img_printer(), img_right(), img_search(), img_searchclear(), img_split(), img_up(), img_view(), img_warning(), img_weather(), doc_generic_asset_odt\info(), doc_generic_bom_odt\info(), doc_generic_contract_odt\info(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\info(), doc_generic_member_odt\info(), doc_generic_mo_odt\info(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\info(), doc_generic_odt\info(), doc_generic_order_odt\info(), doc_generic_product_odt\info(), doc_generic_project_odt\info(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\info(), doc_generic_reception_odt\info(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\info(), doc_generic_stock_odt\info(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\info(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\info(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\info(), doc_generic_task_odt\info(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\info(), doc_generic_user_odt\info(), mod_lot_advanced\info(), mod_sn_advanced\info(), info_admin(), Cchargesociales\LibStatut(), CommandeFournisseurDispatch\LibStatut(), EmailCollectorAction\LibStatut(), EmailCollectorFilter\LibStatut(), Fiscalyear\LibStatut(), LignePrelevement\LibStatut(), MouvementStock\LibStatut(), ProductStockEntrepot\LibStatut(), SocieteAccount\LibStatut(), Task\LibStatut(), FormFile\list_of_autoecmfiles(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), printing_printgcp\listAvailablePrinters(), printing_printipp\listAvailablePrinters(), FormFile\listOfLinks(), box_external_rss\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_peryear\loadBox(), box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_nb_ticket_last_x_days\loadBox(), box_graph_orders_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth\loadBox(), box_graph_product_distribution\loadBox(), box_graph_propales_permonth\loadBox(), modules_prepare_head(), Form\multiselectarray(), print_actions_filter(), print_eldy_menu(), printDropdownBookmarksList(), printDropdownQuickadd(), CommonObject\printOriginLine(), printSearchForm(), Form\select_all_categories(), Form\select_company(), Form\select_dolusers_forevent(), Form\select_produits(), show_elem(), CommonObject\show_photos(), ModeleBoxes\showBox(), showDirectPublicLink(), FormFile\showdocuments(), FormTicket\showMessageForm(), Form\showphoto(), FormFile\showPreview(), showSkins(), showWebsiteTemplates(), Form\textwithpicto(), top_menu(), top_menu_user(), ActionsTicket\viewTicketMessages(), and Form\widgetForTranslation().
img_picto_common | ( | $titlealt, | |
$picto, | |||
$moreatt = '', | |||
$pictoisfullpath = 0, | |||
$notitle = 0 ) |
Show picto (generic function)
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $picto | Name of image file to show (If no extension provided, we use '.png'). Image must be stored into htdocs/theme/common directory. |
string | $moreatt | Add more attribute on img tag |
int | $pictoisfullpath | If 1, image path is a full path |
int | $notitle | 1=Disable tag title. Use it if you add js tooltip, to avoid duplicate tooltip. |
Definition at line 4583 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
Referenced by picto_from_langcode(), and tree_showpad().
img_previous | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$moreatt = '' ) |
Show previous logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $moreatt | Add more attribute on img tag (For example 'style="float: right"') |
Definition at line 4901 of file functions.lib.php.
img_printer | ( | $titlealt = "default", | |
$other = '' ) |
Show printer logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $other | Add more attributes on img |
Definition at line 4772 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
img_right | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$selected = 0, | |||
$moreatt = '' ) |
Show right arrow logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
int | $selected | Selected |
string | $moreatt | Add more attribute on img tag (For example 'style="float: right"') |
Definition at line 4978 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
img_search | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$other = '' ) |
Show search logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $other | Add more attributes on img |
Definition at line 5075 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), and img_picto().
img_searchclear | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$other = '' ) |
Show search logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $other | Add more attributes on img |
Definition at line 5098 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), and img_picto().
img_split | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$other = 'class="pictosplit"' ) |
Show split logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $other | Add more attributes on img |
Definition at line 4788 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
img_up | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$selected = 0, | |||
$moreclass = '' ) |
Show top arrow logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
int | $selected | Selected |
string | $moreclass | Add more CSS classes |
Definition at line 4940 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
Referenced by FormFile\list_of_documents().
img_view | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$float = 0, | |||
$other = 'class="valignmiddle"' ) |
Show logo view card.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
integer | $float | If you have to put the style "float: right" |
string | $other | Add more attributes on img |
Definition at line 4733 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
img_warning | ( | $titlealt = 'default', | |
$moreatt = '', | |||
$morecss = 'pictowarning' ) |
Show warning logo.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | $moreatt | Add more attribute on img tag (For example 'style="float: right"'). If 1, add float: right. Can't be "class" attribute. |
string | $morecss | Add more CSS |
Definition at line 4846 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
Referenced by dol_print_email(), dol_print_socialnetworks(), get_left_menu_home(), getCustomerInvoiceUnpaidOpenTable(), Project\getKanbanView(), getResultColumn(), getTaskProgressView(), doc_generic_asset_odt\info(), doc_generic_bom_odt\info(), doc_generic_contract_odt\info(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\info(), doc_generic_member_odt\info(), doc_generic_mo_odt\info(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\info(), doc_generic_odt\info(), doc_generic_order_odt\info(), doc_generic_product_odt\info(), doc_generic_project_odt\info(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\info(), doc_generic_reception_odt\info(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\info(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\info(), doc_generic_stock_odt\info(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\info(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\info(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\info(), doc_generic_task_odt\info(), doc_generic_ticket_odt\info(), doc_generic_user_odt\info(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\info(), box_actions\loadBox(), box_actions_future\loadBox(), box_factures\loadBox(), box_factures_fourn\loadBox(), box_factures_fourn_imp\loadBox(), box_factures_imp\loadBox(), box_produits_alerte_stock\loadBox(), box_propales\loadBox(), box_services_contracts\loadBox(), box_services_expired\loadBox(), box_supplier_orders_awaiting_reception\loadBox(), projectLinesa(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), show_array_actions_to_do(), and Form\textwithpicto().
img_weather | ( | $titlealt, | |
$picto, | |||
$moreatt = '', | |||
$pictoisfullpath = 0, | |||
$morecss = '' ) |
Show weather picto.
string | $titlealt | Text on alt and title of image. Alt only if param notitle is set to 1. If text is "TextA:TextB", use Text A on alt and Text B on title. |
string | int | $picto | Name of image file to show (If no extension provided, we use '.png'). Image must be stored into htdocs/theme/common directory. Or level of meteo image (0-4). |
string | $moreatt | Add more attribute on img tag |
int | $pictoisfullpath | If 1, image path is a full path |
string | $morecss | More CSS |
Definition at line 4555 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto().
Referenced by showWeather().
info_admin | ( | $text, | |
$infoonimgalt = 0, | |||
$nodiv = 0, | |||
$admin = '1', | |||
$morecss = 'hideonsmartphone', | |||
$textfordropdown = '' ) |
Show information for admin users or standard users.
string | $text | Text info |
integer | $infoonimgalt | Info is shown only on alt of star picto, otherwise it is show on output after the star picto |
int | $nodiv | No div |
string | $admin | '1'=Info for admin users. '0'=Info for standard users (change only the look), 'error', 'warning', 'xxx'=Other |
string | $morecss | More CSS ('', 'warning', 'error') |
string | $textfordropdown | Show a text to click to dropdown the info box. |
Definition at line 5125 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), and img_picto().
Referenced by ActionsAdherentCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsContactCardCommon\assign_values(), FormFile\form_attach_new_file(), FormCompany\form_prospect_level(), FormCompany\formProspectContactLevel(), FormMail\get_form(), Form\getSelectConditionsPaiements(), main_area(), FormCompany\select_civility(), FormCompany\select_juridicalstatus(), FormCompany\select_state(), FormActions\select_type_actions(), Form\select_type_fees(), FormSocialContrib\select_type_socialcontrib(), Form\select_types_paiements(), FormResource\select_types_resource(), Form\selectAvailabilityDelay(), Form\selectCurrency(), Form\selectExpenseCategories(), FormTicket\selectGroupTickets(), Form\selectInputReason(), FormProjets\selectOpportunityStatus(), FormTicket\selectSeveritiesTickets(), Form\selectShippingMethod(), Form\selectTransportMode(), FormCompany\selectTypeContact(), FormWebsite\selectTypeOfContainer(), FormTicket\selectTypesTickets(), show_actions_messaging(), and FormTicket\showMessageForm().
isAFileWithExecutableContent | ( | $filename | ) |
Return if a file can contains executable content.
string | $filename | File name to test |
Definition at line 11734 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by dol_move_uploaded_file(), and Documents\post().
isASecretKey | ( | $keyname | ) |
Return if string has a name dedicated to store a secret.
string | $keyname | Name of key to test |
Definition at line 348 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_other(), Setup\getConf(), and make_substitutions().
isHTTPS | ( | ) |
Return if we are using a HTTPS connexion Check HTTPS (no way to be modified by user but may be empty or wrong if user is using a proxy) Take HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO (defined when using proxy) Then HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL.
Definition at line 3830 of file functions.lib.php.
isModEnabled | ( | $module | ) |
Is Dolibarr module enabled.
string | $module | Module name to check |
Definition at line 207 of file functions.lib.php.
isOnlyOneLocalTax | ( | $local | ) |
Return true if LocalTax (1 or 2) is unique.
Example: If localtax1 is 5 on line with highest common vat rate, return true Example: If localtax1 is 5:8:15 on line with highest common vat rate, return false
int | $local | Local tax to test (1 or 2) |
Definition at line 6334 of file functions.lib.php.
References get_localtax_by_third().
Referenced by get_localtax().
isValidEmail | ( | $address, | |
$acceptsupervisorkey = 0, | |||
$acceptuserkey = 0 ) |
Return true if email syntax is ok.
string | $address | email (Ex: "". Long form "John Do <>" will be false) |
int | $acceptsupervisorkey | If 1, the special string 'SUPERVISOREMAIL' is also accepted as valid |
int | $acceptuserkey | If 1, the special string 'USER_EMAIL' is also accepted as valid |
Definition at line 3970 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by dol_print_email(), dolObfuscateEmail(), and Notify\getNotificationsArray().
isValidMXRecord | ( | $domain | ) |
Return if the domain name has a valid MX record.
WARNING: This need function idn_to_ascii, checkdnsrr and getmxrr
string | $domain | Domain name (Ex: "", "", "") |
Definition at line 3993 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by isValidMailDomain().
isValidPhone | ( | $phone | ) |
Return true if phone number syntax is ok TODO Decide what to do with this.
string | $phone | phone (Ex: "0601010101") |
Definition at line 4025 of file functions.lib.php.
isVisibleToUserType | ( | $type_user, | |
& | $menuentry, | ||
& | $listofmodulesforexternal ) |
Function to test if an entry is enabled or not.
string | $type_user | 0=We test for internal user, 1=We test for external user |
array | $menuentry | Array for feature entry to test |
array | $listofmodulesforexternal | Array with list of modules allowed to external users |
Definition at line 10937 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by box_produits\__construct(), box_produits_alerte_stock\__construct(), get_left_menu_projects(), and print_eldy_menu().
jsonOrUnserialize | ( | $stringtodecode | ) |
Decode an encode string.
The string can be encoded in json format (recommended) or with serialize (avoid this)
string | $stringtodecode | String to decode (json or serialize coded) |
Definition at line 12005 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by BlockedLog\dolDecodeBlockedData(), ExtraFields\fetch_name_optionals_label(), Setup\getListOfExtrafields(), ExportCsv\write_record(), ExportExcel2007\write_record(), and ExportTsv\write_record().
load_fiche_titre | ( | $titre, | |
$morehtmlright = '', | |||
$picto = 'generic', | |||
$pictoisfullpath = 0, | |||
$id = '', | |||
$morecssontable = '', | |||
$morehtmlcenter = '' ) |
Load a title with picto.
string | $titre | Title to show |
string | $morehtmlright | Added message to show on right |
string | $picto | Icon to use before title (should be a 32x32 transparent png file) |
int | $pictoisfullpath | 1=Icon name is a full absolute url of image |
string | $id | To force an id on html objects |
string | $morecssontable | More css on table |
string | $morehtmlcenter | Added message to show on center |
Definition at line 5541 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_strlen().
Referenced by ActionsCardCompany\assign_values(), ActionsCardIndividual\assign_values(), displayPositionCard(), FormFile\form_attach_new_file(), Setup\getCheckIntegrity(), FormFile\list_of_autoecmfiles(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), FormFile\listOfLinks(), print_fiche_titre(), show_contacts(), show_contacts_projects(), show_list_sending_receive(), show_projects(), show_subsidiaries(), FormActions\showactions(), FormFile\showdocuments(), and Form\showLinkedObjectBlock().
make_substitutions | ( | $text, | |
$substitutionarray, | |||
$outputlangs = null, | |||
$converttextinhtmlifnecessary = 0 ) |
Make substitution into a text string, replacing keys with vals from $substitutionarray (oldval=>newval), and texts like __(TranslationKey|langfile)__ and [ConstantKey] are also replaced.
Example of usage: $substitutionarray = getCommonSubstitutionArray($langs, 0, null, $thirdparty); complete_substitutions_array($substitutionarray, $langs, $thirdparty); $mesg = make_substitutions($mesg, $substitutionarray, $langs);
string | $text | Source string in which we must do substitution |
array | $substitutionarray | Array with key->val to substitute. Example: array('MYKEY' => 'MyVal', ...) |
Translate | $outputlangs | Output language |
int | $converttextinhtmlifnecessary | 0=Convert only value into HTML if text is already in HTML 1=Will also convert initial $text into HTML if we try to insert one value that is HTML |
Definition at line 8436 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_htmlentitiesbr(), dol_nl2br(), dol_textishtml(), and isASecretKey().
Referenced by BordereauChequeBlochet\_pagefoot(), complete_head_from_modules(), Facture\create(), FactureFournisseur\create(), PartnershipUtils\doCancelStatusOfMemberPartnership(), dol_print_phone(), dolReplaceInFile(), PartnershipUtils\doWarningOfPartnershipIfDolibarrBacklinkNotfound(), FormMail\get_form(), Adherent\makeSubstitution(), Menubase\menuLoad(), EmailCollector\overwritePropertiesOfObject(), pdf_pagefoot(), pdf_watermark(), print_auguria_menu(), print_eldy_menu(), print_left_auguria_menu(), print_left_eldy_menu(), Notify\send(), ActionComm\sendEmailsReminder(), Facture\sendEmailsRemindersOnInvoiceDueDate(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyAdherent(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyCompany(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyContact(), Adherent\sendReminderForExpiredSubscription(), FormSms\show_form(), MenuManager\showmenu(), FormTicket\showMessageForm(), doc_generic_asset_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_bom_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_contract_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_mo_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_myobject_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_product_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_reception_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_recruitmentjobposition_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_shipment_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_stock_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_invoice_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_order_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_supplier_proposal_odt\write_file(), doc_generic_usergroup_odt\write_file(), pdf_aurore\write_file(), pdf_azur\write_file(), pdf_baleine\write_file(), pdf_beluga\write_file(), pdf_canelle\write_file(), pdf_cornas\write_file(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_cyan\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_einstein\write_file(), pdf_eratosthene\write_file(), pdf_espadon\write_file(), pdf_soleil\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), pdf_standard_myobject\write_file(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\write_file(), pdf_strato\write_file(), pdf_timespent\write_file(), and pdf_vinci\write_file().
natural_search | ( | $fields, | |
$value, | |||
$mode = 0, | |||
$nofirstand = 0 ) |
Generate natural SQL search string for a criteria (this criteria can be tested on one or several fields)
string | string[] | $fields | String or array of strings, filled with the name of all fields in the SQL query we must check (combined with a OR). Example: array("p.field1","p.field2") |
string | $value | The value to look for. If param $mode is 0, can contains several keywords separated with a space or | like "keyword1 keyword2" = We want record field like keyword1 AND field like keyword2 or like "keyword1|keyword2" = We want record field like keyword1 OR field like keyword2 If param $mode is 1, can contains an operator <, > or = like "<10" or ">=100.5 < -1000" If param $mode is 2 or -2, can contains a list of int id separated by comma like "1,3,4" If param $mode is 3 or -3, can contains a list of string separated by comma like "a,b,c". |
integer | $mode | 0=value is list of keyword strings, 1=value is a numeric test (Example ">5.5 <10"), 2=value is a list of ID separated with comma (Example '1,3,4'), -2 is for exclude list, 3=value is list of string separated with comma (Example 'text 1,text 2'), -3 if for exclude list, 4=value is a list of ID separated with comma (Example '2,7') to be used to search into a multiselect string '1,2,3,4' |
integer | $nofirstand | 1=Do not output the first 'AND' |
Definition at line 10108 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by addOtherFilterSQL(), BookKeeping\fetchAll(), BookKeeping\fetchAllBalance(), BookKeeping\fetchAllByAccount(), BlockedLog\getLog(), Task\getTasksArray(), FormProjets\select_projects_list(), show_actions_messaging(), show_contacts(), and pdf_standard\write_file().
newToken | ( | ) |
Return the value of token currently saved into session with name 'newtoken'.
This token must be send by any POST as it will be used by next page for comparison with value in session.
Definition at line 11750 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by dolGetButtonAction(), and show_actions_messaging().
num2Alpha | ( | $n | ) |
Return a numeric value into an Excel like column number.
So 0 return 'A', 1 returns 'B'..., 26 return 'AA'
int | string | $n | Numeric value |
Definition at line 360 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by ImportCsv\import_insert(), ImportXlsx\import_insert(), and show_elem().
picto_from_langcode | ( | $codelang, | |
$moreatt = '', | |||
$notitlealt = 0 ) |
Return img flag of country for a language code or country code.
string | $codelang | Language code ('en_IN', 'fr_CA', ...) or ISO Country code on 2 characters in uppercase ('IN', 'FR') |
string | $moreatt | Add more attribute on img tag (For example 'style="float: right"' or 'class="saturatemedium"') |
int | $notitlealt | No title alt |
Definition at line 9389 of file functions.lib.php.
References img_picto_common().
Referenced by ActionsAdherentCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), ActionsContactCardCommon\assign_values(), KnowledgeRecord\getTooltipContentArray(), User\getTooltipContentArray(), box_last_knowledgerecord\loadBox(), box_last_modified_knowledgerecord\loadBox(), Form\select_country(), FormAdmin\select_language(), Form\showrefnav(), top_menu_user(), and Form\widgetForTranslation().
picto_required | ( | ) |
Return picto saying a field is required.
Definition at line 7090 of file functions.lib.php.
price | ( | $amount, | |
$form = 0, | |||
$outlangs = '', | |||
$trunc = 1, | |||
$rounding = -1, | |||
$forcerounding = -1, | |||
$currency_code = '' ) |
Function to format a value into an amount for visual output Function used into PDF and HTML pages.
float | $amount | Amount to format |
integer | $form | Type of format, HTML or not (not by default) |
Translate | string | $outlangs | Object langs for output. '' use default lang. 'none' use international separators. |
int | $trunc | 1=Truncate if there is more decimals than MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_SHOWN (default), 0=Does not truncate. Deprecated because amount are rounded (to unit or total amount accurancy) before beeing inserted into database or after a computation, so this parameter should be useless. |
int | $rounding | MINIMUM number of decimal to show: 0=no change, -1=we use min($conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_UNIT,$conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT) |
int | string | $forcerounding | MAXIMUM number of decimal to forcerounding decimal: -1=no change, 'MU' or 'MT' or numeric to round to MU or MT or to a given number of decimal |
string | $currency_code | To add currency symbol (''=add nothing, 'auto'=Use default currency, 'XXX'=add currency symbols for XXX currency) |
Definition at line 5893 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_strlen(), and getDolGlobalString().
Referenced by MouvementStock\_create(), Product\_log_price(), pdf_standard\_pagehead(), RejetPrelevement\_send_email(), pdf_standard\_tableau_cheque(), pdf_aurore\_tableau_tot(), pdf_azur\_tableau_tot(), pdf_canelle\_tableau_tot(), pdf_cornas\_tableau_tot(), pdf_crabe\_tableau_tot(), pdf_eagle\_tableau_tot(), pdf_einstein\_tableau_tot(), pdf_espadon\_tableau_tot(), pdf_muscadet\_tableau_tot(), pdf_rouget\_tableau_tot(), pdf_squille\_tableau_tot(), pdf_vinci\_tableau_tot(), pdf_canelle\_tableau_versements(), pdf_crabe\_tableau_versements(), BordereauChequeBlochet\Body(), pdf_paiement\Body(), CommonInvoice\buildSwitzerlandQRString(), ExpenseReport\checkRules(), Form\constructProductListOption(), Product\create(), Productcustomerprice\create(), Facture\createDepositFromOrigin(), Propal\createFromClone(), ProductFournisseur\display_price_product_fournisseur(), FormMargin\displayMarginInfos(), pdf_sponge\drawPaymentsTable(), pdf_cyan\drawTotalTable(), pdf_eagle_proforma\drawTotalTable(), pdf_eratosthene\drawTotalTable(), pdf_sponge\drawTotalTable(), Form\editfieldval(), Form\editInPlace(), envoi_mail(), AccountancyExport\exportAgiris(), AccountancyExport\exportBob50(), AccountancyExport\exportCharlemagne(), AccountancyExport\exportCoala(), AccountancyExport\exportCogilog(), AccountancyExport\exportiSuiteExpert(), AccountancyExport\exportLDCompta(), AccountancyExport\exportLDCompta10(), AccountancyExport\exportOpenConcerto(), FactureLigneRec\fetch(), MouvementStock\fetch(), OrderLine\fetch(), Product\fetch(), Productcustomerprice\fetch(), PropaleLigne\fetch(), ExpenseReport\fetch_line_by_project(), CommonDocGenerator\fill_substitutionarray_with_extrafields(), Form\form_multicurrency_rate(), Form\form_remise_dispo(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_lines(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_object(), doc_generic_project_odt\get_substitutionarray_project_reference(), doc_generic_task_odt\get_substitutionarray_project_reference(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_shipment(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_shipment_lines(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_thirdparty(), ProjectStats\getAllProjectByStatus(), AccountingJournal\getAssetData(), getCommonSubstitutionArray(), getCustomerInvoiceUnpaidOpenTable(), Account\getKanbanView(), BonPrelevement\getKanbanView(), Don\getKanbanView(), FactureFournisseur\getKanbanView(), Loan\getKanbanView(), Localtax\getKanbanView(), PaymentExpenseReport\getKanbanView(), PaymentSalary\getKanbanView(), PaymentVarious\getKanbanView(), Product\getKanbanView(), Propal\getKanbanView(), RemiseCheque\getKanbanView(), SupplierProposal\getKanbanView(), Tva\getKanbanView(), AccountLine\getNomUrl(), BonPrelevement\getNomUrl(), Paiement\getNomUrl(), PaiementFourn\getNomUrl(), getPurchaseInvoiceUnpaidOpenTable(), AssetDepreciationOptions\getRate(), Product\getSellPrice(), Commande\getTooltipContentArray(), CommandeFournisseur\getTooltipContentArray(), Contrat\getTooltipContentArray(), ExpenseReport\getTooltipContentArray(), Facture\getTooltipContentArray(), FactureFournisseur\getTooltipContentArray(), PaymentSalary\getTooltipContentArray(), Product\getTooltipContentArray(), Propal\getTooltipContentArray(), SupplierProposal\getTooltipContentArray(), BordereauChequeBlochet\Header(), Productcustomerprice\initAsSpecimen(), OrderLine\insert(), box_accountancy_last_manual_entries\loadBox(), box_activity\loadBox(), box_commandes\loadBox(), box_comptes\loadBox(), box_factures\loadBox(), box_factures_fourn\loadBox(), box_factures_fourn_imp\loadBox(), box_factures_imp\loadBox(), box_funnel_of_prospection\loadBox(), box_members_last_subscriptions\loadBox(), box_members_subscriptions_by_year\loadBox(), box_produits\loadBox(), box_produits_alerte_stock\loadBox(), box_project_opportunities\loadBox(), box_propales\loadBox(), box_supplier_orders\loadBox(), box_supplier_orders_awaiting_reception\loadBox(), loanCalcMonthlyPayment(), pdf_getlinetotalexcltax(), pdf_getlinetotalwithtax(), pdf_getlineupexcltax(), pdf_getlineupwithtax(), pdf_pagefoot(), print_projecttasks_array(), pdf_standard\printLine(), CommonObject\printOriginLine(), projectLinesa(), Form\select_product_fourn_price(), Form\select_produits_fournisseurs_list(), Form\select_remises(), sendEmailTo(), dolReceiptPrinter\sendToPrinter(), BonPrelevement\set_infotrans(), show_contacts_projects(), show_projects(), show_stats_for_company(), showDimensionInBestUnit(), CommonObject\showInputField(), ExtraFields\showInputField(), Form\showLinkToObjectBlock(), ExtraFields\showOutputField(), pdf_standard\tablePayments(), FactureLigneRec\update(), OrderLine\update(), Productcustomerprice\update(), PropaleLigne\update(), Product\updatePrice(), vatrate(), html_cerfafr\write_file(), pdf_beluga\write_file(), pdf_eagle\write_file(), pdf_eagle_proforma\write_file(), pdf_espadon\write_file(), pdf_paiement\write_file(), pdf_rouget\write_file(), pdf_squille\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), and pdf_strato\write_file().
price2num | ( | $amount, | |
$rounding = '', | |||
$option = 0 ) |
Function that return a number with universal decimal format (decimal separator is '.
') from an amount typed by a user. Function to use on each input amount before any numeric test or database insert. A better name for this function should be roundtext2num().
string | float | $amount | Amount to convert/clean or round |
string | int | $rounding | ''=No rounding 'MU'=Round to Max unit price (MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_UNIT) 'MT'=Round to Max for totals with Tax (MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT) 'MS'=Round to Max for stock quantity (MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_STOCK) 'CU'=Round to Max unit price of foreign currency accuracy 'CT'=Round to Max for totals with Tax of foreign currency accuracy Numeric = Nb of digits for rounding (For example 2 for a percentage) |
int | $option | Put 1 if you know that content is already universal format number (so no correction on decimal will be done) Put 2 if you know that number is a user input (so we know we have to fix decimal separator). |
Definition at line 6020 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_strlen().
Referenced by MouvementStock\_create(), Invoices\_fetch(), Thirdparties\_fetch(), Product\_log_price(), pdf_standard\_pagehead(), pdf_standard\_tableau_cheque(), pdf_azur\_tableau_tot(), pdf_canelle\_tableau_tot(), pdf_cornas\_tableau_tot(), pdf_crabe\_tableau_tot(), pdf_einstein\_tableau_tot(), pdf_muscadet\_tableau_tot(), pdf_vinci\_tableau_tot(), Product\add_fournisseur(), Product\add_sousproduit(), BOM\addLine(), BonPrelevement\addline(), Commande\addline(), CommandeFournisseur\addline(), Contrat\addline(), ExpenseReport\addline(), Facture\addline(), FactureFournisseur\addline(), FactureFournisseurRec\addline(), FactureRec\addline(), FichinterRec\addline(), Propal\addline(), SupplierProposal\addline(), Holiday\addLogCP(), Invoices\addPayment(), Localtax\addPayment(), SupplierInvoices\addPayment(), Tva\addPayment(), Invoices\addPaymentDistributed(), Products\addVariant(), Products\addVariantByProductRef(), CommandeFournisseur\approve(), Lettering\bookkeepingLettering(), CommonInvoice\buildSwitzerlandQRString(), CommonInvoice\buildZATCAQRString(), calcul_price_total(), BOM\calculateCosts(), Asset\calculationDepreciation(), ChargeSociales\check(), PaymentVarious\check(), ExpenseReport\computeTotalKm(), Form\constructProductListOption(), Account\create(), CashControl\create(), ChargeSociales\create(), CurrencyRate\create(), DiscountAbsolute\create(), Don\create(), Facture\create(), FactureFournisseur\create(), Loan\create(), LoanSchedule\create(), Paiement\create(), PaiementFourn\create(), PaymentDonation\create(), PaymentExpenseReport\create(), PaymentLoan\create(), PaymentSalary\create(), PaymentSocialContribution\create(), PaymentVarious\create(), PaymentVAT\create(), Product\create(), Productcustomerprice\create(), Project\create(), RejetPrelevement\create(), Salary\create(), Delivery\create_line(), SupplierProposal\createPriceFournisseur(), ProductCombination\createProductCombination(), Mo\createProduction(), BookKeeping\createStd(), CommonInvoice\demande_prelevement(), pdf_cyan\drawTotalTable(), pdf_eagle_proforma\drawTotalTable(), pdf_eratosthene\drawTotalTable(), pdf_sponge\drawTotalTable(), Form\editfieldval(), AccountancyExport\exportConfigurable(), AccountancyExport\exportEbp(), AccountancyExport\exportGestimumV3(), AccountancyExport\exportGestimumV5(), Product\fetch(), Societe\fetch(), Contrat\fetch_lines(), ProductFournisseur\fetch_product_fournisseur_price(), Productcustomerprice\fetchAll(), CommonDocGenerator\fill_substitutionarray_with_extrafields(), ProductFournisseur\find_min_price_product_fournisseur(), Productbatch\findAllForProduct(), Form\form_multicurrency_rate(), Dolistore\get_products(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_lines(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_object(), ProjectStats\getAllProjectByStatus(), Fichinter\getAmount(), AccountingJournal\getAssetData(), DiscountAbsolute\getAvailableDiscounts(), getCommonSubstitutionArray(), Account\getKanbanView(), getMarginInfos(), ExtraFields\getOptionalsFromPost(), AssetDepreciationOptions\getRate(), CommonInvoice\getRemainToPay(), CommonObject\getTotalDiscount(), ImportCsv\import_insert(), ImportXlsx\import_insert(), Invoices\index(), AccountLine\insert(), CommandeFournisseurLigne\insert(), ContratLigne\insert(), ExpenseReportLine\insert(), OrderLine\insert(), PropaleLigne\insert(), SupplierInvoiceLine\insert(), SupplierProposalLine\insert(), CommonObject\insertExtraFields(), CommonObject\insertExtraLanguages(), ProductFournisseur\list_product_fournisseur_price(), Product\load_stats_bom(), Product\load_stats_mo(), box_funnel_of_prospection\loadBox(), box_members_subscriptions_by_year\loadBox(), box_produits_alerte_stock\loadBox(), Productlot\loadStatsMo(), FormProduct\loadWarehouses(), loanCalcMonthlyPayment(), ProductFournisseur\logPrice(), ordersupplier_prepare_head(), pdf_pagefoot(), print_projecttasks_array(), CommonObject\printObjectLine(), CommonObject\quote(), RemiseCheque\rejectCheck(), Form\select_produits_fournisseurs_list(), Form\select_produits_list(), BonPrelevement\set_infocredit(), Commande\set_remise_absolue(), Facture\set_remise_absolue(), Propal\set_remise_absolue(), SupplierProposal\set_remise_absolue(), Societe\set_remise_except(), Propal\set_remise_percent(), SupplierProposal\set_remise_percent(), AssetDepreciationOptions\setDeprecationOptionsFromPost(), Commande\setDiscount(), Facture\setDiscount(), ExtraFields\setOptionalsFromPost(), CommonObject\setValuesForExtraLanguages(), InterfaceWorkflowManager\shouldClassify(), showMyBalance(), CommonObject\showOptionals(), Account\solde(), Adherent\subscriptionComplementaryActions(), BankAccounts\transfer(), CUnits\unitConverter(), Account\update(), BookKeeping\update(), ContratLigne\update(), CurrencyRate\update(), Deplacement\update(), Don\update(), ExpeditionLigne\update(), ExpenseReportLine\update(), FactureFournisseurLigneRec\update(), FactureLigne\update(), PaymentSocialContribution\update(), PaymentVAT\update(), Product\update(), Productcustomerprice\update(), Project\update(), PropaleLigne\update(), Societe\update(), SupplierInvoiceLine\update(), ProductFournisseur\update_buyprice(), CommonObject\update_price(), CommonObject\updateExtraField(), CommandeFournisseur\updateFromCommandeClient(), BOM\updateLine(), Commande\updateline(), CommandeFournisseur\updateline(), Contrat\updateline(), ExpenseReport\updateline(), Facture\updateline(), FactureFournisseur\updateline(), FactureFournisseurRec\updateline(), FactureRec\updateline(), Propal\updateline(), SupplierProposal\updateline(), Product\updatePrice(), SupplierProposal\updatePriceFournisseur(), Mo\updateProduction(), Holiday\updateSoldeCP(), FactureFournisseur\validate(), doc_generic_project_odt\write_file(), pdf_squille\write_file(), pdf_standard\write_file(), and AccountingJournal\writeIntoBookkeeping().
print_barre_liste | ( | $titre, | |
$page, | |||
$file, | |||
$options = '', | |||
$sortfield = '', | |||
$sortorder = '', | |||
$morehtmlcenter = '', | |||
$num = -1, | |||
$totalnboflines = '', | |||
$picto = 'generic', | |||
$pictoisfullpath = 0, | |||
$morehtmlright = '', | |||
$morecss = '', | |||
$limit = -1, | |||
$hideselectlimit = 0, | |||
$hidenavigation = 0, | |||
$pagenavastextinput = 0, | |||
$morehtmlrightbeforearrow = '' ) |
Print a title with navigation controls for pagination.
string | $titre | Title to show (required) |
int | null | $page | Numero of page to show in navigation links (required) |
string | $file | Url of page (required) |
string | $options | More parameters for links ('' by default, does not include sortfield neither sortorder). Value must be 'urlencoded' before calling function. |
string | $sortfield | Field to sort on ('' by default) |
string | $sortorder | Order to sort ('' by default) |
string | $morehtmlcenter | String in the middle ('' by default). We often find here string $massaction comming from $form->selectMassAction() |
int | $num | Number of records found by select with limit+1 |
int | string | $totalnboflines | Total number of records/lines for all pages (if known). Use a negative value of number to not show number. Use '' if unknown. |
string | $picto | Icon to use before title (should be a 32x32 transparent png file) |
int | $pictoisfullpath | 1=Icon name is a full absolute url of image |
string | $morehtmlright | More html to show (after arrows) |
string | $morecss | More css to the table |
int | $limit | Max number of lines (-1 = use default, 0 = no limit, > 0 = limit). |
int | $hideselectlimit | Force to hide select limit |
int | $hidenavigation | Force to hide the arrows and page for navigation |
int | $pagenavastextinput | 1=Do not suggest list of pages to navigate but suggest the page number into an input field. |
string | $morehtmlrightbeforearrow | More html to show (before arrows) |
Definition at line 5594 of file functions.lib.php.
References ajax_autoselect(), and print_fleche_navigation().
Referenced by report_header().
print_date_range | ( | $date_start, | |
$date_end, | |||
$format = '', | |||
$outputlangs = '' ) |
Format output for start and end date.
int | $date_start | Start date |
int | $date_end | End date |
string | $format | Output format |
Translate | $outputlangs | Output language |
Definition at line 8614 of file functions.lib.php.
References get_date_range().
Referenced by show_list_sending_receive().
print_fiche_titre | ( | $title, | |
$mesg = '', | |||
$picto = 'generic', | |||
$pictoisfullpath = 0, | |||
$id = '' ) |
Show a title with picto.
string | $title | Title to show |
string | $mesg | Added message to show on right |
string | $picto | Icon to use before title (should be a 32x32 transparent png file) |
int | $pictoisfullpath | 1=Icon name is a full absolute url of image |
int | $id | To force an id on html objects |
Definition at line 5523 of file functions.lib.php.
References load_fiche_titre().
print_fleche_navigation | ( | $page, | |
$file, | |||
$options = '', | |||
$nextpage = 0, | |||
$betweenarrows = '', | |||
$afterarrows = '', | |||
$limit = -1, | |||
$totalnboflines = 0, | |||
$hideselectlimit = 0, | |||
$beforearrows = '', | |||
$hidenavigation = 0 ) |
Function to show navigation arrows into lists.
int | $page | Number of page |
string | $file | Page URL (in most cases provided with $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) |
string | $options | Other url parameters to propagate ("" by default, may include sortfield and sortorder) |
integer | $nextpage | Do we show a next page button |
string | $betweenarrows | HTML content to show between arrows. MUST contains ' ' tags or ' '. |
string | $afterarrows | HTML content to show after arrows. Must NOT contains ' ' tags. |
int | $limit | Max nb of record to show (-1 = no combo with limit, 0 = no limit, > 0 = limit) |
int | $totalnboflines | Total number of records/lines for all pages (if known) |
int | $hideselectlimit | Force to hide select limit |
string | $beforearrows | HTML content to show before arrows. Must NOT contains ' ' tags. |
int | $hidenavigation | Force to hide the switch mode view and the navigation tool (hide limit section, html in $betweenarrows and $afterarrows but not $beforearrows) |
Definition at line 5752 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag().
Referenced by print_barre_liste().
print_liste_field_titre | ( | $name, | |
$file = "", | |||
$field = "", | |||
$begin = "", | |||
$moreparam = "", | |||
$moreattrib = "", | |||
$sortfield = "", | |||
$sortorder = "", | |||
$prefix = "", | |||
$tooltip = "", | |||
$forcenowrapcolumntitle = 0 ) |
Show title line of an array.
string | $name | Label of field |
string | $file | Url used when we click on sort picto |
string | $field | Field to use for new sorting |
string | $begin | ("" by defaut) |
string | $moreparam | Add more parameters on sort url links ("" by default) |
string | $moreattrib | Options of attribute td ("" by defaut) |
string | $sortfield | Current field used to sort |
string | $sortorder | Current sort order |
string | $prefix | Prefix for css. Use space after prefix to add your own CSS tag, for example 'mycss '. |
string | $tooltip | Tooltip |
string | $forcenowrapcolumntitle | No need for use 'wrapcolumntitle' css style |
Definition at line 5359 of file functions.lib.php.
References getTitleFieldOfList().
Referenced by FormFile\list_of_autoecmfiles(), FormFile\list_of_documents(), FormFile\listOfLinks(), and print_projecttasks_array().
print_titre | ( | $title | ) |
Show a title.
string | $title | Title to show |
Definition at line 5505 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_syslog().
printCommonFooter | ( | $zone = 'private' | ) |
Print common footer : conf->global->MAIN_HTML_FOOTER js for switch of menu hider js for conf->global->MAIN_GOOGLE_AN_ID js for conf->global->MAIN_SHOW_TUNING_INFO or $_SERVER["MAIN_SHOW_TUNING_INFO"] js for conf->logbuffer.
string | $zone | 'private' (for private pages) or 'public' (for public pages) |
Definition at line 9824 of file functions.lib.php.
References GETPOST(), and name.
Referenced by llxFooterVierge().
readfileLowMemory | ( | $fullpath_original_file_osencoded, | |
$method = -1 ) |
Return a file on output using a low memory.
It can return very large files with no need of memory. WARNING: This close output buffers.
string | $fullpath_original_file_osencoded | Full path of file to return. |
int | $method | -1 automatic, 0=readfile, 1=fread, 2=stream_copy_to_stream |
Definition at line 11929 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by AccountancyExport\export().
roundUpToNextMultiple | ( | $n, | |
$x = 5 ) |
Round to next multiple.
double | $n | Number to round up |
integer | $x | Multiple. For example 60 to round up to nearest exact minute for a date with seconds. |
Definition at line 10978 of file functions.lib.php.
sanitizeVal | ( | $out = '', | |
$check = 'alphanohtml', | |||
$filter = null, | |||
$options = null ) |
Return a sanitized or empty value after checking value against a rule.
string | array | $out | Value to check/clear. |
string | $check | Type of check/sanitizing |
int | $filter | Filter to apply when $check is set to 'custom'. (See for détails) |
mixed | $options | Options to pass to filter_var when $check is set to 'custom' |
Return a prefix to use for this Dolibarr instance, for session/cookie names or email id. The prefix is unique for instance and avoid conflict between multi-instances, even when having two instances with same root dir or two instances in same virtual servers. This function must not use dol_hash (that is used for password hash) and need to have all context $conf loaded.
string | $mode | '' (prefix for session name) or 'email' (prefix for email id) |
Definition at line 961 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_html_entity_decode(), dol_htmlwithnojs(), and dol_string_nohtmltag().
Referenced by DolibarrApi\_checkValForAPI(), BankAccounts\addLine(), BankAccounts\addLink(), Products\addPurchasePrice(), Export\build_filterQuery(), checkVal(), Categorie\getListForItem(), GETPOST(), RssParser\parser(), Contracts\postLine(), Invoices\postLine(), Orders\postLine(), Proposals\postLine(), SupplierInvoices\postLine(), Contracts\putLine(), Invoices\putLine(), Orders\putLine(), Proposals\putLine(), SupplierInvoices\putLine(), and BankAccounts\transfer().
setEntity | ( | $currentobject | ) |
Set entity id to use when to create an object.
object | $currentobject | Current object |
Definition at line 331 of file functions.lib.php.
setEventMessage | ( | $mesgs, | |
$style = 'mesgs', | |||
$noduplicate = 0 ) |
Set event message in dol_events session object.
Will be output by calling dol_htmloutput_events. Note: Calling dol_htmloutput_events is done into pages by standard llxFooter() function. Note: Prefer to use setEventMessages instead.
string | string[] | $mesgs | Message string or array |
string | $style | Which style to use ('mesgs' by default, 'warnings', 'errors') |
int | $noduplicate | 1 means we do not add the message if already present in session stack |
Definition at line 8707 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by FileUpload\__construct(), Skill\createSkills(), Societe\getParentsForCompany(), InterfaceWorkflowManager\runTrigger(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyAdherent(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyCompany(), DataPolicy\sendMailDataPolicyContact(), setEventMessages(), show_actions_done(), show_actions_messaging(), show_stats_for_company(), and CommandeFournisseur\updateline().
setEventMessages | ( | $mesg, | |
$mesgs, | |||
$style = 'mesgs', | |||
$messagekey = '', | |||
$noduplicate = 0 ) |
Set event messages in dol_events session object.
Will be output by calling dol_htmloutput_events. Note: Calling dol_htmloutput_events is done into pages by standard llxFooter() function.
string | $mesg | Message string |
array | null | $mesgs | Message array |
string | $style | Which style to use ('mesgs' by default, 'warnings', 'errors') |
string | $messagekey | A key to be used to allow the feature "Never show this message again" |
int | $noduplicate | 1 means we do not add the message if already present in session stack |
Definition at line 8743 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), and setEventMessage().
Referenced by activateModulesRequiredByCountry(), CommandeFournisseur\addline(), checkPHPCode(), completeFileArrayWithDatabaseInfo(), InterfaceTicketEmail\composeAndSendAssigneeMessage(), conferenceorboothProjectPrepareHead(), PaiementFourn\create(), Societe\create_from_member(), Website\createFromClone(), pdf_cornas\defineColumnField(), pdf_cyan\defineColumnField(), pdf_eagle_proforma\defineColumnField(), pdf_eratosthene\defineColumnField(), pdf_espadon\defineColumnField(), pdf_sponge\defineColumnField(), pdf_standard_asset\defineColumnField(), pdf_standard_myobject\defineColumnField(), pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\defineColumnField(), pdf_storm\defineColumnField(), pdf_vinci\defineColumnField(), Mo\deleteLine(), FormMargin\displayMarginInfos(), displayRankInfos(), ActionsDatapolicy\doActions(), EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector(), dol_add_file_process(), dol_banner_tab(), dol_copy(), dol_delete_file(), dol_move(), dol_remove_file_process(), dolGetButtonAction(), StockTransferLine\doStockMovement(), Website\exportWebSite(), FormSetup\generateLineOutput(), FormSetup\generateOutput(), FormSetup\generateTableOutput(), FormMail\get_form(), getAllImages(), CommonDocGenerator\getExtrafieldContent(), CommonObject\indexFile(), User\loadDefaultValues(), Ticket\newMessage(), CommonDocGenerator\pdfTabTitles(), ProductAttribute\printObjectLines(), CommonDocGenerator\printStdColumnContent(), project_prepare_head(), rebuildObjectClass(), rebuildObjectSql(), redirectToContainer(), InterfaceTicketEmail\runTrigger(), InterfaceWorkflowManager\runTrigger(), FormSetup\saveConfFromPost(), dolReceiptPrinter\sendTestToPrinter(), Ticket\sendTicketMessageByEmail(), dolReceiptPrinter\sendToPrinter(), AssetDepreciationOptions\setDeprecationOptionsFromPost(), ExtraFields\setOptionalsFromPost(), Societe\setParent(), show_contacts(), show_stats_for_batch(), show_stats_for_company(), FormFile\showdocuments(), FormTicket\showMessageForm(), Link\update(), Facture\validate(), pdf_azur\write_file(), and pdf_cyan\write_file().
show_actions_messaging | ( | $conf, | |
$langs, | |||
$db, | |||
$filterobj, | |||
$objcon = '', | |||
$noprint = 0, | |||
$actioncode = '', | |||
$donetodo = 'done', | |||
$filters = array(), | |||
$sortfield = 'a.datep, | |||' | , | ||
$sortorder = 'DESC' ) |
Show html area with actions in messaging format.
Note: Global parameter $param must be defined.
Conf | $conf | Object conf |
Translate | $langs | Object langs |
DoliDB | $db | Object db |
mixed | $filterobj | Filter on object Adherent|Societe|Project|Product|CommandeFournisseur|Dolresource|Ticket|... to list events linked to an object |
Contact | $objcon | Filter on object contact to filter events on a contact |
int | $noprint | Return string but does not output it |
string | $actioncode | Filter on actioncode |
string | $donetodo | Filter on event 'done' or 'todo' or ''=nofilter (all). |
array | $filters | Filter on other fields |
string | $sortfield | Sort field |
string | $sortorder | Sort order |
Definition at line 12293 of file functions.lib.php.
References $formactions, dol_buildpath(), dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_getdate(), dol_include_once(), dol_mimetype(), dol_now(), dol_print_date(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), dol_trunc(), getActionCommEcmList(), getDolGlobalString(), getTimelineIcon(), getTitleFieldOfList(), img_mime(), img_object(), img_warning(), info_admin(), natural_search(), newToken(), and setEventMessage().
showDimensionInBestUnit | ( | $dimension, | |
$unit, | |||
$type, | |||
$outputlangs, | |||
$round = -1, | |||
$forceunitoutput = 'no', | |||
$use_short_label = 0 ) |
Output a dimension with best unit.
float | $dimension | Dimension |
int | $unit | Unit scale of dimension (Example: 0=kg, -3=g, -6=mg, 98=ounce, 99=pound, ...) |
string | $type | 'weight', 'volume', ... |
Translate | $outputlangs | Translate language object |
int | $round | -1 = non rounding, x = number of decimal |
string | $forceunitoutput | 'no' or numeric (-3, -6, ...) compared to $unit (In most case, this value is value defined into $conf->global->MAIN_WEIGHT_DEFAULT_UNIT) |
int | $use_short_label | 1=Use short label ('g' instead of 'gram'). Short labels are not translated. |
Definition at line 6152 of file functions.lib.php.
References price().
Referenced by pdf_eagle\_tableau_tot(), pdf_espadon\_tableau_tot(), pdf_rouget\_tableau_tot(), pdf_squille\_tableau_tot(), Form\constructProductListOption(), and Form\select_produits_fournisseurs_list().
showDirectDownloadLink | ( | $object | ) |
Return string with full Url.
The file qualified is the one defined by relative path in $object->last_main_doc
Object | $object | Object |
Definition at line 10282 of file functions.lib.php.
showValueWithClipboardCPButton | ( | $valuetocopy, | |
$showonlyonhover = 1, | |||
$texttoshow = '' ) |
Create a button to copy $valuetocopy in the clipboard (for copy and paste feature).
Code that handle the click is inside core/js/lib_foot.js.php.
string | $valuetocopy | The value to print |
int | $showonlyonhover | Show the copy-paste button only on hover |
string | $texttoshow | Replace the value to show with this text. Use 'none' to show no text (only the copy-paste picto) |
Definition at line 11977 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag().
Referenced by dol_print_profids().
startSimpleTable | ( | $header, | |
$link = "", | |||
$arguments = "", | |||
$emptyRows = 0, | |||
$number = -1 ) |
Start a table with headers and a optinal clickable number (don't forget to use "finishSimpleTable()" after the last table row)
string | $header | The first left header of the table (automatic translated) |
string | $link | (optional) The link to a internal dolibarr page, when click on the number (without the first "/") |
string | $arguments | (optional) Additional arguments for the link (e.g. "search_status=0") |
integer | $emptyRows | (optional) The count of empty rows after the first header |
integer | $number | (optional) The number that is shown right after the first header, when not set the link is shown on the right side of the header as "FullList" |
Definition at line 11796 of file functions.lib.php.
utf8_check | ( | $str | ) |
Check if a string is in UTF8.
string | $str | String to check |
Definition at line 9048 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_strlen().
Referenced by CMailFile\check_server_port(), dol_delete_dir_recursive(), dol_dir_list(), dol_print_error(), dol_print_file(), dol_string_unaccent(), ImportCsv\import_read_record(), Product\is_photo_available(), Ticket\is_photo_available(), Product\liste_photos(), box_external_rss\loadBox(), and show_elem().
utf8_valid | ( | $str | ) |
Check if a string is in UTF8.
string | $str | String to check |
Definition at line 9085 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by EmailCollector\doCollectOneCollector().
vatrate | ( | $rate, | |
$addpercent = false, | |||
$info_bits = 0, | |||
$usestarfornpr = 0, | |||
$html = 0 ) |
Return a string with VAT rate label formated for view output Used into pdf and HTML pages.
string | $rate | Rate value to format ('19.6', '19,6', '19.6', '19,6', '19.6 (CODEX)', ...) |
boolean | $addpercent | Add a percent % sign in output |
int | $info_bits | Miscellaneous information on vat (0=Default, 1=French NPR vat) |
int | $usestarfornpr | -1=Never show, 0 or 1=Use '*' for NPR vat rates |
int | $html | Used for html output |
Definition at line 5844 of file functions.lib.php.
References price().
Referenced by pdf_aurore\_tableau_tot(), pdf_azur\_tableau_tot(), pdf_canelle\_tableau_tot(), pdf_cornas\_tableau_tot(), pdf_crabe\_tableau_tot(), pdf_einstein\_tableau_tot(), pdf_muscadet\_tableau_tot(), pdf_vinci\_tableau_tot(), Form\constructProductListOption(), dol_print_reduction(), pdf_cyan\drawTotalTable(), pdf_eratosthene\drawTotalTable(), pdf_sponge\drawTotalTable(), ExpenseReportLine\fetch(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_lines(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_object(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_shipment_lines(), ExpenseReportLine\insert(), Form\load_tva(), pdf_getlinevatrate(), CommonObject\printOriginLine(), Form\select_produits_fournisseurs_list(), and ExpenseReportLine\update().
verifCond | ( | $strToEvaluate | ) |
Verify if condition in string is ok or not.
string | $strToEvaluate | String with condition to check |
Definition at line 9211 of file functions.lib.php.
References dol_eval().
Referenced by complete_head_from_modules(), ActionsCardProduct\getFieldListCanvas(), ActionsCardService\getFieldListCanvas(), Export\load_arrays(), and Menubase\menuLoad().
yn | ( | $yesno, | |
$case = 1, | |||
$color = 0 ) |
Return yes or no in current language.
string | int | $yesno | Value to test (1, 'yes', 'true' or 0, 'no', 'false') |
integer | $case | 1=Yes/No, 0=yes/no, 2=Disabled checkbox, 3=Disabled checkbox + Yes/No |
int | $color | 0=texte only, 1=Text is formated with a color font style ('ok' or 'error'), 2=Text is formated with 'ok' color. |
Definition at line 6889 of file functions.lib.php.
Referenced by ActionsCardCommon\assign_values(), AdherentType\getKanbanView(), CommandeFournisseur\getKanbanView(), AccountLine\getNomUrl(), ActionComm\getNomUrl(), getResultColumn(), ModeleNumRefBarCode\getToolTip(), ModeleNumRefMembers\getToolTip(), ModeleProductCode\getToolTip(), ModeleThirdPartyCode\getToolTip(), ActionComm\getTooltipContentArray(), AdherentType\getTooltipContentArray(), User\getTooltipContentArray(), mod_codecompta_aquarium\info(), mod_codecompta_digitaria\info(), Adherent\makeSubstitution(), showSkins(), and top_menu_user().