dolibarr 20.0.5
modulebuilder.lib.php File Reference

Set of function for modulebuilder management. More...

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 rebuildObjectClass ($destdir, $module, $objectname, $newmask, $readdir='', $addfieldentry=array(), $delfieldentry='')
 Regenerate files .class.php.
 rebuildObjectSql ($destdir, $module, $objectname, $newmask, $readdir='', $object=null, $moduletype='external')
 Save data into a memory area shared by all users, all sessions on server.
 dolGetListOfObjectClasses ($destdir)
 Get list of existing objects from a directory.
 checkExistComment ($file, $number)
 Function to check if comment BEGIN and END exists in modMyModule class.
 deletePerms ($file)
 Delete all permissions.
 compareFirstValue ($a, $b)
 Compare two value.
 reWriteAllPermissions ($file, $permissions, $key, $right, $objectname, $module, $action)
 Rewriting all permissions after any actions.
 parsePropertyString ($string)
 Converts a formatted properties string into an associative array.
 writePropsInAsciiDoc ($file, $objectname, $destfile)
 Write all properties of the object in AsciiDoc format.
 deletePropsAndPermsFromDoc ($file, $objectname)
 Delete property and permissions from documentation ascii file if we delete an object.
 getFromFile ($file, $start, $end, $excludestart='', $includese=0)
 Search a string and return all lines needed from file.
 writePermsInAsciiDoc ($file, $destfile)
 Write all permissions of each object in AsciiDoc format.
 addObjectsToApiFile ($srcfile, $file, $objects, $modulename)
 Add Object in ModuleApi File.
 removeObjectFromApiFile ($file, $objects, $objectname)
 Remove Object variables and methods from API_Module File.
 reWriteAllMenus ($file, $menus, $menuWantTo, $key, $action)
 updateDictionaryInFile ($module, $file, $dicts)
 Updates a dictionary in a module descriptor file.
 createNewDictionnary ($modulename, $file, $namedic, $dictionnaires=null)
 Creates a new dictionary table.
 writeApiUrlsInDoc ($file_api, $file_doc)
 Generate Urls and add them to documentation module.
 countItemsInDirectory ($path, $type=1)
 count directories or files in modulebuilder folder

Detailed Description

Set of function for modulebuilder management.

Definition in file modulebuilder.lib.php.

Function Documentation

◆ addObjectsToApiFile()

addObjectsToApiFile ( $srcfile,
$modulename )

Add Object in ModuleApi File.

string$srcfileSource file to use as example
string$filePath of modified file
string[]$objectsArray of objects in the module
string$modulenameName of module
int<-1,1> Return 1 if OK, -1 if KO

Definition at line 983 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dol_now(), dol_print_date(), dolReplaceInFile(), getFromFile(), and make_substitutions().

◆ checkExistComment()

checkExistComment ( $file,
$number )

Function to check if comment BEGIN and END exists in modMyModule class.

string$fileFilename or path
int$number0 = For Menus, 1 = For permissions, 2 = For Dictionaries
int 1 if OK , -1 if KO

Definition at line 469 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

◆ compareFirstValue()

compareFirstValue ( $a,
$b )

Compare two value.

int | string$avalue 1
int | string$bvalue 2
int less 0 if str1 is less than str2; > 0 if str1 is greater than str2, and 0 if they are equal.

Definition at line 546 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

◆ countItemsInDirectory()

countItemsInDirectory ( $path,
$type = 1 )

count directories or files in modulebuilder folder

string$pathpath of directory
int$typetype of file 1= file,2=directory

Definition at line 1434 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

◆ createNewDictionnary()

createNewDictionnary ( $modulename,
$dictionnaires = null )

Creates a new dictionary table.

for creating a new dictionary table in Dolibarr. It generates the necessary SQL code to define the table structure, including columns such as 'rowid', 'code', 'label', 'position', 'use_default', 'active', etc. The table name is constructed based on the provided $namedic parameter.

string$modulenameThe lowercase name of the module for which the dictionary table is being created.
string$fileThe file path to the Dolibarr module builder file where the dictionaries are defined.
string$namedicThe name of the dictionary, which will also be used as the base for the table name.
array<string,string|array<string,int|string>>$dictionnaires An optional array containing pre-existing dictionary data, including 'tabname', 'tablib', 'tabsql', etc.
int<-1,-1> Return int < 0 if error, return nothing on success

Definition at line 1296 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dol_print_error(), setEventMessages(), and updateDictionaryInFile().

◆ deletePerms()

deletePerms ( $file)

Delete all permissions.

string$filefile with path

Definition at line 513 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dolReplaceInFile().

Referenced by reWriteAllPermissions().

◆ deletePropsAndPermsFromDoc()

deletePropsAndPermsFromDoc ( $file,
$objectname )

Delete property and permissions from documentation ascii file if we delete an object.

string$filefile or path
string$objectnamename of object wants to deleted

Definition at line 824 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dol_is_file().

◆ dolGetListOfObjectClasses()

dolGetListOfObjectClasses ( $destdir)

Get list of existing objects from a directory.

array|int Return integer <=0 if KO, array if OK

Definition at line 436 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dol_dir_list().

◆ getFromFile()

getFromFile ( $file,
$excludestart = '',
$includese = 0 )

Search a string and return all lines needed from file.

Does not include line $start nor $end

string$filefile for searching
string$startstart line if exist
string$endend line if exist
string$excludestartIgnore if start line is $excludestart
int$includeseInclude start and end line
string Return the lines between first line with $start and $end. "" if not found.

Definition at line 856 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dol_osencode().

Referenced by addObjectsToApiFile(), removeObjectFromApiFile(), reWriteAllMenus(), updateDictionaryInFile(), writeApiUrlsInDoc(), and writePermsInAsciiDoc().

◆ parsePropertyString()

parsePropertyString ( $string)

Converts a formatted properties string into an associative array.

string$stringThe formatted properties string.
array<string,bool|int|float|string|mixed[]> The resulting associative array.

Definition at line 680 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References parsePropertyString().

Referenced by parsePropertyString(), and writePropsInAsciiDoc().

◆ rebuildObjectClass()

rebuildObjectClass ( $destdir,
$readdir = '',
$addfieldentry = array(),
$delfieldentry = '' )

Regenerate files .class.php.

string$moduleModule name
string$objectnameName of object
string$newmaskNew mask
string$readdirDirectory source (use $destdir when not defined)
array{}|array{name:string,key:string,type:string,label:string,picot?:string,enabled:int<0,1>,notnull:int<0,1>,position:int,visible:int,noteditable?:int<0,1>,alwayseditable?:int<0,1>,default?:string,index?:int,foreignkey?:string,searchall?:int,isameasure?:int<0,1>,css?:string,cssview?:string,csslist?:string,help?:string,showoncombobox?:int<0,1>,disabled?:int<0,1>,autofocusoncreate?:int<0,1>,arrayofkeyval?:array<string,string>,validate?:int<0,1>,comment?:string}$addfieldentry Array of 1 field entry to add
string$delfieldentryId of field to remove
int<-7,-1>|CommonObject Return integer <=0 if KO, Object if OK
See also

Definition at line 39 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References $object, dol_copy(), dol_escape_js(), dol_escape_php(), dol_is_file(), dol_mkdir(), dol_osencode(), dol_print_error(), dol_sort_array(), dolChmod(), and setEventMessages().

◆ rebuildObjectSql()

rebuildObjectSql ( $destdir,
$readdir = '',
$object = null,
$moduletype = 'external' )

Save data into a memory area shared by all users, all sessions on server.

string$moduleModule name
string$objectnameName of object
string$newmaskNew mask
string$readdirDirectory source (use $destdir when not defined)
Object$objectIf object was already loaded/known, it is pass to avoid another include and new.
string$moduletype'external' or 'internal'
int Return integer <=0 if KO, >0 if OK
See also

Definition at line 258 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References $object, dol_copy(), dol_is_file(), dol_mkdir(), dol_osencode(), dolChmod(), and setEventMessages().

◆ removeObjectFromApiFile()

removeObjectFromApiFile ( $file,
$objectname )

Remove Object variables and methods from API_Module File.

string$fileFile api module
string[]$objectsArray of objects in the module
string$objectnameName of object want to remove
int<-1,1> 1 if OK, -1 if KO

Definition at line 1068 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dolReplaceInFile(), and getFromFile().

◆ reWriteAllMenus()

reWriteAllMenus ( $file,
$action )
string$filepath of filename
array<int,array{commentgroup:string,fk_menu:string,type:string,titre:string,mainmenu:string,leftmenu:string,url:string,langs:string,position:int,enabled:int,perms:string,target:string,user:int}>$menus all menus for module
mixed | null$menuWantTomenu get for do actions
int | null$keykey for the concerned menu
int<-1,2>$action for specify what action (0 = delete perm, 1 = add perm, 2 = update perm, -1 = when we delete object)
int<-1,1> 1 if OK, -1 if KO

Definition at line 1118 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dolReplaceInFile(), and getFromFile().

◆ reWriteAllPermissions()

reWriteAllPermissions ( $file,
$action )

Rewriting all permissions after any actions.

string$filefilename or path
array<int,string[]>$permissions permissions existing in file
int | null$keykey for permission needed
array{0:string,1:string}|null$right $right to update or add
string | null$objectnamename of object
string | null$modulename of module
int<-2,2>$action 0 for delete, 1 for add, 2 for update, -1 when delete object completely, -2 for generate rights after add
int<-1,1> 1 if OK,-1 if KO

Definition at line 561 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References $object, deletePerms(), and dolReplaceInFile().

◆ updateDictionaryInFile()

updateDictionaryInFile ( $module,
$dicts )

Updates a dictionary in a module descriptor file.

string$moduleThe name of the module.
string$fileThe path to the module descriptor file.
array<string,string|array<string,int|string>>$dicts The dictionary data to be updated.
int Returns the number of replacements made in the file.

Definition at line 1223 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dolReplaceInFile(), and getFromFile().

Referenced by createNewDictionnary().

◆ writeApiUrlsInDoc()

writeApiUrlsInDoc ( $file_api,
$file_doc )

Generate Urls and add them to documentation module.

string$file_apifilename or path of api
string$file_docfilename or path of documentation
int<-1,1> -1 if KO, 1 if OK, 0 if nothing change

Definition at line 1377 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dol_is_file(), dolReplaceInFile(), and getFromFile().

◆ writePermsInAsciiDoc()

writePermsInAsciiDoc ( $file,
$destfile )

Write all permissions of each object in AsciiDoc format.

string$filepath of the class
string$destfilefile where write table of permissions
int<-1,1> 1 if OK, -1 if KO

Definition at line 896 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dolReplaceInFile(), and getFromFile().

◆ writePropsInAsciiDoc()

writePropsInAsciiDoc ( $file,
$destfile )

Write all properties of the object in AsciiDoc format.

string$filepath of the class
string$objectnamename of the objectClass
string$destfilefile where write table of properties
int 1 if OK, -1 if KO

Definition at line 726 of file modulebuilder.lib.php.

References dolReplaceInFile(), and parsePropertyString().