dolibarr 20.0.5
Module Mrp

Module to manage Manufacturing Orders (MO) More...


file  mrp.php
 Setup page of module MRP.
file  mrp_extrafields.php
 Page to setup extra fields of MOs.
file  mrp_production_extrafields.php
 Page to setup extra fields of MOs lines.
file  box_mos.php
 Widget for latest modified MOs.
file  modMrp.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module Mrp.
file  doc_generic_mo_odt.modules.php
 File of class to build ODT documents for MOs.
file  pdf_vinci.modules.php
 File of class to generate MO document from vinci model.
file  mod_mo_advanced.php
 File containing class for numbering model of MOs advanced.
file  mod_mo_standard.php
 File of class to manage MO numbering rules standard.
file  modules_mo.php
 File that contains parent class for MOs models and parent class for MOs numbering models.
file  api_mos.class.php
 File for API management of MO.
file  mo.class.php
 This file is a CRUD class file for Mo (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  index.php
file  mrp.lib.php
 Library files with common functions for Mrp.
file  mrp_mo.lib.php
 Library files with common functions for Mo.
file  mo_agenda.php
 Page of Mo events.
file  mo_card.php
 Page to create/edit/view MO Manufacturing Order.
file  mo_document.php
 Tab for documents linked to Mo.
file  mo_list.php
 List page for mo.
file  mo_movements.php
 Page to show stock movements of a MO.
file  mo_note.php
 Card with notes on Mo.
file  mo_production.php
 Page to make production on a MO.

Detailed Description

Module to manage Manufacturing Orders (MO)