dolibarr 20.0.5
This is the complete list of members for Products, including all inherited members.
__construct() | Products | |
DolibarrApi::__construct($db, $cachedir='', $refreshCache=false) | DolibarrApi | |
_checkAccessToResource($resource, $resource_id=0, $dbtablename='', $feature2='', $dbt_keyfield='fk_soc', $dbt_select='rowid') | DolibarrApi | protectedstatic |
_checkFilters($sqlfilters, &$error='') | DolibarrApi | protected |
_checkValForAPI($field, $value, $object) | DolibarrApi | protected |
_cleanObjectDatas($object) | Products | protected |
_fetch($id, $ref='', $ref_ext='', $barcode='', $includestockdata=0, $includesubproducts=false, $includeparentid=false, $includeifobjectisused=false, $includetrans=false) | Products | private |
_filterObjectProperties($object, $properties) | DolibarrApi | protected |
_forge_criteria_callback($matches) | DolibarrApi | protectedstatic |
_validate($data) | Products | private |
addAttributes($ref, $label, $ref_ext='') | Products | |
addAttributeValue($id, $ref, $value) | Products | |
addPurchasePrice($id, $qty, $buyprice, $price_base_type, $fourn_id, $availability, $ref_fourn, $tva_tx, $charges=0, $remise_percent=0, $remise=0, $newnpr=0, $delivery_time_days=0, $supplier_reputation='', $localtaxes_array=array(), $newdefaultvatcode='', $multicurrency_buyprice=0, $multicurrency_price_base_type='HT', $multicurrency_tx=1, $multicurrency_code='', $desc_fourn='', $barcode='', $fk_barcode_type=null) | Products | |
addSubproducts($id, $subproduct_id, $qty, $incdec=1) | Products | |
addVariant($id, $weight_impact, $price_impact, $price_impact_is_percent, $features, $reference='', $ref_ext='') | Products | |
addVariantByProductRef($ref, $weight_impact, $price_impact, $price_impact_is_percent, $features) | Products | |
delete($id) | Products | |
deleteAttributes($id) | Products | |
deleteAttributeValueById($id) | Products | |
deleteAttributeValueByRef($id, $ref) | Products | |
deletePurchasePrice($id, $priceid) | Products | |
deleteVariant($id) | Products | |
delSubproducts($id, $subproduct_id) | Products | |
get($id, $includestockdata=0, $includesubproducts=false, $includeparentid=false, $includetrans=false) | Products | |
getAttributeById($id) | Products | |
getAttributes($sortfield="t.ref", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $sqlfilters='', $properties='') | Products | |
getAttributesByRef($ref) | Products | |
getAttributesByRefExt($ref_ext) | Products | |
getAttributeValueById($id) | Products | |
getAttributeValueByRef($id, $ref) | Products | |
getAttributeValues($id) | Products | |
getAttributeValuesByRef($ref) | Products | |
getByBarcode($barcode, $includestockdata=0, $includesubproducts=false, $includeparentid=false, $includetrans=false) | Products | |
getByRef($ref, $includestockdata=0, $includesubproducts=false, $includeparentid=false, $includetrans=false) | Products | |
getByRefExt($ref_ext, $includestockdata=0, $includesubproducts=false, $includeparentid=false, $includetrans=false) | Products | |
getCategories($id, $sortfield="s.rowid", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=0, $page=0) | Products | |
getCustomerPricesPerCustomer($id, $thirdparty_id='') | Products | |
getCustomerPricesPerQuantity($id) | Products | |
getCustomerPricesPerSegment($id) | Products | |
getPurchasePrices($id, $ref='', $ref_ext='', $barcode='') | Products | |
getStock($id, $selected_warehouse_id=null) | Products | |
getSubproducts($id) | Products | |
getSupplierProducts($sortfield="t.ref", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $mode=0, $category=0, $supplier=0, $sqlfilters='') | Products | |
getVariants($id, $includestock=0) | Products | |
getVariantsByProdRef($ref) | Products | |
index($sortfield="t.ref", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $mode=0, $category=0, $sqlfilters='', $ids_only=false, $variant_filter=0, $pagination_data=false, $includestockdata=0, $properties='') | Products | |
post($request_data=null) | Products | |
put($id, $request_data=null) | Products | |
putAttributes($id, $request_data=null) | Products | |
putAttributeValue($id, $request_data) | Products | |
putVariant($id, $request_data=null) | Products |