dolibarr 20.0.5
This is the complete list of members for DoliDB, including all inherited members.
affected_rows($resultset) | Database | |
begin($textinlog='') | DoliDB | |
close() | Database | |
commit($log='') | DoliDB | |
connect($host, $login, $passwd, $name, $port=0) | Database | |
convertSQLFromMysql($line, $type='ddl') | Database | |
DDLAddField($table, $field_name, $field_desc, $field_position="") | Database | |
DDLCreateDb($database, $charset='', $collation='', $owner='') | Database | |
DDLCreateTable($table, $fields, $primary_key, $type, $unique_keys=null, $fulltext_keys=null, $keys=null) | Database | |
DDLCreateUser( $dolibarr_main_db_host, $dolibarr_main_db_user, $dolibarr_main_db_pass, $dolibarr_main_db_name) | Database | |
DDLDescTable($table, $field="") | Database | |
DDLDropField($table, $field_name) | Database | |
DDLDropTable($table) | Database | |
DDLGetConnectId() | Database | |
DDLInfoTable($table) | Database | |
DDLListTables($database, $table='') | Database | |
DDLListTablesFull($database, $table='') | Database | |
DDLUpdateField($table, $field_name, $field_desc) | Database | |
decrypt($value) | Database | |
encrypt($fieldorvalue, $withQuotes=1) | Database | |
errno() | Database | |
error() | Database | |
escape($stringtoencode) | Database | |
escapeforlike($stringtoencode) | Database | |
fetch_array($resultset) | Database | |
fetch_object($resultset) | Database | |
fetch_row($resultset) | Database | |
free($resultset=null) | Database | |
getDefaultCharacterSetDatabase() | Database | |
getDefaultCollationDatabase() | Database | |
getDriverInfo() | Database | |
getListOfCharacterSet() | Database | |
getListOfCollation() | Database | |
getPathOfDump() | Database | |
getPathOfRestore() | Database | |
getRow($sql) | DoliDB | |
getRows($sql) | DoliDB | |
getServerParametersValues($filter='') | Database | |
getServerStatusValues($filter='') | Database | |
getVersion() | Database | |
getVersionArray() | DoliDB | |
hintindex($nameofindex) | DoliDB | |
idate($param, $gm='tzserver') | DoliDB | |
Database::idate($param) | Database | |
ifsql($test, $resok, $resko) | DoliDB | |
jdate($string, $gm='tzserver') | DoliDB | |
LABEL | DoliDB | |
last_insert_id($tab, $fieldid='rowid') | Database | |
lasterrno() | DoliDB | |
lasterror() | DoliDB | |
lastquery() | DoliDB | |
lastqueryerror() | DoliDB | |
num_rows($resultset) | Database | |
order($sortfield='', $sortorder='') | DoliDB | |
plimit($limit=0, $offset=0) | DoliDB | |
prefix() | DoliDB | |
query($query, $usesavepoint=0, $type='auto', $result_mode=0) | Database | |
regexpsql($subject, $pattern, $sqlstring=0) | DoliDB | |
rollback($log='') | DoliDB | |
sanitize($stringtosanitize, $allowsimplequote=0, $allowsequals=0, $allowsspace=0, $allowschars=1) | DoliDB | |
Database::sanitize($stringtosanitize) | Database | |
select_db($database) | Database | |
stddevpop($nameoffield) | DoliDB | |