dolibarr 20.0.5
Module Ticket

Module for ticket and request management. More...


file  ticket.php
 Page to setup module ticket.
file  ticket_extrafields.php
 Page to setup extra fields of ticket.
file  ticket_public.php
 Page to public interface of module Ticket.
file  box_graph_nb_ticket_last_x_days.php
 This box shows the number of new daily tickets the last X days.
file  box_graph_nb_tickets_type.php
 This box shows the number of tickets types.
file  box_graph_new_vs_close_ticket.php
 This box shows the number of new daily tickets the last X days.
file  box_graph_ticket_by_severity.php
 This box shows open tickets by severity.
file  box_last_modified_ticket.php
 This box shows latest modified tickets.
file  box_last_ticket.php
 This box shows latest created tickets.
file  html.formticket.class.php
 File of class to generate the form for creating a new ticket.
file  ticket.lib.php
 This file is a library for Ticket module.
file  modTicket.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module Ticket.
file  doc_generic_ticket_odt.modules.php
 File of class to build ODT documents for tickets.
file  mod_ticket_simple.php
 File with class to manage the numbering module Simple for ticket references.
file  mod_ticket_universal.php
 File with class to manage the numbering module Universal for Ticket references.
file  modules_ticket.php
 File that contain parent class for projects models and parent class for projects numbering models.
file  create_ticket.php
 Display public form to add new ticket.
file  index.php
 Public page to add and manage tickets.
file  list.php
 Public file to list tickets.
file  view.php
 Public file to show one ticket.
file  agenda.php
 Page with events on ticket.
file  card.php
 Page to create/edit/view Tickets.
file  actions_ticket.class.php
 File Class ticket.
file  ticket.class.php
 Class file for object ticket.
file  ticketstats.class.php
 File for class to manage the ticket stats.
file  contact.php
 Contacts of tickets.
file  document.php
 files linked to a ticket
file  index.php
file  list.php
 List page for tickets.
file  messaging.php
 Page with events on ticket.
file  index.php
 Page with tickets statistics.

Detailed Description

Module for ticket and request management.