dolibarr 20.0.5
Module holiday

Module for leave/vacation management More...


file  holiday_extrafields.php
 Page to setup extra fields of holiday.
file  mod_holiday_immaculate.php
 File of class to manage holiday numbering rules Immaculate.
file  mod_holiday_madonna.php
 File of class to manage holiday numbering rules Madonna.
file  modHoliday.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module holiday.
file  card.php
 Form and file creation of paid holiday.
file  holiday.class.php
 Class file of the module paid holiday.
file  define_holiday.php
 File that defines the balance of paid holiday of users.
file  info.php
 Page to show a leave information.
file  list.php
 List of holiday.
file  month_report.php
 Monthly report of leave requests.
file  view_log.php
 Displays the log of actions performed in the module.

Detailed Description

Module for leave/vacation management