dolibarr 20.0.5
Class to manage withdrawal receipts. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($db) | |
Constructor. | |
AddFacture ($invoice_id, $client_id, $client_nom, $amount, $code_banque, $code_guichet, $number, $number_key, $type='debit-order', $sourcetype='') | |
Add invoice to withdrawal. | |
addline (&$line_id, $client_id, $client_nom, $amount, $code_banque, $code_guichet, $number, $number_key, $sourcetype='') | |
Add line to withdrawal. | |
getErrorString ($error) | |
Return error string. | |
fetch ($rowid, $ref='') | |
Get object and lines from database. | |
update (User $user, $notrigger=0) | |
Update object into database. | |
set_infocredit ($user, $date, $type='') | |
Set direct debit or credit transfer order to "paid" status. | |
set_infotrans ($user, $date, $method) | |
Set withdrawal to transmitted status. | |
SommeAPrelever ($mode='direct-debit', $type='') | |
Returns amount waiting for direct debit payment or credit transfer payment. | |
nbOfInvoiceToPay ($mode='direct-debit', $type='') | |
Get number of invoices waiting for payment. | |
NbFactureAPrelever ($type='direct-debit', $forsalary=0) | |
Get number of invoices to pay. | |
create ($banque=0, $agence=0, $mode='real', $format='ALL', $executiondate='', $notrigger=0, $type='direct-debit', $did=0, $fk_bank_account=0, $sourcetype='invoice') | |
Create a BAN payment order: | |
delete ($user=null, $notrigger=0) | |
Get object and lines from database. | |
getNomUrl ($withpicto=0, $option='', $notooltip=0, $morecss='', $save_lastsearch_value=-1) | |
Returns clickable name (with picto) | |
deleteNotificationById ($rowid) | |
Delete a notification def by id. | |
deleteNotification ($user, $action) | |
Delete a notification. | |
addNotification ($db, $user, $action) | |
Add a notification. | |
generate ($format='ALL', $executiondate=0, $type='direct-debit', $fk_bank_account=0, $forsalary=0) | |
Generate a direct debit or credit transfer file. | |
EnregDestinataire ($rowid, $client_nom, $rib_banque, $rib_guichet, $rib_number, $amount, $ref, $facid, $rib_dom='', $type='direct-debit') | |
Write recipient of request (customer) | |
EnregDestinataireSEPA ($row_code_client, $row_nom, $row_address, $row_zip, $row_town, $row_country_code, $row_cb, $row_cg, $row_cc, $row_somme, $row_ref, $row_idfac, $row_iban, $row_bic, $row_datec, $row_drum, $row_rum, $type='direct-debit', $row_comment='') | |
Write recipient (thirdparty concerned by request) | |
EnregEmetteur ($type='direct-debit') | |
Write sender of request (me). | |
EnregEmetteurSEPA ($configuration, $ladate, $nombre, $total, $CrLf='\n', $format='FRST', $type='direct-debit', $fk_bank_account=0) | |
Write sender of request (me). | |
EnregTotal ($total) | |
Write end. | |
getLibStatut ($mode=0) | |
Return status label of object. | |
LibStatut ($status, $mode=0) | |
Return status label for a status. | |
load_board ($user, $mode) | |
Load indicators for dashboard (this->nbtodo and this->nbtodolate) | |
getKanbanView ($option='', $arraydata=null) | |
Return clicable link of object (with eventually picto) | |
checkIfSalaryBonPrelevement () | |
Check if is bon prelevement for salary invoice. | |
![]() | |
isEmpty () | |
isEmpty We consider CommonObject isEmpty if this->id is empty | |
setErrorsFromObject ($object) | |
setErrorsFromObject | |
getTooltipContentArray ($params) | |
Return array of data to show into a tooltip. | |
getTooltipContent ($params) | |
getTooltipContent | |
errorsToString () | |
Method to output saved errors. | |
getFormatedCustomerRef ($objref) | |
Return customer ref for screen output. | |
getFormatedSupplierRef ($objref) | |
Return supplier ref for screen output. | |
getFullAddress ($withcountry=0, $sep="\n", $withregion=0, $extralangcode='') | |
Return full address of contact. | |
getLastMainDocLink ($modulepart, $initsharekey=0, $relativelink=0) | |
Return the link of last main doc file for direct public download. | |
add_contact ($fk_socpeople, $type_contact, $source='external', $notrigger=0) | |
Add a link between element $this->element and a contact. | |
copy_linked_contact ($objFrom, $source='internal') | |
Copy contact from one element to current. | |
update_contact ($rowid, $statut, $type_contact_id=0, $fk_socpeople=0) | |
Update a link to contact line. | |
delete_contact ($rowid, $notrigger=0) | |
Delete a link to contact line. | |
delete_linked_contact ($source='', $code='') | |
Delete all links between an object $this and all its contacts in llx_element_contact. | |
liste_contact ($statusoflink=-1, $source='external', $list=0, $code='', $status=-1, $arrayoftcids=array()) | |
Get array of all contacts for an object. | |
swapContactStatus ($rowid) | |
Update status of a contact linked to object. | |
liste_type_contact ($source='internal', $order='position', $option=0, $activeonly=0, $code='') | |
Return array with list of possible values for type of contacts. | |
listeTypeContacts ($source='internal', $option=0, $activeonly=0, $code='', $element='', $excludeelement='') | |
Return array with list of possible values for type of contacts. | |
getIdContact ($source, $code, $status=0) | |
Return id of contacts for a source and a contact code. | |
fetch_contact ($contactid=null) | |
Load object contact with id=$this->contact_id into $this->contact. | |
fetch_thirdparty ($force_thirdparty_id=0) | |
Load the third party of object, from id $this->socid or $this->fk_soc, into this->thirdparty. | |
fetchOneLike ($ref) | |
Looks for an object with ref matching the wildcard provided It does only work when $this->table_ref_field is set. | |
fetch_barcode () | |
Load data for barcode into properties ->barcode_type* Properties ->barcode_type that is id of barcode. | |
fetch_project () | |
Load the project with id $this->fk_project into this->project. | |
fetch_projet () | |
Load the project with id $this->fk_project into this->project. | |
fetch_product () | |
Load the product with id $this->fk_product into this->product. | |
fetch_user ($userid) | |
Load the user with id $userid into this->user. | |
fetch_origin () | |
Read linked origin object. | |
fetchObjectFrom ($table, $field, $key, $element=null) | |
Load object from specific field. | |
getValueFrom ($table, $id, $field) | |
Getter generic. | |
setValueFrom ($field, $value, $table='', $id=null, $format='', $id_field='', $fuser=null, $trigkey='', $fk_user_field='fk_user_modif') | |
Setter generic. | |
load_previous_next_ref ($filter, $fieldid, $nodbprefix=0) | |
Load properties id_previous and id_next by comparing $fieldid with $this->ref. | |
getListContactId ($source='external') | |
Return list of id of contacts of object. | |
setProject ($projectid, $notrigger=0) | |
Link element with a project. | |
setPaymentMethods ($id) | |
Change the payments methods. | |
setMulticurrencyCode ($code) | |
Change the multicurrency code. | |
setPaymentTerms ($id, $deposit_percent=null) | |
Change the payments terms. | |
setTransportMode ($id) | |
Change the transport mode methods. | |
setRetainedWarrantyPaymentTerms ($id) | |
Change the retained warranty payments terms. | |
setDeliveryAddress ($id) | |
Define delivery address. | |
setShippingMethod ($shipping_method_id, $notrigger=0, $userused=null) | |
Change the shipping method. | |
setWarehouse ($warehouse_id) | |
Change the warehouse. | |
setDocModel ($user, $modelpdf) | |
Set last model used by doc generator. | |
setBankAccount ($fk_account, $notrigger=0, $userused=null) | |
Change the bank account. | |
line_order ($renum=false, $rowidorder='ASC', $fk_parent_line=true) | |
Save a new position (field rang) for details lines. | |
getChildrenOfLine ($id, $includealltree=0) | |
Get children of line. | |
line_up ($rowid, $fk_parent_line=true) | |
Update a line to have a lower rank. | |
line_down ($rowid, $fk_parent_line=true) | |
Update a line to have a higher rank. | |
updateRangOfLine ($rowid, $rang) | |
Update position of line (rang) | |
line_ajaxorder ($rows) | |
Update position of line with ajax (rang) | |
updateLineUp ($rowid, $rang) | |
Update position of line up (rang) | |
updateLineDown ($rowid, $rang, $max) | |
Update position of line down (rang) | |
getRangOfLine ($rowid) | |
Get position of line (rang) | |
getIdOfLine ($rang) | |
Get rowid of the line relative to its position. | |
line_max ($fk_parent_line=0) | |
Get max value used for position of line (rang) | |
update_ref_ext ($ref_ext) | |
Update external ref of element. | |
update_note ($note, $suffix='', $notrigger=0) | |
Update note of element. | |
update_note_public ($note) | |
Update public note (kept for backward compatibility) | |
update_price ($exclspec=0, $roundingadjust='auto', $nodatabaseupdate=0, $seller=null) | |
Update total_ht, total_ttc, total_vat, total_localtax1, total_localtax2 for an object (sum of lines). | |
add_object_linked ($origin=null, $origin_id=null, $f_user=null, $notrigger=0) | |
Add an object link into llx_element_element. | |
getElementType () | |
Return an element type string formatted like element_element target_type and source_type. | |
fetchObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $clause='OR', $alsosametype=1, $orderby='sourcetype', $loadalsoobjects=1) | |
Fetch array of objects linked to current object (object of enabled modules only). | |
clearObjectLinkedCache () | |
Clear the cache saying that all linked object were already loaded. | |
updateObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $f_user=null, $notrigger=0) | |
Update object linked of a current object. | |
deleteObjectLinked ($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $rowid=0, $f_user=null, $notrigger=0) | |
Delete all links between an object $this. | |
setStatut ($status, $elementId=null, $elementType='', $trigkey='', $fieldstatus='fk_statut') | |
Set status of an object. | |
getCanvas ($id=0, $ref='') | |
Load type of canvas of an object if it exists. | |
getSpecialCode ($lineid) | |
Get special code of a line. | |
isObjectUsed ($id=0, $entity=0) | |
Function to check if an object is used by others (by children). | |
hasProductsOrServices ($predefined=-1) | |
Function to say how many lines object contains. | |
getTotalDiscount () | |
Function that returns the total amount HT of discounts applied for all lines. | |
getTotalWeightVolume () | |
Return into unit=0, the calculated total of weight and volume of all lines * qty Calculate by adding weight and volume of each product line, so properties ->volume/volume_units/weight/weight_units must be loaded on line. | |
setExtraParameters () | |
Set extra parameters. | |
formAddObjectLine ($dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl') | |
Show add free and predefined products/services form. | |
printObjectLines ($action, $seller, $buyer, $selected=0, $dateSelector=0, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl') | |
Return HTML table for object lines TODO Move this into an output class file (htmlline.class.php) If lines are into a template, title must also be into a template But for the moment we don't know if it's possible as we keep a method available on overloaded objects. | |
printObjectLine ($action, $line, $var, $num, $i, $dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $selected=0, $extrafields=null, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl') | |
Return HTML content of a detail line TODO Move this into an output class file (htmlline.class.php) | |
printOriginLinesList ($restrictlist='', $selectedLines=array()) | |
Return HTML table table of source object lines TODO Move this and previous function into output html class file (htmlline.class.php). | |
printOriginLine ($line, $var, $restrictlist='', $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl', $selectedLines=array()) | |
Return HTML with a line of table array of source object lines TODO Move this and previous function into output html class file (htmlline.class.php). | |
add_element_resource ($resource_id, $resource_type, $busy=0, $mandatory=0) | |
Add resources to the current object : add entry into llx_element_resources Need $this->element & $this->id. | |
delete_resource ($rowid, $element, $notrigger=0) | |
Delete a link to resource line. | |
__clone () | |
Overwrite magic function to solve problem of cloning object that are kept as references. | |
indexFile ($destfull, $update_main_doc_field) | |
Index a file into the ECM database. | |
addThumbs ($file) | |
Build thumb. | |
delThumbs ($file) | |
Delete thumbs. | |
getDefaultCreateValueFor ($fieldname, $alternatevalue=null, $type='alphanohtml') | |
Return the default value to use for a field when showing the create form of object. | |
call_trigger ($triggerName, $user) | |
Call trigger based on this instance. | |
fetchValuesForExtraLanguages () | |
Function to get alternative languages of a data into $this->array_languages This method is NOT called by method fetch of objects but must be called separately. | |
setValuesForExtraLanguages ($onlykey='') | |
Fill array_options property of object by extrafields value (using for data sent by forms) | |
fetchNoCompute ($id) | |
Function to make a fetch but set environment to avoid to load computed values before. | |
fetch_optionals ($rowid=null, $optionsArray=null) | |
Function to get extra fields of an object into $this->array_options This method is in most cases called by method fetch of objects but you can call it separately. | |
deleteExtraFields () | |
Delete all extra fields values for the current object. | |
insertExtraFields ($trigger='', $userused=null) | |
Add/Update all extra fields values for the current object. | |
insertExtraLanguages ($trigger='', $userused=null) | |
Add/Update all extra fields values for the current object. | |
updateExtraField ($key, $trigger=null, $userused=null) | |
Update 1 extra field value for the current object. | |
getExtraField ($key) | |
Convenience method for retrieving the value of an extrafield without actually fetching it from the database. | |
setExtraField ($key, $value) | |
Convenience method for setting the value of an extrafield without actually updating it in the database. | |
updateExtraLanguages ($key, $trigger=null, $userused=null) | |
Update an extra language value for the current object. | |
showInputField ($val, $key, $value, $moreparam='', $keysuffix='', $keyprefix='', $morecss=0, $nonewbutton=0) | |
Return HTML string to put an input field into a page Code very similar with showInputField of extra fields. | |
clearFieldError ($fieldKey) | |
clear validation message result for a field | |
setFieldError ($fieldKey, $msg='') | |
set validation error message a field | |
getFieldError ($fieldKey) | |
get field error message | |
validateField ($fields, $fieldKey, $fieldValue) | |
Return validation test result for a field. | |
showOptionals ($extrafields, $mode='view', $params=null, $keysuffix='', $keyprefix='', $onetrtd='', $display_type='card') | |
Function to show lines of extrafields with output data. | |
getJSListDependancies ($type='_extra') | |
getRights () | |
Returns the rights used for this class. | |
defineBuyPrice ($unitPrice=0.0, $discountPercent=0.0, $fk_product=0) | |
Get buy price to use for margin calculation. | |
getDataToShowPhoto ($modulepart, $imagesize) | |
Function used to get the logos or photos of an object. | |
show_photos ($modulepart, $sdir, $size=0, $nbmax=0, $nbbyrow=5, $showfilename=0, $showaction=0, $maxHeight=120, $maxWidth=160, $nolink=0, $overwritetitle=0, $usesharelink=0, $cache='', $addphotorefcss='photoref') | |
Show photos of an object (nbmax maximum), into several columns. | |
isDate ($info) | |
Function test if type is date. | |
isDuration ($info) | |
Function test if type is duration. | |
isInt ($info) | |
Function test if type is integer. | |
isFloat ($info) | |
Function test if type is float. | |
isText ($info) | |
Function test if type is text. | |
setVarsFromFetchObj (&$obj) | |
Function to load data from a SQL pointer into properties of current object $this. | |
emtpyObjectVars () | |
Sets all object fields to null. | |
getFieldList ($alias='', $excludefields=array()) | |
Function to concat keys of fields. | |
createCommon (User $user, $notrigger=0) | |
Create object in the database. | |
fetchCommon ($id, $ref=null, $morewhere='', $noextrafields=0) | |
Load object in memory from the database. | |
fetchLinesCommon ($morewhere='', $noextrafields=0) | |
Load object in memory from the database. | |
updateCommon (User $user, $notrigger=0) | |
Update object into database. | |
deleteCommon (User $user, $notrigger=0, $forcechilddeletion=0) | |
Delete object in database. | |
deleteByParentField ($parentId=0, $parentField='', $filter='', $filtermode="AND") | |
Delete all child object from a parent ID. | |
deleteLineCommon (User $user, $idline, $notrigger=0) | |
Delete a line of object in database. | |
setStatusCommon ($user, $status, $notrigger=0, $triggercode='') | |
Set to a status. | |
setSignedStatusCommon ($user, $status, $notrigger=0, $triggercode='') | |
Set to a signed status. | |
initAsSpecimenCommon () | |
Initialise object with example values Id must be 0 if object instance is a specimen. | |
fetchComments () | |
Load comments linked with current task. | |
getNbComments () | |
Return nb comments already posted. | |
trimParameters ($parameters) | |
Trim object parameters. | |
getCategoriesCommon ($type_categ) | |
Sets object to given categories. | |
setCategoriesCommon ($categories, $type_categ='', $remove_existing=true) | |
Sets object to given categories. | |
cloneCategories ($fromId, $toId, $type='') | |
Copy related categories to another object. | |
deleteEcmFiles ($mode=0) | |
Delete related files of object in database. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | buildRumNumber ($row_code_client, $row_datec, $row_drum) |
Generate dynamically a RUM number for a customer bank account. | |
![]() | |
static | isExistingObject ($element, $id, $ref='', $ref_ext='') |
Check if an object id or ref exists If you don't need or want to instantiate the object and just need to know if the object exists, use this method instead of fetch. | |
static | getAllItemsLinkedByObjectID ($fk_object_where, $field_select, $field_where, $table_element) |
Function used to get an array with all items linked to an object id in association table. | |
static | getCountOfItemsLinkedByObjectID ($fk_object_where, $field_where, $table_element) |
Count items linked to an object id in association table. | |
static | deleteAllItemsLinkedByObjectID ($fk_object_where, $field_where, $table_element) |
Function used to remove all items linked to an object id in association table. | |
static | commonReplaceThirdparty (DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id, array $tables, $ignoreerrors=0) |
Function used to replace a thirdparty id with another one. | |
static | commonReplaceProduct (DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id, array $tables, $ignoreerrors=0) |
Function used to replace a product id with another one. | |
Private Member Functions | |
getListInvoices ($amounts=0, $type='') | |
Get invoice or salary list (with amount or not) | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
$origin_object | |
![]() | |
deprecatedProperties () | |
Provide list of deprecated properties and replacements. | |
commonGenerateDocument ($modelspath, $modele, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref, $moreparams=null) | |
Common function for all objects extending CommonObject for generating documents. | |
isArray ($info) | |
Function test if type is array. | |
canBeNull ($info) | |
Function test if field can be null. | |
isForcedToNullIfZero ($info) | |
Function test if field is forced to null if zero or empty. | |
isIndex ($info) | |
Function test if is indexed. | |
setSaveQuery () | |
Function to return the array of data key-value from the ->fields and all the ->properties of an object. | |
quote ($value, $fieldsentry) | |
Add quote to field value if necessary. | |
Class to manage withdrawal receipts.
Definition at line 48 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
BonPrelevement::__construct | ( | $db | ) |
BonPrelevement::AddFacture | ( | $invoice_id, | |
$client_id, | |||
$client_nom, | |||
$amount, | |||
$code_banque, | |||
$code_guichet, | |||
$number, | |||
$number_key, | |||
$type = 'debit-order', | |||
$sourcetype = '' ) |
Add invoice to withdrawal.
int | $invoice_id | ID of invoice to add or ID of salary to add |
int | $client_id | id invoice customer |
string | $client_nom | customer name |
int | $amount | amount of invoice |
string | $code_banque | code of bank withdrawal |
string | $code_guichet | code of bank's office |
string | $number | bank account number |
string | $number_key | number key of account number |
string | $type | 'debit-order' or 'bank-transfer' |
string | $sourcetype | 'salary' for salary, '' for invoices |
Definition at line 249 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References addline(), and dol_syslog().
Referenced by create().
BonPrelevement::addline | ( | & | $line_id, |
$client_id, | |||
$client_nom, | |||
$amount, | |||
$code_banque, | |||
$code_guichet, | |||
$number, | |||
$number_key, | |||
$sourcetype = '' ) |
Add line to withdrawal.
int | $line_id | ID of line added (returned parameter) |
int | $client_id | ID of thirdparty for invoices, ID of user for salaries |
string | $client_nom | customer name |
int | $amount | amount of invoice |
string | $code_banque | code of bank withdrawal |
string | $code_guichet | code of bank's office |
string | $number | bank account number |
string | $number_key | number key of account number |
string | $sourcetype | 'salary' for salary, '' for invoices |
Definition at line 311 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_syslog(), and price2num().
Referenced by AddFacture().
BonPrelevement::addNotification | ( | $db, | |
$user, | |||
$action ) |
Add a notification.
DoliDB | $db | database handler |
int | User | $user | notification user |
string | $action | notification action |
Definition at line 1650 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References deleteNotification(), dol_now(), and dol_syslog().
static |
Generate dynamically a RUM number for a customer bank account.
string | $row_code_client | Customer code (soc.code_client) |
int | $row_datec | Creation date of bank account (rib.datec) |
string | $row_drum | Id of customer bank account (rib.rowid) |
Definition at line 2063 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date(), dol_string_nospecial(), dol_string_unaccent(), and dol_trunc().
Referenced by EnregDestinataireSEPA().
BonPrelevement::checkIfSalaryBonPrelevement | ( | ) |
Check if is bon prelevement for salary invoice.
Definition at line 2814 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_error().
BonPrelevement::create | ( | $banque = 0, | |
$agence = 0, | |||
$mode = 'real', | |||
$format = 'ALL', | |||
$executiondate = '', | |||
$notrigger = 0, | |||
$type = 'direct-debit', | |||
$did = 0, | |||
$fk_bank_account = 0, | |||
$sourcetype = 'invoice' ) |
Create a BAN payment order:
int | $banque | dolibarr mysoc bank |
int | $agence | dolibarr mysoc bank office (guichet) |
string | $mode | real=do action, simu=test only |
string | $format | FRST, RCUR or ALL |
string | $executiondate | Date to execute the transfer |
int | $notrigger | Disable triggers |
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
int | $did | ID of an existing payment request. If $did is defined, we use the existing payment request. |
int | $fk_bank_account | Bank account ID the receipt is generated for. Will use the ID into the setup of module Direct Debit or Credit Transfer if 0. |
string | $sourcetype | 'invoice' or 'salary' |
Definition at line 979 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References AddFacture(), CommonObject\call_trigger(), checkIbanForAccount(), checkSwiftForAccount(), dol_mkdir(), dol_now(), dol_print_date(), dol_syslog(), generate(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), getEntity(), price2num(), and ref.
BonPrelevement::delete | ( | $user = null, | |
$notrigger = 0 ) |
Get object and lines from database.
User | $user | Object user that delete |
int | $notrigger | 1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers |
Definition at line 1443 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References CommonObject\call_trigger(), dol_print_error(), and type.
BonPrelevement::deleteNotification | ( | $user, | |
$action ) |
Delete a notification.
int | User | $user | notification user |
string | $action | notification action |
Definition at line 1623 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
Referenced by addNotification().
BonPrelevement::deleteNotificationById | ( | $rowid | ) |
Delete a notification def by id.
int | $rowid | id of notification |
Definition at line 1604 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
BonPrelevement::EnregDestinataire | ( | $rowid, | |
$client_nom, | |||
$rib_banque, | |||
$rib_guichet, | |||
$rib_number, | |||
$amount, | |||
$ref, | |||
$facid, | |||
$rib_dom = '', | |||
$type = 'direct-debit' ) |
Write recipient of request (customer)
int | $rowid | id of line |
string | $client_nom | name of customer |
string | $rib_banque | code of bank |
string | $rib_guichet | code of bank office |
string | $rib_number | bank account |
float | $amount | amount |
string | $ref | ref of invoice |
int | $facid | id of invoice |
string | $rib_dom | bank address |
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
Definition at line 2091 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date().
BonPrelevement::EnregDestinataireSEPA | ( | $row_code_client, | |
$row_nom, | |||
$row_address, | |||
$row_zip, | |||
$row_town, | |||
$row_country_code, | |||
$row_cb, | |||
$row_cg, | |||
$row_cc, | |||
$row_somme, | |||
$row_ref, | |||
$row_idfac, | |||
$row_iban, | |||
$row_bic, | |||
$row_datec, | |||
$row_drum, | |||
$row_rum, | |||
$type = 'direct-debit', | |||
$row_comment = '' ) |
Write recipient (thirdparty concerned by request)
string | $row_code_client | soc.code_client as code, |
string | $row_nom | pl.client_nom AS name, |
string | $row_address | soc.address AS adr, |
string | $row_zip | |
string | $row_town | |
string | $row_country_code | c.code AS country, |
string | $row_cb | pl.code_banque AS cb, Not used for SEPA |
string | $row_cg | pl.code_guichet AS cg, Not used for SEPA |
string | $row_cc | pl.number AS cc, Not used for SEPA |
float | $row_somme | pl.amount AS somme, |
string | $row_ref | Invoice ref (f.ref) or Salary ref |
int | $row_idfac | p.fk_facture AS idfac or p.fk_facture_fourn or p.fk_salary, |
string | $row_iban | rib.iban_prefix AS iban, |
string | $row_bic | rib.bic AS bic, |
string | $row_datec | rib.datec, |
string | $row_drum | rib.rowid used to generate rum |
string | $row_rum | rib.rum Rum defined on company bank account |
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
string | $row_comment | A free text string for the Unstructured data field |
Definition at line 2175 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References buildRumNumber(), dol_print_date(), dol_string_nospecial(), dol_string_unaccent(), dol_trunc(), getDolGlobalString(), and price2num().
Referenced by generate().
BonPrelevement::EnregEmetteur | ( | $type = 'direct-debit' | ) |
Write sender of request (me).
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
Definition at line 2325 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date().
BonPrelevement::EnregEmetteurSEPA | ( | $configuration, | |
$ladate, | |||
$nombre, | |||
$total, | |||
$CrLf = '\n', | |||
$format = 'FRST', | |||
$type = 'direct-debit', | |||
$fk_bank_account = 0 ) |
Write sender of request (me).
Note: The tag PmtInf is opened here but closed into caller
Conf | $configuration | conf |
int | $ladate | Date |
int | $nombre | 0 or 1 |
float | $total | Total |
string | $CrLf | End of line character |
string | $format | FRST or RCUR or ALL |
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
int | $fk_bank_account | Bank account ID the receipt is generated for. Will use the ID into the setup of module Direct Debit or Credit Transfer if 0. |
Definition at line 2403 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date(), dol_string_nospecial(), dol_string_unaccent(), dol_trunc(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), and price2num().
Referenced by generate().
BonPrelevement::EnregTotal | ( | $total | ) |
Write end.
int | $total | total amount |
Definition at line 2594 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
BonPrelevement::fetch | ( | $rowid, | |
$ref = '' ) |
Get object and lines from database.
int | $rowid | Id of object to load |
string | $ref | Ref of direct debit |
Definition at line 400 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_syslog(), getEntity(), ref, status, statut, and type.
BonPrelevement::generate | ( | $format = 'ALL', | |
$executiondate = 0, | |||
$type = 'direct-debit', | |||
$fk_bank_account = 0, | |||
$forsalary = 0 ) |
Generate a direct debit or credit transfer file.
Generation Formats:
string | $format | FRST, RCUR or ALL |
int | $executiondate | Timestamp date to execute transfer |
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
int | $fk_bank_account | Bank account ID the receipt is generated for. Will use the ID into the setup of module Direct Debit or Credit Transfer if 0. |
int | $forsalary | If the SEPA is to pay salaries |
Definition at line 1694 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_now(), dol_print_date(), dol_string_nospecial(), dol_string_unaccent(), dol_syslog(), dolChmod(), EnregDestinataireSEPA(), EnregEmetteurSEPA(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), and price2num().
Referenced by create().
BonPrelevement::getErrorString | ( | $error | ) |
Return error string.
int | $error | Id of error |
Definition at line 382 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
BonPrelevement::getKanbanView | ( | $option = '', | |
$arraydata = null ) |
Return clicable link of object (with eventually picto)
string | $option | Where point the link (0=> main card, 1,2 => shipment, 'nolink'=>No link) |
array | $arraydata | Array of data |
Definition at line 2778 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date(), getLibStatut(), getNomUrl(), img_picto(), and price().
BonPrelevement::getLibStatut | ( | $mode = 0 | ) |
Return status label of object.
int | $mode | 0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=Short label + Picto, 6=Long label + Picto |
Definition at line 2656 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References LibStatut(), and statut.
Referenced by getKanbanView(), and getNomUrl().
private |
Get invoice or salary list (with amount or not)
int | $amounts | If you want to get the amount of the order for each invoice or salary |
string | $type | 'salary' for type=salary |
Definition at line 751 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_syslog(), and type.
Referenced by set_infocredit().
BonPrelevement::getNomUrl | ( | $withpicto = 0, | |
$option = '', | |||
$notooltip = 0, | |||
$morecss = '', | |||
$save_lastsearch_value = -1 ) |
Returns clickable name (with picto)
int | $withpicto | Include picto in link (0=No picto, 1=Include picto into link, 2=Only picto) |
string | $option | On what the link point to ('nolink', ...) |
int | $notooltip | 1=Disable tooltip |
string | $morecss | Add more css on link |
int | $save_lastsearch_value | -1=Auto, 0=No save of lastsearch_values when clicking, 1=Save lastsearch_values whenclicking |
Definition at line 1515 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_print_date(), getDolGlobalString(), getLibStatut(), img_object(), img_picto(), price(), and type.
Referenced by getKanbanView().
BonPrelevement::LibStatut | ( | $status, | |
$mode = 0 ) |
Return status label for a status.
int | $status | Id status |
int | $mode | 0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=Short label + Picto, 6=Long label + Picto |
Definition at line 2669 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References type.
Referenced by getLibStatut().
BonPrelevement::load_board | ( | $user, | |
$mode ) |
Load indicators for dashboard (this->nbtodo and this->nbtodolate)
User | $user | Object user |
string | $mode | Mode 'direct_debit' or 'credit_transfer' |
Definition at line 2707 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
BonPrelevement::NbFactureAPrelever | ( | $type = 'direct-debit', | |
$forsalary = 0 ) |
Get number of invoices to pay.
string | $type | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
int | $forsalary | 0= for facture & facture_supplier, 1=for salary |
Definition at line 899 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalString(), getEntity(), and Facture\STATUS_VALIDATED.
Referenced by nbOfInvoiceToPay().
BonPrelevement::nbOfInvoiceToPay | ( | $mode = 'direct-debit', | |
$type = '' ) |
Get number of invoices waiting for payment.
string | $mode | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
string | $type | for salary invoice |
Definition at line 882 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References NbFactureAPrelever().
BonPrelevement::set_infocredit | ( | $user, | |
$date, | |||
$type = '' ) |
Set direct debit or credit transfer order to "paid" status.
Then create the payment for each invoice or salary of the prelemevement_bon.
User | $user | Id of user |
int | $date | date of action |
string | $type | 'salary' for type=salary |
Definition at line 481 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalInt(), getListInvoices(), price2num(), ref, status, statut, and type.
BonPrelevement::set_infotrans | ( | $user, | |
$date, | |||
$method ) |
Set withdrawal to transmitted status.
User | $user | Id of user |
int | $date | Date of action |
int | $method | Method of transmission to bank (0=Internet, 1=Api...) |
Definition at line 692 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_print_date(), dol_syslog(), dolGetFirstLastname(), price(), ref, status, and statut.
BonPrelevement::SommeAPrelever | ( | $mode = 'direct-debit', | |
$type = '' ) |
Returns amount waiting for direct debit payment or credit transfer payment.
string | $mode | 'direct-debit' or 'bank-transfer' |
string | $type | for type=salary |
Definition at line 827 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalString(), getEntity(), and Facture\STATUS_VALIDATED.
BonPrelevement::update | ( | User | $user, |
$notrigger = 0 ) |
Update object into database.
Definition at line 466 of file bonprelevement.class.php.
References CommonObject\updateCommon().