dolibarr 20.0.5
Module suppliers

Module to manage suppliers relations and activities More...


file  supplier_invoice.php
 Setup to admin supplier invoices.
file  supplier_order.php
 Page d'administration-configuration du module Fournisseur.
file  purchasesjournal.php
 , ,
file  box_factures_fourn_imp.php
 Widget to show remain to get on purchase invoices.
file  box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth.php
 Box to show graph of invoices per month.
file  box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth.php
 Box to show graph of orders per month.
file  modFournisseur.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module Supplier.
file  pdf_canelle.modules.php
 Class file to generate the supplier invoices with the canelle model.
file  modules_facturefournisseur.php
 File that contains parent class for supplier invoices models and parent class for supplier invoices numbering models.
file  pdf_cornas.modules.php
 File of class to generate suppliers orders from cornas model.
file  pdf_muscadet.modules.php
 File of class to generate suppliers orders from muscadet model.
file  modules_commandefournisseur.php
 File that contains parent class for supplier orders models and parent class for supplier orders numbering models.
file  pdf_standard.modules.php
 Class file to generate the supplier invoice payment file with the standard model.
file  card.php
file  fournisseur.class.php
file  fournisseur.commande.class.php
file  fournisseur.commande.dispatch.class.php
 This file is an example for a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) Initially built by build_class_from_table on 2015-02-24 10:38.
file  fournisseur.facture.class.php
file  paiementfourn.class.php
file  index.php
 Home page of supplier's orders area.
file  list.php
 List of purchase orders.
file  contact.php
 Liste des contacts fournisseurs.
file  card.php
file  contact.php
file  document.php
file  info.php
file  list.php
file  paiement.php
file  index.php
 Home page of suppliers area.
file  card.php
file  document.php
file  info.php
file  list.php
file  recap-fourn.php
 Page de fiche recap supplier.

Detailed Description

Module to manage suppliers relations and activities