dolibarr 20.0.5
Module pour gerer la tenue de stocks produits More...
Files | |
file | stock.php |
Page to setup module stock. | |
file | modStock.class.php |
Description and activation file for the module Stock. | |
file | modules_movement.php |
File with parent class for generating PDF of a stock movements. | |
file | fournisseur.commande.dispatch.class.php |
This file is an example for a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) Initially built by build_class_from_table on 2015-02-24 10:38. | |
file | inventory_extrafields.php |
Page to setup extra fields of inventory. | |
file | stock_extrafields.php |
Page to setup extra fields of third party. | |
file | stock_mouvement_extrafields.php |
Page to setup extra fields of stock movement. | |
file | card.php |
Page fiche entrepot. | |
file | entrepot.class.php |
File for class to manage warehouses. | |
file | mouvementstock.class.php |
File of class to manage stock movement (input or output) | |
file | productlot.class.php |
This is CRUD class file to manage table productlot (Create/Read/Update/Delete) | |
file | fiche-valo.php |
Page fiche de valorisation du stock dans l'entrepot. | |
file | index.php |
Home page of stock area. | |
file | info.php |
Page des information d'un entrepot. | |
file | list.php |
Page with warehouse and stock value. | |
file | massstockmove.php |
This page allows to select several products, then incoming warehouse and outgoing warehouse and create all stock movements for this. | |
file | movement_card.php |
Page to list stock movements. | |
file | movement_list.php |
Page to list stock movements. | |
file | product.php |
Page to list detailed stock of a product. | |
file | productlot_card.php |
This file is an example of a php page Initially built by build_class_from_table on 2016-05-17 12:22. | |
file | productlot_list.php |
This file is an example of a php page Initially built by build_class_from_table on 2016-05-17 12:22. | |
file | replenish.php |
Page to list stocks to replenish. | |
file | replenishorders.php |
Page to list replenishment orders. | |
file | stockatdate.php |
Page to list stocks at a given date. | |
file | valo.php |
Page with stock values. | |
Module pour gerer la tenue de stocks produits