dolibarr 20.0.5
company.lib.php File Reference

Ensemble de functions de base pour le module societe. More...

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 societe_prepare_head (Societe $object)
 Return array of tabs to used on pages for third parties cards.
 societe_prepare_head2 ($object)
 Return array of tabs to used on page.
 societe_admin_prepare_head ()
 Return array head with list of tabs to view object information.
 getCountry ($searchkey, $withcode='', $dbtouse=null, $outputlangs=null, $entconv=1, $searchlabel='')
 Return country label, code or id from an id, code or label.
 getState ($id, $withcode='0', $dbtouse=null, $withregion=0, $outputlangs=null, $entconv=1)
 Return state translated from an id.
 currency_name ($code_iso, $withcode=0, $outputlangs=null)
 Return label of currency or code+label.
 getFormeJuridiqueLabel ($code)
 Return the name translated of juridical status.
 getCountriesInEEC ()
 Return list of countries that are inside the EEC (European Economic Community) Note: Try to keep this function as a "memory only" function for performance reasons.
 isInEEC ($object)
 Return if a country of an object is inside the EEC (European Economic Community)
 show_projects ($conf, $langs, $db, $object, $backtopage='', $nocreatelink=0, $morehtmlright='')
 Show html area for list of projects.
 show_contacts ($conf, $langs, $db, $object, $backtopage='', $showuserlogin=0)
 Show html area for list of contacts.
 show_actions_todo ($conf, $langs, $db, $filterobj, $objcon=null, $noprint=0, $actioncode='')
 Show html area with actions to do.
 show_actions_done ($conf, $langs, $db, $filterobj, $objcon=null, $noprint=0, $actioncode='', $donetodo='done', $filters=array(), $sortfield='a.datep,', $sortorder='DESC', $module='')
 Show html area with actions (done or not, ignore the name of function).
 show_subsidiaries ($conf, $langs, $db, $object)
 Show html area for list of subsidiaries.
 addEventTypeSQL (&$sql, $actioncode, $sqlANDOR="AND")
 Add Event Type SQL.
 addOtherFilterSQL (&$sql, $donetodo, $now, $filters)
 Add Event Type SQL.
 addMailingEventTypeSQL ($actioncode, $objcon, $filterobj)
 Add Mailing Event Type SQL.
 htmlPrintOnlineFooter ($fromcompany, $langs, $addformmessage=0, $suffix='', $object=null)
 Show footer of company in HTML pages.

Detailed Description

Ensemble de functions de base pour le module societe.

Definition in file company.lib.php.

Function Documentation

◆ addEventTypeSQL()

addEventTypeSQL ( & $sql,
$sqlANDOR = "AND" )

Add Event Type SQL.

string$sql$sql modified
string$actioncodeAction code
string$sqlANDOR"AND", "OR" or "" sql condition
string sql request

Definition at line 2518 of file company.lib.php.

References getDolGlobalString().

Referenced by show_actions_done().

◆ addMailingEventTypeSQL()

addMailingEventTypeSQL ( $actioncode,
$filterobj )

Add Mailing Event Type SQL.

string$actioncodeAction code

Definition at line 2584 of file company.lib.php.

Referenced by show_actions_done().

◆ addOtherFilterSQL()

addOtherFilterSQL ( & $sql,
$filters )

Add Event Type SQL.

string$sql$sql modified
string sql request

Definition at line 2557 of file company.lib.php.

References natural_search().

Referenced by show_actions_done().

◆ currency_name()

currency_name ( $code_iso,
$withcode = 0,
$outputlangs = null )

Return label of currency or code+label.

string$code_isoCode iso of currency
int$withcode'1'=show code + label
Translate$outputlangsOutput language
string Label translated of currency

Definition at line 722 of file company.lib.php.

Referenced by Form\form_multicurrency_code().

◆ getCountriesInEEC()

getCountriesInEEC ( )

Return list of countries that are inside the EEC (European Economic Community) Note: Try to keep this function as a "memory only" function for performance reasons.

array Array of countries code in EEC

Definition at line 810 of file company.lib.php.

References dol_print_error().

Referenced by UserBankAccount\checkCountryBankAccount(), and isInEEC().

◆ getCountry()

getCountry ( $searchkey,
$withcode = '',
$dbtouse = null,
$outputlangs = null,
$entconv = 1,
$searchlabel = '' )

Return country label, code or id from an id, code or label.

int | string$searchkeyId or code of country to search
string$withcode'0'=Return label, '1'=Return code + label, '2'=Return code from id, '3'=Return id from code, 'all'=Return array('id'=>,'code'=>,'label'=>)
DoliDB$dbtouseDatabase handler (using in global way may fail because of conflicts with some autoload features)
Translate$outputlangsLangs object for output translation
int$entconv0=Return value without entities and not converted to output charset, 1=Ready for html output
string$searchlabelLabel of country to search (warning: searching on label is not reliable)
int|string|array{id:int,code:string,label:string} Integer with country id or String with country code or translated country name or Array('id','code','label') or 'NotDefined'

Definition at line 570 of file company.lib.php.

References dol_print_error().

Referenced by ActionsCardCommon\assign_post(), Form\constructProductListOption(), createProductOrService(), createThirdParty(), AccountancyExport\exportLDCompta10(), Entrepot\fetch(), Product\fetch(), CommonObject\getFullAddress(), Societe\setMysoc(), show_contacts(), updateContact(), updateProductOrService(), updateThirdParty(), pdf_crabe\write_file(), pdf_octopus\write_file(), pdf_sponge\write_file(), pdf_standard_asset\write_file(), pdf_standard_myobject\write_file(), and pdf_standard_recruitmentjobposition\write_file().

◆ getFormeJuridiqueLabel()

getFormeJuridiqueLabel ( $code)

Return the name translated of juridical status.

This method include a cache.

string$codeCode of juridical status
string Value of the juridical status

Definition at line 767 of file company.lib.php.

References dol_syslog().

Referenced by CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_mysoc(), html_print_stripe_footer(), htmlPrintOnlineFooter(), pdf_build_address(), and pdf_pagefoot().

◆ getState()

getState ( $id,
$withcode = '0',
$dbtouse = null,
$withregion = 0,
$outputlangs = null,
$entconv = 1 )

Return state translated from an id.

Return value is always utf8 encoded and without entities.

int$idid of state (province/departement)
'0'|'1'|'2'|'all'$withcode '0'=Return label, '1'=Return string code + label, '2'=Return code, 'all'=return array('id'=>,'code'=>,'label'=>)
?DoliDB$dbtouseDatabase handler (using in global way may fail because of conflicts with some autoload features)
int<0,1>$withregion '0'=Ignores region, '1'=Add region name/code/id as needed to output,
Translate$outputlangsLangs object for output translation, not fully implemented yet
int<0,1>$entconv 0=Return value without entities and not converted to output charset, 1=Ready for html output
string|array{id:int,code:string,label:string}|array{id:int,code:string,label:string,region_code:string,region:string} String with state code or state name or Array('id','code','label')/Array('id','code','label','region_code','region')

Definition at line 650 of file company.lib.php.

References dol_print_error(), and dol_syslog().

Referenced by CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_contact(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_mysoc(), CommonDocGenerator\get_substitutionarray_thirdparty(), CommonObject\getFullAddress(), pdf_build_address(), and Societe\setMysoc().

◆ htmlPrintOnlineFooter()

htmlPrintOnlineFooter ( $fromcompany,
$addformmessage = 0,
$suffix = '',
$object = null )

Show footer of company in HTML pages.

Societe$fromcompanyThird party
Translate$langsOutput language
int$addformmessageAdd the payment form message
string$suffixSuffix to use on constants
Object$objectObject related to payment

Definition at line 2629 of file company.lib.php.

References $object, getDolGlobalString(), and getFormeJuridiqueLabel().

◆ isInEEC()

isInEEC ( $object)

Return if a country of an object is inside the EEC (European Economic Community)

boolean true = country inside EEC, false = country outside EEC

Definition at line 847 of file company.lib.php.

References $object, and getCountriesInEEC().

Referenced by Stripe\customerStripe(), AccountingAccount\getAccountingCodeToBind(), Form\load_tva(), and InterfaceStripe\runTrigger().

◆ show_actions_done()

show_actions_done ( $conf,
$objcon = null,
$noprint = 0,
$actioncode = '',
$donetodo = 'done',
$filters = array(),
$sortfield = 'a.datep,' ,
$sortorder = 'DESC',
$module = '' )

Show html area with actions (done or not, ignore the name of function).

Note: Global parameter $param must be defined.

Conf$confObject conf
Translate$langsObject langs
DoliDB$dbObject db
mixed$filterobjFilter on object Adherent|Societe|Project|Product|CommandeFournisseur|Dolresource|Ticket... to list events linked to an object
Contact$objconFilter on object contact to filter events on a contact
int$noprintReturn string but does not output it
string | string[]$actioncodeFilter on actioncode
string$donetodoFilter on event 'done' or 'todo' or ''=nofilter (all).
array$filtersFilter on other fields
string$sortfieldSort field
string$sortorderSort order
string$moduleYou can add module name here if elementtype in table llx_actioncomm is objectkey
string|void Return html part or void if noprint is 1

Definition at line 1752 of file company.lib.php.

References addEventTypeSQL(), addMailingEventTypeSQL(), addOtherFilterSQL(), dol_getdate(), dol_mktime(), dol_now(), dol_print_date(), dol_print_error(), dol_syslog(), dol_trunc(), dolGetElementUrl(), getDolGlobalString(), GETPOST(), GETPOSTINT(), getTitleFieldOfList(), img_object(), img_warning(), and setEventMessage().

Referenced by ActionsAdherentCardDefault\assign_values(), ActionsContactCardDefault\assign_values(), and show_actions_todo().

◆ show_actions_todo()

show_actions_todo ( $conf,
$objcon = null,
$noprint = 0,
$actioncode = '' )

Show html area with actions to do.

Conf$confObject conf
Translate$langsObject langs
DoliDB$dbObject db
Adherent | Societe$filterobjObject thirdparty or member
Contact$objconObject contact
int$noprintReturn string but does not output it
string | string[]$actioncodeFilter on actioncode
string|void Return html part or void if noprint is 1

Definition at line 1721 of file company.lib.php.

References show_actions_done().

Referenced by ActionsAdherentCardDefault\assign_values(), and ActionsContactCardDefault\assign_values().

◆ show_contacts()

show_contacts ( $conf,
$backtopage = '',
$showuserlogin = 0 )

Show html area for list of contacts.

Conf$confObject conf
Translate$langsObject langs
DoliDB$dbDatabase handler
Societe$objectThird party object
string$backtopageUrl to go once contact is created
int$showuserlogin1=Show also user login if it exists

Definition at line 1134 of file company.lib.php.

References $object, dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_eval(), dol_mktime(), dol_print_date(), dol_print_error(), dol_sort_array(), dol_syslog(), dolGetButtonTitle(), dolPrintHTML(), getArrayOfSocialNetworks(), getCountry(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), GETPOST(), GETPOSTINT(), getTitleFieldOfList(), img_delete(), img_edit(), img_object(), load_fiche_titre(), natural_search(), newToken(), and setEventMessages().

◆ show_projects()

show_projects ( $conf,
$backtopage = '',
$nocreatelink = 0,
$morehtmlright = '' )

Show html area for list of projects.

Conf$confObject conf
Translate$langsObject langs
DoliDB$dbDatabase handler
Object$objectThird party object
string$backtopageUrl to go once contact is created
int$nocreatelink1=Hide create project link
string$morehtmlrightMore html on right of title

Definition at line 872 of file company.lib.php.

References $object, dol_escape_htmltag(), dol_print_error(), dolGetButtonTitle(), getDolGlobalString(), load_fiche_titre(), and price().

◆ show_subsidiaries()

show_subsidiaries ( $conf,
$object )

Show html area for list of subsidiaries.

Conf$confObject conf
Translate$langsObject langs
DoliDB$dbDatabase handler
Societe$objectThird party object

Definition at line 2435 of file company.lib.php.

References $object, dol_escape_htmltag(), img_edit(), load_fiche_titre(), and newToken().

◆ societe_admin_prepare_head()

societe_admin_prepare_head ( )

Return array head with list of tabs to view object information.

array head array with tabs

Definition at line 508 of file company.lib.php.

References complete_head_from_modules().

◆ societe_prepare_head()

societe_prepare_head ( Societe $object)

Return array of tabs to used on pages for third parties cards.

Societe$objectObject company shown
array Array of tabs

Definition at line 43 of file company.lib.php.

References $object, complete_head_from_modules(), Link\count(), dol_dir_list(), dol_getcache(), dol_print_error(), dol_setcache(), dol_syslog(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), and GETPOST().

Referenced by ActionsCardCommon\assign_values().

◆ societe_prepare_head2()

societe_prepare_head2 ( $object)

Return array of tabs to used on page.

Object$objectObject for tabs
array Array of tabs

Definition at line 482 of file company.lib.php.

References $object.