dolibarr 20.0.5
This is the complete list of members for FactureRec, including all inherited members.
$origin_object | CommonObject | |
$table_ref_field | FactureRec | protected |
$total | FactureRec | |
$tva | FactureRec | |
__clone() | CommonObject | |
__construct(DoliDB $db) | FactureRec | |
add_contact($fk_socpeople, $type_contact, $source='external', $notrigger=0) | CommonObject | |
add_element_resource($resource_id, $resource_type, $busy=0, $mandatory=0) | CommonObject | |
add_object_linked($origin=null, $origin_id=null, $f_user=null, $notrigger=0) | CommonObject | |
addline($desc, $pu_ht, $qty, $txtva, $txlocaltax1=0, $txlocaltax2=0, $fk_product=0, $remise_percent=0, $price_base_type='HT', $info_bits=0, $fk_remise_except=0, $pu_ttc=0, $type=0, $rang=-1, $special_code=0, $label='', $fk_unit=null, $pu_ht_devise=0, $date_start_fill=0, $date_end_fill=0, $fk_fournprice=null, $pa_ht=0, $fk_parent_line=0) | FactureRec | |
addThumbs($file) | CommonObject | |
buildEPCQrCodeString() | CommonInvoice | |
buildSwitzerlandQRString() | CommonInvoice | |
buildZATCAQRString() | CommonInvoice | |
calculate_date_lim_reglement($cond_reglement=0) | CommonInvoice | |
call_trigger($triggerName, $user) | CommonObject | |
canBeNull($info) | CommonObject | protected |
clearFieldError($fieldKey) | CommonObject | |
clearObjectLinkedCache() | CommonObject | |
cloneCategories($fromId, $toId, $type='') | CommonObject | |
commonGenerateDocument($modelspath, $modele, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref, $moreparams=null) | CommonObject | protected |
commonReplaceProduct(DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id, array $tables, $ignoreerrors=0) | CommonObject | static |
commonReplaceThirdparty(DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id, array $tables, $ignoreerrors=0) | CommonObject | static |
copy_linked_contact($objFrom, $source='internal') | CommonObject | |
create($user, $facid, $notrigger=0, $onlylines=array()) | FactureRec | |
createCommon(User $user, $notrigger=0) | CommonObject | |
createRecurringInvoices($restrictioninvoiceid=0, $forcevalidation=0, $notrigger=0) | FactureRec | |
defineBuyPrice($unitPrice=0.0, $discountPercent=0.0, $fk_product=0) | CommonObject | |
delete(User $user, $notrigger=0, $idwarehouse=-1) | FactureRec | |
delete_contact($rowid, $notrigger=0) | CommonObject | |
delete_linked_contact($source='', $code='') | CommonObject | |
delete_resource($rowid, $element, $notrigger=0) | CommonObject | |
deleteAllItemsLinkedByObjectID($fk_object_where, $field_where, $table_element) | CommonObject | static |
deleteByParentField($parentId=0, $parentField='', $filter='', $filtermode="AND") | CommonObject | |
deleteCommon(User $user, $notrigger=0, $forcechilddeletion=0) | CommonObject | |
deleteEcmFiles($mode=0) | CommonObject | |
deleteExtraFields() | CommonObject | |
deleteLineCommon(User $user, $idline, $notrigger=0) | CommonObject | |
deleteObjectLinked($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $rowid=0, $f_user=null, $notrigger=0) | CommonObject | |
delThumbs($file) | CommonObject | |
demande_prelevement($fuser, $amount=0, $type='direct-debit', $sourcetype='facture', $checkduplicateamongall=0) | CommonInvoice | |
demande_prelevement_delete($fuser, $did) | CommonInvoice | |
deprecatedProperties() | CommonObject | protected |
emtpyObjectVars() | CommonObject | |
errorsToString() | CommonObject | |
fetch($rowid, $ref='', $ref_ext='', $noextrafields=0, $nolines=0) | FactureRec | |
fetch_barcode() | CommonObject | |
fetch_contact($contactid=null) | CommonObject | |
fetch_lines() | FactureRec | |
fetch_optionals($rowid=null, $optionsArray=null) | CommonObject | |
fetch_origin() | CommonObject | |
fetch_product() | CommonObject | |
fetch_project() | CommonObject | |
fetch_projet() | CommonObject | |
fetch_thirdparty($force_thirdparty_id=0) | CommonObject | |
fetch_user($userid) | CommonObject | |
fetchComments() | CommonObject | |
fetchCommon($id, $ref=null, $morewhere='', $noextrafields=0) | CommonObject | |
fetchLinesCommon($morewhere='', $noextrafields=0) | CommonObject | |
fetchNoCompute($id) | CommonObject | |
fetchObjectFrom($table, $field, $key, $element=null) | CommonObject | |
fetchObjectLinked($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $clause='OR', $alsosametype=1, $orderby='sourcetype', $loadalsoobjects=1) | CommonObject | |
fetchOneLike($ref) | CommonObject | |
fetchValuesForExtraLanguages() | CommonObject | |
formAddObjectLine($dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl') | CommonObject | |
getAllItemsLinkedByObjectID($fk_object_where, $field_select, $field_where, $table_element) | CommonObject | static |
getArrayOfInvoiceSubtypes($mode=0) | CommonInvoice | |
getCanvas($id=0, $ref='') | CommonObject | |
getCategoriesCommon($type_categ) | CommonObject | |
getChildrenOfLine($id, $includealltree=0) | CommonObject | |
getCountOfItemsLinkedByObjectID($fk_object_where, $field_where, $table_element) | CommonObject | static |
getDataToShowPhoto($modulepart, $imagesize) | CommonObject | |
getDefaultCreateValueFor($fieldname, $alternatevalue=null, $type='alphanohtml') | CommonObject | |
getElementType() | CommonObject | |
getExtraField($key) | CommonObject | |
getFieldError($fieldKey) | CommonObject | |
getFieldList($alias='', $excludefields=array()) | CommonObject | |
getFormatedCustomerRef($objref) | CommonObject | |
getFormatedSupplierRef($objref) | CommonObject | |
getFullAddress($withcountry=0, $sep="\n", $withregion=0, $extralangcode='') | CommonObject | |
getIdContact($source, $code, $status=0) | CommonObject | |
getIdOfLine($rang) | CommonObject | |
getIdReplacingInvoice($option='') | CommonInvoice | |
getJSListDependancies($type='_extra') | CommonObject | |
getLastMainDocLink($modulepart, $initsharekey=0, $relativelink=0) | CommonObject | |
getLibStatut($mode=0, $alreadypaid=-1) | FactureRec | |
getLibType($withbadge=0) | CommonInvoice | |
getLinesArray() | FactureRec | |
getListContactId($source='external') | CommonObject | |
getListIdAvoirFromInvoice() | CommonInvoice | |
getListOfPayments($filtertype='', $multicurrency=0) | CommonInvoice | |
getNbComments() | CommonObject | |
getNextDate() | FactureRec | |
getNextNumRef($soc, $mode='next') | FactureRec | |
getNomUrl($withpicto=0, $option='', $max=0, $short=0, $moretitle='', $notooltip=0, $save_lastsearch_value=-1) | FactureRec | |
getRangOfLine($rowid) | CommonObject | |
getRemainToPay($multicurrency=0) | CommonInvoice | |
getRights() | CommonObject | |
getSommePaiement($multicurrency=0) | CommonInvoice | |
getSpecialCode($lineid) | CommonObject | |
getSubtypeLabel($table='') | CommonInvoice | |
getSumCreditNotesUsed($multicurrency=0) | CommonInvoice | |
getSumDepositsUsed($multicurrency=0) | CommonInvoice | |
getSumFromThisCreditNotesNotUsed($multicurrency=0) | CommonInvoice | |
getTooltipContent($params) | CommonObject | |
getTooltipContentArray($params) | CommonObject | |
getTotalDiscount() | CommonObject | |
getTotalWeightVolume() | CommonObject | |
getValueFrom($table, $id, $field) | CommonObject | |
getVentilExportCompta() | CommonInvoice | |
hasProductsOrServices($predefined=-1) | CommonObject | |
indexFile($destfull, $update_main_doc_field) | CommonObject | |
info($id) | FactureRec | |
initAsSpecimen($option='') | FactureRec | |
initAsSpecimenCommon() | CommonObject | |
insertExtraFields($trigger='', $userused=null) | CommonObject | |
insertExtraLanguages($trigger='', $userused=null) | CommonObject | |
is_erasable() | CommonInvoice | |
isArray($info) | CommonObject | protected |
isDate($info) | CommonObject | |
isDuration($info) | CommonObject | |
isEmpty() | CommonObject | |
isExistingObject($element, $id, $ref='', $ref_ext='') | CommonObject | static |
isFloat($info) | CommonObject | |
isForcedToNullIfZero($info) | CommonObject | protected |
isIndex($info) | CommonObject | protected |
isInt($info) | CommonObject | |
isMaxNbGenReached() | FactureRec | |
isObjectUsed($id=0, $entity=0) | CommonObject | |
isText($info) | CommonObject | |
LibStatut($recur, $status, $mode=0, $alreadypaid=-1, $type=0) | FactureRec | |
line_ajaxorder($rows) | CommonObject | |
line_down($rowid, $fk_parent_line=true) | CommonObject | |
line_max($fk_parent_line=0) | CommonObject | |
line_order($renum=false, $rowidorder='ASC', $fk_parent_line=true) | CommonObject | |
line_up($rowid, $fk_parent_line=true) | CommonObject | |
liste_contact($statusoflink=-1, $source='external', $list=0, $code='', $status=-1, $arrayoftcids=array()) | CommonObject | |
liste_type_contact($source='internal', $order='position', $option=0, $activeonly=0, $code='') | CommonObject | |
listeTypeContacts($source='internal', $option=0, $activeonly=0, $code='', $element='', $excludeelement='') | CommonObject | |
load_previous_next_ref($filter, $fieldid, $nodbprefix=0) | CommonObject | |
makeStripeCardRequest($fuser, $id, $sourcetype='facture') | CommonInvoice | |
makeStripeSepaRequest($fuser, $did, $type='direct-debit', $sourcetype='facture', $service='', $forcestripe='') | CommonInvoice | |
printObjectLine($action, $line, $var, $num, $i, $dateSelector, $seller, $buyer, $selected=0, $extrafields=null, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl') | CommonObject | |
printObjectLines($action, $seller, $buyer, $selected=0, $dateSelector=0, $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl') | CommonObject | |
printOriginLine($line, $var, $restrictlist='', $defaulttpldir='/core/tpl', $selectedLines=array()) | CommonObject | |
printOriginLinesList($restrictlist='', $selectedLines=array()) | CommonObject | |
quote($value, $fieldsentry) | CommonObject | protected |
replaceProduct(DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id) | FactureRec | static |
replaceThirdparty(DoliDB $dbs, $origin_id, $dest_id) | FactureRec | static |
setAutoValidate($validate, $notrigger=0) | FactureRec | |
setBankAccount($fk_account, $notrigger=0, $userused=null) | CommonObject | |
setCategoriesCommon($categories, $type_categ='', $remove_existing=true) | CommonObject | |
setDeliveryAddress($id) | CommonObject | |
setDocModel($user, $modelpdf) | CommonObject | |
setErrorsFromObject($object) | CommonObject | |
setExtraField($key, $value) | CommonObject | |
setExtraParameters() | CommonObject | |
setFieldError($fieldKey, $msg='') | CommonObject | |
setFrequencyAndUnit($frequency, $unit, $notrigger=0) | FactureRec | |
setGeneratePdf($validate, $notrigger=0) | FactureRec | |
setMaxPeriod($nb, $notrigger=0) | FactureRec | |
setModelPdf($model, $notrigger=0) | FactureRec | |
setMulticurrencyCode($code) | CommonObject | |
setNextDate($date, $increment_nb_gen_done=0, $notrigger=0) | FactureRec | |
setPaymentMethods($id) | CommonObject | |
setPaymentTerms($id, $deposit_percent=null) | CommonObject | |
setProject($projectid, $notrigger=0) | CommonObject | |
setRetainedWarrantyPaymentTerms($id) | CommonObject | |
setSaveQuery() | CommonObject | protected |
setShippingMethod($shipping_method_id, $notrigger=0, $userused=null) | CommonObject | |
setSignedStatusCommon($user, $status, $notrigger=0, $triggercode='') | CommonObject | |
setStatusCommon($user, $status, $notrigger=0, $triggercode='') | CommonObject | |
setStatut($status, $elementId=null, $elementType='', $trigkey='', $fieldstatus='fk_statut') | CommonObject | |
setTransportMode($id) | CommonObject | |
setValueFrom($field, $value, $table='', $id=null, $format='', $id_field='', $fuser=null, $trigkey='', $fk_user_field='fk_user_modif') | CommonObject | |
setValuesForExtraLanguages($onlykey='') | CommonObject | |
setVarsFromFetchObj(&$obj) | CommonObject | |
setWarehouse($warehouse_id) | CommonObject | |
show_photos($modulepart, $sdir, $size=0, $nbmax=0, $nbbyrow=5, $showfilename=0, $showaction=0, $maxHeight=120, $maxWidth=160, $nolink=0, $overwritetitle=0, $usesharelink=0, $cache='', $addphotorefcss='photoref') | CommonObject | |
showInputField($val, $key, $value, $moreparam='', $keysuffix='', $keyprefix='', $morecss=0, $nonewbutton=0) | CommonObject | |
showOptionals($extrafields, $mode='view', $params=null, $keysuffix='', $keyprefix='', $onetrtd='', $display_type='card') | CommonObject | |
STATUS_ABANDONED | CommonInvoice | |
STATUS_CLOSED | CommonInvoice | |
STATUS_DRAFT | CommonInvoice | |
STATUS_VALIDATED | CommonInvoice | |
strikeIfMaxNbGenReached($ret) | FactureRec | |
swapContactStatus($rowid) | CommonObject | |
trimParameters($parameters) | CommonObject | |
TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE | CommonInvoice | |
TYPE_DEPOSIT | CommonInvoice | |
TYPE_PROFORMA | CommonInvoice | |
TYPE_REPLACEMENT | CommonInvoice | |
TYPE_SITUATION | CommonInvoice | |
TYPE_STANDARD | CommonInvoice | |
update(User $user, $notrigger=0) | FactureRec | |
update_contact($rowid, $statut, $type_contact_id=0, $fk_socpeople=0) | CommonObject | |
update_note($note, $suffix='', $notrigger=0) | CommonObject | |
update_note_public($note) | CommonObject | |
update_price($exclspec=0, $roundingadjust='auto', $nodatabaseupdate=0, $seller=null) | CommonObject | |
update_ref_ext($ref_ext) | CommonObject | |
updateCommon(User $user, $notrigger=0) | CommonObject | |
updateExtraField($key, $trigger=null, $userused=null) | CommonObject | |
updateExtraLanguages($key, $trigger=null, $userused=null) | CommonObject | |
updateline($rowid, $desc, $pu_ht, $qty, $txtva, $txlocaltax1=0, $txlocaltax2=0, $fk_product=0, $remise_percent=0, $price_base_type='HT', $info_bits=0, $fk_remise_except=0, $pu_ttc=0, $type=0, $rang=-1, $special_code=0, $label='', $fk_unit=null, $pu_ht_devise=0, $notrigger=0, $date_start_fill=0, $date_end_fill=0, $fk_fournprice=null, $pa_ht=0, $fk_parent_line=0) | FactureRec | |
updateLineDown($rowid, $rang, $max) | CommonObject | |
updateLineUp($rowid, $rang) | CommonObject | |
updateObjectLinked($sourceid=null, $sourcetype='', $targetid=null, $targettype='', $f_user=null, $notrigger=0) | CommonObject | |
updateRangOfLine($rowid, $rang) | CommonObject | |
validateField($fields, $fieldKey, $fieldValue) | CommonObject |