dolibarr 20.0.5
Module dynamic prices

Module to manage dynamic prices in products More...


file  modDynamicPrices.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module to manage dynamic prices in products.
file  modProduct.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module to manage catalog of predefined products.
file  modVariants.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module product variants.
file  fournisseur.product.class.php
 File of class to manage predefined suppliers products.
file  product.php
 Setup page of product module.
file  product_lot.php
 Setup page of product lot module.
file  actions_card_product.class.php
 File with class of actions for canvas product.
file  product.class.php
 File of class to manage the predefined products or services.
file  productcustomerprice.class.php
 File of class to manage predefined price products or services by customer.
file  list.php
 Page to list products and services.
file  popuprop.php
 , , ,
file  reassort.php
 Page to list stocks.
file  reassortlot.php
 Page to list stocks.
file  replenishment.lib.php
 Contains functions used in replenish.php and replenishorders.php.

Detailed Description

Module to manage dynamic prices in products

Module to manage product combinations based on product attributes

Module to manage catalog of predefined products