dolibarr 20.0.5
Documents Class Reference

API class for receive files. More...

Inheritance diagram for Documents:
Collaboration diagram for Documents:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 index ($modulepart, $original_file='')
 Download a document.
 builddoc ($modulepart, $original_file='', $doctemplate='', $langcode='')
 Build a document.
 getDocumentsListByElement ($modulepart, $id=0, $ref='', $sortfield='', $sortorder='')
 Return the list of documents of a dedicated element (from its ID or Ref)
 post ($filename, $modulepart, $ref='', $subdir='', $filecontent='', $fileencoding='', $overwriteifexists=0, $createdirifnotexists=1)
 Return a document.
 delete ($modulepart, $original_file)
 Delete a document.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DolibarrApi
 __construct ($db, $cachedir='', $refreshCache=false)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from DolibarrApi
 _checkValForAPI ($field, $value, $object)
 Check and convert a string depending on its type/name.
 _filterObjectProperties ($object, $properties)
 Filter properties that will be returned on object.
 _cleanObjectDatas ($object)
 Clean sensible object datas.
 _checkFilters ($sqlfilters, &$error='')
 Return if a $sqlfilters parameter is valid Function no more used.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from DolibarrApi
static _checkAccessToResource ($resource, $resource_id=0, $dbtablename='', $feature2='', $dbt_keyfield='fk_soc', $dbt_select='rowid')
 Check access by user to a given resource.
static _forge_criteria_callback ($matches)
 Function to forge a SQL criteria from a Generic filter string.

Detailed Description

API class for receive files.

@access protected ,external}

Definition at line 33 of file api_documents.class.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ builddoc()

Documents::builddoc ( $modulepart,
$original_file = '',
$doctemplate = '',
$langcode = '' )

Build a document.

Test sample 1: { "modulepart": "invoice", "original_file": "FA1701-001/FA1701-001.pdf", "doctemplate": "crabe", "langcode": "fr_FR" }.

Supported modules: invoice, order, proposal, contract, shipment

string$modulepartName of module or area concerned by file download ('thirdparty', 'member', 'proposal', 'supplier_proposal', 'order', 'supplier_order', 'invoice', 'supplier_invoice', 'shipment', 'project', ...)
string$original_fileRelative path with filename, relative to modulepart (for example: IN201701-999/IN201701-999.pdf).
string$doctemplateSet here the doc template to use for document generation (If not set, use the default template).
string$langcodeLanguage code like 'en_US', 'fr_FR', 'es_ES', ... (If not set, use the default language).
array List of documents

@url PUT /builddoc

RestException400 Bad value for parameter modulepart or original_file
RestException403 Access denied
RestException404 Invoice, Order, Proposal, Contract or Shipment not found
RestException500 Error generating document
RestException501 File not found

Definition at line 132 of file api_documents.class.php.

References dol_check_secure_access_document(), dol_mimetype(), dol_osencode(), and getDolGlobalString().

◆ delete()

Documents::delete ( $modulepart,
$original_file )

Delete a document.

string$modulepartName of module or area concerned by file download ('product', ...)
string$original_fileRelative path with filename, relative to modulepart (for example: PRODUCT-REF-999/IMAGE-999.jpg)
array List of documents

@url DELETE /

RestException400 Bad value for parameter modulepart
RestException400 Bad value for parameter original_file
RestException403 Access denied
RestException404 File not found
RestException500 Error on file operation

Definition at line 966 of file api_documents.class.php.

References dol_check_secure_access_document(), dol_osencode(), and dol_syslog().

◆ getDocumentsListByElement()

Documents::getDocumentsListByElement ( $modulepart,
$id = 0,
$ref = '',
$sortfield = '',
$sortorder = '' )

Return the list of documents of a dedicated element (from its ID or Ref)

Supported modules: thirdparty, user, member, proposal, order, supplier_order, shipment, invoice, supplier_invoice, product, event, expensereport, knowledgemanagement, category, contract

string$modulepartName of module or area concerned ('thirdparty', 'member', 'proposal', 'order', 'invoice', 'supplier_invoice', 'shipment', 'project', ...)
int$idID of element
string$refRef of element
string$sortfieldSort criteria ('','fullname','relativename','name','date','size')
string$sortorderSort order ('asc' or 'desc')
array Array of documents with path

@url GET /

RestException400 Bad value for parameter modulepart, id or ref
RestException403 Access denied
RestException404 Thirdparty, User, Member, Order, Invoice or Proposal not found
RestException500 Error while fetching object
RestException503 Error when retrieve ecm list

Definition at line 315 of file api_documents.class.php.

References $object, dol_dir_list(), dol_sanitizeFileName(), and get_exdir().

◆ index()

Documents::index ( $modulepart,
$original_file = '' )

Download a document.

Note that, this API is similar to using the wrapper link "documents.php" to download a file (used for internal HTML links of documents into application), but with no need to have a session cookie (the token is used instead).

string$modulepartName of module or area concerned by file download ('facture', ...)
string$original_fileRelative path with filename, relative to modulepart (for example: IN201701-999/IN201701-999.pdf)
array List of documents

@url GET /download

RestException400 Bad value for parameter modulepart or original_file
RestException403 Access denied
RestException404 File not found

Definition at line 61 of file api_documents.class.php.

References dol_check_secure_access_document(), dol_mimetype(), dol_osencode(), and dol_syslog().

◆ post()

Documents::post ( $filename,
$ref = '',
$subdir = '',
$filecontent = '',
$fileencoding = '',
$overwriteifexists = 0,
$createdirifnotexists = 1 )

Return a document.

int$idID of document
array Array with data of file
RestExceptionUpload a document.

Test sample for invoice: { "filename": "mynewfile.txt", "modulepart": "invoice", "ref": "FA1701-001", "subdir": "", "filecontent": "content text", "fileencoding": "", "overwriteifexists": "0" }. Test sample for supplier invoice: { "filename": "mynewfile.txt", "modulepart": "supplier_invoice", "ref": "FA1701-001", "subdir": "", "filecontent": "content text", "fileencoding": "", "overwriteifexists": "0" }. Test sample for medias file: { "filename": "mynewfile.txt", "modulepart": "medias", "ref": "", "subdir": "image/mywebsite", "filecontent": "Y29udGVudCB0ZXh0Cg==", "fileencoding": "base64", "overwriteifexists": "0" }.

Supported modules: invoice, order, supplier_order, task/project_task, product/service, expensereport, fichinter, member, propale, agenda, contact

string$filenameName of file to create ('FA1705-0123.txt')
string$modulepartName of module or area concerned by file upload ('product', 'service', 'invoice', 'proposal', 'project', 'project_task', 'supplier_invoice', 'expensereport', 'member', ...)
string$refReference of object (This will define subdir automatically and store submitted file into it)
string$subdirSubdirectory (Only if ref not provided)
string$filecontentFile content (string with file content. An empty file will be created if this parameter is not provided)
string$fileencodingFile encoding (''=no encoding, 'base64'=Base 64)
int$overwriteifexistsOverwrite file if exists (1 by default)
int$createdirifnotexistsCreate subdirectories if the doesn't exists (1 by default)

@url POST /upload

RestException400 Bad Request
RestException403 Access denied
RestException404 Object not found
RestException500 Error on file operationw

Definition at line 673 of file api_documents.class.php.

References $object, dol_basename(), dol_check_secure_access_document(), dol_delete_file(), dol_is_dir(), dol_is_file(), dol_mkdir(), dol_move(), dol_sanitizeFileName(), dol_sanitizePathName(), dol_syslog(), dolCheckVirus(), dolChmod(), get_exdir(), getDolGlobalInt(), getDolGlobalString(), getUserRemoteIP(), and isAFileWithExecutableContent().

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