dolibarr 20.0.5
This is the complete list of members for Setup, including all inherited members.
__construct() | Setup | |
DolibarrApi::__construct($db, $cachedir='', $refreshCache=false) | DolibarrApi | |
_checkAccessToResource($resource, $resource_id=0, $dbtablename='', $feature2='', $dbt_keyfield='fk_soc', $dbt_select='rowid') | DolibarrApi | protectedstatic |
_checkFilters($sqlfilters, &$error='') | DolibarrApi | protected |
_checkValForAPI($field, $value, $object) | DolibarrApi | protected |
_cleanObjectDatas($object) | Setup | protected |
_fetchCcountry($id, $code='', $iso='', $lang='') | Setup | private |
_fetchCregion($id, $code='') | Setup | private |
_fetchCstate($id, $code='') | Setup | private |
_filterObjectProperties($object, $properties) | DolibarrApi | protected |
_forge_criteria_callback($matches) | DolibarrApi | protectedstatic |
deleteExtrafieldsFromNames($attrname, $elementtype) | Setup | |
getAvailability($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getCheckIntegrity($target) | Setup | |
getCompany() | Setup | |
getConf($constantname) | Setup | |
getCountryByCode($code, $lang='') | Setup | |
getCountryByID($id, $lang='') | Setup | |
getCountryByISO($iso, $lang='') | Setup | |
getEstablishments() | Setup | |
getEtablishmentByID($id) | Setup | |
getExtrafields($attrname, $elementtype) | Setup | |
getListOfCivilities($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $module='', $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfContactTypes($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $type='', $module='', $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfCountries($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $filter='', $lang='', $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfCurrencies($multicurrency=0, $sortfield="code_iso", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfEventTypes($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $type='', $module='', $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfExpenseReportsTypes($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $module='', $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfExtrafields($sortfield="t.pos", $sortorder='ASC', $elementtype='', $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfIncoterms($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfLegalForm($sortfield="rowid", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $country=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfMeasuringUnits($sortfield="rowid", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfRegions($sortfield="code_region", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $country=0, $filter='', $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfsocialNetworks($sortfield="rowid", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfStaff($sortfield="id", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfStates($sortfield="code_departement", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $country=0, $filter='', $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getListOfTowns($sortfield="zip,town", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $zipcode='', $town='', $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getModules() | Setup | |
getOrderingMethods($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getOrderingOrigins($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getPaymentTerms($sortfield="sortorder", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getPaymentTypes($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getRegionByCode($code) | Setup | |
getRegionByID($id) | Setup | |
getShippingModes($limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getStateByCode($code) | Setup | |
getStateByID($id) | Setup | |
getTicketsCategories($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getTicketsSeverities($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
getTicketsTypes($sortfield="code", $sortorder='ASC', $limit=100, $page=0, $active=1, $lang='', $sqlfilters='') | Setup | |
postExtrafields($attrname, $elementtype, $request_data=null) | Setup | |
translateLabel($object, $lang, $prefix='Country', $dict=array('dict')) | Setup | private |
updateExtrafields($attrname, $elementtype, $request_data=null) | Setup |