dolibarr 20.0.4
Directories | |
bank | |
cashcontrol | |
charges | |
deplacement | |
facture | |
journal | |
localtax | |
paiement | |
payment_sc | |
payment_vat | |
paymentbybanktransfer | |
prelevement | |
resultat | |
sociales | |
stats | |
tva | |
Files | |
accounting-files.php | |
Page to show portoflio and files of a thirdparty and download it. | |
ajaxpayment.php | |
File to return Ajax response on payment breakdown process. | |
clients.php | |
Show list of customers to add an new invoice. | |
index.php | |
Main page of accountancy area. | |
paiement.php | |
Payment page for customers invoices. | |
paiement_charge.php | |
Page to add payment of a tax. | |
paiement_vat.php | |
recap-compta.php | |
Page de fiche recap customer. | |