Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- f -
- feed_cdata() : RssParser
- feed_end_element() : RssParser
- feed_start_element() : RssParser
- fetch() : Account, AccountancyCategory, AccountancySystem, AccountingAccount, AccountingJournal, AccountLine, ActionComm, ActionCommReminder, ActionsTicket, Adherent, AdherentType, AdvanceTargetingMailing, Asset, AssetModel, Availabilities, BankCateg, BlockedLog, BlockedLogAuthority, BOM, BOMLine, BonPrelevement, BookKeeping, Bookmark, CActionComm, Calendar, CashControl, Categorie, Cchargesociales, Ccountry, CGenericDic, ChargeSociales, CLeadStatus, Client, Commande, CommandeFournisseur, CommandeFournisseurDispatch, CommandeFournisseurLigne, Comment, CompanyBankAccount, CompanyPaymentMode, ConferenceOrBooth, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, Contact, Contrat, ContratLigne, Cpaiement, CProductNature, Cregion, Cronjob, Cstate, CTicketCategory, Ctypent, Ctyperesource, CUnits, CurrencyRate, DefaultValues, Delivery, Deplacement, DiasporaHandler, DiscountAbsolute, Dolresource, Don, EcmDirectory, EcmFiles, EmailCollector, EmailCollectorAction, EmailCollectorFilter, EmailSenderProfile, Entrepot, Establishment, Evaluation, EvaluationLine, Events, Expedition, ExpeditionLigne, ExpenseReportIk, ExpenseReportLine, ExpenseReportRule, Export, Facture, FactureFournisseur, FactureFournisseurLigneRec, FactureFournisseurRec, FactureLigne, FactureLigneRec, FactureRec, Fichinter, FichinterLigne, FichinterRec, Fiscalyear, Fournisseur, Holiday, Hook, Import, IntracommReport, Inventory, InventoryLine, Job, KnowledgeRecord, Ldap, LignePrelevement, Link, Loan, LoanSchedule, Localtax, Mailing, MastodonHandler, Menubase, Mo, ModeleBoxes, ModelMail, MoLine, MouvementStock, MultiCurrency, MyObject, Notify, Opensurveysondage, OrderLine, Paiement, PaiementFourn, Partnership, PartnershipType, PaymentDonation, PaymentExpenseReport, PaymentLoan, PaymentSalary, PaymentSocialContribution, PaymentTerm, PaymentVarious, PaymentVAT, Position, PriceExpression, PriceGlobalVariable, PriceGlobalVariableUpdater, Product, ProductAttribute, ProductAttributeValue, Productbatch, ProductCombination, ProductCombinationLevel, ProductCustomerPrice, ProductFournisseurPrice, Productlot, ProductStockEntrepot, Project, Propal, PropaleLigne, Propalmergepdfproduct, Reception, ReceptionLineBatch, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, RedditHandler, RejetPrelevement, RemiseCheque, Salary, Skill, Skilldet, SkillRank, Societe, SocieteAccount, StockTransfer, StockTransferLine, Subscription, SupplierInvoiceLine, SupplierProposal, SupplierProposalLine, Target, Task, Ticket, TimeSpent, Tva, User, UserBankAccount, UserGroup, Website, WebsitePage, Workstation
- fetch_array() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- fetch_barcode() : CommonObject
- fetch_by_element() : AdvanceTargetingMailing
- fetch_by_mailing() : AdvanceTargetingMailing
- fetch_by_product() : Propalmergepdfproduct
- fetch_clicktodial() : User
- fetch_contact() : CommonObject
- fetch_delivery_methods() : Expedition, Reception
- fetch_line_by_project() : ExpenseReport
- fetch_lines() : Commande, CommandeFournisseur, Contrat, Delivery, Expedition, ExpenseReport, Facture, FactureFournisseur, FactureFournisseurRec, FactureRec, Fichinter, FichinterRec, Opensurveysondage, ProductAttribute, Propal, Reception
- fetch_login() : Adherent
- fetch_name() : Adherent
- fetch_name_extralanguages() : ExtraLanguages
- fetch_name_optionals_label() : ExtraFields
- fetch_object() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- fetch_optionals() : CommonObject
- fetch_origin() : CommonObject
- fetch_prod_arbo() : Product
- fetch_product() : CommonObject
- fetch_product_fournisseur_price() : ProductFournisseur
- fetch_project() : CommonObject
- fetch_projet() : CommonObject, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee
- fetch_row() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- fetch_subscriptions() : Adherent
- fetch_thirdparty() : CommonObject, Paiement, PaiementFourn
- fetch_user() : CommonObject
- fetch_userassigned() : ActionComm
- fetch_users_approver_expensereport() : ExpenseReport
- fetch_users_approver_holiday() : Holiday
- fetchAccountancyCodes() : AssetAccountancyCodes
- fetchActions() : EmailCollector
- fetchAll() : Asset, AssetModel, Availabilities, BankCateg, BOM, BOMLine, BookKeeping, Calendar, CGenericDic, CLeadStatus, CommonObjectLine, ConferenceOrBooth, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, CProductNature, Cronjob, CTicketCategory, Ctyperesource, CUnits, DefaultValues, Dolresource, EcmFiles, EmailCollector, Evaluation, EvaluationLine, ExpeditionLineBatch, Holiday, Hook, Job, KnowledgeRecord, Link, LoanSchedule, Mo, MoLine, MyObject, Opensurveysondage, Partnership, PartnershipType, Position, ProductAttribute, ProductCombinationLevel, ProductCustomerPrice, ProductFournisseurPrice, ProductStockEntrepot, ReceptionLineBatch, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, Skill, Skilldet, SkillRank, StockTransfer, StockTransferLine, Target, Ticket, TimeSpent, User, Website, WebsitePage, Workstation
- fetchAllBalance() : BookKeeping
- fetchAllByAccount() : BookKeeping
- fetchAllByFkProductParent() : ProductCombination
- fetchAllByProductAttribute() : ProductAttributeValue
- fetchAllCurrencyRate() : MultiCurrency
- fetchAllEMailTemplate() : FormMail
- fetchAllFor() : Comment
- fetchAllLog() : ProductCustomerPrice
- fetchAllPerMvt() : BookKeeping
- fetchAllTimeSpent() : Task
- fetchAndSetSubstitution() : Project
- fetchByFkCombination() : ProductCombination2ValuePair
- fetchByFkProductChild() : ProductCombination
- fetchByProductCombination2ValuePairs() : ProductCombination
- fetchByUser() : Holiday
- fetchCombinationPriceLevels() : ProductCombination
- fetchComments() : CommonObject
- fetchCommon() : CommonObject
- fetchDeprecationOptions() : AssetDepreciationOptions
- fetchDepreciationLines() : Asset
- fetchElementResource() : Dolresource
- fetchElementResources() : Dolresource
- fetchFilters() : EmailCollector
- fetchFormObj() : ProductCombinationLevel
- fetchFromStock() : ExpeditionLineBatch
- fetchLines() : Asset, AssetModel, Availabilities, BOM, Calendar, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, CTicketCategory, EmailSenderProfile, Evaluation, EvaluationLine, Job, KnowledgeRecord, Mo, MyObject, Partnership, Position, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, Skill, Skilldet, SkillRank, SocieteAccount, StockTransfer, StockTransferLine, Target, Workstation
- fetchLinesbytypeproduct() : BOM
- fetchLinesCommon() : CommonObject
- fetchLinesLinked() : Mo
- fetchLog() : Holiday
- fetchNoCompute() : CommonObject
- fetchObjectFrom() : CommonObject
- fetchObjectLinked() : CommonObject
- fetchOneLike() : CommonObject
- fetchPartnerships() : Adherent, Societe
- fetchPerMvt() : BookKeeping
- fetchPosts() : SocialNetworkManager
- fetchPreviousNextSituationInvoice() : Facture
- fetchResources() : ActionComm
- fetchRoles() : Contact
- fetchTimeSpent() : Task
- fetchTimeSpentOnTask() : Task
- fetchUsers() : Holiday
- fetchValuesForExtraLanguages() : CommonObject
- file_exists() : Translate
- fileExists() : Lessc
- fill_substitutionarray_with_extrafields() : CommonDocGenerator
- find() : Productbatch
- find_min_price_product_fournisseur() : ProductFournisseur
- find_title() : PriceExpression
- findAll() : Productbatch
- findAllForProduct() : Productbatch
- findHtmlImages() : CMailFile
- findHtmlImagesIsSrcData() : CMailFile
- findNearest() : Contact, Societe
- findUserIdByEmail() : User
- footer() : FormCardWebPortal
- form_attach_new_file() : FormFile
- form_availability() : Form
- form_barcode_type() : FormBarCode
- form_conditions_reglement() : Form
- form_confirm() : Form
- form_contacts() : Form
- form_date() : Form
- form_modes_reglement() : Form
- form_multicurrency_code() : Form
- form_multicurrency_rate() : Form
- form_project() : Form
- form_prospect_level() : FormCompany
- form_remise_dispo() : Form
- form_select_status_action() : FormActions
- form_thirdparty() : Form
- form_users() : Form
- formAccountingAccount() : FormAccounting
- formAddObjectLine() : CommonObject, ProductAttribute
- formatDate() : DiasporaHandler, MastodonHandler, RedditHandler
- formBarcodeType() : FormBarCode
- formconfirm() : Form
- formFilter() : mailing_advthirdparties, mailing_contacts1, mailing_eventorganization, mailing_fraise, mailing_mailing_mymodule_selector1, mailing_partnership, mailing_pomme, mailing_thirdparties, mailing_thirdparties_services_expired, mailing_xinputfile, mailing_xinputuser, MailingTargets
- formInputReason() : Form
- formObjectOptions() : ActionsStripeconnect
- formOpportunityStatus() : FormProjets
- formProspectContactLevel() : FormCompany
- formSelectAccount() : Form
- formSelectContract() : FormContract
- formSelectShippingMethod() : Form
- formSelectTransportMode() : Form
- formSelectWarehouses() : FormProduct
- formThirdpartyType() : FormCompany
- free() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- friendlyErrorType() : PhpCollector
- FSOCK_Request() : SimpleOpenID
- funcs() : EvalMath
- funcToColor() : Lessc