Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- g -
- genDocFilter() : Export
- generate() : BonPrelevement
- generateAttributesStringFromArray() : FormSetup
- generateBankAccountDocument() : Thirdparties
- generateContent() : Ai
- generateDoc() : Utils
- generateDocument() : Adherent, Availabilities, BOM, Calendar, Commande, CommandeFournisseur, ConferenceOrBooth, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, Contrat, Delivery, Don, Entrepot, Evaluation, EvaluationLine, Expedition, ExpenseReport, Facture, FactureFournisseur, Fichinter, Job, KnowledgeRecord, Mo, MouvementStock, MyObject, PaiementFourn, Partnership, Position, Product, ProductFournisseurPrice, Productlot, Project, Propal, Reception, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, Skill, Skilldet, SkillRank, Societe, StockTransfer, StockTransferLine, SupplierProposal, Target, Task, Ticket, TimeSpent, User, UserGroup, Workstation
- generateInputField() : FormSetupItem
- generateInputFieldCategories() : FormSetupItem
- generateInputFieldColor() : FormSetupItem
- generateInputFieldEmailTemplate() : FormSetupItem
- generateInputFieldHtml() : FormSetupItem
- generateInputFieldMultiSelect() : FormSetupItem
- generateInputFieldPassword() : FormSetupItem
- generateInputFieldSecureKey() : FormSetupItem
- generateInputFieldSelect() : FormSetupItem
- generateInputFieldSelectUser() : FormSetupItem
- generateInputFieldText() : FormSetupItem
- generateInputFieldTextarea() : FormSetupItem
- generateLineOutput() : FormSetup
- generateMultiprices() : Product
- generateNewToken() : Context
- generateOutput() : FormSetup
- generateOutputField() : FormSetupItem
- generateOutputFieldColor() : FormSetupItem
- generateOutputFieldMultiSelect() : FormSetupItem
- generateOutputFieldSelect() : FormSetupItem
- generateOutputFieldSelectUser() : FormSetupItem
- generatePageListNav() : FormListWebPortal
- generatePartialDiff() : Diff
- generatePdf() : RemiseCheque
- generateTableOutput() : FormSetup
- generateXMLFile() : IntracommReport
- get() : AgendaEvents, BankAccounts, Boms, Categories, Contacts, Contracts, Donations, ExpenseReports, Interventions, Invoices, KnowledgeManagement, Members, Mos, MultiCurrencies, MyModuleApi, Orders, Partnerships, PrestaShopWebservice, Products, Projects, Proposals, Receptions, Salaries, Shipments, Subscriptions, SupplierInvoices, SupplierOrders, SupplierProposals, Tasks, Thirdparties, Tickets, Users, Warehouses, Webhook, Workstations, Zapier
- get_all_categories() : Categorie
- get_all_data() : ICal
- get_all_rib() : Societe
- get_all_ways() : Categorie
- get_arbo_each_prod() : Product
- get_attached_files() : FormMail
- get_available_languages() : Translate
- get_barcode() : Product
- get_buyprice() : Product
- get_calender_data() : ICal
- get_categories() : Dolistore
- get_children() : User
- get_children_warehouses() : Entrepot
- get_code() : mod_codecompta_aquarium, mod_codecompta_digitaria, mod_codecompta_panicum, ModeleAccountancyCode
- get_codecompta() : Societe
- get_compte_desc() : BookKeeping
- get_element_list() : Project
- get_email_list() : SMTPs
- get_event_count() : ICal
- get_event_list() : ICal
- get_filles() : Categorie
- get_form() : FormMail
- get_freebusy_list() : ICal
- get_full_arbo() : Categorie, EcmDirectory, Entrepot
- get_full_tree() : User
- get_image_size() : Categorie, Product
- get_input_id_prof() : FormCompany
- get_main_categories() : Categorie
- get_meres() : Categorie
- get_nb_achat() : Product
- get_nb_contract() : Product
- get_nb_mos() : Product
- get_nb_order() : Product
- get_nb_ordersupplier() : Product
- get_nb_propal() : Product
- get_nb_propalsupplier() : Product
- get_nb_vente() : Product
- get_next_link() : Dolistore
- get_next_url() : Dolistore
- get_origin() : MouvementStock
- get_parent_path() : FormProduct
- get_prev_progress() : FactureLigne
- get_prev_sits() : Facture
- get_previous_link() : Dolistore
- get_previous_url() : Dolistore
- get_products() : Dolistore
- get_RCPT_list() : SMTPs
- get_sort_event_list() : ICal
- get_sousproduits_arbo() : Product
- get_substitutionarray_contact() : CommonDocGenerator
- get_substitutionarray_each_var_object() : CommonDocGenerator
- get_substitutionarray_lines() : CommonDocGenerator
- get_substitutionarray_mysoc() : CommonDocGenerator
- get_substitutionarray_object() : doc_generic_member_odt, doc_generic_project_odt, doc_generic_task_odt, doc_generic_ticket_odt, doc_generic_user_odt
- get_substitutionarray_other() : CommonDocGenerator
- get_substitutionarray_project_contacts() : doc_generic_project_odt, doc_generic_task_odt
- get_substitutionarray_project_file() : doc_generic_project_odt, doc_generic_task_odt
- get_substitutionarray_project_reference() : doc_generic_project_odt, doc_generic_task_odt
- get_substitutionarray_shipment() : CommonDocGenerator
- get_substitutionarray_task_file() : doc_generic_project_odt, doc_generic_task_odt
- get_substitutionarray_tasks() : doc_generic_project_odt, doc_generic_task_odt
- get_substitutionarray_tasksressource() : doc_generic_project_odt, doc_generic_task_odt
- get_substitutionarray_taskstime() : doc_generic_project_odt, doc_generic_task_odt
- get_substitutionarray_thirdparty() : CommonDocGenerator
- get_substitutionarray_user() : CommonDocGenerator
- get_todo_count() : ICal
- get_todo_list() : ICal
- get_translations_for_substitutions() : Translate
- get_url() : Account
- getAccessToken() : MastodonHandler
- getAccountancyEntriesByFiscalYear() : Fiscalyear
- getAccountancyMovementsByFiscalYear() : Fiscalyear
- getAccountingAccountInfos() : AccountingJournal
- getAccountingCodeToBind() : AccountingAccount
- getAccountNumberOrder() : Account
- getAccountsWithNoCategory() : AccountancyCategory
- getActionCommFields() : ConferenceOrBooth
- getActions() : ActionComm
- getAlignFlag() : ExtraFields
- getAllAdherentsNotInformed() : DataPolicy
- getAllByProduct() : CommandeStats, FactureStats, FichinterStats, PropaleStats, Stats
- getAllByProductEntry() : Stats
- getAllByYear() : AdherentStats, CommandeStats, DeplacementStats, DonationStats, ExpeditionStats, ExpenseReportStats, FactureStats, FichinterStats, ProjectStats, PropaleStats, ReceptionStats, SalariesStats, TaskStats, TicketStats
- getAllChildIds() : User
- getAllCompaniesNotInformed() : DataPolicy
- getAllContactNotInformed() : DataPolicy
- getAllGroupsOfWorkstation() : WorkstationUserGroup
- getAllItemsLinkedByObjectID() : CommonObject
- getAllMoChilds() : Mo
- getAllPayments() : ExpenseReports, Salaries
- getAllPrevProgress() : FactureLigne
- getAllProjectByStatus() : ProjectStats
- getAllRanges() : ExpenseReportIk
- getAllResourcesOfWorkstation() : WorkstationResource
- getAllRule() : ExpenseReportRule
- getAllTaskByStatus() : TaskStats
- getAmount() : Fichinter
- getAmountByMonth() : AdherentStats, CommandeStats, DeplacementStats, DonationStats, ExpeditionStats, ExpenseReportStats, FactureStats, FichinterStats, ProjectStats, PropaleStats, ReceptionStats, SalariesStats, Stats, TaskStats, TicketStats
- getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear() : Stats
- getAmountByYear() : FactureStats
- getAmountConversionFromInvoiceRate() : MultiCurrency
- getAmountsArray() : Paiement
- getArrayAddress() : CMailFile
- getArrayForPriceCompare() : Product
- getArrayOfInvoiceSubtypes() : CommonInvoice
- getAssetData() : AccountingJournal
- getAssets() : DolibarrCollector, DolQueryCollector
- getAtomImageUrl() : RssParser
- getAtomItemDescription() : RssParser
- getAttribute() : Ldap
- getAttributeById() : Products
- getAttributes() : Products
- getAttributesByRef() : Products
- getAttributesByRefExt() : Products
- getAttributeValueById() : Products
- getAttributeValueByRef() : Products
- getAttributeValues() : Ldap, Products
- getAttributeValuesByRef() : Products
- getAuthUrl() : RedditHandler
- getAvailability() : Setup
- getAvailableDiscounts() : DiscountAbsolute, Societe
- getAvailableSubstitKey() : FormMail
- getAverageByMonth() : AdherentStats, CommandeStats, DeplacementStats, DonationStats, ExpeditionStats, ExpenseReportStats, FactureStats, FichinterStats, ProjectStats, PropaleStats, ReceptionStats, SalariesStats, Stats, TaskStats, TicketStats
- getAverageByMonthWithPrevYear() : Stats
- getBankLinesFromFkDocAndDocType() : Lettering
- getBannerAddress() : Account
- getBannerAddressForWebPortal() : WebPortalMember
- getBatchCount() : MouvementStock
- getBCC() : SMTPs
- getBillsArray() : Paiement, PaiementFourn
- getBlockchainHash() : BlockedLogAuthority
- getBodyContent() : SMTPs
- getBoxesArea() : FormOther
- getByBarcode() : Products, Thirdparties
- getByCode() : MultiCurrencies
- getByEmail() : Contacts, Thirdparties, Users
- getByLogin() : Users
- getByMsgId() : Projects
- getByRef() : Invoices, Orders, Products, Projects, Proposals, Tickets, Workstations
- getByRefExt() : Invoices, Orders, Products, Projects, Proposals
- getByThirdparty() : Members
- getByThirdpartyBarcode() : Members
- getByThirdpartyEmail() : Members
- getByTrackId() : Tickets
- getCallerInfoString() : DoliDBMysqli
- getCandidature() : Recruitments
- getCanModifyBookkeepingSQL() : BookKeeping
- getCanvas() : Canvas, CommonObject
- getCategories() : Contacts, KnowledgeManagement, Members, Products, Thirdparties
- getCategoriesCommon() : CommonObject
- getCats() : AccountancyCategory
- getCatsCpts() : AccountancyCategory
- getCC() : SMTPs
- GetCeilMaxValue() : DolGraph
- getCellContent() : Diff
- getChangeLog() : DolibarrModules
- getCharSet() : SMTPs
- getCheckIntegrity() : Setup
- getChildren() : Project
- getChildrenOfLine() : CommonObject
- getChildsArbo() : Product
- getChildWarehouse() : Inventory
- getCivilityLabel() : Adherent, Contact
- getCliCommand() : AntiVir
- getClientId() : MastodonHandler
- getClientSecret() : MastodonHandler
- getColumnContentWidth() : CommonDocGenerator
- getColumnContentXStart() : CommonDocGenerator
- getColumnRank() : CommonDocGenerator
- getColumnStatus() : CommonDocGenerator
- getCombinationLabel() : ProductCombination
- getComments() : Opensurveysondage
- getCommon() : Tickets
- getCompany() : Setup
- getCompanyBankAccount() : Thirdparties
- getCompanyNotification() : Thirdparties
- getConf() : Setup
- getConfCP() : Holiday
- getConfig() : DolConfigCollector
- getConnectStringIMAP() : EmailCollector
- getContactRoles() : Contact
- getContacts() : Orders, Societe, SupplierOrders
- getContentPageTemplate() : FormWebsite
- getContents() : html_generic
- getControllerUrl() : Context
- getCookieFromParams() : DiasporaHandler
- getCopyright() : RssParser
- getCountByMonthForFiscalPeriod() : BookKeeping
- getCountOfItemsLinkedByObjectID() : CommonObject
- getCountryByCode() : Setup
- getCountryByID() : Setup
- getCountryByISO() : Setup
- getCountryCode() : Account, Establishment
- getCountryCodeFromIP() : DolGeoIP
- getCountryCodeFromName() : DolGeoIP
- getCPforUser() : Holiday
- getCptsCat() : AccountancyCategory
- getCurentItemMaxRank() : FormSetup
- getCurlDefaultParams() : PrestaShopWebservice
- getCurrencyAmount() : Translate
- getCurrencySymbol() : Translate
- getCustomerAccount() : SocieteAccount
- getCustomerPricesPerCustomer() : Products
- getCustomerPricesPerQuantity() : Products
- getCustomerPricesPerSegment() : Products
- getData() : AccountingJournal
- getDatabaseInfo() : DolibarrCollector
- getDataToShowPhoto() : CommonObject
- getDateLastMovementProductBatch() : MouvementStock
- getDeclarationNumber() : IntracommReport
- getDefaultCharacterSetDatabase() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- getDefaultCollationDatabase() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- getDefaultCreateValueFor() : CommonObject
- getDefaultGraphSizeForStats() : DolGraph
- getDefaultId() : PaymentTerm
- getDefaultLang() : Translate
- getDefaultRef() : Ticket
- getDeliveryReceipt() : SMTPs
- getDesc() : DolibarrModules, DolibarrTriggers, MailingTargets, PrintingDriver
- getDescLong() : DolibarrModules
- getDescLongReadmeFound() : DolibarrModules
- getDescription() : modCaptchaStandard, ModeleCaptcha, ModeleGenPassword, modGeneratePassNone, modGeneratePassPerso, modGeneratePassStandard, RssParser
- getDiscount() : Invoices
- getDispachedLines() : CommandeFournisseur
- getDocTypeAndFkDocFromBankLines() : Lettering
- getDocumentsLink() : FormFile, FormWebPortal
- getDocumentsListByElement() : Documents
- getDolibarrInfo() : DolibarrCollector
- getDonationPaymentType() : html_generic
- getDriverDesc() : ExportCsv, ExportExcel2007, ExportTsv, ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getDriverDescForKey() : ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getDriverExtension() : ExportCsv, ExportExcel2007, ExportTsv, ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getDriverId() : ExportCsv, ExportExcel2007, ExportTsv, ModeleImports
- getDriverInfo() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- getDriverLabel() : ExportCsv, ExportExcel2007, ExportTsv, ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getDriverLabelBis() : ExportExcel2007
- getDriverLabelForKey() : ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getDriverVersion() : ExportCsv, ExportExcel2007, ExportTsv, ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getDriverVersionForKey() : ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getElementCount() : Project
- getElementFromTableWithPrefix() : ModeleImports
- getElementResources() : Dolresource
- getElementType() : CommonObject
- getEmailingSelectorsList() : MailingTargets
- getEMailTemplate() : FormMail
- getEncodedUtf7() : EmailCollector
- GetError() : SimpleOpenID
- getErrors() : Context, SMTPs
- getErrorsTo() : SMTPs
- getErrorString() : BonPrelevement
- getEstablishments() : Setup
- getEtablishmentByID() : Setup
- getExample() : mod_arctic, mod_asset_advanced, mod_asset_standard, mod_barcode_product_standard, mod_barcode_thirdparty_standard, mod_bom_advanced, mod_bom_standard, mod_chequereceipt_mint, mod_chequereceipt_thyme, mod_codeclient_elephant, mod_codeclient_leopard, mod_codeclient_monkey, mod_codecompta_aquarium, mod_codecompta_digitaria, mod_codecompta_panicum, mod_codeproduct_elephant, mod_codeproduct_leopard, mod_commande_fournisseur_muguet, mod_commande_fournisseur_orchidee, mod_commande_marbre, mod_commande_saphir, mod_contract_magre, mod_contract_olive, mod_contract_serpis, mod_delivery_jade, mod_delivery_saphir, mod_evaluation_advanced, mod_evaluation_standard, mod_expedition_ribera, mod_expedition_safor, mod_expensereport_jade, mod_expensereport_sand, mod_facture_fournisseur_cactus, mod_facture_fournisseur_tulip, mod_facture_mars, mod_facture_mercure, mod_facture_terre, mod_holiday_immaculate, mod_holiday_madonna, mod_knowledgerecord_advanced, mod_knowledgerecord_standard, mod_lot_advanced, mod_lot_free, mod_lot_standard, mod_member_advanced, mod_member_simple, mod_mo_advanced, mod_mo_standard, mod_myobject_advanced, mod_myobject_standard, mod_pacific, mod_partnership_advanced, mod_partnership_standard, mod_payment_ant, mod_payment_cicada, mod_project_simple, mod_project_universal, mod_propale_marbre, mod_propale_saphir, mod_reception_beryl, mod_reception_moonstone, mod_recruitmentcandidature_advanced, mod_recruitmentcandidature_standard, mod_recruitmentjobposition_advanced, mod_recruitmentjobposition_standard, mod_sn_advanced, mod_sn_free, mod_sn_standard, mod_stocktransfer_advanced, mod_stocktransfer_standard, mod_supplier_payment_brodator, mod_supplier_payment_bronan, mod_supplier_proposal_marbre, mod_supplier_proposal_saphir, mod_takepos_ref_simple, mod_takepos_ref_universal, mod_task_simple, mod_task_universal, mod_ticket_simple, mod_ticket_universal, mod_workstation_advanced, mod_workstation_standard, modCaptchaStandard, ModeleCaptcha, ModeleGenPassword, ModeleNumRefAsset, ModeleNumRefBarCode, ModeleNumRefBatch, ModeleNumRefBoms, ModeleNumRefChequeReceipts, ModeleNumRefCommandes, ModeleNumRefDeliveryOrder, ModeleNumRefEvaluation, ModeleNumRefExpenseReport, ModeleNumRefFactures, ModeleNumRefFicheinter, ModeleNumRefKnowledgeRecord, ModeleNumRefMembers, ModeleNumRefMos, ModeleNumRefMyObject, ModeleNumRefPayments, ModeleNumRefProjects, ModeleNumRefPropales, ModeleNumRefRecruitmentCandidature, ModeleNumRefRecruitmentJobPosition, ModeleNumRefStockTransfer, ModeleNumRefSupplierPayments, ModeleNumRefSupplierProposal, ModeleNumRefSuppliersInvoices, ModeleNumRefSuppliersOrders, ModeleNumRefTakepos, ModeleNumRefTask, ModeleNumRefTicket, ModeleNumRefWorkstation, ModeleProductCode, ModelNumRefContracts, ModelNumRefExpedition, ModelNumRefHolidays, ModelNumRefReception, modGeneratePassNone, modGeneratePassPerso, modGeneratePassStandard
- getExpAmount() : ExpenseReportLine
- getExportDatasetLabel() : DolibarrModules
- getExtraField() : CommonObject
- getExtrafieldContent() : CommonDocGenerator
- getExtrafields() : Setup
- getFather() : Product
- getFieldError() : CommonObject
- getFieldList() : CommonObject
- getFieldListCanvas() : ActionsCardProduct, ActionsCardService
- getFieldsToShow() : Account
- getFileName() : vCard
- getFilename() : mod_syslog_file
- getFileObject() : FileUpload
- getFileObjects() : FileUpload
- getFilterBox() : FormCategory
- getFilterJoinQuery() : Categorie
- getFilterSelectQuery() : Categorie
- getFiscalPeriods() : BookKeeping
- getFixedAmountDiscounts() : Thirdparties
- GetFloorMinValue() : DolGraph
- getFormat() : RssParser
- getFormatCode() : AccountancyExport
- getFormatedCustomerRef() : CommonObject
- getFormatedSupplierRef() : CommonObject
- getFormToken() : Context
- getForUser() : Job, Position
- getFrom() : SMTPs
- getFullAddress() : CommonObject
- getFullCalendarObjects() : CdavLib
- getFullName() : ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, RecruitmentCandidature, UserGroup
- getFullUrl() : FileUpload
- getGeneralDepreciationInfoForMode() : AssetDepreciationOptions
- getGenerator() : RssParser
- getGeoCoordinatesOfAddress() : GoogleAPI
- getGroupElements() : Lettering
- getGroupLabel() : ExpenseReportRule
- getGroups() : Users
- getHeader() : SMTPs
- getHeightForQRInvoice() : ModelePDFFactures
- getHelpText() : FormSetupItem
- getHost() : SMTPs
- getHtml() : GeoMapEditor
- getHtmlForCc() : FormMail
- getHtmlForDeliveryreceipt() : FormMail
- getHtmlForTo() : FormMail
- getHtmlForTopic() : FormMail
- getHtmlForWithCcc() : FormMail
- getHtmlForWithErrorsTo() : FormMail
- getHTMLScannerForm() : FormOther
- getIBANLabel() : FormBank
- getID() : SMTPs
- getIdAndTxFromCode() : MultiCurrency
- getIdBillingContact() : Contrat, Facture
- getIdContact() : CommonObject
- GetIdentity() : SimpleOpenID
- getIdFromCode() : MultiCurrency
- getIdOfLine() : CommonObject
- getIdReplacingInvoice() : CommonInvoice
- getIdServiceContact() : Contrat
- getIdShippingContact() : Facture
- getIdTicketCustomerContact() : Ticket
- getIdTicketCustomerInvolvedContact() : Ticket
- getIdTicketInternalContact() : Ticket
- getIdTicketInternalInvolvedContact() : Ticket
- getImageUrl() : RssParser
- getImportDatasetLabel() : DolibarrModules
- getInfo() : ActionsTicket, LogHandler, mod_syslog_file, mod_syslog_syslog, Users
- getInfosLineLastSituation() : pdf_octopus
- getInfosTicketExternalContact() : Ticket
- getInfosTicketInternalContact() : Ticket
- getInputMethod() : CommandeFournisseur
- getInReplyTo() : SMTPs
- getInstance() : Context
- getInstanceDao() : ActionsTicket
- getInvoiceArrayList() : Propal
- getInvoiceRate() : MultiCurrency
- getInvoicesQualifiedForCreditNote() : Thirdparties
- getInvoicesQualifiedForReplacement() : Thirdparties
- getInvoiceStatic() : WebPortalInvoice
- getItems() : RssParser
- getJavascriptRenderer() : DolibarrDebugBar
- getJobPosition() : Recruitments
- getJSListDependancies() : CommonObject
- getKanbanView() : Account, Adherent, AdherentType, Availabilities, BOM, BonPrelevement, Calendar, CashControl, ChargeSociales, CommandeFournisseur, CommonOrder, ConferenceOrBooth, Contact, Contrat, DolibarrModules, Don, Entrepot, Evaluation, Expedition, ExpenseReport, Facture, FactureFournisseur, Fichinter, Holiday, IntracommReport, Inventory, Job, KnowledgeRecord, Loan, Localtax, Mo, MyObject, Partnership, PaymentExpenseReport, PaymentSalary, PaymentVarious, Position, Product, ProductAttribute, Project, Propal, Reception, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, RemiseCheque, Salary, Skill, Societe, Subscription, SupplierProposal, Task, Ticket, TimeSpent, Tva, User, UserGroup, WebPortalInvoice, WebPortalOrder, WebPortalPropal, Workstation
- getLabelFromKey() : Translate
- getLabelFromNumber() : Translate
- getLabelOfUnit() : CommonObjectLine, Product
- getLabelSource() : Commande
- getLabelStatus() : Asset, AssetModel, Availabilities, Calendar, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, MyObject, ProductAttribute, Target, TimeSpent, WebPortalInvoice, WebPortalOrder, WebPortalPropal
- getLangFilesArray() : DolibarrModules
- getLanguage() : RssParser
- getLastActivationDate() : DolibarrModules
- getLastActivationInfo() : DolibarrModules
- getLastBuildDate() : RssParser
- getLastEvaluationForUser() : Evaluation
- getLastFetchDate() : FediverseParser, RssParser, SocialNetworkManager
- getLastJobForUser() : Job
- getLastMainDocLink() : CommonObject
- getLastUpdated() : PriceGlobalVariableUpdater
- getLevels() : DolLogsCollector
- getLibCustProspStatut() : Societe
- getLibFinished() : Product
- getLibLabel() : ExportCsv, ExportExcel2007, ExportTsv, ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getLibLabelForKey() : ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getLibProspCommStatut() : Contact, Societe
- getLibProspLevel() : Contact, Societe
- getLibStatusLabel() : Dolresource
- getLibStatut() : Account, AccountingAccount, AccountLine, ActionComm, ActionCommReminder, ActionsTicket, Adherent, AdherentType, Asset, AssetModel, Availabilities, BOM, BOMLine, BonPrelevement, Bookmark, Calendar, CashControl, Categorie, ChargeSociales, Commande, CommandeFournisseur, CommonInvoice, CompanyPaymentMode, ConferenceOrBooth, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, Contact, Contrat, ContratLigne, Cronjob, CTicketCategory, Delivery, Deplacement, Dolresource, Don, EcmDirectory, EcmFiles, EmailCollector, EmailCollectorAction, EmailCollectorFilter, EmailSenderProfile, Entrepot, Establishment, Evaluation, EvaluationLine, Expedition, ExpenseReport, FactureFournisseurRec, FactureRec, Fichinter, FichinterRec, Fiscalyear, Holiday, Hook, Inventory, Job, KnowledgeRecord, LignePrelevement, Loan, Localtax, Mailing, Mo, MouvementStock, MyObject, Opensurveysondage, Paiement, PaiementFourn, Partnership, PartnershipType, PaymentDonation, PaymentExpenseReport, PaymentLoan, PaymentSalary, PaymentSocialContribution, PaymentVarious, PaymentVAT, Position, Product, ProductAttribute, ProductFournisseur, ProductFournisseurPrice, Productlot, ProductStockEntrepot, Project, Propal, Reception, ReceptionLineBatch, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, RemiseCheque, Salary, Skill, Skilldet, SkillRank, Societe, SocieteAccount, StockTransfer, StockTransferLine, Subscription, SupplierProposal, Target, Task, Ticket, TimeSpent, Tva, User, UserGroup, WebPortalInvoice, WebPortalMember, WebPortalOrder, WebPortalPartnership, WebPortalPropal, Website, WebsitePage, Workstation
- getLibType() : AccountingJournal, CommonInvoice
- getLibVersion() : ExportCsv, ExportExcel2007, ExportTsv, ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getLibVersionForKey() : ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getLineRank() : FormSetup
- getLines() : BankAccounts, Boms, Contracts, Invoices, Orders, Projects, Proposals, SupplierInvoices
- getLinesArray() : Asset, AssetModel, Availabilities, BOM, Calendar, Commande, Contrat, Evaluation, EvaluationLine, Facture, FactureFournisseurRec, FactureRec, Job, KnowledgeRecord, Mo, MyObject, Partnership, Position, ProductAttribute, Project, Propal, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, Skill, SkillRank, StockTransfer, SupplierProposal
- getLink() : RssParser
- getLinkedDocumentByGroup() : Lettering
- getLinkedLines() : Lettering
- getLinks() : BankAccounts
- getlistAvailablePrinters() : printing_printgcp, printing_printipp, PrintingDriver
- getListContactId() : CommonObject, Task
- getListForItem() : Categorie
- getListForObject() : Categories
- getListIdAvoirFromInvoice() : CommonInvoice
- getListInvoices() : BonPrelevement, RejetPrelevement
- getListOfActionTriggers() : Setup
- getListOfCharacterSet() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- getListOfCivilities() : Setup
- getListOfCollation() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- getListOfContactTypes() : Setup
- getListOfContracts() : Contrat
- getListOfCountries() : Setup
- getListOfCurrencies() : Setup
- getListOfEventTypes() : Setup
- getListOfExpenseReportsTypes() : Setup
- getListOfExtrafields() : Setup
- getListOfIncoterms() : Setup
- getListOfLegalForm() : Setup
- getListOfManagedEvents() : InterfaceNotification
- getListOfMeasuringUnits() : Setup
- getListOfPagesForBoxes() : InfoBox
- getListOfPayments() : CommonInvoice
- getListOfRegions() : Setup
- getListOfsocialNetworks() : Setup
- getListOfStaff() : Setup
- getListOfStates() : Setup
- getListOfTowns() : Setup
- getListOfTypesLabels() : ExtraFields
- getLocalBlockChain() : BlockedLogAuthority
- getLog() : BlockedLog
- getLoginUrl() : User
- getLogs() : DolLogsCollector
- getLogsFile() : DolLogsCollector
- getMailInfo() : DolibarrCollector
- getMailOnExclude() : AdherentType
- getMailOnResiliate() : AdherentType
- getMailOnSubscription() : AdherentType
- getMailOnValid() : AdherentType
- getMapList() : Categorie
- getMarginInfosArray() : FormMargin
- getMaxAttributesPosition() : ProductAttribute
- getMaxDeliveryTimeDay() : CommandeFournisseur
- getMaxRangeNumber() : ExpenseReportIk
- GetMaxValue() : DolGraph
- GetMaxValueInData() : DolGraph
- getMD5flag() : SMTPs
- getMemberStatic() : WebPortalMember
- getMessages() : PhpCollector
- getMimeType() : AccountancyExport
- GetMinValue() : DolGraph
- GetMinValueInData() : DolGraph
- getMoChilds() : Mo
- getModelEmailTemplate() : FormMail
- getModulePosition() : DolibarrModules
- getModules() : Setup
- getModulesChoices() : Zapier
- getMoParent() : Mo
- getMoreInHeader() : SMTPs
- getmorphylib() : Adherent, AdherentType
- getmsg() : EmailCollector
- getMultiLangs() : AdherentType, Categorie, Product
- getName() : CommonNumRefGenerator, DolHooksCollector, DolibarrCollector, DolibarrModules, DolibarrTriggers, DolQueryCollector, LogHandler, mod_syslog_file, mod_syslog_syslog, PhpCollector
- getNameText() : FormSetupItem
- getNbByMonth() : AdherentStats, CommandeStats, DeplacementStats, DonationStats, ExpeditionStats, ExpenseReportStats, FactureStats, FichinterStats, ProjectStats, PropaleStats, ReceptionStats, SalariesStats, Stats, TaskStats, TicketStats
- getNbByMonthWithPrevYear() : Stats
- getNbByYear() : AdherentStats, CommandeStats, DeplacementStats, DonationStats, ExpeditionStats, ExpenseReportStats, FactureStats, FichinterStats, PropaleStats, ReceptionStats, SalariesStats, TicketStats
- getNbComments() : CommonObject
- getNbLinesProductOrServiceOnBuy() : CommonOrder
- getNbOfEMailings() : Adherent, Contact, Societe, User
- getNbOfOrders() : Fournisseur
- getNbOfProductsLines() : Commande
- getNbOfRecipients() : mailing_advthirdparties, mailing_contacts1, mailing_eventorganization, mailing_fraise, mailing_mailing_mymodule_selector1, mailing_partnership, mailing_pomme, mailing_thirdparties, mailing_thirdparties_services_expired, mailing_xinputfile, mailing_xinputuser, MailingTargets
- getNbOfRecords() : MailingTargets
- getNbOfServicesLines() : Commande
- getNbOfShipments() : Commande
- getNbOfUsers() : User
- getNbOfVisibleMenuEntries() : Menu
- getNetNeeds() : BOM
- getNetNeedsTree() : BOM
- getNewGeneratedPassword() : ModeleGenPassword, modGeneratePassNone, modGeneratePassPerso, modGeneratePassStandard
- getNextDate() : FactureFournisseurRec, FactureRec
- getNextDeclarationNumber() : IntracommReport
- getNextGroupGid() : Ldap
- getNextId() : modStockTransfer
- getNextNumMvt() : BookKeeping
- getNextNumRef() : Asset, Availabilities, BOM, Calendar, Commande, CommandeFournisseur, CommonInvoice, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, Contrat, Evaluation, EvaluationLine, Expedition, ExpenseReport, Facture, FactureFournisseur, FactureFournisseurRec, FactureRec, Fichinter, Holiday, Job, KnowledgeRecord, Mo, MyObject, Paiement, PaiementFourn, Partnership, Position, ProductFournisseurPrice, Propal, Reception, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, RemiseCheque, Skill, Skilldet, SkillRank, StockTransfer, StockTransferLine, SupplierProposal, Target, TimeSpent, Workstation
- getNextValue() : mod_arctic, mod_asset_advanced, mod_asset_standard, mod_barcode_product_standard, mod_barcode_thirdparty_standard, mod_bom_advanced, mod_bom_standard, mod_chequereceipt_mint, mod_chequereceipt_thyme, mod_codeclient_elephant, mod_codeclient_leopard, mod_codeclient_monkey, mod_codeproduct_elephant, mod_codeproduct_leopard, mod_commande_fournisseur_muguet, mod_commande_fournisseur_orchidee, mod_commande_marbre, mod_commande_saphir, mod_contract_magre, mod_contract_olive, mod_contract_serpis, mod_delivery_jade, mod_delivery_saphir, mod_evaluation_advanced, mod_evaluation_standard, mod_expedition_ribera, mod_expedition_safor, mod_expensereport_jade, mod_expensereport_sand, mod_facture_fournisseur_cactus, mod_facture_fournisseur_tulip, mod_facture_mars, mod_facture_mercure, mod_facture_terre, mod_holiday_immaculate, mod_holiday_madonna, mod_knowledgerecord_advanced, mod_knowledgerecord_standard, mod_lot_advanced, mod_lot_free, mod_lot_standard, mod_member_advanced, mod_member_simple, mod_mo_advanced, mod_mo_standard, mod_myobject_advanced, mod_myobject_standard, mod_pacific, mod_partnership_advanced, mod_partnership_standard, mod_payment_ant, mod_payment_cicada, mod_project_simple, mod_project_universal, mod_propale_marbre, mod_propale_saphir, mod_reception_beryl, mod_reception_moonstone, mod_recruitmentcandidature_advanced, mod_recruitmentcandidature_standard, mod_recruitmentjobposition_advanced, mod_recruitmentjobposition_standard, mod_sn_advanced, mod_sn_free, mod_sn_standard, mod_stocktransfer_advanced, mod_stocktransfer_standard, mod_supplier_payment_brodator, mod_supplier_payment_bronan, mod_supplier_proposal_marbre, mod_supplier_proposal_saphir, mod_takepos_ref_simple, mod_takepos_ref_universal, mod_task_simple, mod_task_universal, mod_ticket_simple, mod_ticket_universal, mod_workstation_advanced, mod_workstation_standard, ModeleNumRefAsset, ModeleNumRefBarCode, ModeleNumRefBatch, ModeleNumRefBoms, ModeleNumRefChequeReceipts, ModeleNumRefCommandes, ModeleNumRefDeliveryOrder, ModeleNumRefEvaluation, ModeleNumRefExpenseReport, ModeleNumRefFactures, ModeleNumRefFicheinter, ModeleNumRefKnowledgeRecord, ModeleNumRefMembers, ModeleNumRefMos, ModeleNumRefMyObject, ModeleNumRefPayments, ModeleNumRefProjects, ModeleNumRefPropales, ModeleNumRefRecruitmentCandidature, ModeleNumRefRecruitmentJobPosition, ModeleNumRefStockTransfer, ModeleNumRefSupplierPayments, ModeleNumRefSupplierProposal, ModeleNumRefSuppliersInvoices, ModeleNumRefSuppliersOrders, ModeleNumRefTakepos, ModeleNumRefTask, ModeleNumRefTicket, ModeleNumRefWorkstation, ModeleProductCode, ModeleThirdPartyCode, ModelNumRefContracts, ModelNumRefExpedition, ModelNumRefHolidays, ModelNumRefReception
- getNoEmail() : Contact, Societe
- getNom() : CommonNumRefGenerator
- getNomUrl() : Account, AccountingAccount, AccountingJournal, AccountLine, ActionComm, ActionsMyModule, Adherent, AdherentType, Asset, AssetModel, Availabilities, BOM, BOMLine, BonPrelevement, BookKeeping, Bookmark, CActionComm, Calendar, CashControl, Categorie, Ccountry, ChargeSociales, Commande, CommandeFournisseur, CompanyPaymentMode, ConferenceOrBooth, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, Contact, Contrat, ContratLigne, Cregion, Cronjob, Cstate, CTicketCategory, Delivery, Deplacement, DiscountAbsolute, Dolresource, Don, EcmDirectory, EcmFiles, EmailCollector, EmailCollectorAction, EmailCollectorFilter, EmailSenderProfile, Entrepot, Establishment, Evaluation, EvaluationLine, Expedition, ExpenseReport, Facture, FactureFournisseur, FactureFournisseurRec, FactureRec, Fichinter, FichinterRec, Fiscalyear, Holiday, Hook, IntracommReport, Inventory, Job, KnowledgeRecord, Loan, Localtax, Mailing, Mo, MouvementStock, MyObject, Opensurveysondage, Paiement, PaiementFourn, Partnership, PartnershipType, PaymentDonation, PaymentExpenseReport, PaymentLoan, PaymentSalary, PaymentSocialContribution, PaymentVarious, PaymentVAT, Position, Product, ProductAttribute, ProductFournisseur, ProductFournisseurPrice, Productlot, ProductStockEntrepot, Project, Propal, Reception, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, RemiseCheque, Salary, Skill, Skilldet, SkillRank, Societe, SocieteAccount, StockTransfer, StockTransferLine, Subscription, SupplierProposal, Target, Task, Ticket, TimeSpent, Tva, User, UserGroup, WebPortalInvoice, WebPortalMember, WebPortalOrder, WebPortalPartnership, WebPortalPropal, Website, WebsitePage, Workstation
- getNotificationsArray() : Notify
- getNumRef() : mod_arctic, mod_delivery_saphir, mod_facture_fournisseur_cactus, mod_facture_fournisseur_tulip, mod_facture_mars, mod_facture_mercure, mod_facture_terre, mod_pacific, mod_propale_marbre, mod_supplier_proposal_marbre, mod_takepos_ref_simple, mod_takepos_ref_universal
- getObject() : ActionsAdherentCardCommon, ActionsCardCommon, ActionsContactCardCommon
- getObjectLink() : BlockedLog
- getObjects() : Categories
- getObjectSid() : Ldap
- getObjectsInCateg() : Categorie
- getOnlineVirtualCardUrl() : User
- GetOpenIDServer() : SimpleOpenID
- getOptionalsFromPost() : ExtraFields
- getOrderingMethods() : Setup
- getOrderingOrigins() : Setup
- getOrderShipments() : Orders
- getOrderStatic() : WebPortalOrder
- getOutstandingBills() : Societe
- getOutStandingInvoices() : Thirdparties
- getOutStandingOrder() : Thirdparties
- getOutstandingOrders() : Societe
- getOutStandingProposals() : Thirdparties
- getOutstandingProposals() : Societe
- getParentBomTreeRecursive() : BOM
- getParentsForCompany() : Societe
- getpart() : EmailCollector
- getPartnershipStatic() : WebPortalPartnership
- getPathOfDump() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- getPathOfRestore() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- getPaymentIntent() : Stripe
- getPaymentMethodStripe() : Stripe
- getPayments() : ExpenseReports, Invoices, Salaries, SupplierInvoices
- getPaymentTerms() : Setup
- getPaymentTypes() : Setup
- getPhotoUrl() : User
- getPictoForKey() : ModeleExports, ModeleImports
- getPointString() : DolGeoPHP
- getPort() : SMTPs
- getPositionOfAttribute() : ProductAttribute
- getPosts() : DiasporaHandler, FediverseParser, MastodonHandler, RedditHandler, SocialNetworkManager
- getPreviousHash() : BlockedLog
- getPrinterDetail() : printing_printipp
- getPriority() : SMTPs
- getProductDurationHours() : Product
- getProductNatureFromCode() : CProductNature
- getProductsToPreviewInEmail() : Product
- getProjectsAuthorizedForUser() : Project
- getPropalStatic() : WebPortalPropal
- getPublicControllerUrl() : Context
- getPublisher() : DolibarrModules
- getPublisherUrl() : DolibarrModules
- getPurchasePrices() : Products
- getPW() : SMTPs
- getRangeByUser() : ExpenseReportIk
- getRangesByCategory() : ExpenseReportIk
- getRangOfLine() : CommonObject
- getRate() : AssetDepreciationOptions, MultiCurrency
- getRates() : MultiCurrencies
- getRecords() : Ldap
- getRedirectUri() : MastodonHandler
- GetRedirectURL() : SimpleOpenID
- getReferences() : SMTPs
- getRegionByCode() : Setup
- getRegionByID() : Setup
- getRelativePath() : EcmDirectory
- getRemainingDelivered() : Delivery
- getRemainToPay() : CommonInvoice, Don
- getRemoteCategories() : Dolistore
- getRemoteProducts() : Dolistore
- getRenderer() : DolibarrDebugBar
- getReplyTo() : SMTPs
- getRetainedWarrantyAmount() : Facture
- getRibLabel() : CompanyBankAccount, UserBankAccount
- getRights() : CommandeFournisseur, CommonObject, FactureFournisseur, Product
- getrights() : User, UserGroup
- getRoles() : Projects, Tasks
- getRootAccount() : BookKeeping
- getRootConfigUrl() : Context
- getRootUrl() : Context
- getRow() : DoliDB
- getRows() : DoliDB
- getSalesRepresentatives() : Societe, Thirdparties
- getSectionForAIPrompt() : FormMail
- getSelectConditionsPaiements() : Form
- getSelectedReader() : Stripe
- getSelectInvoiceSubtype() : Form
- getSellOrEatByMandatoryLabel() : Product
- getSellOrEatByMandatoryList() : Product
- getSellPrice() : Product
- getSensitivity() : SMTPs
- getServerParametersValues() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- getServerStatusValues() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- getSetupIntent() : Stripe
- getShippingModes() : Setup
- getSignature() : BlockedLog
- getSignatureLink() : FormWebPortal
- getSkillRankForJob() : Job
- getSocieteAccounts() : Thirdparties
- getSocNomUrl() : ProductFournisseur
- getSommePaiement() : ChargeSociales, CommonInvoice, Salary, Tva
- getSpecialCode() : CommonObject
- getSqlArrayForStats() : mailing_advthirdparties, mailing_contacts1, mailing_eventorganization, mailing_fraise, mailing_mailing_mymodule_selector1, mailing_partnership, mailing_pomme, mailing_thirdparties, mailing_thirdparties_services_expired, mailing_xinputfile, mailing_xinputuser, MailingTargets
- getSqlCalEvents() : CdavLib
- getSQLFactLines() : IntracommReport
- getStateByCode() : Setup
- getStateByID() : Setup
- getStatusDispatch() : Reception
- getStock() : Products
- getStorageLogs() : DolLogsCollector
- getStripeAccount() : Stripe
- getStripeCustomerAccount() : Stripe
- getSubject() : SMTPs
- getSubproducts() : Products
- getSubscriptions() : Members
- getSubstitutionarrayMember() : CommonDocGenerator
- getSubtypeLabel() : CommonInvoice
- getSumCreditNotesUsed() : CommonInvoice, DiscountAbsolute
- getSumDebitCredit() : AccountancyCategory
- getSumDepositsUsed() : CommonInvoice, DiscountAbsolute
- getSumFromThisCreditNotesNotUsed() : CommonInvoice, DiscountAbsolute
- getSummaryOfTimeSpent() : Task
- getSumOfAmount() : Task
- getSumPayment() : Loan
- getSumPayments() : ExpenseReport
- getSupplierCategories() : Thirdparties
- getSupplierProducts() : Products
- getSwissQrBill() : ModelePDFFactures
- getTasksArray() : Task
- getTaxCategories() : ExpenseReportIk
- getTcpdfEncodingType() : modTcpdfbarcode
- getTemplateInvoice() : Invoices
- getThirdPartyAccountFromLogin() : Context
- getThirdPartyID() : SocieteAccount
- getTicketAllContacts() : Ticket
- getTicketAllCustomerContacts() : Ticket
- getTicketsArray() : Contrat
- getTicketsCategories() : Setup
- getTicketsSeverities() : Setup
- getTicketsTypes() : Setup
- getTitle() : ActionsAdherentCardDefault, ActionsCardCompany, ActionsCardIndividual, ActionsContactCardDefault, ActionsTicket, RssParser
- getTo() : SMTPs
- getToken() : SMTPs
- getToolTip() : ModeleAccountancyCode, ModeleNumRefBarCode, ModeleNumRefMembers, ModeleProductCode, ModeleThirdPartyCode
- getTooltipContent() : CommonObject
- getTooltipContentArray() : Account, ActionComm, Adherent, AdherentType, BOM, Calendar, Categorie, Commande, CommandeFournisseur, CommonObject, Contact, Contrat, ContratLigne, Cronjob, Delivery, Dolresource, Entrepot, Expedition, ExpenseReport, Facture, FactureFournisseur, Fichinter, Fiscalyear, Holiday, KnowledgeRecord, Mailing, Mo, MyObject, Opensurveysondage, Partnership, PaymentSalary, Product, Productlot, Project, Propal, Salary, Societe, SocieteAccount, SupplierProposal, Task, Ticket, TimeSpent, User, UserGroup, WebPortalInvoice, WebPortalMember, WebPortalOrder, WebPortalPartnership, WebPortalPropal, Workstation
- getTotalDiscount() : CommonObject
- getTotalWeightVolume() : CommonObject
- getTrackId() : SMTPs
- getTradFromKey() : Translate
- getTransEncode() : SMTPs
- getTransEncodeType() : SMTPs
- getTransformRateByMonth() : ProjectStats
- getTransformRateByMonthWithPrevYear() : ProjectStats
- getTransportType() : SMTPs
- getTriggersList() : Interfaces
- getType() : AccountancyExport, FormSetupItem, Members
- getTypeConfig() : AccountancyExport
- getTypeLabel() : ActionComm
- getTypeMovement() : MouvementStock
- getTypePicto() : ActionComm
- getTypes() : Holiday
- getTypeUrl() : Societe
- getUniqueAttributesAndValuesByFkProductParent() : ProductCombination
- getUnitFromCode() : CUnits
- getUrlRss() : RssParser
- getUrlToken() : Context
- getUrlTrackingStatus() : Expedition, Reception
- getUser() : BlockedLog
- getUserIdentifier() : Ldap
- getUserName() : ExpenseReportRule
- getUserRolesForProjectsOrTasks() : Task
- getValidAddress() : CMailFile
- getValorisationTotale() : StockTransfer
- getValueFrom() : CommonObject
- getVariants() : Products
- getVariantsByProdRef() : Products
- getVCard() : vCard
- getVentilExportCompta() : AccountLine, CommonInvoice, ExpenseReport, PaymentSocialContribution, PaymentVarious
- getVersion() : CommonNumRefGenerator, Database, DolGeoIP, DolibarrModules, DolibarrTriggers, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, Ldap, LogHandler, mod_syslog_file, mod_syslog_syslog, ModeleNumRefKnowledgeRecord, PrestaShopWebservice, TraceableDB
- getVersionArray() : Database, DoliDB, TraceableDB
- getWarning() : LogHandler
- getWay() : Paiement, PaiementFourn
- getWeightedAmountByMonth() : ProjectStats
- getWeightedAmountByMonthWithPrevYear() : ProjectStats
- getWidgets() : DolConfigCollector, DolExceptionsCollector, DolHooksCollector, DolibarrCollector, DolLogsCollector, DolMemoryCollector, DolQueryCollector, DolRequestDataCollector, DolTimeDataCollector, PhpCollector
- getWidgetsList() : ModeleBoxes
- getWkt() : DolGeoPHP
- getXheader() : SMTPs
- getXML() : IntracommReport
- getXMLDes() : IntracommReport
- getXYString() : DolGeoPHP