dolibarr 20.0.5
admin Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for admin:




 Setup page to configure accountant / auditor.
 Setup page to configure accounting module.
 Autocreate actions for agenda module setup page.
 Page to setup extra fields of agenda.
 Page to setup external calendars for agenda module.
 Autocreate actions for agenda module setup page.
 Page to setup agenda reminder options.
 Page to setup miscellaneous options of agenda module.
 Page to setup the bank module.
 Page to setup extra fields of bank.
 Page to setup extra fields of bankline.
 Page to setup barcode module.
 Setup page of module BOM.
 Page to setup extra fields of BOM.
 Page to setup extra fields of BOM.
 Page to setup boxes.
 Page to setup module ClickToDial.
 Setup page to configure company/foundation.
 Setup page to configure company social networks.
 Page to setup accountancy module.
 Admin page to define miscellaneous constants.
 Setup page of module Contracts.
 Page to setup DAV server.
 Setup page for debugbar module.
 Page to set default values used used in a create form Default values are stored into $user->default_values[url]['createform']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Default filters are stored into $user->default_values[url]['filters']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Default sort order are stored into $user->default_values[url]['sortorder']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Default focus are stored into $user->default_values[url]['focus']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Mandatory fields are stored into $user->default_values[url]['mandatory']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue.
 Page to setup late delays.
 age to setup extra fields of delivery
 Page to setup extra fields of delivery.
 Page to setup extra fields of delivery.
 Page to administer dictionary data tables.
 Page to setup ECM (GED) module.
 Page to setup extra fields of ecm.
 Page to setup extra fields of ecm.
 Page to create/edit/view emailcollector.
 List page for emailcollector.
 EventOrganization setup page.
 Page to setup extra fields of EventOrganization.
 Page to setup extra fields of conferenceorboothattendee.
 Log event setup page.
 Page d'administration/configuration du module Expedition.
 Page to setup extra fields of expedition.
 Page to setup extra fields of expedition.
 Setup page of module ExpenseReport.
 Page to setup extra fields of expensereport.
 Page to display expense tax ik.
 Page to display expense tax ik.
 config Page module Export
 Page to setupe module ExternalRss.
 Activation page for the FCKeditor module in the other modules.
 Setup page of module Interventions.
 Setup page for geoipmaxmind module.
 Page to setup extra fields of holiday.
 HrmTest setup page.
 Page to setup GUI display options.
 config page module import
 Home page of setup area.
 Page to setup invoice module.
 Page to setup invoice module.
 KnowledgeManagement setup page.
 Page to setup extra fields of knowledgerecord.
 Page to setup module LDAP.
 Page d'administration/configuration du module Ldap.
 Page to setup LDAP synchronization for groups.
 Page d'administration/configuration du module Ldap adherent.
 Page to setup LDAP synchronization for members types.
 Page d'administration/configuration du module Ldap.
 Page to setup limits.
 Setup page to configure loan module.
 Page to setup emailing module.
 Page to setup the module MailmanSpip (Mailman)
 Page to setup emails sending.
 Page to setup emails entry.
 Page to administer email sender profiles.
 Page to administer emails templates.
 Page to setup mails for ticket.
 Page to setup menu manager to use.
 Page to activate/disable all modules.
 Page to activate/disable all modules.
 Setup page of module MRP.
 Page to setup extra fields of MOs.
 Page to setup extra fields of MOs lines.
 Page to setup multicurrency module.
 Page to setup notification module.
 Setup page to configure oauth access api.
 Setup page to configure oauth access to login information.
 Setup page to configure opening hours.
 Setup page of module Order.
 Page to setup extra fields of order.
 Page to setup extra fields of order.
 Page to setup invoices payments.
 Page to setup payments by credit transfer.
 Page to setup PDF options.
 Page to setup default permissions of a new user.
 Setup page for commercial proposal module.
 Page setup proxy to use for external web access.
 Page to setup receipt printer.
 Page to setup extra fields of reception.
 Page to setup reception module.
 Setup page to configure resource module.
 Page to setup extra fields of resource.
 Page of setup of security.
 Security options setup.
 Security options setup.
 Page to setup emails sending.
 Page to setup the module MailmanSpip (SPIP)
 Page to setup module stock.
 Setup to admin supplier invoices.
 Page d'administration-configuration du module Fournisseur.
 Page to setup supplier invoices payments.
 Page to setup extra fields of supplierinvoice.
 Page to setup extra fields of recurring supplierinvoice.
 Page to setup extra fields of supplierinvoice line.
 Page to setup extra fields of recurring supplierinvoice line.
 Page to setup extra fields of supplierorder.
 Setup page for logs module.
 Page to setup module tax.
 Page to setup module ticket.
 Page to setup extra fields of ticket.
 Page to public interface of module Ticket.
 Page to show translation information.
 Page to view triggers.
 Page to setup user module.
 Page to setup usergroup module.
 Page to administer web sites.
 Workflows setup page.
 Workstation setup page.