dolibarr 20.0.0
Directories | |
menus | |
system | |
tools | |
Files | |
accountant.php | |
Setup page to configure accountant / auditor. | |
accounting.php | |
Setup page to configure accounting module. | |
agenda.php | |
Autocreate actions for agenda module setup page. | |
agenda_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of agenda. | |
agenda_extsites.php | |
Page to setup external calendars for agenda module. | |
agenda_other.php | |
Autocreate actions for agenda module setup page. | |
agenda_reminder.php | |
Page to setup agenda reminder options. | |
agenda_xcal.php | |
Page to setup miscellaneous options of agenda module. | |
bank.php | |
Page to setup the bank module. | |
bank_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of bank. | |
bankline_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of bankline. | |
barcode.php | |
Page to setup barcode module. | |
bom.php | |
Setup page of module BOM. | |
bom_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of BOM. | |
bomline_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of BOM. | |
boxes.php | |
Page to setup boxes. | |
chequereceipts.php | |
clicktodial.php | |
Page to setup module ClickToDial. | |
company.php | |
Setup page to configure company/foundation. | |
company_socialnetworks.php | |
Setup page to configure company social networks. | |
compta.php | |
Page to setup accountancy module. | |
const.php | |
Admin page to define miscellaneous constants. | |
contract.php | |
Setup page of module Contracts. | |
dav.php | |
Page to setup DAV server. | |
debugbar.php | |
Setup page for debugbar module. | |
defaultvalues.php | |
Page to set default values used used in a create form Default values are stored into $user->default_values[url]['createform']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Default filters are stored into $user->default_values[url]['filters']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Default sort order are stored into $user->default_values[url]['sortorder']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Default focus are stored into $user->default_values[url]['focus']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue Mandatory fields are stored into $user->default_values[url]['mandatory']['querystring'|'noquery'][paramkey]=paramvalue. | |
delais.php | |
Page to setup late delays. | |
delivery.php | |
age to setup extra fields of delivery | |
delivery_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of delivery. | |
deliverydet_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of delivery. | |
dict.php | |
Page to administer dictionary data tables. | |
ecm.php | |
Page to setup ECM (GED) module. | |
ecm_directories_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of ecm. | |
ecm_files_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of ecm. | |
emailcollector_card.php | |
Page to create/edit/view emailcollector. | |
emailcollector_list.php | |
List page for emailcollector. | |
eventorganization.php | |
EventOrganization setup page. | |
eventorganization_confbooth_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of EventOrganization. | |
eventorganization_confboothattendee_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of conferenceorboothattendee. | |
events.php | |
Log event setup page. | |
expedition.php | |
Page d'administration/configuration du module Expedition. | |
expedition_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of expedition. | |
expeditiondet_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of expedition. | |
expensereport.php | |
Setup page of module ExpenseReport. | |
expensereport_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of expensereport. | |
expensereport_ik.php | |
Page to display expense tax ik. | |
expensereport_rules.php | |
Page to display expense tax ik. | |
export.php | |
config Page module Export | |
external_rss.php | |
Page to setupe module ExternalRss. | |
fckeditor.php | |
Activation page for the FCKeditor module in the other modules. | |
fichinter.php | |
Setup page of module Interventions. | |
geoipmaxmind.php | |
Setup page for geoipmaxmind module. | |
holiday.php | |
holiday_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of holiday. | |
hrm.php | |
HrmTest setup page. | |
ihm.php | |
Page to setup GUI display options. | |
import.php | |
config page module import | |
index.php | |
Home page of setup area. | |
invoice.php | |
Page to setup invoice module. | |
invoice_situation.php | |
Page to setup invoice module. | |
knowledgemanagement.php | |
KnowledgeManagement setup page. | |
knowledgerecord_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of knowledgerecord. | |
ldap.php | |
Page to setup module LDAP. | |
ldap_contacts.php | |
Page d'administration/configuration du module Ldap. | |
ldap_groups.php | |
Page to setup LDAP synchronization for groups. | |
ldap_members.php | |
Page d'administration/configuration du module Ldap adherent. | |
ldap_members_types.php | |
Page to setup LDAP synchronization for members types. | |
ldap_users.php | |
Page d'administration/configuration du module Ldap. | |
limits.php | |
Page to setup limits. | |
loan.php | |
Setup page to configure loan module. | |
mailing.php | |
Page to setup emailing module. | |
mailman.php | |
Page to setup the module MailmanSpip (Mailman) | |
mails.php | |
Page to setup emails sending. | |
mails_emailing.php | |
mails_ingoing.php | |
Page to setup emails entry. | |
mails_senderprofile_list.php | |
Page to administer email sender profiles. | |
mails_templates.php | |
Page to administer emails templates. | |
mails_ticket.php | |
Page to setup mails for ticket. | |
menus.php | |
Page to setup menu manager to use. | |
modulehelp.php | |
Page to activate/disable all modules. | |
modules.php | |
Page to activate/disable all modules. | |
mrp.php | |
Setup page of module MRP. | |
mrp_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of MOs. | |
mrp_production_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of MOs lines. | |
multicurrency.php | |
Page to setup multicurrency module. | |
notification.php | |
Page to setup notification module. | |
oauth.php | |
Setup page to configure oauth access api. | |
oauthlogintokens.php | |
Setup page to configure oauth access to login information. | |
openinghours.php | |
Setup page to configure opening hours. | |
order.php | |
Setup page of module Order. | |
order_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of order. | |
orderdet_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of order. | |
payment.php | |
Page to setup invoices payments. | |
paymentbybanktransfer.php | |
Page to setup payments by credit transfer. | |
pdf.php | |
Page to setup PDF options. | |
pdf_other.php | |
perms.php | |
Page to setup default permissions of a new user. | |
prelevement.php | |
propal.php | |
Setup page for commercial proposal module. | |
proxy.php | |
Page setup proxy to use for external web access. | |
receiptprinter.php | |
Page to setup receipt printer. | |
reception_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of reception. | |
reception_setup.php | |
Page to setup reception module. | |
receptiondet_batch_extrafields.php | |
resource.php | |
Setup page to configure resource module. | |
resource_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of resource. | |
security.php | |
Page of setup of security. | |
security_file.php | |
Security options setup. | |
security_other.php | |
Security options setup. | |
sms.php | |
Page to setup emails sending. | |
spip.php | |
Page to setup the module MailmanSpip (SPIP) | |
stock.php | |
Page to setup module stock. | |
stocktransfer.php | |
supplier_invoice.php | |
Setup to admin supplier invoices. | |
supplier_order.php | |
Page d'administration-configuration du module Fournisseur. | |
supplier_payment.php | |
Page to setup supplier invoices payments. | |
supplier_proposal.php | |
supplierinvoice_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of supplierinvoice. | |
supplierinvoice_rec_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of recurring supplierinvoice. | |
supplierinvoicedet_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of supplierinvoice line. | |
supplierinvoicedet_rec_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of recurring supplierinvoice line. | |
supplierorder_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of supplierorder. | |
supplierorderdet_extrafields.php | |
syslog.php | |
Setup page for logs module. | |
taxes.php | |
Page to setup module tax. | |
ticket.php | |
Page to setup module ticket. | |
ticket_extrafields.php | |
Page to setup extra fields of ticket. | |
ticket_public.php | |
Page to public interface of module Ticket. | |
translation.php | |
Page to show translation information. | |
triggers.php | |
Page to view triggers. | |
user.php | |
Page to setup user module. | |
usergroup.php | |
Page to setup usergroup module. | |
webhook.php | |
website.php | |
Page to administer web sites. | |
website_options.php | |
workflow.php | |
Workflows setup page. | |
workstation.php | |
Workstation setup page. | |