Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- a -
- accountActivate() : AccountingAccount
- accountDeactivate() : AccountingAccount
- accountingResult() : BookKeeping
- action() : Controller, DefaultController, DocumentController, InvoiceListController, LoginController, MemberCardController, OrderListController, PartnershipCardController, PropalListController
- activateAll() : Contrat
- activateLine() : Contracts
- active_line() : Contrat, ContratLigne
- add() : Ldap, Menu, PrestaShopWebservice
- add_attached_files() : FormMail
- add_commercial() : Societe
- add_contact() : CommonObject
- add_element_resource() : CommonObject
- add_fournisseur() : Product
- add_object_linked() : CommonObject
- Add_PDF_card() : pdf_standard
- Add_PDF_label() : pdf_standardlabel
- add_photo() : Categorie, Product
- add_product() : Commande, Propal, SupplierProposal
- add_sousproduit() : Product
- add_to_abo() : Adherent
- add_to_array() : ICal
- add_to_mailman() : MailmanSpip
- add_to_spip() : MailmanSpip
- add_to_target() : mailing_contacts1, mailing_eventorganization, mailing_fraise, mailing_mailing_mymodule_selector1, mailing_partnership, mailing_pomme, mailing_thirdparties, mailing_thirdparties_services_expired, mailing_xinputfile, mailing_xinputuser
- add_to_target_spec() : mailing_advthirdparties
- add_type() : Categorie
- add_url_line() : Account
- addAttribute() : Ldap
- addAttributes() : Products
- addAttributeValue() : Products
- addBlock() : BlockedLogAuthority
- addBottomQRInvoice() : ModelePDFFactures
- addCategory() : Contacts, Thirdparties
- addComment() : Opensurveysondage
- addContact() : Invoices
- addControllerDefinition() : Context
- addCustomFunction() : DoliDBSqlite3
- addDepreciationLine() : Asset
- addExtraField() : ExtraFields
- AddFacture() : BonPrelevement
- AddFournisseurInCategory() : Societe
- addItemFraisDePort() : IntracommReport
- addItemFromParams() : FormSetup
- addItemsFact() : IntracommReport
- addItemsFromParamsArray() : FormSetup
- addItemXMl() : IntracommReport
- addItemXMlDes() : IntracommReport
- addLine() : BankAccounts, BOM, ProductAttribute
- addline() : Account, BonPrelevement, Commande, CommandeFournisseur, Contrat, Delivery, Expedition, ExpenseReport, Facture, FactureFournisseur, FactureFournisseurRec, FactureRec, Fichinter, Propal, Reception, SupplierProposal
- addline_batch() : Expedition
- addLineRec() : FichinterRec
- addLink() : BankAccounts
- addLogCP() : Holiday
- addMoreActionsButtons() : ActionsStripeconnect
- addMoreMassActions() : ActionsMyModule
- addNotification() : BonPrelevement
- addPayment() : ExpenseReports, Invoices, Localtax, Salaries, SupplierInvoices, Tva
- addPaymentDistributed() : Invoices
- addPaymentToBank() : Paiement, PaymentDonation, PaymentExpenseReport, PaymentLoan, PaymentSalary, PaymentSocialContribution, PaymentVAT
- addPrinter() : dolReceiptPrinter
- addPurchasePrice() : Products
- addRate() : MultiCurrency
- addRateFromDolibarr() : MultiCurrency
- addRepresentative() : Thirdparties
- addrights() : User, UserGroup
- addSticker() : CommonStickerGenerator, pdf_standard, pdf_standardlabel, pdf_tcpdflabel
- addSubproducts() : Products
- addSupplierCategory() : Thirdparties
- addTargetsToDatabase() : MailingTargets
- addTemplate() : dolReceiptPrinter
- addThumbs() : CommonObject
- addTimeSpent() : Task, Tasks
- addVariant() : Products
- addVariantByProductRef() : Products
- advMultiselectarray() : FormAdvTargetEmailing
- advMultiselectarraySelllist() : FormAdvTargetEmailing
- affected_rows() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- afterPDFCreation() : ActionsMyModule
- already_exists() : Categorie
- alreadyUsed() : BlockedLog, modBlockedLog
- amountByType() : AdherentType
- amountToLetters() : html_cerfafr
- append() : RssParser
- append_content() : RssParser
- applyOffset() : ExpenseReport
- approve() : CommandeFournisseur, Holiday, Partnership, SupplierOrders
- array2url() : SimpleOpenID
- array_detail() : Contrat
- assertPostConditions() : Dolibarr\test\functional\MyModuleFunctionalTest
- assertPreConditions() : Dolibarr\test\functional\MyModuleFunctionalTest
- assign() : lessc_parser
- assign_post() : ActionsAdherentCardCommon, ActionsCardCommon, ActionsContactCardCommon
- assign_values() : ActionsAdherentCardCommon, ActionsAdherentCardDefault, ActionsCardCommon, ActionsCardCompany, ActionsCardIndividual, ActionsCardProduct, ActionsCardService, ActionsContactCardCommon, ActionsContactCardDefault, Canvas
- assignUser() : Ticket
- atLeastOneBatch() : pdf_eagle
- attributeMoveDown() : ProductAttribute
- attributeMoveUp() : ProductAttribute
- attributeOrder() : ProductAttribute
- attributesAjaxOrder() : ProductAttribute
- authenticate() : Dolibarr\test\functional\MyModuleFunctionalTest
- availability() : Commande, Propal