Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- c -
- cachedCompile() : Lessc
- calc_daynr() : DoliDBSqlite3
- calc_days_in_year() : DoliDBSqlite3
- calc_week() : DoliDBSqlite3
- calc_weekday() : DoliDBSqlite3
- calcAndSetStatusDispatch() : CommandeFournisseur
- calcMonthlyPayments() : LoanSchedule
- calculate_date_lim_reglement() : CommonInvoice
- calculateBalanceForProductBefore() : MouvementStock
- calculateCosts() : BOM
- calculationDepreciation() : Asset
- call_trigger() : CommonObject, EcmDirectory
- callMailman() : MailmanSpip
- can_be_deleted() : Account
- canBeActivated() : CommonNumRefGenerator, mod_asset_standard, mod_bom_standard, mod_chequereceipt_mint, mod_commande_fournisseur_muguet, mod_commande_marbre, mod_contract_serpis, mod_delivery_jade, mod_evaluation_standard, mod_expedition_safor, mod_expensereport_jade, mod_facture_fournisseur_cactus, mod_facture_mars, mod_facture_terre, mod_holiday_madonna, mod_knowledgerecord_standard, mod_lot_standard, mod_member_advanced, mod_member_simple, mod_mo_standard, mod_myobject_standard, mod_pacific, mod_partnership_standard, mod_payment_cicada, mod_project_simple, mod_propale_marbre, mod_reception_beryl, mod_recruitmentcandidature_standard, mod_recruitmentjobposition_standard, mod_sn_standard, mod_stocktransfer_standard, mod_supplier_payment_bronan, mod_supplier_proposal_marbre, mod_takepos_ref_simple, mod_task_simple, mod_ticket_simple, mod_workstation_standard, ModeleNumRefKnowledgeRecord, modPhpbarcode, modTcpdfbarcode
- canBeConciliated() : Account
- canBeNull() : CommonObject
- Cancel() : CommandeFournisseur
- cancel() : AssetModel, Availabilities, BOM, Calendar, Commande, ConferenceOrBooth, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, Evaluation, EvaluationLine, Expedition, Job, KnowledgeRecord, Mo, MyObject, Partnership, Position, ProductFournisseurPrice, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, Skill, Skilldet, SkillRank, StockTransfer, StockTransferLine, Target, TimeSpent
- cancelConsumedAndProducedLines() : Mo
- canModifyBookkeeping() : BookKeeping
- cardStripe() : Stripe
- changeNbOfFiles() : EcmDirectory
- check() : ChargeSociales, Don, PaymentVarious, Product
- check_barcode() : Product
- check_codeclient() : Societe
- check_codefournisseur() : Societe
- check_server_port() : CMailFile
- checkAccess() : Controller, DefaultController, DocumentController, InvoiceListController, LoginController, MemberCardController, OrderListController, PartnershipCardController, PropalListController
- checkBlock() : BlockedLogAuthority
- checkBlockchain() : BlockedLogAuthority
- checkCodeAlreadyExists() : MultiCurrency
- checkConfiguration() : LogHandler, mod_syslog_file, mod_syslog_syslog
- checkCountryBankAccount() : UserBankAccount
- checkDolibarrBacklink() : PartnershipUtils
- checkExistingRef() : Ticket
- checkForCompliance() : DolibarrModules
- checkForUpdate() : DolibarrModules
- checkIfAccountancyCodeIsAlreadyUsed() : mod_codecompta_digitaria
- checkIfHTML() : CMailFile
- checkIfSalaryBonPrelevement() : BonPrelevement
- checkParameters() : PriceGlobalVariable, PriceGlobalVariableUpdater
- checkPreviousState() : Website
- checkProgressLine() : Facture
- checkRefNumbering() : Boms, Mos
- checkRequiredFields() : FormTicket
- checkRules() : ExpenseReport
- checkSellOrEatByMandatory() : Productlot
- checkSellOrEatByMandatoryFromProductAndDates() : Productlot
- checkSellOrEatByMandatoryFromProductIdAndDates() : Productlot
- checkSignature() : BlockedLog
- checkSpipConfig() : MailmanSpip
- checkStatusCode() : PrestaShopWebservice
- checkUsage() : AccountingAccount
- classifyBilled() : Commande, CommandeFournisseur, Propal
- classifyUnBilled() : Commande
- clean() : ProductCombinationLevel
- cleanAmount() : AccountancyImport
- cleanDataForDataPolicy() : DataPolicyCron
- cleanParam() : Productbatch
- cleanParameters() : Opensurveysondage
- cleanUnfinishedCronjob() : Utils
- cleanValue() : AccountancyImport
- clear() : Menu, Validate
- clear_attached_files() : FormMail, FormTicket
- clear_target() : MailingTargets
- clearErrors() : Context
- clearEventMessages() : Context
- clearFieldError() : CommonObject
- clearObjectLinkedCache() : CommonObject
- clearrights() : User
- clone_associations() : Product
- clone_fournisseurs() : Product
- clone_price() : Product
- cloneCategories() : CommonObject
- cloneFromCurrentSkill() : SkillRank
- close() : Contracts, Database, DolGeoIP, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, Ldap, Orders, Proposals, Receptions, Shipments, Ticket, TraceableDB
- close_file() : ExportCsv, ExportExcel2007, ExportTsv
- close_line() : Contrat, ContratLigne
- closeAll() : Contrat
- closeFichinter() : Interventions
- closeFiscalPeriod() : BookKeeping
- closeProposal() : Propal
- cloture() : Commande, RecruitmentJobPosition, SupplierProposal
- codeclient_modifiable() : Societe
- codefournisseur_modifiable() : Societe
- collect() : DolConfigCollector, DolHooksCollector, DolibarrCollector, DolLogsCollector, DolMemoryCollector, DolQueryCollector, DolRequestDataCollector, PhpCollector
- colorArgs() : Lessc
- column2Letter() : ExportExcel2007
- columnSort() : CommonDocGenerator
- commande() : CommandeFournisseur
- commande_get_num() : mod_payment_ant
- commit() : Database, DoliDB, TraceableDB
- commonGenerateDocument() : CommonObject
- commonReplaceProduct() : CommonObject
- commonReplaceThirdparty() : CommonObject
- compare() : Diff
- compareFichierModifie() : Website
- compareFiles() : Diff
- compileBlock() : Lessc
- compileValue() : Lessc
- completeTabsHead() : ActionsMyModule
- componentSelectLang() : Website
- composeAndSendAdminMessage() : InterfaceTicketEmail
- composeAndSendAssigneeMessage() : InterfaceTicketEmail
- composeAndSendCustomerMessage() : InterfaceTicketEmail
- compressSyslogs() : Utils
- computeAmount() : AccountancyImport
- computeDirection() : AccountancyImport
- computePieceNum() : AccountancyImport
- computeTable() : Diff
- computeTotalKm() : ExpenseReport
- concat() : RssParser
- conditionDate() : Export
- configure() : LogHandler, mod_syslog_file, mod_syslog_syslog
- confirmMessage() : Notify
- connect() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- connectBind() : Ldap
- connectSpip() : MailmanSpip
- consecutiveIterationSameCharacter() : modGeneratePassPerso
- constructMemberListOption() : Form
- constructProductListOption() : Form
- constructProjectListOption() : Form
- constructTicketListOption() : Form
- contact_array() : Societe
- contact_array_objects() : Societe
- contact_get_property() : Societe
- contact_property_array() : Societe
- containing() : Categorie
- containsObject() : Categorie
- contractCmpDate() : Contrat
- convertMetric() : CommonStickerGenerator
- convertSQLFromMysql() : Database, DoliDBMysqli, DoliDBPgsql, DoliDBSqlite3, TraceableDB
- convertStringEncoding() : EmailCollector
- convertTime() : Ldap
- convFromOutputCharset() : Ldap
- convToOutputCharset() : Ldap, Translate
- copy_linked_contact() : CommonObject
- copyAll() : ProductCombination
- copyFilesForTicket() : Ticket
- correct_stock() : Product
- correct_stock_batch() : Product
- count() : Link
- countAccountToReconcile() : Account
- countActiveUsers() : Holiday
- countActiveUsersWithoutCP() : Holiday
- countAll() : WebsitePage
- countChildProducts() : ProductAttribute
- countChildValues() : ProductAttribute
- countMembersByTagAndStatus() : AdherentStats
- countMembersByTypeAndStatus() : AdherentStats
- countMovements() : Mo
- countNbOfCategories() : Categorie
- countNbOfCombinationForFkProductParent() : ProductCombination
- countNbOfShipments() : Commande
- countNbOfTargets() : Mailing
- countVotes() : Opensurveysondage
- Create() : DolEditor
- create() : Account, AccountancyCategory, AccountancySystem, AccountingAccount, ActionComm, ActionCommReminder, Adherent, AdherentType, AdvanceTargetingMailing, Asset, AssetModel, Availabilities, BankCateg, BlockedLog, BlockedLogAuthority, BOM, BOMLine, BonPrelevement, BookKeeping, Bookmark, Calendar, CashControl, Categorie, Cchargesociales, Ccountry, CGenericDic, ChargeSociales, CLeadStatus, Commande, CommandeFournisseur, CommandeFournisseurDispatch, Comment, CompanyBankAccount, CompanyPaymentMode, ConferenceOrBooth, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, Contact, Contrat, Cpaiement, CProductNature, Cregion, Cronjob, Cstate, CTicketCategory, Ctypent, Ctyperesource, CUnits, CurrencyRate, DefaultValues, Delivery, Deplacement, DiscountAbsolute, Dolresource, Don, EcmDirectory, EcmFiles, EmailCollector, EmailCollectorAction, EmailCollectorFilter, EmailSenderProfile, Entrepot, Establishment, Evaluation, EvaluationLine, Events, Expedition, ExpeditionLineBatch, ExpenseReport, ExpenseReportIk, ExpenseReportRule, Export, ExtraFields, Facture, FactureFournisseur, FactureFournisseurRec, FactureRec, Fichinter, FichinterRec, Fiscalyear, Holiday, Hook, Import, IntracommReport, Inventory, InventoryLine, Job, KnowledgeRecord, Link, Loan, LoanSchedule, Localtax, Mailing, Menubase, Mo, MoLine, MultiCurrency, MyObject, Notify, Opensurveysondage, Paiement, PaiementFourn, Partnership, PartnershipType, PaymentDonation, PaymentExpenseReport, PaymentLoan, PaymentSalary, PaymentSocialContribution, PaymentTerm, PaymentVarious, PaymentVAT, Position, PriceExpression, PriceGlobalVariable, PriceGlobalVariableUpdater, Product, ProductAttribute, ProductAttributeValue, Productbatch, ProductCombination2ValuePair, ProductCombination, ProductCustomerPrice, ProductFournisseurPrice, Productlot, ProductStockEntrepot, Project, Propal, Propalmergepdfproduct, Reception, ReceptionLineBatch, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, RejetPrelevement, RemiseCheque, Salary, Skill, Skilldet, SkillRank, Societe, SocieteAccount, StockTransfer, StockTransferLine, Subscription, SupplierProposal, Target, Task, Ticket, TimeSpent, Tva, User, UserBankAccount, UserGroup, Website, WebsitePage, Workstation
- create_delivery() : Expedition
- create_dirs() : DolibarrModules
- create_from_contact() : User
- create_from_member() : Societe, User
- create_from_sending() : Delivery
- create_individual() : Societe
- create_label() : ExtraFields
- create_line() : Delivery, Expedition
- create_line_batch() : Expedition
- createBatch() : MouvementStock
- CreateCategory() : Fournisseur
- CreateColorIcon() : FormOther
- createCommon() : CommonObject
- createCompanyBankAccount() : Thirdparties
- createCompanyNotification() : Thirdparties
- createCPusers() : Holiday
- createDepositFromOrigin() : Facture
- createFirstCurrency() : modMultiCurrency
- createFromClone() : ActionComm, Asset, AssetModel, Availabilities, BankCateg, BOM, BookKeeping, Calendar, CGenericDic, Commande, CommandeFournisseur, CompanyPaymentMode, ConferenceOrBoothAttendee, Contrat, Cronjob, CTicketCategory, Ctyperesource, DefaultValues, EcmFiles, EmailCollector, EmailCollectorAction, EmailCollectorFilter, EmailSenderProfile, Evaluation, EvaluationLine, ExpenseReport, Facture, FactureFournisseur, Fichinter, Hook, Inventory, Job, KnowledgeRecord, Mailing, Mo, MyObject, Partnership, PaymentDonation, PaymentExpenseReport, PaymentSalary, PaymentSocialContribution, PaymentTerm, PaymentVAT, Position, Productbatch, ProductCustomerPrice, ProductFournisseurPrice, Productlot, ProductStockEntrepot, Project, Propal, Propalmergepdfproduct, ReceptionLineBatch, RecruitmentCandidature, RecruitmentJobPosition, Skill, Skilldet, SkillRank, SocieteAccount, StockTransfer, StockTransferLine, SupplierProposal, Target, Task, Ticket, TimeSpent, Website, WebsitePage, Workstation
- createFromContract() : Facture
- createFromCurrent() : Facture
- createFromOrder() : Facture
- createFromParent() : ProductCombinationLevel
- createFromProposal() : Commande
- createInvoiceFromContract() : Invoices
- createInvoiceFromOrder() : Invoices
- createOrderFromProposal() : Orders
- createOrderShipment() : Orders
- createPaymentStripe() : Stripe
- createPriceFournisseur() : SupplierProposal
- createProductCombination() : ProductCombination
- createProduction() : Mo
- createRecurringInvoices() : FactureFournisseurRec, FactureRec
- createScaledImage() : FileUpload
- createSkills() : Skill
- createSocieteAccount() : Thirdparties
- createStd() : BookKeeping
- createSubscription() : Members
- createTicketMessage() : Ticket
- createUser() : Contacts
- createWeeklyReport() : Project
- csvClean() : ExportCsv
- customerStripe() : Stripe